How To Use Priggishness In A Sentence
What you call the pedantry and priggishness and all the rest of it is exactly what poor Breckenridge asked almost on his knees, wonderful man, to be _allowed_ to pay you for; since even if the meddlers and chatterers haven't settled anything for those who know -- though which of the elect themselves after all _does_ seem to know?
The Outcry
Sexual priggishness, vengeance and racism are very difficult concepts upon which to build a positice values argument, but they've managed to create the illusion that they have "moral clarity" by garbing their narrow vision in religious and patriotic terms --- and because we have failed to stand up for our universal values of liberty, justice and equality.
They bicker constantly, Clemen's Falstaffian appetites and uncontrollable bodily urges clashing with the priggishness and military discipline of Jimmy, a former air-force officer, and their ill-tempered dialogues are often hilarious.
Adios, Warlock
It is an art of the body, of corpulence and skinniness, flatulence and dropsy, of comic priggishness and irrepressible lust.
Rude Britannia: British Comic Art
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