How To Use Pristine In A Sentence
In contrast, George finds great kinship in the pristine and untainted teachings of the Hebrew codifier, Moses.
Thousands of miles of unspoilt coastline, isolated and untouched lakes and pristine mountain ranges are there for the discovering.
Grandfather sold the russets and the codlings and the pippins from his orchard, and those he didn't sell he stored in his pristine white-washed cellar, where huge black hams and sides of bacon were hanging from black hooks.
Chicago's Gene Siskel Film Center dug up a pristine copy of this classic film and scheduled two showings; I was one of the lucky few who got a chance to see it.
handed her his pristine white handkerchief

If you bought the car when your credit was blemished and now it's pristine (or if you had little credit history at all), refinancing can mean a significant drop in rates.
The beautiful and pristine Bangpakong Riverside Country Club was host for a Stableford competition.
The space ship is cluttered with aging technology and tattered furniture - this is not the uniformly pristine and transfigured world of the typical sci-fi flick.
An absolute pristine typical Redesmere roach of old, complete with dab of orange under its chin.
The ground was covered in a pristine layer of snow.
My teeth are in good condition, pristine for a Glasgwegian, my dentist says.
He had been trying to coordinate a week of anti-war campaigning on campus and had just wiped inky fingers across one of the pristine T-shirts.
Clough translated it in 1834, and Hardy has given an interesting summary of it in his Eastern Monarchism; but neither the text nor any complete translation is readily accessible, and I have therefore thought that this edition might possibly be acceptable to those who desire information respecting the practice of Buddhism in Ceylon, where, as is well pointed out by Mr. Childers, in his Pli Dictionary, (s.v. Nibbnam, p. 272, note), Buddhism retains almost its pristine purity.
The Admission and Ordination Ceremonies. III. The Order. Reprinted from a paper by J.F. Dickson, B. A., in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1874.
The restaurant area is pristine, with a loose nautical theme running through the prints and paintings.
Times, Sunday Times
Entering the neighborhood, Phipps had half expected to find the same pristine but characterless dwellings as in Darlington—square boxes that could have been drawn by a child but for the missing squiggle of crayoned smoke coming from their chimneys.
Unearthly Asylum
To one flank rises a sweep of sand dunes that lead off into pristine wilderness.
Times, Sunday Times
John Muir envisioned national parks as pristine wilderness, without domesticated animals.
This arc of pristine sand sweeps around a bay backed by swaying palm trees.
Times, Sunday Times
It offers pristine beaches, unspoilt forests and the second-largest barrier reef in the world.
Times, Sunday Times
The streets are clean, the paintwork pristine and a salad in the local deli is as expensive as a weekly shop.
Times, Sunday Times
Salt water and alcohol were used to restore them to the sparkling, pristine condition in which they can now be seen.
The relaxed daily routine consists of diving or snorkelling near pristine reefs and experiencing the culture and landscape of these remote isles.
Times, Sunday Times
People have fought on land and at sea for millennia, but some see space as a pristine domain, unsullied by human conflict, and want to keep it that way.
I pull a large tin of Belgian-chocolate-covered cookies from my alphabetized pantry (the cookies are between Baking Chocolate and Bisquick) and pry off the green-gold lid to reveal a pristine landscape of un-nibbled butter cookies drizzled with milk chocolate.
Anhedonia (excerpt 2)
During the construction process, Forrest estimated they disturbed another 70 acres that had to be revegetated to its original pristine condition.
Suddenly I was seized with a paroxysm of hot tears as I glanced over the pristine countryside of the San Louis Obispo area through which we were driving on the way to the hospital.
The pitch is in pristine condition and it was a thrill for both teams to be able to play good hurling on such a good surface.
A few cars behind where Guest stood a once pristine bright red, two-seater sports car lay on its back, straddled widthways across the remains of two other vehicles.
She wore a canary yellow chinchilla clutch coat and pristine, satin, white gloves up to her elbows.
Chef Passot was out saying goodnight in his whites, somehow more pristine than our crumbed and wine-smudged selves.
This arc of pristine sand sweeps around a bay backed by swaying palm trees.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the most admirable aspects of sailing and yacht racing is that, using only Nature's powers - the wind and the tide - a sailing craft leaves no flotsam and jetsom in its wake, only pristine waters.
