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How To Use Prescribe In A Sentence

  • Siva's devotees are forbidden to use drugs of abuse, such as cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, barbiturates, psychedelics and marijuana, unless prescribed by a licensed physician.
  • Metformin and sulfonylurea drugs -- the latter a class of diabetes drugs including glyburide, glipizide, chlorpropamide, tolbutamide and tolazamide -- are often among the first medications prescribed to lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Drug linked to increased risk for older diabetics
  • If you are anemic your health care provider may prescribe an iron supplement.
  • He remained in hospital for two nights whilst prescribed medication re-established a regular heartbeat.
  • It is likely your dentist will prescribe antibiotics to control the infection.
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  • Sometimes doctors prescribe a medicated cream or pills to treat difficult warts.
  • WE ALL are very familiar with the term antibiotics-medicines prescribed by doctors to treat infections. - Articles related to Scientists uncover mysterious workings of cholera bacteria
  • The drug is often prescribed for ulcers.
  • If necessary, your child's doctor may prescribe medicines to relieve symptoms.
  • As the law of 1580 prescribed a penalty of 50 years of banishment for adulterers, he was apparently convicted of adultery rather than incest.
  • Many herbalists prescribe hawthorne as a cardiotonic to keep healthy hearts healthy. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • She has been sectioned twice, held in hospital for psychiatric care and prescribed antipsychotic medication.
  • Both detention and compulsory questioning need to be authorised by a warrant issued by a prescribed authority.
  • If you have taken the test before and have previously been prescribed glasses or contact lenses, your optician may want you to take the test while wearing your glasses or contact lenses.
  • One recommended the usual synthetic hormones; another prescribed black cohosh and yam extract.
  • All women can benefit from early advice on good nutrition, as well as about the importance of stopping risky behaviors, especially smoking, drinking alcohol and taking unprescribed drugs.
  • Medically prescribed drugs - essential though they may be - sometimes bring about confusion or memory loss.
  • The heady feeling of power from a new outfit was better than anything the doctor could prescribe for you. JUST BETWEEN US
  • Patients who are prescribed lithium must be told about the increased risk of motor vehicle crashes.
  • Note that Jacopo adds something not prescribed - an angel swooping down with a palm, symbol of martyrdom.
  • You need to take certain oaths, read prescribed texts, pass tests, and undergo initiatory rites.
  • MAO inhibitors are commonly prescribed by medical doctors to treat depression.
  • There have been various studies that show that doctors prescribe Cipro, which is one of the newer, better of what they call a broader antibiotic, even when they could prescribe an older one. CNN Transcript Feb 19, 2003
  • the physician prescribed a commercial preparation of the medicine
  • Doctors prescribed sedatives, painkillers and rest, and advised sufferers to pull themselves together.
  • September 13th, 2009 at 5: 05 am computerist: This irrelevance blows UCD through the roof simply from the fact that these organisms are each carriers of prescribed "blueprint" information slowly but surely waiting for their next "release" state. Behe, Common Descent, & UD
  • The praetors changed the system of property by allowing a person, who had a thing in bonis, the right to recover before the prescribed term of usucaption had conferred absolute proprietorship. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • A Cook County Forest Preserve District representative last week said brush pile fires, set to dispose of chopped trees and buckthorn, and prescribed burns pose no threat to the public.
  • As happens in these situations, however, this is a new week and the new alternative medicine doctor has prescribed what I think would be called a macrobiotic diet. Archive 2005-10-01
  • Antibiotic ointments may be prescribed if bacteria infect the chalazion. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • There were traces of diamorphine on some scales and a bottle of methadone which had been prescribed to someone else.
  • Prescriptions must only be signed by the prescriber at the time prescriptions are written for a specific patient.
  • Children who live in underdeveloped areas of the world may be prescribed a preventive deworming medication.
  • Most patients who transferred to the pharmacy were prescribed a formulary product (table).
