How To Use Probation In A Sentence
Probation officers were supposed to have been keeping a close watch on him.
The Sun
Reliable statewide estimates of the specific offense distribution of California's probationers are not available.
He was back in jail last night after his probation licence was revoked.
The Sun
The court handed him a suspended sentence of two months in prison, with a probationary term of five years.
The case was adjourned until August 29 for pre-sentence reports to be prepared by the probation service.

He is subject to a 12-month probationary period.
One employee was suspended without pay for two weeks and another was put on three-month probation.
Illicit prescription drug use is at a high level among the high-risk felony probationers who volunteered for this study.
He was given a community service order and put on probation.
His ambition for approbation sets bounds and limits to his ambition, so to speak.
The new tenants are being put into occupation on probation; they are allotees of land and will not be able to claim possessive rights until the Land Commission is satisfied that they are capable farmers, and have proved their capacity to make productive use of th eland and furnish the regular payments that will amortise the purchase costs.
G.K.'s Weekly - Land Policy of Ireland
They left the _furca_ and the _patibulum_, the axe and the rods, to great offenders: for these minor and (if I may so term them) extra-moral offences _the bent thumb_ was considered as a sufficient sign of disapprobation, -- _vertere pollicem_; as _the pressed thumb, premere pollicem_, was a mark of approving.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 11, No. 67, May, 1863
He even abolished the system whereby the police controlled prisoners once they were released and introduced what we call the probation system where an independent probation service, a non-police service, supervises the prisoners.
Churchill: A Life
For the second kind of Predestination places election, with regard to the end, before the fall; it also places before that event preterition, [or passing by,] which is the first part of reprobation.
The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
Magistrates adjourned the case until next month for the probation service to prepare social reports and said they were considering a community penalty.
He was back in jail last night after his probation licence was revoked.
The Sun
Frankly, sir I'm well qualified for this position, Hopefully, you are willing to give me a probation work period to prove myself.
As for streaming, it deserves to be condemned by the strongest term of reprobation known to the vocabulary of consensus: unhelpful.
He's serving his time in the prison of pop culture and we should all pay him a visit before they turf him out for probation.
Lance Kerwin, who played the title teen in the 1970s-era series, received credit for time served and was sentenced to five years 'probation for falsifying information on an application to get state-provided medical benefits and food stamps on the island of
E! Online (US) - Top Stories
He was sentenced to two years on probation and given a $100,000 fine.
Times, Sunday Times
Few thinkers today risk such disapprobation by questioning our attitudes to modern living.
After a six-month probationary period, her position was confirmed.
Not merely daring and endurance but better still temper, self-restraint, fairness, honour, unenvying approbation of another's success and all that give and take of life which stands a man in good stead when he goes forth into the world. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
He will graduate in April 2006, but he has already worked as a probationer in an auditing company for more than a year.
If so, both the probation service and police have a duty of care to people we assess, regardless how heinous the offence.
The Sun
There would be advance from punishment to probation and from probation to release.
The probation trust needs to cut back on frills and extras like this.
The Sun
Consequently, the costs of strengthening and extending the probation service could be defrayed by charging a fee to the offending corporation.
Unlike most offenders, they will not be paying a visit to their probation officer once every three weeks.
Knight, who is in Los Angeles County Jail on a probation violation, could not be reached for comment.
These will normally include probation, prison and parole.
The Prisons We Deserve
His ambition for approbation sets bounds and limits to his ambition, so to speak.
M, — but then there is no consonancy in the sequel; that suffers under probation A should follow but O does.
Twelfth Night; or, What You Will
The most publicized was Nebraska running back Lawrence Phillips, who is on probation after assaulting a former girlfriend.
Each driver must undergo a three - month probationary period before being allowed to operate independently.
A technician on probation was hit by a piece of falling masonry.
She had spent time on probation and been imprisoned for 20 weeks, as well as being fined thousands of pounds.
