How To Use Probability In A Sentence

  • Unless the radar signal is normal to some surface (extremely low probability) the radar receives no return.
  • The contours show combinations of mimic phenotypes that are attacked by predators with equal probability.
  • Laplace called probability theory ‘the calculus of inductive reasoning.’
  • The world will be no less confrontational just because of its economic plight; in all probability it will be more so. Times, Sunday Times
  • A new neutral mutation will fix with a probability of 1/(2Ne), where Ne is the effective population size, and it will take 4Ne generations on average to do so. Death of a popular anti-ID argument
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  • Probability sex method can reflect systematic reliability better, affirmatory more reasonable reserve capacity.
  • Heddle's argument is more sound since it involves, in practical terms, one single probability, while Collins's use of the word "improbability" implies multiple values of probabilities that can be used and thus a means to calculate them. David Heddle's take on the Fine-Tuning Argument
  • The contents of the second included copies of three of the Countess's psalm metaphrases, and, in all probability, a copy of her translation of Petrarch's Trionfo della Morte.
  • By the same laws of probability, the chances that a random bus will spontaneously explode for no reason are slim to none.
  • Wald was working on statistics and probability and he persuaded Lukacs to take an interest in this topic too.
  • Deployment of weapons and combat hardware in emplacements reduces the probability of their detection two to three times.
  • The survey puts a 55% probability on it introducing quantitative easing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plot option generates the frequency distribution in graphic form (histogram, box, and normal probability plots), and the normal option generates statistics to test the normality of the distribution.
  • Various low-probability emergency aborts may use the lakebeds but they are not primary abort sites.
  • If I were to ask you to describe your traveling companion I should in all probability learn that his features were very indistinct; he probably wore dark glasses, perhaps also a beard, a heavy coat -- an ulster, most likely -- and no doubt also a scarf wound tightly about his neck and chin. PORNOGRAPHY
  • As compared to the neutral mutant, this probability of extinction is less by only 0.01. The Weasel Thread
  • The probability that all n values are in the lower q fraction of the codomain is p = qn. How do evolutionary processes create information? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Nuclear power produces abundant power from small amounts of material, at small external costs, even when one accounts for the vanishingly small probability of accidents and the cost of waste disposal.
  • Survival probability is an important component of population demography.
  • By using the matrix geometric solution method, we derive the explicit expressions for steady-state probability vector.
  • The height of the curve at any point on the dimension axis x is called the probability density of that particular value.
  • The probability of each part of speech starting and ending a noun phrase was then determined from this data.
  • He published a series of works on combinatorial mathematics, in particular probability, series and formulas for higher differentials.
  • Mr Whittaker added: ‘My conclusion is that she died an accidental death that was due in all probability to inadvertent overlaying.’
  • Temperature didn't much affect the initial probability of getting beaned, a rebuff to the theory that it's harder to control pitches on hot days. Week in Ideas
  • The problems involve the computation of the prior probability distribution for each possible world and the similarity between possible worlds.
  • The application of these tests may increase the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is in fact true.
  • The notion that an enzyme might exist in a number of forms decided purely on probability is anathema to many scientists.
  • Then, the cells were sorted in order of decreasing probability.
  • This provides increasing probability of recombination and hence increased mapping resolution.
  • What percentage probability should it give to the chance that the currency might collapse altogether? Times, Sunday Times
  • If you start the thread the probability of getting flamed is higher. Mexico and violence
  • The probability of users visiting an alternative medicine practitioner increased from 36.3 percent to 46.3 percent.
  • Although you and I agree (on the basis of the law of likelihood) that given evidence supports H over H*, and H** over both H and H*, we might disagree about whether it is evidence supporting H (on the basis of the law of changing probability) purely on the basis of our different judgments of the priori probability of H, Bayes' Theorem
  • Republican Ken Buck has led Democratic Senator Michael Bennet on our trend estimate all year long, but the new polls narrow Buck's lead to roughly one percentage point (46.9% to 45.7%) and his probability of winning to just 64%, well within what we consider the "toss-up" range. New PPP Polls Favor Joe Manchin, Michael Bennet In Senate Races
  • More visits to the area during the following week revealed no sign of immature bokmakieries, which suggests the probability of predation.
  • And improbability without breaking out of realm of possibilities.
  • Some countries recognise abortion when pregnancy results from rape or incest, or when there is a high probability of foetal impairment.
