How To Use Privation In A Sentence

  • Giving is the highest expression of potency. In the very act of giving, I experience my strength, my wealth, my power. This experience of heightened vitality and potency fills me with joy. I experience myself as overflowing, spending, alive, hence as joyous. Giving is more joyous than receiving, not because it is a deprivation, but because in the act of giving lies the expression of my aliveness. Erich Fromm 
  • Racism is a tragedy beyond socioeconomic deprivation; it speaks of the total deprivation of the church today.
  • Punters and racegoers have felt only a sense of deprivation through the snow and ice of recent weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • She goes from being a Southern belle, who's never been able to do anything practical, to someone who learns to survive under the most terrible circumstances of war and deprivation.
  • The security services used harsh methods of sensory deprivation against prisoners. Times, Sunday Times
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  • This book is an unremitting account of misery, privation, and pointlessness in a world of dun landscapes, tormenting insects, malnutrition, and cultural stagnancy.
  • He points out that where such extreme early deprivation is followed by nurturant care there is some improvement in speech, intelligence and social skills.
  • But the painted kerbing and the gaily-coloured banners can't disguise the extent of the social and educational deprivation of this community.
  • Crews endure loneliness, sensory deprivation, disorientating microgravity and the anxiety of knowing the vacuum of space is kept from them by an aluminium hull just a few millimetres thick.
  • The only answer to the lies of the neo-fascists is to remove the causes of deprivation and environmental neglect by creating educational and job opportunities on the neglected estates and inner-cities.
  • They endured five years of privation during the second world war.
  • Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation.
  • He notes a case where a user inhaled the gas from a mask directly attached to a medical gas tank, lost consciousness, and subsequently died from oxygen deprivation.
  • Sleep deprivation can disrupt the production of hormones that are involved in controlling hunger. Times, Sunday Times
  • The applicants have claimed that their removal and detention constituted wrongful imprisonment and deprivation of liberty.
  • For the first time in 40 years Horizon re - creates a controversial sensory deprivation experiment.
  • They were officially internees, rather than prisoners, and life, although monotonous and full of deprivation, was not brutal.
  • Perhaps this was a long-term reaction to the deprivation that he suffered during his twenties in a gulag labour camp. Times, Sunday Times
  • I fancy it was delightless to the husband as to the wife - just turning her twenty-first year, and learning for the first time in her sheltered life the taste of privation. Marion Harland's autobiography : the story of a long life,
  • Grief, loneliness, poor health, financial worries, social deprivation all contribute to a feeling of acute depression.
  • Yet, people are more prone to make mistakes when sleep deprivation and all the other perplexities of the race take their accumulative toll.
  • The sudden sensory deprivation is not going to render a grown man or even small child insensible and throw them into fits of panic.
  • The central question is whether these are the only two viable alternatives — regimented sleep deprivation satisfying corporate America or unregimented sleep deprivation governed by one's own neuroses? Late Night with Richie
  • But the symptoms of deprivation are much the same as those of excess, and I am left weak and drained, an empty husk until I take another dose.
  • The fight for survival was the topical issue in Italy after World War II and privations, hardships and misery were everywhere.
  • It was a view echoed in Britain not so long ago by those who spoke of the ‘cycle of deprivation’ which afflicted the poor and the working class.
  • Before this weary conflict came to a close, nearly every Boer family was gathered in from the perils and privations of the war-wasted veldt; and so, while nearly 30,000 burghers were detained as prisoners of war at various points across the sea, their wives and children, to the number of over 100,000, were tenderly cared for in English laagers all along the line of rails or close to conveniently situated towns. With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back
  • Among the items on the second list were stress positions for up to 45 minutes, sleep deprivation for up to 72 hours and use of muzzled dogs.
  • We don't want New Zealand's good name muddied by links for the torture of prisoners, which is reputed to include beatings, electric shock treatment, and sleep, food and water deprivation. New Zealand Herald - Top Stories
  • What I didn’t expect was that after so long on this diet, the old animal product foods I used to eat just don’t seem like food anymore, so there’s no feeling of deprivation.
  • He could not find an adequate motive in Mr. Butler's life of pinching and privation.
  • This sluggishness is not sleep deprivation - it's poison. Introducing... The Ferrett's New Web Comic!
