
How To Use Probate In A Sentence

  • A glance at any probate casebook will demonstrate how often solicitous distant relatives, keen to do fetching and carrying as well as to sort out troublesome financial affairs, show up in the declining years of lonely old people.
  • Will the bonds have to be probated along with the rest of my estate upon my death?
  • The will, probated in Sweden, survived the predictable contest from unhappy relatives, but there were other problems.
  • She specialises in conveyancing, probate, wills and matrimonial work, and in her spare time enjoys skiing, sailing, riding, theatre and eating out.
  • The refusal to pray for an unbelieving kindred is justified, according to Mahomet, by the duty of a prophet, and the example of Abraham, who reprobated his own father as an enemy of God. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
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  • Laying over on his long journey south, Grayson found that the failure to decide the location of the future capital, in whatever location, Pennsylvania or the Potomac, “is much reprobated in this City”; much of that opprobrium, naturally, fell on Morris. Robert Morris
  • That young hair brained fellow has sent us a brace of petticoats aboard; and these the profane reprobate calls his divinities! The Red Rover
  • A county court is held by a county judge elected for four years, who is also _surrogate_, called in other states, _judge of probate_. The Government Class Book Designed for the Instruction of Youth in the Principles of Constitutional Government and the Rights and Duties of Citizens.
  • The bigger thing for people to understand when is you put it on the unsubstantiated word of a reprobate witness who's getting "bribed" -- quote unquote -- by the government, paid by the government, and the 10th circuit mentioned that. CNN Transcript Aug 19, 2003
  • Apol. xxxv., “publici hostes”; xxxvii., “hostes maluistis vocare generis humani Christianos” (you prefer to call Christians the enemies of the human race); Minuc., x., “pravae religionis obscuritas”; viii., “homines deploratae, inlicitae ac desperatae factionis” (reprobate characters, belonging to an unlawful and desperate faction); “plebs profanae coniurationis”; ix., “sacraria taeterrima impiae citionis” (abominable shrines of an impious assembly); “eruenda et execranda consensio” (a confederacy to be rooted out and detested). The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • Things actually have gotten better, and not just because we are no longer pictured exclusively as wretched suicides and guilt-ridden reprobates.
  • His Honour subsequently dismissed the summons in the Common Law Division and referred the probate proceedings to the Registrar.
  • [Notice] in this probate proceeding need not issue under SCPA 1403 (1) (a) or any other provision of law to any other person as distributee. The Ohio Trust & Estate Blog
  • This is stolen from his cottage by the squire's reprobate son Dunstan Cass, who disappears.
  • But the life of a small-town solicitor, absorbed by matters of conveyancing and probate, settled on Henry Beard an even greater tranquillity.
  • The essence of probate is this: A dead person can’t transfer title to property. Mjh's blog — 2007 — October
  • He spent his teenage years in Lafayette, Indiana, an angsty reprobate and hardened juvenile delinquent.
  • No, I am worried about the law of probate at the moment.
  • However, when a will is probated as a muniment of title, inventories are not filed.
  • When the reprobates returned to beg forgiveness, Cecily pointedly asked Algernon why he had pretended to be Ernest.
  • The first half of the film consists of SS officers observing potential recruits in all manner of borderline reprobate acts.
  • the reprobate conduct of a gambling aristocrat
  • Unlike the property listed in your will, the property in a trust is not probated, so it passes directly to your inheritors.
  • Reprobates from the scuzzy end of showbiz and their ambisextrous pals arrive to mess the night away. Times, Sunday Times
  • In "Probate," her life cleaved in half and unrecognizable to herself, Adrienne is forced to pay a visit to Probate court. Dora Levy Mossanen: Master of Dark Tales
  • In the petition filed by Michael's parents to probate his estate, they claim he died "intestate" - without making a will. The Bosh
  • The electronic case lookup is an innovation of Probate Judge Merri Rudd and her staff, allowing the public access to docket information on all cases filed between 1978 and now. Mjh's blog — 2007 — October
  • In the Judson family files there is a copy of the probate inventory for Abner's father, also named Abner, taken in 1775.
