How To Use Prefer In A Sentence

  • Which of them will prefer football and which the ant nest, we'll have to wait and see.
  • (Not to be confused with what we call cookies)To serve Devon, or Cornwall clotted cream would desecrate a good southern biscuit (and be a waste of the cream really, I prefer it on saffron buns)a bit of plain cream, fresh butter, and cane syrup poured over a hot biscuit is ambrosia. Scones, Cream and Jam - a West Country cream tea
  • The authors of the second paper admit that “other variables … influence the binding avidity (preference), such as type of SA (sialic acid of the receptor site) and glycosylation and sialylation of the hemagglutinin close to the receptor binding site. ” These factors all vary obviously and there are other variables in the equation as well including the status of specific areas of the immune system. Think Progress » An Inconvenient Truth and An Intolerable Summer
  • Both names are unobjectionable, but as the term Caddo has priority by a few pages preference is given to it. Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1885-1886, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1891
  • Finally, in the formation of an opinion as to the abstract preferableness of one course of action over another, or as to the truth or falsehood or right significance of a proposition, the fact that the majority of one's contemporaries lean in the other direction is naught, and no more than dust in the balance. On Compromise
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  • I prefer men to women.
  • Some find it repugnant, others see them as casualties in an undeclared war that is greatly preferable to the alternative of full-scale conflict. Times, Sunday Times
  • Would you like an aisle seat or would you prefer to be by the window?
  • Some people prefer a single syllable such as "peace", as it is easier to chant. Coping with Stress at Work
  • Their preferences ultimately shaped the place of worship that Warren built, and the result of that consumer-driven approach to creating Saddleback is a deliberately contemporary, highly professionalized operation with a carefully orchestrated feel-good atmosphere. American Grace
  • You could be surprised by which one you prefer. Times, Sunday Times
  • But on the gender front, the sex ratio among children up to age 6 dropped to 914 girls for each 1,000 boys from 927 a decade ago, showing that female foeticide continues to be a widespread practice because of a traditional preference in some communities for boys. India Passes 1.2 Billion Mark
  • The gambier plant is propagated either by seeds or cuttings, but the latter are preferred. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Concentrate on one airline: Very frequent flyers get more free upgrades, often pay less to buy upgrades, and get preferred treatment on standby upgrade lists.
  • The group rapidly bypassed disciplinary differences to focus on a common set of preferred aptitudes and abilities associated with critical thinking, reading, and writing.
  • A strong academic background, preferably an advanced degree in a relevant discipline.
  • This can be very important since some fish will inhabit silty area in preference to hard bottoms.
  • Rather than a traditional neoliberal who tries to extol the virtues of trade, he prefers to just ignore its impact entirely. Matthew Yglesias » The Case for Ever-Bigger Government
  • Russia may still prefer to stay neutral in the bloody conflict with Iraq.
  • The left side of the fairway is preferred, short of three bunkers that stretch across at 328 yards. - Open history at St. George's plus a hole-by-hole glance
  • Apparently the section cannot adequately host the interests of both angling and boating fraternities and the boaters have taken preference.
  • Whereas the British want to see children's faces light up with joy, those foreign johnnies prefer to scare the living daylights out of them.
  • This initially meant they were loath to adopt a reportage style, preferring empty streets and unobscured buildings, with people represented only to provide an area of scale or as pure portraiture.
  • Phoenix, for so Peter had dubbed the haggard in memory of his and Jenny's first discussion of the bennu hieroglyph in the Egyptian Museum, had known the ecstasy of freedom and had a look about her that definitely said she preferred the wild to captivity. From This Beloved Hour
  • Lee's debut on the Xbox does not resemble a dragon, but prefers to plod along like a sloth, short on all the crucial fronts, lazily bumbling along everywhere else.
  • In that case, the physicians argued that the trial judge had erred in preferring one responsible body of professional opinion to another.
  • Given the distance, most people tend not to import goods, preferring to furnish their properties in the local style.
  • And I won't venture a guess as to how many customers will be as thrilled about the integrated air ionizer as to prefer this model to others…
  • I prefer the term reachable in the context of EE though simply because the common distinction between first set and follow set is not so important in Trail. Planet Python
  • He was a strong supporter of the doctrine of papal infallibility and he drew up a postulatum in which he favoured a definition by implication in preference to an explicit affirmation of the dogma. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Up until the 1920s, in the mountain ranges of Westmoreland and south into Fayette, many small farmers subsisted on bear meat, preferable to venison, and considered by many to be juicier and better than beef.