  • The probability that it will rain today is high.
  • The normal probability plot of residuals against their expected values when the distribution is normal suggested that the error distribution was almost normal.
  • B.when measured, unless the quantum state is an eigenstate of the measured observable A, the system does not possess any categorical property corresponding to A's having a specific value in the set B. Putnam seems to assume that a realist interpretation of (*) should consist in assigning to A some unknown value within B. for which quantum mechanics yields a non-trivial probability. Puppet X: 1
  • The first is the improbability, the second is the excessive price, of success.
  • Goneril would have met it; nor, if her father had been already dead, would there have been any great improbability in the false story that was to be told of her death, that, like Goneril, she 'fordid herself.' Shakespearean Tragedy Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth
  • But, for all their efforts, Ireland now face an uphill struggle and the probability is that the fates will not be on their side.
  • Taking missile attacking large size moving target as example, the operational effectiveness model of the satellite was built with probability of hitting target as measure of effectiveness.
  • The idea is that whenever one is forced to bet on the pignistic level, the degrees of belief from the credal level are used to calculate (fair) betting ratios that satisfy the probability axioms. Formal Representations of Belief
  • Egg quality was also assessed in terms of the probability that an egg would give rise to a fledged chick.
  • Here, we drew input parameter values from a probability distribution using Latin hypercube sampling.
  • Often, that level of probability is arbitrarily set to a value like 95%, or two standard deviations, two sigma, which is about 98% for a normal distribution. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Risk, he argued, was a randomness - as in a game of roulette - whose probability could be determined.
  • Where the applicant has no representation and the respondent is legally represented the applicant's probability of success is reduced to 10%.
  • Probability is a very difficult notion, much debated by philosophers.
  • These confluence levels allowed traders to see where a stock, future, commodity, or currency had the greatest probability of pausing or reversing on intraday charts.
  • So, in AKV, Lewis (1946, 305) claimed that the full statement of a probability judgement should be of the form “That c, having property F, will also have property G, is credible on data D, with expectation a/b and reliability R”, and is assertable in whatever sense Clarence Irving Lewis
  • When ice recrystallizes, water molecules migrate from smaller crystals to larger ones, thus increasing both crystal size and the probability of injury to the tissues.
  • The vertical axis is a measure of the probability of acceptance of an item by the user.
  • the improbability of such rare coincidences
  • The probability is, however, that Gough has already formed a pretty good idea of where he will be going and that only the final details remain to be settled.
  • We can say with a high degree of probability that the poem was written by Shakespeare.
  • Such a lopsided result defies the laws of probability and suggests something sinister at work.
  • With an extinction-colonization model, the probability of fixation can be much reduced relative to panmixia.
  • By a chi-square test, this has a 99% probability of indicating an increased confusion of flaunt for flout. Flout good taste; flaunt your excesses « Motivated Grammar
  • The probability of ship-strike mortalities may increase with thelikely future opening of an ice-free Northwest Passage, " theresearchers note.
  • Thåre was a high probability the fire was caused by deliberate human agency and that a flammable liquid could have been poured into the building and an "incendiary device such as igniter cord or something" used to light it. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In this time of government fiscal stress in the United States, we need to resist the tendency to disinvest in emergency capacity due to the low probability of utilization. Steven Cohen: Learning From Japan's Catastrophe
  • If we have a uniform grid of parallel lines, unit distance apart and if we drop a needle of length k < 1 on the grid, the probability that the needle falls across a line is 2k/p.
  • That is, close up, shut up, or, as is said now, "bung up," -- emphatically, "We kept true time;" and the probability is, that in saying this, Sir Toby would accompany the words with the action of pushing an imaginary door; or _sneck up_. Notes and Queries, Number 29, May 18, 1850
  • In the Copenhagen formalism, one could calculate the probabilities of various outcomes assuming a measurement was taken at a particular time; during the interval between measurements, those “probability amplitudes” changed in definite, calculatable ways, while at the instant of measurement, another process took over and caused the system being measured to settle into a single eigenstate. On Quantum Theory And Parapsychology
  • Is there not rather just cause for wonder that he did not speedily sink to the bottom, but that, on the contrary, he kept afloat, advanced to conspicuity and fame, and would, in all probability, have ultimately come with flying colours to a mooring in the port of honour and happiness, if Death had not unexpectedly arrested him in his progress. The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Volume I, Number 3
  • The improbability will be the greater, the more complicated the routes; and it will become impossibility, if the zigzags are infinitely complicated. Evolution créatrice. English
  • Stratford-upon-Avon, stands in all probability on the site of an Anglo-Saxon minster, established by the 8th century.
