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How To Use Probationer In A Sentence

  • The Department of Corrections uses ‘active’ GPS for about 400 probationers, mostly sex offenders and people who've committed violent crimes.
  • We believe, therefore, that this study provides valuable information on a prevalent and growing domain of adolescent substance abuse treatment, the residential treatment of juvenile probationers.
  • Probationer: “Yes sarge, but Billy himself was seen running away at the time ..” See No Evil…… (at least until the next financial year) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • To be included in the study, officers needed to be adult probation officers and carry an active caseload of probationers whom they monitored.
  • Inscribed "Samuel Butler for probationership, December 28th 1868. The Samuel Butler Collection at Saint John's College Cambridge
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  • Future research needs to replicate these findings with arrestees in other cities and with other criminal justice populations, such as parolees and probationers.
  • Shaheen also says she was forced to go on night duty, something probationers are not supposed to do.
  • I'm only attached to the Embassy, a sort of probationer, a person of no consequence. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • Wisconsin upheld a regulation that allowed probation officers to search probationers based on ‘reasonable grounds’ to believe contraband is present.
  • At its frequent rise and fall you would say that they swinge and belabour me after the manner of a probationer, posed and put to a peremptory trial in the examination of his sufficiency for the discharge of the learned duty of a graduate in some eminent degree in the college of the Sorbonists. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Bexley police have a regular flow of probationer police officers arriving straight from the police training college at Hendon.
  • Christ I still remember with fear when the dog handler used to get the probationers on night shift to hide for them in derelict bulidings or woodland - Wednesday Morning At Five O’Clock « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • To do so effectively requires a commitment from the teaching force - from headteacher to probationer.
  • The full-time research workers are in different academic ranks: research fellow, associate research fellow, assistant research fellow and probationer.
  • That's a ratio of about 80 probationers to one officer.
  • Polygraph testing "will become a standard for supervising probationers of all kinds," says Mr. Holden, who was one of the first to use polygraphy with sex offenders in the early 1980s. The Polygraph Paradox
  • There are 533 students and probationer gardaí in Templemore, of which 353 are males and 180 female.
  • State governments would be required to collect DNA samples from state probationers and provide them to the federal government.
  • He said: ‘There are some temporary posts in our own authority we may not renew and we may fill them with probationers.’
  • a ward, and that ward was not the one where Effie was to serve her probationership. A Girl in Ten Thousand
  • The latest band of probationers have begun singing in the Minster after the start of the new academic year.
  • He's just been appointed as a probationer to the solo clarinet job at the Phil – which is just about the biggest orchestral job you could bag as a clarinettist. This week's arts diary
  • A Scottish Executive spokesman said probationers would receive a one-year training contract, even though it might not be in a single school.
  • Archival records consisted of a total of 76 biographical and case history profiles of juvenile probationers, referred to the agency by a county juvenile probation department within a large metropolitan area.
  • It is claimed that probationers had also been left unsupervised because of a shortage of experienced officers and a backlog of unsolved crimes had built up.
  • Police probationers with less than one year's experience are unable to respond to emergency calls at high speed with the blue lights flashing on patrol cars.
  • Training thrust and needs for Indian Forest Service probationers and performance evaluation of officers at field level was also discussed.
  • He had graduated at St. Andrews in 1654, and after some years of schoolmastering [11] and probationership he was, in 1664, duly admitted on the new Black Chronicles of Strathearn
  • Already, in 1755, had the same Immanuel Kant, whilst yet a probationer for the chair of logic in a Prussian university, sketched the outline of that philosophy which has secured the admiration, though not the assent of all men known and proved to have understood it, of all men able to state its doctrines in terms admissible by its disciples. Biographical Essays
  • Of particular importance, is the reviewal and development of a classification system for parolees and probationers. SPEECH BY MS MOATSHE ON BUDGET VOTE: CORRECTIONAL SERVICES
  • I am just going to look at Denise, but I am going to say, yes, first of all, we do accept part-time probationers; I am positive of that.