  • One should not marry bilateral kin up to the second degree of collaterality; spouses beyond the fourth degree of collaterality are preferred.
  • Tell Transportation I want the largest vehicle they have with four-wheel drive, preferably a step-up maxi-van. CHAINS OF COMMAND
  • However, he added that it was preferable to finding major problems with the home after completion.
  • It also reveals a preference for debt over equity as a means of providing external funding.
  • He prefers to purge children of demons by making them take laxatives and emetics.
  • He is a slightly possessed, haunted, eccentric man; his enemies prefer to say ' insane '.
  • He dresses in half-mourning always, and never wears any jewelry, but strictly shuns all society, and prefers uncivilized regions. Erema
  • He spent some time expressing his preference, for tactical reasons, for smaller neutron bombs before developing his argument.
  • They are only preparing them for the preferential treatment awaiting them when they become hardened criminals in modern jails. The Sun
  • Or maybe the stories that become "engrained" do so because they satisfy some inner preference? Serendip's Exchange
  • PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, Lou, a senior defense official tells CNN that that consideration of using helicopters to rescue Americans would happen only if the Americans could not move over land to the seaport, which is the preferred option to get all the Americans out of Lebanon. CNN Transcript Jul 19, 2006
  • A recent television program on Siamese twins demonstrated how a pair of joined, genetically identical humans had different preferences and quite distinct wills and spirits.
  • Manure worms (also called brandlings, red wigglers, or angleworms) and red worms live in organic debris and are the preferred types for commercial bait production and composting.
  • Maybe the cowboy in us prefers the saloon tart to the civilizing schoolmarm.
  • We can certainly prefer not carrying endless scuttles of coal up from the cellar.
  • Mr. Weber is not a moralist and does not claim that, by preferring Tchaikovsky to, say, the current-day atonalist Charles Wuorinen, we are philistines or reactionaries. That Melody Sounds Familiar
  • But a new study has found foetuses showing a preference for one side over the other usually retain it when after they are born.
  • It forced it to consider more carefully the preferences of the average viewer, to become more responsive to viewers. The Media in Britain Today
  • Weez she prefer chorizo to liver I wonderin how this one feel Blood T said but then shushed. RANDOM ACTS OF SENSELESS VIOLENCE
  • But coach Gregg Williams prefers quickness over excess girth in the middle of his defense.
  • Kevin Pratt, marketing manager of Cheapflights, the flight comparison website, prefers a brown leather over-the-shoulder man-bag. Briefcases are the new suspenders | clusterflock
  • Also, I have this weird need to be the bendiest and stretchiest in class, and to have the teachers notice and comment on said bendy-stretchiness, preferably where other people can hear. Ampersand
  • I prefer to use a knife and fork.
  • Croi from time immemorial had been renowned for its devout and strict observance of papistic rites and ceremonies; the Counts of Nassau had gone over to the new sect -- sufficient reasons why Philip of Croi, Duke of Arschot, should prefer a party which placed him the most decidedly in opposition to the Prince of Orange. History of the Revolt of the Netherlands — Volume 02
  • People with cluster headaches tend to pace around; whereas those with migraine prefer to lie down or sleep. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • Nevertheless, in terms of the rights which attach, redeemable preference shares are more akin to debt than shares.
  • Trophy hunters typically prefer to bag " prizes " with their own weapons.
  • Preferring light shade and slightly damp soil, this evergreen form sends out new growth annually from the base of the plant.
  • One, they should circumscribe the role of the ombudsman, preferably to higher levels of government, and focus on increasing transparency. Getting a Grip on Indian Corruption
  • The main thoroughfare there is Midsummer Boulevard, or H6, if you prefer the totalitarian grid system peculiar to the area.
  • Rather like the “netless” in The Octagonal Raven, I just prefer to be able to choose my exposure to the rest of the world rather than have it chosen for me. Reality or Perception? « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • He knew some members of the congregation, including the president, grew restive during his discourse, and would have preferred a more oratorical, hortative style, but he felt his type of sermon was more in keeping with his basic function of teacher, implicit in the word "rabbi. Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry
  • We preferred to forage on grassy plains dotted with copses of trees because they offered protection from predators, which we could easily spot as they crept up on us in the short grass.
