
How To Use Presence In A Sentence

  • Here's the good news: When you bring what I call unconditional presence to the trance of fear, you create the foundation for true spiritual awakening. Undefined
  • A great deal of the nudge-nudge wink-wink routine by the young upwardly mobile male executives was the usual response to her presence.
  • His eyes have a certain amount of little-boy-lost about them and his slightly nervy, jumpy presence also helps him appear a lot younger than his 43 years.
  • In fact, the longest continuing presence is often the audit partner.
  • With a stage presence as big as her amazing costumes, her ad-libs and one-liners had the audience in raptures.
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  • One effortlessly got saturation coverage, the other struggled to get noticed, despite the mandatory presence of a celebrity, a suitably weighty one too.
  • When the cupel shows signs of the presence of these metals in objectionable quantity, it is well to repeat the assay and scorify so as to remove them before cupellation. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Statistical analysis for significant difference in the slope of mutant induction in the presence or absence of vanillin was performed using the f-test for comparison of slopes.
  • The presence of small lymphocytes in serous cavity fluid can pose great difficulty in the differentiation between a low-grade lymphoproliferative disorder and reactive lymphocytosis.
  • According to FDA officials, the herb stevia can be ‘adulterated’ merely by being in the presence of information that reveals its sweetening property.
  • Not difficult, admittedly, but he remains a solid and dependable presence at the back. The Sun
  • The following data on the electric conductance of F 0 were obtained in the presence of myxothiazol, to avoid the complications caused by the electrogenic and proton pumping activity of bc 1.
  • The bold provisionality and elegant openness of Merz's installations, as well as his own freewheeling personal presence and oracular writings, helped make him the most widely recognized of all the Arte Povera artists.
  • The child showed great presence of mind by grabbing the falling baby.
  • But while the mysterious circumstances of the tragedy keep on adding up, the ghostly presence of her partner seems intent on having his say. The Sun
  • In the early 1980s, the term telepresence was coined to refer to the use of remote control and the feedback of sensory information to produce the impression of being in another place, an idea which is now part of virtual reality.
  • You got a big hefty looking bloke who looked like he could handle himself in a barney, put him and a bunch of like mates out on the streets at all hours of the day and night as a visible presence.
  • Similarly, the variation of distance refraction and the presence of astigmatism is also lower than for humans.
  • We observe a reduction in fluorescence anisotropy only in the presence of FRET from linked mVenus and mCerulean.
  • The Moroccan government claims to be acting constructively, but pretends that Western Sahara is not partitioned, and that the Polisario-controlled areas are a buffer zone in which the Polisario has no presence. Global Voices in English » Western Sahara: Landmine Injures Five During Peaceful Protest
  • Its spectral presence looms over the city, its pointed top a needle to the bubble. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its choreography is dense with invention, its dancers project a fine fierce physicality and an alert, emotional presence. Stephen Petronio Company – review
  • Don't get gay in the presence of so many people.
  • An antisynthetase antibody, when positive, may help confirm the presence of an inflammatory myopathy.
  • The presence of extrusive volcanic rocks during the rifting stages suggests that a large volume of melt may also have been added to the crust intrusively.
  • The presence of hops was what distinguished beer from ale. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He made the accusation in the presence of witnesses.
  • The reward is tremendous weight and presence; the downside emotional crudity.
  • We will increase police presence in local communities.
  • Coronary flow velocity signals were sampled at a preselected fixed distance of 5.2 mm from the device tip to minimize turbulence caused by the presence of the measuring device.
  • The soldiers' presence seemed to keep a lid on the violence.
  • Faced with the new electric fields introduced by the sound wave, the electrons and holes in the quantum well seek out their respective points of minimum energy in the presence of the fields.
  • A preliminary review of the local mineralogy was subsequently written by Endlich, who noted the presence of aragonite, chabazite, calcite, mesolite, and natrolite, in addition to ‘leucite.’
  • The presence of loam in potting composts does increase the margin for error, both when watering and feeding. The Sun
  • Can nonstandardized bitewing radiographs be used to assess the presence of alveolar bone loss in epidemiologic studies?
  • God's omniscience means he knows all our needs and God's omnipresence means we can pray to him wherever we are, but if we fall into bland repetition of these truths, they will grow tiresome.
