How To Use Premature In A Sentence

  • There have been many histories of Jerusalem, from Jeremiah's sixth century B.C. monody to "For Jerusalem," a premature happy ending written in the 1970s by a successful mayor, Teddy Kollek. City of Peace—and War
  • At worst the disinfectant is prematurely exhausted, an effect known as organic overload, allowing large numbers of micro-organisms to survive.
  • Umbilical hernias occur more often in premature infants and those of African American descent.
  • I remind you that my staff and I considered this indi'vidual's release and return premature. The False Mirror
  • Occasionally, the author appears to overreach his material to draw premature conclusions.
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  • The mildest critics argued that they were premature and that a decent interval should have been allowed before the struggle to analyse and understand began.
  • It is early evening, but the sky is prematurely dark; thunderheads have blocked the last rays of the sun.
  • The criticism was unfair, or at least premature. Times, Sunday Times
  • A premature grab for a safe Westminster seat would be seen as naked opportunism. The Sun
  • A U.S. Senate Judiciary subcommittee is scheduled to hear testimony on that issue Wednesday in Washington, D.C. "It's premature to start solving the problem until you know what the extent of it is," said Neil Donovan, the coalition's executive director. Attacks On Homeless To Be Hate Crimes In Florida
  • One rubber-tyred option was prematurely discarded by a now-disgraced former mayor as not developed enough, even though the cost would have been half that of lrt. Canada Line delivers a smooth ride « Stephen Rees's blog
  • In any case, Pang et al. may have unknowingly found an unstated risk for hospital birth of having a mildly premature baby.
  • New research suggests that psychological stress may play a role in premature aging.
  • The speculation might have been premature but Rioch has since applied for the job.
  • Medical writers of the era even discussed a fourth clinical condition, marked by immobility, which they termed ecstasy, but this was not a state that might lead to premature burial. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • Premature disclosure of the test sites might lead to invalidation of the experiment.
  • All the concerns about the consequences of having a mediastinal chest mass and having been born premature are in the past, says her parents. Grace's mediastinal teratoma story
  • A fire in the gallery caused the premature closing of the exhibition.
  • The most likely explanation is premature discharge of patients by hospital trusts under pressure of targets. Times, Sunday Times
  • But anticipations of victory, however rational, were premature.
  • In the cot next to his was a tiny baby who had been born 12 weeks premature, she recalls.
  • Their baby was born prematurely and weighed only 1 kilogram.
  • Pregnant women with trichomoniasis may delier a low birthweight ( less than fie pounds ) or premature infant.
  • He said there would be need to make up for the three weeks that had been lost following the premature closure of the institution.
  • Measles in pregnancy can cause miscarriage, premature labour or a baby with low birth weight.
  • Respiratory distress syndrome also known as hyaline membrane disease occurs when the underdeveloped lungs of the premature infant cannot expand and contract as they should with each inspiration. Mothering Twins
  • I never told you I disdained your observations, only that they seemed premature. Chapala real estate market crawling back
  • In his early 40s, he was prematurely crotchety.
  • Isolated sagittal synostosis, premature fusion of the sagittal suture, is the most common type of craniosynostosis and accounts for 56% to 58% of reported cases.
  • A knee injury forced him into premature retirement.
  • He grimaced, his mind dwelling on the premature thoughts that brewed inside him.
  • Was this the case of premature prognostication?
  • He said a consulting engineer will be talking to Kildare County Council with regard to traffic manoeuvres in the area and it would be premature to put in traffic calming on the Sycamores Road.
  • It is unstable, it’s even harder to separate physically than the two isotopes of uranium, and if you try to build a bomb using the easy, “gun” design of the uranium bomb, it will begin to fissle prematurely and thus the bomb will fizzle instead of going boom. Firedoglake » Of Last Throes, Enrichment and Mickey Mouse Watches
  • The criticism was unfair, or at least premature. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a brave gamble, a bid for power, by an ambitious, clever and canny politician who saw his career facing a premature end.
  • Will people buy Peter Som's broadtail coat from premature or newborn Karakul lambs -- think about that -- with its never-say-excess iridescent fox color? Earth to Fur Designers
  • I gave up smoking because I didn't want to die prematurely of cancer or heart disease.
