How To Use Presentiment In A Sentence

  • It is such a powerful presentiment of my own death that I begin to cry.
  • Ever since we had come to live in the city, I had felt a presentiment of danger. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Novelists know how to put vague presentiments into words.
  • He doesn't notice his peers' fearful presentiments, or the sharp clatter of something falling onto the floor, shattering the silence.
  • He had a presentiment of disaster.
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  • We never find instinct making mistakes; we cannot, therefore, ascribe a result which is so invariably precise to such an obscure condition of mind as is implied when the word presentiment is used; on the contrary, this absolute certainty is so characteristic a feature of instinctive actions, that it constitutes almost the only well-marked point of distinction between these and actions that are done upon reflection. Unconscious Memory
  • I never laughed at presentiments in my life, because I have had strange ones of my own.
  • The lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case against her client.
  • But, although he thought of it as invalid, at the same time he felt it to be the expression of a true presentiment.
  • A presentiment of unease enveloped me before I could find my seat at the rear of the plane.
  • But it wasn't only that vanished world they represented, but also the vanished happiness of my father's family; the faces smiling without any presentiment of their coming wartime doom.
  • I felt a certain self-complacency, a certain presentiment of your satisfaction in seeing your collection swelling into something really worth while; and having the pen in my hand to write to you, I was on the point of putting on the paper some such/fadaise/as this: 'It was a capital thought in me, dearest Helen, the making of this collection for you. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Immediately she had shut her eyes sensing some peculiar presentiment.
  • Since the unfortunate accident to your father, I have had the strangest presentiments concerning you, at times.
  • Now 'precognition' or if we want to call it that 'presentiment' is a very popular (or populist) notion but one that is, for very good reasons a notion which is almost anathema to current highly respectable physics literature (Note 1), though not to the philosophy literature to the same extent. McTaggart, Buber, Swartz and Sri Aurobindo
  • In real life, how do we look back to little speeches as presentimental of, or contrasted with, an affecting event! Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher
  • O! the affecting beauty of the death of Cawdor, and the presentimental speech of the king: Literary Remains, Volume 2
  • The second , research the acting means of presentiment system, this part is consist of spy and patrol signal fire transferring and recovery per se.
  • Then, as she felt the package again, a terrible presentiment stuck her. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • These are the sort of tales one might hear while hanging around an English village where everyone has cable television and cell phones and lives off the tourist trade, and yet where old presentiments of the supernatural have lingered.
  • Now let us assume that when all our chickens have come home to roost the strain on our economic coop is ten per cent of what I believe it will be; nay, as little as ten per cent of what my friends on the Left have an instinctive presentiment that it may be. The Jewish Problem in America
  • He had a presentiment that in this way God was forearming him for some extraordinary trial; and the loss of his wife seemed to him most likely to be that trial. The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss
  • Not that I cared what Edwin did, as a rule, but I couldn't help feeling a sort of what-d'you-call-it -- a presentiment, that somehow, in some way I didn't understand, I was mixed up in it, or was soon going to be. A Wodehouse Miscellany Articles & Stories
  • Ecological responsibility, civilized critique, ecological ideality and ecological presentiment are prominent character of Ecological Literature.
  • Not that I cared what Edwin did, as a rule, but I couldn't help feeling a sort of what-d'you-call-it -- a presentiment, that somehow, in some way I didn't understand, I was mixed up in it, or was soon going to be. A Wodehouse Miscellany Articles & Stories
  • Little addicted by his peculiar habits to an over-indulgence of the imagination, and still less accustomed to those absolute conquests of the physical frame over the mental, which seem the usual sources of that feeling we call presentiment, Mordaunt rose, and walking to and fro along the room, endeavoured by the exercise to restore to his veins their wonted and healthful circulation. The Disowned — Volume 08
  • Often Hou's images seem like presentiments of future memories rather than representations of present happenings.
  • The term presentiment suggests a sense of foreboding, a vague feeling of danger, an intuitive hunch that something not quite right is about to unfold. ENTANGLED MINDS
  • I had a presentiment that he represented a danger to me.
  • For every person who, warned by a presentiment of catastrophe, turned back at the last minute from boarding a plane that was shortly to crash, thousands (by now) did not.
  • He hoped that we could meet some other time, but I had a presentiment that a future occasion may not be possible in this world.
  • The image is a fearful intimation of tragedy, a presentiment of a century of spiritual crisis.
  • I don't know how it is, I was engaged in an affair of this nature once before, and never cared a pin about the matter; but somehow I have got what they call a presentiment that harm will come of to-morrow's business. Frank Fairlegh Scenes From The Life Of A Private Pupil
  • I have a presentimental assurance of finding one another again before long. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • She thought, somehow, it was a mysterious and presentimental bell. Vanity Fair
  • Pip leaves the room, though returns a few minutes later on some odd presentiment.
  • I feared madness, not sickness -- I have a presentiment that Adrian will not die; perhaps this illness is a crisis, and he may recover. I.4a
  • Hobbie Elliot had, in the meanwhile, pursued his journey rapidly, harassed by those oppressive and indistinct fears that all was not right, which men usually term a presentiment of misfortune. The Black Dwarf
  • He enjoyed his time at school, although there was a presentiment of things to come when, in the summer of 1960, he was sent home for hosting a wine party in the grounds.
  • But there was the tiniest presentiment of disaster.
  • They commonly intimated themselves parenthetically in the midst of some blissful talk they were having, and overcast his clear sky with retrospective ideals of conduct or presentimental plans for contingencies that might never occur. April Hopes
  • And, in spite of my confusion and agitation, the inexplicable voice which we call presentiment whispered in my heart: 'He has forbidden you to CALL him father, but he has not said that he is not your father.' The Count's Millions
  • In the end, Gabriel had accepted that and left, trying to ignore the presentiment of danger resonating, clarionlike, in his mind. WHOLE SECRET LOVE
  • O! the affecting beauty of the death of Cawdor, and the presentimental speech of the king: — “There’s no art Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher
  • Gregory had a presentiment that something irreparable had happened in his life. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case
  • The lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case.
  • Thoughts conceived under the dominion of that spell are often realized; but we then attribute their pre-vision to a power we call presentiment, -- an inexplicable power, but a real one, -- which our passions find accommodating, like a flatterer who, among his many lies, does sometimes tell the truth. The Chouans
  • There is a general presentiment too, that the Man of Sin, prior to his downfal, will make some dire and violent attempt through his infatuated followers against the truth, and against such as faithfully maintain it. The Life of James Renwick A Historical Sketch Of His Life, Labours And Martyrdom And A Vindication Of His Character And Testimony
  • a presentiment that in this way God was forearming him for some extraordinary trial; and the loss of his wife seemed to him most likely to be that trial. The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss
  • She had had a presentiment of what might lie ahead.
  • Well, there were some presentiments of the rock 'n' roll destiny that beckoned.

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