
How To Use Probe In A Sentence

  • Despite serious technical obstacles, space agency officials are considering whether to launch a Jupiter space probe powered entirely by sunlight.
  • AN autopsy on the body of a man found dead in a house has sparked a murder probe. The Sun
  • Bars around the lions den were said to have been missing and a probe has begun. The Sun
  • Experts probed the origin of the sulphurous smell which appeared at the beginning of February after calls from worried Benfleet and Canvey residents who were left spluttering.
  • The employee needs to probe deeply and almost overcommunicate why they wanted to leave and see if it will change in the future," says Peter Vergano, senior manager of human-resources strategic staffing for Samsung Electronics Americas. When to Take a Counteroffer From Your Employer
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  • The probe will hit the coldest layer of the atmosphere, the tropopause, at about 28 miles, where expected temperatures hover around minus 390 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 200 degrees Celsius).
  • U.K. police arrested a female police officer on suspicion of corruption, as a multipronged probe into alleged wrongdoing tied to the News of the World tabloid continues to gather momentum. What's News—
  • The acts were not just reluctant to offend, but even to probe beyond the first middle-class convention they came up against.
  • Current foreign correspondent and announcer for News Probe.
  • Esophageal probes have been used mainly in the operating room, but esophageal temperature is rarely monitored in critical care areas, and placement of the probe varies.
  • A rectal probe housing a linear array of five copper-constantan thermocouples was designed to measure colonic temperatures simultaneously at positions anterior to, within, and posterior to the region of the colon flanked by the countercurrent heat exchanger. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Larkham was in his element in his country's victory over Romania as he constantly probed for breaks against a brittle defence.
  • As examples, we have probed yeast proteome chips with calmodulin and six different phospholipids.
  • Cryoablation, also called cryotherapy or cryosurgery, is a procedure in which extreme cold is applied to the tumor using a cryoprobe, a hollow needle-like device filled with argon gas. Good news for cancer patients, cryoablation can treat kidney cancer.
  • On Lag 0 Ignored Repetition trials, the probe target was reassigned the word that appeared as the distractor in the second prime display.
  • In other wet news, the Cassini-Huygens probe successfully buzzed Saturns moon Enceladus yesterday at a height of 50 kilometers (30 miles) and a speed of 14.4 kilometers per second (32,000 miles per hour). Water, water…. somewhere? « Imaginary Potential
  • There's more on the Titanian polar lake evaporation spaceprobe boffinry Signs of the Times
  • A third probeset selected by limma was rejected outright by Messina (Figure 3b, panel u). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Kevlar also was used on the Galileo probe to Jupiter, which included a parachute made of Kevlar, and at the International Space Station, where a blanket made of Kevlar was used to wrap its inner walls to protect from micrometeorites.
  • Objective To probe into the feasibility in diagnose of renal artery stenosis with simple harmless methods.
  • The range and endurance time are also extended by in-flight refuelling, using a probe and drogue inflight refuelling system.
  • … Compounding the headaches for warm-mongers is a probe being launched by the British Parliament into the Climate Research Unit e-mail scandal. Think Progress » After warmest January in history, Vancouver airlifts in snow for Winter Olympics.
  • That kind of interaction helps probe the structure of objects between the source of starlight and observers on Earth.
  • These are capable of refuelling Navy and NATO aircraft, which use a probe and drogue system instead of a boom and receptacle.
  • At that point, the probe drops down on a tether that is as skinny as a shoelace, to keep it a safe distance away when the lander's retrorockets fire.
  • It simulates lots of tasty, infectable machines, and when they're probed by a worm, it grabs the worm's network connection and holds it -- for a very, very long time. Boing Boing: September 16, 2001 - September 22, 2001 Archives
  • It is complementary to low energy electron diffraction, which probes long range order - ie a minimum domain size of 100-200A/9.
  • Body temperature is therefore most accurately measured by an intravascular thermistor, but measurement by infrared ear thermometry or with an electronic probe in the rectum is an acceptable alternative.
  • These lesions were better treated by attempting fulguration with the coagulation probe.
  • He says he has not discussed the issue of protecting any company or individual from the Joint Investigating Team's probe into the arms deal with anyone.
  • They created their machine, which didn't have a name, and proceeded testing it with remote probes.
