How To Use Predicament In A Sentence

  • The political analyst Nikolai Petrov has described Mr. Putin's predicament using the chess term "zugzwang," in which a player sees only moves that will damage his position, and yet does not have the option of passing. NYT > Home Page
  • To deepen his predicament, because he is single, his advisers and confidants are generally undomesticated guys just like him. Where Have The Good Men Gone?
  • Charcoal burning was represented as a legitimate way out of the person's financial predicaments.
  • Reeking of managerial sub-thinking, the words chosen to sum up the new policy also sum up the current predicament of the party as a whole: stuck in the middle, unambitious and lazy.
  • This time the predicament is a different one and knives are being sharpened. Archive 2008-06-01
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  • Now she knew at least two other souls who were in the same predicament as her, as Myrddin and Taliesin were also everlasting. THE ANCIENT FUTURE: THE DARK AGE
  • Thus, there is the serious predicament of an insecurity complex that cannot be easily resolved.
  • That was all he said, a string of words said in a broken whisper which made no sense when put in the context of our predicament.
  • was now awake to the reality of his predicament
  • It is impossible not to feel sympathy for those caught up in this mess - few of whom can be blamed for their predicament.
  • What could be more apposite, more relevant to our predicament as a nation, today?
  • To accept the reality and truth helps us to plan our strategy to come out of such predicaments.
  • As a fatalist, Eileen Chang has been clearly conscious of the predicament of enlightenment modernity.
  • Weiner compounded his predicament by calling a cable TV producer a jackass, reeling off a string of ill-advised, double-entendre wiener jokes and essentially reducing what he calls a "prank" to NY Daily News
  • She stops suddenly and the enormousness of her predicament sinks in.
  • So tribal is British politics that a non-partisan response to this predicament is near impossible. Pleading with banks won't do. Osborne needs a plan B
  • Instead of Herculean swigs of liquor, Nick uses his dwindling funds on cases of Pabst Blue Ribbon, trying to keep enough of a buzz going to deaden the pain of his predicament until he eventually falls asleep. Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review: Everything Must Go -- Will Ferrell Gets Serious
  • Looking to buy time until I could think about what “pastorly” advice to give him, I asked him to explain his predicament to me once more, trying to discern if what he was experiencing was just a spiritual dry spell or if depression itself was beginning to take over every area of his life. God Attachment
  • Wisps of steam spiralled balletically in the broken shards of sunlight, Tam watching their graceful dance for a suspended moment while somewhere in his head he knew he was about to switch on again, stretch mind and body against the rack of their predicament. Country of the Blind
  • They have not reached this predicament simply through ill fortune.
  • In this sense it is called predicable, as distinguished from predicamental, accident, the latter term standing for a real objective form or status of things, and denoting The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • I was therefore in danger of falling into the same predicament as Murtagh, becoming "frighted" from having nothing to do! Lavengro The Scholar - The Gypsy - The Priest, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • Yet both enact the same predicament - a fundamental severance of the past from the present.
  • Conan O'Brien is currently facing down one of the deadliest demons he's ever crossed: NBC, whose decision to move Jay Leno back into the coveted 11: 35 PM slot has left the redheaded late night personality in an awkward predicament. Conan O’Brien Should Draw Inspiration From ‘Conan The Barbarian’ In Today’s Sick Day Stash! » MTV Movies Blog
  • My current predicament and medicalisation affects every single aspect of my life. Times, Sunday Times
  • in a particularly worrisome predicament
  • Throughout the years, this trend has consistently represented a plethora of security issues that places the United States in an unenvied predicament historically occupied by the Persians, Sikhs, Soviets, and British.
  • I was infinitely blessed to get it all, but that leaves me in my present predicament - yamless, on my toes, spinning as fast as I possibly can.
  • The motive was obviously to express regret abut the predicament, and there it is.
  • It attempts, in parallels, to raise serious political and emotional questions about the moral predicament of the present day upright people.
  • She is hoping to get a loan from her bank to help her out of her financial predicament.
  • The memorable image of Pliny's ships unable to row through a sea filled with floating pumice, brings home the true predicament in which even the most powerful found themselves.