Through the open French windows is a dream beach: a perfect crescent of pristine sand lapped by clear blue water and shaded by tall palm trees.
But the Wekiva watershed - and its springshed, the area where surface water percolates into the aquifer and recharges the springs - is hardly pristine.
Set on the north boundary on a decking platform with a cantilevered shelter over it, it is a single cubic mass, a pristine altar to the outdoor life under a hardwood baldacchino.
Sonically, the Dolby Digital Stereo does a wonderful job of keeping the video game like music in perfect sync with the surroundings and all the voices are pristine and understandable.
I am lucky to have been able to savour the antiquity of the town in its relatively pristine state.
Note that there is no commentary allowed in my pristine, high-toned blog here.
I needn't remind you that this is the very same society that shackles them with its false smile and pristine lies and acts as a drug for the braindead masses.
The bee's honeycombs, pristine hexagons, are symmetrical over several axes.
Joseph's - slow, formal, and pristinely beautiful - is based on the Brazilian martial arts form capoeira.
Instead of a pristine home, the prince was being met by the reek of dampness and ruined walls and flooring.
He found himself on a wild and sparsely inhabited coastline of pristine turquoise coves and macchia-clad headlands.
Times, Sunday Times
Your Honour, rare is the case that is tried where the documentary record is pristine and intact.
The roller skates themselves are neither pristine nor completely decrepit, which is common for skating facilities, while the choice between traditional roller skates and modern inline skates will drastically affect the quality of the skating experience.
Paly Voice
Not fraud, exactly, but neither is it pukka science deserving of that pristine white coat.
The crossing cuts though a tranquil landscape of birch forests and pristine lakes.
Times, Sunday Times
Monpazier is probably the most pristine, with a chessboard layout and arcaded central square.
Times, Sunday Times
Not all these fossils are in pristine condition, however, as taphonomy has taken its toll.
I just kept the wonderful black and gold address book in its pristine condition as a souvenir.
The lake has unchangeably remained the center of attraction for the people world over-but has unfortunately lost its pristine glory over the years due to the ceaseless encroachments of the avaricious residents.
Where East meets West, the old is new, the young are worldly-wise, the wilds are pristine, and the 20 th-century shadows of war are giving way to a hip and happening 21 st-century place to find peace.
But his favourite motor is the Ford Popular he keeps in pristine condition with just 48,000 miles on the clock.
On Cub night I would leave the house in pristine condition, uniform ironed and starched, woggle adjusted to the right position, lanyard gleaming white, my Swiss army knife and my Madras Police whistle polished to perfection.
If you're not prepared to rigorously keep up that pristine appearance, then the ensuing scuff marks, chips and cracks are sadly all too obvious.
Then more whacko tourists would inundate their pristine land of home-grown nuts and fruitcakes.
I have no problem lending my books out because I crease pages, fold down pages, eat while eating, so they're not in pristine condition.
Angels' Blood Countdown: Jory Strong - Ghostland ARC
Finally, there's a sweeping vista of a white beach fringed with coconut palms, with a pristine coral reef.
Then, the snacks will start appearing, in groups of two or three, each one on its own specially designed plate: pristine disks that look like elaborately decorated candies from a Parisian confiserie but taste of salty sesame; crisp, translucent rectangles of raspberry punched up with wasabi’s heat; a thin cracker that tastes purely and intensely of the juiciest tomato you’ve ever eaten.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
That means that millions of acres of old-growth trees won't be cut and some of the most beautiful and pristine wilderness in America will, for now, stay that way.
Michael Brune: Rainforest, USA
His previous album, Conasauga, dwelt almost wholly in Appalachian ruralisms and pristine fingerpicking, and you can hear that ornate classicism in the well-mannered portions of ‘Warpaint’ and ‘The Nest.’
Miramax's Region 1 version possesses a pristine transfer, and is widescreen letterboxed in the aspect ratio 1: 1.66.
Jasmine returned her gaze toward the pristine white of the table cloth, her heart in her shoes.
Perhaps we can now fully understand why some stations that are in “pristine” condition, such as Walhalla, SC, with no obvious microsite biases, get “adjusted” by Hansen’s techniques.