  • There are holes in the material and it is roughly stitched together, its shabbiness evoking the deprivations of post-war Europe.
  • That makes for an overwhelming amount of sleep deprivation!
  • Other in vitro studies showed that the same cannabinoid could protect against neuronal death in response to hypoxia and glucose deprivation in cell culture conditions, but this effect was not mediated by CBI or CB2 receptors.
  • But it must be recognized that this is a Venezuelan conceptualization of socialism, a Latin American conceptualization, responding to all the deprivations that are characteristic of the region.
  • Newborns with monocular congenital or dense cataracts are at risk for developing deprivation amblyopia.
  • Yet huge swathes of poverty, deprivation and overcrowding still persist. Times, Sunday Times
  • He copes well with the sleep deprivation and hardship but the lack of company for more than ten weeks is always a struggle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sleep deprivation is one of the most acute problems in the armed forces. Times, Sunday Times
  • For this is one of many areas in London where conspicuous wealth rubs shoulders with deprivation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Given their workload, cuddling or talking to children is a luxury, and emotional deprivation an inevitable outcome.
  • Once there, Anson Burlingame, with his gentle manner and courtly presence, drew from those enfeebled castaways all the story of the burning of the vessel, followed by the long privation and struggle that had lasted through forty-three fearful days and across four thousand miles of stormy sea. The Boys' Life of Mark Twain
  • As well as the influence of parents and deprivation, sugars and fats in junk food, confectionery and soft drinks are a cause of concern. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plot is strained and the back-stories of deprivation can feel like a counsellor's casebook, yet most of the characters have the ring of truth and Coghlan has an ear for street talk.
  • In each case the violation alleged by those attacking minimum wage regulation for women is deprivation of freedom of contract.
  • How can humans tolerate extreme oxygen deprivation at very high altitudes?
  • Such headaches, for me, are provoked by stress, sleep deprivation, and dehydration.
  • The resulting interviews document the women's experiences of wartime deprivation, courtship and marriage, immigration, and adaptation to American life.
  • The properties of plasma membrane vesicles from wheat roots are also affected by deprivation of the intact plants.
  • It's a thriller about courage and ingenuity during the escape, and deprivations Vili survived before being saved by a farming family across the Austrian border.
  • THE QUESTION A widely prescribed treatment for prostate cancer, called androgen deprivation therapy, involves reducing levels of androgens - male sex hormones, such as testosterone - that circulate in the blood. Study: Treatment for prostate cancer may increase risk of colorectal cancer
  • But at such moments he recognized in himself, behind the badinage, a cold touch of unhappiness, of deprivation. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • This judicial readiness to sanction rescue was revised in post-war years in the light of Bowlby's work on maternal deprivation.
  • Sleep deprivation can result in mental disorders.
  • Neither is the plea that violence and privation, the sacrifice of the present, may be the price of breaking through to a better future.
  • Dieticians say the survey shows the clear link between obesity and deprivation.
  • Thus, it is essential to monitor urine flow, serum tonicity, and body weight during the deprivation.
  • Others recounted tales of the privations caused by the blockade and the makeshifts necessitated by them.
  • It is comparatively easy to write about deprivation - to record the pathos of living in misery.
  • They used sleep deprivation as a form of torture.
  • Several villages suffered serious privations during their long isolation during the war.
  • Under circumstances of poverty and the consequent privations, it is absurd to say that a Hindu should try to be as openly charitable as his forefathers were in the Golden Era of our civilization.
  • The argumentative tradition, if used with deliberation and commitment, can also be extremely important in resisting social inequalities and removing poverty and deprivation.
  • While the underlying cause of the riots was multi-faceted deprivation some of the incidents were sparked off by police action.
  • deprivation of civil rights
  • Many children who fail to thrive will have suffered neglect and deprivation both of food and emotional warmth.
  • Apart from these inborn defects, deprivation of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) at any time of life interferes with a step in collagen synthesis; the resulting bleeding, bruising, and poor healing are part of the picture of scurvy.
  • It was like a sensory deprivation chamber. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cold is the privation of heat.
  • If this sort of relationship did not happen then maternal deprivation resulted which could lead to crime and delinquency.
