How To Use Primer In A Sentence
Graphic designer Paul Thurlby brings a distressed retro-modern sensibility to capital letters with "Paul Thurlby's Alphabet" Templar, 64 pages, $16.99 , a stylish take on the traditional abecedarian primer.
Tales of Snow and Blue Horses
It also provides a condensed primer to some of the issues at stake in American avant-garde cinema, which, partly because of its historical opposition to the dictates of commercial mainstream moviemaking and partly because it resists commodification unlike, say, abstract painting, oppositional cinema doesn't rack up big sales at Sotheby's, has been relegated to the status of museum pieces and festival marginalia.
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Aquesta mòdul superior actuava d’eix central, a partir del qual s’organitzaven els diferents espais de la biblioteca: un primer anell a l’interior, amb els prestatges dels llibres, i en el perimetre de la biblioteca, els punts i les sales de lectura.
Projecte per a la Biblioteca de la Universitat de Washington | [bauen]
I wouldn't mind getting a primer from some reputable person with experience running houseboys, or houseboys who are willing to share their experiences.
These rules all have their origin in the grammar primers of the 18th century.
Times, Sunday Times

Instead of or in addition to a bonding primer, a bonding additive can be stirred into the first of two topcoats.
The template and primer were annealed by briefly heating at 80°C and cooling to room temperature.
Gaustad's work is unique in this regard and will serve as one of the best historical primers on the subject for years to come.
Esta Relaçion saco por mandado del Gouernador destas yslas miguel de loarca Vz° de la Villa de areualo Vno de los primeros que en ellas entraron curioso é estas cosas y asi la tengo por çierta y Verdadera --
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
The oligo primer was end labeled using T4 polynucleotide kinase.
Una primera va de anlisis podra descansar en las ideas clsicas de Durkheim, cuya concepcin sobre la funcin amicable de la religin sugiere ver en este tipo de prcticas un hecho social, donde la sociedad es una especie de ser higher criminal el que sus miembros establecen relaciones de dependencia y subordinacin.
Archive 2009-12-01
Species-specific primers were developed to amplify the PBP gene region, and three individuals were sequenced directly from these PCR products.
I might add that in my lot of 1936 era ammunition, most of the primers have gone bad so be careful if your experience a misfire or hang fire when using old military stores.
The zinc phosphate-coated bodyshell then gets a coat of primer which provides more corrosion protection, along with a good base for the colour coat itself.
Where colonial children had pious primers " In Adam ' s fall, we sinned all " , today ' s children have a fantastic variety of abecedarian books.
After Uplift, Ka-Chow!
It is available in nine calibers - two rifle and seven pistol - and features Longbow non-toxic frangible bullets and non-toxic heavy metal-free primers.
My primer also absorbs excess oil and is packed with calming ingredients like chamomile, which is a rock star ingredient in the winter since it reduced redness that can be a result of harsh winds.
Napoleon Perdis: Ace Your Base: Tips to Winter-Proof Your Skin
Four microliters of the diluted mix were used as template for the preselective amplification reaction using primers with one selective nucleotide at the 3'-end.
Agnus Dei, "a porthouse with the pope's name in the Callender in many places", a piece of an old primer in parchment, a piece of an old book of sermons, and an old Mass-book.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
You may remember that "primers" are the simple books used to teach small children, like the Dick and Jane reading series, My Little Book of Dinosaurs, or So You Want to be a Lobbyist.
Richard (RJ) Eskow: Republican "Fifth Column" Strikes Financial Commission. Are YOU Next?
These primers were used together and in combination with the universal primers as appropriate.
He welcomes any professional updates or addenda to his primer.
The genotypes were confirmed by sequencing both sense and antisense strands using forward and reverse primers in separate reactions.
First, a primer for the uninitiated: Similar to racquetball, squash is played in a four-walled court, and the ball is smacked against the front wall.
The bare metal was sprayed with several coats of primer.
All were loaded with the bullet seated .010-inch off the rifling, in Winchester cases with CCI large rifle magnum primers.
The result is a diesel Primera that's now as accelerative to 62 mph as its 2.0-litre petrol alternative, but is still just as fuel and tax efficient.
First, encapsulate the peeling paint by applying a couple of coats of thick primer.
