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How To Use Prickly In A Sentence

  • In the split second that their gazes locked, that same prickly sensation consumed his mind as if the blood flow to his brain had suddenly been cut off.
  • After a while, the prickly feeling of anxiousness dulls and turns blunt.
  • At the May state dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderón, prickly pear cactus showed up in vermeil wine coolers, and Dowling also tucked a few among the in the centerpieces of fuchsia roses and Cattleya orchids. White House florist shows Obamas' relaxed style
  • Yorkshire folk turned prickly yesterday after a wild flower charity announced that the common harebell had replaced the white rose as the county's floral emblem.
  • We kept driving, past cedar thickets and a pasture studded with blooming prickly pear cactus.
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  • The reptile's prickly skin repels nearly all of its predators.
  • Many of the species native to California, such as the prickly chaparral, rely on fires to propagate.
  • The entrepreneur has a prickly relationship with the City. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fruit from the prickly pear - a cross between kiwi fruit and a ripe pear - is wonderful.
  • Four hundred species of flowers, including Indian paintbrushes, prickly poppies, flowering herbs, and the most compelling blossom of all - the bluebonnet, the Texas state flower.
  • Plant prickly hedges such as pyracantha, holly or hawthorn to deter thieves and add sturdy trellis to fence panels to make fences more difficult to climb over. IcNewcastle
  • Luckily, Mary finds an unlikely champion in prickly Elizabeth Philpot, a recent exile from London, who also loves scouring the beaches. WEEKLY BOOK RELEASES FOR JANUARY 3RD | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • His sometimes prickly personality could work against him.
  • They crept and crawled, oozed and slithered from the clay, prickly spiders and sneaky snakes and pesky lizards darting from th ... read more crafts A Michoacan tradition: the needlework artistry of Hermelinda Reyes
  • Examples of these endemic cacti are the lava cactus (Brachycereus nesioticus) and prickly pear cacti (Opuntia echios and O. helleri). Galápagos Islands xeric scrub
  • It's also worthwhile surrounding your pots and trays with netting (or prickly holly clippings) to prevent these rodents digging up the seeds.
  • It is a tall plant up to 3ft high and the flower head is just as prickly as a thistle.
  • Even though a prickly pear may be visibly spineless, the glochids on paddles and fruits remain just as nasty.
  • The Old Course wasn't built, it simply evolved, a combination of scrubby seaside turf, wispy grasses, prickly gorse and rolling dunes.
  • The reptile's prickly skin repels nearly all of its predators.
  • The extinct mammoths ate mainly grasses, sedges, and other riparian plants, salt bush, prickly pear, and even some needles of blue spruce.
  • One of the newer hangover cures on the block, people have in fact been eating prickly pear cactus for hundreds of years. The Sun
  • My doctor told me that it was prickly heat, which rather surprised me. M.E. and You - a self-help plan
  • He has even come up with the idea of subcontracting prickly subjects to others, to try to get them to "own" any change. The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • Sideoats grama, buffalo grass, sagebrush, yucca and prickly pear cactus are also common on the canyon floor and walls.
  • One of the newer hangover cures on the block, people have in fact been eating prickly pear cactus for hundreds of years. The Sun
  • Some prickly problems of racial and economic accessibility that one senses when visiting the country's galleries and museums were nowhere in evidence.
  • Pilot seniority is paramount to the pilot group as a whole, and the Flight Options CEO is letting the pilots themselves solve this prickly problem.
  • Once, out picking blackberries, he over-reached and fell headlong into the prickly bramble.
  • The city of Taos lies on the edge of the high desert in the Carson National Forest, amid squat juniper trees, prickly scrub grasses and towering evergreens.
  • Irritated summer skin is usually caused by clogged sweat ducts, a condition called prickly heat or miliaria, or by exposure to poison ivy, oak or sumac.
  • They lead into pine forests as well as impressive stands of coastal sage scrub and chaparral communities notable for Mojave yuccas, prickly pear, and agaves.