Hansen Frees the Code « Climate Audit
Venezuela also has one of the most diverse climates, with icecapped Andean mountains to the west, Amazon jungle to the south, wide rivers and tall waterfalls surrounded by tabletop mountains and unusual rock formations to the southeast, and a gorgeous, pristine Caribbean coast to the north that has some of the world's finest and exclusive beaches, such as Los
New on
His lyrics are offbeat and whip-smart, while the music is stately and pristine yet very much alive and kicking.
Waves thick with slimy oil bear down on pristine beaches from Texas to Florida.
Times, Sunday Times
The next thing I knew I was seated - uncomfortably - on the saddle of an exercise bike in a pristinely tidy, white room with a futon and velux windows, a wet sock in my hand.
You'll feel thankful that such a pristine wilderness exists - and quickly apprehensive for its future.
Times, Sunday Times
Ahead of us lies 27 km of pristine, sparkling and largely untravelled water.
Remember: many times the filming is done on pristine locations where no one has hunted for days.
The nunber two reason hunters walk out of the duck woods empty handed.
The chairs are all pinkish and soft from massive amounts of use, and the tables are nicely varnished, but not entirely pristine.
The quiet, unobtrusive Scot has gone about his task of having the course in pristine condition.
As I sucked the iceberg piece, contemplating its ancientness, trying to taste the armor of Caesar or the ash of Krakatoa in infinitesimal traces, the pristine cold water seemed to evaporate through my membranes with no intervening stage.
As a card-carrying member of the Wilderness Society, I do not advocate less pristine forest.
Per one of the HDTV tutorials I read online, DirecTV is compressing too many channel into their downlinks, and they are trading off quality with their standard broadcast material (though they still maintain pristine HD channels).
Residents and visitors still are waiting the high tide of June 4th to eliminate all trace of that troublesome deposit and restore the beach to its pristine beauty.
Various hairdressers, tattoo artists and other businesses have worked in the shop and the 1960s vintage costume hire, which specialises in mint condition catsuits, Sergeant Pepper outfits and pristine suits, has done well.
His pristine moral character exemplifies the power of human resolve, perseverance, and faith.
But for me, it was the legacy of Byron and the Shelleys — and thejuxtaposition of such larger-than-life characters in such a pristinebuttoned-down place that gave Lake Geneva its most powerful allure.
Hybrid teas like ‘Double Delight,’ ‘Brigadoon’ and ‘Pristine’ are her favorites, although she has several grandifloras and floribundas mixed in.
Soviet tourists once flocked to Moynaq to swim in the Aral Sea's waters, famed for healing skin diseases, and to sunbathe on pristine beaches.
What I do know is that Muirfield is in pristine condition and has been beautifully presented.
Though fishermen and picnickers sometimes appear in the afternoons or evenings, the lakefront on both sides of the promontory is pristine and undeveloped.
The Wrath of Khan
Pristine glass tea pots show off interesting ingredients, such as fresh ginger and dried tangerines.
All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair. Mitch Albom
The key to the transformation is that the oxygen has increased the number of invertebrate the fish feed on from about five to 30 including freshwater shrimp, water louse and a caddis which only thrives in pristine waters.
This morning I woke to a few young Kauri trees, a couple of twittering fantails and the most crystal blue, pristine sky with a fat orange orb peeking between the trees.
His previous album, Conasauga, dwelt almost wholly in Appalachian ruralisms and pristine fingerpicking, and you can hear that ornate classicism in the well-mannered portions of ‘Warpaint’ and ‘The Nest.’
It was my first time on the wreck and I was surprised to find it lying intact and in pristine condition.
The key to the transformation is that the oxygen has increased the number of invertebrate the fish feed on from about five to 30 including freshwater shrimp, water louse and a caddis which only thrives in pristine waters.
If it is the carvings in their pristine charm that captivates the heart of an art lover, certainly it is the power of the deity that pulls the believer.
Most old coins, British or foreign have no appreciable value unless of gold or silver, or from a low-mint year, or in uncirculated pristine condition.
Other paintings on the pristine white walls echo the views from the terrace doors and side windows.
Times, Sunday Times
So when the early risers turned up to play, they found a course in pristine condition with receptive greens.
Times, Sunday Times
Everything will be clean and pristine and beautifully packaged.
The Sun
He looks even better now with that single bang of silver from his retainer, gliding beautifully over pristine white teeth.
Whatever you buy needs to be of investment grade - meaning in pristine condition, preferably boxed, and the market needs to be liquid.
The pristine, overgrown garden had sat empty for decades.
