How To Use Predetermined In A Sentence
The playwright allows a predetermined narrative structure to quash the complexities that make Yamashita's case worthy of dramatization.
In that context, I found phrases like these kind of disconcerting and hard to read: the passions of his bewildered heart … a maelstrom of melancholicaly erupted emotion … causing a bit of the guilt to spatter through his brow … that would never permit his repression, never allow for nothing short of predetermined apocalyptic salvation.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Frank Murdock’s Review Forum
It's impossible to say how much a person's behaviour is predetermined by their genes.
The monotonous words sounded fake and insincere, as if they were predetermined and he was only reciting the memorized lines in some sort of play.
After biogenesis, trichocysts migrate to the plasma membrane and are anchored to predetermined sites.

A pyrometric cone is a cone made of a ceramic material that will deform or bend when a predetermined temperature is reached.
Chapter 11
In my psychic readings, I don't usually see an unchangeable, predetermined event.
No work is predetermined; every work begins somewhere with a motif and outgrows its organ to become an organism.
The method according to the invention has for this purpose the feature that after the first lacquer coating has been selectively removed, at the positions where this has occurred the first electrically conductive material - preferably constantan - is etched away to a predetermined depth and only then is the second electrically conductive material - preferably copper - applied respectively introduced at these positions.
Many qualitative researchers are disdainful of approaches to research that entail the imposition of predetermined formats on the social world.
As with all my ablutions, the shave follows a definite and predetermined pattern.
At a predetermined time, we'll all shout 'Happy Birthday, Dave'.
The antiaircraft guns at Hamburg were not firing at individual aircraft, but instead were set up to fire in predetermined grid blocks over the target we were to bomb.
Our Unforgettable Mission
Our priority is to position ourselves at a point equidistant from all predetermined boundaries.
But the atmosphere soon palls as you're forced to follow a predetermined path through ALL the store's departments before you can check out.
The second output port is connected by a feedback connection to a predetermined dedicated second input port.
To a degree that collective life indeed is creative social experience, specific goals may not be predetermined.
Such a progressive process of consolidation sets in motion a welcomed predetermined trajectory.
The Times Literary Supplement
Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you've set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .
The only argument you can make is that the clone is aware of the specifics of his predestiny, and maybe that interferes with his subjective enjoyment of his (still predetermined) life.
The smoke screen is produced when a predetermined fuze action causes ejection of the payload from the projectile.
It is begun from a seed and all the characteristics that it can evolve are predetermined and contained within the seed.
Only those with empty lives continue to watch when the result is predetermined.
The Minister said that the wording of all previous drafts predetermined the outcome in relation to export refunds.
You could require it only be taken out for use in predetermined milieus — someone visits a theater with it, another a restaurant at which a call is to be made and received, another on a day hike through the Santa Cruz hills to test reception, and so on.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Next iPhone — and the Criminal Law Angle
The nest is agitated by the shaker for a predetermined time interval, usually 15-20 minutes.
Instead, they wake up once in a while, at predetermined times, and blast their data to a nearby mote, which then collects and retransmits that data to another nearby mote, and so on, until finally the data reaches a central collection node or recording computer.
Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Military Swarms
They maximise the utility of the system as a whole by solving a predetermined problem.
It cannot be based on any assumptions about human nature, and it cannot be expected to lead to predetermined outcomes.
It's impossible to say how much a person's behaviour is predetermined by their genes.
The density of blocks can be determined by means of a pocket penetrometer, which measures the resistance to penetration of a plunger for a fixed depth of penetration, and comparing it to a predetermined threshold of acceptability.
Chapter 4
The idle boast recently that New Labour were bang on target to ‘lift’ a predetermined number of children out of poverty was baffling.
It's impossible to say how much a person's behaviour is predetermined by their genes.
The first type, called futures or forwards, oblige a buyer and seller to complete a transaction at a predetermined time in the future at a price agreed upon today.
The government allocated transferable rights to emit predetermined levels of emissions.
In dressage, the event is much more elegant, with horses and riders performing in silence trying to complete predetermined moves.
A form is a predetermined pattern of techniques that ties together proper posture, balance, coordination and timing.
I'm deeply concerned with harmony, and yet it is the aspect of composition that is the most predetermined methodically.