A total of 34 microsatellite primers, polymorphic in their respective species, were selected in this study (30 bovine [Bos taurus], 2 ovine [Ovis aries], and 2 caprine [Capra hircus]).
Ja es va fer una primera projecció el passat 1 de maig … però encara tenim una altra oportunitat per a veure-la: serà el proper 6 de maig, demà mateix, al Hall del CCCB, a les 18h.
Pel·licula: Tsukushi Public Library | [bauen]
He promises that there are no insoluble puzzles in the story - if you pay attention, Primer eventually gives up all its ghosts.
The sequences for the primers used are indicated by arrows in Figure 1.
Primers and endonucleases are used in the cloning of the various constructs.
Bodies based on Truchet's system appear to have been used throughout the 18th century by the Imprimerie royale, until a 'millimetric' point of 0.4 mm was introduced at the Imprimerie impériale in about 1810 by Firmin Didot.
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Paint each plate rail with primer and two coats of white enamel.
Despite its title, it is not intended to be either a textbook or a primer on specific debates among historians.
The PPG Aerospace chromate-free depaint / repaint process includes a new exterior epoxy primer based on nanotechnology and an adhesion promoter PPG manufactures under license from Boeing, according to Alan Schoeder, PPG Aerospace commercial coatings global segment manager.
That standard edition of _Diane de Lys_ which has enabled us to pick up such a pleasant _coquille d'imprimerie_ contains three shorter stories
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
Lead is a key component in primers as well as bullets, and is responsible for holding together other chemicals that create the controlled explosion of the primer.
At some point, we acquired 50 Remington 12-gauge brass shells that accepted large pistol primers and 11-gauge wads.
A UV curable primer and clear topcoat, which use a hybrid cure mechanism for enhanced performance, have been developed.
Je voudrais, seulement pour un jour, retourner à Rome prier sur la tombe de Jean Paul II pour lui exprimer toute ma reconnaissance filiale pour son pardon", ajoute-t-il.
Mehmet Ali Agca,Pope John Paul II's Would-Be Assassin, embraces the Catholic Faith! IMPORTANT INFO ADDED
E. coli and 25 µg/ml for M. smegmatis; and hygromycin B, 100 µg/ml for oppA (Rv1280c) of M. tuberculosis was amplified from cosmid MTCY50 using the primer pair
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In a cutaway view of a cartridge case, we can see that the bottom of the primer pocket is quite thin compared to the rest of the base.
El F-22 Raptor es un avión monoplaza diseñado para la superioridad aérea, de ahí que su designación oficial actual sea F-22A (F por fighter - "caza" - y A por ser la primera versión). - Business News
The cDNA clones were sequenced from both ends using standard forward and reverse primers.
I've been for the last couple of years, looking at children's books, looking at primers that kids read in first grade and second grade, over this century.
They are hard anodized to resist wear, and in place of a primer is an extremely tough material that cushions the firing pin and is said to be good for 3,000 impacts.
I use a 16 ga Parker choked cyl & Lmod my favorite losd - Activ Hull, Rem209P primer, 21.0 grn SR-7625, activ G32 wad pushing 1oz of #6 Bismuth 1220fps @~9200 psi. squeaky clean, easy shooting, deadly load.
Rethinking Pheasant Loads
The metal should then be primed with a rust-resistant primer.
Do-it-yourselfer Q&A
The AR rifles should be used with MILSPEC primers, meaning that they aren't that sensitive.
The Rifleman's Badge of Honor
The primer sequences are labeled A - F and each sequence is in boldface.
Está masa electoral está integrada por 9 millones 111 mil 162 ciudadanos, 715 mil 972 analfabetos y, cuatro sectores que, por primera vez sufragan por así disponerlo la Constitución: 55 mil 066 militares, 39 mil 501 policías, 507 mil 534 adolescentes entre 13 a 18 años, y 86 mil 426 extranjeros con cinco o más años de residencia en el país.
Global Voices in English » Ecuador: President Correa Wins Reelection
Yes | No | Report from matt wasson wrote 2 weeks 1 day ago what about using an epoxy in the back to mount a bolt that will go thru barn wood that I can affix using a nut my buddies dad even incorparated the used shell into the mount but cutting the brass in half and then putting the part where the primer is so it could be seen??
I'm looking to mount a set of antlers from an 8 point I harvested this year.
Il fait tout ce qui depend de lui pour supprimer la premiere et assurer la seconde.