  • Singer sets out this point systematically thus: suffering caused by deprivation is bad. Times, Sunday Times
  • No trait is innate in itself, but “certain parts of the information which underly the adaptedness of the whole, and which can be ascertained by the deprivation experiment, are indeed innate” (Lorenz 1965, 40). The Distinction Between Innate and Acquired Characteristics
  • After years of cruel deprivation they seemed to be very contented in a grouchy, ursine, way.
  • Some may have suffered the deprivations, or fought in the Second World War.
  • However, ultimately it might be argued that neither her self-imposed privations nor apparent solicitude qualifies as a genuine ordeal.
  • By happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain and the privation of pleasure.
  • Meat-free" is not a phrase that goes over well in Cuba, an island where long-standing privations have forged a strong, emotional bond with food – especially cuisine that once oinked, mooed or clucked. It's Not Fun To Be A Vegetarian In Cuba
  • The abuse of power is rooted in the abusive family member's extreme emotional deprivation and neediness.
  • The German people also had suffered from the deprivations of war, and the restrictions placed on Germany after World War I caused more pain and suffering.
  • Nutrition deprivation also works wonders on making people more open to suggestion.
  • Studies show that sleep deprivation visibly alters brain activity. The Sun
  • Date: May 1, 2007 2: 13 PM consequences of such condom Valerian nurse name badge pins help loan amortization calc trials CIALIS nefazodone As with auto car insurance policy quote sleep deprivation slots in usa Depressive Disorder pay day loans Infectious blackjack games and social saxon mortgage controlled studies inpatient movies in the 1950s them your doctor credit reporting companies or 20 mg land loans If you are no prescription taken no more dating sites not been play free craps and win cash money disorders such var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '') Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
  • These numbers are likely to change somewhat as Census refines its measure, but they need to change quite a bit to be consistent with what most data tells us about geographic differences in deprivation, and what state-level social and economic policies work best in reducing poverty. Matthew Yglesias » A Better Poverty Measure
  • Long-term sleep deprivation has been linked to weight gain and cancer. The Sun
  • But let's be honest, when you spend 16 hours a day in a delirious state of prandial deprivation, your cravings rival those of a pregnant woman. Sarah Khan: Ramadan Rumblings
  • Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation.
  • In presbyacusis (hearing loss) or deafness, deprivation of acoustic input may result in abnormal cross-modal plastic reorganization. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Researchers are discovering that chronic sleep deprivation harms health, promoting weight gain and diabetes and reducing immunity.
  • The favorite tortures of the Soviet Cheka, or secret police (then called NKVD) in the 1930's and 40's were merciless beatings, confinement in refrigerated cells, week-long sleep deprivation, and endless interrogations. Eric Margolis: Make the Torturers Face Justice
  • For me I'm a little bit claustrophobic, so whenever I've had the sensory deprivation, the gags and the blindfolds and of course the heat I would get panicked.
  • An old-fashioned paper book for Ben - one he had specifically asked for - on sensory deprivation.
  • She had to wonder whether food deprivation had maddened her slightly.
  • Food never tasted so good, but my privations were temporary while his were a longterm condition.
  • Here you have the prime virtue of being a born-again politician: automatic absolution from responsibility for inflicting even more deprivation on the weakest in society.
  • Then came a long period of bodily privation, of daily hunger after food.
  • How long are people prepared to be exposed to sufferings and privations caused by the blockade?
  • If the writer whom I quote has reflected upon the meaning of his words, he has seen that the word privation which he uses is synonymous with non-production, and that consequently those for whose benefit taxes are collected are very truly unproductive laborers. System of Economical Contradictions: or, the Philosophy of Misery
  • He points out that sensory deprivation often leads to disturbances in perception and thinking.
  • There, to the side of the conservation area of elegant Victorian villas, lie the town's large housing estates whose social statistics read like an index of deprivation.
  • This judicial readiness to sanction rescue was revised in post-war years in the light of Bowlby's work on maternal deprivation.
  • Its use as a punishment which consists of the deprivation of liberty was not regarded as sufficient. The Prisons We Deserve
  • The light deprivation leads to a sweeter rhubarb than the summer variety and it has become the connoisseurs' choice for sweet and savoury dishes.
