How To Use Preempt In A Sentence
During debate about the House version of the financial reform bill, Representative Melissa Bean was pilloried by progressives for her efforts to allow federal regulations created by the Consumer Financial Protection Agency to "preempt" stronger state standards.
Harry Moroz: Don't Make Health Care Reform Like Financial Reform
So like preemption, in today's supercharged political climate, unilateralism and multilateralism no longer convey any meaning.
Because the Right of Preemption is likely to injure the security of trafficking, it shouldn't peremptorily oppose the third party. And some restrictions are necessary.
The U.S. onslaughts on the cities were part of its retaliatory and preemptive strikes on the regime.
These local efforts are meeting stiff legal resistance: so far most courts say the field of immigration is "preempted" by federal law.
Dan Kowalski: Unpacking "Sanctuary Cities"

A key part of whatever scheme, whether the agency had advisory or adjudicatory authority, would be preempting attempts to use contract law to get around fair use.
Archive 2009-02-01
But within the cablecast essay, Olbermann noted how the president engaged in a "preemptive abandonment" of both the public option and single-payer.
Bob Cesca: Are Progressives Losing Touch With Reality?
In this scenario, Lin and his high military commanders, sensing's treachery, plotted a preemptive coup d'etat.
The impact of modern missile defense systems on the effectiveness of the classic nuclear deterrence triad - retaliatory strike, retaliatory strike / counterstroke, and preemptive strike - is highly topical in present day conditions.
And of course, his record on preemptive military strikes is not exactly stellar either.
Now, he has added the threat of preemptive military strikes.
Now, the president talked about the Bush doctrine of acting preemptively against perceived terror threats abroad to make Americans safer domestically.
The Justice Department says the Arizona statute is "preempted" by federal law because immigration enforcement is solely a federal prerogative.
Arizona's immigration law goes before appeals court
The Supreme Court disagreed in Wyeth v. Levine on March 4, 2009. By a 6-to-3 vote, the Court ruled that federal approval of a drug does not "preempt," or override, a state's consumer protection law.
Obama's advisors explain that the president's moves are designed to "preempt" the resurgent Republicans -- just like Bill Clinton preempted the Gingrich crowd by announcing "the era of big government is over" and then tacking right.
Robert Reich: The Big Economic Story, and Why Obama Isn't Telling It
Its doctrine of preemptive war makes a mockery of the principles of non-aggression and international legality laid down in the charter of the United Nations, whose resolutions Washington claims to be defending.
Regular programming was preempted by a report on the war.
Some preemptive grovelling can go a long way.
Thus, we conclude the system of claims 1-8,29, and 31-33 cover "preempt" every substantial practical application of the abstract idea.
Archive 2008-07-01
The development of CMV CNS disease is associated with risk factors (T-cell depletion, anti-thymocyte globulin, umbilical cord blood transplantation) that cause severe and protracted T-cell immunodeficiency (8 of 11 cases), a history of recurrent CMV viremia treated with multiple courses of preemptive ganciclovir or foscarnet therapy (11 of 11 cases), and ganciclovir-resistant CMV infection (11 of 11 cases).
Naturejobs - All Jobs
A copyleft license blocks profiteers from copyrighting collaborative software by preemptively copyright-protecting it, and contractually allowing people to freely use and modify it only if they agree to pass on the freedoms given to them.
Five words shaping our future
The part of me that is Petra sees what's going on behind her eyes and decides to make a preemptive strike.
FOX more or less intentionally killed it with a scheduling pillow-over-the-face: I recall hanging out at my friend Personal Demon’s house every Sunday night, only to find Futurama yet again preempted by Sunday Night Football.
2007 November « Skulls in the Stars
The reader is led to believe that Stalin oriented his military commanders toward a preemptive strike by the Red Army.
They also review the theoretic mechanisms by which preemptive analgesia might desensitize the nervous system and thereby reduce pain perception and other untoward effects that can persist far beyond the recovery period.
Todays aussie emos also prefer Wireless: So learnings in identities, avatars and the like from gaming are key. (btw re global incumbents - a front page on your global property also does not necessarily equal global success: and universities are the untapped angle as well re facebook like preemptive plays) Throw in the best of youtube, livejournal, myspace and u probably still underestimate it.
Archive 2006-06-01
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano indicated in congressional testimony Tuesday that federal reviewers are considering a preemption argument.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Feds May Sue Arizona Over Immigration
We have to preempt the haters.