  • The calculation of the tunneling probability can be carried out by considering a doubly stochastic process.
  • The low-probability intervening event did eliminate negative priming, but did so by slowing performance in the baseline condition relative to all other conditions.
  • The joint probability distributions do not factorize into the product of two independent single distributions. Holism and Nonseparability in Physics
  • Induction deterred herbivory by noctuids and aphids, and increased the probability of plant survival.
  • Marfan's syndrome is a connective tissue disorder that increases the probability of a rupture or dissection occurring at smaller diameters than in a normal patient.
  • Conclusions- Increasing waist-hip ratio is negatively associated with the probability of conception per cycle, before and after adjustment for confounding factors.
  • The fact that the problem is stochastic means that the airline needs to work with expected values and probability distributions, which makes the optimisation harder to solve.
  • This results in a two-peak, bimodal probability distribution.
  • There is every probability of his coming.
  • What is the probability that today's demand will exceed our inventory?
  • If the probability of it occuring is (HIGH), with damage to the Pad & local area debris falling potentially being pretty darn severe, it would seem almost negligant as well to not have required a formal S&MA report & Chief Engineer Technical Authority report on this topic. The Budget Road Ahead - NASA Watch
  • Furthermore, through the maximum likelihood used for evaluating three parameters of wavelet coefficients' probability model, the adaptive algorithm is derived in the article.
  • It all depends how these things actually occur as to whether or not that is an improbability about this account.
  • For children of both age groups and adults, the magnitude of the single event probability appeared to impact the proportion of correct responses in conjunctive problems of the kind presented here.
  • The former probability is estimated as a function of the term slope of interest rates, stock prices, payroll employment, personal income, and industrial production. The Big Picture
  • Statistics show the probability of an attack on myself or anybody else to be extremely remote.
  • Indeed, just now the probability of a change in the character of the war, by which the Confederates will cease to be on the defensive and become the aggressors, is much discussed. America--North and South
  • Unlimited demand from the provider can then be managed; outcomes data and statisical probability of desease presence can then be applied to care if the need to "treat the chart" is no longer there. Austan Goolsbee on Health Care, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • That said, I have fully acknowledged the possibility that the consensus is actually too optimistic, including the possibility (although not probability) of a double-dip recession. Matthew Yglesias » GDP Grew at 5.7% Annualized Rate in 2009 Q4
  • Multiple - unit correlation detection is used to lower false alarm probability in most laser warning receivers.
  • The judge was entitled to conclude that the patentees had lost a chance of making sales to those buyers - no doubt a chance of differing probability in each case.
  • The probability of winning the lottery is really very low.
  • In all probability she would have been dumped after two or three books which didn't sell very well.
  • Arguments of improbability thus become subjective claims.
  • Growth is especially important in geese because size of goslings at the end of their first summer strongly influences their probability of surviving their first year, adult body size and fecundity.
  • This is a remarkable work which gives him an important place in the history of probability.
  • During the past fifty years, these people have made rapid strides toward civilization, monandry and monogamy taking the places of polyandry and polygamy, and fifty or a hundred years hence, this matriarchate will, in all probability, entirely disappear. Religion and Lust or, The Psychical Correlation of Religious Emotion and Sexual Desire
  • The animal story, like the contemporaneous naturalistic novel of Zola and his various epigones, could, at least in theory, ground all its narrative events in observation, probability, and fact.
  • The average probability of failure on demand is the main basis used to determine the safety integrity level of safety instrumented systems.
  • I'm doing my masters in Economics, the kind of maths tools used in the course are calculus (including integrals), Linear and Non-Linear Programming and Stats tools like Time Series, Regression, Probability etc. Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • When prey are attacked by predators, escape ability has an obvious influence on the probability of survival.
  • Scientists with tenured faculty positions and NSF grants ridiculed these visions, noting that their fundamental improbability made them an absurd projection of what the future holds.
  • The theorem states that the posterior probability is proportional to the prior probability multiplied by the likelihood.
  • Even assuming the improbability that all the wounded died, the overall picture does not change.
  • The probability of fossilization is investigated by taphonomists and geologists, who have concluded that it usually is very low.