  • But the keeping of gambling houses is, in some cases, approbated by human law. Select Temperance Tracts
  • Since then, half of them have died and none have had their estates probated.
  • The value of your estate for probate purposes includes the value of any real property less any mortgages on that property.
  • A person appointed by a probate court to administer the estate of a person who died intestate (without a will).
  • God reprobated the unrepenting sinner
  • The inventory of the contents of his studio made for probate purposes after his death lists a few standard items of equipment - easels, palettes, canvases - but nothing to hint at any unusual working method.
  • ‘The most popular of these courses tend to be in the mainstream practice areas of residential and commercial conveyancing, probate and litigation,’ he said.
  • On a true appreciation of the position, this is not a case in which it can be said that the respondent company has elected between two inconsistent remedies; nor that it has sought to approbate and reprobate.
  • A copy of the Eweson federal estate tax return on file with the Manhattan Surrogate's Office in New York City, where the estate is being probated, put the gross estate at $142 million with total estate and gift taxes due at $55 million. Can IRS Be Forced To Check Out Informant's Tip?
  • After all, as a conservative of fairly recent vintage, I've seen how easy it is for liberals, assisted by a compliant press, to cast ideological foes as moral reprobates and thus avoid engaging their ideas.
  • The governor shall issue certificates of election to such persons as appear to be chosen to the offices of senator in congress, representative in congress, clerk of the courts, register of probate, sheriff and district attorney, which shall be countersigned and transmitted by the state secretary. Gov Deval Patrick (D, MA) just gave the GOP three more House seats. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Taste what the management mode of dispatch net has gotten businessman and customer to approbate.
  • You will either need to conduct a normal probate, commonly known as an independent administration, or you might be able to conduct a simplified form of probate called probating the will as a muniment of title.
  • If they wished, he informed them, he would continue to represent them, to obtain probate, to engage accountants. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • reprobated" in addresses by John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, and The Age of the Reformation
  • Concluding that, in this case, the negative factors of treatment exceeded the benefits, the probate judge ordered on May 13, 1976, that no treatment be administered to Saikewicz for his condition of acute myeloblastic monocytic leukemia except by further order of the court. Law In The Health and Human Services
  • Your mother's will should be probated if you can't otherwise gain control of her property.
  • Because a claim like that has to be brought within six months from the date of grant of probate.
  • However they range from the model of rectitude to the reprobate, from the intellectual to the ignorant, we vary more.
  • He almost becomes one of the family, cheerfully going out gambling with her dopey, reprobate nephew.
  • You will grow up to be quite a reprobate, my scandalous pup—a favourite with the ladies … and the gentlemen, he predicted in a sibylline voice. Exit the Actress
  • Feeling every bit the reprobate she let herself into the flat. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • I began to stare at him as if he were a reprobate, but I couldn't believe it.
  • Administrative layer choice restarts at the moment board IPO, is right current drop approbate?
  • Other half interest is devisable by will or passes by succession under probate statutes.
  • He almost becomes one of the family, cheerfully going out gambling with her dopey, reprobate nephew.
  • Holding all the assets through an offshore company will greatly simplify this process, as the executors then only have to prove probate in the jurisdiction where the company was based.
  • Each year millions of dollars are spent on soaring attorney and court fees associated with probate proceedings upon the death of a loved one.
  • In fact, after about 1640, works of art listed in probate inventories increasingly were identified by the name of the artist rather than by subject matter.
  • His testament was drawn up on 26 May 1349 and received probate on 8 June.
  • The estate as of the death, whatever it was, if any, passes to the executor from the will not on the grant of probate, of course.
  • You want to approbate and reprobate, as it were.