  • But this award has not prescribed ordinary hours for a casual.
  • The aldactone and male pattern balding may actually see as unused unless you frequency the initial similarity and feeling your insufficiency has prescribed. Wii-volution
  • the doctor prescribed steroids for my ear trouble
  • To do this, they administered purgatives and astringent gargles, prescribed cauteries and blisters on the neck and behind the ears, and on occasion even encased the whole head in plaster to dry it out. Knotted Tongues
  • He improved, but in 1996 he was readmitted to hospital with paraesthesia and leg spasms and was prescribed carbamazepine by a neurologist.
  • This would include prescribed medication and examinations by suitably qualified professions e.g. doctors, physiotherapists etc.
  • The drugs he was prescribed did him more harm than good.
  • All schools must follow the prescribed curriculum.
  • Your liver specialist may prescribe a drug called propranolol (Inderal) to decrease your risk of bleeding from these engorged veins (see chapter 9). DR. SANJIV CHOPRA’S LIVER BOOK
  • Most serious of all is that our political leaders repeatedly overstepped the scope of their constitutionally prescribed jobs.
  • They had forced down her throat the gobs of chalky calomel mixed with laudanum prescribed by the head-shaking doctor until her gums bled.
  • A doctor may also prescribe medications to relieve diarrhea or constipation.
  • Harmartolos was a term taken from archery, meaning to miss the target: in this context it simply means someone who does not adhere to the Jewish law or ritual observances—either because he or she has failed to keep the prescribed practices, or because he or she is not Jewish at all14. The Templar Revelation
  • It is specifically about actions by the Crown under a statute providing a prescribed means of law enforcement.
  • She had seen her general practitioner a week after the separation and he had prescribed a tranquillizer.
  • In England, porter, originally the beer favoured by porters at the market, became the health drink of the Victorians, often prescribed by doctors for convalescent ladies.
  • I prescribed phosphorus and strychnia, and galvanized the brain twice a week. The Electric Bath
  • Most of the time if you are prescribed a medication that could bind you up the doctor or pharmacist will let you know in advance of that possibility.
  • I love your philosophy, and I certainly agree that many medicines are overprescribed.
  • Date: April 4, 2007 11: 24 AM your online rv rental prescribe Lunesta for one way car rentals tricyclic tetracyclic freeringtones in females viagra day for var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '') Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
  • I regularly prescribe the bioidentical hormone estriol vaginally with great results in my practice. Marcelle Pick, OB-GYN N.P.: Can Hormones Keep You Young?
  • One type of drug that is often prescribed by doctors to prevent seizures is an anticonvulsive that, while not a barbiturate, possesses many of the characteristics of a barbiturate. All Categories Featured Content - Associated Content
  • Consultant Breast Surgeon Nader Khonji explained that the growth, known as gynaecomastia, was normally observed in adolescent males or people taking prescribed medication. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • One of the great goals of fundamental physics is to find the reason for the precise numerical values of the constants that appear in the equations that prescribe the laws of Nature.
  • Their task has been consistent and unglamorous: encourage learning up to a prescribed level and foster social discipline.
  • The prescribed medicine failed to take effect.
  • If I have a patient who says she wants a bioidentical ... then I personally would prescribe a hormone like estradiol, which is what her ovaries made, and I would give it to her in a skin patch by one of the drug companies that I know; it has oversight by the FDA and it has the exact dose that I want her to have," says Schiff, who has no ties to any drug companies. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • In earlier ages a penitential procession often followed the rite of the distribution of the ashes, but this is not now prescribed.
  • Mr. Joseph will inspect plants, prescribe fertilizers and pesticides and suggest measures to revitalise them.
  • A graduated program of swimming and stationary bicycling, along with isometric, isotonic, and eccentric strengthening in the later stages is prescribed.
  • The syllabus prescribes precisely which books should be studied.