  • ” Like most four-year-old boys, George left his house like a pebble from a slingshot, careening off parked cars, brownstone gates, fences placed to protect young trees (apparently not just from urinating dogs), and pedestrians prickly from too little coffee or too much workaday dread. Excerpt: The Whole World Over by Julia Glass
  • They crept and crawled, oozed and slithered from the clay, prickly spiders and sneaky snakes and pesky lizards darting from the dark wet dough, turtles swimming to its surface, bug-eyed devils rising from the mud, all brought to life by the magic touch of Antonia Cruz Rafael. Antonia Cruz Rafael: the ceramics of Ocumicho, Michoacan
  • Avoid man-made fibres which could make prickly heat worse. The Sun
  • This simple procedure can give some relief to the prickly, inflamed nasal passages. The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
  • Red roses might melt your lover's heart, but they present a prickly problem unless your wallet is loaded.
  • Actually, he reflected, Hannah Zachal was a handsome woman, despite her prickly personality.
  • Indeed the wide diffusion of letters in the States, that favourite theme for boasting and bragging over the unenlightened and analphabetic Old World, has tended only to exaggerate the defective and disagreeable side of a national character lacking geniality and bristling with prickly individuality. Arabian nights. English
  • Vegetation is mostly mid and tall grasses such as seacoast bluestem, switchgrass, gulfdune paspalum, fringeleaf paspalum, sandbur, purple threeawn, pricklypear, and catclaw with an overstory of southern live oak and honey mesquite trees. Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
  • I felt the hot, prickly sensation I got when I was nervous.
  • Even if your pediatrician peels 13 layers of clothing off your baby in order to diagnose his prickly heat rash and then submerses him in a vat of cool water to prevent him from spontaneously combusting, you should put a hat on that baby. While we’re waiting «
  • The tone of the keyboard was brassy, the passage-work prickly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The word "brier" or "briar" has no connexion whatever with the prickly, thorny briar which bears the lovely wild rose. The Social History of Smoking
  • Mesquite and prickly pear, agave and tall, bloomed-out stalks of sotol gave a sparse shade for the baking land. THIS TIME LOVE
  • Sharp, clever and prickly, Gwendolen reads the days away, oblivious to dirt and decay.
  • He can get fat on grass burs an' prickly pear, an' some other cowhand's saddle is frosted cake to him. Bowdrie's Law by Louis L'Amour
  • CAPTAIN COOK, Hawaii—The breadfruit is a remarkable food: The prickly football-size pod is full of nutrients and energy. 'Food of the Future' Has One Hitch: It's All But Inedible
  • The people are prickly on the outside, but a lot friendlier once you get to know them.
  • The prickly pear is ideal food for the Collared Peccary due to its high water content. A Perfectly Good Peccary.
  • Gooseberry bushes can be similarly pruned but take out some of the old shoots from the centre of the shrub to keep it open and to make it easier to pick the fruit from these very prickly customers.
  • Avoid man-made fibres which could make prickly heat worse. The Sun
  • At the May state dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderón, prickly pear cactus showed up in vermeil wine coolers, and Dowling also tucked a few among the centerpieces of fuchsia roses and cattleya orchids. The White House's new florist in chief is boldly creating blooms with a view
  • The day's most prickly moment surrounded one of this election year's hottest issues, and encapsulated the risky nature of an unscreened, unscripted town hall meeting.
  • Gant's story allowed for an interesting development in the relationship between sweet Carter and prickly Benton, a relationship that evolved over the years into a powerful bond between unequals.
  • The trees thin and chiefly cypress, with occasionally a large sterculia, but no water whatever: at the ninth mile we entered a very thick eucalyptus brush, overrun with creepers and prickly acacia bushes. Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales
  • FAIRFIELD - "We'll be in blackberries all day," warned my hunting companion, Andy Holt, as we forged our way through the first of many prickly patches, unsnagging branches from our blaze-orange vests. -
  • The undergrowth is often dense with dwarf palmettos and with such vines as earleaf, saw greenbriers (both very prickly), muscadine, and summer grape, all tough on hikers.
  • The Zonites, a rude clan, grazing on the heads of the prickly eryngo, despise all tender preliminaries. The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
  • Linnaeus dubbed blackthorn Prunus spinosa because everything about it is prickly, tart, sour and generally stroppy. Wildwood
  • The seedpod is a spiny, prickly burr and was everywhere I stepped. Eliza’s Freedom Road
  • Her partners are the engagingly prickly guitarist Nels Cline, the stalwart bassist Todd Sickafoose and the polymorphically propulsive drummer Jim Black. NYT > Home Page
  • So why are so many politicians so prickly when one of their number spills the beans on another?
