
How To Use Pressurize In A Sentence

  • We saw in the previous sections that packaged bacteriophage capsids are pressurized with pressures as high as 60 atm.
  • The envelope is a helium gas cell, with an air ballonet which is pressurized by a ballonet fan.
  • These portable torches use pressurized tanks of propane and, if handled carelessly, can be hazardous.
  • Manned Orbiting Laboratory gloves with sharkskin palms and sewn-in steel fingernails, so nimble that an astronaut could pick up a dime while wearing them, even when they were pressurized; long johns laced with plastic pipes, to water-cool the wearer; and box after box of headgear, including Armstrong's gold-visored external helmet, once thought to have been left on the moon. The Seattle Times
  • ECLS design can be optimized for operability and common fan designs when sized for 4 persons. 4 person configuration is more robust and safer and allows more robust design solutions and ISS will get more pressurized cargo capability. 6 person capability is still available since Orion didn't change the OML and Orion can always be re-configured to carry 6 persons. Orion Slims Down - NASA Watch
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  • A recent such program drew about two dozen pilots of high-performance and turbocharged Mooneys for a weekend in Washington, D.C. Some of the airplanes this group flies - all unpressurized - have service ceilings as high as 28,000 feet.
  • Several whole windows would have to be blasted out before a plane would depressurize enough to threaten life within the cabin.
  • At high altitudes, the thin air makes it hard to breathe unless the cabin is pressurized.
  • Filling the Chinese galls in copper container , extract tannic acid by water with pressurized metering pump.
  • On the bases it "pressurizes" defenses, as Seattle Mariners manager Don Wakamatsu likes to say. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
  • The aquarium has also done some research and development on pressurized tanks to display fish, but a window on such a system has to be so small that only one or two people can look into a tank at a time.
  • Hydrostats are characterized by a central volume of pressurized incompressible fluid surrounded by a membrane in tension; all amniote intromittent organs include a central space surrounded by a tensile membrane.
  • As soon as the shuttle's passenger cabin was locked up tight, the shuttle bay depressurized.
  • It appears that they safely depressurized the system in question during the commissioning activities in April 1996 without the need of the additional facilities now claimed.
  • The plane's cabin failed to pressurize and the jet had to land in Seattle.
  • In fact baking or cooking for a long time in pressurized hot water can help to neutralize the toxic aconitum in raw aconite.
  • The crash follows an unusual incident Sunday during which Imeson took off from Helena and filed a flight plan that would have taken him to 22,000 feet, well above the 14,000-foot legal limit for a nonpressurized aircraft without supplemental oxygen. Undefined
  • I'm fairly certain that the Motorola product doesn't pressurize the methanol and thus with no pressure, there's nothing to explode at all.
  • pressurize a space suit
  • When the aircraft pressurizes, it seals itself so it can't be opened, or blown open, during flight.
  • Methanol fuel cells can work off small, nonpressurized cartridges of the liquid while hydrogen-fuelled PEFCs require pressurized hydrogen gas.
  • The glider has a pressurized cabin to counteract the vacuum-like conditions of space.
  • The captain will pressurize the cabin for the passengers' comfort
  • Equipped with sealed and pressurized linear guideways and ball screws, a high-speed graphite-machining center is suitable for working with small electrodes that requires intricate tooling.
  • Considering the different of PTA grain size, using different process control emphasis and depressurize operation, the problem of high DEG content was solved.
  • He depressurized the walkway, and then detached it from the transport.
  • The fuselage was of aluminum alloy semi-monocoque construction with passenger, crew, and cargo compartments that were pressurized for high altitude flight.
  • The solar heat obviously pressurized the car's closed cabin.
  • In aircraft, pressurized to an altitude of 2,134 m, these effects would likely be enhanced.
  • The flight engineer began to depressurize the aircraft to prevent a rapid decompression from occurring if the EDC failed during the descent.
  • The coils would be used on the pressurized gas tanks as solenoids for the main shutoff valves, so they had to be rock solid reliable.
  • Do not be pressurized into making your decision immediately.
  • However, that spare fuel mostly remains inside pressurized tanks once the rocket stage is discarded into Earth orbit.
  • The airplane cabin depressurized immediately.