  • To imply that playing a video game leads to a premature rendezvous with the Grim Reaper is a non-sequitur of colossal proportions. SPAWNPOINT.COM - Gaming News Feed
  • In a fission bomb, the fuel must be kept in separate subcritical masses, which will not support fission, to prevent premature detonation.
  • There is no need to wait for historical perspective to correct premature judgment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Effect of inhaled nitric oxide in premature infants on tracheal aspirate and plasma nitric oxide metabolites. Recent Neonatal Research Publications
  • If your hair is greasy, shake on some talcum powder at the roots and brush through (but use it sparingly, or you'll look prematurely grey).
  • At the root of the hysterical fear of premature burial was the fact that physicians recognized, and patients suffered, a number of peculiar conditions characterized by immobility and insensibility, and known variously as trance, catalepsy, cataplexy, and suspended animation. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • His career was prematurely ended by his tragic death in a plane crash in 1939 at the age of 55.
  • He was still priming the timing device and the slightest error could detonate the mine prematurely. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • His action has already caused the premature death of 700,000 birds with miserly compensation to owners.
  • The premature changing to a less costly diet may be economically appealing but can cause unthriftiness and poor pig uniformity.
  • Objective to verify the function of the ourselves - made incubator for premature infant.
  • Then her eating of the red apple was premature; she had overreached herself.
  • However, the authors believe that many of these premature deaths are preventable.
  • Conclusion:Atrial overdrive can prevent AF, which may results from accelerating interatrial conduction, inhibiting atrial premature beat, eliminating sinus bradycardia and long short interval.
  • Some premature babies suffer from breathing difficulties but this did not appear to be the case with Jennifer.
  • The premature closure of Fairhaven Road and problems caused by access from Frenches Road to Linkfield Lane exacerbates the situation.
  • So disorientated was he at the end that, faced with a four-foot putt to square the match on the last green, he almost made an error that would have prematurely cost him the match.
  • He is ready to proceed with the implementation of the President's directive about nonsegregation down to the platoon level, and proposes to initiate this in the three cavalry regiments and the AA battalion up north, but does not want to do it if it is premature. "[ Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965
  • Other scenes describe the beauty of wordless communication with an infant, while another narrative traces the pain and anxiety of parents watching their premature baby fight for survival in a hospital incubator.
  • It is premature to talk of lessons while fighting is still going on.
  • Otherwise, the process will not be initiated or will be aborted prematurely.
  • The bearing failures were typically due to poor fitting - a factor that industry research shows is responsible for 16 per cent of all premature bearing failures - and inadequate lubrication, which is responsible for more than a third of failures. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • It is rather premature to say as yet who the cracksmen are.
  • Premature disclosure of the test sites might lead to invalidation of the experiment.
  • The materials, made by Nashville-based Louisiana-Pacific, can prematurely deteriorate and break (see photo), posing a serious risk to anyone on a deck made of the recalled decking and railings. CPSC announces recall of ABTCo., Veranda, and WeatherBest composite decking and railings
  • This bacteria can cause miscarriage and premature labour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was conceived in response to the disproportionate number of entertainers who have collaborated in some capacity with English pop-icon David Bowie only to later suffer premature deaths, varying only in the degree of their hideosity.
  • He has worked since November on what he termed a "detailed program" to strengthen his arm and prevent a recurrence of the elbow strain that prematurely ended his 2011 season. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • Premature fusion may be associated with cranial and often facial skeletal anomalies.
  • We followed a path worn into the grass, past what looked like a cornfield in its most premature state.
  • Vibrations and failure to heed the warnings by the contractor resulted in the loss of the STS-4 (IIRC) boosters when the main parachute deck fitting separation explosive bolts inadvertantly fired prematurely when the linear shaped charge used to separate the frustum (nose cone) from the booster fired and generated vibes that the decelerometers sensed as water-impact ... at 10,000 ft.! More Ares Woes - NASA Watch
  • We know of nothing so agonizing upon Earth -- we can dream of nothing half so hideous in the realms of the nethermost hell," he wrote in the short story "The Premature Burial. A Man Called Freud
  • a distant lymphatic prematurely expels her ova; these act as emboli to the nearest lymphatic glands, whence ensues stasis of lymph, regurgitation of lymph, and partial compensation by anastomoses of lymphatic vessels; this brings about hypertrophy of tissues, and may go on to lymphorrhoea or chyluria, according to the site of the obstructed lymphatics. Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
  • Premature ejaculation (when orgasm comes on too quickly to satisfy either partner) is different from impotence.