  • 'Banndainiitaka' was easy to suffer from pear ring rot during storage; fruits with injure had a higher infection probability, while intact ones were contrary.
  • They pointed to the improbability of her escape, bound and tied, from a vicious gunman with a dog.
  • By the method of estimating the probability distribution of training examples, a new and simple method of dealing with numeric attribute based on example distribution and entropy is turned out.
  • If there is a scale to determine the degree of improbability then this has to be there right at the top.
  • In all probability this was the result of the intensification of practices arising in earlier periods.
  • Probability of life on a randomly selected planet if life arose only once in the universe.
  • In all probability, we shall be away for a month.
  • Rough Set Theory is another mathematical tool used for dealing with fuzzy and uncertain knowledge besides Probability Theory, Fuzzy Set Theory and Evidence Theory.
  • It would help us to gauge the probability of finding life elsewhere instead of bombinating in a vacuum of data, caught between inevitability and uniqueness.
  • The upshot was that one million fewer coach journeys were taken and, in all probability, one million fewer visits to grandchildren made. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a 30 per cent chance that a team with a 7 per cent or less probability of promotion would be promoted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The basic mechanism is subsequently extended by an abductive reasoning system which is guided by subjective probability.
  • By study the influence of transport distance and pig pre-slaughter rest on the ponderance and probability of PSE pork, try to find out the main cause and effective control means of PSE pork.
  • THD: And now you can even get more sophisticated because economists would do what they call inspected value calculation to compute some probability. Ron Dembo: Resilience and Civilization
  • Christian will be so irreligious, to bring up his son in that course of life, which by all probability and necessity, cogit ad turpia, enforcing to sin, will entangle him in simony and perjury, when as the poet said, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Finally, the court concluded contraband is dangerous only if there is a substantial probability the item will be used in a manner likely to cause death or serious injury; facilitate an escape or pose a threat to institutional safety or security. NY Court of Appeals
  • The diamond was not very well known among the ancients; and if we add to this reason the similarity between the words smiris, the Egyptian asmir, "emery", a species of corindon used to polish precious stones, and shmyr, the Hebrew word supposed to mean the diamond, we may conclude with probability that the limpid corindon was intended. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • In fact, it can be resolved with a high degree of probability - in the negative. The Times Literary Supplement
  • An unsafe condition is any environmental factor (physical or social) that would increase the probability of an unintentional injury. An Introduction to Community Health
  • The probability of two letters sharing a town is therefore 9 per cent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The low number of contacts with the surrounding vegetation may be important in reducing the probability that smaller arboreal predators will access the nest tree.
  • With a bigram model, for example, the probability P Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • He must calculate the probability of failure.
  • We can say with a high degree of probability that the poem was written by Shakespeare.
  • And to this conjecture I will venture to subjoin another, which hath also its probability, viz. that it is not improbable but the familiars of witches are a vile kind of spirits of a very inferior constitution and nature; and none of those that were once of the highest hierarchy now degenerated into the spirits we call devils .... The Superstitions of Witchcraft
  • If the probability of it occuring is low, with damage to the Pad & local area debris falling potentially being pretty darn severe, it would seem almost negligant as well to not have required a formal S&MA report & Chief Engineer Technical Authority report on this topic. The Budget Road Ahead - NASA Watch
  • In all probability he sang alto from 1735 to 1739 and then descended to bass and, as we have seen, passing through the tenor register briefly.
  • As we digest the probability that the House of Commons will vote to ratify the EU Constitution without a single shred of democratic legitimacy, even the Guardian, which can normally be relied upon to peddle the Party Line in as psittacine a manner as it can manage, has felt moved to object to the present undemocratic outrage being perpetrated by Labour. Archive 2008-01-20
  • That eigenstate applies to the reality there and that eigenstate enables us to predict a determinate position for Niels 'system with probability one. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument in Quantum Theory
  • However, although this relationship has been described based on empiric data, there are no mathematical models in the literature relating number of antibiotics used to probability of adequate coverage.
  • We have to use the theory of probability when we do not know whether a proposition is true or false.
  • The Ukranian marksman seems reluctant to play with a protective mask, and will in all probability miss out to be replaced again by Jon Dahl Tomasson.
  • By study the influence of transport distance and pig pre-slaughter rest on the ponderance and probability of PSE pork, try to find out the main cause and effective control means of PSE pork.
