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How To Use Presumptive In A Sentence

  • New internet technologies, however promising, must respect a presumptive claim of privacy online.
  • The incoming House speaker presumptive has joined top GOP spokespeople in characterizing the election outcomes as a response to economic frustrations and a rebuke to Obama administration "monstrosities" like health care reform. Hans Johnson: Wave of Voter Anger Leaves Damage, Opportunities
  • “Walí‘ahd” which may mean heir-presumptive (whose heirship is contingent) or heir-apparent. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Esophagram and manometry confirmed the presumptive diagnosis of achalasia.
  • A presumptive diagnosis can be made quickly based on symptoms and concomitant laboratory results.
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  • The presumptive neural tube tissues consist of a layer of ectoderm along the dorsal midline of the embryo, between the notochord and an outer layer of epidermis.
  • The presumptive diagnosis is made based on history and physical examination, but further evaluation is needed.
  • If there are good internal literary reasons why the author of Mark might have invented this story as the conclusion of his work, then the community that was the presumptive audience for the gospel simply may not have perceived the embarrassment that arose later, as other communities adopted and literalized the narrative invented in Mark. Mythunderstanding The Criteria Of Authenticity
  • No tests for autoantibodies should be performed without a clinical evaluation that leads to a presumptive diagnosis.
  • This is presumptive evidence of chronic hemolysis if the reticulocytosis is sustained.
  • Any law enforcement agent who conducted a wiretap or private search would thereby always be presumptively guilty of a crime, and would have to cross his fingers and take his chances that prosecutors or jurors would ignore or obviate the law in his particular case. The Five Techniques
  • As heir presumptive by Deed of Nomination registered with the Lyon Court, my Arms are debruised of a three point label during my father's lifetime.
  • When the Bush campaign began branding Kerry as a flip-flopper the day he became the presumptive nominee, the Kerry campaign let it fester, not wanting to "dignify" the attack. Drew Westen: What Obama Needs to Do in Denver
  • _ H. - So. supposes hēafod-weard, _a guard of honor_, such as sovereigns or presumptive rulers had, to be meant by hafalan hȳdan; hence, _you need not give me any guard_, etc.Cf. Schmid, _Gesetze der A. _, 370-372. l. Beowulf
  • Clinton and the presumptive Republican nominee, John McCain, want to suspend federal taxes on gasoline summer.
  • They were transferred to our neonatal intensive care unit with a presumptive diagnosis of perinatal asphyxia.
  • She was, as a woman, presumptively a target of gender violence, with or without any transgender identity she may have had.
  • In general, moralizing in some presumptive, superficial, arrogated manner, whether on ideological or “religious” grounds, generally needs to be avoided. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Do ‘Family Values’ Weaken Families?”
  • Normally, they punish the presumptive nominee in the late primaries.
  • These observations strongly suggest that Pmar1-misexpressing blastomeres respecify presumptive ectoderm as endomesoderm by activating only part of the E-EM / En-GRN, consisting of the genes encoding the core regulatory factors Z13, Eve, and FoxA. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Presumptive diagnoses ranged from a malignant pleural tumor to malignancy occupying the complete lower lobe.
  • DOBBS: And Amy, the issue here of the competition between Huckabee and the presumptive nominee of the Republican party, Senator John McCain almost coroneted now. CNN Transcript Feb 12, 2008
  • On opposite sides of the country today, the presumptive presidential nominees will once again sharpen their positions on how to manage the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan if elected. The Early Word: 2 Candidates, 2 Visions for Iraq - The Caucus Blog -
  • He was discharged the following afternoon with a presumptive diagnosis of vasovagal syncope, perhaps related to defecation.
  • No doubt she will immediately begin calling attention to and "disrobing" Obama's about-face on those core left-wing issues ... in addition to aggressively courting the disgruntled Obama-primary-voters who voice their discontent of the presumptive Democratic nominee (daily and by the thousands) where it counts most: Bloggersville. McKinney Poised to Challenge Obama For Left-Wing and Black Voters
  • Bob Dole, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, last month voiced support for the same amendment, sponsored by Sen.