  • The company received certification in 1994 for an unpressurized version of the Jetcruzer 450 turboprop single, but the airplane never went into production.
  • However, we quickly developed a pressurization problem which required us to fly the mission at FL240 unpressurized and breathing oxygen for over 3 hours.
  • The R-36M used a gas-dynamic method for the first and second stages whereby special ports are opened through which the propellant tanks are pressurized.
  • depressurize the cabin in the air plane
  • The pressure outside the cabin is much lower than inside the pressurized cabin.
  • Experts say such wells can repressurize, much like a dormant volcano can awaken. Gulf Awash In 27,000 Abandoned Oil And Gas Wells
  • He explores the benefits of cold extraction by freezing ground coffee and water in pressurized containers.
  • Do not be pressurized into making your decision immediately.
  • The turbine is specially built to run on pressurized carbon dioxide.
  • REC's so-called fluidized bed reactor process grows beads of polysilicon from pressurized gas and tiny liquidized seeds of semi-purified material. -- Top News
  • And at the end of the arm there -- as you see it kind of descend down, sort of the middle-lower part of the screen -- is an item they call the pressurized mating adaptor. CNN Transcript - Special Event: NASA Astronauts Prepare for Second Space Walk on International Space Station - February 12, 2001
  • They were flying a cabin-class, twin-engine Cessna 335, the unpressurized precursor to the Cessna 340.
  • When the hatch is opened, the release of these pressurized gases and vapors can expose workers.
  • Pressurize the vessel to e . g . 0.2 MPa ( overpressure ) and vent.
  • Is it not possible to repressurize the shuttle to cause expansion again, and combine this with the dry-ice method? Potential Delay In Shuttle Schedule - NASA Watch
  • From beneath the dome, the magma could combine with pressurized gases and steam to trigger an eruption, Pierson said.
  • Other onboard power sources serve as latent explosion triggers, including batteries, other pressurized systems, fuel cells and hypergolic fuels.
  • The atmosphere in the cabin is pressurized to about the same as Denver altitude.
  • Cold shutdown refers to when a reactor is cooled to safe temperatures—below water's boiling point—and is depressurized. Air-Cooling Plan Studied at Plant
  • No one can seriously dispute the minute-to-minute danger of being a police officer in a pressurized urban environment.
  • Hermetic seals hissed as they depressurized and the upper chest shell swung open.
  • To depressurize that fast, some of the passenger windows must have blown out, maybe an entire door. Rogue Wave
  • For a few people, painful episodes may occur if they fly in unpressurized planes at high altitudes.
  • The KC-10A supplementary fuel tankage system, selected after extensive studies, includes seven unpressurized integral-body fuel cells, four aft of the wing and three forward, all located in underdeck vented cavities.
  • Producers must repressurize fields by injecting water or, when that no longer works, carbon dioxide. Occidental Petroleum Strikes Texas Deal
  • This paper describes the purpose, requirement, device, test process and results of longeval Control Rod Drive Mechanism hot life test for Advance pressurized water reactor(APWR).
  • She is a beloved boss in a pressurized business.
  • Faraday pressurized chlorine gas inside a curved glass tube that was submerged at one end in a beaker of crushed ice.
  • The cabin wasn't pressurized, so the pilots had to wear oxygen masks in the cockpit.
  • These elevators should ideally be protected by a pressurized vestibule from the elevator lobby or direct access to the stair from the elevator lobby if a vestibule is not feasible.
  • Mr. Wilson has captivated the country with his gutsy performances in pressurized moments during these baseball playoffs. Baseball Takes a Back Seat to The Beard
  • Then he depressurized the pod and opened the hatch, leading the others onto the rocky surface of Eros.
  • December 14th, 2008 at 7: 53 pm looking for 10000 says: looking for 10000 … ashman pressurize: precipitately, censored: autonavigators, … Think Progress » Iraqi Leaders Call On U.S. To Set Timetable
  • Nuclear Industrial and Safety Agency officials said the new data indicates that it is likely that partially melted fuel had fallen to the bottom of the pressurized vessel that holds the reactor core together and possibly leached down into the drywell soon after the March 11 quake and tsunami that struck Japan's northeastern coast. The Full Feed from
  • I really don't need or want a vacation any longer, as every day is a vacation from that previous "existence" and I depressurized a LONG time ago, almost 12 years ago in fact — la vida buena mexicana, something that few gringos truly get to appreciate. Cost of living in Mexican cities
  • To be safe, all types of pressure canners must be vented 10 minutes before they are pressurized.