  • What saves the film from being boring is the spark in Anna Friel's performance as the complex and courageous displaced bride and the prickly relationship between herself and her disapproving new family.
  • However, it seems that during the Middle Ages it was the wild L. perennis, perennial lettuce, which was eaten in salads by peasants; while the ancestral prickly lettuce continued to be used medicinally, and as a soporific.
  • The hedgehog curled up in a prickly ball.
  • And the fruit of the prickly pear, the pitahayas - what do they contain?
  • But it seems disingenuous that he will address these prickly subjects in film and music, but not in person. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prickly complex of historiographical issues is actually sorted out and straightforwardly addressed.
  • There were lots of snakelike creatures, some roundish things as prickly as hedgehogs and some notable beaks and pincers as well as possibly a stinger or two.
  • Known in English as the "prickly pear" cactus, this member of the opuntia genus produces the vegetable called nopal, sometimes referred to as "cactus paddles" in the Southwestern United States, and the fruit called tuna. Cooking with Cactus: Nopales Cactus
  • Prickly pear unfortunately thrives along the Rim, growing at the base and among the belays, and we were all soon pincushioned with tiny golden spines.
  • Mary Ellen's hyperactive guilt complex responded immediately and sat like a prickly insect at the bottom of her stomach.
  • Here on the free-draining soil gorse proliferates and, year by year is gradually spreading across good grazing land, its impenetrable prickly branch structure ideal cover for rabbit burrows.
  • Whenever there's prickly situation, this dandruff - laden porcupine is sure to be far, far away.
  • I understand that feng shui practitioners swear by the deterrent of prickly cactuses, positioned close to doors and windows, but these are ugly, and may impede escape.
  • For instance, the Aztecs prized the rich red color extracted from the dried bodies of insects that were raised on cladodes (leaf-like branches) of many species of prickly-pear cacti.
  • Day suggested the response was not unusual for Cima, whom he described as "prickly, unnecessarily challenging and confrontational" to colleagues over the years. ABC News: Top Stories
  • Squabbles over the garden fence can be unedifying, and the relationship between sporting neighbours is more prickly than most.
  • Venal, lazy, irascible, horny, prickly - he's always living by his wits in situations that require anything but.
  • The album occupies three basic spaces: sparse and mournful, prickly and lush, and rollicking, but no two songs that might fit into any of the three categories sound the same.
  • Then there is the prickly issue of insurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • On San Salvador Island in the Bahamas, prickly pear cactus is a major food of rock iguanas.
  • The base of my neck was prickly with sweat.
  • You seem to be rather prickly under questioning. Times, Sunday Times
  • In spring, the desert and mountains erupt into a vibrant carpet of spring flowers, including bluebonnets, bi-colored mustards, and numerous species of cactus such as prickly pear, claret cup and rainbow.
  • No, she was still the prickly, ornery, far too practical person she had always been, even in matters of sentiment.
  • I am so big, grow prickly heat possibly still?
  • -- In winter we often see dead tops of lamb's-quarters and amaranths -- the smooth and the prickly pigweeds -- still standing where they grew in the summer. Seed Dispersal
  • It's this so-called bronchial constriction that creates the tight, prickly sensation in your chest, and aerobic exercise only compounds the problem.
  • Staccato stabs of dry-brushed whites over pale, scumbled colors show the distinctive locale, the early light and the pale, prickly thickets of desert thornbush.
  • Someone told me that if I ate the wrong bits (the core, or those round prickly things at the outside of the flesh) it would cut my mouth.
  • Flanked by ocotillo and prickly pear, you'll make an easy half-day ride to the Telephone Canyon backcountry campsite.
  • -- The article undergoes the process of scouring before described, and, after being well rinsed and drained, it is put on a board, and the thread-bare parts rubbed with a half-worn hatter's card, filled with flocks, or with a teazle or a prickly thistle, until Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • A key characteristic is their well-defined spiny hairs, which cover their body and give them a prickly appearance.
  • A certain plant in China , for instance , has prickly leaves, and each prickle contains poisonous venom.
  • The juice of the nettle is good, she says, for a variety of ailments - arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, allergic rashes and prickly heat.
  • The tortures that follow include strapping what Thomas calls a ‘teazle’ into William's mouth as a gag to choke him (presumably the large prickly seed-heads of teasels, Dipsacus fulonnum, that were used in the fulling of cloth).