  • Incidentally, Lennox, I can't string them along much further - there's nothing to hold up the probate. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • In each case, while Joe seems to be the catalyst, we soon see that it is the internal flaws that each individual carries that result in their reprobate behavior.
  • Chapter One employs a prosopography of over one thousand trade unionists and Working Men's Party operatives based on an extensive analysis of census, tax list, probate, insolvency, and other documents. Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • Thus this Court must uphold the Probate Court's decision to find laches inapplicable to this action.
  • Nevermind that McNuts 'campaign is the scuzziest I've ever seen, it is ill conceived, poorly executed and managed by a bunch of toothless reprobates. Obama And McCain Trade New Attack Ads
  • The sale, transfer or probate of a property that is held directly can be complex, costly and lengthy.
  • Feeling every bit the reprobate she let herself into the flat. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Such observations are, of course, true and we economists often deserve such a back-of-the-hand treatment, even by sinners and reprobates from other social science disciplines.
  • He died, and when his will was probated, the sisters discovered that he had left to the Missoula mission $185 in cash, four horses, and other objects of value.
  • Can the draft version be probated after my death just like the original, or do I need to get a new will?
  • Church of Rome condemneth us, we likewise them; the sub-reformists and sectaries sentence the doctrine of our Church as damnable; the atomist, or familist, reprobates all these; and all these them again. Sir Thomas Browne and his 'Religio Medici' an Appreciation
  • * inheritance of jointly-owned real and personal property through the right of survivorship (which avoids the time and expense and taxes in probate); The Volokh Conspiracy » Criminal Charges Against Anti-Homosexuality Street Preacher Dropped in England
  • When Peter Manigault died in 1773 he left his children the largest estate probated in the mainland colonies on the eve of the American Revolution.
  • He spent his teenage years in Lafayette, Indiana, an angsty reprobate and hardened juvenile delinquent.
  • Even among these reprobates, the 1996 federal welfare reform law imposed time limits, meaning their little joyrides won't last. $69 Million In California Welfare Money Spent Out Of State
  • While a spousal property petition avoids the larger cost and delay of the administration of a full probate, it still results in an increased cost and delay to the surviving spouse.
  • “And you, ye thowless jade, to sit still and see my substance disponed upon to an idle, drunken, reprobate, worm-eaten serving-man, just because he kittles the lugs The Bride of Lammermoor
  • And strangely enough, she begun to get back her strength from that very moment -- seeing that exclusive and well-known young debby-tant consorting in public with the reprobates. Somewhere in Red Gap
  • The position was that in this State you had probate duty which was levied on the estate, you had succession duty which was levied on those who succeeded to property, not by way of the will.
  • It was he, too, who laid before Lady Southdown the great advantages which might occur from an intimacy between her family and Miss Crawley, —advantages both worldly and spiritual, he said: for Miss Crawley was now quite alone; the monstrous dissipation and alliance of his brother Rawdon had estranged her affections from that reprobate young man; the greedy tyranny and avarice of Mrs. Bute Crawley had caused the old lady to revolt against the exorbitant pretensions of that part of the family; and though he himself had held off all his life from cultivating Miss Crawley’s friendship, with perhaps an improper pride, he thought now that every becoming means should be taken, both to save her soul from perdition, and to secure her fortune to himself as the head of the house of Crawley. XXXIII. In Which Miss Crawley’s Relations Are Very Anxious about Her
  • This was settled late last year and agreement was made in probate court.
  • Even at the very end of the period, probably less than five percent of the persons who died in the typical county, in any one year, left wills that passed through probate.43 Even fewer of those who died intestate, that is, without wills, left estates that were formally administered. A History of American Law
  • With any luck it will simply be held in probate till the end of time: no one's heard of Una for decades. SPLITTING
  • With any luck it will simply be held in probate till the end of time: no one's heard of Una for decades. SPLITTING
  • There will be workshops each day and talks on a variety of subjects, including how to research your family history online, how to use the Census, service records, wills and probates.
