
How To Use Prediction In A Sentence

  • Each, in any event, offers explanations at a level deeper than prediction.
  • An objective analogue prediction model of tropical cyclone track is brought forward that considers the synthetical evaluation environment.
  • This defense of evidential decision theory is called the tickle defense because it assumes that an introspected condition screens off the correlation between choice and prediction. Causal Decision Theory
  • One last prediction the model makes is that the income differential paid to prostitutes will rise with the status the culture accords wives.
  • In October, the retailer said it would shut 21% of its namesake North American stores over the next two years, coming to terms with the overextension of its store network before the recession and predictions that U.S. growth will be slow. Gap's Profit Falls 36%
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  • So what about my predictions for next year? Times, Sunday Times
  • The fears are all thanks to a purported prediction of a major Roman quake Wednesday attributed to self-taught seismologist Raffaele Bendandi, who died in 1979. Quakes hit Italy, but none in Rome despite myth
  • The model spews out implications that are demonstrably falsifiable given an appropriate dataset; i.e., if one can lay one's hand on a dataset, then the model's predictions can be verified as either true or false.
  • No doubt, you have been very impressed indeed, by my unrivalled abilities in prediction.
  • They based their predictions on one million-acre feet a year deficit of the Colorado River, massive amounts of evaporation from the lake and the viscous effects of a warming world from climate change. Dr. Reese Halter: Global Warming, Drought and the Grim Reaper
  • A key reason was that predictions of fossil fuel use rely heavily on economic predictions, which have been shown to be almost useless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite predictions of almost unbounded mobility, most people in industrialised nations are less physically active than ever before.
  • But, Colonel Hackworth, does that then re-change your former predictions? CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2003
  • Prediction problem of trim - beam number in colored - textile manufacturing process scheduling is discussed.
  • String theory is a complete description of reality even though we don't understand its predictions in some extreme situations, especially those that have something to do with the ultratiny expanding universe. The Reference Frame
  • Why have those early predictions been confounded? Times, Sunday Times
  • And a close-loop quality control system based on prediction model is designed according to the characteristics of forging process, which is based on a procedure information system, takes predict...
  • The predictions of standard economic theory – the expectation that freely operating markets will produce a certain kind of optimality – only hold good as long as the markets are not marred by serious imperfections. Limitations of markets
  • Two major control algorithms, fuzzy control algorithm of frequency and voltage and prediction control algorithm for switch-on, are analyzed in detail.
  • Rill velocity, depth and flow will help determine the area's rill erodibility, a key component of the Erosion Prediction Project. Sierra Sun - Top Stories
  • By staging the fish, previously scored for boldness, in dyadic contests against siblings, we also tested the prediction that bolder individuals are more likely to become dominant.
  • Londonist scoured some of the weather sites and found the following predictions.
  • In order to improve the prediction accuracy, a rolling learning-prediction procedure was introduced to deal with the time variant property of the bioprocess.
  • After the Watts rebellion, Johnsoh asked Hoover to expand his intelligence operations to include riot prediction.
  • CO2Pirate to account and ask why their predictions of death, doom and destruction never eventuated? Cyclone Yasi: Queensland takes stock of damage
  • It is my prediction that protesting may yet become the recreational pursuit of choice in the 21st century.
  • Voluspa," or Song of the Prophetess, a kind of sibylline lay, which contains an account of the creation, the origin of man and of evil, and concludes with a prediction of the destruction and renovation of the universe, and a description of the future abodes of happiness and misery. Handbook of Universal Literature From the Best and Latest Authorities
  • Over the last two decades, predictions about the social effects of the Internet have ranged from cybernetic anarchy (both utopian and distopian) to the instantiation of a fascistic regime of surveillance that would make Orwell look like a piker. I'll Be Speaking in London on Nov. 17
  • The equipment became a crucial part of the experiment, for its data experimentally verified the predictions.