  • Ich freue mich, dass du die Leseprobe interessant findest. Guest Author: Michelle Raven
  • Cross-species hybridization studies using human chromosome paints as probes reveal extensive homology.
  • This slingshot trajectory requires the probe to be launched precisely when the planets are in an exact alignment, which if missed would not occur for another 600 years.
  • SCHENECTADY - Schenectady police are conducting an internal probe into a car accident involving Assistant Police Chief Michael J. Seber late last month, according to Police Chief Mark Chaires. Local Breaking News
  • Further experiments with small duplex oligos are planned to probe this issue.
  • The probe comes amid intensifying global scrutiny of corruption and bribery in the so-called extractive industries that generate raw materials. U.S. Joins in Kickbacks Probe of Sojitz
  • Objective : To probe respiratory function variation after secondary thoracotomy operation.
  • As the majority of commercially available bronchoscopes are not electrically grounded, the bronchoscopist risks becoming the grounding electrode should the unipolar probe tip touch the scope while the current is on.
  • The GeneChip Drosophila genome array was hybridized with the test or control probes in parallel experiments.
  • Threadlike cilia-bearing tentacles probe for food, such as forams, detritus, and even the occasional buried bivalve, and bring it to the mouth where a large radula grinds it up.
  • She was fatally wounded in a gun battle and her death is being probed. The Sun
  • To avoid false negatives, in each FISH experiment the same hybridization mixture, with combined probes, was used in slides made from different species.
  • Bars around the lions den were said to have been missing and a probe has begun. The Sun
  • We applied Digoxigenin-labelled probe in gene localization on human chromosomes.
  • Owen points to a spike in the amount of methane detected by the instruments, after the probe had landed.
  • Abraham Sofaer, who chairs Gen-Probe's nominating and governance committee, cites what he describes as a communications mix-up that kept investors and ISS from receiving an explanation of Ms. Jemison's absences before the vote. Where the Action Is
  • But the thugs were trapped by an electronic bug planted in their car during a probe into suspected terror links. The Sun
  • The University of Southampton used mass spectrometry to probe samples for plutonium, radium and caesium.
  • Metal carbonyls have high oscillator strength, large absorption coefficients, and strong electronic resonance in the visible and ultraviolet regimes, making them excellent spectroscopic probes.
  • Cops launched a probe after the birds perished along a two-mile semirural stretch near homes. The Sun
  • Zap-o-Matic, disintegrator ray, abducto beam, quantum deconstructor and anal probe. Softpedia News - Global
  • Edepol, ne tu, aula, multos inimicos habes 580 atque istuc aurum quod tibi concreditum est. nunc hoc mihi factu est optumum, ut ted auferam, aula, in Fidei fanum: ibi abstrudam probe. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • A Russian astrologer is suing NASA for crashing a probe into a comet, claiming it has distorted her horoscope. Archive 2005-07-01
  • Cerberus 's Watchmakers had pushed a probe through the Field. THE MOAT AROUND MURCHESON'S EYE
  • Belfrage was silent for a while, then inserted the probe once more. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • The captain's behavior is at the center of two probes, one led by Italian coast guard and one by Italian prosecutors, who are investigating in part whether Mr. Schettino's conduct after the shipwreck fomented a disorderly evacuation. Italian Captain: 'We Abandoned the Ship'
  • Yuri was standing by a small, remote controlled platform on tank tracks which supported a probe that resembled Sputnik.
  • The probe was launched in January after Samsung's former chief attorney said the company had created a special slush fund to bribe government officials.
  • State of the Union: Carville, Matalin spar over CIA probe Reliable Sources: Journos reflect on Kennedy and the press
  • The binding of analyte to an immobilized probe is detected via a detection reagent labeled with the third fluorochrome. The Scientist
  • In most research applications, cell sub-populations are defined via the use of multiple fluorescent probes (e.g., monospecific antibody conjugates). The Scientist
  • The helicopter is fitted with a forward extendable in-flight refuelling probe and it can also hoist hose refuel from a surface ship whilst in hover mode.