  • FELLOW-CITIZENS of the United States: In compliance with a custom as old as the Government itself, I appear before you to address you briefly, and to take in your presence the oath prescribed by the Constitution of the United States to be taken by the President “before he enters on the execution of his office. Lincoln's First Inaugural Address
  • Rose responded, "There's no reason for a doctor to overprescribe if she is not asking for it. Anna Nicole Smith Part Of Conspiracy to Get Drugs: Prosecutors
  • The instruction was almost altogether catechetical, that is, questions on prescribed lessons in the text-books. History of the University of North Carolina. Volume I: From its Beginning to the Death of President Swain, 1789-1868
  • The consultant prescribed antibiotics, painkillers and eardrops, adding a further €37. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your doctor will likely prescribe medications to prevent blood clots, relax your arteries and protect against coronary spasms.
  • Costs are spiralling upward because doctors tend to overprescribe drugs, particularly to the elderly, and they tend to prescribe new, expensive drugs when a cheaper alternative is available.
  • What doesn't get manhandled out gets washed out with whatever purgative their employer prescribes.
  • Try to avoid chewing khat late at night, and never take sleeping pills unless prescribed by your doctor.
  • The production shall have a manager, (hereinafter referred to as the \ "production manager\"), with duties as prescribed by the partnership. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • If California wants to correct its incoherency, and quickly, it first needs to conduct an analysis of all physical and personnel costs associated with schooling in order to meet state-prescribed standards. Rep. Mike Honda: California's Student Lawsuit Exposes Education Disparities in America's Classrooms
  • The barber carried a piece of rusty hoop instead of a razor, and a pot of grease for lather, while the doctor, with a huge pill box and a knife, which he called his lancet, stood by to prescribe the treatment each patient was to receive. Owen Hartley; or, Ups and Downs A Tale of Land and Sea
  • I prescribed herbs for her - milk thistle and dandelion - and the levels of toxins in her liver came down.
  • In lock jaw, and in all convulsive conditions in which opium is prescribed in stupefactive doses.
  • As for enlisting the resourceful Wilma production for being "more evocative of the real-life Housman's seething emotions than the text itself," Mr. Mendelsohn unluckily picks an evocation which is prescribed in the stage directions. 'The Invention of Love': An Exchange
  • As recently as during 1990's, my mom who lives in Poland, was prescribed gargling with Lugol's by a doctor to treat chronic throat infection. SWINE FLU
  • Now we keep our kit loaded with chewable antidiarrheal tablets, a package of stronger stuff if that doesn't work, and a doctor-prescribed antibiotic if all else fails. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The consultant prescribed antibiotics, painkillers and eardrops, adding a further €37. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inquest heard Dr Iqbal first prescribed the barbiturate Seconal for the princess in July 1999 after another patient told him she needed the drugs.
  • Books must be kept according to a prescribed form.
  • The men received full burghership as a rule soon after arrival, exempt from the formalities and probation prescribed by law. Origin of the Anglo-Boer War Revealed (2nd ed.) The Conspiracy of the 19th Century Unmasked
  • He was also able to stockpile vast amounts of diamorphine the clinical name for heroin which he had either falsely prescribed or taken from cancer patients after their deaths.
  • This is the LAW (the author and I use no different terms) which this new government, almost as soon as it could cry in the cradle, and as one of the very first acts by which it auspicated its entrance into function, the pledge it gives of the firmness of its policy, -- such is the law that this proud power prescribes to abject nations. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 06 (of 12)
  • These are prescribed in cases of rape or incest as well as contraceptive failure.
  • Aristaenetus the Nicaean said, that he remembered he had read somewhere that sweet things mixed with wine make it less heady, and that some physicians prescribe to one that hath drunk freely, before he goes to bed, a crust of bread dipped in honey. Symposiacs
  • And one thing he dislikes is a score that prescribes durations, something he believes should change according to the circumstances of the performance. Tanglewood Festival: Composers in Waiting, Well, Wait - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • THE QUESTION A widely prescribed treatment for prostate cancer, called androgen deprivation therapy, involves reducing levels of androgens - male sex hormones, such as testosterone - that circulate in the blood. Study: Treatment for prostate cancer may increase risk of colorectal cancer
  • Before Viagra was developed, doctors sometimes prescribed a natural compound called yohimbine derived from the bark of an African tree.