The Sun
Napo, the probation union, says the £350m cost of imprisoning them would be better and more effectively spent on intensive community orders with a reconviction rate of 34%.
Penal reform must not be gender neutral
Probation staff do not have to wear uniform.
The Sun
Second, the results clearly indicated a significantly different pattern of motivation level/change readiness in the young adult probationers as compared with the older adults.
Moreover, such policy encouragement for partnered women to prioritise motherhood turns to disapprobation if those same women become single parents.
The men received full burghership as a rule soon after arrival, exempt from the formalities and probation prescribed by law.
Origin of the Anglo-Boer War Revealed (2nd ed.) The Conspiracy of the 19th Century Unmasked
I am wholly of the opinion that the word reprobation, according to the use of the Latin language, properly signifies non-election, if election does not consist without reprobation.
The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 3
I started in September as a probationary technical operator.
His request to be release on probation has not been sustained .
Here I underwent a second survey, which ended in the full approbation of Mrs. Phoebe Ayres, the name of my tutoress elect, to whose care and instructions I was affectionately recommended.
Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
You cannot have two mega-personalities in a relationship where both are needy, egotistical, insecure and dependent on public approbation.
The probation service and voluntary agencies were to be funded to provide an alternative form of punishment for the less serious offender.
The thief was put on probation for two years.
It signifies a _trial_ or _probation_ and affliction, distress or hardship; and particularly an _affliction whereby one is tried, proved, or tested_.
A Critical Exposition of the Popular 'Jihád' Showing that all the Wars of Mohammad Were Defensive; and that Aggressive War, or Compulsory Conversion, is not Allowed in The Koran - 1885
To my surprise, I found a letter in the mail stating that I was on academic probation.
If punishment is assimilated into the probation glossary it will inevitably influence the sort of practice the Service undertakes.
The Headteachers' Association of Scotland said it had grave doubts there would be enough posts in local authority schools for the 2,400 probationers promised employment by the Executive.
In conducting this analysis, the sample of probationers was divided into three categories according to their self report drug involvement.
‘I had already been awarded probationer for the year for Wiltshire, but it I was completely surprised to get this nomination,’ he said.
Its rewards are abundant in friendships as well as in cash, and the happiness radiated to you from behind the footlights is the direct result of the happiness that permeates the very being of the smiling favorite of the gods whose efforts to please you have met with your approbation.
The Art of Stage Dancing The Story of a Beautiful and Profitable Profession
They never met again, for under the probationary terms they were forbidden to associate with each other.
Finally, probationers with less extensive histories of legal involvement for drug-related offenses are potentially at higher risk for psychiatric symptoms.
Was it observation, approbation or disapproval?
Their salaries and benefits often approach those of probationary and tenured faculty members, although they do not match them.
She called dispatch as she had done for almost ten years as a Probation and Parole Officer, and identified herself as she had done for almost ten years.
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probationary employees
A bunch of pot hunters who looted ancient relic sites and sold priceless artifacts for profit have received probation.
Almost inevitably, however, the hero's creators do not allow him to remain in his superhuman condition; they "rehumanize" him, in effect, and/or have him voice approbation and admiration of ordinary human values.
Immortals and Vampires and Ghosts, Oh My!: Byronic Heroes in Popular Culture
One day after the riot, probation officers and state and county investigators interviewed children and the administrators.
I had a bad semester, being away from home in a new town and with nobody around, and ended up on academic probation.
There will always be in society certain persons who are mercuries [412] of its approbation, and whose glance will at any time determine for the curious their standing in the world.
Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The ruling is unique to probation service workers in Greater Manchester.
Once your probation period is successfully completed, you will be offered a contract.
Apparently I was wasting time that I could have been spending in the pub – I wish I had known that at the time on January 24, 2010 at 3: 07 pm buster as a probationer I wnt to a body hanging in a tree in a wooded area early January, the winter had stripped all leaves and greenery from the trees and it looked spooky a body silhouted against a grey sky.
People sentenced to life imprisonment are not included as they are placed under lifelong probation supervision as a condition of temporary release.