  • Ratio praedicamenti is being; it is the reason why every essence generally falls within the predicamental sphere. Hitler's Angel (A Meta Christmas Carol)
  • And as a result, he doesn't squander the talents of his cast, throwing in plenty of personality clashes and in-house stand-offs that serve to heighten the precarious nature of Roenick's predicament.
  • This could have been a great way to give some background metaphor characterization to Emma, but alas, her predicament is never fully explained beyond that; it's only mentioned that she has experienced loss. REVIEW: The Hotel Under the Sand by Kage Baker
  • While I agree that this predicament probably sucks for his girlfriend, I also don't see why it would be a blessing for many other women, unless they too, were asexual.
  • The knowledge did little to help him out of his current predicament, however. TREASON KEEP
  • Other companies are in an even worse predicament than ourselves.
  • Firstly, the dissertation generally analyzes the relations of financial statement fraud and equity financing predicament.
  • She is hoping to get a loan from her bank to help her out of her financial predicament.
  • Black-eyed and skeletal, she seemed to be almost glorying in her predicament.
  • Considering the wealth of character and the variety of predicaments that are presented, a tidy ending would be difficult, but what we're given is too close to inept for comfort.
  • A loan of money would help me out of my predicament.
  • Kate's predicament is never sentimentalized, and the tough decisions she faces aren't simplified to bring about a tidy little ending.
  • Wounded and held hostage with a makeshift electromagnet stuck in your chest, you take a couple of sardine cans and a used vacuum cleaner and build yourself a set of battle armor that gets you out of your predicament. Dan Persons: ReelzChannel: Step Aside, Iron Man: Top 10 Guys Gone Metal
  • His predicament allows him to spot unlikely but truthful parallels between comic books and real life.
  • In this sense it is called predicable, as distinguished from predicamental, accident, the latter term standing for a real objective form or status of things, and denoting The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • He put on a show of bravado, but inwardly he was seeking any way out of his predicament.
  • The category, in its predicamental sense, involves that of relation, as is noted by Aristotle. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • An assistant manager was calling, not to discuss our predicament - he was obviously unaware - but as a courtesy.
  • The owner was standing on the doorstep and observing my predicament with satisfaction.
  • On seeing me, she wailed mournfully with a mixture of imploration to get her down and shame at her undignified predicament.
  • Indeed, it is difficult to square the homiletic call for virtue as the answer to the ‘human predicament,’ with which he ends the book, with his hard-boiled foreign policy columns.
  • His cousin knew of our predicament and had informed Malc's parents before we had a chance to break the news ourselves.
  • If we aren't careful and prudent it could be that the club finds itself in the horrible predicament it found itself last season, when the club tottered on the brink of extinction.
  • As an educationist, her surmise is that literacy had failed to free women from their predicament of subordination.
  • The projects omission from the latest announcement of Government funding for new schools has left St Patrick's Secondary School in a predicament.
  • One of the simplest but most misunderstood rules predicaments on the PGA Tour is a ball that's unplayable, says tour rules official Mark Russell.
  • A British historian, Herbert Butterfield, called this the “absolute predicament and irreducible dilemma”.
  • He sees in the predicament of weekend fathers patrolling ‘the Olmsted bosks of Central Park, / Its children-thronged resorts, / Pain-tainted ground’ that of lost souls in a circle of a Dantesque hell.
  • The plight of people who have exhausted all 99 weeks of unemployment insurance available in some states -- the "99ers" -- has received some attention from Congress and the media, but mostly their predicament is regarded as an intractable and pitiful part of a bigger problem. 99ers: How Many People Have Run Out Of Unemployment Benefits?
  • Hearst's inclusiveness as a collector, coupled with his improvidence as a purchaser, contributed to an indebtedness of $100 million in 1937-a predicament so grave that he had to sell more than half his art collection.
  • This cross-breed pooch's predicament behind bars is a taste of more to come as many animals given as Christmas gifts become unwanted.