  • • A Silastic tube or silver probe can be inserted into the opening of the duct and the course of the duct followed. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It's arthroscopic, meaning they just do it with some small probes, put it behind the knee, remove some of that cartilage. CNN Transcript Jun 19, 2008
  • In conclusion, the use of specific molecular probes and insitu hybridisation allows a functional analysis of tissue macrophages.
  • The saw is also used as a digging tool to probe in mud and sand in search of crustaceans and other small invertebrates.
  • It reminds me of what it'd be like if one of our probes ever landed on a planet with sentient life.
  • In DNA footprinting analyses using the C-module of retrotransposon TRE5-A as probe, two CbfA binding sites have been determined that contain 14-22 homopolymeric thymidines PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Potassic minerals were degassed with an argon laser probe using step heating or direct ablation of grains on thin rock sections.
  • Ellis boldly probes - and speculates about - such matters as Washington's formative experiences, romantic life, sources of wealth, and evolving repugnance toward slavery.
  • The redox probe could reach the electrode along the channel formed by AmB, easily corresponding to the electrochemical response obtained.
  • Through optical spectroscopy, researchers can probe the trapped particle's size, shape, refractive index and chemical composition.
  • Bars around the lions den were said to have been missing and a probe has begun. The Sun
  • An on-board microphone also recorded the sounds of Titan as the probe descended and landed on the moon.
  • As he coolly, incisively probes away, his questions elicit fascinating personal revelations, generating feelings of anger, guilt, panic and emptiness.
  • But if you probe beneath the glittering surface there's a hollow where the heart should be. Times, Sunday Times
  • A probe found a potential link to cooked ham from small butchers. The Sun
  • But if you probe beneath the glittering surface there's a hollow where the heart should be. Times, Sunday Times
  • ESA's Huygens probe, arriving at Titan in 2005, will help find answers.
  • Probe into the safe nursing hidden trouble for new graduate nurse in department of paediatrics and its countermeasures.
  • The probed site was then biopsied and the tissue samples were fixed in formalin for routine histopathology.
  • My hands commenced a series of tasks they knew instinctively: reseating the refueling probe, putting the flaps in “auto,” turning the expendables on, calling up the targeting pod, selecting the gun, slewing the pod toward the target area. A Nightmare’s Prayer
  • Nevertheless, in the wake of fines and legal fees related to the price-fixing probe, Christie's is proceeding with a number of serious belt-tightening measures.
  • A high impedance probe for the spectrum analyzer is essential.
  • To facilitate comparison between Messina and limma results, the rank of Messina's reported probeset classifier margin (a measure of the robustness of the trained classifier) was compared to the log To validate Messina's results, we measured expression of S100A2 protein by immunohistochemistry upon a separate patient cohort from that used in the microarray data PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Ich freue mich, dass du die Leseprobe interessant findest. Guest Author: Michelle Raven
  • P54M 'pilferage' in piers probed Customs says samples taken in bulk - Articles related to Data Show Economic Rebound in Euro Area
  • European space boffins are chuffed to announce that they have successfully 'surfed' the atmosphere of Venus, during a so-called 'aerodrag' experiment in which the solar panels of a space probe functioned as aerofoils skimming the top of the second planet's atmosphere. The Register
  • On Christmas day, Cassini will jettison the Huygens probe, severing the electronic umbilical link.
  • Some exercisable measures are probed into for training innovative thinking ability by application of induction and deduction in the chemistry teaching.
  • Joe is hard one to understand maybe he just has probelm which a lotta polt. have has mouth running with his brain in neutral which a lotta them are not real honest Joe seem be fairly honest and people are always picking Joe that by way kudo to George Jetson the picture Obama and company i think that fit them perfectly Vice Prez Gaffe-o-matic: Biden Praises Jersey Auto Tunnel Project… Wonders Why Rail Tracks Are In The Way - Warner_Todd_Huston’s blog - RedState
  • To probe a world as alien as the deep also takes sensitivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Satellites, robotic probes, or instrument packages can act as payloads.
  • Do we want to hand these angry people any extra powers to curtail Press probes into political corruption? The Sun
  • This learned history of the Far North probes the lives of narwhals, belugas, polar bears, humans, and other life forms that have eked out a living in this dazzling, difficult land.
  • A snap-on clip that attaches to the center of the probe and acts as a guide for the exploring needle is included.