  • Rather than conducting a regular probate where an executor is appointed and letters testamentary are issued by the court, it sounds like you can probate her will as a Muniment of Title.
  • Mr Chitolie seeks revocation of a grant of probate to his brothers of his sister's will.
  • Conveyancing, divorce, probate and criminal matters concerning adults were all in this category.
  • Some of them have already been synthesized and approbated, the synthesis and testing of others is still forthcoming.
  • A will can help you avoid the pitfalls of dying intestate; however, even if you have a will, your assets will still be subjected to the timely and costly probate process (court involvement).
  • But," says one, "the traffic in ardent spirit is a lawful business; it is approbated by law, and is therefore right. Select Temperance Tracts
  • An old woman, called Williamson, a sad reprobate, in attempting to do so, set her foot within the fender, which the captain had converted into a repository for empty glass bottles; the smash that ensued was echoed by a shriek from the whole party. Roughing It in the Bush
  • The lawless reprobate was condoned by the vices of the lawgivers: condoned, that is, for misdeeds short of murder.
  • Upon his death, his will would get probated, and you would become the owner of the home.
  • She continued to draw income support after her mother's death and after the grant of probate to her mother's will of which she was an executrix as well as a beneficiary.
  • Such tours will offer commentary and interpretation, so that a document such as a probate inventory, for example, will reveal to students the sorts of things it has revealed to historians.
  • ‘The most popular of these courses tend to be in the mainstream practice areas of residential and commercial conveyancing, probate and litigation,’ he said.
  • The will for each jurisdiction can be "probated" or the administration of the estate in each country started independently and without delay, for example, for the grant of probate to issue here. Getting ready for take off in retirement - IFAonline
  • Our Client Guide in Probate Matters also explains the way in which we charge for probate work.
  • The value of your estate for probate purposes includes the value of any real property less any mortgages on that property.
  • The woman is not only dominated, but reprobate, not only impotent, but cursed.
  • But it is to the discretion of the bank/building society that hold the assets whether or not they require to see the legal document called a grant of Probate or Letters of administration.
  • Nevertheless suspicion bred credulity, and society's reprobates could not be presumed unavailable for the purposes of prison plotters.
  • They might be pirates, they might be reprobates, they might have picked the pockets of poor bluesmen and ignorant English kids, but at least they were dedicated to music.
  • I returned home, not disappointed, for I had long considered those authors useless whom the professor had so strongly reprobated; but I did not feel much inclined to study the books which I had procured at his recommendation. Chapter 2
  • The original owners passed away and the children have been fighting each other in probate court over who was going to get the house.
  • However, when a will is probated as a muniment of title, inventories are not filed.
  • I returned home, not disappointed, for I have said that I had long considered those authors useless whom the professor reprobated; but I returned, not at all the more inclined to recur to these studies in any shape. Chapter 3
  • Which that I may do to your edification, I shall First shew you what this word reprobation signifieth in the general, as it concerneth persons temporary and visibly reprobate: Second, more particularly, as it concerneth persons that are eternally and invisibly reprobate. Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • By the end of the film, both the Union troops and the scroungy squad of reprobates Dundee has mustered look toward Tyreen for leadership.
  • Instead, he cursed, caroused and shocked moviegoers as the hard-drinking reprobate coach and player for a ragtag hockey team in 1977's Slap Shot, one of the rowdiest, crudest, funniest and most scathingly honest sports comedies ever. Paul Newman: A rare breed
  • But courts have not been as forgiving when the beneficiaries had agreed not to probate and then decided more than four years later that the will should be probated.
  • Every time I see you, you're drunk, you old reprobate.