Those who are successful then go on probation for another six months and are allocated a mentor.
This protection applies to employees who are full-time, part-time, or probationary, so long as their employment was not brief, nonrecurring, or not expected to continue for a significant period.
You must know that though I grieved at their disapprobation, I could not hesitate.
Time allowed 00:21 Read in studio A man who sexually abused a schoolgirl has been given probation.
Access is at all times probationary and can be denied, revoked or reviewed at any time for any reason.
His background and early experiences could not have been more different from the era of counselling, victim status for minorities and po-faced reprobation of so-called ‘xenophobia’.
An egg thief who raided bird's nests in Orkney has been placed on probation and had his car confiscated.
To be included in the study, officers needed to be adult probation officers and carry an active caseload of probationers whom they monitored.
The results suggest that probation officers frequently refer probationers to treatment without coercion.
They deserve credit, approbation, applause and salutations for this achievement.
Supervised probation and indeterminate sentences guided by the progress of the child were the usual means.
His participation in the parade implies acceptance, approval, approbation.
Compare, for example, the probationary period endured by an assistant professor before gaining tenure with that of an assembly line worker in the automotive sector.
Offenders who were required to spend time in a halfway house or in a treatment facility at the start of their probationary term were also excluded.
You will come here; you will observe what the artists are doing; and you will sometimes speak a disapprobation in plain words, and sometimes by a no less expressive silence.
Selected English Letters
The contraband is lawfully seized and admitted into evidence against the probationer, but unlawfully seized and suppressed in the case against the other person.
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Similarly, Harris County is the only big county in the state where, for first time drug possession offenders caught with less than a gram of a controlled substance - cases in which courts are mandated to give probation on the first offense - prosecutors routinely seek and get jail time in the county hoosgow as a condition of probation.
Grits for Breakfast
These were: Mr. Henry Silver, In August, 1857; C.arles Keene, F.bruary, 1860 (after a nine years 'probationership); Mr.F. C. Burnand, June, 1863; Mr. G.
The History of "Punch"
Additional motivation for sobriety came from Sam's probation officer who demanded frequent urinalysis to test for drug use.
Once their probationary period had been completed they had found themselves an apartment at Courbevoie.
And when we have the ability to exercise force it allows us to leverage our power in direct proportion to the moral disapprobation of the rest of the world.
She was hauled into court after probation staff said she had failed to provide a reasonable excuse.
The Sun
The probationary firefighters took part in a rigorous, 23-week training program.
Probation officers that I have dealt with are overburdened, overworked and burned out.
Bates is initially expected to be housed in Probation Service accommodation in Yorkshire when he is released.
It is therefore of concern he admits to consuming a large amount of alcohol and to being extremely abusive to probation staff on release.
Punishment for seditious libel also varied greatly in severity, from a few months imprisonment, probationary security, and fines, to transportation and banishment from the realm -- the lattermost punishment being an innovation of the Six Acts of 1820.
The Discourse of Treason, Sedition, and Blasphemy in British Political Trials, 1794-1820
Pennant, tagged "the most expensive teenager in English football" after his move from Notts County to Arsenal a dozen years ago, could be found half a dozen years later wearing a tag of a very different kind in Birmingham City's matches while on probation from a jail term following a drink-driving conviction.
The lost boys rescued from wilderness years | Richard Williams
The judge may not have the discretion under the federal sentencing guidelines to impose a probationary sentence.
Yet such was her distress I was sorry for her, though I believed it to be rooted and grounded in falsity, and that she had no need to regard with such disapprobation her sister's being indebted to an English gentleman who gave her in all honour the best he had.
The Heart's Highway: A Romance of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century
People go to these restaurants in search of both "modest risk" and "approbation," Mr. Stewart says, perhaps in the form of an uni handroll.
Sushi Bullies
He tasted the wine of audience approbation.
He also ordered the probation service to supervise her for a year.
For most states, the Pew study found that the average daily cost of supervising a probationer was $3.42 in fiscal 2008.