  • He established an electron microprobe laboratory which became a world-class centre. Times, Sunday Times
  • He probed the mud with his knife.
  • Probes that orbit the planet have studied Mars and some spacecraft have even landed on it.
  • In intact cells the probe was trapped both inside intracellular organelles and the cytoplasm.
  • When the cure was complete, the probe was raised to lift the entire cell wall above the water level.
  • Deep in the solar system, probe 223 started sending out its preprogrammed signal.
  • Implicit in that demand is the widespread sentiment among Republicans that Democrats egregiously politicized the ethics process during the Gingrich probe.
  • Its tails allows us to probe the physics of the interaction between an isolated neutron star and the interstellar medium.
  • The FBI would say only that the raids were part of what it called a probe of "activities concerning the material support of terrorism. rss feed
  • In the hidden reaches where memory probes are sorrows too deep to fathom. Consuelo & Alva: Love and Power in the Gilded Age
  • Its inquiry could be followed by a full-scale Monopolies and Mergers Commission probe.
  • Feric adapted a drill so that it could bore two holes allowing the probe to seat.
  • The surgeon completes the notchplasty with a spherical motorized arthroscopic burr until the posterior edge of the femur is identified and probed.
  • Last night both were suspended from duty as their force probed the claims. The Sun
  • He informed Victor, as a probe, that the business of the Life Insurance was at periods 'fearfully necrological! Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Two predominant features of the fluorescent protein fluorophore have important implications for its utility as a probe. Archive 2005-10-01
  • Three others also face a probe over gross misconduct allegations. The Sun
  • The points 11 to 13, outside the common ancestor 3 of the probes 7 and 9, lie on the diagonal line A.
  • Combinatorial chemistry has provided novel avenues to probe molecular structure, biochemical activity (enzyme kinetics, ligand binding), and biological function. The Scientist
  • The small probes were hissing and seemed to be emitting noxious gas. The Sun
  • The ants probed the caterpillars much less often than they poked at mealworms.
  • By the end of the fourth mission, Lunar Orbiter probes had surveyed 99 percent of the front and 80 percent of the backside of the Moon.
  • CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - State of the Union: Carville, Matalin spar over CIA probe « - Blogs from CNN. com State of the Union: Carville, Matalin spar over CIA probe
  • For instance, the detection of the slow ejection kinetics may be impeded by the photobleaching effect and the possible diffusion of the probe through the permeable capsids.
  • The process required teams to coordinate with each other from opposite sides of the canyon, with a rodman, or rigger, perched on one wall holding a fifteen-foot pole with a flag at one end—used to probe to the back of the caves perforating the rock—while a surveyor across the river fixed him in the crosshairs of his camera-equipped theodolite. Colossus
  • As the new kernel is compiling I added a new file to / etc / modprobe. d and it is called alsa-base.
  • Labour has called in cops to probe claims the union signed up dozens of members to the party without telling them. The Sun
  • Or is that just a bit of PR to make us more inclined to support those deep packet inspection probes? Times, Sunday Times
  • This paper analyzes on and probes into emphatically 14 kinds of rhetoric methods frequently used in advertising documents with the better effect including repeat, metaphor, dualization, etc.
  • The death is being probed by Spanish cops. The Sun
  • Newer edgers do not use patterns; instead, the shape is determined by a probe that measures the frame and stores the information in a computer, which in turn controls the edging operation.
  • The paper, in combination with the teaching experience, probes into the musci appreciation teaching aimed at non-music majors.
  • How amazing is it to send a probe five billion miles to take pictures of a tiny, icy world? Times, Sunday Times
  • Branches and twigs were also used by the monkeys to probe tree holes and rock crevices for insects, honey, or water.
  • Such a civilization may seem remote, but the general concept is already in practice; if our telerobotic probes continue to increase in sophistication and brain-power, they'll eventually become indistinguishable from living creatures, at which point we will have effectively achieved the "Singularity" advocated by technoprogressives such as roboticist Hans Moravec and inventor Ray Kurzweil. Archive 2006-06-01
  • The bank probe into internal emails and instant messages has also allegedly unearthed other City traders' sordid behaviour. The Sun
  • The probes forward transactions to a hardened Collector appliance on the network, where they are compared to previously defined policies to detect violations.