  • Many prefer to keep their cash as long as possible rather than let the energy giants earn interest on it. Times, Sunday Times
  • This loss in yearly disposable income would occur if Britain adapted a trading agreement which involved the loss of preferential trade links with the EU. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether or not it is so, it is still funny that out of all things they prefer chickweed.
  • While the Kelly gang appears to have posed a genuine threat to the authority of the ruling colonials, the film prefers to focus on the adventures of the outlaws rather than an increasingly desperate establishment.
  • For observe: this love of what is called ideality or beauty in preference to truth, operates not only in making us choose the past rather than the present for our subjects, but it makes us falsify the present when we do take it for our subject. Lectures on Architecture and Painting Delivered at Edinburgh in November 1853
  • With more than 50 million Larsson books sold world-wide, publishers scrambled to anoint his literary heir—preferably a political and prolix Scandinavian. Tattooed by Politics
  • I prefer a colander, which is also good for straining spagetti though one should remove it from your head first. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Therefore, five 11m long cantilevers were created to allow the total number of dwellings to reach 100 while keeping to the planners’ preferred footprint.
  • Ola also claimed certain couples get preferential treatment when it comes to routines and song choices. The Sun
  • It is also preferable that these vents be covered with screens, rather than louvers, to provide unrestricted air flow.
  • Competitors danced the Highland fling, the sword dance, the sean triubhais, the Highland reel, the sailors' hornpipe, the Irish Jig and other dances, preferably to the music of the bagpipe.
  • The plants should be grown in a sunny or partially shaded spot and prefer a fertile, moist but well-drained soil. Times, Sunday Times
  • I prefer film camera to shoot night pictures with long exposure and low light.
  • [102] Sallust might have said _hujus imperii_, but he prefers the dative, which is a dativus incommodi. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • Some tutors attempt the _suaviter in modo_, my schoolmaster preferred the _fortiter in re_; and, as the boatswain said, by the "instigation" of a large knotted stick, he drove knowledge into our skulls as a caulker drives oakum into the seams of Frank Mildmay Or, The Naval Officer
  • He preferred to watch, unobserved, the street life of the city from a hole in his prison wall, than to smoke cheroots and talk politics with his fellow prisoners.
  • But most guests prefer a more active role on the ranch: herding cattle from one pasture to another, rounding up strays, and learning team penning, roping, or cutting.
  • The donor prefers to remain anonymous.
  • I was briefly ruffled, because few things are held as closely and protectively as one's musical preferences.
  • A/The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.
  • Or if I want to see a police officer in a time frame where the person concerned might be caught, I report a couple having a domestic, who called me a derogatory name ref my Race, Religion, or sexual preference (underline the relevant option) and just out of interest they broke the wing mirror on my car. Norfolk Constabulary. Pants On Fire. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • We usually prefer gradual and mild change to sudden and dramatic change.
  • Now the WWW has become the preferred environment for a multitude of e-services: e-commerce, e-banking, e-voting, e-government, etc.
  • Again, he pours scorn on racialist mythology but, in his steadfastly conservative way, refuses to become histrionically sanctimonious on the matter, preferring studied contempt to self-promoting outrage.
  • what type of sculpture do you prefer?
  • Properly called the carpal trochlea (or trochlea carpalis, if you prefer), this structure allows the hand to fold up tightly close to the ulna. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Will this room do or would you prefer one with a shower?
  • Indeed, Fleet was eager to liquidate the preferred shares, because they legally precluded it from integrating those newly acquired assets.
  • It seems the Yellow Sword prefers the quiet backwater streams to the large deep rivers.
  • Mira rejected the official history that viewed her mother as a traitor, preferring instead to cast her as a martyr to the partisan cause.
  • I think I prefer to shift through information first and take my time to think about what I write - lest all that raw, reactive blabber does nothing but add to the noise.
  • Penny prefers using a provider so she can avoid the application and vetting process. Times, Sunday Times
  • I do prefer them to be motoring along. Times, Sunday Times
  • The word compromise had no place in her vocabulary - she lived on her terms and when she could no longer do so, she preferred to die rather than become an appendage to someone else's life.
  • This is an ironic thing about these - I prefer the word rivalries to jealousies - but I think the people who signed that letter would buy into the vision that Charter 08 puts out there. Professor: Nobel Will Give Chinese Activists Courage
  • We prefer to suffer the tortures of the damned than to accept our Godliness.