  • The impugners of the work were in the same helpless predicament as its author, who had, however, more venturously presumed to unravel unsearchable mysteries, concerning which, in the existing state of science, men can only conjecture, wonder, and adore, utterly unable to affirm or deny aught respecting them. An Expository Outline of the "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation" With a Notice of the Author's "Explanations:" A Sequel to the Vestiges
  • Yet her spirit remained strong and, so long as she could continue her painting, Frida frequently rose above her predicament to triumph against adversity - living as colourful a life as many of her paintings.
  • With her advanced and redesigned brain, she deduced my predicament and called the collies into my superiorly advanced laboratory - lab for short. Damn Interesting
  • Despite the grumblings of some, they are unlikely to depart with their manager who yesterday seemed heavily laboured by his current predicament.
  • There is no point in condemning victims of drugs and crime to short spells in prison, only to have them come out in the same predicament as before.
  • Now, a little older and a little wiser, John finds himself in a very familiar predicament - having to save the world again from those confounded machines.
  • She is hoping to get a loan from her bank to help her out of her financial predicament.
  • This insoluble predicament was the source of the decay, corruption and mounting tension evident within the upper echelons of the regime.
  • Her mummified presence and occasional comments served merely to make him more aware of his predicament, while resolving nothing. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • While inside, she informed the barman of their predicament, but he laughed at her and told her he could not overrule the doorman's decision.
  • Gamblers, and most civilians as well, are continually confronted with predicaments posed by uncertainty and chance.
  • Aladdin thought his case for asylum was being processed by Australian immigration officials but was soon informed of his predicament.
  • Undoubtedly this issue would have to be given due consideration by any couple in such a predicament, but I believe that it should be subordinated to the moral concerns.
  • If the pronouncement had been directed at a different predicament, it would have been safe to say it was the only way she could have kept herself sane.
  • With all their knowledge and wisdom, they can see no possible way of painless extrication from the debt predicament.
  • Over the years and in recent times, many rabbis have been criticized for helping women to obtain a "Get," Jewish divorce papers which archaically, although steps have been implemented to modernize and circumvent this predicament are granted by the husbands. Shira Hirschman Weiss: Non-Confrontational Clergy: When Inactions Speak Louder Than Words
  • As an educationist, her surmise is that literacy had failed to free women from their predicament of subordination.
  • In the end it was the saliva and not the foul that landed Totti in his current predicament: a three-match ban for gross unsporting conduct.
  • I suddenly found myself in an awkward predicament.
  • This is a society which systematically screws its weakest members and then blames them for their predicament.
  • Their exaggerated expressions emphasize their predicament of being alive but trapped within their utterly immobile forms.
  • This situation is not helped by the predicament he has with his wide midfield players.
  • By the end of the telling her voice had lifted and she herself shared a giggle at the overall predicament.
  • Critics of the late-term bans say other women in predicaments like Deaver's may be forced to choose between traveling out-of-state to get an abortion or proceeding reluctantly with a pregnancy after learning the fetus has a severe anomaly. States enact record wave of anti-abortion laws
  • The Thomsons' predicament is a stellar leap away from the world of Matisse copies and Jack Vettriano posters, but the decision to reframe the Rubens isn't as barmy as it sounds.
  • He labels such a predicament "automatization" (avtomatizatsiya), and he provides a solution for it, a technique he calls "making strange" or "defamiliarization" (ostranenie). TRANSLATING SHKLOVSKY.
  • How were we to escape this awful predicament?
  • I am far from the first to emphasize what has been regarded by many as our quintessential postmodernist predicament.
  • Not only chambermaids but hospital orderlies will feel for their predicament.
  • For author and reader, that predicament — the naïf thrust into murderous History — was always potentially, or actually (autobiographically), his own. The Western Front
  • But he says the company basically is in the same predicament it was 10 years ago.
  • Whenever questioned about the perilous financial predicament he always maintained a sense of diplomacy and realism about the situation.
  • She started, as though she had thought she was completely alone in her predicament.
  • Should that crisis explode, it would drag everyone down into the same predicament.
  • But you have placed yourself in this predicament through bad policy, and your indigence keeps you in it.