Between War and Peace
Last step was sanding with 400 grit sandpaper to get a smooth but imperfect surface for the primer to bind to.
In a not-so-obvious way, the book and the journal serve as a preschool primer in anger-management therapy.
You can buy primers from other brands.
Times, Sunday Times
Contenant les procédés et nouvelles découvertes, la fabrication du minium, celle d'une nouvelle substance pour la couverte, celle des couleurs vitrifiables, l'art d'imprimer sur faïence et porcelaine, et un vocabulaire de termes techniques et chimiques: avec gravures ...
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
This Ars piece makes the case for more "extensibility" and interoperability en route to a primer on "Seed".
Almost effortless
I'm still plowing through the boxes of stuff, and came across a book I swiped from my parents' shelf: a ‘Red Primer for Children and Diplomats.’
The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry.
By necessity, this is a primer, the barest outline drawn from a vast and growing literature on the subject.
The boxes below the bar indicate the positions of the strand-specific primers used for the detection of dsRNA: the blank boxes are sense-strand-specific primers (sense, +243 to +223, and sense*, +415 to +395), and the black ones are primers for the AS strand (AS, − 16 to +5, and AS*, − 68 to − 48).
PLoS Biology: New Articles
Since Ms. Saunders apparently missed Introductory Economics in college, herewith a very brief primer on the effects of price controls in consumer credit markets.
He soon made friends with the Maoris and learnt their language well enough to compile a primer in pidgin-Maori, 'A Korao no New Zealand; or, the New Zealander's First
The Poems of Henry Kendall With Biographical Note by Bertram Stevens
The primer was supposed to have smoothed out the ridge of the edge, making it one smooth flat surface.
Alkyd and acrylic primers, pigmented with titanium white, have largely replaced white lead in oil as grounds for oil painting.
As I've noted before, the Primera is extremely surefooted and I've now discovered that it holds the road well in ice and snow.
You will need to use a melamine primer on the doors, so that the new paint will adhere to the surface, then choose new handles.
És el que estem fent ara: ens ha fallat el primer ponent de la tarda, i ens hem empescat una petita ronda de presentacions de les entitats que hem organitzat tota aquesta gran festa.
Liveblogging (6): Jornades àtic2a 2009, qüestions del directe | [bauen]
Allow the primer time to dry before reinserting the points, clips, or strips and applying the glazing compound.
When you said "primero", I feel that you wanted to translate "first of all", right?
New to forum
We quickly learned that those cases were from their new non-toxic primers, which contained no lead or other heavy metals such as barium and antimony.
The extension mechanism is described in Part 0 (the primer) of the W3C XML Schema recommendation.
The positions of primers used for PCR amplification and sequencing and the diagnostic PstI site are indicated.
Invece, credo che un film basato su metafore semplici anche infantili sia in grado di esprimersi quanto qualsiasi altro film, purché si tratti di buoni film.
No Fat Clips!!! : Frat
Load in rifle and extract to see if the primer is stil protruding.
Paper Versus Meat
Unlike finish paints, shellac-base primer-sealers, such as Zinsser's B-I-N, will adhere to all cabinet surfaces-painted, polyurethaned, unfinished, Formica, plastic, metal and glass-to form a sound base for the topcoat.
Prime the walls with a calcimine covering primer or oil based primer and paint the surface.
As a primer, it's not bad, and as a splashproof topcoat it's pretty good, but its best quality?
Times, Sunday Times
Aluminum siding, however, has a baked enamel finish so it can be sanded or scuffed up, then primed with a special etching primer developed just for this purpose.
Conclusion: The designed primers and probes by using bioinformatics methods were reasonable and it was practical to use oligo-chip as a diagnostic technique for the sexually transmitted diseases.
Cody carved them out of urethane and polystyrene foam, coated them with primer or plaster and painted them blue, pink and white.
As a general rule, the sequence is primer and undercoat on the woodwork, followed by two coats of emulsion on the walls, then a careful top coat around the woodwork.
When hardened, smooth down with abrasive paper, then seal with plaster primer.
She introduced herself and said she recognized me from my show Primer Impacto, where I was the coanchor.
Make Your Life Prime Time
The blues is often referred to as a "living heritage," and Primer's blend of rootsiness and innovation demonstrate exactly what that should mean.