  • Predictions of exceptionally high tides are given in bold type.
  • We have only a limited capacity for checking the accuracy of many environmental monitoring results, let alone of predictions.
  • Forgetting her father’s prediction, Bloodstone was brave enough to rush at the monster.
  • The second law can be applied to the prediction of creep failure, such as rockslides, colluvial-deposit landslides and loess landslides as well as clay landslides with locked patches.
  • The prediction of 4 million unemployed now looks horrifyingly realistic.
  • The economic growth rate for next year has slipped further and further as the year goes on, with the latest prediction from the government's top think tank readjusting the figure to a paltry 2.6 percent.
  • That's the central prediction of economic forecasters and we have to take what they say seriously. Times, Sunday Times
  • Climate change predictions for the North of England suggest winters will become wetter, with more rainfall and greater inflow to estuaries and the sea.
  • As if fulfilling the portentous predictions of some medieval soothsayer, the first year of this new century has witnessed an unprecedented catalogue of warnings of the cumulative effects of climate change.
  • Both these predictions have of course been shown to be false in just a few years.
  • There were gloomy predictions that the weather would deter buyers, but on the day a lengthy queue had formed an hour before the doors opened. Times, Sunday Times
  • These findings are consistent with previous reports that visual processing contributes to prediction of reading skills both in English and Chinese orthographies.
  • According to the result, it is possible to make a mid or short term prediction of big earthquakes in the adjacent region of seismic source after huge earthquake occurs.
  • I sure wish I could agree with your prediction but America has been gerrymandered into easily predictable red or blue districts.
  • The doctor to whom the Marines offered their prediction, Dr. Kernan Manion, checked on the situation the two had reported and concluded their's was an accurate representation, with forecastable consequences. The earwig and soldier suicide
  • First this paper introduces the principle of ACELP, then the relation between linear prediction (LP) coefficient and line spectrum pair (LSP) is provided.
  • As has been argued previously, savannas may represent a unique biome where predictions developed for grasslands or forests may not directly apply, and more research into the dynamics of these interesting biomes is clearly needed.
  • This information can be used to make more accurate predictions of weather and climate.
  • And the trends of the past few decades seem to confirm that prediction.
  • Based on what's known about electron-electron interactions and about antiferromagnetism in other metals, the authors created a theoretical framework to explain the behavior of the pnictides, offering some specific predictions about how they will behave as they change phases. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Any predictions for the second semifinal of team Dragon versus CovaNoil?
  • Another collective title, the Angry Young Men, was to prove in the long term more accurate as prediction than description.
  • I entirely concur with his prediction that in the end we will have to withdraw from the Province.
  • The problem is that you’re trying to perform retrodiction, which is like a prediction about the past. Hardy’s Paradox, or The Economist is Dismal at Science | Live Granades
  • Alternatively, it could be argued that the chart made a dud prediction, and astrology is entertaining hokum that has as much to do with the real Jupiter as chocolate bars do with Mars.
  • Even scientists optimistic about the future have hedged their predictions with warnings.
  • In 1999, a prediction that 60 percent of the harvest would be lost turned out to be optimistic.
  • I do not go all the way with the predictions of the far-seeing prophets of the information superhighway, nor would I wish to hype the value of the Net.
  • If you think Miller, Smith and Applewhite were unbalanced, how about the ridiculous apocalyptical predictions of doom in 1999 in the approach of the 21st century, when computer glitches were supposed to throw mankind into chaos? Jeff Schweitzer: The End Is Not Nigh: Take a Deep Breath and Move On
  • My prediction is that dollarization will continue to help with these problems, although political impasses will sometimes occur.
  • It is the interaction of these variables and other modifying variables, such as demographics, that allow for the prediction of health behaviors.