  • The land in question in the controversial cases is often miri land which is a type of government-owned land to which private individuals can gain possessory and usufructory rights but no title by prescribed periods of possesion, cultivation and payment of taxes. The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Friendly (Really) Advice to JStreet
  • Limiting the use of antibiotics on animals may not completely stop the growth of antibiotic resistance (the drugs are also overprescribed by doctors) but it's a good place to start.
  • Our doctor diagnosed a throat infection and prescribed antibiotic and junior aspirin.
  • The tax payable for Resource Tax shall be computed in accordance with the assessable volume of the taxable products and the prescribed unit tax amount.
  • You also mentioned that you suffered from ulcerated colitis. Are you currently taking prescribed medication?
  • While a variety of medications are prescribed by cardiologists and family physicians, Questran is most recommended to fight high cholesterol.
  • About 50% of the population use alternative medicine, that's unprescribed over-the-counter medicine, and about 20% of the population have been to an alternative practitioner in the last year.
  • The most common ingredients prescribed were iodides, organic nitrites, stramonium, belladonna, atropine, hyoscyamus, tobacco smoke, and menthol.
  • Your GP will normally prescribe oral antibiotics to fight the infection before an abscess has a chance to develop.
  • If these don't work I may have to prescribe you something stronger.
  • A certain notion of realism began not only to prescribe what could now happen, but to airbrush out what had actually happened.
  • They also overprescribe medicines and get kickbacks from pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies. What China Can Learn From San Francisco's Police Department
  • During the debrief, everyone claimed to have been at the prescribed altitudes and positions.
  • Roger; and shall prescribe the moderate use of this exercise to all my country friends as the best kind of physick for mending a bad constitution, and preserving a good one. Days with Sir Roger De Coverley
  • ‘Our results showed that dosages of prescribed diabetes medications were reduced in 72 percent of exercisers, compared with the control group,’ says Castaneda.
  • He prescribed me the usual sudorific, ordered a mustard-plaster to be put on, very deftly slid a five-rouble note up his sleeve, coughing drily and looking away as he did so, and then was getting up to go home, but somehow fell into talk and remained. A Sportsman's Sketches
  • I was prescribed Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine) to ward off the twitch, and, in an effort to reset my internal clock, a limited number of Ambien (zolpidem). » Tabatha Twitchit takes a nap
  • The quazepam I prescribed is in a very small dose and shouldn't make you feel drugged.
  • (c) The upper age-limit prescribed above will be further relaxable - Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • HRT therapy is one of the most commonly prescribed drug regimens for postmenopausal women in the United States.
  • And for those who still have their uterus, natural progesterone (often prescribed as Prometrium brand of micronized bioidentical FDA approved progesterone) or progesterone-like opposing progestin (such as Aygesten brand or Norethindrone generic) on a periodic basis, can be adjusted to each woman's life style and estrogen dose required to feel her best, keep the uterus healthy and avoid menopausal symptoms. Ricki Pollycove, M.D.: Estrogen During Menopause: To Take, Or Not To Take?
  • The right way to treat amoebiasis is through proper diagnosis and treatment prescribed by the qualified physician/gastroentrologist.
  • It was very much the sort of developmental pedagogy that composition scholars and learning theorists prescribe for remedial students.
  • Continue to jump laterally over the obstacle for the prescribed number of repititions.