Chicago Reader
The attached glucose is believed to serve as the primer required by glycogen synthase.
As a general rule, the sequence is primer and undercoat on the woodwork, followed by two coats of emulsion on the walls, then a careful top coat around the woodwork.
First-strand cDNA was synthesized with an oligo primer from total RNA extracted from scutella of germinating seeds.
Quando algun entraua en Casa de Algun prinçipal de noçhe contra la voluntad de su dueño tenia pena de muerte y era costumbre quando se cojia alguno destos dalle primero tormento por saber si lo auia enbiado algun otro prinçipal y si confesaua auer sido mandado tenia pena de esClauo y El que lo enbio tenia pena de muerte de la qual podia librar se pagando cantidad de oro por El delito.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
In her tutorial, Zohra cuts a bullet of lipstick out of its tube before condensing it down and blending it with a face primer.
Use a fine artist's brush to touch in sports of bare metal, scratches and chips with a metal primer.
The most common blooper today occurs with handloads that deliver sub-standard levels of performance because either the powder charge is insufficient or there isn't any powder and only the primer is firing.
The classical Sinawali, a double-stick style popular in the Central Luzon plains, is fluid and requires ambidexterity - a primer for the sword and dagger system.
Notes from the peanut gallery
They also make paints for wood or concrete floors and masonry as well as the requisite undercoat and primer paints.
For the uninitiated, the book is a good primer for those readers seeking an introduction to the work of this towering American intellectual.
I applied two light layers of primer sanding after each one with 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper.
The question never came up in primero inferior but it seems that it was a prime example of an open governing body.
Juntas vs. Open Societies, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
But literature, I warn them (contrast Sartre and Camus here), is about people, not ideas, and the novel at hand is just that, a novel, an attempt to let us inside one man's head, and by no means a primer in existentialism.
The Familiar Stranger
The board walls have a layer of primer and a top layer of blue paint on which the stenciled designs were painted in green, red, black, and ocher, and then a layer of varnish was applied.
Arrows below the gene map indicate primers used in PCR analysis of the P-element insertions.
Research has indicated that the optimum thickness for the total paint coat (primer and two top coats) is 4-5 mils or about the thickness of a sheet of newspaper.
To improve the discrimination power of AFLP for peanut cultivars of similar origin, different restriction enzyme combinations and more primer pairs may be needed.
The circuit is completed when the contact in the bolt touches the contact area of the primer.
Also on the site is a lengthy primer that provides a near-step-by-step how-to in establishing and empowering a Web presence for a candidate.
Research shows that one coat of tinted primer and one coat of paint will give you a better paint job than two coats of paint.
The DNA samples were denatured after irradiation, a primer was annealed to one of the strands, and a complementary strand was constructed using a polymerase enzyme.
By studing, gross firing energy of combustibility primer have an assignable the regularity was seekd.
Give any large areas a squirt of zinc chromate primer but beware - it is very toxic and carcinogenic.
While his brief mentions of diamagnetism and superconductors may enhance an understanding of Primer, his film deserves the sort of rigorous analysis that was brought to bear on The Matrix trilogy in last year's 10-disc set.
The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry.
One primer of the pair was tagged with a fluorescent dye phosphoramidite.
Here's our round-up of the best primers to make sure it stays put.
The Sun
Su primer crédito de 300.00 nuevos soles lo utilizó en la compra de telas, hilos, cierres, elástico, blondas, etc. Con este crédito de 500.00 nuevos soles comprará telas, hilos, blondas, hilos de bordar para confeccionar manteles y servilletas navideñas.
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Our antifouling paint sales are up, or fiberglass composites and resins are up, and our primers and other related products are up.
If you decide to go with an industrial finish, use an epoxy primer with a polyurethane topcoat.
Case head expansion and dropped primers occurred long before ballistics got interesting.
The additional nucleotide used on both primers was adenine.
The bookcase and shelves were sealed with a primer, then sanded smooth with medium-grade sandpaper.
The engine primer needs to be used only if the engine is ‘cold-soaked’ (at least 5 hours since it was last run).
I set the bullet out just below the cannelure and ran it across the chronographer (22 inch barrel at 3070fps) and didn’t see any noticeable change in velocity or pressure on the primer, so I remain setting it a bet deeper than the OAL calls for.