  • As for Cursecowl, the invincible reprobate, so ashamed was he of his infamous conduct, that he did not dare, for the life in his body, to show himself before my shop-window -- far less in my presence -- for more than a week; yet, would ye believe it! he made a perfect farce of the whole business among his own wauf cronies; and, instead of repentance, I verily believe, would not have cared twopence to have played me the same pliskie that he did my douce and worthy friend. The Life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith
  • Lack of trust in the court system and lack of funds to access that system meant that wills were not probated, multiple heirs often made property claims and squatting on property occurred. Lindsay Coates: Land Tenure: Haiti's Elephant in the Room
  • If the original of your will can't be located after your death, the copy can be probated as long as your brother can prove to the court you did not revoke it.
  • Just as one leather-jacketed, slouching renegade by name of Jim Steel took me under his musical wing, to open my ears to the glories of The Stooges, The Ramones, Radio Birdman and suchlike, it was one surgical-gowned, growling reprobate by name of Fergus Bannon who opened up my eyes, searing his scribblings on the inside of my skull -- right at the back, by the medulla oblongata, the snake-brain. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Her estate was sworn for probate at £1.285 million net with the house and furniture being valued at £435,000.
  • Other types of non-probate assets include payable-on-death accounts, joint accounts held with rights of survivorship, life insurance and annuities.
  • In a brief opinion, a Surrogate Judge in New York recognized a Canadian same-sex marriage for probate purposes, declaring the surviving partner the "surviving spouse and sole distributee" and thus not requiring process to other members of the decedent's family. Progressive Bloggers
  • a caveat filed against the probate of a will
  • Later, when he's brought to her attention for poaching game birds on her property, she devises a very unique punishment for the old reprobate.
  • She continued to draw income support after her mother's death and after the grant of probate to her mother's will of which she was an executrix as well as a beneficiary.
  • His Honour indicated that the Court would be prepared to grant probate if the applicant produced the original of the will for citing and copying.
  • If you have a will that needs to be probated, your executor will need to state your age at death in the application for probate.
  • The decision which it was understood the Government had made, not to transfer the care of the Indians to the War Department, was warmly approbated. The American Missionary — Volume 45, No. 2, February, 1891
  • And what this document basically showed was that Armand Hammer had secret bank accounts in Switzerland in which he was paying his different families and mistresses out of and that he had a will that never showed up in his probate, which is one -- you know, I mentioned before that Hilary Gibson got a very nice settlement. Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer
  • A $20 million scam that involved a forged grant of administration from the High Court probate office has been reported to the Garda Bureau of Fraud Investigation.
  • Samuel's brother, Amos, whose estate was probated in 1798, certainly owned equipment to suggest he was in a position to produce surpluses for the market.
  • The lawless reprobate was condoned by the vices of the lawgivers: condoned, that is, for misdeeds short of murder.
  • I do not accept that a rate ascertained in that way is a fair measure for a solicitor's hourly rate in dealing with a quite complicated probate matter.
  • Before they do, though, they may try to collect by sending letters, and if your estate is probated, they may file claims in court or even sue your estate.
  • He again lost, but during the campaign he complained to the Portland Evening Express that whenever he called the probate office, Mulkern was "never there. Knox
  • There is in every county a probate court held by a _judge of probate_, whose duties relate to the proving of wills and the settling of the estates of persons deceased. The Government Class Book Designed for the Instruction of Youth in the Principles of Constitutional Government and the Rights and Duties of Citizens.
  • Let India reclaim itself from the criminals and outlaws, reprobates and renegades.
  • The church court, in other words, did not search for and destroy sexual reprobates, rather it relied on the active participation of the community.
  • I think most probate fees are progressive like succession fees and death duties used to be.
  • For instance, if a decedent was married at the time of death, the spouse will likely start the probate alone.
  • Conveyancing, divorce, probate and criminal matters concerning adults were all in this category.
  • Other people are sensibly heading to work and you feel like a lowlife reprobate skulking home after a debauch.
  • This place started promisingly, but now they let too many reprobates in.