  • He was awkward, prickly, ill-tempered, condescending and unpredictable.
  • Each is desperate to entice you with luscious tomatilla salsa and freshly harvested prickly pears and aching to discuss whether your chilli preference is for ancho or chipotle.
  • It's also worthwhile surrounding your pots and trays with netting (or prickly holly clippings) to prevent these rodents digging up the seeds.
  • But it seems disingenuous that he will address these prickly subjects in film and music, but not in person. Times, Sunday Times
  • A prickly and tingly sensation ran up through my body as I armed my head back in sorrow.
  • We found that these pads, if placed too close to prickly pears infected by Cactoblastis, would soon be discovered by the moths and eaten by caterpillars.
  • The true protectors of clownfish in the ocean, however, are not parents but rather prickly, stinging sea anemones that live on reefs.
  • Prickly pear cacti and large agave succulents, introduced from Mexico, grow everywhere in the north of the island.
  • There is a mild, prickly sensation for 45 minutes as the solution is left to work, but you are distracted with a hand, foot or scalp massage.
  • One of the newer hangover cures on the block, people have in fact been eating prickly pear cactus for hundreds of years. The Sun
  • When she raises the subject he becomes prickly and defensive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of the glochids, great care is required when harvesting or preparing prickly pear cactus.
  • More of a prickly problem is persuading games publishers that it isn't another Windows 3.0.
  • (Eucalyptus dumosa) mulga, prickly bushes (hakea), some grevillea-trees, and a few oaks (casuarinas). Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,
  • I have learnt how to establish a healthy working rapport with difficult, prickly people with whom I have precious little in common.
  • There will be few tears shed at the prospect of the skipper's demise should that happen since Gregan is a notoriously prickly character who engenders more respect than warmth.
  • A distinctively prickly, pessimistic, faintly unrewarding comedy of embarrassment. Involuntary – review
  • We are all suffering from prickly heat and the insects and the lack of any fresh food. Times, Sunday Times
  • Side of the river a hard rain all the evening we are all Cold and wet. on this part of the river on the head of Clarks River I observe great quantities of a peculiar Sort of Prickly peare grow in Clusters ovel & about the Size of a Pigions egge with Strong Thorns which is So birded as to draw the Pear from the Cluster after penetrateing our feet. The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • They still refer to me as ‘hoggie’, short for hedgehog, because I am apparently ‘prickly but cute.’
  • Ostensibly the model sabra literally, a “prickly pear,” the term for natural-born Israelis, at age sixteen he was in the reserve squad of Israel’s national basketball team, his determination making up for his lack of height. The Secret War with Iran
  • My secret thoughts on it were that some of these prickly, prissy dons really needed toughening up.
  • He headed down the street to the opposite corner, where a large, prickly bush had grown through the fence, covering the entire corner.
  • His skin felt painful and prickly.
  • The sweat made my skin feel all prickly.
  • Rya's shirt was soaked and had turned to a crimson color, her hair was covered in blood and it had started to dry, making her hair hard and prickly.
  • The ground was uneven, with little prickly pieces of grass.
  • Their wonderfully playful set took in reggae and funk as well as the reliably prickly outbursts of their infectious and catchy crowd-pleasers.
  • He became slightly prickly at this suggestion yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rhavas had a prickly sense of honor and an even pricklier sense of duty. Bridge of the Separator
  • He had the distinct prickly sensation on the back of his neck that usually meant he was being watched.
  • Doyle could feel a flow of power moving through Angel's hands to Cordelia's foot, and he could feel the warm, prickly sensation as the power caressed the small wound there.
  • This is a highly readable, jargon-free treatise on a notoriously prickly subject, intended for general readers rather than academics.
  • Prickly heat is a very itchy rash that appears in hot, humid weather.
  • He had a reputation among Washington insiders for being prickly, abrasive, brash, impatient, and intolerant of bureaucratic foot-dragging.
  • Charity you are an echinus; harmless and pleasing to look at but very prickly. Two Weeks To Remember
  • Prickly pear cactus grows here too - evidence of the arid conditions.
  • The children have learned to identify wild edible and medicinal plants in our bioregion, helping to harvest prickly pear and banana yucca fruit each season, as well as to appreciate the healing benefits of juniper berries, snakeweed, mallow, horehound, and more. Randall Amster: "I Want to Be a Farmer": Food Justice, Out of the Mouths of Babes
  • Aggressive planting of hawthorn, pyracantha, creeping juniper, holly, Chinese jujube, roses, blackthorn or prickly ash will help deter criminals.