An Unequal Progress in Accuracy
A second piece is a travel primer, Easily assembled at home, and for use by those who have never traveled to lands beyond, which beckons us to step beyond our safe boundaries.
They were propped up in the crotch of two sticks that were lashed together with a car battery attached to their primers.
Processivity is defined as the number of deoxyribonucleotides incorporated each time a DNA polymerase binds its template-primer.
The sourcebook is a primer to the entire world of 30 Days of Night.
30 Days of Night Titles Shipping Again | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
El Industrial" (Quito, 1895), año IV., num 132, 133, 135; as also the "Noticias autenticas del famoso rio Marañon y misión apóstolica de la Compañia de Jesús de la provincia de Quito en los dilatados bosques de dicho rio escribilas por los anos de 1738 un misinero de la misma compania y las publicas ahora por primera vez Marcos Jimenez de la Espada" (Madrid, 1889), with maps drawn up by Maroni.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
When ignited by the primer, the igniter sends hot flaming gases around the charge to ignite the propellant.
Metal-penetrating oil can kill primers, and if it gets inside the powder charge, can again cause disastrous duds and even more disastrous squibs.
A primer is annealed upstream of the divergent site and extended one base at a time, with the number of nucleotides incorporated at each position proportional to the number of transcripts in the sample.
The labelled reaction products resulting from elongation of the primers were separated on polyacrylamide gels which were then autoradiographed.
Make a clam shell cruet Emulsion in your chosen colour 1 Apply a layer of undercoat or primer and leave to dry.
Two independent series of RNA preparations were reverse transcribed using the anchored oligo primer AAGCT 11 A.
First, they painted the stucco with a primer undercoat, then applied medium blue latex house paint.
Two to five hundred nanograms of total RNA were reverse transcribed using Superscript II RNaseH - reverse transcriptase and an anchored oligo primer.
For oily skin, pick a primer that mattifies and disguises pores and fine lines.
The Sun
Synthesis of cDNA for the array screening assays was performed on 2 µg of total RNA using a T7-oligo dT12-18 primer (Amersham Pharmacia) and it was purified using phenol: chloroform: isoamyl alcohol and NH
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Skin Base can be used as a primer, concealer or foundation and is available in 18 shades.
The game was actually based on an older Spanish game called primero that included elements of betting and bluffing just like the modern game.
The honest concern is about airborne lead ejected by the primer and bullet when a cartridge is fired.
En la primera alguien o algo se beneficia; es nombrar, designar o preferir a alguien o algo para un fin cuyo efecto inmediato depende de esa elección, y en el segundo incluye desde un sondeo hasta una elección.
The Volokh Conspiracy » CRS on the Honduras “Coup”:
The sense-strand-specific (sense) primer, from +243 to +223; antisense-strand-specific (AS), from − 16 to +5; sense*, from +415 to +395; and AS*, from − 68 to − 48.
PLoS Biology: New Articles
Many were not properly cleaned after being fired with corrosive primers, resulting in rough, pitted bores.
Here, we offer a primer on perfect push-up technique and toss in a how-to on the stability ball push-up, a neat new twist on this old favorite.
Incidentally, if you have an AR-type rifle, and you chamber a cartridge and then unload the rifle, you will very often see a mark where the firing pin "kissed" the primer as the bolt slammed forward into battery.
Winner Announced, and Charlton Heston Appreciated
Imagine the face of Philip or Alexander at hearing of a Primer of Macedonian Literature!
While cranking, keep your hand on the primer so you can give it a quick shot as the cylinders fire.
El nombre del restaurant es" Villa Union "y la forma de llegar desde Tapachula es la siguiente: primero van a tomar la carretera a Talisman despues van a entrar en el desvio hacia Cacahoatan y Union Juarez, a orilla de carretera van a encontrar varios poblados (conocidos como ejidos) la carne de Argentina la pueden encontrar frente al ejido 11 de Abril.
Tapachula vs. Tuxtla
The tangy pine of freshly cut lumber, the chalky smell of Sheetrock mud, and the sourness of paint primer.
Mercy Kill
Rushing streams overflow their banks in summer, watering the meadows where a young Lev Tolstoy wandered, botanical primer in hand, picking out the . . . red, white, and pink scented tufty clover; milk-white ox-eye daisies with their bright yellow centers and pleasant spicy smell; yellow honey-scented rape blossoms; tall campanulas with white and lilac bells, tulip-shaped; creeping vetch . . .
