How To Use Prevarication In A Sentence

  • Hot tears of indignation stood in her eyes when she realized that all the prevarication might be, for them, a way of haggling and trading. COUP D'ETAT
  • After some Ministry prevarication Tabakov eventually arrived, but only after the cast had assembled and with one day of rehearsal lost.
  • That's the kind of diabolic prevarication I like to see my followers use to attack my enemies.) "No doubt some far-left pundits have said far worse things than Ann Coulter will ever say and the mainstream media often celebrates them. The Devil's Diary: O'Reilly and liberal "bomb-throwers"
  • On this account, their complementarianism is not an excuse for prevarication. Ken Schenck on The Chicago Declaration on Biblical Inerrancy
  • Their actions leave open the further question: when does out-and-out prevarication shade off into self-deception and denial?
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  • Even so, he has continued his policy of deception and prevarication.
  • But several months after the ruling, two tiny far-right groups sued Judge Garzón for 'prevarication' -- knowingly overstepping his authority -- in violating the amnesty law. Dorian de Wind: Judge Garzón's Prosecution: Spain's Version of "Lo Pasado, Pasado Está"
  • But as the prophet Habakkuk is express to the contrary, chap.iii. 11, and their own Sirachides, cap. xlv., xlvi., so it is no small prevarication in some Christians to give countenance unto such a putid fiction. Pneumatologia
  • You see, friends, this is the kind of prevarication I fear from an Obama administration. China, finally « BuzzMachine
  • We do not care about the silly prevarications of politicians, whether it be about the democratic system or weapons of mass destruction.
  • ‘They're all a bunch of liars,’ we agreed, after days of bluff, prevarication, dissembling and bait-and-switch games using even their own people.
  • If we remove from Rice's statement its pretentiousness, prevarication, illogicality, and (possibly!) shameless opportunism, is there anything left worthy of our attention? John Shore: Anne Rice: 'I Quit Being a Christian!' Yaaaaawn.
  • Miguel Bernad, head of the Clean Hands Union, a conservative group that filed the so-called prevarication charges against Judge Garzón, said his organization will continue with its efforts to oust him by requesting judiciary authorities pursue his immediate suspension and removal. Spain Judge Faces Charges Over Probe
  • All my attempts to question the authorities on the subject were met by evasion and prevarication.
  • The longer negotiations drag on, the greater the risk of permanent prevarication.
  • Less than that, however, can I understand how educated beings, even men who, thanks to their gifts and their standing, play the part of responsible leaders, not only accepted believingly these prevarications and distortions, but, with them as a basis, immediately rendered a verdict against us. New York Times, Current History, Vol 1, Issue 1 From the Beginning to March, 1915 With Index
  • Ah, what a life it is we lead in the tents of Ishmael, the cast-away! through what tortuous pathways wander the nomad tribes who call Hagar, the abandoned, their mother! what lies, what evasions, what prevarications! Birds of Prey
  • I met people who had endured 12 hours of mis-information and prevarication before they boarded a plane.
  • Equally disturbing was the fact that the tribunal had to work through ‘an impenetrable jungle of lies, deceit, prevarication and obstruction’ to get to the truth.
  • Which prevarication was bare-faced, by virtue of his having just installed the ram and piped the land. CHAPTER XXI
  • Now we are fed big pills of outright lies, prevarication, and deception.
  • Cardinal, accused him of prevarication and weakness, and threw himself at her Majesty's feet, conjuring her in the name of the King her son, not to authorise, by an example which he called fatal, the insolence of a subject who was for wresting favours from his sovereign, sword in hand. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • The above correspondence also shows that there was no "prevarication" on my part. Crowley and North [1991] « Climate Audit
  • There are twelve or thirteen of them brought here by him unaccounted for; hear his prevarications in the jail and elsewhere: and if he is an innocent man, cruelly imprisoned under an illegal warrant, and these vile, calumniatory libels, are actually this The Trial of Reuben Crandall, M.D. Charged with Publishing and Circulating Seditious and Incendiary Papers, &c. in the District of Columbia, with the Intent of Exciting Servile Insurrection. Carefully Reported, and Compiled from the Written Statements
  • But the speaker for the defence will bring forward on his side the usage of common conversation; and he will seek the meaning of the word from its contrary; from a genuine accuser, to whom a prevarication is the exact opposite; or from consequents, because the tablets are given to the judge by the accuser; and from the name itself, which signifies a man who in contrary causes appears to be placed, as it were, in various positions. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
  • It was getting a bit late for prevarications, cither to myself or anyone else. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • You are looking for signs of weakness, for twitches that indicate untruthfulness, for signs of prevarication and mendacity. Dead Zero
  • Are bloviating prevarications the rule rather than the exception?
  • Even so, he has continued his policy of deception and prevarication.
  • It seems that CSIS witnesses may have engaged in "prevarication," and that material germane to Harkat's legal defence has been withheld by CSIS for no good reason. Archive 2009-05-01
  • I get more than a little tired of Hunter’s definition of "evasiveness" or "prevarication". Crowley and North [1991] « Climate Audit
  • The announcement is not before time, considering the many tedious months of procrastination and prevarication there have been over this vexed issue.
  • All my attempts to question the authorities on the subject were met by evasion and prevarication.
  • Hopefully, decisive action, not prevarication, will be forthcoming from both sides.
  • For decades, ‘Jesuitical’ became a term of abuse, signifying mental reservation, prevarication, and casuistry.
  • It had a peculiar sensitivity to certain stimuli, and he felt a sensation in its roots whenever he encountered prevarication, deception, or any degree of improbity. The Cat Who Moved A Mountain
  • What is missing, he argues, is an acknowledgement of the history of delay, prevarication, demands for clarification, gnomic utterances, false trails, garden paths and double-speak by the republican leadership.
  • After several councils, it was determined, that all the cabinet councillors should severally declare the insufficience and prevarication of The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 2

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