If a component survived the 'infant mortality period, ' it would follow a predetermined 'bath tub curve, ' until it reached a wear-out point, which was when the parts were serviced.
In Germany in the sixteenth century the Briefmaler, or print colorist, either used stencils to cover predetermined portions of a print or executed the coloring freehand.
Just how much is predetermined by the forces of genes and how much is shaped by influences such as society and culture remain unclear - and hotly debated.
They would be offered the work on a franchise basis for a fixed period and a predetermined fee.
The Prince's destiny was predetermined from the moment of his birth.
Standing herbage mass in the pastures was estimated by measuring the forage height with a rising-plate meter in 25 places along evenly spaced, predetermined paced transects.
Of concern is the degree to which the capability lies in predetermined neuroanatomical and neurochemical structures, enabling certain physiological processes.
Such incommunicable pasts, such fragile homes for memory, bear witness to the irony of destiny, showing it to be a story formed after the fact, a ‘predetermined’ road with an endless ability to change its very face.
When the generator GN is driven to rotate at a predetermined rotational speed, a counter electromotive force arises in a multiphase phase coil of the generator GN.
Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you've set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .
In an Islamic framework, there is no room for acquiring capital at a fixed and predetermined interest rate.
With an open-end lease (also known as an equity lease), you must purchase the car at the end of the lease period for a predetermined amount.
A single premium immediate annuity offers an income stream that will last as long as the annuitant (or joint annuitant, if that option is selected) lives or for a predetermined period, depending on the option selected at the time of purchase.
For Some Retirees, This Annuity Makes Sense
The device is easy to operate, and may be applied for predetermined time periods without feedback control, using a timing circuit or computerized control system.
A form is a predetermined pattern of techniques that ties together proper posture, balance, coordination and timing.
Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you've set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .
This may include practicing for a predetermined amount of time per day or utilizing the metronome to improve rhythm.
If the missile loses the laser beam or if no guidance signals are received after a predetermined period of time during missile flight the missile switches to self-destruct mode.
Intelligence's pretension to being objective is a hoax because those parts of it that do not reconfirm the power structure's interests and predetermined policies are ignored and discarded.
The part I use most is the IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) section (see wikipedia for definition), which contains detailed .pdf pages of information from how to interpret dispays to predetermined intercepts and VOR tracking (again good info at Wikipedia).
Archive 2007-01-01
The concept that destiny is predetermined is a religious dogma and a philosophical delusion. Dr T.P.Chia
It can be as simple as assigning selected swimmers to highly unexpected events, or as complex as attempting to orchestrate upsets in predetermined key races.
Shoppers who rush to your store to take advantage of wonderfully advertised manufacturers' specials should be greeted with an unadvertised special predetermined by you.
Like most Arab palaces, the Al-Sijood was built gradually, without a predetermined plan.
The government's intention in summoning the conference, with a predetermined verdict in favour of the Catholics, was to justify a subsequent policy of steady pressure on the Donatist laity.
The sex of the embryo is predetermined at fertilization.
It seems that three titled belles in the first row had sat down predetermined that a _bonne d'enfants_ should not give them lessons in English.
Obtain good advice and have neither a predetermined idea of what is best nor blindly accept the direction in which you are taken.
You could require it only be taken out for use in predetermined milieus — someone visits a theater with it, another a restaurant at which a call is to be made and received, another on a day hike through the Santa Cruz hills to test reception, and so on.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Next iPhone — and the Criminal Law Angle
When you let go of yourself, you abandon any preconceptions about the subject matter which might cramp you into photographing in a certain, predetermined way.
Christianity Today
Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you've set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .
Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you've set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .
Fadeometer: An instrument used for determing the lightfastness of inks and other material under predetermined controlled conditions.
Even after the assassination, it was by no means predetermined that war would result.
They may also be required to meet a number of predetermined conditions and be subject to inspection.
Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you've set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .
This might be accomplished in part by helping children restrict their after-school work time to the predetermined schedule.
Others worry that she (or he, of course) may have the feeling that her life has already been lived, that she is predetermined to do the same things and repeat the choices made by the genetically identical foregoer, and may thereby have difficulty assuming responsibility for her actions (Habermas 2003, 62 “ 3, Levy and Lotz 2005).