  • This confrontation could increase the probability of him becoming angry and murdering or assaulting her.
  • To calculate the joint probability of the coincidence occurring in any one minute we multiply the two separate probabilities.
  • the idea that if one's brain has a atypicality the probability of having other, seemingly unrelated, atypicalities is increased. What's it Like?
  • In the 1970s, HBCU matriculation was associated with higher wages and an increased probability of graduation, relative to attending a [traditional college]," they wrote in a 2007 paper. Black Colleges Need a New Mission
  • This was what Helena was thinking of this night, as she outwatched the stars, and knew by his tale half-told that the Dictator would soon be leaving her, in all probability for ever. The Dictator
  • Assigning extra weight to clutch plays, along with other aspects of the win probability model used by ESPN, tends to make Total QBR more of an explanatory or retrodictive statistic than a predictive one. NYT > Home Page
  • Common Probability Distributions: A Compendium which covers numbers of useful distributions for modeling of random data.
  • This triangle has an elementary use in probability and combinatorics, and both the series of triangular numbers and the Fibonacci series can be derived from it.
  • I entirely agree with you on the a priori probability of geitonogamy being more advantageous than autogamy; and More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
  • The features of public administration decide the maximum probability of non - liability and it also restricts the effective realization of liable administration.
  • Conclusion: GPS can reflect the glaucomatous visual field loss. Heidelberg retina tomograph glaucoma probability score can be used for diagnosis and observation of CACG.
  • By using the backward differential argument and the Markov property of the external process, we derive the integral equation satisfied by the probability of ruin.
  • Firstly, after discussing the acquisition scenarios, acquisition method, and scan pattern in acquisition technique of optical intersatellite communication, the acquisition probability is studied.
  • The first part described the game of faro and is of little importance other than showing that Daniel was learning about probability at this time.
  • The paradox of narrative politics is that it is the very improbability of the campaign that gives it plausibility.
  • The reasoning was: "Boiling has killed all forms of vitality _in_ the flask; by the hermetical sealing nothing living can gain subsequent access to the fluid; therefore, if living organisms do appear when the flask is opened, they must have arisen in the dead matter _de novo_ by spontaneous generation, but if they do never so arise, the probability is that they originate in spores or eggs. Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885
  • He looked at each of the closest planets and their moons, contemplating each one's probability to hold an alien base.
  • The probability of three bones having evolved to their current configuration is not necessarily insuperable, especially since you're talking about a difference of degree in functionality, not a bridge from virtually zero functionality to full functionality. Bradley Monton's Paper criticizing Dover Decision
  • You, on the other hand, are a sour-graper, a dead-ender, and exhibit a high probability of showing up on CNN as the perpetrator of some kind of gun crime, probably the slaughter of your own family, or perhaps a handful of coworkers. Think Progress » Right-Wing Think Tank Advocating Two-Year U.S. Troop Escalation In Iraq ‘Has The President’s Ear’
  • And I predict with a high probability of being right, the Saddam execution video will be online at or similar sites, probably within a day. The creepy death watch...
  • I would bet (a small amount of money) that the uncertainty in the parameters is instead represented across runs, such that the probability distributions of the various parameters are resampled for each individual realisation (run). Earth's climate crashes in 2013 « Climate Audit
  • After the Second World War, van Dantzig changed topics and worked on probability and statistics.
  • The probability that all n values are in the lower q fraction of the codomain is p = qn How do evolutionary processes create information? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Any effects of rhino horn are almost certainly placebo effects, of which scarcity, improbability, and high cost play a part.
  • Firstly, after discussing the acquisition scenarios, acquisition method, and scan pattern in acquisition technique of optical intersatellite communication, the acquisition probability is studied.
  • I (x) of the archetype's text (message x) is The expression on the right is the logarithm of the multinomial probability of the particular set of numbers PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Twenty-four hour electrocardiographic monitoring is indicated when there is an increased probability of identifying an arrhythmic cause for syncope.
  • In some problems in quantum transition, time-dependent perturbation theory gives the first order approximation of transition probability amplitude.
  • The first step is identifying key risks, which tend to be low probability but very high impact. Times, Sunday Times
  • Probability Travel. You and friends physically enter Astral Plane.
  • When sex determination is under zygotic control, the probability of an individual being male depends upon its genotype rather than that of its mother.
  • High scores had a probability of as high as 16 per cent. Times, Sunday Times
  • In short, the overwhelming probability is that the structure of the human brain is designed to provide phenomenal experiences.