  • Tall, unsmiling and prematurely grey, he lacks the personal presence you might expect from a media power-player.
  • As I said earlier, I think it's premature to call him an out-and-out hero.
  • The most likely explanation is premature discharge of patients by hospital trusts under pressure of targets. Times, Sunday Times
  • HIGH blood pressure is the single biggest cause of premature death in the world. The Sun
  • United States, how much truer is it of the whole world in which two out of every three people suffer premature death for the lack of the primary necessities of life. Lord Boyd Orr - Nobel Lecture
  • Pregnant mothers too require blood transfusions from time to time as do some premature babies.
  • According to the company-commissioned study, premature deaths from cigarettes saved the Czech government between 943 million koruna and 1.19 billion koruna (between $23.8 million and $30.1 million).
  • Millions of faulty rubber snap-in valve stems were recalled in 2008 for premature cracking, which led to air leakage and tire deflation. Tire valve stem date coding: A good idea that all tire valve makers should consider
  • If the ink is placed too near the surface, it will prematurely fade or discolour.
  • She is only 48 years old - premature ageing is another common feature of these people.
  • Oh, re: Obama's response -- there is nothing ungracious or unclassy about simply saying a VP choice is premature ... and I'm running for President. Bill Clinton: Hillary-Obama Ticket Would Be "Almost Unstoppable Force"
  • A fire caused the premature closing of the exhibition.
  • Prolonged attacks of dyspepsia, nervous headaches, chronic granular kidney disease, gout, sciatic rheumatism, middle ear abscesses, above all vertigo and gall stone colic were intermittent or chronic ailments that gradually made him the typical embodiment of a supersensitively nervous, prematurely old man. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • The search for this quark-gluon plasma has been long and frought with peril (CERN miraculously announced its discovery just before the turnon of RHIC - an announcement which later proved to be premature and a stretching of the truth). Top Physics Stories
  • Two thirds of babies who die shortly after birth are born premature.
  • He swallowed, slightly prematurely, experiencing some difficulty; gulping. BEHINDLINGS
  • She takes me outside to her lush garden to show off her roses in premature full bloom. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is expected to propose clean air zones in a dozen or more cities, where most of the 40,000 premature deaths a year from air pollution occur. Times, Sunday Times
  • The assertion that these claims have been shown to be grossly inflated is a little premature in my opinion.
  • These may be coarse grey hair, prematurely grey hair, or the grey hair around the temples and hairlines.
  • Thus the difference in susceptibility to RDS in premature singletons and multiples may depend on the size of the conceptus.
  • If the bar, chain and nose sprocket are not properly lubricated, these components will surely fail prematurely.
  • A mother had to be flown to a Norwich hospital to give birth to identical twins because there were not enough incubators at Southend's premature baby unit.
  • Let the globe be covered with wholesome fruits; let the air on which we depend for life convey to us no diseases and premature death; let man require no other lodging than the deer or roebuck, in that case the Genghis Khans and Tamerlanes will have no other attendants than their own children, who will be very worthy persons, and assist them affectionately in their old age. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Even if predators - cats, snakes, strange dogs, ants cannot gain access to the rabbitry, they may be close enough for the doe to detect their presence, and she may be frightened and kindle prematurely. Chapter 12
  • Consequently, the mere fact of life is not enough and public health medicine has become concerned with making people healthier while alive as well as preventing them from dying prematurely.
  • The oxygen and nutrient deficiencies caused by too much smoking result in premature lines on the skin and a loss of natural elasticity.
  • However, infants born prematurely are at a greater risk from superbugs caused by the very antibiotics that are supposed to be reducing their risk of infection.