If you want to say the outcomes of matches are predetermined, that's fine.
Pyrometric Cones: A pyrometric cone is made of a ceramic material that bends and deforms at a predetermined temperature.
Chapter 9
This instruction tells the website to close a contract when the losses reach a predetermined level.
The user can only search for five variables and in a fixed way, predetermined by the form.
The nest is agitated by the shaker for a predetermined time interval, usually 15-20 minutes.
And yet I know that, because free will is an illusion, it's all predetermined who will descend into akinetic mutism and who won't.
They want convenient, dependable foozle-bashing, and widget-gathering, nearly to the point of predetermined success.
Where are the Heroes?
By decreeing a "political process" with a predetermined outcome, the withdrawal of the Syrian army from the streets with no parallel demand on armed rebel groups, and full implementation within 21 days – with a provision for "further measures" in the event of "non-compliance" – it also paved the way for foreign military intervention.
Intervention in Syria will escalate, not stop the killing | Seumas Milne
Risk assessment in surgical patients could be a multistage process with 3 predetermined assessment times: preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative.
Creativity is neither random nor entirely predetermined, in other words.
And all good operations involve setting a trap, not trying to get to a necessarily predetermined conclusion.
The predetermined first rendezvous had been in the Snowdon Aviary at Regent's Park Zoo.
There is no predetermined or universal or permanent definition.
Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you've set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .
This alarmed so much, that the predetermined vote of acquittal or approbation was forced to be dropped, and to their great astonishment the late cabinet is not thanked parliamentarily for having lost Minorca.
The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 2
Whether these agendas are predetermined or the product of free will, it's largely irrelevant from our perspective.
The Prince's destiny was predetermined from the moment of his birth.
The outcome is not predetermined but reflects a political contest over the exercise of power and meanings.
A person's health is often genetically predetermined.
In classical style, the composer and conductor have predetermined the outcome.
Christianity Today
They may also be required to meet a number of predetermined conditions and be subject to inspection.
Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
Besides, both chose the names of their organizations with predetermined, homonymic acronyms in mind, and that immature practice is Teh Lame.
Archive 2005-10-01
No work is predetermined; every work begins somewhere with a motif and outgrows its organ to become an organism.
The role of an educator is not to lecture from on high, filling empty vessels with a predetermined amount of "correct" knowledge.
Audrey Kuo: The 'Privilege' Of Good Education: Restoring The Right To Learn
They suggest that there will be no real attempt to run your inquiries in a fair way and that the outcome is predetermined.
Times, Sunday Times
About half of body weight is predetermined genetically, but the rest is down to social factors.
Times, Sunday Times
He won, convincing a jury that the magazine's two top editors (one of whom was the magazine's publisher and sole stockholder) had a clear "preconceived" and "predetermined" agenda to present him as verifiably paranoid and mentally ill.
The Orange County Register - News Headlines : News
About half of body weight is predetermined genetically, but the rest is down to social factors.
Times, Sunday Times
Preset and predetermined buildings, can be bought or rented, and can be furnished.
Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you've set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .
Owner and contractor may split any savings or cost overruns beyond the dead band according to a predetermined percentage.
They may also be required to meet a number of predetermined conditions and be subject to inspection.
Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
Borders vanish; National currency disappears, sovereign laws and rules become predetermined by common European regulations.
The concept that destiny is predetermined is a religious dogma and a philosophical delusion. Dr T.P.Chia
Whether these agendas are predetermined or the product of free will, it's largely irrelevant from our perspective.
The capsules can be made to release the pesticides at a predetermined time.
The diaphragm is acted upon by a predetermined reference pressure within a reference chamber 90 of the control valve.
It is also important to leave time for discussion during the activity, through the use of predetermined or spontaneous pauses or intermissions.
Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you've set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .
They may also be required to meet a number of predetermined conditions and be subject to inspection.
Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
One is a, when we bring people to shelters, or we open shelters or evacuate from the areas, the coastal areas, we have our metro buses that pick people up at predetermined points that are marked.
Needless exaggeration « BuzzMachine
Their interaction with it was by predetermined procedures or, at the very most, a dumb terminal with as little power and privilege we could give them.
Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you've set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .
However, each single cell can only produce antibodies with a certain predetermined specificity.
Physiology or Medicine 1984 - Press Release
In classical style, the composer and conductor have predetermined the outcome.
Christianity Today
The resilient wire 34 incurvates at predetermined angles so as to form the first end 38 and the second end 40.
It is tempting to conclude that the outcome of the parliamentary elections is predetermined.
Production is by predetermined quota, to ensure against unwanted surpluses, while the producer gets a fixed price and distribution is wholly entrusted to the K.W.V. If the season has been good, the producer may even get an agterskot or final dividend, to convince him that he has been adequately compensated for the surrender of his independence.
A computerized laser vaporizes a predetermined portion of the cornea.
The first and second diode units cooperate to effect current flow between the input locus and the respective power rail during a predetermined operational condition of the apparatus.
Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you've set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .
It is begun from a seed and all the characteristics that it can evolve are predetermined and contained within the seed.
Thus Bailey has described the Special Committee on southern Africa as a fact-finding body only in the sense that it collects and collates facts in pursuit of a predetermined political aim.
Its eternal fate, unlike that of mens or idolum, is not predetermined.
Loss of Faith
Once we are entrapped in a dilemma then action of one sort or another is predetermined.
Write data segments stored in the first portion may be overwritten and the writing thereof to disk may be delayed according to a predetermined delayed writing policy.
If you would like to gash appartments in Odessa, but your bouget is predetermined we also purpose be glad to pirate you in search.
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Later, around the time that the phrase 'Content Is King' became popular a system of keyword densities sprung up whereby the keywords were placed at predetermined intervals so that the copy read properly and the seo requirements were met.
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The flash memory device includes a semiconductor substrate and heavily doped impurity regions formed spaced apart from one another by a predetermined distance in the semiconductor substrate in a first direction.
Smithies and his co-authors concluded that "This modification of a chosen gene in pluripotent ES cells demonstrates the feasibility of this route to manipulate mammalian genomes in predetermined ways" [35].
The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Advanced Information
In classical style, the composer and conductor have predetermined the outcome.
Christianity Today
The concept that destiny is predetermined is a religious dogma and a philosophical delusion. Dr T.P.Chia
For each of the predetermined phenetic topologies, the least number of steps required to separate the members of a demographic group completely was determined.
In the broader circles of art historical discussion today the discursive covers of predetermined canonicity and aesthetic grandeur no longer have the cachet they once did, hence their ideological usefulness has partly dissipated.
So it's been a road with various curves and detours, not a straight, linear march towards a predetermined goal.
His self and his experience have been predetermined not by the predestinarian God he fervently worships but by those around him who continue to perceive him as enslavable.
His depression is a long-established beast, its terms of engagement predetermined from the outset of the book and subject to only the sketchiest of examinations.
Mr Chartwell by Rebecca Hunt – review
Although an important tool in life science, transgene technology of this kind lacks precision with regard to the inserted gene and cannot be used to manipulate endogenous genes in a predetermined manner.
The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Advanced Information
When the current value detected by the current detector exceeds a predetermined value, power supply to the load is stopped using a breaker.
Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you've set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .
A reflector, a method of producing same and a method of creating high omnidirectional reflection for a predetermined range of frequencies of incident electromagnetic energy for any angle of incidence and any polarization.
In classical style, the composer and conductor have predetermined the outcome.
Christianity Today
She couldn't wait to tell Kindan that Risk's name had been predetermined — that watch-whers picked a name that matched their human's, and that their names always ended in "sk".
Dragon's Kin
The affirmative answer was engineered, predetermined and deafening in its repetition.
This may include practicing for a predetermined amount of time per day or utilizing the metronome to improve rhythm.
The margins are long (moving to the very end of the page) or short (even one word) based upon the content of the phrase rather than some predetermined syllabic length.
These data were then used to create unique identifiers for unduplicating and matching case records according to a predetermined process.
Internet Explorer starts a search using its predetermined search provider.
Our projects will include building kaleidoscopes and telescopes, experimenting with UV and IR light, and arranging mirrors so that a laser shines on a predetermined spot.
There simply is no predetermined impact because of the crucial roles of economics, politics and culture.