  • The presence on an arts board of the occasional, often atypical artist from a minority does not do much for the community, other than condescend to him or her.
  • One outstanding feature of this ecoregion is the presence of coral reefs, one of the largest and best preserved in the western Caribbean Sea, considered a part or an extension of the great belicean reef, very outstanding in terms of marine biodiversity. Cayos Miskitos-San Andrés and Providencia moist forests
  • Mr Copley, robed in cassock and billowing surplice, was impatiently pacing the back lawn seeming oblivious to their presence.
  • Young axes have higher values of structural Young's modulus than do older stages and this is reflected by the presence of fibre tissues, primary phloem fibres and collenchyma placed near the periphery of young axes.
  • A formidable presence, not just because of her voice; but because of her lithe, sensual chassis; presented as it was with a faux ditziness. Martha Wainwright, Rufus, Marilyn and Kate.
  • Is it possible to determine the fate of toxicants and the presence and efficiencies of detoxification systems in rotifers?
  • Consequently, when characters share on-screen space, it is almost claustrophobic because of the heavy presence of repressed longings and unspoken desires.
  • The most commanding presence is the horse chestnut tree, often a massive green tower covered with bright white lanterns. Times, Sunday Times
  • The presence of gold and silver in your portfolio will insure that you will emerge from the abyss with your capital intact.
  • For the U.S., Okinawa is the pivot of its East Asian military presence.
  • But it's a reassuring presence and it grows on you like the frown of a grizzled but kindly uncle. The Sun
  • It does mean, though, that interviewers need to be sensitive to the dangers to which victims may be exposed as a direct result of the interviewer's presence.
  • They argued that the presence of TV cameras at the trial influenced the behavior of attorneys, witnesses, and jurors.
  • The practice of theurgy, then, becomes a way for the soul to experience the presence of the divinity, instead of merely thinking or conceptualizing the godhead.
  • The macrostructures disclosed the presence of equiaxed grains as well as areas of mixed grain structure.
  • He doesn't have the build for the Jackie Chan stunts he uses to repel the onslaught of his friends in crime-fighting, and he doesn't bear himself with heroic presence.
  • Evidence from past studies shows that the presence of Anax induces a reduction in activity level of small green frogs and bullfrogs.
  • Reference is made to the dating presence of shells and glacial deposits, and the burial chronology and body size reduction evidence.
  • Given economists' almost theological commitment to the notion that markets clear, the presence of unemployment in the world requires a theodicy[7] to explain it.
  • In addition to the presence of neutralizing antibodies, in vitro studies have shown that human adenovirus type 5 hemagglutinates human erythrocytes and is partially inactivated by the classical complement system.
  • In return for a bail-out of the currency, it would deflate the economy, impose a statutory incomes policy, and maintain a military presence East of Suez.
  • My brother-in-law went into another room, and madame de Bearn began to unswathe her foot in my presence with the utmost caution and tenderness. Memoirs of the Comtesse Du Barry, with minute details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV. Written by herself
  • The staff and Little Harbor Hospital were already getting used to me so my presence there was not unordinary.
  • Quit sitting around with your theological mystical excuses and get busy building the temple that I said would be the place my presence resides. Christianity Today
  • Human consciousness watched the kingdoms that they had cast from outside as a nonphysical presence.
  • He studies the Forest for a time longer, until the sun begins to rise above the deadland and fields to his left, but the silent presence and lack of overt threat does not change. The Magi'i Of Cyador
  • His laughter was spiteful and mirthless, and he took his time, content to let his presence sink in.
  • Not difficult, admittedly, but he remains a solid and dependable presence at the back. The Sun
  • In America, the same augustness is reflected by his regular presence in the New Yorker and on university syllabuses.
  • Its presence was announced not by sidewalk canopies and grand spotlit foyers but by a single brass wall-plaque. COMPULSION
  • The presence of American warships in the area provided a needed measure of political stability. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • As you read this special issue on Prisons, thrill to the fact that lives are being changed - in spite of their presence in prison cells.
  • The presence of gastroliths (gizzard stones) in the rib cages of some specimens shows that this view is correct.
  • He acknowledged our presence with a nod of his head.
  • Some have long disputed the very idea of a frontier of ‘free land’ because of the presence of the numerous Indian peoples whose subjugation was required by the nation's westward march.
  • Your presence is requested at the club meeting on Friday.