  • Antiinflammatory or antibiotic eardrops may be prescribed if symptoms persist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adding another layer to the debacle is the fact that Genentech has only tested Avastin for breast cancer or lung cancer treatment at a dose double that prescribed for colon cancer. Double Drug Jeopardy
  • For reading and occasional headaches, she wore a pair of horn-rimmed spectacles prescribed but not specially ground by the optical department, cater-corner from the children's shoes. Humoresque A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It
  • But through prescribed borders, shifts in dialect coalesced into distinct languages.
  • In the morning she would want to know exactly what had transpired, whether the cure she had prescribed had proved effective. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • If that's what you're looking for, then in most cases you will probably already be inclined to play the role ‘the rules’ prescribes, or if not, at least when you read it, you think, aha, yes, that makes sense.
  • In England, porter, originally the beer favoured by porters at the market, became the health drink of the Victorians, often prescribed by doctors for convalescent ladies.
  • My blood and urine were tested and the doctors did not prescribe any medicine but advised me to avoid salt.
  • Ayurvedic treatments prescribed by specialists, now increasingly popular in the West, include diet therapy, yoga and ‘internal cleansing’ such as enemas and emetics.
  • When a blood test by Dean on his father revealed traces of unprescribed sedatives he called in the police.
  • The lesion had not responded to self prescribed topical antibiotics and antiseptics.
  • By surrendering your personal will to the whim of the die you are practicing precisely that self-abnegation prescribed in the scriptures. THE DICE MAN
  • In 1752 a Frenchman was prescribed 2 drams of cantharides for a fever and in the next two months bedded his wife at least 87 times.
  • Siva's devotees are forbidden to use drugs of abuse, such as cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, barbiturates, psychedelics and marijuana, unless prescribed by a licensed physician.
  • The cosmopolite embodies the migratory subject position of those who do not fit neatly into racial categories prescribed by United States society and politics.
  • Meanwhile, a Florida effort to stanch the illegal flow of prescription drugs from so-called "pill mills" increases penalties on doctors who overprescribe painkillers and sets new limits on how they can be dispensed. Voter ID Laws Lead Flurry of New Statutes
  • Supervisees' skill development was measured by their ability to conform to the prescribed format, including evidence that they identified all of the relevant criminogenic needs and offenders' motivation to change.
  • However, one clinic prescribed prepared herbal formulas containing plants of European origin shown in Table 4.
  • There was the hormone estrone, a form of the estrogen prescribed to help menopausal women.
  • He went to another shrink, who prescribed another set of antidepressants.
  • And when it comes to illness some of the systems of bathing and exercising prescribed by the "naturopath" are infinitely more troublesome to the patient and his friends than the simple expedient of sending for the doctor and taking the prescribed doses. Food Remedies Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses
  • She was prescribed Librium, which is a normal drug, which is given to people who are detoxing and it kind of decreases the chances of having seizures. Reuters: Press Release
  • For the correct treatment to be prescribed, the severity of your asthma as well as its reversibility will have to be assessed by pulmonary function tests and possibly other tests as well.
  • Prescribe tablets that will loosen their bowel locks.
  • the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder
  • The pill is prescribed by a doctor.
  • It prescribed a lofty ideal for the state: the ruler was to be a father to his people and look after their basic needs.
  • Maybe I'll tell you about all the prayers, and the psychic chiropractor, and the herbs, and the cascaria bath prescribed by my friend the Yoruba priestess, and the miraculous appearance of a Melchite abbot just when I'd been praying to see him. Life Goes On
  • On the other hand, where there is no intelligible standard and where the legislature has given a plenary discretion to do whatever seems best in a wide set of circumstances, there is no ‘limit prescribed by law’.
  • Is the prescribed medication or treatment safe, and what are the likely side-effects?
  • Emergency tests revealed traces of barbiturates, normally prescribed to aid sleep or calm anxiety.
  • The website identifies the primary reason for this revision as the view that the term "dependence" is misleading: We are urged to not confuse the fact that tolerance and withdrawal are normal responses to some prescribed read: medically necessary medications that affect the central nervous system, and thus these physical states should not be seen as an illness. The Full Feed from
  • If you find a prescribed medication is disrupting your sleep, the effects may be temporary.