The Return
For the museum project, Mulder shot-blasted the floor with an 80-grit profile, filled the control joints with a semi-rigid epoxy, and applied a 100% solids epoxy primer.
To assure compatibility, it's best to choose the primer that is the same brand as, and is recommended for, the topcoat you are using.
When daylight circus-show over, he take me by hand and lead me to shady place between tents -- he sit down -- put me at he knee, and in what you call primer-book with he long brown finger he point out and make me know all those big fat letters -- yes, he do _that_.
Stage Confidences
Conclusions This set of PCR primers with broad range has high specificity and sensitivity, achieving a preliminary identification of bacteria species.
Your penultimate post on Gramsci is less easy to fulfil in terms of a slim primer ('twas I who sent you the last (Hudson Institute) links after you had castigated me for banging on about the crippled Eyetie prisoner).
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Le fait que Qaddafi a dû faire appel à une armée mercenaire pour essayer de réprimer le soulèvement de son peuple pourrait être un autre cas de figure : la communauté internationale a-t-elle le droit d'intervenir dans une telle situation ?
Bishop Pierre Whalon: 'Just War' And The Intervention In Libya
Al verse sola, Ran solo volvió a recostarse sobre el sillón, ignorando completamente el ruidoso televisor, sin molestarse en apagarlo, simplemente relajó su cuerpo y cerró sus ojos, despegándose del mundo de la realidad ... shs eso es todo lo que pondré por ahora ... jeje esa es la primerah aprteh ... y ya voy por la mitad!
Crazydark Diary Entry
She was very fond of play; she played basset, reversis, ombre, and sometimes a little primero; but she never won because she did not know how to play.
The Entire Memoirs of Louis XIV and the Regency
The primer surface is then baked at high heat to get a reasonably secure mechanical grip.
Block-out primers prevent the old paint's color from bleeding through if the previous color is darker or brighter than the new.
We carry a huge inventory of brand name brass, bullets, primers, powder and reloading accessories.
The honest concern is about airborne lead ejected by the primer and bullet when a cartridge is fired.
A primer-sealer undercoat is necessary to seal drywall and unpainted plaster or wallboard compound.
No. 1, Commands; sees his gun cleared and cast loose; circles cleared and swept; tackles hooked; levers shipped; lock and sights in place; elevating apparatus, pivot-bolts, and compressors in working order; takes off lock-cover and hands it to 23, who lays it clear of circle: provides himself with waist-belt and primers, priming-wire, boring-bit, and thumbstall; and sees that all the gear and implements are ready for use, and the men at their respective stations.
Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy. 1866. Fourth edition.
APD markers20 billy goat tissue DNA samples from Boar goats aged 5-6 month were amplified by 19selected primers and 156 markers were gotten, including 47 variable markers.
Beyond that, it promises to provide a weekly primer on dopey and unctuous behavior among upscale hillbillies who dress well.
Methods Multiplex PCR was applied to detect virulence characters with four pairs of primers.
Esta mesa ha sido un emblema al aparecer por primera vez en el mercado internacional en la feria internacional del mueble en Singapur 2010 IFFS.
Wall Mounted Desk Office
I have never needed primer: nothing shifts on my eyelids.
In sum, Guide to Space serves as an excellent primer for nonscientific readers.
The bare metal was sprayed with several coats of primer.
To bore-sight a scope-mounted 12-gauge shotgun barrel, remove the primers from a spent 12-gauge shell and a spent 20-gauge shell.
Tip of the Day: Bore-Sight Your Shotgun Scope Using Spent Shells
Le fait que Qaddafi a dû faire appel à une armée mercenaire pour essayer de réprimer le soulèvement de son peuple pourrait être un autre cas de figure : la communauté internationale a-t-elle le droit d'intervenir dans une telle situation ?
Bishop Pierre Whalon: 'Just War' And The Intervention In Libya
Come docente di Matematica e Fisica sono molto lieto di esprimere un parere, consentitemi in Italiano, sulla eccezzionalità delle Demonstrations da simulare con Mathematica Player.
Wolfram Blog : 5,000 Demonstrations: The Time to Go Interactive Is Now
La tolerancia del derechohumanismo mundial (que ha estado presente en primera fila en el proceso y la sentencia contra Fujimori) hacia personajes como Fidel Castro y Hugo Chávez (que tienen un record mucho más largo, abultado y gravoso que Fujimori e, incluso, Pinochet) así lo demuestra.