  • He doesn't ignore her; just can't seem to register her presence.
  • She is still slight in build, her child's presence not ostensible.
  • His presence should fill the power vacuum which has been developing over the past few days.
  • The son having sent his father a messenger to know how he might bring the Gabii under a close subjection, the king, mistrusting the messenger, made him no answer, and only took him into his privy garden, and in his presence with his sword lopped off the heads of the tall poppies that were there. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • But the presence or absence of their mother may make all the difference in determining which is which, according to new research published online yesterday in Nature Neuroscience. Mother’s Presence can Override Fear | Impact Lab
  • Since you, the parent is the baby's primary source of physical and emotional nourishment, your well being can contribute to the presence or absence of colic.
  • For this cause also God has banished from His presence him who did of his own accord stealthily sow the tares, that is, him who brought about the transgression; [4433] but He took compassion upon man, who, through want of care no doubt, but still wickedly [on the part of another], became involved in disobedience; and ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • Her presence and nurturance literally restore Okonkwo to life in the wake of Ikemefuna's death and his forced, seven-year exile in Mbanta.
  • Chemists discovered that in the presence of light, rhodium compounds react with DNA, and they ultimately kill malignant cells by interfering with their ability to reproduce.
  • You're graceful, poised, tactful and exude quite a refined, princess-like presence.
  • How could he equate the presence of the `Night Watch" to the door takings ? ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • The presence of a collector at the church-gate annoys them because it's another reminder of their miserliness.
  • Never leaving his side, we will gather and store up all of the holy and loving thoughts inspired by the presence of the Lord of heaven and earth.
  • Alerts appeared on the screen, little boxes with red writing warning me of the presence of malware.
  • Though humans are never present in the photographs, human presence is emphasised through foregrounding the conscious activity of design.
  • For the past six weeks tens of thousands of people have packed into stadiums and arenas to be in the presence of Madonna. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sixteen hours later, cells from both groups were subjected to OGD for 6 hrs, fixed under hypoxia, the nuclei were Hoechst-stained and then scored (in a blinded fashion) for presence of either a normal vs pyknotic / mis-shapen / condensed morphology. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • As for clothes, fashion consultant Barbara Thomas decided Norma had the poise and presence to carry off a sophisticated designer label.
  • Throughout his 13-year career, Taylor was a marauding, intimidating presence who helped transform the Giants from also-rans into champions.
  • She was also intense and her actual presence unnerved me a little. Times, Sunday Times
  • Men are asked to refrain from reading the Shema in the presence of a woman who has a single handbreadth exposed. Modesty and Sexuality in Halakhic Literature.
  • This event catalyzed a year-long quest to develop an observer/participant art form reflecting the integration of time (particle) and space (wave) into the living breathing presence of a new archetype, the "wavicle" reflecting Tambellini's space/time experiments in art & physics at MIT, anticipating the hyperdimensional model based on the torsion effect of the rotation of the planets and their satellites arising from behind the Iron Curtain. Lisa Paul Streitfeld: (R)evolution in Art & Physics: The All-Round Genius of Aldo Tambellini
  • These metabolites cause hemoglobin to be oxidized to methemoglobin which is unable to transport oxygen. 3 The presence of significant amounts of methemoglobin causes normal hemoglobin to hold on tighter to oxygen. Phenazopyridine
  • Dr. Turnbull said the presence of so many long-term-care patients in his institution is a typical result of what he called the silo approach to Canadian health care: Every major hospital in the country is likely experiencing the same problem. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • There is usually a strong presence at company outings from the senior management team. Times, Sunday Times
  • Polak is a powerful presence in the lead, displaying remarkable physical and emotional range, while Treasa Levasseur is a standout in both comic and tragic turns.
  • Other chips may detect the presence of moulds or harmful bacteria.
  • An additional character that separates this species from the cervids is the presence of an abdominal musk gland.
  • His whole appearance at such times excited disgust in that lady, and she would leave his presence as soon as possible, using even the term brute to express her disgust; Matthias too, would attempt to rouse him on such occasions, to a sense of impropriety, by exclaiming, "Why, Elijah! what are you saying, what are you about?" while other persons would remove his hand, and hold him. Fanaticism; Its Source and Influence, Illustrated by the Simple Narrative of Isabella, in the Case of Matthias, Mr. and Mrs. B. Folger, Mr. Pierson, Mr. Mills, Catherine, Isabella, &c. &c. A Reply to W. L. Stone, with the Descriptive Portraits of
  • Frozen leaves were ground to a powder in a mortar with a pestle in the presence of liquid nitrogen in a cold room.