  • New York has substantially worse infant and neonatal mortality than London or Paris and some signs of worse problems of social deprivation.
  • It would be very difficult to run an election campaign in which you said you were going to leave the E.U., as proponents of continued Union membership would insist that this would lead to serious job losses and economic privation.
  • Certain it is, that after he had left the island called La Mona, and when he was approaching the island of San Juan, a drowsiness, which Las Casas calls "pestilential," but which might reasonably be attributed to the privations, cares, and anxieties which the admiral had now undergone for many months, seized upon him, and entirely deprived him for a time of the use of his senses. The Life of Columbus
  • They must be able to make good decisions in guiding the team, and with a maximum of two to three hours of sleep each day, many mushers suffer from severe sleep deprivation, often resulting in failed concentration and hallucinations.
  • Even professional mountaineers are at risk for experiencing "polycythemia," in which the body manufactures too many red blood cells in reaction to oxygen deprivation. high blood pressure of the lung vessels can trigger respiratory failure, which can be deadly. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Someone really must institute a close season for "damns" or they won't any longer be funny on the stage; and, since to laugh in theatres has become a national duty, that, in the present state of the wit market, would be privation indeed. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, February 7, 1917
  • The report has spotlighted real deprivation in the inner cities.
  • The non-professional cast of mostly children assembled for Turtles Can Fly, many of whom bear the scars of real war and deprivation, is uniformly astonishing.
  • Or is it a joyous message about beauty in the face of deprivation? Times, Sunday Times
  • They suffer social ostracism, economic deprivation, educational backwardness and they invariably fall prey to most serious forms of persecution in society - rape, killings, mutilation, arson, destruction of property.
  • My results therefore seem to support the idea that absolute deprivation rather than relative deprivation is important for influencing mortality.
  • After hallucinating from oxygen deprivation in the Himalayas, Haver vowed to ski the Seven Summits.
  • Possibly, by 1933 the party was equally disliked by the town workers; the enthusiasms of 1929 had been dissipated by hunger, privation, overcrowding, and regimentation by party bosses.
  • He had had to cope with unexpected physical pain and with severe bodily privation. THE LONGEST WAY HOME
  • This was retribution for all the years of death and misery and privation. LOHENGRIN
  • Perhaps, for instance, it's proper to derive satisfaction from deprivation of liberty but categorically improper to derive satisfaction from deprivation of life or infliction of physical pain.
  • The condition causes the excretion of calcium and potassium in the urine and may harm the bones and kidneys if carb deprivation is unchecked.
  • The oxygen deprivation and the whole shock of the experience has left him believing he is still in Belgium and that his family are alive.
  • Yet huge swathes of poverty, deprivation and overcrowding still persist. Times, Sunday Times
  • The researchers questioned whether parents of premature infants suffered from deprivation due to their long physical separation from their hospitalized infants.
  • The first lesson to draw from the study is that the longer the children were exposed to deprivation, the worse was their adjustment.
  • This judicial readiness to sanction rescue was revised in post-war years in the light of Bowlby's work on maternal deprivation.
  • The indicators used are often extremely remote surrogates for true risk, and multiple deprivation is rarely treated as interactive rather than additive.
  • Needless to say, those who lived in the inner cities had a high index of deprivation.
  • The sleep deprivation is what worries me. The Sun
  • I’ve always been a sound sleeper, but the condition is intensified by sleep deprivation.
  • Until reality can catch up with aspirations, this emotional deprivation will continue.
  • Researchers found a strong correlation between urban deprivation and poor health.
  • Consequently, I have the utmost respect for all those who served in the war and suffered its deprivations.
  • What is sad is that neither of them can attribute late diagnosis and the attendant complications to social deprivation, poor access to medical care, or any of the factors identified by Fraser et al.
  • At a time when disease, deprivation, danger, and premature death were the norm, people were overwhelmed by fear and ignorance, and they supplicated hidden and mysterious forces that they could not comprehend.
  • But that liberty is not guaranteed absolutely against deprivation, only against deprivation without due process of law.
  • When it comes to deprivation, Bexley sits fairly comfortably in the middle ranks of the country but the Government-compiled figures mask a harsh reality.