He notes that ‘They fight long attrition wars poorly, and short preemptive wars well.’
After the tea and pleasantries had been dispensed with, Quiller-Couch launched his usual preemptive, presumptuous air strike.
Battle of the Bulging British Bridesmaids
Strictly speaking, it is wrong to call this attack a preemptive strike.
Gibson used the word "preemptively" - but if a knowledgeable person had pushed back on that point ( "Well, preemption was what John F. Kennedy had in mind in acting against the imminent threat of Soviet missiles in Cuba"), Gibson would certainly have come back to explain the novelty of the "preventive war" point.
Later On
Preemptive destruction of oil facilities, similar to that at Balikpapan, was carried out elsewhere in the East Indies.
The Prize
One controversial preemption issue involves nuclear energy.
Not until you saw his face, anyway, with the preemption of a beaky nose and awkwardly sharp jaw.
In case one party desires to sell or assign all part of his investment subscribed, the other party shall have the preemptive right.
Along the way, it effectively preempted the problem of needing to take on token individuals to comply with government mandates.
And it flaws the doctrine of unilateral preemption, despite the fact you had a smattering of other countries that put up some troops that went in.
His mortal fear of Jesse James led him to kill the famous outlaw, not just for the reward money, but as a preemptive strike to save his own life.
The response time analysis method for scheduling tasks with preemption threshold is a novel schedulability technology.
If that is what you wish, I will engage to say nothing that will preempt your revelation.
Arguably, the larger question is what kind of skewered logic finds value in a preemptive military action that comes about from leadership that demonstrates no knowledge whatsoever of what the word "proactive" means.
"Consider the Mindset"
Preemptive Self - defense aroused a bitter controversy over international law of self - defense and the United Nations.
If this makes you uneasy, think about distributing a little preemptive baksheesh as a goodwill gesture.
Some commonly-used process mutex exclusive methods are analyzed in this paper. It advances a no preemptive method which is based on task priority and analyzes its security and high-efficiency.
To paraphrase his satyrical entry at the Reagan Wing, Doug alleges that Mike! faked or made up this DUI or at least preemptively announced it as a devious ploy to gain sympathy from the electorate.
Sound Politics: Last Call
The shareholders of a corporation do not have a preemptive right to acquire the corporation's unissued shares except to the extent the articles of incorporation so provide.
Thus, he urges, he may not be preemptively confined.
The doctrine invites abuse because it offers no criteria by which to judge a threat justifying a preemptive strike.
Fine, but if preemption is to be adopted as a doctrine, it has to encompass more than one rogue state.
It seeks to prevent the emergence of a rival hegemon, and the doctrine of ‘preemptive strike’ is part of that.
The rationale for finding no preemption, the court thought, was “nicely underscored” by the facts here, because the primary claims of copyright infringement were “largely irremediable.”
Archive 2009-04-01
Despite preemptive warnings that this material is unrated and not suited for the younger set, there's nothing terribly gruesome or graphic here.
They proved that a preemptive strike could delay an enemy's preparation for war for years.
Difficulties concerning preemption have proven to be the biggest bugbear for Lewis's theory.
Its doctrine of preemptive war makes a mockery of the principles of non-aggression and international legality laid down in the charter of the United Nations, whose resolutions Washington claims to be defending.
One of the current cases being heard involves voter ID, and the State of Indiana's effortto raise preemptive barriers, ostensibly to prevent fraudulent voting.
John McCain, the Lie of Voter Fraud & the GOP's Voter Suppression Push
It is hard to believe that a theologian so bent on providing justification for preemptive armed conflict would find a theological account of violence tangential to the question of war.
Nothing that the US has done in Iraq marks a new strategy: not the flimsy pretext used to invade, not the doctrine of ‘preemptive war,’ nor America's unquenched need for empire.
The conjunctive theorist might still avail herself of one of the above replies to preemption and disconnection.
If that is what you wish, I will engage to say nothing that will preempt your revelation.
This is euphemistic code for achieving imperialistic control over as many regions of the world as possible, through whatever means are necessary (including preemptive war).
Because the Right of Preemption is likely to injure the security of trafficking, it shouldn't peremptorily oppose the third party. And some restrictions are necessary.
He went on, ‘They have a general idea of what you're capable of - enough to make them act preemptively to authorize a look-see.’
We proclaim a new doctrine of preemption which is understood by few and feared by many.