  • It is a small file that stores your browsing history and preferences. Times, Sunday Times
  • Congress recently acted to deny trade preferences to countries that fail to meet their legal obligations to end such abusive child labor.
  • So great is the danger of such injurious results, few careful practitioners have cared to adopt the heroic "antipyretic" medication recommended by experimenters, preferring to allow their patients to burn with fever, mitigated only by such simple means as are commonly employed by nurses, than to require them to combat the poisonous influences of a drug in addition to the morbid element of the disease. Scientific American Supplement, No. 455, September 20, 1884
  • A New FAIR survey (Fairness In Accuracy and Reporting) reveals that the America publicprefers asingle-payer national healthcare system 59% - to-32% over a privatized system. Single Payer Health Insurance / Still Ignored By Main Steam Press
  • (BTWI prefer “fair trial” which is more firmly rooted/defined in articulable legal principles/standards because “doing justice” is a phrase that notoriously begs the question). Should Prosecutors Hire Jury Consultants?
  • We are looking at investment properties within a £80,000 to £130,000 range and would prefer not to remortgage our home to raise capital as our current rate tracks the base rate plus 0.75%. What is the best way to buy a holiday home?
  • After you deploy this demo application into the device in eWorkbench, you will see the icon shown in the Preference Demo Application list.
  • They look at the stupid action on the part of the police, in preferring those charges against Mr Ardern, and ask just what planet these people are on.
  • One hundred women were asked to indicate their preferences on six male body odour samples, drawn from 97 volunteer samples, before and after initiating contraceptive pill use.
  • One of the types I try to avoid is the "married but playful" kind: the ones that are stepping out on their spouses to indulge their preferences on the down-low. Recommended Reading
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are preferable to narcotics for pain relief.
  • It sounds preferable to having kids locked away playing alone.
  • Now, as for those in our church who contend for the ceremonies, many of them are led by such _argumenta inartificialia_, as wealth, preferment, &c., and if conscience be at all looked to by them, yet they only throw and extort an assent and allowance from it, when worldly respects have made them to propend and incline to an anterior liking of the ceremonies. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • Wenger, however, prefers to invest in promise rather than experience, and at this juncture the consequence of a persistent collective callowness is that while his club may have a waiting list of 40,000 for their season tickets, the empty seats in the middle and upper tiers last night spoke of the dissatisfaction of those among their supporters who do not subscribe to the doctrine of keeping the faith through thick and thin. Arsenal fizzle out after early promise – just like last season | Richard Williams
  • He would not confirm or deny these points, preferring not to delve into the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you turn it into something which people would prefer to see, you are altering the facts of history. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whilst men generally rely on visual stimulation for their kicks, women prefer aural pleasure.
  • Many of the bidders were put off by the buy-to-let model, with most preferring to buy unencumbered assets. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the benefit of hindsight, I prefer to be philosophical about my experience.
  • The day after tomorrow lyed corn and grece will be issued to the party, the next day Poark and flour, and the day following indian meal and poark; and in conformity to that rotiene provisions will continue to be issued to the party untill further orders. should any of the messes prefer indian meal to flour Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
  • Caffeine makes me jittery, so I prefer decaffeinated tea.
  • If it resulted in the so-called checkerboard, that can't be optimal," Daniels said, adding that his preference is that the referendum be county by county, rather than township by township. Stories
  • By all means use this construction if it's what you prefer but it's purely a stylistic preference and not a grammatical imperative. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this was his first statement of political preference.
  • Do we want a hero with universal vision, or would we prefer a fallible creature, confusing and confused?
  • Nutritional research also suggests that an expectant mother can influence her sprog's future food preferences by the dietary choices she made during pregnancy.
  • The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a correct judgment,Were it fall to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers of newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. 
  • He preferred to die instead of stealing.
  • Remote and uncommunicative was their description as Whyte avoided the hoi polloi, preferring to spend time with the corporate elite.
  • Over six years ago, the Association put forward proposals, which would rank farmers as preferential creditors for agricultural produce supplied by them.
  • A few have performed better than expected—e.g., the auto bailouts, although a rapid private bankruptcy was preferable and GM and Chrysler are not yet denationalized successes. The Obama Presidency by the Numbers
  • It is not always so marvellous for anyone who prefers to speak to humans. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are surfeited with Italian cities for the present, and much prefer to walk the familiar quarter-deck and view this one from a distance.