  • Other married couples are in a similar predicament.
  • There is something terminally appealing in trying to outguess the trapped company in a most unpleasant predicament, where suspicions are dropped only as each falls victims to an elaborate and poignant murder plot.
  • The predicament of man forced to live in a barren, godless eternity like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void with nothing but waste, horror and degradation forming a useless, bleak straitjacket in a black, absurd cosmos.
  • In Biegert's view, "the Great Law of Haudenosaunee", also known as the Iroquois, "can help us from our predicament". Conchita Sarnoff: The Nuclear Free Future Award
  • The human predicament: the fact that we're living in a nightmare that everyone is making excuses for and having to find ways to sugarcoat.
  • We are all too often reminded in the media of the financial predicament many pensioners find themselves in.
  • His mission, given to him whether he wanted it or not, will reportedly force him to deal with diverse enemies, challenging him to survive intense combat situations as well as other intriguing predicaments.
  • George's smile faded into a solemn understanding of her predicament.
  • The causes why rural credit cooperatives are in the predicament are various, but to rural credit cooperative themselves, untight internal control is an important reason.
  • Discussed off predicament and the measure that will expand chrysalis silk trade henceforth.
  • The word crisis is too often used to exaggerate the predicament of a club experiencing hard times.
  • There were even some who took perverse pleasure in our predicament by telling us that we Kashmiri Pandits deserved what happened to us for having misruled the country all these years.
  • Had it not been for my indiscretion, or intended indiscretion, Gerald wouldn't be in this predicament right now.
  • I'd like to think that the bump from the jogger lotted him into doing something about his predicament! Worry
  • Until July, when a Skopje-based group organized a conference about "mobbing" - bullying in the workplace through psychological, mental or sexual, harassment by colleagues and employers-Marina wasn't aware that her predicament had a name, let alone how widespread it was. --
  • Hence when a thing loses its existential being, its essence cannot be said to exist; but it does retain its true predicamental or essential being (esse essentiae). Godfrey of Fontaines
  • How can those women who do become conscious of their predicament act to change their situation?
  • finds himself in a most awkward predicament
  • “By Heaven, it cannot!” said the knight, “unless the juvenal hath slain himself and buried himself, in order to place me in the predicament of his murderer.” The Monastery
  • Pensioned by the British Government, which permitted him to continue this absurd travesty, if his feeble exasperation over his predicament and his silly ostentations could be called by that name, this realmless potentate occupied his waking hours in futile revilings of the hand that at once smote and sustained him. The Flaw in the Sapphire
  • Her mummified presence and occasional comments served merely to make him more aware of his predicament, while resolving nothing. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • As illusions fade and the reality of East Timor's predicament becomes apparent, social tensions and class antagonisms will rapidly deepen.
  • This document also called attention to the ‘terrible predicament’ human beings face as a consequence of development of weapons of mass destruction such as atomic bombs and bacteriological warfare.
  • Unfortunately, this lands him in the predicament of propounding a nonfalsifiable theory.
  • And the question is, why do these predicaments sweep over the information sector so regularly?
  • The caption to the cartoon says, ‘Awkward predicament for you to solve.’
  • He vehemently denies that season-ticket sales are down, and hopes that their financial predicament can be eased by a run in Europe.
  • At the beginning of the hearing, I entertained considerable sympathy for the predicament in which he found himself.
  • She is hoping to get a loan from her bank to help her out of her financial predicament.
  • The narrative does playfully leave the suggestion that the "night work" performed by Jonas's sleeping self might be the cause of his predicament, perhaps a kind of half-awake dissociative state. Translated Texts
  • If, however, the predicaments are heads of a classification of terms predicable, we may expect to find some connection with the predicables; and, in fact, secondary Substances are species and genus; whilst the remaining nine forms are generally accidents. Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • On that occasion their predicament had been spotted and a boat had been sent out from Sharpness on a wild goose chase.
  • The very few who carried a road atlas seemed incapable of reading it as they sought a way out of their self-inflicted predicament.