  • She had undergone 200 operations, including a tracheostomy, after being born prematurely. The Sun
  • It also reduces the risk of miscarriages and premature births. The Sun
  • Lack of prenatal care correlates strongly with premature birth.
  • Hence the glass of whisky at the dispatch box rather than mineral water: A premature celebration?
  • Suiting the action to the word, he thrust her rather suddenly and prematurely into a chair, and designing to reassure her by a little harmless jocularity, such as is adapted to please and fascinate the sex, converted his right forefinger into an ideal bradawl or gimlet, and made as though he would screw the same into her side — whereat Miss Miggs shrieked again, and evinced symptoms of faintness. Barnaby Rudge
  • Your heart is ageing too fast which puts you at risk of premature death. The Sun
  • Light drinking had been linked with premature and low birthweight infants. The Sun
  • If your baby is premature or can't nurse right away after birth, you may have to feed the baby in other ways.
  • Still, we are in danger of prematurely embracing certitudes and losing open-mindedness.
  • A previous work-up had discovered frequent premature ventricular complexes and runs of bigeminy on a Holter monitor examination.
  • It is yet premature to predict the possible outcome of the dialogue.
  • It is important to understand it in context and avoid premature use of medications.
  • Those who are farsighted and prematurely presbyopic may indeed be candidates for this procedure but not most aviators.
  • Dehydration leads to dry skin, lines and premature ageing.
  • Frankly, it is still a little premature to say there is now or soon to be major customer demand for electric or hybrid cars in China or anywhere in the world," said A.T. Kearney's Dyer.
  • The intention of the policy is to protect the roading network from premature structural detrition and procedures for loadings are set out.
  • If the economy did falter because of a premature tightening, then policy could be eased again. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a good thing to have hydrosulphite slightly in excess as this prevents premature oxidization; too much will strip off the indigo white already deposited on the yarn. Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer
  • It will only upset the applecart and confuse the issue if that topic is broached prematurely. PROSPECT HILL
  • Risk factors associated with positional head deformity are premature birth, hypotonic muscle disorders, congenital torticollis, and intrauterine constraint (such as in multiple gestation or oligohydramnios).
  • Whatever the dangers of open fields and common pastures, enclosure movements are premature.
  • The fever, though it was October, had scarcely abated; indeed, on the contrary, it seemed to have revived and increased in virulency in consequence of the premature return of many people who had fled on its first appearance, and who in coming back too soon to the infected atmosphere, were less able to withstand contagion than those who remained. Capitola's Peril A Sequel to 'The Hidden Hand'
  • Our report on the Yorkshire Evening Post's premature coverage of the death of the Queen Mother caused outrage among royalist Register readers.
  • The condition, which is currently incurable, ultimately leads to premature death.
  • As well as being sore and unsightly, sunburn causes premature ageing and puts you at risk of skin cancer.
  • She was 2½ months premature and not expected to live. Times, Sunday Times
  • a premature judgment
  • The premature fusion of one or more of the cranial sutures between the cranial bones is referred to as craniosynostosis.
  • Obama needs to work harder to connect with moderates, even if their impatience is premature. Better Listen to Bill Clinton’s Good on Green Jobs.
  • In the go-go days, dot.coms went public and were coddled by investors like premature babies in incubators.
  • Spring began very early: even at the end of February the fields were green, parks hastened to bedeck themselves in their leafy wings, the blossoms hastened to bloom and fall; the opening days of May saw fruit on the apple-trees; and prematurely ripe cherries were "hawked" in the streets, beside bouquets of late blooming violets. Debts of Honor
  • Smoking among women, especially during pregnancy can lead to miscarriages, premature birth, and low birth weight of infants.
  • The fungus usually does not invade the stalk until well after pollination when it causes the lower internodes to ripen prematurely and shred, causing breakage at the base of the plant, The inner stalk has a charred appearance due to the presence of numerous black dots (sclerotia). Chapter 10
  • The self-regenerating potential of skin is exhaustible, and after several sunburns premature aging of the skin occurs.
  • If the economy did falter because of a premature tightening, then policy could be eased again. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the ones it affects the most are the teeny babies, premature babies, or ones with lung problems.