  • But the evidence they uncover about the presence of a bigfoot is even more awe-inspiring. The Sun
  • The highest conception we can form of heaven is the reversal of all the evil of earth, and the completion of its incomplete good: the sinless purity -- the blessed presence of God -- the fulfilment of all desires -- the service which is _blessed_, not toil -- the changelessness which is progress, not stagnation. Expositions of Holy Scripture
  • The boy was ill at ease in the presence of the headmaster.
  • The pause gave Edmund Jason time to adjust to his presence.
  • The only hint of fear in the company was the presence of two tall gorilla bodyguards clasping small automatic fire-arms, who glared at us suspiciously as we approached, but made no attempt to stop us.
  • Stars in pairs both orbit around a point in space called a barycenter, and researchers at times saw these orbits were slightly off, suggesting the presence of a planet tugging at both stars. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The hoard had been buried in a lead chest, fragments of which survive, and the presence of small bone pins suggests that some of the coins or bullion had been parcelled up into separate bags or parcels, secured by these pins.
  • Contrary to mathematical expectation, the presence of Rupa and Dullah did not decrease the loading time by two thirds.
  • The 6-foot-7, 210-pounder is expected to be a major inside presence for the Redhawks when he's healthy. Ohio Valley Conference
  • He added, "The only way to detect the presence of the trait is through a blood test called haemoglobin electrophoresis. Institute for War & Peace Reporting:
  • The vertebrates are characterized by the presence of a bony skeleton and a brain.
  • One-year mortality was reduced regardless of gender, presence of diabetes mellitus or heart failure, or treatment with diuretics, digitalis, beta blockers or anticoagulants.
  • Free time has been replaced by cyber time to the point where my family feels the need to comment on my presence at the dinner table.
  • Mr Byrne, you would say that even if the applicant knew of the presence of these things, that does not necessarily inculpate him.
  • Slick, ultraviolent advertising campaigns and an energetic presence on social media have added to the group's allure. Times, Sunday Times
  • For years I have been dodging surfboards and sailboards, jumping up and down to signal my presence as they come bearing down on me, then diving out of their way at the last moment.
  • I sat just behind the composer and felt in the presence of a creative genius, transported into other worlds.
  • He said the presence of the gallery across the road from the new parliament could spur it to new heights of art appreciation.
  • The basal ganglia of the brain are peculiarly rich in acetylcholine, the presence of which must presumably have some significance; and suggestive effects of eserine and of acetylcholine, injected into the ventricles of the brain, have been described. Sir Henry Dale - Nobel Lecture
  • Recent restudy of the inclusions in that collection indicate that the material is Cretaceous, as based on the presence of Serphitidae and several other families of insects restricted to the Cretaceous.
  • It is always immensely humbling for we hacks to be in the presence of the Chancellor, given his facility for talking expertly about, apparently, everything under the sun.
  • In an attempt to shed light on this matter, we have studied the intrinsic fluorescence properties of the purine and pyrimidine nucleosides dA, dG, dT, and dC in organic solvents in the presence of small amounts of water.
  • The presence of these foreign substances in the eye, in connection with the salt spray and irritating atmosphere, greatly aggravated the ophthalmia, and resolved it into a chronic affection, which ultimately resulted in entropium. The Dog
  • The NFL has not shied from the presence of religion in Jacksonville. - Owens one of NFL's true faithful
  • Ethan was still reading as he walked, trailing behind Jake who was ignoring his presence.
  • The presence of the jumbos created terror among the villagers and they fled.
  • This is love, she thought, isn't it? When you notice someone's absence and hate that absence more than anything? More, even, than you love his presence? Jonathan Safran Foer 
  • She has stage presence and a keen sense of the absurd, particularly in the political realm.
  • This complex activates prothrombin to thrombin in the presence of calcium ions.
  • Examination showed subconjunctival and subcutaneous emphysema, and radiography confirmed the presence of an orbital ‘blowout’ fracture.