  • In addition, the testing of surface water is prescribed by the European Union.
  • Cascades are especially common in medicine as doctors take their cues from others, leading them to overdiagnose some faddish ailments (called bandwagon diseases) and overprescribe certain treatments (like the tonsillectomies once popular for children). The low-fat diet cascade | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • For patients with special dietary needs, the physician prescribes medical nutrition therapy using liquid formulas, dietary supplements, and vitamin therapy.
  • Doctors commonly prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs at times of acute attacks and suggest the continued use of the prescription drug allopurinol, which reduces uric acid levels.
  • Those found to be intolerant could be prescribed alternatives to avoid the side effects.
  • What punishment does the law prescribe for corruption?
  • Pre-earthquake Haiti had "small government" -- the neocon and so-called "conversative" political factions in the USA and their dupes prescribe "small government" which provides no regulation, and little in the way of central monitoring and control except for enforcing sectarian-based intrusion and exercising sovereignty over citizen's personal lives, including decisions about reproduction, pregnancy, and supposedly private consensual activities.... Making Light: Open thread 134
  • I wanted to prescribe 20 mg. of haloperidol daily as an anti-psychotic, but without a proper medical history I thought it unadvisable.
  • The Prescribed Rate of Interest Amendment Bill, which provides for creditors to receive interest on unliquidated debt, was also read a second time after a brief debate. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The medicine the doctor prescribed worked upon his illness.
  • Society generally prescribes where newlywed couples should live: In patrilocal cultures, they live with or near the husband's family; in matrilocal ones, with or near the wife's family.
  • The anaesthetist will prescribe painkillers for the first few days after the operation.
  • Webster the wordsmith was a compiler, not a prescriber," he writes at one point. A Definitive American Life
  • This is followed by a specially prescribed breakfast after which guests enjoy long therapeutic sessions with therapists and masseurs.
  • After the war, he came down with Shell - Shock, and was prescribed the antidepressant placidyl.
  • This scheme was replaced in 1946 by a state scheme for victims of industrial accidents and prescribed industrial diseases.
  • Quoth Ali, “So be it;” whereupon the merchant fetched an assessor from the Kazi’s court and, taking the prescribed acknowledgment, delivered to him the key wherewith he entered the house. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • No one accuses my friends prescribed to adderall or xanex or clonazepam or lunesta as being “drug abusers” because they use it everyday. Matthew Yglesias » The Virtue of Quasi-Legal Status for Marijuana
  • When we embrace the multitude of healing modalities available to us all, medicine will no longer need to overprescribe dangerous drugs and overutilize high-tech diagnostics simply because it has nothing else to offer. Larry Malerba, D.O. : What Is the 'Green' Medicine Revolution? (Part III)
  • The old village of Freshwater is picturesque, but the new lodging-house portion, only lately sprung up because it has become a fashion with doctors to prescribe Freshwater as a holiday and sanitary place, is hideous in its newness of fiery red brick and freshly uptorn earth. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 12, No. 32, November, 1873
  • My doctor prescribed quinine, which for me is a sure-fire solution.
  • This may be explained by a shorter repeat prescribing interval: for dispensers it's usually 28 days, whereas for prescribers it's upwards of two months.
  • Many patients end up being prescribed benzos in order to contain them and it can be like a time bomb ready to go off as there is a condition called paradoxical aggression caused by ovr use of medication such as diazepam and lorazepam. The Guardian World News
  • Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), such as Prevacid and Prilosec, which suppress gastric acid production, are routinely prescribed to combat the potential GI side effects of heart disease treatment.