  • They simply back off, and it can mean the premature end of a friendship. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • So must be the pair who prematurely walked the plank. The Sun
  • They cease to receive nourishment, stop releasing toxins, die prematurely & spill micronuclei fragments into a sort of tunor bank account. Life as a Japanese employee
  • In the light of all this, I do not think it premature to put forward an evolutionary scenario for natural language.
  • Defoliant: Chemical dust or spray applied to plants to cause their leaves to drop off prematurely.
  • Premature moves in this respect might well provoke a reaction against the reform.
  • Moisture under an asphalt built-up or modified bitumen roof system will leach plasticizing oils out of the membrane, making it prematurely brittle.
  • I might have said I was a feminist before 1970, which is when I became pregnant and developed a long-term relationship with one of New York City's outpatient clinics, but secretly I was a premature "postfeminist," convinced that sexism was a problem chiefly for the oversensitive and underassertive. Ms. Magazine Online
  • A fire in the gallery caused the premature closing of the exhibition.
  • Measles in pregnancy can cause miscarriage, premature labour or a baby with low birth weight.
  • Wrinkles and sagging skin then appear prematurely. Times, Sunday Times
  • They ignore the minor expense of health care for pregnant women, but pay the massive expenses of premature babies.
  • It is one that makes those gibes about his transfer fee seem just a little premature. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though still premature, these findings could eventually impact research into stem cells, tissue regeneration and aging.
  • If a bulb plant is to develop to its full potential, it must be provided with good growing conditions and a suitable niche in the landscape where it can remain undisturbed without the need for its foliage to be prematurely removed.
  • Hence, this study was designed and conducted solely to characterize the pharmacokinetic profile of oral indomethacin in premature infants with suspected or clinically diagnosed PDA.
  • In slightly different circumstances, the scene would be enough to sweep even the most demanding of voyeurs from impotence to premature ejaculation in a few hazy moments.
  • I've prematurely retired from international football because I did not want to go to the African Nations Cup.
  • “I keep thinking to myself, shall I jink a little,” says the prematurely aged protagonist. Storyteller
  • If a season of drouth occurs when the cabbages have begun to head, the heads will harden prematurely; and then should a heavy rain fall, they will start to make a new growth, and the consequence will be many of them will split. Cabbages and Cauliflowers: How to Grow Them A Practical Treatise, Giving Full Details On Every Point, Including Keeping And Marketing The Crop
  • She told how the woman was anxious about her baby's health because he had been born seven weeks premature.
  • Other risk factors may include premature delivery, very low birth weight, and injuries to the brain at birth.
  • Repression and mystery, he considered wholesome for girls; and he considered the enlightening of them -- to some extent -- a prudential measure for their defence; and premature instruction is a fire-water to their wild-in-woods understanding; and histrionic innocence is no doubt the bloom on corruption; also the facts of current human life, in the crude of the reports or the cooked of the sermon in the newspapers, are a noxious diet for our daughters; whom nevertheless we cannot hope to be feeding always on milk: and there is a time when their adorable pretty ignorance, if credibly it exists out of noodledom, is harmful: -- but how beautiful the shining simplicity of our dear young One of Our Conquerors — Volume 2
  • Their criticisms seem premature considering that the results aren't yet known.
  • He admitted to giving his parents premature white hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is one that makes those gibes about his transfer fee seem just a little premature. Times, Sunday Times
  • Accordingly , we propose interventions to improve infant sleep quality to facilitate the growth of premature infants.
  • Giffy - Come on, I'm as tired as others on the town halls, but I think the "in the end do nothing" sentiment is a tad premature considering McGinn's only been in office for 5 months. A Canadian Lesson For Walk Bike Ride « PubliCola
  • Through that view-medium of misfortune -- of a noble spirit in low environments, and of a squalid and premature death -- we view the undoubted facts, (giving, as we read them now, a sad kind of pungency,) that Burns's were, before all else, the lyrics of illicit loves and carousing intoxication. November Boughs ; from Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
  • This means that the bidder will lose some control over the secrecy arrangements and may face a premature announcement by the target.