  • Pesticide products in pressurized cylinders, oil, antifreeze, tires, paints, varnishes, thinners, cleaners and solvents will not be accepted.
  • Turbochargers and superchargers pressurize the incoming air to effectively cram more air into a cylinder.
  • Always depressurize a regulator before closing the adjusting knob and removing the regulator from the cylinder.
  • Heavy mechanical noises sounded through the pressurized sections of the hull as huge clamps and umbilicals retracted.
  • I bet there is some really elegant solution to mechanically actuating something in vacuum from a pressurized environment but I can't think of it immediately. Name Node 3 - NASA Watch
  • A lot of guys who play well in pressurized situations.
  • The fuel cell unit with a power output of 200 kW and the pressurized gas cylinders containing compressed hydrogen are accommodated on the roof.
  • The gas mixture is pressurized by a compressor to a pressure less than 750 psia, and preferably less than 420 psia, for safety reasons, and supplied to a heat exchanger.
  • If the cabin depressurizes, oxygen masks will automatically drop down.
  • Soft mechanical noises were the only warning as valves opened pressurized tanks of corrosive acid.
  • Without such systems, pilots who get fire warnings from the cargo hold often must resort to making emergency descents to depressurize the aircraft and try to starve the flames of oxygen. Plane Fires Prompt Battery Safeguards
  • There was no road from here to the reed-beds, but the APCs had big tyres, centrally pressurized, and power-steering. KARA KUSH
  • All they have to do is pressurize the cabin and get your box to the right place.
  • If the cabin depressurizes, oxygen masks will automatically drop down.
  • After three years in operation, Embraer hit a worldwide home run with the nineteen-seat Bandeirante, a nonpressurized turboprop primitive by present standards but well-equipped for its time. The Emerging Markets Century
  • I bet there is some really elegant solution to mechanically actuating something in vacuum from a pressurized environment but I can't think of it immediately. Name Node 3 - NASA Watch
  • In designing its planes one of the company's many considerations is that metal flexes and fatigues over time as cabins pressurize and depressurize on each flight. Boeing Miscalculated Risks
  • This airship is presently pressurized with enough helium to make her fly at seven thousand feet maximum. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Soft mechanical noises were the only warning as valves opened pressurized tanks of corrosive acid.
  • Entering the shuttle by the tiny airlock would be time consuming and I wondered why Pete hadn't depressurized the cabin and let them in through the main cargo hatch.
  • Even depleted production wells can repressurize over time and spill oil if their sealings fail. Obama Administration To Require Abandoned Oil And Gas Wells Plugged, Idle Platforms Dismantled In Gulf Of Mexico
  • I wonder if Law is too pressurized for Adam... I didn't much like the look of his room... too small. LOST CHILDREN
  • Becomes one of the first airlines to use oxygen for its entire fleet of unpressurized aircraft. Globe and Mail
  • TL;DR: Plenty of things can depressurize an aircraft, and hitting an aircraft in flight is extraordinarily implausible. The Volokh Conspiracy » California Court of Appeal Upholds Ban on .50-Caliber Rifles Against Second Amendment Challenge:
  • It is not a good idea to pressurize children into playing a musical instrument.
  • The fuel is stored and released in the form of pressurized gas into the engine.
  • Once the Romaine was where he wanted it and the bay was secured, Scotty shut the doors and waited several painfully long seconds for the chamber to repressurize. CROSSOVER
  • It was generally observed that roots responded to applied pressure more rapidly if they had first become established in unpressurized medium for 36 h. Thus this initial period of establishment was used in all experiments.
  • The plane's cabin failed to pressurize and the jet had to land in Seattle.
  • Any pressurized bottle used for pneumatic operation must be filled with compressed air, nitrogen, or CO2.
  • By the time someone got to him, the man had already torn away the door's interior panelling and was about to depressurize the cabin.