  • But, of all the alleged verities, putting faith in a trainer's predictions for a chinny fighter whom bookies rate a 9-2 underdog against a 1-8 counter-punching genius is as perilous a challenge to logic and the fates as exists in sport. Floyd Mayweather Jr v Victor Ortiz - as it happened | Steve Busfield
  • Krugman seems to think the conventional wisdom that prediction markets are worthwhile is bearing out to be false: Krugman on Prediction Markets
  • These predictions are based on mathematical models. The Crisis of Life on Earth - our legacy from the second millenium
  • As to the rate of seawater inflow and the effect of wind and waves, there would be immense problems of prediction.
  • It's all a crapshoot, and no matter what, predictions come out looking forced.
  • The prediction came as forecasts for growth were downgraded. The Sun
  • They tested their model by comparing its predictions with measurements from field projects devoted to characterizing marine stratocumulus clouds.
  • The sad thing about it is that small nongravitational forces and astrometric errors make an accurate collision prediction very hard to do more than a few years out. Asteroid Threat Conference Underway - NASA Watch
  • In addition to the departure of the nurturance scenario from the original hypotheses of the study, ratings for one other scenario also did not conform to predictions.
  • What Rusty is referring to here is not prediction but retrodiction - it's looking back from the perspective of modern theories and reading those facts back into the Genesis account.
  • The scale and pace of technological progress continues to confound predictions. Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
  • Nor is it the dire prediction of a government think-tank. Times, Sunday Times
  • A key reason was that predictions of fossil fuel use rely heavily on economic predictions, which have been shown to be almost useless. Times, Sunday Times
  • That will increase the accuracy and efficiency of the model test and the performance prediction.
  • That is always an easy and good prediction to make. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • De-noise filter method based on single value decomposition is applied to preprocess traffic volume time series, and a radical basic function neural network is trained for prediction.
  • Our prediction on office rental remains unchanged at 20% over the next 12 months.
  • Considering the eruption of Mount Merapi volcano, the International Charitable Fund ‘Star of Hope’ which represents the union of esoterics of Ukraine would like to inform you that according to our predictions the critical point eruption is expecting on the period of 12-15 May, 2006. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » The President of Indonesia and the Internet
  • Keller is cautious about making predictions for the success of the program.
  • Due to the lack of reliable meteorological inputs, statistical method is commonly used to mid-term and long-term streamflow prediction.
  • Behaviorism has long justified itself by a philosophy that exalts prediction and control over theoretical explanation.
  • The media continue to publish favorable reports on prediction claims that are not generally accepted by the scientific community.
  • It also spells the end of that great Irish political institution, the so-called tallymen and women, whose keen observations gave extremely accurate predictions hours ahead of final results.
  • Jimmy Rollins 'prediction of a five-game Philadelphia conquest is off to a promising start. Phillies' Lee upstages Steinbrenner's Game 1 visit
  • Both can contribute to scientific approach - idiographic suited to description; nomothetic to predictions. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Macbeth had a wife, to whom he communicated the strange prediction of the weird sisters, and its partial accomplishment.
  • And my greatest joy is finding a new variety, especially new shapes or colours fruiting, something quite common considering my mycological interests only arose this winter. and there are thousands of local varieties, some yet to be discovered according to the scientific prediction that the worldwide range may span 1.5 million distinct types. My Reason for Loving Winter Rains « Typefiend™
  • Not many people agree with the government's prediction that the economy will improve.
  • Our predictions were correct: I had barely been in there twenty seconds before what sounded like the whole six-man team came tromping down a staircase behind me.
  • Geographic features, such as mountain ridges, which mark the boundary of different climatic zones, occur at scales much smaller than the typical grids in GCMs, which means the GCMs get these zonal boundaries wrong, especially when coarse-grain predictions are downscaled. Serendipity: What has software engineering got to do with climate change?
  • These data would have muddied the prediction.