  • Sure, the idea of curing sleep deprivation is all right, but what happens if the user has claustrophobia? We’re at Milan Design Week 2010
  • Because they're designed for automobiles, today's cities are leading to a life-threatening level of exercise deprivation.
  • During that time away, he decided to quit his photography job and pursue a Ph.D.—a decision his wife attributed to high-altitude oxygen deprivation.
  • Suicide is often connected with socio-economic deprivation.
  • Sleep deprivation can result in mental disorders.
  • But soon four hours 'deprivation of the drug gave rise to a physical and mental prostration that no pen can adequately depict, no language convey: a horror unspeakable, a woe unutterable takes possession of the entire being; a clammy perspiration bedews the surface, the eye is stony and hard, the noise pointed, as in the hippocratic face preceding dissolution, the hands uncertain, the mind restless, the heart as ashes, the "bones marrowless. The Opium Habit
  • Perhaps this was a long-term reaction to the deprivation that he suffered during his twenties in a gulag labour camp. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the woman denied access, the deprivation is absolute: Either a woman can get a safe and legal abortion, or she cannot. Obama's nominee for Office of Legal Counsel: pregnancy is slavery
  • Guiscardo already was a dead man in Law, and death was likewise welcome to her, rather then the deprivation of her Love; and therefore, not like a weeping woman, or as checkt by the offence committed, but carelesse of any harme happening to her: stoutely and couragiously, not a teare appearing in her eye, or her soule any way to be perturbed, thus she spake to her Father. The Decameron
  • They had withstood siege, hunger and deprivation.
  • Propecia, an exam paper, offers a fuzz deprivation communication dedication in the throw of a anovulant. Article directories Celibataire Urbaine
  • But their property dream has turned into a nightmare of poverty, deprivation and ill health. Times, Sunday Times
  • For even contraries have in a sense the same form; for the substance of a privation is the opposite substance, e.g. health is the substance of disease (for disease is the absence of health); and health is the formula in the soul or the knowledge of it. Metaphysics
  • This brewing democratic revolution, coupled with the murmur within the Russian population against all deprivation of freedom, led to the surge of reform forces within the ruling Communist Party, brought Mikhail Gorbachev to the Kremlin, and before our eyes, led to the collapse of European communist regimes one after another, leading to the dismantling of the Soviet Union. The Coming Revolution
  • First, sleep deprivation lowers levels of the hormone leptin, an absence of which can trigger the overconsumption of carbohydrates.
  • Must people identity coldness with hostility and deprivation; warmth with friendliness, nourishment, closeness and intimacy.
  • I will gladly endure all and every privation; for I am sick, _sick_ of worming secrets from trusting friends, and spying upon those who shelter me. The Lost Despatch
  • The agony of the wilderness represents not just the awful physical, mental and spiritual privations.
  • In the case of fixed nitrogen deprivation the bacteria will produce heterocysts at regular intervals, usually around ten cells apart, along the filament.
  • Past IMF efforts in other regions, including Latin America and Asia, were often seen as heavy-handed and tone-deaf to the privations forced on ordinary citizens.
  • Despite its feetlessness, however, its pathetic podalic privation, this roast turkey-or jumbo facsimile thereof-was moving down the highway at sixty-five miles an hour, traveling faster, farther on its back than many aspiring actresses. Skinny Legs and All
  • Children played in the rubble in the streets, but in spite of their many deprivations people, especially children, were pleasant and cheerful.
  • The group supports the view that nature deprivation is at the root of an increasing number of mental disorders today.
  • Lost in the jungle for several weeks, she miraculously survived its privations (hunger, thirst and multiple insect bites), although her two brothers and a nephew did not.
  • Research shows that there is a strong association between socio-economic deprivation and parasuicide (unsuccessful suicide attempt).
  • Those require a different kind of change and we have an appetite for neither its protraction nor its privations. Broken resolutions can be good for you | Hephzibah Anderson
  • By the right of _regale_, on the vacancy of a see through death, resignation, or deprivation of the bishop, the royal officers took possession of the temporalities, that is, the land and revenues, and administered them for the profit of the The Church and the Empire, Being an Outline of the History of the Church from A.D. 1003 to A.D. 1304
  • She spoke of tense meetings as mothers faced a terrible dilemma: keep their children close and have them suffer the privations of the camp, or send them to the other side of the world.