  • While the Democrats pummel each other John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, swans around the country burnishing his reputation.
  • Most of these systems provide simpler and more rapid presumptive identification of Salmonella in foods.
  • A true marriage is one duly contracted and capable of being proved in the ordinary way; a presumptive marriage, when the law presumes a marriage to exist; a putative marriage, when it is believed to be valid, but is in reality null and void, owing to the existence of a hidden diriment impediment. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • However, its value in confirming a diagnosis of presumptive endometriosis has not been extensively studied.
  • Reggie, as heir presumptive, had agreed to leave his post in the City and take over as proprietor of the Manor/ hotel. WEEKEND FOR MURDER
  • A new poll makes drought-stricken Texas look like an oasis for the support-thirsty presidential campaign of presumptive Republican nominee Bob Dole.
  • Many physicians make a presumptive diagnosis of allergic rhinitis based on the medical history.
  • So a stay that would last indefinitely would be presumptively prejudicial to the plaintiff.
  • Bob Dole, whose string of 18 primary victories has made him the presumptive party nominee.
  • Bob Dole, the Republican presidential nominee presumptive, quickly signed on as a sponsor.
  • List and discuss the presumptive, probable, and reliable signs of pregnancy.
  • They were transferred to our neonatal intensive care unit with a presumptive diagnosis of perinatal asphyxia.
  • A second diagnostic indication involves the injection of a local anesthetic to confirm the presumptive diagnosis through symptom relief of the affected body part.
  • A presumptive diagnosis of gout can often be made on the basis of hyperuricemia and the clinical presentation.
  • Some wreckage from the ship was recovered, it was properly decided that the presumptive heir to the baronetcy was lost at sea, and would not be returning.
  • Aquino recognizes that Newman's preference for what he called real or presumptive knowledge over notional or abstract knowledge was vulnerable to the charges of relativism and fideism.
  • If no answer had been provided immediately, presumptive broad-spectrum therapy may have been continued until a result was returned.
  • But their presumptive reasoning has not led to encouraging conclusions.
  • He did nothing to forfeit his presumptive entitlement to costs.
  • In this paper, a presumptive role for infradian hormonal rhythms is considered.
  • Any patient with suspected myxedema coma should be treated presumptively with thyroid hormone.
  • This method provides a presumptive indication of Brucella growth at least four days earlier than the conventional identification method.
  • the presumptive heir (or heir apparent)
  • Hence, in lieu of offering anything that can be described as coherent or cogent, you immediately launch into the use of ad hominem, presumptive and denigrative terms, i.e. “homophobic,” “bizarre,” “hate,” etc. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Sad Victory for Thuggery in Texas
  • Norquist dropped by The Times 'Washington bureau today and, as part of his negative critique of Obama's liberal stances on economic issues and other matters, he termed the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee "John Kerry with a tan. Conservative Activist Grover Norquist: Obama Is "Kerry With A Tan"
  • These ramenta explain fully the nature of those confervoid organs found in some Neckerae, and perhaps in other mosses, and it becomes paramount to prove whether these Neckerae have also the usual anthers, or if they are confined to these, in which case a presumptive proof will thus be afforded of their functions: if they have both forms, they will nevertheless constitute an analogous passage between the two orders: if they have only _these_, such Neckerae will form, as indeed they do, a very distinct genus. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Another study should be done to confirm these results on soldiers going on holidays from ... providing a continuous record of timing of presumptive doses.
  • Prior restraints on pure speech are highly disfavored and presumptively unconstitutional.
  • Clinton and the presumptive Republican nominee, John McCain, want to suspend federal taxes on gasoline summer.
  • Now, question time: Do you know why Qui-gon is advising you while his former Padawan is, to some intelligence sources, presumptively advising Luke? Vader's Pastorale
  • The presumptive Mrs. Ashe looked at once apprehensive and hopeful. THE LAST PLACE
  • In some cases, nerve conduction velocities and electromyography may be used to confirm the diagnosis if treatment for presumptive neuropathic heel pain fails to improve symptoms.