  • The film goes so far as to raise some interesting questions - questions about commitment and sexual identity - but it frothily refrains from any attempt to probe the questions it raises.
  • Previous cryotherapy studies had all used a single cryoprobe and suggested that breast tumours larger than 1.5 centimetres could not be adequately treated, said Dr Littrup. News
  • - The combination of probenecid and procaine penicillin is always indicated for the treatment of gonorrhoea, except in pregnant women. Chapter 4
  • There was little to enthuse about in the early stages of the second period as Villa continued to probe more in hope than with any conviction.
  • When the creature I now watched hovered before the blossom of a convolvulus whose calyx it tapped with a tongue shaped like a glass probe, it was almost invisible. Commonplace
  • No sensor on the Ferengi marauder which was orbiting the fourth of six planets registered the arrival or departure of the warbird, or the existence of the probes. Star Trek The Next Generation®
  • The joint zero position deviations of joint type CMM, which result from assembly technology errors, have an enormous influence on the pose errors of probe end.
  • This past spring, as much to keep myself busy as anything, I inserted a set of the leftover biometry probes in each of us and monitored the data for a few weeks. The Garden of Rama
  • In court papers, lawyers for Ms. Chiesi, a former consultant to hedge-fund firm New Castle Funds LLC, said she was driven by longtime lover and boss Mark Kurland —who was also charged as part of the probe—to seek out inside information from her contacts and connections at publicly traded companies. Chiesi Seeks Lighter Sentence in Insider Case
  • A doctor used a probe to remove metal fragments from a wound.
  • It comes after a booster meant to blast the 100million probe into deep space failed. The Sun
  • Steel price probe heats up as New York grand jury calls executives to testify.
  • Schematic diagrams of the probe and of the entire spectroscopy system are shown in Fig.1.
  • Instead of trying to play the blame game, the film probes into the core issue of what surrounds the notion of ‘conversion’ while a schizoid nation debates the dilemma of to be or not to be a Hindu.
  • Top brass were tipped off and launched an internal probe. The Sun
  • Martinez tried to imagine the smaller than a pinhead probe shooting across the vast distance of the Dry-dock area towards the Banting.
  • Police have launched a probe into their deaths. The Sun
  • Already there are genetic probes available to detect carriers of cystinuria in Newfoundland dogs; Von Willebrand's disease, a bleeding disorder, in poodles and Manchester terriers; and copper toxicosis in Bedlington terriers. The Truth About Dogs
  • More details came from studies using the pressure microprobe to monitor changes in cell turgor pressure while growth was also monitored during stepwise changes in medium water status.
  • Methods:Using digoxigenin-labeled probe, 75 sera of known or unknown etiology, and 17 blood donors were detected by dot blot hybridization.
  • His team took a detailed look at a mineral within the basalt called apatite using an ion microprobe that can analyze grains much smaller than the width of a human hair. Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • He claimed South African mercenaries were training rebels in Kindu to use the smuggled weapons, and demanded an international probe into the matter.
  • Despite serious technical obstacles, space agency officials are considering whether to launch a Jupiter space probe powered entirely by sunlight.
  • Even as the artworks probe the limits of our most primitive ethnocentric biases, they affirm our place on the planet as the dominant species - having the power to discriminate over other life forms. Spread ArtCulture: Patricia Piccinini's World of Creatures Great & Small
  • It comes after a booster meant to blast the 100million probe into deep space failed. The Sun
  • Arteries can be distinguished from veins in the transverse scan because of the collapsing property of the vein when pressure is applied by the scanning probe; pulsatile vessels also are identified more easily.
  • We have got to probe her intellectual ability to deal with these issues.
  • Among the plethora of available probes are dyes that label nuclei, the Golgi apparatus, the endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria, and also dyes such as fluorescently labeled phalloidins that target polymerized actin in cells. Undefined
  • Now the Madhya Pradesh forest minister himself says the big cats were poached and has asked for a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe ..... blog. "Officials from the wildlife department say there is no 'explicable' reason for the falling number of tigers. - Articles related to Film documents survival stories of tigers, other animals
  • The website has been reported to e-crime investigators and a police probe is under way. The Sun
  • Some say Cheney 'feeling the heat' over potential probes/Kentucky election officials nabbed in touch-screen vote scam yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Some say Cheney \'feeling the heat\' over potential probes/Kentucky election officials nabbed in touch-screen vote scam '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: Several observers suspect that Cheney is nervous about calls for investigations into the Bush administration and is going on the offensive in his latest attacks on President Obama. Some say Cheney 'feeling the heat' over potential probes / Kentucky election officials nabbed in touch-screen vote scam
  • In this context, I support the hard effort that the House special committee has been making to probe into a number of cases.