  • In the months after his November 2008 loss to Celestino Caballero, Molitor admitted the pressurized environment of a title unification bout flustered him. MISSISSAUGA - Home
  • For this reason, we have pressurized the cabin by means of two superchargers, either of which will maintain correct air density in the cabin.
  • Fortunately for him, the engine room was pressurized with an atmosphere or the bubble might have exploded out into the room.
  • These metal cans are capped with valves that seal the pressurized propellant in the can and control dispensing of the contents.
  • We became experts at disconnecting the fuel line at the carburetor, taking off the cap, blowing the sludge back into the pressurized tank, and reconnecting it for another five miles.
  • Both airlines had large route structures where a pressurized airliner could be fully utilized.
  • We should have restored hull integrity within five hours, but we havna the resources to repressurize all the decks. Dreams of the Raven
  • On some diesels, fuel feed lines carry pressurized fuel up to the injectors.
  • One of the former featured dual-purpose, pressurized, stainless-steel tanks that not only held the propellant, but also provided structural rigidity to support the weight of the missile and warhead.
  • India is a soft target and will remain so until a powerful nation pressurizes it to act. Pakistan is not accepting the fault, what else can be expected?
  • TransCanada tries to 'depressurize' Keystone XL pipeline bid Market News
  • Heavy mechanical noises sounded through the pressurized sections of the hull as huge clamps and umbilicals retracted.
  • Aircraft manufacturers spent decades mastering the enormous forces created when a pressurized cabin flies at higher altitudes.
  • Fuel assembly grids of pressurized water reactor strengthen the coolant mixing around rod through mixing structure.
  • All of LM's pressurized compartments were spherical, toroidal or cylindrical, including the crew compartment, the forward portion being a wide flat cylinder and the aft being basically cylindrical with cutouts and reinforcement for the hatch on top and the engine on the bottom. Seeing The Rover Up Close - NASA Watch
  • A large body of magma, capped by a hydrothermal system (a zone of pressurized steam and hot water), still exists beneath the caldera.
  • She also imparts potentially useful, if not exactly reassuring, tips on what to do when your plane depressurizes: you have slightly less than thirty seconds to put on that dangling oxygen mask before you lose consciousness.
  • A franchise for dog-grooming service Pooch Mobile requires an upfront investment of $59,000 for a franchise territory, a trailer outfitted with a water-pressurized dog bath, two weeks of training, marketing materials, grooming tools and shampoo to wash 100 dogs, says Annie Ellmers , the U.S. franchiser for the company, which started in Australia. Chained to the Road
  • Chambers were slowly depressurized after treatment, and the animals were reverted to breathing room air thereafter.
  • It uses a highly efficient, super-clean way of burning coal called pressurized fluidized bed combustion.
  • Plants under balancing pressure grew faster than unpressurized plants during the photoperiod of day 3, but slower during the dark period of day 4.
  • He clutched the ceiling holding tightly and waited for the cabin to depressurize.
  • If its pressurized floes are thick and unbroken, it can stop an ice-breaker dead or slice the steel hull of a lesser ship like a can opener.
  • Supplemental oxygen or pressurized portable hyperbaric chambers should be used if descent is delayed.
  • An expensive new joint project with Argentina to build a pressurized propjet became a white elephant when not a single plane was sold. Stumbling Toward Innovation
  • Virga is a world made of a giant pressurized fullerene balloon with an artificial sun at its center. Boing Boing: December 3, 2006 - December 9, 2006 Archives
  • ‘Although aircraft cabins are pressurized, being on an aircraft is not the same as being at home,’ says Dr. Claypool.
  • Pressurized cabins make for heinously dry skin, which is why I always bring a travel sized bottle of my favorite, thick lotion.
  • The ‘Contents Under Pressure‘ safety warning is affixed on or stamped into containers that hold pressurized gas.
  • As the tectonic plates move apart, rock is pulled up from depth at the spreading axis and melts as it depressurizes.
  • Always pressurize a regulator slowly, while standing with the cylinder valve between you and the regulator.
  • Before we can make the pressurized board sawed and shaped, first we should put the tailor-made cyclostyle on the timber and draw the shape, then saw the shapes using the small band saw.
  • If you had your choice of any pressurized, six-passenger single-engine aircraft available today, which one would you choose and why?