  • The earned right of the Presumptive Nominee, Senator Obama, to choose his VP is his alone. Lanny Davis joins VoteBoth
  • Sen . John McCain presumptive Republican nominee for president, has released an outline of his higher - education policy.
  • This brain and spinal cord did not arise from the transplanted cell material, but from the presumptive ventral epidermis whose course of development was thus altered by the presence of the blastopore. Physiology or Medicine 1935 - Presentation Speech
  • But it also showed the presumptive Republican presidential nominee trailing Clinton among women voters 34 percent to 41 percent.
  • John McCain, the angrier of the two presumptive presidential contenders, has staked out a principled position against greed and obscene profits but has gone no further to call the errant bankers and brokers to account. Why No Outrage?
  • If the patient has a beta-hCG of > 6000 mIU / ml and there is no intrauterine gestational sac seen, it is presumptive evidence of an ectopic pregnancy.
  • The effect and purpose of these restraining laws will presumptively be little or even frustrated, which is eventually detrimental to government's reputation in law enforcement.
  • Are we supposed to be more generously disposed to her than, say, to Kyle Sampson, her partner in presumptive illegality (whether or not, technically, "criminal misconduct"), because she's just a "girl," whereas he's a "man"? Balkinization
  • The 46-year-old first-term senator is the first African American to become the presumptive presidential nominee of a major American party.
  • a strong presumptive case is made out
  • Bob Dole, the Republican presidential nominee presumptive, quickly signed on as a sponsor.
  • A presumptive diagnosis can be made by finding gram-negative kidney-bean shaped diplococci within neutrophils in a urethral discharge. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • But it also showed the presumptive Republican presidential nominee trailing Clinton among women voters 34 percent to 41 percent.
  • In Drosophila, the presumptive central nervous system is specified at an early stage of embryonic development as two longitudinal stripes of cells, just dorsal to the ventral mesoderm.
  • Many physicians make a presumptive diagnosis of allergic rhinitis based on the medical history.
  • I'm proud BO has come to the Presumptive Nominee Satus. nonny Obama making imprint on DNC organization
  • presumptive evidence
  • Clinton and the presumptive Republican nominee, John McCain, want to suspend federal taxes on gasoline summer.
  • Normally, they punish the presumptive nominee in the late primaries.
  • The first, a presumptive test such as phenolphthalein, offers clues about where blood may be. News & Observer: Home Page
  • A 35-year-old woman was referred to our neurosurgery department with symptoms of hemianopsia, diabetes insipidus, amenorrhea, and a presumptive diagnosis of pituitary tumor.
  • If no answer had been provided immediately, presumptive broad-spectrum therapy may have been continued until a result was returned.
  • A new poll makes drought-stricken Texas look like an oasis for the support-thirsty presidential campaign of presumptive Republican nominee Bob Dole.
  • Lieberman was traveling in presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain's bus, the "Straight Talk Express," when it collided with a van at the intersection of 54th Street and Biscayne Boulevard. Eschaton
  • They were transferred to our neonatal intensive care unit with a presumptive diagnosis of perinatal asphyxia.
  • One of the preconditions of presumption is to find precisely the point of junction between the basic fact, the presumptive fact and the rule of thumb.
  • A new poll makes drought-stricken Texas look like an oasis for the support-thirsty presidential campaign of presumptive Republican nominee Bob Dole.
  • What were the peculiar marks of cadency used by the heirs to the crown, apparent and presumptive, after the accession of the Stuarts? Notes and Queries, Number 46, September 14, 1850
  • Bob Dole, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.
  • We waited at the Latin Bridge in Sarajevo for Austria's heir presumptive, Francis Ferdinand. Lord Weidenfeld of Chelsea: On Turning 90
  • She was admitted to the intensive care unit with the presumptive diagnosis of septic shock.
  • A presumptive diagnosis of gout can often be made on the basis of hyperuricemia and the clinical presentation.