  • Licensing Lambard, because the select Men had refused to approbate him, because he never was approbated by the select men, to keep a Tavern in the House he now lives in, because there are already 3 and his would make 4 Taverns besides Retailers, within 3/4 of a Mile, and because he obtained an a License from that John Adams diary 5, 26 May - 25 November 1760
  • A revocable living trust can help you manage your assets during your lifetime -- and then bypass the sometimes expensive and time-consuming process of settling your estate, known as probate, after your death. Financial Prescription
  • ‘If I act any further, I would be seen to approbate with a document that is flawed,’ he stated.
  • Oddly, the reply refers to only 12 probates from San Francisco, in contrast to the ‘few hundred’ he claimed to have examined when Seckora interviewed him.
  • I would tell you to bring her along, but the reprobates aren't fond of kids.
  • There is a further hint that bustle and business are the properties of the older, reprobate drama.
  • A copy of the probate certificate was e-mailed last week to an American in Hyattsville, Maryland.
  • Surely it is a reprobate sense, a spirit of frenzy and of stupor, which is withheld from any daring attempt, only by a fear of the shame of men; while the fear of divine judgment is trodden under foot. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • Careful planning makes it possible to avoid conflicts between co-owners and heirs, provide liquidity to heirs, maximize the practice's value and avoid probate.
  • Such cramming method of teaching is now severely reprobated.
  • The deputy judge refused to admit the document to probate.
  • Jillian, her attorney, said the will would be probated in a couple of months. A Light at Winter’s End
  • Baker observes but too truly, that the "State of Innocence" recals the idea reprobated by Marvell in his address to Milton: The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 05
  • In Elizabethan England, the public generally regarded playwrights and actors as reprobates and scapegraces; lords and ladies risked their reputations by hobnobbing with dramatists and deuteragonists.
  • Even if it were completely destroyed in the mishap, the copy could be probated in its place.
  • Now imagine some chavvy little git walks up and slaps you across the face, all the while being filmed by his reprobate chum on his new camera phone.
  • Moreover, as the plaintiffs are residuary beneficiaries under the will that has been admitted to probate, the possibility of double recovery referred to at the end of the second paragraph is not present.
  • That might at least indicate they were unsure of their strength since, King claimed, they had previously “reprobated the Suggestion of Amendments” and insisted on “a total Rejection of the Constitution.” Ratification
  • In 1826, after three years 'study, he was “approbated to preach” by the Middlesex Association of Ministers. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • For instance, one or both of your parents' estates may need to be probated, estate and inheritance taxes may need to be paid, the property may be subject to a mortgage, there may be title issues, or your brother may have a judgment against him.
  • Soon discovering that he was endowed with ministerial gifts, the church approbated the exercising of them, and he began to preach upon the neighboring plantations along the Savannah River with much success, and sometimes he preached in the evenings of Lord's Day to the church (white) to which be belonged. The First Colored Baptist Church in North America Constituted at Savannah, Georgia, January 20, A.D. 1788. With Biographical Sketches of the Pastors.
  • Nor can you get a jury trial in probate and child support cases. The Volokh Conspiracy » Iowa Constitution’s Due Process Clause Bars Propensity-to-Commit-Crime Evidence
  • Society—family, tribe, caste, church, village, probate court—established and enforced its connubial protocols for the presumed good of everyone, except maybe for the couples themselves.
  • Such cramming method of teaching is now severely reprobated.
  • A solicitor taking out probate is not bound to do everything in his own person.
  • Administrative layer choice restarts at the moment board IPO, is right current drop approbate?
  • Freudo, on the other hand, is determined to be a more serious, sensual escape behind the seemingly sanguine outer layer of society and into its reprobate nether regions.
  • The vicarious thrill of teaching the reprobate or rapscallion a thing or two fueled anew the public love affair with the deadly detective, best exampled by S.W.A.T.
  • The keeping of brothels is, in some cases, approbated by law. Select Temperance Tracts
  • Therefore, if you were to pass away unexpectedly, the business might get stuck in probate court.