Global Voices in English » Peru: Ex-President Fujimori Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison
Examining the cases, I was pleased to see that the firing pin was striking the primer dead center, indicating excellent concentricity for a Model 98.
Caroline smiles before reaching out to touch a shapeless shadow dancing on the wall, closing her eyes as the bumps in the primer serve brail to oncoming dreams.
My Love For You Is Real
Total RNA derived from dorsal and ventral skin was reverse transcribed using random hexamer primers and MMLV-reverse transcriptase.
Contenant les procédés et nouvelles découvertes, la fabrication du minium, celle d'une nouvelle substance pour la couverte, celle des couleurs vitrifiables, l'art d'imprimer sur faïence et porcelaine, et un vocabulaire de termes techniques et chimiques: avec gravures ..., ed.
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
The ligated mRNA is reverse transcribed using a general or gene-specific primer.
Those looking for a more definitive primer on Ze and his relentlessly inventive experimentalism should turn to 2010's "Studies of Tom Ze: Explaining Things So I Can Confuse You," a five-disc, vinyl-only retrospective with a title that only hints at the heady reveries contained within.
Lost tracks: Tom Ze, "Estudando a Bossa (Nordeste Plaza)"
Then you need to paint over the laminate with paint primer.
And you can actually buy .308 Win brass that takes a Small rifle primer instead of a large rifle primer, this helps with a more consistant ignition and many palma shooters use them, but you'll pay an arm and a leg for this kind of brass ...
Clay could I use a Win large rifle Primer in my 308 instead of a Fed 210? Just trying to get about the same results.
While much of the Scylla still displays the remnants of the original Royal Navy grey paintwork, with patches of rust showing through, the railings have what looks like a fresh coat of silver primer.
Such alternative materials could have been spray-on nano-thermites substituted for intumescent paint or Interchar-like fireproofing primers (NASA 2006).
20 « August « 2008 « Niqnaq
It does serve as a short primer for folks not clear on the history of lesbian feminism and butch / femme dynamics, however.
The original readers of the New England Primer began their studies with the prospect of heaven ahead and hellfire behind and on both sides.
The molecular techniques will include primers that can identify Thottapalayam virus, the only hantavirus isolate from India.
Por ejemplo, comparto esta oda a mi primer mes en este país, en esta potencia tan sosa y extraña en donde resido.
Cruda Diary Entry
* RF Countersurveillance/A primer on monitoring police and security frequencies using a trunk-tracking scanner, and how it can assist in penetrating a targetMo
Boing Boing
Sampling occurs when the extract is pipetted into the PCR mix and again when the primers and polymerase bind the template DNA in the PCR.
I borrowed a primer of science from the library.
Una persona de clase media o alta accede a una notebook de u$s2000 sin pagar tasas extras pero alguien que apenas puede pagar un clon de u$s500 para tener su primer PC debe pagar un 30% más.
Global Voices in English » Argentina: Proposal to Increase Taxes on Some Technology Products
Rushing streams overflow their banks in summer, watering the meadows where a young Lev Tolstoy wandered, botanical primer in hand, picking out the . . . red, white, and pink scented tufty clover; milk-white ox-eye daisies with their bright yellow centers and pleasant spicy smell; yellow honey-scented rape blossoms; tall campanulas with white and lilac bells, tulip-shaped; creeping vetch . . .
The Return
They communicate in terse sentences that might have been lifted from a philosophy primer.
As a general primer and sourcebook this will prove useful, but the evolution of American urban design and its consequences demand more insight than is to be found here.
La qual no solo dá luz con su discurso, sin calor, y eficácia para seguir é imitar lo que primero enseñaron los Santos con su exemplo, y virtudes al obrar.
The Letters of St. Teresa
After applying a primer of red, the decorative figures were scored precisely around each element and thickly painted.
“La primera vez que intenté prepararlo me salio fatal, bueno, la primera y la segunda y la tercera … No es que sea muy difícil pero hay tener maña para calcular bien la cantidad de té y azúcar y para hacer la espuma: se vierte el té de un vaso a otro desde cierta altura, y es fácil que se salga fuera y ponga perdida la bandeja.
Western Saharans Share Love of Tea