  • The prediction comes as campaigners paint a bleak future for native species such as dormice and bluebells. Home | Mail Online
  • When I came to investigate the validity of these predictions, as I did shortly after the introduction of antipyrin, phenacetin, and the other members of the same group of compounds, I found my predictions verified, and, indeed, exceeded. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • Prediction: The next salvo from the McCain camp will reference Obama's vote FOR the "Cheney Energy Bill. Obama Responds to McCain Conservation Ad - Swampland -
  • Sex ratio predictions were based on the average temperature during the middle third of incubation.
  • In 1907, he synthesized a pair of geometric isomers that confirmed his predictions.
  • Update In a Discovery video, USGS hydrologist Bob Holmes, Ph.D. explains the importance of stream gages and how USGS and the National Weather Service work together in flood prediction. Wonk Room » Global Boiling: Unprecedented Flooding Of Red River Leaves Fargo ‘On The Brink Of Disaster’
  • He came to the fore with a thundering and prescient prediction of the break-up of Britain, coinciding with the Silver Jubilee.
  • Plus, they got sick of apocalyptic predictions that began to prove false. The Sun
  • The next step in the simple linear regression procedure is to determine if the remaining squared error of prediction is acceptable or not.
  • I entirely concur with his prediction that in the end we will have to withdraw from the Province.
  • Well, I'm going to steer clear of the predictions for full-fledged 'virtual reality' - I think those are probably way too far off to be realistic, especially as they were suggested in the 1980s and we've not gotten *especially* closer. Gaze into your Crystal Ball
  • Taking for example the wear of connecting rod copper sleeve, the paper introduces the application of this method to the prediction of internal combustion engine maintenance and fault detection.
  • This species is a common passerine long-distance migrant of average size, used previously as a basis for model predictions.
  • In addition, predictions that housing prices would drop began appearing in the local media.
  • This prediction was confirmed experimentally for aqueous dispersions of uncharged unilamellar vesicles with total phospholipid concentrations
  • Was it a prayer, a magic spell, a charm, or a prediction?
  • Circadian entrainment is one of the areas of biology where mathematical predictions have been tested experimentally and confirmed.
  • The prediction of this calamity is here given very largely, and in lively expressions, which one would think should have awakened and affected the most stupid. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • We might also ask how this prediction by Goodchild might affect the overall "acclimation" or preparedness of people about the possibility of ET visitation to Earth, whether anything unusual happens today or not. Latest Articles
  • Our prediction turns out to be correct.
  • Based on the acoustic transfer vector concept(ATV), the application approach to structural acoustic radiated prediction using the ATV technology for I. C.
  • There is, actually, sorne precedent for this prediction.
  • Another model prediction is that there is it parameter range in which the glycolytic subsystem is bistable: for the same set of parameter values the system may oscillate or be stationary.
  • If this explanation is true, then the prediction is that the perseverative side-to-side errors will be less severe if rats are not pretrained to shuttle back and forth on a linear track. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Our laboratory results supported our... prediction that spider presence would reduce sundew fitness, " the researchers wrote.
  • While the two - hit hypothesis is useful conceptually, making predictions for particular individuals is still a challenge.
  • I need to cogitate and ruminate on it a bit more before the official electoral prediction.
  • The general buoyancy of the advertising market in recent years has dispelled doomy predictions about the prospects for both, but the real action for the past decade and a half has been in the magazine market.
  • Such morbid symptoms include false messiahs, doomsday predictions, UFO sightings, pyramid schemes, and so on.
  • We do not try to fine-tune the economy on the basis of short-term predictions.
  • Expect him to urge Mr. Obama to be aggressive and creative in trying to jump-start lending — and to avoid the rosy predictions that have made the Bush administration appear to be out of touch.
  • To fulfill the different demand of passengers, this study divides the prediction model for bus arrival time into a long-term sub-model and a short-term submodel.
  • He said that, while the website might provide users with sobering predictions, the intention was to inform and inspire rather than terrify. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the contrast between the dire warnings and doom-laden predictions of the late 1990s and the present careful conditions hedged around the figures could not be more marked.