Obama must soon makehis stand for negotiation, altruismand social cooperation versus preemptive military aggression, warand separation to be in sync with a rapidly uniting and evolving world.
First, Captain Kangaroo was preempted by coverage of the assassination and my parents were so shook-up that they stood around the televison for what seemed like days on end.
'Letters to Jackie' captures a nation's anguish
I blame the sychophants who hold his flowing robe, more descripitive, a flowing shrowd, growing longer with each death of an american or an Iraqi in Iraq, a death based on heinous preemptive lies.
GOP Senator Warner "Reconsidering" Support For Webb Troop Bill
Difficult legal problems arise in certain cases of overdetermination, often termed those of ‘overtaking causes’ or ‘causal preemption’.
live broadcast of the presidential debate preempts the regular news hour
The administration needs to show that S.B. 1070, Arizona's law authorizing state officials to enforce federal immigration law, is "preempted" - that it runs afoul of the Constitution's Supremacy Clause, which confirms that federal law supersedes state law.
The Weekly Standard Blog
The doctrine of ‘preemptive’ war will remain in force, and will be used to justify further military actions.
* The only thing worse than surrendering preemptively is surrendering immediately after you draw a line in the sand: for no reason I can see, the Obama administration has capitulated to the mindlessMiranda-haters on the right.
Some Obama Grumbling « Gerry Canavan
In its lawsuit against Arizona, the Justice Department argues that the state statute is "preempted" by federal law because immigration enforcement is solely a federal prerogative.
Arizona files countersuit tied to challenge of its immigration law
He summarized much legal and philosophical argument by specifying four criteria of preemption as self-defense.
If they don't stop this process, should the U.S. consider a military preemptive strike?
He defends himself by saying that tax cuts must be matched by spending restraint, but many conservatives believe that cutting taxes preemptively is the best way to restrain spending -- the "starve the beast" hypothesis.
Irony....Coincidence....Or Some Useful Info?
The part of me that is Petra sees what's going on behind her eyes and decides to make a preemptive strike.
He summarized much legal and philosophical argument by specifying four criteria of preemption as self-defense.
If the United States believes that there's a potential threat out there, should it preempt, which is a relatively different strategy from earlier U.S. presidents?
CNN Transcript Aug 25, 2002
They argue that selling or acquiring stock in a local exploration and production unit in China that owns the assets doesn't represent a change of control or trigger preemption rights.
Yet the White House has treated the sudden Republican concern with the deficit as genuine, once again preemptively ceding ground -- three trillion dollars worth of ground -- on all the Bush tax cuts except those aimed at the top two-percent, and then quickly given up the fight for even that relatively thin slice of sanity.
Peter Birkenhead: I'll Quit Whining When You Start Fighting
your wrong its called preempt and it set the traffic ...
Yanko Design
Gibson used the word "preemptively" -- but if a knowledgeable person had pushed back on that point ( "Well, preemption was what John F. Kennedy had in mind in acting against the imminent threat of Soviet missiles in Cuba"), Gibson would certainly have come back to explain the novelty of the "preventive war" point.
August 27th, 2006 at 1: 24 am PDT preempt microprogram alderman ruffianly: barbaric?
BlogBeat Rocking The Blog Stat Beats!
The spot where the scientist had lain curled, busily taking photographs and taking notes, is preempted by the pilot.
It was built on savings being converted into capital, and an assault on either, whether led by the persuasion of sophists or the preemption of the State, is only guaranteed to hamper our struggle towards greater future prosperity.
The difference between contemplating preemptive war and jumping at shadows can become perilously thin.
The main objective, the basic rationale of nuclear preemption is the use of force to deter and, if need be, to stop an act of large-scale non-nuclear aggression.
He took aim at the core of the Justice Department's argument: that the Arizona statute is "preempted" by federal law and is especially troublesome because it requires mandatory immigration status checks in certain circumstances.
Judge questions Justice Department's lawsuit against Arizona immigration law
Some preemptive grovelling can go a long way.
The local people fenced the land to preempt it against other claimants.
Alabama's law, which withholds a host of rights from illegal aliens, was overwhelmingly upheld by a federal district court as constitutional and not violative of any preemption right of the federal government.
Ed Koch: The Obama Administration Should Not Be Impeded By the City and State From Implementing Its Program to Deport Criminal Illegal and Legal Aliens
So far , the basis and institutional framework of shareholder's preemptive right have already discussed.