So did probation/social serve … didnt get a groat for that … on February 4, 2010 at 1: 03 pm Howard
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A probationary faculty member was notified in December that he would not be retained.
M. Krempe was not equally docile; and in my condition at that time, of almost insupportable sensitiveness, his harsh blunt encomiums gave me even more pain than the benevolent approbation of M. Waldman.
Chapter 5
Notice the AND in the "or pleaded guilty and been placed on probation, court supervision or another preconviction program".
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Does Wuhan have advertizing company recruit the graphic designing probationer's?
Let such new practices as are to be brought into our Church be for a time candidates and probationers on their good behaviour, to see how the temper of the people will fit them, and they fadge with it, before they be publicly enjoined.
Good Thoughts in Bad Times and Other Papers.
The world hath often compared to the theatre; and many grave writers, as well as the poets, have considered human life as a great drama, resembling, in almost every particular, those scenical representations which Thespis is first reported to have invented, and which have been since received with so much approbation and delight in all polite countries.
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
And, for probation, there needs none, their deeds being notour and public, and the most of them such as themselves do avow and boast of.
The Covenants And The Covenanters Covenants, Sermons, and Documents of the Covenanted Reformation
Meanwhile local farmers held a meeting at the Black Horse in Skipton to discuss the new regulations which had been met with universal disapprobation.
Looking relaxed as she strolled with two probation officers, she was returning to her bail hostel clutching a bag of goodies bought from a bargain store.
The Sun
The play received the approbation of the mass media.
The report also recommends improvements to information sharing between prison and probation services and police.
Times, Sunday Times
About 60 probationers sentenced to do community service under correctional supervision embarked on a campaign to clean the city yesterday.
Her talk wasn't vague approbation or disapproval, some big show of emotion.
The probation officers' union, Napo, said it had learned that the government was considering the closure of Dartmoor and Lancaster Castle prisons, returning them to the duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster.
Ministers plan to close jails as part of bid to cut number of prisoners
To determine the current recidivism status of probationers, official records were obtained from the county juvenile probation department.
[6796] He calls that other tenet of special [6797] election and reprobation, a prejudicate, envious and malicious opinion, apt to draw all men to desperation.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Mayor of Detroit is going to jail and will serve five years of probation all for lying under oath in a sex scandal involving him and his top aide.
Gary DeHart, two-time series champion Terry Labonte's crew chief, also was fined and placed on probation in Daytona.
Beyond all these institutional complexities lies the prison, the probation service and mechanisms for dealing with the convicted offender.
In the past many new teachers had to work for months or even years in supply work to complete their probation.
He was very polite about this but, as a probationer, anxious to do the right thing and unsure what this might be when it involved dealing with the public.
Houseboat doesn't go to the hoosegow, but it does remain on probation for trying to pull the wool over the court's eyes.
It's of great importance to us to accept that large lumps of ice have fallen from the sky, but what we desire most -- perhaps because of our interest in its archaeologic and palaeontologic treasures -- is now to be through with tentativeness and probation, and to take the Super-Sargasso Sea into full acceptance in our more advanced fold of the chosen of this twentieth century.
The Book of the Damned
Wisconsin upheld a regulation that allowed probation officers to search probationers based on ‘reasonable grounds’ to believe contraband is present.
The end result is an unremarkable, unmemorable movie that deserves neither praise nor approbation.
The move follows a drop in demand for student places and a reduction in the stage II probationer training from 15 to 12 weeks.
Employee appointment to the Council will be subject to a term of probation of 6 months.
He was given a three-year probation order, but just months later returned to have sex with the same horse at the Castel Stable in Guernsey.
Well it is called a "mounting stool"
He was employed on a probationary basis for one week in one of our software companies.
New probationers are being seen as a priority, so temporary teachers we have employed in this session are going to be the casualties.
On completion of your three month probationary period, you will be eligible for admission into pension scheme.