  • Her prickly self-scrutiny is as many-sided and full of conflict as the country she both defends and criticizes. Mother tries to stay ahead of grief in David Grossman's "To the End of the Land"
  • It must be fun writing for Prickly Pete, whose just full of fine asperities such as the “frog-like mouth flapping” of Mr. Price and dismissing his rival as "Kenny and his haircut. Mad Men Reaches Its Appointment in Samarra: James Wolcott
  • The children have learned to identify wild edible and medicinal plants in our bioregion, helping to harvest prickly pear and banana yucca fruit each season, as well as to appreciate the healing benefits of juniper berries, snakeweed, mallow, horehound, and more. Randall Amster: "I Want to Be a Farmer": Food Justice, Out of the Mouths of Babes
  • From where I sit, that chimes with the man, capturing nicely what seems to be a prickly earnestness and an eagerness to convert everyone to his way of thinking.
  • Brush" isn't one thing at all, but hundreds of species of native plants - wild cranberry, prickly ash, nannyberry, red-twig dogwood, hornbeam, greenbrier, witch hazel. CounterPunch
  • It was a prickly sensation on his forehead - cool and wet as it trickled down his temples, like drips of water.
  • Their broadly indented margins show the distinctive prickly spines that are typical of most evergreen hollies - and dangerous to bare feet!
  • His rubber ball punctured when it fell on a prickly bush.
  • Last week, coming into Morgan's room, staring at her for a full minute in prickly silence. Excerpt: Blackwater Sound by James Hall
  • He found the financial resources to do so, mostly from public funds, and he tackled the inherently prickly problems with drive and commitment. Times, Sunday Times
  • My happy muse was interrupted by the prickly, nettling sensation of being watched.
  • Like prickly pear thorns, needle grass penetrated moccasins and leather leggings and punctured the skin.
  • The little creature was obviously feeling a bit prickly. The Sun
  • Clumps of itchy or prickly tiny red bumps on the skin that appear with hot humid weather in tropical countries is called miliaria or prickly heat in layman's terms.
  • It grows here, along with numerous smaller cacti, including beaver-tail cactus, California barrel cactus, hedgehog cactus, and various prickly pear cacti.
  • Am I being prickly, or do I have a valid complaint?
  • Prickly hedges are the answer here and firethorn (pyracantha), berberis and cockspur thorn are appropriate boundary plants. The Sun
  • Being in the desert was a new experience for me, a native Westerner who had never seen birds nesting in a saguaro nor tasted a prickly pear margarita.
  • The thistles, sorrel and prickly lettuce have set seed in the midvalley; wild asters, sunflowers, and chamisa are blooming, the grasses catch and hold the mellowing sunlight in their tawny seedheads and the color transformation on the north facing slopes has started. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • Thorny plants are unpleasant to rub against and trimmings from spikey, prickly plants placed under bird-feeders help protect our feathered friends.
  • Some say that the barke is smooth and even, like unto that of the Arbute Tree: others againe affirme that it is prickly, and full of thornes. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • I didn't see any cut Blue spruces but the 90 cm potted trees at £25 are lovely, with their prickly needles coloured with a metallic blue sheen.
  • The sweat made my skin feel all prickly.
  • LAST CHANCE HARVEY, PG-13 Something clicks when a down-andout jingle writer meets a prickly British statistician in a London airport bar. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette stories
  • You never have to worry that Mowat will press his interviewees on prickly issues.
  • It was a sensible answer to a prickly issue. The Sun
  • he became prickly and spiteful
  • Planting prickly bushes or shrubs in borders and by fences will deter burglars thinking of climbing in your garden
  • This plant, named _guamara_, bears spikes of yellow fruits which are pointed at the upper end, but in color, size, texture, structure and taste reminded us of podophyllum, though it leaves a prickly sensation in the mouth, much like that produced by fresh pineapples. In Indian Mexico (1908)
  • The tree is also good climbing material for the cat, who seems oblivious to the prickly foliage and spends hours at the top precariously lunging at flies and watching the birds who sit just out of reach on the telegraph wires.