  • Their predicament is unfortunate, since there are many emerging Internet and Web 2.0 legal technologies that can save law offices time and money by increasing efficiency and reducing costs, including: Law & Technology
  • My current predicament is not on the same scale as some of those I have previously found myself in but none the less a solution evades me for now.
  • I suddenly found myself in an awkward predicament.
  • It's a striking moment, both for the sheer intimacy between the characters and the hopelessness of their predicament.
  • She went to the office to explain her predicament .
  • He put on a show of bravado, but inwardly he was seeking any way out of his predicament.
  • He said the expense was ruinous, and certainly if all estates were in the same predicament, the condition of the planters must be very critical.
  • And as a result, he doesn't squander the talents of his cast, throwing in plenty of personality clashes and in-house stand-offs that serve to heighten the precarious nature of Roenick's predicament.
  • Where was a dignified predicament any a singular faced, a eremite visualisation Macbeth felt with such agony in a play's late scenes? Archive 2009-11-01
  • Any expiatory rite is focused on the human predicament - on the problem of sin or cultic impurity.
  • She began to look through her grimoire, hoping to find some information on her predicament.
  • Harry studied Broker's predicament and said, "You're really miscast in this role, you know. VAPOR TRAIL
  • He ran over uttering an unrepeatable expletive on the way as he recognised my predicament, which by this time was serious.
  • But crabs and other animals that periodically shed their hard shells, or exoskeletons, face just such a predicament.
  • The way out of this predicament was to alter their own environment through their own metabolism.
  • Perhaps in this predicament, Edgeworth acknowledges the hereditary rights of the native Irish and the barriers that a lack of education has placed between them and those rights.
  • ‘But it is my duty to tell you, Miss Lynch, that the gentry of this counthry, before whom you will have to appear, will express very great indignation at your conduct in persevering in placing poor people like the Kellys in so dreadful a predicament, by your wilful and disgraceful obstinacy.’ The Kellys and the O'Kellys
  • Indignant, umbrageous, and unwilling to accept responsibility for his own (dire) socioeconomic predicament, Right-I languishes behind the counter at a retail chain, wondering aloud why others have eclipsed him. Think Progress » Tom DeLay: Response to Katrina a “Phenomenal Accomplishment”
  • What evil, malignant Commie menace could be behind this predicament?
  • Imagine a cartoon hero in an impossible predicament as the scene switches to his nemesis; menacing, manic laughter bellowing out.
  • The characters often look up to the gods for guidance, speak of them and reproach them for putting such a predicament onto mortals of flesh and blood.
  • They're not outgunning us, but they are putting our soldiers in a predicament where 800 meters 2,625 feet may not be enough," said Col. New rifles give Army snipers in Afghanistan needed range
  • Depictions of women in demotic song largely reflected the harshness of rural life and the specific predicament of women within its social and economic structure. Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • I was therefore in danger of falling into the same predicament as Murtagh, becoming 'frighted' from having nothing to do! Lavengro; the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest
  • But after years of warning worshipers to avoid the seduction of material success, pastors are now sermonizing on the predicaments of sudden economic misfortune.
  • I suddenly found myself in an awkward predicament.
  • He must use it wisely if his club are to escape their current predicament.
  • Morris immediately began putting the best possible spin on his predicament.
  • As wages decline relative to the cost of living, workers formerly considered part of the middle class fall into lower-income financial predicaments, including debt, loss of health coverage, and lack of savings.
  • Even when the advice doesn't directly pertain to my own predicament of the week, I enjoy reading your witty wisecracks and thoughtful responses.
  • At least the Brazilian is admitting it and has this week, in typical Elber fashion, offered a few choice words on the Bayern predicament.
  • Despite his own precarious position, he was still enjoying my predicament. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • But its increased economic insularity is more likely to be a natural function of its financial predicament.