Times, Sunday Times
In placing value on the pristine, the untouched, and the unpeopled, it fails to question the form of the ultimate relationship between humans and nature.
Remember that land once built on can never be restored to its pristine condition.
He never had black circles under his eyes, nary a spot, and the white coat was always pristine and uncrumpled.
Since at least the early 1970s, when he began recording for the German label ECM, he has practiced a pristine, self-sufficient style, endlessly awake to his instrument's acoustical properties.
NYT > Home Page
Similarly, the big polluted river that snakes its way like a mudflow through the coastal industrial city started out high in the distant mountains as a pristine stream.
In addition the Town Council also ensured that the cemetery was in pristine condition.
The jagged geometry of supersmooth Europa; the idiosyncratic surfaces of the other orbs floating serenely in space; the pristine interstellar vacuum; the inscrutable emptiness of intergalactic space, that immense, echoing, absolutely featureless void enveloping the spinning galaxies: it all serves as a perfect philosophical mirror image, reflecting back the quandary of the species, the limitations of human knowledge.
A Space in Time
Its hues were of white, pearl, and alabaster, and it shone with pristine care and impeccable architecture.
A pristine pool table and the friendliest and most accommodating of waitresses add to the attractions.
One year ago we brought you the Wall House, an elegant small-scale home that challenges the concept of walls with its delaminated construction and a flexible shell that invokes a sky-blown kite or a pristinely unfurled sail.
WALL HOUSE: Build Your Own With Customizable Kit! | Inhabitat
The ship's diving team took the opportunity to progress continuation training in the pristine 31 degrees Celsius waters around the port.
This arc of pristine sand sweeps around a bay backed by swaying palm trees.
Times, Sunday Times
_And -- "sixth and lastly" -- should confession be made that in the present rendering a purely arbitrary title has been assigned this little book; and chiefly for commercial reasons, since the word "dizain" has been adjudged both untranslatable and, in its pristine form, repellantly outre.
It's peaceful and pristine up here away from the hurly-burly of the recreation area.
The pristine, overgrown garden had sat empty for decades.
Times, Sunday Times
‘Woooo,’ they shouted in their uncouth manner, sloshing beer on the pristine white of the slopes.
A tiny red shrimp plies the sandy sea bottom near the pristine coral reefs of Cuba.
Often local residents are interested in commodifying their own natural resources while out of town visitors - with the security of a regular pay check - want to preserve a pastoral landscape in its ‘pristine’ state.
Her skin was no longer the pristine flawlessness that she remembered.
Blue-flowered ‘Ascotiensis’ is another showstopper, while pristine white ‘John Huxtable’ looks especially striking grown through an evergreen.
Top right: the pristine new yard is equipped with football nets and ping-pong tables.
Times, Sunday Times
Their latest album, You Forgot It in People, amazingly encompasses all of it, the anthemic indie, the ambient dub, the free rock, the orchestral jams and the pristine pop.
Before we acquired Tom, our sleek black domestic feline, I'd believed their pristine media image.
Her father took her camping in the Adirondacks one summer in the 1970s[Sentence dictionary], and behind the lean-to at their campsite in the middle of a seemingly pristine forest they discovered a small open-air dump.
Ahead of us lies 27 km of pristine, sparkling and largely untravelled water.
Fifteen years ago this once-pristine bushland held thousands of koalas.
Times, Sunday Times
I was amazed at how pristine a picture the studio was able to wring from the thirty year-old print.
Clean bars of soap, pristine white seats and a little hook to hang up your bag and jacket.
Your feed looks utterly consistent and pristinely manicured.
Times, Sunday Times
The book tells how heavy-hearted the people felt at the decision that had been reached about these pristinely ungifted people.
He was looking at it as though it were an animal, days dead and far gone in putrefaction, that had been malevolently dumped on a pristine altar consecrated to solemn rituals and tended to by votaries of an elite cult.
Florence of Arabia
Scenes in the film show pristine cherry blossoms, wrecked cemeteries and ghostlike policemen searching for corpses.
Three Ways of Looking at a Disaster
Acres of pristine, dirt-free limestone streets and walkways - resembling snaking silver rivers - defy you to even think of dropping a sweet or food wrapper.
The juxtaposition of pristine glass structures and the grimy creatures crawling at their feet makes for an interesting visual contrast.