  • I always tried to "pay as you go", preferring high salaries and roster bonuses not prorated to contain Cap charges in the year of negotiation rather than building up unamortized charges into the future. Andrew Brandt: Breaking in a New Cap: The New NFL System
  • They've registered the name with a hyphen between the words but I own the domain as one word which is their preference.
  • He prefers music because he is more in control. The Sun
  • Brands like Artec shampoo are slathered on dark-haired cows, while Pantene is preferred for the blonder bovines. Well-Heeled Men Behind Manolos Try on Hooves for Size
  • {242} This is preferred to grallatorial, as more comprehensively descriptive. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
  • He is a loner who prefers to do his job and go home. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have printed _nimbiferi_ in preference to _nubiferi_ because Jupiter is linked with _nimbi_ at two other passages. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • His mother - whose preference for himself, devotion to himself, he had always taken for granted.
  • Preferred modifiers include NaOH, urea sodium dodecyl sulfate, sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate, and guanidine hydrochloride. Mairi Beautyman: Unexpected Green Hazard: When Your Cat Binges on the Edible Packaging
  • You could be surprised by which one you prefer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Swap for rack mounted multi-effects system, preferably with foot controller.
  • I would prefer not to leave this job to John while he's still a raw recruit/beginner.
  • He's not the sort to enter into partnership. He prefers to play a lone hand.
  • I'd prefer a woman doctor to examine me.
  • Tookey preferred to focus on performance on what he calls a "combined business basis" which he said showed the bank made a £1.7bn profit. The Guardian World News
  • The invisible components of civil society, whose extent is largely unknown, consist of those who prefer a personal rather than a ready-made set of values, people who never speak up, and people who admittedly do not want to be bothered.
  • The tool preference was FPS - R 48.1 %, NRS 24.4 % , YDS 23.1 % and VAS 3.8 %, respectively.
  • Preferably swathed in a scarf which can double as a belt, a bikini top - or even as a scarf.
  • MTV sees an increasing number of youth as non-committal about their sexual preference, identifying with inherently transient labels like "questioning" or "bi-curious. Nick Shore: What Gaga & Minaj's Alter-Egos Say About the Shape-Shifting Millennial Generation
  • A more transparent and honest way of charging would be preferable to the underhand and morally dubious system currently employed. Times, Sunday Times
  • An A-level pass in Biology is preferred for all courses.
  • I'm anti-gassing and would prefer to ask the badgers politely to leave. Times, Sunday Times
  • The constitution of the League was termed by Mr. Wilson a Covenant, a word redolent of biblical and puritanical times, which accorded well with the motives that decided him to prefer Geneva to Brussels as the seat of the League, and to adopt other measures of a supposed political character. The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
  • Suppose such a party were to win, like the Progressive Democrats in 1987,11.8% of the first-preference votes.
  • Some experts claim it's better to elect for a controlled cut, while others say tearing is preferable as the healing time's quicker.
  • Let's make a list of possible speakers, in order of preference.
  • Yes Zach I would prefer "those mustard yellow matchstick built hovels, even with their big asphalt parking lots (with inevitable weed-filled cracks)". See for yourself (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • These fish prefer shallow water and are commonly found in bays around eelgrass, oil platforms, pilings of wharfs and piers, and in back waters.
  • Three lakes are also found in this park, providing habitat for a variety of waterbirds as well as antelope species with a preference for marshy or open, grassy habitat such as sitatunga, oribi (Ourebia ourebi), waterbuck, tsessebe, and lechwe (Kobus leche). Angolan Miombo woodlands
  • Rachel Gray might be an outstandingly good actress but many actor-managers preferred to have a lesser actress and less temperament.
  • It would seem that some politicians would prefer to use financial stealth rather than legislation to produce change.
  • I still prefer to play in defence.
  • 'I'd prefer to walk,' she answered.
  • Revolutions are only contemplated by cadres with intense preferences: most workers in liberal democracies will not vote for a revolution.
  • Sarah Palin, I would prefer to be a community organizer, as I am, rather than be a quitter and abus girl who goes from state to state selling books. Palin blasts the 'Obama doctrine'
  • She avoids big scenes...preferring to rely on small gestures and dead-on dialogue
  • Courtenay's aristocratic connections carried him rapidly up the ladder of preferment.
  • They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash.
  • Keynes would have interpreted this as an extreme outbreak of liquidity-preference, says Paul Davidson, whose biography of the master has just been republished with a new afterword.