  • About 60 probationers sentenced to do community service under correctional supervision embarked on a campaign to clean the city yesterday.
  • Illicit prescription drug use is at a high level among the high-risk felony probationers who volunteered for this study.
  • He will graduate in April 2006, but he has already worked as a probationer in an auditing company for more than a year.
  • Second, the results clearly indicated a significantly different pattern of motivation level/change readiness in the young adult probationers as compared with the older adults.
  • The Headteachers' Association of Scotland said it had grave doubts there would be enough posts in local authority schools for the 2,400 probationers promised employment by the Executive.
  • In conducting this analysis, the sample of probationers was divided into three categories according to their self report drug involvement.
  • ‘I had already been awarded probationer for the year for Wiltshire, but it I was completely surprised to get this nomination,’ he said.
  • Finally, probationers with less extensive histories of legal involvement for drug-related offenses are potentially at higher risk for psychiatric symptoms.
  • Apparently I was wasting time that I could have been spending in the pub – I wish I had known that at the time on January 24, 2010 at 3: 07 pm buster as a probationer I wnt to a body hanging in a tree in a wooded area early January, the winter had stripped all leaves and greenery from the trees and it looked spooky a body silhouted against a grey sky. The Love Shack, Baby. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • To be included in the study, officers needed to be adult probation officers and carry an active caseload of probationers whom they monitored.
  • The results suggest that probation officers frequently refer probationers to treatment without coercion.
  • The contraband is lawfully seized and admitted into evidence against the probationer, but unlawfully seized and suppressed in the case against the other person. The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Georgia v. Randolph Apply to Computers?
  • These were: Mr. Henry Silver, In August, 1857; C.arles Keene, F.bruary, 1860 (after a nine years 'probationership); Mr.F. C. Burnand, June, 1863; Mr. G. The History of "Punch"
  • For most states, the Pew study found that the average daily cost of supervising a probationer was $3.42 in fiscal 2008.
  • Does Wuhan have advertizing company recruit the graphic designing probationer's?
  • Let such new practices as are to be brought into our Church be for a time candidates and probationers on their good behaviour, to see how the temper of the people will fit them, and they fadge with it, before they be publicly enjoined. Good Thoughts in Bad Times and Other Papers.
  • Reliable statewide estimates of the specific offense distribution of California's probationers are not available.
  • To determine the current recidivism status of probationers, official records were obtained from the county juvenile probation department.
  • He was very polite about this but, as a probationer, anxious to do the right thing and unsure what this might be when it involved dealing with the public.
  • Wisconsin upheld a regulation that allowed probation officers to search probationers based on ‘reasonable grounds’ to believe contraband is present.
  • The move follows a drop in demand for student places and a reduction in the stage II probationer training from 15 to 12 weeks.
  • New probationers are being seen as a priority, so temporary teachers we have employed in this session are going to be the casualties.
  • He left the University as a probationer, but he was not ordained at this stage.
  • As Drinking From Home points out, Charles Clarke says that every time someone's killed by a probationer or early releasee. A Couple of Moorhens On the Curate's Pond ...
  • This bill, drafted by opponents of Prop 36, would lock up probationers for minor violations such as a missed appointment or a positive drug test.
  • Probation departments are arming their officers as the number of probationers increases and the officers' duties become more dangerous due to increased home and neighbourhood visits.
  • If a probationer still gets into trouble, the county can now punish him in ways short of returning him to prison.
  • The authority had agreed to take part in the Scottish Executive's scheme to guarantee each new trainee teacher a probationer place at a school in Scotland.
  • After joining York and North-East Yorkshire police force in 1969 as a 20-year-old probationer he served in Bridlington and Withernsea before returning to his native York.
  • We also presented respondents four brief vignettes in which the probation officers were asked how often they would mandate alcohol treatment for the probationer described in the vignette.
  • Now the Ohio Supreme Court is considering the constitutionality of the judge's decision to curtail the right of procreation for parolees and probationers.

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