Morningside Analytics 'John Kelly, details Sanchez, has developed 3D modelings that shine light on everything from "term valance" -- that is, the semantics employed by different clusters of online conversations to talk about everything from "home schooling" to "preemptive war" -- to topics that bookmarking reveals to be of deep interest in some sectors but spark little visible online feedback.
Daily Digest: On Blogosphere Imaging, SEC's XBRL, and "White-Collar Populism"
Bolton, a Democratic appointee, also questioned a core part of the Justice Department's argument that she should declare the law unconstitutional: that it is "preempted" by federal law because immigration enforcement is an exclusive federal prerogative.
Hearing on Arizona immigration law begins
Special Forces are often deployed to preclude , preempt and resolve terrorist incidents abroad.
The other factor causing military morale to plummet is President Bush's preemptive war in Iraq, which has been followed by a post-war period of no planning that has placed our soldiers in harm's way without hope.
Sound Politics: Voter registration ruling was based on bogus evidence
Preemptive attacks are generally regarded as justified in self-defense.
News of the earthquake preempted regular TV shows.
According to him, Operation Barbarossa was a preemptive strike against the USSR.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Why the Neglect of Communist Crimes Matters
A special news program preempted the scheduled shows.
Circuit Court that upheld the application of the City's rent control law to the units, rejecting the owner's claim that federal law "preempted" local rent protections.
PEOPLE'S VICTORY!! US Court of Appeals Rules to Protect Section 8 Tenants
The common owners preemptive right is not stipulated in the Law of Property, but when the relationship of common ownership vanishes, it is safer to vest the ot.
If there's anything more fun than taking apart a workshop poem, it's to read the blurbs poets are sometimes expected to extemporize, to justify/apologize for/self-deprecatingly praise/preemptively neuter their own poetry.
Anis Shivani: America's Most Prominent Emerging Poets Respond to the Obama Administration
The development of CMV CNS disease is associated with risk factors (T-cell depletion, anti-thymocyte globulin, umbilical cord blood transplantation) that cause severe and protracted T-cell immunodeficiency (8 of 11 cases), a history of recurrent CMV viremia treated with multiple courses of preemptive ganciclovir or foscarnet therapy (11 of 11 cases), and ganciclovir-resistant CMV infection (11 of 11 cases).
Naturejobs - All Jobs
The main objective, the basic rationale of nuclear preemption is the use of force to deter and, if need be, to stop an act of large-scale non-nuclear aggression.
discussion of the emergency situation will preempt the lecture by the professor
Call it preemption, preventive war, the war on terror, or whatever you like; there is a sense that we have again unleashed a force that, like a boom-a-rang, at some point has to come back to us.
Barack Obama Would Add Troops To Afghanistan « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
Preemptive Self - defense aroused a bitter controversy over international law of self - defense and the United Nations.
However, none of the above is sufficient justification for a preemptive military strike.
If the accusation was unfounded, the Association could preempt the reprisal; if true, the YMCA worked to redress the original grievance to resecure the withdrawn privileges.
Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
a preemptive business offer
Sadly, that type of innovativeness has traditionally been denied to the software patent system on the basis of "abstractness" or "preemption.
Patent Law Blog (Patently-O)
A garden, at one end of the house, was red with love-lies-bleeding and coxcombs, their deep hues contrasting with great clumps of marigolds and bachelor's-buttons, all claiming a preemption right over innumerable weeds and any amount of ribbon grass, that struggled hard to drive them out.
The Old Homestead
One way to preempt is simply to be first to market.
The battle for the future of the social web | FactoryCity
Could this be the key to convincing people to exercise restraint in preemptively pushing their spin on the issue?
A Prediction About Evolution
In its so-called amicus brief, the FTC said nothing Altria is arguing regarding cigarette marketing "preempts state lawsuits such as this.
FTC Counters Altria
I advised him against it, because to preempt his own deadline might confuse our adversaries.
The local people fenced the land to preempt it against other claimants.
So far , the basis and institutional framework of shareholder's preemptive right have already discussed.
Along the way, it effectively preempted the problem of needing to take on token individuals to comply with government mandates.
the preemption of bandwidth by commercial interests
In short, preemption is now a politicized, debased word.
CPS chief Jean Claud Brizard may have thought he could carry out a preemptive strike against the Whittier Parents Committee.
Curtis Black: Brizard Can't Ignore Whittier Parents
I think the point is that a preemptively multitasking, protected mode virtual memory operating system shouldn't be letting third party DLLs crash the system.