Therefore here is the deficience which I find, that physicians have not, partly out of their own practice, partly out of the constant probations reported in books, and partly out of the traditions of empirics, set down and delivered over certain experimental medicines for the cure of particular diseases, besides their own conjectural and magistral descriptions.
The Advancement of Learning
And they don't get very much approbation for it.
He was tried and found guilty by a British Consular Court: his punishment was a stiff fine and probation with a stern warning to desist.
He was a mechanic who was on probation.
An ideal caseload is about twenty-five to fifty offenders; some probation officers in California today have a caseload of 3,000 offenders.
The Prison-Industrial Complex
Should they desire to remain in the convent, after a period of probation, they are allowed to become Magdalens and eventually make the vows of the Magdalen order.
When Walchendorp, the President of the Council, kicked his favourite hound, it was no proof of irritability of character that Tycho expressed in strong terms his disapprobation of the deed.
The Martyrs of Science, or, The lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler
Irvin is on probation after pleading no contest in July to a felony charge of cocaine possession.
They want the probation period to be longer.
Times, Sunday Times
That would pass over sentencing powers from judges to probation officers, which is the exact opposite of what she said when she began her speech.
He left the University as a probationer, but he was not ordained at this stage.
He had missed the November appointment because of a family bereavement and had asked his mother to contact the probation service.
God's design in afflicting his people is their probation, not their destruction; their advantage, not their ruin: a trial, as the word signifies, is an experiment or search made upon a man, by some affliction, to prove the value and strength of his faith.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
The judge did not jail the young man, but put him on probation for a year.
As Drinking From Home points out, Charles Clarke says that every time someone's killed by a probationer or early releasee.
A Couple of Moorhens On the Curate's Pond ...
He's not in the back room somewhere, is he, feeding funds and silent approbation to the gunmen?
A probationary constable at Lismore police station died on Tuesday morning.
Thus, a vast concern is expressed for the liberty of the press, and the utmost abhorrence of its licentiousness: but then, by the licentiousness of the press is meant every disclosure by which any abuse is brought to light and exposed to shameby the liberty of the press is meant only publications from which no such inconvenience is to be apprehended; and the fallacy consists in employing the sham approbation of liberty as a mask for the real opposition to all free discussion.
Fallacies of Anti-Reformers
If whatever he says to you implies a glimmer of hope, I hope you can find it in your hearts to recommend he not be fired but rather be put on some kind of probationary watch, for say, six months.
Colleen Turner: An Open Letter to the Rutgers Women's Basketball Team
Multo autem minus doctrina de reprobatione terreri debent ii, qui cum serio ad Deum converti, ei unice placere, et e corpore mortis eripi desiderant, in via tamen pietatis et fidei eo usque, quo volunt, pervenire nondum possunt, siquidem linum fumigans se non extincturum, et arundinem quassatam se non fracturum, promisit misericors Deus.
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Nor probation officers working almost half their time on computers instead of being with offenders.
The Sun
The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation.
Everybody seemed to be waiting for him to speak, looking at him for approbation.
Assistants such as Christensen support juvenile parole and probation officers who develop agreements with youth, determine special needs and services for youth, conduct monthly reviews with youth, arrange vocational services, administer urinalyses, prepare for and testifying at hearings, and participate in quarterly meetings of team members who support the youth. - Local Headlines
The total number of sustained felonies, misdemeanors, and probation violations was computed.
You can knock on the back door at Tom's starting at 6: 00AM for your tequila and, as far as community approbation is concerned, have the staff serve your drink in a coffee cup and say stuff like 'Y'all sho make a mighty fine cup o' swill, Tom, how 'bout a refill. 'when you need more.
Here the witness paused with every appearance of looking for some token of disapprobation from the crowd.
The Filigree Ball
The mode of opening one of her chapters, "I always bone my meat" (_bone_ being the slang word of the day for steal), occasioned much merriment among her friends, and such a look of ludicrous surprise and reprobation from Liston, when he read it, as I still remember.