  • Also fairly common are bluejack oak, netleaf hackberry, honey mesquite, and prickly ash.
  • But his prickly sense of slighted dignity and obsessive contempt for other people's ethical squalor inevitably drags him down.
  • Much of the subsequent civil disobedience was directed against London's Metropolitan Police, which in recent years has experienced prickly relations with the city's Afro-Caribbean community.
  • Although currently regulated, trade in hippo ivory is not banned, and enforcing trade quotas remains a prickly problem.
  • Plant prickly shrubs or hedges to deter intruders. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tropical prickly ash has a temperate equivalent called the toothache tree.
  • Prickly heat is a very itchy red skin rash, causing a prickling or burning feeling.
  • There will be colourful flowers, such as poppies to look at and smell, prickly plants and vegetables to eat.
  • The undergrowth is often dense with dwarf palmettos and with such vines as earleaf, saw greenbriers (both very prickly), muscadine, and summer grape, all tough on hikers.
  • In their desert habitats their diet consists of spiny cactus, yucca pods, creosote bush, cholla, pinyon nuts, seeds, prickly pear, and any available green vegetation.
  • Velvet cactus, prickly pear, Bergerocactus emoryi, and cholla are widespread, often joined by box thorn, a prickly shrub in the nightshade family.
  • Cane cactus (Opuntia arborescens) — Cane or whip cactus (also known as cholla, candelabrum cactus, prickly pear, etc.) is scattered over the entire Chaco area. Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico :
  • One of the reasons that I love Brendan the way I do is because he is a kind and generous person with enough room in his heart for the most prickly among us.
  • Eventually they cohabited and married but things were never that simple for the prickly couple who were both too independent to settle easily into married life.
  • My brother is prickly when it comes to sales reps - he sees them as a necessary evil.
  • Talk at school turns to the prickly subject of the summer holidays. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prickly Sharks are found mostly in submarine canyons and its numbers are being depleted due to overfishing. Five Things You Probably Never Knew About the Prickly Shark | myFiveBest
  • And men, content with food which came with no one’s seeking, gathered the arbute fruit, strawberries from the mountainsides, cornel-cherries, berries hanging thick upon the prickly bramble, and acorns falling from the spreading tree of Jove. "The real problem with literary types is..."
  • The sweat ran down his face in little streams a the prickly heat began to move across his skin, like a fiery-footed centiped beneath his undershirt, but he noticed, neither. Rung Ho
  • Prickly pear cacti and large agave succulents, introduced from Mexico, grow everywhere in the north of the island.
  • Plant prickly shrubs or hedges to deter intruders. Times, Sunday Times
  • You were a decent woman once, prickly with virtue.
  • He is particularly prickly on the subject of who should do the checks - nurses, doctors or orthopaedic surgeons - and is adamant it should be the latter.
  • After all, Nick Saban often is described as prickly, and, if given the choice, you'd much rather be seated next to the Armani Bear at a state dinner than either Urban Meyer or Paul Johnson, for whom the characterization "prickly" goes on one syllable too long. Dawg Sports
  • Four hundred species of flowers, including Indian paintbrushes, prickly poppies, flowering herbs, and the most compelling blossom of all - the bluebonnet, the Texas state flower.
  • The army has been accused of double standards on a prickly issue: whether soldiers should be allowed to grow beards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Griffin - who was sometimes faulted for what some described as a prickly personality - said Bolden has the experience, smarts and people skills for the job. Homepage
  • Take prickly ash bark, mint, root and tops, tobacco, tar, and pokeroot; stew all these together in hog's lard; strain it, and, when nearly cold, sprinkle in a little sulphur. The Young Housewife's Counsellor and Friend: Containing Directions in Every Department of Housekeeping. Including the Duties of Wife and Mother
  • Previous research has also found it can combat hangovers if you drink the juice of prickly pear before going on a night out. The Sun
  • Diversification can be a prickly topic, though, because there are no hard and fast rules about how many your should own to have a truly diversified portfolio.
  • In the 1840s, Ignaz Semmelweiss's lonely battle to get the medical establishment to accept that doctors were spreading childbed fever from mother to mother cost him his job and his sanity though his prickly personality didn't help. Is That Scientific Heretic a Genius—or a Loon?
  • We are all suffering from prickly heat and the insects and the lack of any fresh food. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could be very prickly, especially with people who disagreed with him.

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