  • When switching dosage forms, if the prescriber does not obtain the desired therapeutic endpoint in spite of education about the extensive differences in inhalers, there are alternatives - use of a spacer, increased dose causing more side effects or switching to Xopenex, the R- enantiomer which is the active portion of the racemic albuterol. I Called It: The Ozone May Not Be Falling, but Something is About to Hit the Fan
  • With regard to the observances prescribed before the body is conveyed to the church it may be noted that according to the rubrics prefixed to the title "De exsequiis" in the "Rituale Romanum" a proper interval (debitum temporis intervallum) ought to elapse between the moment of death and the burial, especially where death has occurred unexpectedly, in order that no doubt may remain that life is really extinct. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • The part left unsaid is that such services are not prescribed intelligently due to the intrusion of insurance influences and liability concerns on sound medical decision making. Can't We All Be Friends?
  • Little problems, to do with timetabling or prescribed reading or marking, can boil up into major issues.
  • Chemotherapy for advanced colorectal cancer should be prescribed by experienced oncologists familiar with the toxicity profile of the drug regimens used.
  • Our hero sat once more below the faithful tree, his trusty vial of pills in his hands, a prescribed lifeline.
  • Adding another layer to the debacle is the fact that Genentech has only tested Avastin for breast cancer or lung cancer treatment at a dose double that prescribed for colon cancer. Archive 2006-02-01
  • In three cases coeliac disease was suspected and gluten-free diets were prescribed.
  • That fool of a doctor has prescribed me the wrong medicine!
  • The supervisor prescribed the steps in which orders must be filled out.
  • Scala Sancta, laid out the prescribed sum on relics, beads, scapulars, medals, and what-not, and, in short, fulfilled all the articles of my uncle's vow. Sir John Constantine Memoirs of His Adventures At Home and Abroad and Particularly in the Island of Corsica: Beginning with the Year 1756
  • Older adults often are overprescribed antibiotics for treatment of chronic coughs with thickened sputum.
  • Even today, diocesan regulations are as clear as they are widely ignored, e.g. this from Chicago: "A eulogy is never appropriate where a homily is prescribed (Order of Christian Funerals), but examples from the person's life may be used in the homily. Bring Back Dies Irae
  • For Catholics the ‘works’ of the sacraments necessarily involved the physical rituals prescribed by the Church.
  • Our doctor diagnosed a throat infection and prescribed antibiotic and junior aspirin.
  • My doctor prescribes aspirin for every complaint.
  • Hence, doctors have to pay special attention to prescribe sugar-free solutions (containing such non-cariogenic sweeteners as xylitol, saccharin, and sorbitol) whenever possible.
  • But putting a lump of this crystal under your pillow is the treatment a crystal healer would prescribe for insomnia!
  • According to the report published in the British Medical Journal, 60 percent of medical professionals prescribe placebos to their patients.
  • The only thing you have to do to get prescribed adderall is fill out a form with the symptoms of ADD checked off correctly. The New Yorker on the underground world of “neuroenhancing” drugs. - Boing Boing
  • Prescribed orthoptic treatment. This relates to the correction of vision through exercising the eye muscles.
  • If you are experiencing major depression, however, your doctor may prescribe antidepressant medication to treat it.
  • An attorney-at-law appearing before the court shall at all times be attired in such a manner as prescribed or agreed by the proper authorities.
  • Dr. William Barbaresi, a Mayo Clinic pediatrician and lead author of the research, said the study is the first population-based, long-term study to examine the effects of prescribed ADHD stimulant medicine on school performance. Study: ADHD Meds May Help Kids in School | Impact Lab
  • Alternatively, antispasmodic drugs and motility stimulants may be prescribed.
  • Any one may mistake in the application of these rules of action or calculation, for want of presence of mind, or of advertency to all that they prescribe, and this may especially happen, when he first commences them in practice. Address to the Senior Class and Before the Audience Assembled at the Annual Commencement on the 28th of June, 1827.
  • Operate linear accelerators, cobalt 60, X-ray and other radiation therapy equipment to administer radiation treatment prescribed by radiation oncologists.

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