  • It is not a good idea to pressurize children into playing a musical instrument.
  • The synthesis technique, called the pressurized vapor/condenser (PVC) method, was developed with Jefferson Lab's Free-Electron Laser and later perfected using a commercial welding laser. Undefined
  • It is typically shipped and stored as a liquid in a pressurized container on interstate highways.
  • The stresses planes undergo each time their cabins pressurize and depressurize during a trip are major factors in creating cracks and possibly causing metal fatigue. Boeing Factory Probed in Rupture of Southwest Jet
  • If you have to travel in an unpressurized aircraft, talk to your doctor about extra precautions.
  • What does that image mean to the American people, a guy who can actually get into a super sonic plane, and actually fly in an unpressurized cabin, like an actual jet pilot?
  • Cocking her head in confusion, she pushed the lock release on the keypad next to the door, causing the door to slide open with an acrimonious hiss as the door depressurized.
  • Past studies failed to show a therapeutic difference between hyperbaric and unpressurized oxygen therapy.
  • So given the Aztec is unpressurized, the door is a flimsy little aluminium thing, and all the passengers were seatbelted, it wasn't as much of a Hollywood-type emergency as I first imagined.
  • It is not a good idea to pressurize children into playing a musical instrument.
  • Even depleted production wells can repressurize over time and spill oil if their seals fail. Gulf Oil Spill Investigation Now Includes Tens Of Thousands Of Abandoned Wells
  • Lee laughed to release the tension, as he waited for the cargo bay doors to close and the area to repressurize. Battlestar Galactica
  • The solar heat obviously pressurized the car's closed cabin.
  • P - 38's had unpressurized cabins, so pilots wore oxygen masks.
  • Fuselages on virtually all modern airline transports and executive aircraft are pressurized.
  • During this second day, the pressurized plant grew faster than the unpressurized one in the light period, but during the night it grew slower.
  • Red lights came up as I closed the shuttle's hatch and a green came on as the boarding tube depressurized.
  • True satisfaction comes from successfully meeting appropriate challenges in a nonpressurized setting—when a child feels confident that he will be loved for being himself, whether he’s playing, working on a project, or simply exploring life. You Raising Your Child
  • Three day's vacation should depressurize me.
  • Some 660 tons of residual oil remain in the depressurized pipe, which has been secured on the seabed with concrete mats. Shell Stops Oil Leak in North Sea Pipeline
  • pressurized section of an aircraft.
  • `Well, I think I'll depressurize in New Orleans before I fly back. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • Packaged food cooks inside a pressurized tube.
  • As the crews approached the drop zone, they depressurized the planes and opened the cargo doors.
  • The cabin wasn't pressurized and no one was hurt.
  • But he really didn't have any time to contemplate the meaning behind those words, because just about the time that Anthony finished talking, the room depressurized.
  • This pressurized water (8 to 10 bar of air pressure) propels the participant 26 ft through the air for a cool and refreshing splash down in a swimming pool.
  • A confined jet of compressed air pressurizes the inspiratory airflow.
  • This sterilization is considered effective to kill all the germs and viruses of the guy before you only when these instruments are subjected to pressurized and superheated steam in an autoclave pressure vessel, an expensive gadget.
  • These were the first airliners in widespread use to feature pressurized cabins, in turn allowing pilots to fly at greater altitudes.
  • This aircraft is pressurized, with all the bells and whistles of a modern medivac unit.
  • Because the Shuttle cabin is pressurized, the flute worked the same in space, with one exception: in the near-weightless environment, the flute practically held itself aloft.
  • The rapid ascent and descent of the plane combined with the pressurized cabins can cause an imbalance in pressure between the middle ear and outer ear.
  • But .50 will depressurize or, rather, render impossible to pressurize virtually any commercial aircraft out there, and an airliner without pressurization will have to land or it will suffer fatalities, period. The Volokh Conspiracy » California Court of Appeal Upholds Ban on .50-Caliber Rifles Against Second Amendment Challenge:
  • The six-times champion seemed to be finding it monumentally easy to pressurize Tsonga's backhand and force him to overhit. Fed Express Fails to Deliver
  • The stresses planes undergo each time their cabins pressurize and then depressurize during a trip are major factors in creating cracks and possibly causing metal fatigue. Manufacturing Issues Suspected in Southwest Jet Rupture
  • I'll depressurize the hold and we'll guide it in manually.