Reconstruction of pristine forest structure and composition has been made very difficult by the high degree of landscape degradation that has taken place, much of it as the result of swidden agricultural practices.
Southern Annamites montane rain forests
The aviary was the only pristine place in the realm-quite an exorbitance, given the aerial army it would take to protect the place.
Time Streams
Instead of pristine white snow, you'll get a drab gray winter wonderland; instead of an inky-black horse, you'll get a gray nag.
Last week some of the 87 staff were still unpacking crates and the creatives were faced with pristine white walls ready for all the doodles and idiosyncratic squiggles you'd expect in an advertising house.
A single note on pristine white paper and written in a highly cursive hand lay on the pillow.
As a card-carrying member of the Wilderness Society, I do not advocate less pristine forest.
Encrypted discs will now prohibit pristine copies to videotape.
These combine to detract from the beauty of love in its pristine state.
The recent fall of snow, laid in a thick carpet, deadened any sound, adding to the tranquillity and pristine feel of the mountains.
GOD BLESS YOU!" the priest clad in pristine white vestments shouted as he doused the boat and Vitter three times with water from a plastic oyster tub.
Gulf oil spill makes blessing of boats a sad task in La. this year
He said, `You can send a contaminated dollar to Nauru and get a pristine dollar back.
The crossing cuts though a tranquil landscape of birch forests and pristine lakes.
Times, Sunday Times
She points out every aspect of their costume as they perform: the stitchwork, the meticulously shiny buttons, the pristine whiteness of their boots, how everything shimmers and matches, how they move in synch, how rehearsed they are.
Fallin’ Up
To one flank rises a sweep of sand dunes that lead off into pristine wilderness.
Times, Sunday Times
And -- "sixth and lastly" -- should confession be made that in the present rendering a purely arbitrary title has been assigned this little book; chiefly for commercial reasons, since the word "dizain" has been adjudged both untranslatable and, in its pristine form, repellantly
What started as a pristine white shirt on Thursday morning was now really grimy.
Heard here in their original pristine mono with notes by Gene Sculatti that contain quotes from Caldwell (he of the ultra-low "frog" voice), this reissue contains the title hits plus "Dedicated To The One I Love," "Tonight,
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
The noumenon, called suchness or absolute mind, does not exist in a pristine realm above and beyond phenomena, but expresses itself precisely as phenomena.
As the morning passed the bags began to fill and the roadsides were returned to their pristine condition once more.
It is the drive for profit and the anarchic nature of capitalist development that creates concrete monstrosities on pristine sites of natural beauty.
They hobble out of their limousines, bowing in all their pristine, extravagant absurdity.
At least if they remain in pristine condition, they may have a resale value to collectors in about 50 years' time.
The 20-day expedition aimed to uncover relationships between cold-water coral and other bottom-dwelling creatures in a pristine yet "alien" environment, according to the researchers' blog.
Now if by "healthy ecosystem" you mean a system in which fire and rotational grazing is practiced constantly then yes, it does tend to be somewhat controlled, but that's extremely labor-intensive work and trust me, an eastern redcedar will sprout in a beautiful, healthy pristine patch of short or midgrass prairie just as quickly as it will an eroded gully.
Kill Some Trees On Earth Day
Washing machine for sale - only 2 months old and in pristine condition.
He has been responsible for the pristine condition of the Liffeyside Park.
They have discovered that the length of the time we have now been in commission has rotted our ships and wasted our crews, and that with the entireness of our crews and the soundness of our ships the pristine efficiency of our navy has departed.
The History of the Peloponnesian War
Pristine white beaches with beautiful bays are within easy reach, and although rooms are hard to come by in high summer, it is possible to camp on the dunes without incident.
My trip home had some pristine moments of unanticipated humour.
So when the early risers turned up to play, they found a course in pristine condition with receptive greens.
Times, Sunday Times
Throughout his career, Sturr integrated pristine formalism with a tender humanism.
In fact, so peril-fraught is cyberspace indeed that I must never permit my pristine browser to trespass there.
October 12th, 2005
The exact location of the cave will be kept secret to protect the art, which is in pristine condition.
Thereafter life consisted of lazy swims in a pristine pool atop a hill looking over to North Africa.
Of course, mine was in pristine condition!
The Sun
But if you have the spare cash and want your figures in pristine condition to display then new figures is the way to go.
SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1175
Still, the choreography leavens the process with sudden ruptures in the pristine order.
Instead of candles, they used glow sticks - the better to avoid sullying the Central district's pristine streets with wax drippings.
The interiors of the church remain the same and have been maintained in pristine condition.
While the car 's exterior looked pristine, the inside was torn apart by the bear.
Times, Sunday Times
These valleys form part of a magnificent expanse of contiguous pristine valleys-a complex of giant trees unparalleled on Vancouver Island.
In Bhutan, cows and yaks graze, rice and wheat grow, and people live up and down terraced land that seems to kiss endless blue sky above and melt into pristine waters below.
If I want to eat chocolate, I select pristine Hershey squares.
The shola trees, which were natural absorbents, were a fount of natural water sources, says gourmet cheese-maker K. Balakrishnan, who has seen Kodai in its days of pristine beauty.’
The pristine condition of these seals indicates that they were never actually used.
Combine the pleasures of both with holiday red amaryllis and pristine white tulips and fragrant hyacinths.
The wind chill factor on the roof of the alps puts the temperature at about minus 10C but we wade knee-deep in pristine powder, waving our arms and skylarking like the Beatles in Help.
Few people now venture into the water, and the pristine early-morning waves that surfers usually fight over remain unridden.
Times, Sunday Times
However, lack of law enforcement in the area is leading to both visitors and investors despoiling the pristine area.
The relaxed daily routine consists of diving or snorkelling near pristine reefs and experiencing the culture and landscape of these remote isles.
Times, Sunday Times
The dive sites are pristine, with fewer divers and an increased chance of seeing large pelagics.
Here Kun tossles and jars the untouched environments that painters such as Thomas Cole and Frederic Church perfected by adding disjointing products of conspicuous consumption and human activity into the pristine landscape paintings.
The Election and Art Swimming in my Head
All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair. Mitch Albom
Within an enclosed compound, you discover a pristine, high-ceilinged exhibition space that occupies a renovated factory building.
He noticed conveyor belts with shrink-wrapping machines and off on the other side of the beat-up warehouse, transparent pneumatic doors leading into a pristine clean room with racks of video-duplicating equipment.
State of the Union
Yes, maybe a tiny, tiny smidgeon, but the difference is so negligible that it is borderline asinine to risk a fake 1961 Ducru when one can almost certainly find pristine bottles of the 1966 and buy and drink them with confidence.
Natural wines, premox, chenin blanc, 07 Port and Rhone – John Gilman | Dr Vino's wine blog
The pitch was pristine, the sky cloudless, the air breathless and his attack was a mixture of the inexperienced and the nondescript.
Times, Sunday Times
He never had black circles under his eyes, nary a spot, and the white coat was always pristine and uncrumpled.
They were part of our lifetime, and their ephemera exists, pristine and whole, not yet chipped or broken, faulty with age, and to me, they are proof positive that monsters are real.
Scott Mitchem on Lunch Break discusses three ways to experience the best of Brazil - at a pristine eco-reserve (Fernando de Noronha), a surf-happy city (Florianópolis) and a contemporary cultural center (Belo Horizonte).
Have It Your Way
Although the market guides nearly all of the serious kitchens on the Westside, Fig is a particularly dedicated disciple - the restaurant even goes so far as to designate an official "forager" who's charged with sourcing only the most pristine produce.
Hybrid teas like ‘Double Delight,’ ‘Brigadoon’ and ‘Pristine’ are her favorites, although she has several grandifloras and floribundas mixed in.
Every meal they served us banquet style was pristine, filled with the day's freshest catch, including plenty of squid (also known as cuttlefish in these parts), as they were in season. Recent Updates
In its pristine state it consisted of a double row of three great open arches, with the wind blowing through them, and the sunshine falling aslantwise into them, while the bustle of the market, the sale of fish, flesh, or fruit went on within, or brimmed over into the streets that enclosed them on every side.
Passages from the French and Italian Notebooks, Complete
The beauty of Thai beaches is the stuff of folklore: pristine, clean and untouched.
It is the only continent we haven't yet wrecked, a pristine land left untouched by the frigid armies of disillusion, and a fit setting for playing out high - if harsh - ideals and aspirations.
Throughout the region, pristine beaches, bustling towns and breathtaking blue waters were turned into brown, foul-smelling, debris-strewn places of death.