  • They were actually not looking for superfluidity, but for an antiferromagnetic phase in solid helium-3, which according to predictions was to appear below 2 mK. Additional background material on the Nobel Prize in Physics 1996
  • He loved to make predictions, always with breezy confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Experimental tests with aquatic species have backed up the theoretical predictions.
  • A significant prediction from the forward model is the spatial evolution of the orogenic load in SW England, summarized in Fig.6.
  • In our proposed approach we code the video into a number of independently decodable streams, each with its own prediction process and state information, as shown in Figure 1.
  • Numerous proleptically elegiac poems share this prediction, foregrounding the silence that will replace consolatory language in the new round of suffering.
  • In his letter he warns that government predictions about immigration and population growth have proved unreliable. Times, Sunday Times
  • This paper first sums up the main problem about orbit prediction of an artificial earth satellite.
  • It does not sound a lot, but it seems laughable as a prediction. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe you can point to one warmist prediction that has eventuated?
  • A prediction method of lift to drag ratio of subsonic maneuverable missile was given.
  • It isn't sensible to make predictions based on evolution when cloning and germinal choice technology are a decade away.
  • Despite earlier dire predictions, shares remained steady.
  • But here we're making predictions based on certain assumptions, just like Gartner is, and using similar mathematical jiggery-pokery.
  • Thirdly, it analyses prediction technology in scheduling, and proposes prediction model to predict task expected completion time using subtasks with maximum mathematical expectation.
  • I'm going to stick my neck out with some predictions for the next two years.
  • Short's prediction fitted the data beautifully, except for the proboscis monkey.
  • It is true that prediction is a difficult business, especially when it involves the future.
  • Obviously their predictions are false and their prophecies of an apocalyptic ending at a specified time fail.
  • That's my prediction for the whole imbroglio waiting to unfold.
  • Others pontificate on health, telling us what we should and should not do to remain well, while we are overwhelmed with financial advice from experts whose predictions often turn out wrong.
  • The results are consistent with the predictions of continuum elasticity theory for the strain of a point source subject to an applied force.
  • This method of prediction is, of course, based on the antigennesis used in the continuous astrology of genethlialogy. ASTROLOGY
  • An attempt at prediction, like that outlined above, would now have little chance of success.
  • quarks have not been observed directly but theoretical predictions based on their existence have been confirmed experimentally
  • The result showed that the prediction passed the accuracy test with validity and practicality.
  • This has become particularly necessary with the increasing number of observations that contradict the theory's predictions.
  • The example of Germany shows that reunification can come at a time and in a way that defies prediction.
  • Probably the most spectacular example was the short-term prediction of the 1975, M 7.3, Haicheng earthquake by the Chinese, based on earthquake foreshocks, unusual animal behaviour, and a few other precursors.
  • Not many people agree with the government's prediction that the economy will improve.
  • Finally, some practical analytical theory and numerical technique of reliability assessment and prediction of the fatigue life for deepwater risers are presented.
  • After considering the White House's latest policy proposals, some top economists are making very dire predictions indeed.
  • The results of the analysis could play a important role in prediction of herringbone buckling and its angle of inclination on strip rolling line.
  • The preseismic linear polarization feature of geoelectric field is typically imminent, which is of some significance in location and time prediction of future earthquakes.
  • In 1907, he synthesized a pair of geometric isomers that confirmed his predictions.
  • Records of the groundhogs ' predictions have been kept since 1887.
  • For a given corpus size, if one uses coarser classification then more reliable but less precise predictions are obtained.
  • The three predictions you say you made to me cannot be entertained, since they are vague and/or non-specific.
  • He complained bitterly after being surprised by Pat Buchanan in an early primary about a pollster whose predictions had been too optimistic.
  • On the news this morning, the old bag was saying that the visitor figures for the fountain had far exceeded their predictions.