  • `Well, I think I'll depressurize in New Orleans before I fly back. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • The fuselage is fully air-conditioned for maximum comfort, and is pressurized so that when you are travelling at 30,000 ft., the equivalent pressure in the cabin is only 4,000 ft. altitude. The Aircraft Industry in Canada and the Future Development of Jet Engines
  • An officer found the man passed out behind the wheel with a can of "duster" - pressurized gas used to blow debris from computer keyboards - in his lap. The Shad Plank
  • When the timed process is completed, turn off the heat, remove the canner from heat if possible, and let the canner depressurize.
  • Although he has come to despise his line of work, he has come to love the culture of what he calls “Airworld,” finding contentment within pressurized cabins, anonymous hotel rooms, and a wardrobe of wrinkle-free slacks. Anna Kendrick Cast in Jason Reitman’s Up in the Air | /Film
  • Data are means 1 SD for three unpressurized plants.
  • This gives the family enough time to pressurize the girl and influence the nature of the statement she gives.
  • Stay off planes for at least 13 hours after diving: Even pressurized cabins in commercial aircraft can bring on decompression sickness, i.e., the dreaded bends.
  • Essentially, this is an operation where there is a pressurized water chamber into which a punch pushes the metal blank.
  • If the cabin is pressurized, do not descend at a rate exceeding the value calculated by the flight engineer, and either adjust automatic pilot for descent or turn it OFF.
  • A gasoline engine powers a pump that pressurizes hydraulic oil in the ram. Ask the Builder: Tips on cutting, splitting, storing next winter's firewood
  • At high altitudes in an unpressurized cabin, pilots and passengers will eventually fall unconscious from lack of oxygen, or worse.
  • At high altitudes, the thin air makes it hard to breathe unless the cabin is pressurized.
  • The bottles are pressurized with CO2 so that when the beer is forced into the bottles under pressure it doesn't foam up too much.
  • Investigators subsequently determined that a defective air-circulation fan—combined with the crew's decision to turn on certain engine and wing anti-ice systems while flying through unusually warm temperatures—caused the plane to quickly depressurize, according to the document posted on the aviation website earlier this week. Reports Detail Incidents of Korean Air, Asiana Jets
  • On detecting flow of water in the line the pump starts and boosts the pressure in the line downstream of the pump (as opposed to a hydropneumatic system that would pressurize the entire house plumbing system) sufficiently for the heater to operate. Water Heater question
  • Pressurized container - do not puncture.
  • They have to response immediately to grab the oxygen maskers when the cabin pressurizes dropped. Boeing Announces Air Worthiness Directive for B737
  • Apparatus as in claim 4 wherein pressurized gas means is provided for operating said deagglomeration means.
  • The actuator valve assembly and suction tube is screwed onto the cylinder and the tank is pressurized with a standard tire inflation system.
  • After sufficient cooling was achieved in each fifty-foot block, its waterlines were filled with pressurized grout and the slot concreted to the top of that level, like a zipper slowly being pulled closed. Colossus
  • This fitting design actually pressurizes the fuel tank and forces gasoline out of the fill pipe and it flows into the bilge.
  • They have to make decisions in a pressurized situation.
  • If your fire extinguisher is depressurized or broken, replace it. Hints From Heloise
  • The entire cab is pressurized, which is good, because that means the astronauts can take off their bulky, uncomfortable white bubble-head EVA suits. Jalopnik
  • liquid food compactly stored in a pressurized tank
  • A Southwest Airlines jet made an emergency landing in Charleston, West Virginia, on Monday after a football-sized hole in its fuselage caused the cabin to depressurize, an airline spokeswoman said. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: July 14, 2009
  • The shuttle door hissed as it depressurized and then opened, rising up to reveal several more well dressed ‘Secret Service’ men.
  • The 20-minute tour, which documents the full 167 feet of the space station's pressurized modules, was recorded by NASA Flight Engineer Michael Barratt to show Mission Control how equipment and supplies are arranged and stored, and to provide engineers with a detailed assessment of each module-to-module hatchway. NASA Watch: June 2009 Archives

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