  • Racial tension has been running high at the University of the Free State where a strong police presence was maintained during intervarsity. News24 Top Stories
  • To the right, the Presence control adds treble by reducing the amount of high frequencies in the feedback loop.
  • The presence of occult blood in the stool may be a sign of neoplasms or esophagitis.
  • He said that a number of factors have shown to control the length post-partum anestrus, including the presence of the newborn calf; the age of the mother cow; and the body condition score, which is a numerical representation of the cow's physical condition. Siskiyou Daily News Homepage RSS
  • They never again tortured a prisoner in his presence.
  • Worse yet, their presence frequently meant indiscriminate artillery bombardments against innocent villages suspected of harboring the Vietcong.
  • Delia told me all that passed in her presence, and showed me Baker's palinode, which is rather the most extraordinary document that I ever saw. The Partisan Leader: A Novel...
  • Her presence at his side felt more unbear-ably fortuitous than ever. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
  • This may be related to the presence of relatively large, probably late-diagenetic pyrite clusters in the bituminous limestones, whereas smaller framboids and crystals predominate in the black shales.
  • I was aware of a certain constraint on their part when they were in my presence.
  • Further evidence for ceremonial feasting is indicated by the presence of quantities of cattle and caprine bones in funerary contexts.
  • My mother's presence made the situation even more embarrassing.
  • More police, additional mobilization of military - there will be a presence of the government everywhere, including dis- and misinformation, false accusals and penetrating NGOs.
  • The United Nations maintains a military presence in the area.
  • This area requires maintenance costing over $200 million a day and the surreptitious cost of the car culture totals nearly $500 billion a year in the U.S. alone, much of that going to the sustentation of a military presence in the Persian Gulf. Driving Mister Barack
  • The presence or absence of clouds can have an important impact on heat transfer.
  • He has lit up these Games with his power, magnetism and sheer presence. The Sun
  • The regime only allows interviews with inspectors in the presence of an Iraqi official, a minder.
  • In addition, a thin layer of liquid lining the alveoli exerts surface tension, tending to collapse the lungs, although this surface tension is greatly decreased by the presence of surfactant.
  • This insulin hexamer corresponds with the unit cell in the rhombohedral crystals first investigated and is the asymmetric unit in the monoclinic form which appears in the presence of phenol. Nobel Lecture The X-Ray Analysis Of Complicated Molecules
  • People as well as objects may reveal the presence of the supernatural.
  • The girls share an awkward, boxy physical presence, highlighted by their penchant for vintage clothes and clompy boots.
  • People on lengthy courses of antibiotics often note the presence of thrush in the mouth or reproductive organs after treatment. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • Presence of oncogenic HPV types 16 and 18 DNA was done by polymerase chain reaction.
  • His intense, swaggering stage presence and masterful violin playing has won him both fans and critical acclaim all over the world.
  • Deal with this community in the aforesaid manner, for it cannot make good by itself, if your presence is far removed from it and if you are not in good health, strong, and eirenic in spirit! Poems for King Sigismund
  • He was the only human they trusted enough to honor with their presence and occasional speeches.
  • Juliet McMaster explores how in juvenilia in general the presence of "sexual knowingness in a child, especially a girl" is usually met with "resistance": "[w] riting and doing it are seen as perilously close, although the same assumption would not apply in the case of subjects less loaded" ( "Virginal Representations" 304-5, close window 'Pleasure is now, and ought to be, your business': Stealing Sexuality in Jane Austen's _Juvenilia_
  • But their peoples attached enormous symbolic importance to their presence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Closely allied to this subject is the investigation of the mode in which certain metals are reduced from their solutions by metallic sulphides, or, in common language, the influence which the presence of such substances as mundic and galena may exercise in effecting the deposit of pure metals, such as gold, in mineral lodes. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • To understand the patterns of associations in the field we therefore need to measure the benefits and costs of myrmecophily both in the presence and in the absence of ants.
  • A very great affection to God and his favour; for, in the time of trouble, that which he complains of most feelingly is God's withdrawing his gracious presence (v. 1): "Why standest thou afar off, as one unconcerned in the indignities done to thy name and the injuries done to the people? Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • They include flying drones equipped with cameras over popular beaches to alert lifeguards to the presence of sharks. Times, Sunday Times
  • A final possibility centres around a likeliness that exercise success here was more due to the presence of fun and enjoyment, than the use of distraction.