  • This herb can also treat premature ejaculation, leukorrhea as well as aching lower back. Xml's
  • It seems premature, because the paedobaptism is not matching up chronologically with the faith of the believer, and the two are meant to correspond. The Scriptorium Daily: Middlebrow
  • Women pregnant with multiples are more likely than those with singletons to suffer premature delivery, toxemia (a potentially fatal form of high blood pressure), and hemorrhage.
  • May occur in premature infants because their copper reserves are low and their milk and cereal diet is naturally low in copper. The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
  • The researchers questioned whether parents of premature infants suffered from deprivation due to their long physical separation from their hospitalized infants.
  • Signs of a sick tree include a premature change in leaf color, misshapen leaves, thinness of the canopy and early loss of leaves.
  • The ignorance purveyed by these programs puts young people at risk of HIV infection and premature death.
  • In Haryana, India, a team of investigating veterinarians report that buffalo consuming GM cottonseed suffer from infertility, as well as frequent abortions, premature deliveries, and prolapsed uteruses. Jeffrey Smith: Genetically Modified Soy Diets Lead to Ovary and Uterus Changes in Rats
  • Birth hormones are injected into the amniotic sac to induce premature birth.
  • I will say that the process that I am involved in is less dialectical than dialogical; in other words it is always in a process of becoming, that is, it is never forced into what I would consider to be a premature resolution or synthesis.
  • If you're premenopausal, this will cause premature menopause.
  • The gas comes mostly from diesel fumes and can cause respiratory illness and premature death. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most likely explanation is premature discharge of patients by hospital trusts under pressure of targets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The information obtained by means of the urocytogram examination is a useful screening test for differential diagnosis of isosexual precocity and premature development of the breast.
  • But the fact that respiratory distress syndrome continued to occur in premature infants at 40 times the rate in full-term babies highlighted how risky premature delivery can be.
  • The skin undergoes continual renewal but injury from the sun can upset the renewal process and produces premature aging as well as skin cancer.
  • In the family of both parents there was stated to be congenital premature canities, and some white hairs had been observed even in childhood. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The sun is the number one cause of premature ageing and skin damage.
  • Finally there is raffish Uncle Roy of the 13th Hussars, with his moustaches, bow tie, and pumps, looking somehow prematurely older than he should. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Still, it may be premature to pop the champagne corks.
  • It seems you were a bit premature in reporting the destruction of the Farrago" he said with a malevolent grin.
  • Indeed, the coal industry as a whole would be put at risk through premature shutdown of the opencast sector.
  • Earlier research had suggested several factors behind the rising preterm rate, including increases in preterm labor induction and cesarean sections and a growing proportion of multiple births, which are more likely to be premature. Premature birth rate drops 2nd year in a row, CDC finds
  • 'Now,' I said, after, congratulating him on his recovery, 'if it doesn't excite you too much tell me exactly what occurred in the churchyard last night, for 'tis an absolute mystery to me, besides having given me an awful "gliff," old fellow, for I have been wondering what might have happened if I hadn't by the merest chance discovered you in your premature grave.' Border Ghost Stories
  • Another ineffective display came to a premature end with 12 minutes remaining and Spurs hanging on for grim life. The Sun
  • Determined not to melt before her charms prematurely, I decide to explore first how conscious the elevation to godhead has been.
  • The condition can result from either premature closure of the lambdoidal suture (synostotic plagiocephaly) or positional head deformity (nonsynostotic plagiocephaly).
  • We should oppose these attempts to force through a premature consensus.
  • This will help you to determine where you can stop should anything unexpected arise like a prematurely grumbly tummy or a nasty storm.
  • Environmentalists fear the gasoline additive prematurely ages the human brain.
  • Indeed so and Mr Starr wisely avoids making any premature judgment on their choice.
  • If you're the principal money earner in a young family, then your premature demise would leave a large hole in your family's finances.
  • At a time when disease, deprivation, danger, and premature death were the norm, people were overwhelmed by fear and ignorance, and they supplicated hidden and mysterious forces that they could not comprehend.
  • Air pollution, of which vehicle emissions are the major contributor, is thought to be responsible for around 24,000 premature deaths in the UK every year.

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