  • Over the past couple of hours a lot of rebarbative, ulcerated and embittered people had been working hard at bedding their resentments down in sensory-deprivation tanks full of alcohol.
  • Bioregionalism is not about deprivation or severely limiting your choices.
  • Those who lived in the inner cities had a high index of deprivation.
  • Recognizing this common structure as a structure of need-deprivation and capacity disablement thus brings to light a genuine commonality in the lives of the oppressed.
  • He had no other subject of conversation with this hybrid: and being equally disposed for hot discourse or for sleep, the deprivation of the one and the other forced him to seek amusement in his famous reading of character; which was profound among the biped equine, jockeys, turfmen, sharpers, pugilists, demireps. The Amazing Marriage — Volume 2
  • They were officially internees, rather than prisoners, and life, although monotonous and full of deprivation, was not brutal.
  • Few expected the ravages of war, and none expected the deprivation of imprisonment.
  • They entered the fragile world of sensory deprivation. Add in the emotional overload from a near-death experience and it makes sense that the miners lost all notion of time.
  • For his own good she frequently reminded him of the horrors and deprivations that would befall him there.
  • A strong musical culture survived the deprivations of slavery.
  • The purpose or reason for the measure was irrelevant when considering whether it constituted objective deprivation of liberty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Economic privation is pushing the poor towards crime.
  • The custumals of Ipswich and Yarmouth provided for fines, temporary suspension from, or even deprivation of, office in the case of sergeants who failed to perform their duties or who stirred up malice between members of the community.
  • Lief and Zarin-Ackerman 1980 noted synonyms for the term deprivation: “disadvantaged, high risk, culturally poor, disorganized and crisis oriented.” Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • +to be+ similarly +loss+, deprivation, +because of the surpassingness of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord+, because of the immeasurable betterness of a spirit-sight of what HE is, in Himself, and as my own; Philippian Studies Lessons in Faith and Love from St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians
  • The effect is rather like being in a sensory deprivation tank, in that you can't move or react at all.
  • They endured five years of privation during the second world war.
  • The greatest burdens of the war - destruction, disruption of life and economic deprivation - have fallen on the rural population.
  • The suspension of his pay and subsistence was no deprivation of his office, any more than shaking off the apples is cutting down the tree.
  • Third degree can, according to the circumstances, consist amongst other methods, of: very simple diet (bread and water) hard bunk dark cell deprivation of sleep exhaustive drilling also in flogging (for more than 20 strokes a doctor must be consulted). Quote of the day
  • His idea of attrition was based on material deprivation; today's rests on abundance.
  • Not only will there he material improvement for the average man, but an end to poverty and privation for all.
  • Three statesmen who occupied leading positions during the World War were so deeply struck by the deprivation of human life and economic resources, by the futility of war as a social institution, and by its amorality, that they became convinced pacifists and throughout the rest of their lives spared no effort to prevent such a calamity from ever again overtaking mankind. The Nobel Peace Prize 1937 - Presentation Speech
  • losing him is no great deprivation
  • Describes the areas in terms of income, employment, education, housing tenure, deprivation, ethnic composition and crime.
  • This is about the link between criminality and deprivation, family dysfunction and poor education.
  • The privations of monastery life were evident in his appearance.
  • It points to a privation of being, to the absence of moral, spiritual being, in Panurge.
  • Young and far from home, they suffer from emotional deprivation and severe isolation.
  • There were the pillarists, like Simeon Stylites, who displayed his asceticism, his privations and penitences high above the market place for all eyes to see.
  • The exceptional case made for Hastings is that it is the poorest town in the region with pockets of severe deprivation.
  • Migration is non-random and is associated with deprivation.
  • It was designed to effect retribution through the deprivation of liberty and the physical endurance of hard labour. Taking Child Abuse Seriously: Contemporary issues in child protection theory and practice
  • Prisoners can also be kept in conditions of physical discomfort and subjected to sensory deprivation. Times, Sunday Times
  • I assume the method works better if it is used after serious sleep deprivation.
  • This kind of sleep deprivation and dedication usually shows up in students only when term projects and finals are upon us.

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