  • She bethought her of their predicament
  • She blamed him, in the absence of others, for her predicament; hated being there, hated his insistence. THE LAST RAVEN
  • The book's subtitle delineates precisely Mary's predicament: Born a princess in 1516 with an excellent education and formidable pedigree, she was declared illegitimate after her parents 'divorce but later crowned as England's first queen regnant. Three books on British royals
  • Either way, their predicament could put a long-term damper on the consumer spending that typically drives U.S. growth. Another Threat to Economy: Boomers Cutting Back
  • Hamm even has his characters suggest that all law enforcement personnel dealing with refugee women be chemically castrated, which is a neat addition to the story in that it creates another point of conflict between the male characters' intellectual understanding of their predicament, and of the danger they pose to their loved ones, and their biological nature--ultimately, only the most conscientious and clear-eyed male character chooses the treatment***. Archive 2006-12-01
  • At the core of Joanna's predicament is a conflict of values, inherent in the affair itself, not just in its resolution. Esther Perel: An Affair To Remember: What Happens In Couples After Someone Cheats? Part Two
  • This cross-breed pooch's predicament behind bars is a taste of more to come as many animals given as Christmas gifts become unwanted.
  • I have about 20 minutes of battery life left in my Powerbook, and I'm stealing wifi from someone named "lemur" within 100 feet of my predicament, and I'm praying it doesn't get so stiflingly hot that Lucy is forced to wake up and share her Yoko Ono-influenced pop stylings with us. Ocean to ocean
  • This emerging national Indian policy generated a particular predicament in Montana Territory where the last years of the 1860s saw increased intertribal raiding, hostilities, and casualties.
  • The rural scene was so peaceful and indifferent to my predicament.
  • While Sartre is clear about the politics of U.S.A.'s style, though, he fails to examine the novel's psychology, even as he at least suggests the general predicament concerning its characters at large can be explained in terms of mimesis.
  • Derec wanted to keep them busy, not occupied with thinking about their predicament.
  • Is there some clue about the human predicament buried in that fact?
  • Other companies are in an even worse predicament than ourselves.
  • However, I give credit to them for choosing to turn what could have been cliched confrontation scenes into smarter, more unusually human and complex situations - sitcom predicaments made realistic.
  • His characters are guilty and fearful, their predicaments horrendous.
  • Pleasure turns to horror when the realize that they have walked into a cunning trap, where the harder they try to run, the worse their predicament.
  • One worker, a boilermaker who left his wife and children in Johannesburg under the impression he had a family visa, went public about his predicament last Wednesday.
  • The tow-line had now tautened, at right angles to the two boats, and the predicament was laughable. YELLOW HANDKERCHIEF
  • She saw an obvious parallel with her sister's predicament.
  • Therefore TCL Group Company can straighten out of the retail chain predicament. The thesis proceeds with the feasibility and, the possible way of TCL Group Company to construct forward Integration.
  • What they often don't realise is that there are plenty of other people out there in the same predicament.
  • Reasoning, Toulmin argued, was an argumentative and persuasive activity, embedded in concrete human predicaments.
  • She was startled to realize that she was not surprised by the predicament in which she found herself. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • Eventually, Samantha whirled past me and saw my predicament.
  • I will leave something so grand as the future of cultural anthropology to itself, and stick with the predicament of ethnography.
  • A Shakespeare play is about motives and predicaments and feelings and personalities that are instantly familiar.
  • Her vague, amorphous statement of her predicament was part of what made it so hard for her to solve it
  • These experiences brought home to him the reality of suffering and the nature of the human predicament, and turning his back on family life he renounced the world and became a religious mendicant.
  • And his predicament is making life a misery for his identical twin brother Mark, who is finding it more and more difficult to persuade publicans he is not his ill-behaved brother.
  • They place at least one of their characters in a string of predicaments to which there are fantastic solutions.
  • He leaves it unmended to test whether they're clever enough to escape: his own predicament rides on theirs. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Although universally accepted procedures must be observed, they furnish little or no assistance in resolving such a predicament as faced the surgeon here.
  • But such seems to be our epistemic predicament where space is concerned.
  • When they encounter a billposter on a ladder, the dog "grabs the billposter by the leg of his trousers and he falls to the ground with the ladder on top of him while the kids enjoy the billposter's predicament."
  • the absurd predicament of seeming to argue that virtue is highly desirable but intensely unpleasant

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