  • She therefore looked about among the Prince's connexions for some one who would accept coheirship with herself, and whose family would be strong enough in position to carry through probate on such terms, but at the same time would be grateful enough to her and venal enough to further her aim of being reinstated at Court. She Stands Accused
  • Finally there were courts administering family and probate matters, which had inherited their jurisdiction from the ecclesiastical courts, and the Court of Admiralty.
  • Incidentally, Lennox, I can't string them along much further - there's nothing to hold up the probate. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • If anything, as the formal court system developed, women's petitioning on the southern Avalon dwindled away, except in probate and administration matters, which surged in the 1820s, 30s, and 40s. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • At odds with the establishment, he was painted as a reprobate - he did marry 27 nightclub dancers - but Ray sees him as a hero.
  • However, we have, in California and other state, what we call ancillary probate. CNN Transcript Feb 16, 2007
  • Whereupon he shortly sharked up a list of landless reprobates, Kshatriyas at a loose end, for food and diet; and the enterprise with a stomach in't was, as soon as Alexander's back was turned, to drive out the Macedonian garrisons. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • Wills were obtained from the British Columbia Archives in Victoria and selected by the order in which they were probated on two microfilm rolls.
  • Although not exactly a premier stopping point, it does serve as a dumping ground for the reprobates of the universe.
  • a crapulous old reprobate
  • After his wife died, his assets became tied up in probate and divorce proceedings. National disgrace
  • These ideas were reprobated
  • Your brain should ache, you reprobate, you turncoat, for daring to meddle in things that are beyond you! CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • Kilpatrick was sentenced last month to up to five years in prison in an unrelated case, for violating terms of a probated sentence for lying under oath about an affair. London-to-Newark passengers left on Connecticut tarmac for hours
  • Because of Florida's complicated probate system and the high statutory attorneys' fees, most people in Florida create revocable living trusts rather than write wills.
  • You will either need to conduct a normal probate, commonly known as an independent administration, or you might be able to conduct a simplified form of probate called probating the will as a muniment of title.
  • The truth is that in an age of huge political upheaval, those who lived long enough to welcome the restoration of the monarchy, such as the disfigured William Davenant or Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, did at least have one thing in common: They were survivors rather than reprobates. Pens at the Ready
  • Cabinetmakers' probate inventories frequently record debts to woodmen, sawyers, varnish makers, japanners, brass founders, and locksmiths.
  • If the pub had not been the favoured haunt of the living dead, a pasty faced bunch of assorted reprobates and alcoholics, he would have quite liked it.
  • There's the drunken reprobate attorney and confidant, Harry Rex.
  • Lucilius vilified reprobate consulars such as Lucius Opimius and Gaius Papirius Carbo, also undisciplined tribes and dishonest political lobbying.
  • In a source approbated by the Catholic Church Almighty God is quoted as saying: "We wish to concede nothing to man that does not pass throught her hands. TEXAS FAITH: Misunderstanding (my) religion | RELIGION Blog |
  • Can understand the public to be opposite through IPO outside of gregarious website approbate degree.
  • Bad inheritance planning can mean your legacy is eaten up by probate taxes, solicitor's fees and charges.
  • So it's only natural that when they hit too close to home, when they hold a mirror up to the panting demographic and showcase people's reprobate and mercenary nature, the target should retaliate.
  • The tax remains overly complex, with reliefs subject to numerous conditions and three different taxes which are inheritance/gift tax, probate tax and discretionary trust tax.
  • Why this should be so we could not at the time understand, for when Eben Hale's will was probated, the world learned that he was sole heir to his employer's many millions, and it was expressly stipulated that this great inheritance was given to him without qualification, hitch, or hindrance in the exercise thereof. The Minions of Midas
  • Disunion was less to be feared as a result of proposing prior amendments to the Constitution, he said, than from “the adoption of a system reprobated by some, and allowed by all to be defective.” Ratification
  • Sometimes, misguided by a thread or finger, a digital doll finds itself wandering over to the dark side of show business and falling under the spell of the reprobate members of the manipulated.

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