  • It is complementary to low energy electron diffraction, which probes long range order - ie a minimum domain size of 100-200A/9.
  • The sensing of oxygen with phosphorescent probes is based on luminescence quenching.
  • Put half the dose in each buttock, and give 1 gram of probenecid by mouth at the same time. Chapter 31
  • X-ray diffraction, electron microprobes, and single crystal studies would still be needed in most cases.
  • The probe closed with the space station
  • CIA probe is 'terrible politics' for Obama, Dem strategist says Federal deficits: $9 trillion and counting
  • Tom gently probed the wound, his expression lacking optimism. Rot & Ruin
  • Electron microprobe element maps show the distribution and quantity of alkali feldspar in the fine-grained groundmass of the altered basalts.
  • Using the drill risked destabilising the probe but held out the promise of delivering valuable science. Times, Sunday Times
  • It came after a Beeb probe found he did launch the attack. The Sun
  • Scientists hope that data from the probe will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars.
  • An illuminated in-flight refueling probe is installed in the top center line of the fuselage.
  • An endoscope is a probe with a tiny camera and bright light that is inserted into natural body openings such as the anus, urethra or vagina. Minimally Invasive Surgery for Urologic Conditions in Children
  • The fur was very soft and warm and the rabbit trembled slightly as I probed its smashed up hind legs with the tips of my fingers, then suddenly recoiled as they sunk into wet, ripped flesh.
  • The three men, who have not been named, were arrested and bailed as part of a police probe into proxy voting at last year's local elections.
  • Objective : To probe into the operation method and clinical result of extraperitoneal laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.
  • Prior to docking the probe mechanism was located at the end of this tunnel.
  • The discovery process provides you with a quick and accurate means to populate the key agentless probes within NMS - including net_connect, rsp, cisco_monitor and interface_traffic. - Financial News
  • Polarization images probe linear birefringence and can only achieve contrast by having orthogonal polarizers for excitation and collection.
  • To probe a world as alien as the deep also takes sensitivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • This “basket,” as aviators call the drogue, holds the hose steady in flight and helps the pilot seeking fuel guide the refueling probe to its target. The Dream Machine
  • The probe's launch is the first in a series of critical navigational maneuvers on which the success of the mission depends.
  • Tympanic thermometry and bladder probes also have been used frequently in research, but further studies are needed to determine their accuracy in patients with hypothermia.
  • He joined an Australian crew to view an air-to-air refuelling mission from the other side of the fuel probe.
  • One way is to travel to the planets, either with remotely operated probes or with manned spacecraft.
  • Sicklebills have evolved a long, curved beak used to probe for insects in thick moss and tree bark.
  • An initial probe found no signs of foul play but the cause of death will be determined by toxicology reports. The Sun
  • Omnium nobilium sufficientia in eo probatur si venatica noverint, si aleam, si corporis vires ingentibus poculis commonstrent, si naturae robur numerosa venere probent, &c. 3644. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Eight inflorescences carried one or two abortive ovaries that turned yellow, instead of green, and dropped off when touched with a probe.
  • Although some villains were rejected, the M.E.N. probe found many were given the go-ahead despite divulging a string of convictions.
  • Between infants in different tests, the probe head to wipe with alcohol.
  • Employing all the legalistic tricks of her trade, she probed and cross-examined me at breakfast and each evening.
  • Mitchell probed the leftover debris on the plates Adrian had bussed.
  • Morales told the Mexican press over a week ago -at that time, unaware of the additional US gunrunning probe- she had demanded a full explanation from the United States government, and also confirmed that at least 200 murders have occurred in Mexico as a result of Operation Fast and Furious. Aurelia Fierros: Mexicans Irate About Fast and Furious, Wide Receiver

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