Records of a Girlhood
No technological innovation except nuclear power has engendered more public disapprobation than genetically modified food, particularly in Europe, where the anti-GM movement is huge.
He was put on probation for three years after admitting the crime.
Texas, the leader in prisons and capital punishment nationwide, had 534,260 on parole or probation.
He was also sentenced to 10 years probation, counseling and 1,000 hours of community service.
She was put on probation for 18 months and ordered to pay the conductor £100 compensation.
The prisoner was put on probation .
The Catechism has not of course the authority of conciliary definitions or other primary symbols of faith; for, although decreed by the Council, it was only published a year after the Fathers had dispersed, and it consequently lacks a formal conciliary approbation.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
As I write, early Wednesday morning, the entire membership - the welfare and case workers, probation officers and clerk typists - is supposed to be walking off the job.
If so, both the probation service and police have a duty of care to people we assess, regardless how heinous the offence.
The Sun
This bill, drafted by opponents of Prop 36, would lock up probationers for minor violations such as a missed appointment or a positive drug test.
There are no prizes for guessing what value he places on each: bourgeois is always a term of abuse, revolutionary almost always a term of approbation.
I also heard my phone ring at 5:30 am, as a friend of mine in Kansas City told me about how her brother had been tackled by federal marshalls at a relative's funeral for failing a urine analysis that had been a condition of his probation.
Dr. Boyce Watkins: Jesse Jackson, Black Leaders Are Right About Ending the War on Drugs
We are on probation, which is right and proper, and we have a year to prepare, which is excellent.
Prof Bird produced her own figures to show that tagged offenders are just as likely to kill as untagged offenders on probation.
The whiff of approbation dissipates only slowly upon her departure.
The man was given a 2 year probation order on condition he attends a clinic.
If it were not for those like you the BBC would not have felt bias was an issue, your hate has only bred more hate and what have you achieved?, so forgive me if I don't care for your approbation, not that of the asinine "resistor" who objects to the sound of "silence" phil
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Inside novitiate but the probation that set does not exceed 6 months.
Passengers discovered the man, a convicted felon on probation for burglary, hiding in an airplane restroom.
Patrick Riley arrived here a few days after the term commenced, and has conducted himself in such a manner as to win the approbation of all his teachers.
Bertie and the Gardeners or, The Way to be Happy
Defendants, witnesses, solicitors, police officers and probation officers will then have to travel 25 miles across Salisbury Plain.
The jury convicted them after nearly three and a half hours in retirement and sentence was adjourned for probation reports because one youth is 19.
I returned the communion vessels because, in a newspaper interview I read, you expressed your disapprobation of that particular theft.
Streamlining should include lengthening the probationary period, elevating the standard for moving from nontenured to tenured status, and integrating a growth model of student achievement as a proportional, not primary, piece of the evaluation system.
The myth of teacher tenure
As part of the plea agreement, Martin received 24 months of deferred adjudication, which is a form of probation, and must pay a $200 fine. Local News
The suggestion by the probation officer should have been disregarded, as there is no basis for that opinion from a non-expert.
But in making the government they left this institution with many clear marks of disapprobation upon it.
For years, he had been in and out of the authorities' grasp, in borstal, and on a particular Swedish brand of psychiatric probation.
He looked at nearly everything in politics and society from what might be called the slaveholder's point of view, and suspected me, on the other hand, of disguising reprobation of the South and its institutions in any praise of the North or of France or England which I might utter.
Reflections and Comments 1865-1895
The district decided to use the money - known as BEP 2.0 - for intensive support for schools on probation, to improve teaching, and to expand academic and student support programs.
Memphis Flyer
If punishment is assimilated into the probation glossary it will inevitably influence the sort of practice the Service undertakes.
His words came out in a seemingly endless flow of support and approbation.
(b) that the eternal plan of God can never intend a positive reprobation to hell, but only a negative reprobation, that is to say, an exclusion from heaven.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
Once your probation period is successfully completed, you will be offered a contract.