  • Despite the predictions, some first-time buyers remained confident there would be a tumble in prices.
  • If an almanac editor gets ten percent of his predictions right in a given year, he counts it a success.
  • NEW Year predictions have been flying around all week and I see no reason why I should not have a go at this remarkably inexact science.
  • One Sentence Prediction: If we don't learn a great deal more about Richard's agelessness and his connections to the Island's mythology, heads are sure to roll. LOST IN NUMBERS: The Final Season’s Fifteen Series Regulars » MTV Movies Blog
  • Protein secondary structure prediction becomes the most important step of predicting the space conformation from protein molecule.
  • For complex radicals of a certain type he put forward a steric theory - the octahedron theory - which predicted that certain of these compounds must occur in two stereoisomeric forms, a prediction which has been confirmed by experiment. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1913 - Presentation Speech
  • Overview: During yesterday’s “Fourth Annual What’s Next Boomer Business Summit,” FH Boom polled some of the conference’s top speakers on their predictions for the top trends in boomer business for 2007. The Boomer Blog: FH BOOM DAILY DIGEST Archives
  • He held that these laws are nothing but computational devices for the description and prediction of phenomena.
  • This analysis, which was developed initially for the study of skeletal landmarks in orthodontics and orthognathic surgery, also allows specific soft tissue outlines and predictions to be performed.
  • Their predictions have come true. The Sun
  • If the predictions are correct residents can expect pollution levels to triple, vegetation to be destroyed and global warming to speed up.
  • In order to know the base number of the pine moth, we should forecast the occurrence. We should value the application of symbolic method for anomaly prediction of pine moth to achieve a good result.
  • Severe frost is likely over the next month or so according to weather predictions.
  • Predictions of an early improvement in the housing market proved false.
  • We do not try to fine-tune the economy on the basis of short-term predictions.
  • This is probably the most crazy prediction about the preoccupations of homeowners this autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • A relative scarcity of firms producing the high-quality product is one of the predictions of this model. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • The track data of aircraft or missile target can be predicted by means of the GM (1,1) sequence prediction in grey system theory.
  • Unsurprisingly, it's difficult to perfectly forecast when the sakura will flower, but at this point cherry tree watchers are becoming more confident of their predictions.
  • If they're right they can pull their dusty prediction out of the archives and look prophetic.
  • The prediction of favorable volcanic reservoir with few drilling data is preliminary achieved in this study.
  • Critics cast their gloomy predictions over the expedition. The Barefoot Emperor: An Ethiopian Tragedy
  • The uncannily accurate spelling correction and word prediction on Windows Phone?
  • Browning's prediction is no better than a wild guess.
  • Given that the quarterback will be 41 at the time, that prediction seems overly optimistic.
  • Given that the quarterback will be 41 at the time, that prediction seems overly optimistic.
  • If the truth of a scientific theory, or even its usefulness, is to be judged by its predictive abilities, what are we to make of the predictions made by Hansen before Congress some 20 years ago, when we compare them with the actual measurements of the past twenty years? October 23rd, 2009
  • We have only a limited capacity for checking the accuracy of many environmental monitoring results, let alone of predictions.
  • There were dire predictions of the demise of baseball as a major sport if a strike or lockout took place.
  • The ID prediction of a lot of function is still indistinguishable from strict adaptationism. A Dubious "Opportunity" for IDers
  • The prediction isn't nearly as accurate, as seen in the plot of differences between the real and expected values.
  • The trap counts are then used to compile prediction maps on casebearer activity for counties across the state. TOP STORIES - News 8 Austin
  • Our prediction, however, was based on a test statistic for additive effects only.
  • The results of experiments indicate:the ensemble neural network can improve greatly the accuracy of software reliability prediction.
  • This algorithm employed full-enclosing prediction based on a new high efficient sorting technique and results in a forecast error set after sorting, which could embed data with a low distortion.

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