  • They tried to ensure that their presence was not too obtrusive.
  • She had barely registered his presence.
  • So its presence in areas of responsibility of missile armed submarines is subject to strict regulation.
  • By taking over the company, OMV said it was raising its presence in Turkey, which it considers a "bridgehead" to the Middle East and the Caspian region. OMV Taking Over Petrol Ofisi of Turkey -
  • It is fair to say that in their presence I tended to be quiet, almost meek. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • You transfer into a very solid, warm presence on Corvi, my dear. The ship who sang
  • Such an increase can also result in a lower overall hematocrit level, despite the presence of a greater number of red blood cells produced by EPO or introduced by blood doping. Mosquera says he has no reason to dope and has a clear conscience
  • He will regard your presence as an omen of good fortune.
  • We can understand this by thinking about speaking in the presence of another person. Christianity Today
  • The presence of evangelical contributors is interesting, and the number of those principally engaged in pastoral work is also notable.
  • As usual The Beatles have a massive presence with some very interesting articles, well worth a browse through all the items just for some of the stories.
  • The largest was Basilosaurus isis, which was up to 21 m long, with well developed five-fingered flippers on the forelimbs and the quite unexpected presence of hind legs, feet, and toes, not known previously in any archaeocete; a vestigial use may have been as claspers during aquatic mating. Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley), Egypt
  • Our fore fathers had the presence of mind to do away with king and "queenship". King Bush, Knight Dick, and Princess Lynne!
  • The general's courage and presence of mind earned him deep admiration among the armymen.
  • There's something about winter and snow that eliminates sound, and in that immense and roofless vacancy you sense another presence, something that doesn't move.
  • More importantly, unlike the other two, he made his physical presence known at both ends of the pitch.
  • Their presence contributed moral credibility to a growing antiwar movement. Trauma and Recovery
  • The presence of the manatee and the hippopotamus in the lower levels of the stratigraphic profile at the Ogoloma site is also significant.
  • He forbade contacts between directors and executives outside his presence.
  • The presence of other specialized benthos at the crinoid-bearing localities indicates that the ocean bottom locally was not fully anoxic.
  • After oviposition, the parent females were screened for the presence of virus by fluorescent antibody technique as mentioned below.
  • This gadget not only controls the presence of employees but also functions as a security device.
  • No wonder therefore, since glory itself is able thus to stretch a man to a kind of omnipresence, if the desire of glory has over his life and actions a kind of omnipotence. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • Following delivery, a pulmonary arteriogram was obtained and revealed the presence of multiple large pulmonary parenchymal arteriovenous malformations in the left lung.
  • No trace, only my cigarette smoke, hovering like a wraith, betrayed my presence by leaving the shadow of its scent as it passed through drab walls.
  • Although this particular result may be due to the limited sampling of avian taxa, the presence of a deinonychosaurian key feature (a hyperextendible second toe) and the absence of two avian key features a triradiate palatine (3) and a fully reversed first toe in Archaeopteryx challenges the monophyly of Aves as currently recognized. New Archaeopteryx fossil provides further insight into bird, dinosaur evolution - The Panda's Thumb
  • The president answered the modest doctor with as much politeness as presence of mind: he put the figure 1 before the number 100, and wrote (1100) "_They are ten times what they were before_. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 469, January 1, 1831
  • In the absence of symptoms, chronic bacterial prostatitis is sometimes discovered by the presence of bacteriuria.
  • Protein synthesis inhibition was performed by incubating plantlets at normal temperature and in the presence of 100 g ml - 1 cycloheximide.
  • He said that the binding was so “stereospecific” it had to be an opiate, like morphine, but because the binding was so weak he suspected that it might be due to the presence of a morphine contaminant in the sample. Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
  • Its girly, almost camp, presence effectively throws the testosterone of the action sequences into relief.
  • The presence of the poor is therefore widely felt as an unredeemed and unredeemable liability.
  • Indeed, for many people it was and is, but my own opinion is that too many people allow the film's merits to overcome two very significant detriments - its length and the presence of Gary Cooper.
  • And Frank Langella, precise in hat and overcoat, is a polite and yet threatening presence as the man with the offer, and secrets of his own (and arather nasty CGI scar). IN THE WORLD OF MOVIES: NEWS FOR NOVEMBER 5TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews

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