  • It has been an old dream of mine to substitute for the presumptive mouth region of a newt the foreign ectoderm which comes from a frog early in gastrulation, since I wanted to find out what kind of Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
  • Presumptive contumacy occurs when there is a strong presumption, though it is not certain, that the citation was served. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • If physicians have not concurrently screened for chlamydial infection, the CDC recommends presumptive treatment for chlamydia at the time of treatment for gonorrhea.
  • As you said, there was what we called a presumptive positive test on green onions about a week ago. CNN Transcript Dec 12, 2006
  • Presence of a data breach notification is further evidence of presumptive breach, which should be enforceable through ordinary remedies for contract rights. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Some 50% of antibiotic prescription in the community is for presumptive respiratory tract infection.
  • Obama's speech a quick response from the presumptive Republican candidate, Senator John McCain.
  • Another study should be done to confirm these results on soldiers going on holidays from ... providing a continuous record of timing of presumptive doses.
  • Now were thrones with their heirs presumptive seated upon them, princes, princesses, a procession of nobility, of majesty. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Obama's speech brought a quick response from the presumptive Republican candidate, Senator John McCain.
  • The angulated and rhomboidal shape in addition to the striated surface of the sporangiospores allowed the presumptive identification of the etiologic agent as Rhizopus species.
  • No ascertained individual was therefore cut off by an alienation inter vivos; an heir apparent or presumptive had an expectation of inheriting, but not a vested estate.
  • Therefore, Immunocomb can only be used as a presumptive test; confirmatory diagnosis must include combination of tests, rather than deriving inference on the basis of single test results.
  • Barack Obama has long been his party's presumptive nominee. Now he's becoming its presumptuous nominee.
  • A presumptive diagnosis of toxoplasma may therefore be made, although the underlying lesion may be due to something else, such as lymphoma or another infection.
  • It could not be fixed upon the people drowned in the wreck of the bawley, as neither Stenning nor I, nor anyone, could give more than presumptive evidence that the bawley we had come upon not far from the Eddystone had anything to do with the affair. Movie Night
  • Dole himself did not expect to lay claim to the title of presumptive nominee until after the March 26 primary in California.
  • African Americans are reacting with pride to Senator Barack Obama's becoming the first person of color to be the presumptive presidential nominee of a major U.S. political party.
  • They were transferred to our neonatal intensive care unit with a presumptive diagnosis of perinatal asphyxia.
  • But it also showed the presumptive Republican presidential nominee trailing Clinton among women voters 34 percent to 41 percent.
  • A new poll makes drought-stricken Texas look like an oasis for the support-thirsty presidential campaign of presumptive Republican nominee Bob Dole.
  • And plenty of green will be needed to respond to an anticipated $200 million-plus Republican assault on the presumptive nominee.
  • Using commonly recognized test end points, a presumptive diagnosis was made in 57 patients.
  • But this presumptive privilege must be considered in light of our historic commitment to the rule of law.
  • If false, it suggests that the Democratic nominee-presumptive is audacious about more than just hope. Audacity Pure and Simple
  • A 35-year-old woman was referred to our neurosurgery department with symptoms of hemianopsia, diabetes insipidus, amenorrhea, and a presumptive diagnosis of pituitary tumor.
  • _ H. - So. supposes heáfod-weard, _a guard of honor_, such as sovereigns or presumptive rulers had, to be meant by hafalan hýdan; hence, _you need not give me any guard_, etc.Cf. Schmid, _Gesetze der A. _, 370-372. l. Beowulf
  • Therefore, prognosis is often based on a presumptive or theoretical argument and/or past clinical experience.
  • Behold the latest steps in her pas de deux with presumptive mayor-elect Vincent Gray: "I think that what the chairman and I have committed to doing jointly is to sit down and talk about our philosophies of school reform and our theories of change and action, and then at that point we'll sort of figure out what the path forward looks like so that we can set the District up for success," she said. For Rhee, staying in D.C. is a 'hard question'
  • The earliest expression of Hox genes for these arthropods is in the already formed segmental anlage, in the presumptive position of the developing segment.
  • Just as material assets can function as collateral to assure economic outcomes, collateralized social relations can also serve as a presumptive guarantee.

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