  • The probability of parasitism may vary among hosts because differences in their behaviors assist cowbirds in locating nests.
  • Based on information currently available, the FDA believes the probability of serious adverse health consequences is remote; however if a consumer were to swallow an affected caplet, it could result in minor stomach discomfort and/or possible cuts to the mouth or throat. Acetaminophen Tylenol Brand Substitute Found to Have Metal Pieces in Pills
  • Patients with a low probability of septic arthritis can be safely observed without aspiration.
  • The results show that the probability distribution characteristic of the vertical permeability coefficient in fissured rock zone is much close to the log-normal distribution.
  • Wc have now a less pleasing part of our duty to perform; and that is, to point out several passa* ges which appeartotis unguard - ed, to say the least; and whicit will, in all probability, lead some of the author's numerous read - ers into error. The Panoplist (and Missionary magazine) conducted by an association of ...
  • Empirically a scientific fact has a higher probability of being correct, and should be considered on that basis.
  • A novel channel selection algorithm is proposed based on the prediction of the probability of channel being idle.
  • Given an effect to be accounted for, and there being several causes which might have produced it, but of the presence of which in the particular case nothing is known; the probability that the effect was produced by any one of these causes _is as the antecedent probability of the cause, multiplied by the probability that the cause, if it existed, would have produced the given effect_. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • Packet dropping probability with delay constraint was analyzed for the basic access mechanism, and the accuracy of the proposed analytical model was verified by simulation.
  • Spatially structured populations differ from unstructured populations in the probability of fixation and the time that this fixation takes.
  • A fall in interest rates is a probability in the present economic climate.
  • It states: [The International Commission for the Conservaiton of Atlantic Tunas] Scientific Committee concluded (1) that there was a 95% probability that BFT [bluefish tuna] had declined to the extent that it would qualify for an Appendix I listing. Biodiversity 100: actions for Asia
  • By ‘it is clear’, I mean that the facts establish this as a strong probability.
  • The probability of a more recently established canopy tree of smaller stature overtopping its taller neighbors is low.
  • Unlike the saga, it binds the conscience neither of teller nor of listener; its hero or heroine has no historical name or fame, either national or local; and being untrammelled either by history or probability, the one condition the tale is expected to fulfil is to end happily. The Science of Fairy Tales An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology
  • Ply - level failure probability is evaluated by the first order reliability method.
  • The probability of winning lottery prizes are the basic risk dimensions that may help determine whether a person gambles on a particular activity in the first place.
  • P (pr (A) = x) 0 where ˜P™ is the agent's subjective probability function, and ˜pr (A)™ is the assignment that the agent regards as expert. Interpretations of Probability
  • So today's version of the Razor in probability theory, corresponds to one interpretation of the words, but other interpretations could generate different mathematical realisations.
  • So the main thing to remember is that when measuring for specificity, measure all specified patterns of the same probability (based on what causes the patter to be specified whether function, or compressibility [average distribution], or other) against all possible patterns not specified. A Modest Proposal (By a Somewhat Modest Engineer)
  • The Ehrenfests (1912) paper was the first to recognize these questions, and to provide a partial answer: Assuming a certain hypothesis of Boltzmann's, which they dubbed the ergodic hypothesis, they pointed out that for an isolated system the micro-canonical distribution is the unique stationary probability distribution. Boltzmann's Work in Statistical Physics
  • The probability model governing the ball-in-urn model is the multivariate hypergeometric distribution. The Volokh Conspiracy » Welcome to Washington, Mr. Ricci:
  • Objective probability applies to those events which have been tested previously and found to come up with consistent results.
  • A new inequality probability sampling-adaptive cluster sampling (ACS) is presented, which includes the conception, characteristics, the two basic estimators of ACS and some reviews.
  • The probability of conceding a free kick in the danger zone is reduced. Times, Sunday Times
  • The very system of uranography which maintains itself to the present day on our celestial globes and maps, and which is still acknowledged -- albeit under protest -- in the nomenclature of scientific astronomers, came in all probability from this source, reaching us from the Arabians, who took it from the Greeks who derived it from the Babylonians. The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 4. (of 7): Babylon The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
  • Importance sampling involves evaluating the integrand at independently sampled realizations from a probability distribution that is roughly proportional to the integrand.
  • The failure probability of a high arc dam is given.

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