  • They prefer vegetarian versions of old favorites, such as pizza, chili, tacos, and stir-fries, that are relatively easy to adapt.
  • All an RDF (or "interlingua") proponent will say is that RDF can be even cheaper and less error prone, and much of the reason not to adopt it is down to developer preferences, lack of familiarity, tooling and so on - i.e., much the same reason developers don't adopt XSLT, summarising the issue as "XSLT sucking". Planet XML
  • The base powder preferably comprises about 70% to about 90% by weight of the malted beverage powder.
  • She kept him away from the birth, preferring her female friends. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Some migrants may prefer the anonymity of the shadow economy to the prospect of dealing with the authorities.
  • The payment had the effect of conferring a preference, priority or advantage on those creditors over the other creditors.
  • The main reason most publicans prefer to sell this filtered and pasteurised product is that it's easier to stock and handle.
  • The piece is illustrated with images that demonstrate the austere intensity of his work since then, exquisite abstract interiors and still lifes executed in his preferred palette of white, grey, light ochre and sienna.
  • Ninth-century users had their own criteria of utility, and they preferred to use oral alongside written communications in most contexts.
  • As part of that instinct, we're also programmed to prefer energy-dense foods like sugar and fat.
  • The national drink is a rye vodka known as koskenkorva; but today's Finns have a preferred tipple, drinking more coffee per capita than any other nation.
  • In this case, the total acreage is 156 or 150, depending again on your preference in acreage calculation. Living in Dryden: Hamlet density
  • A lot of folks might prefer to stay home on a pleasant Sunday afternoon and engage in armchair activism from the comfort of their own homes and cocoons, occasionally talking back to the cable news networks or commenting on a blog. Cynthia Boaz: A Reality (and Sanity) Check for Progressives- Speech to Petaluma Progressive Festival
  • Though she was thoroughly aware of his insincerity, she much preferred him in the role of the romantic blockader. Gone with the Wind
  • Initially, they will all choose different efficient portfolios on the frontier according to their risk return preferences.
  • Quando sono ben freddi, si spalma sulla base una confettura a scelta (io preferisco quella di rosa canina perchè ha una consistenza che adoro, tipo una gelatina liquida, in più non è dolce), si appiccica la parte superiore precedentemente spolverizzata di zucchero a velo. Ovis Mollis « Baking History
  • To prefer food to art, capriciousness and indulgence to "simplicity" and "contemplat [ion]," and eating to other forms of incorporation, is, of course, a female or effeminated preference (Gill 597). Wordsworth’s Balladry: Real Men Wanted
  • I don't buy that anyone in their right mind would prefer masturbation over sexual intercourse with a mutual partner.
  • In this study on lek-breeding topi antelopes, I investigate whether female mating preferences have consequences for male investment in harassment and whether harassing males are more likely to succeed in mating.
  • An they wish for gold, they shall have gold; and should they wish for silver, they shall have silver; or an they prefer for merchandise, I will give them merchandise; and to whom I owe a thousand I will give two thousand in requital of that wherewith he hath veiled my face before the poor; for I have plenty. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • For example if it makes no difference whether we say that the supposable is not the genus of the opinable or that the opinable is not identical with a particular kind of supposable (for what is meant is the same in both statements), it is better to take as the terms the supposable and the opinable in preference to the phrase suggested. Prior Analytics
  • a male secretary/nurse/model or a woman/female doctor/barrister/driver. However this is now not usually used unless you need to emphasize which sex the person is, or it is still unusual for the job to be done by a man/woman:My daughter prefers to see a woman doctor.
  • Others will display stoicism, and still others would prefer to go fishing.
  • But whatever the circumstances, most would prefer to borrow more affordably if only they could. Times, Sunday Times
  • I prefer 7.62 NATO cases for reloading because its heavier case and more reloads per case and the necks are annealed. I am looking to get a rifle for deer and elk in Colorado. I am thinking that I'll go with either a .30-06 or .308.
  • The dog can be given more time if preferred, but under no circumstances should anything else be attempted before those five minutes have elapsed. THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
  • Apply slightly lighter highlighter on the remaining two-thirds of the eye - I prefer something with a little sparkle.
  • One major component of the 2011 route that Vande Velde finds preferable is the eight flat stages over the first 11 days of racing. Christian Vande Velde: Pyrenees are the sleeper challenge in the 2011 Tour de France

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