Each student then chose one of these thumbnail sketches to enlarge to a predetermined size and drew freehand on a piece of black construction paper.
It is under neither a moral nor a legal obligation to give any weight to its predetermined decision.
Individual behavior in an organization is relatively stable and predictable because organizational structure is characterized by predetermined goals, prescribed roles, an authority structure, rules and regulations, and informal patterns.
Diffusion of Innovations
The government allocated transferable rights to emit predetermined levels of emissions.
An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a predetermined level.
According to our information, runners for the network carried the gall bladders to predetermined locations for resale.
In a meaningful election, the outcome isn't predetermined or entirely predictable.
But if we are among the elect, surely we shall rise from sin to fulfil God's predetermined purpose. ‘The whole Christ’ is predestinate.
We recommend against the use of a strategy to increase cardiac index to predetermined supranormal levels (Grade 1.
A criterium - also called a "crit" - is a circuit race held on a short course, about one mile in length, and the riders race for a predetermined time.
Sierra Sun - Top Stories
Each practitioner was invited to record details of all patients who presented with an asthma attack during a predetermined three month period.
A clamp circuit controls the terminal voltage of the smoothing capacitor to a predetermined level so as to produce a power supply voltage.
I have a special place where I spend a predetermined amount of time.
Christianity Today
The search began with methodical, round-the-clock sonar scans of the predetermined search zone.
Both the agent and a case officer would go to prearranged electronic letter drop sites at a predetermined time.
In accordance with an agreement between the Office of Naval Research and the Smithsonian, the Institution operates with predetermined fixed overhead rates with carry-forward provisions.
The TTT was designed to dematerialise objects that were placed under its effect and rematerialise them again at another predetermined destination.
Phantom Fleet
The forced entry may be the result of a predetermined or notional plan to seize an airfield following or during combat operations.
And yet I know that, because free will is an illusion, it's all predetermined who will descend into akinetic mutism and who won't.
Baker and Hamilton "gerrymandered" the experts only "to ratify predetermined recommendations," he wrote.
Archive 2006-11-01
The proportioning pump acts upon these tubes to introduce the predetermined amounts of liquid.
The concept that destiny is predetermined is a religious dogma and a philosophical delusion. Dr T.P.Chia
Rather, with groups of fit men in costume performing specific moves in a space with a predetermined outcome, it now conforms to the definition of ballet.
Times, Sunday Times
The sound of the refrain being thus determined, it became necessary to select a word embodying this sound, and at the same time in the fullest possible keeping with that melancholy which I had predetermined as the tone of the poem.
The Philosophy of Composition
This might be accomplished in part by helping children restrict their after-school work time to the predetermined schedule.
At a predetermined time, the bomb could be exploded in the basement.
One served to clamp the voltage in predetermined steps, the other to measure the current produced during activity.
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1963 - Presentation Speech
Scenario construction begins with the identification of predetermined elements.
Moreover, thicker slab areas and extra shoring had to be provided along a predetermined load path, a path that had to be carefully marked on the base slab to restrict and guide crane movement.
But the time came when our young psalmodist of Zion was to be pulled out of his predetermined course and made to sing another song.
The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller
The rails aren't electrified; wires are run through the channels so that electrical devices can be powered at predetermined positions along the rails.
He understands style to mean "which words are right for a given context" and thus the most damning indictment he can make of a writer like Denis Johnson is that "he does not respect words enough to think they should mean something," a formulation by which "meaning" in construed in the most literal, predetermined, unimaginative of ways.
Style in Fiction
I have a special place where I spend a predetermined amount of time.
Christianity Today
But in this preoedipal phase of psychological development there is no evidence that masculinity or femininity will follow predetermined routes.
Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you've set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .
His depression is a long-established beast, its terms of engagement predetermined from the outset of the book and subject to only the sketchiest of examinations.
Mr Chartwell by Rebecca Hunt – review
They suggest that there will be no real attempt to run your inquiries in a fair way and that the outcome is predetermined.
Times, Sunday Times
Free balloons carrying meteorographs came into use in the 1890s. After a predetermined time, the meteograph instrument package would be released and descend on a parachute.
Dryers that automatically go for a predetermined amount of time will probably just overdry your clothes, filling them with static electricity.
From The Tips Box: DIY Skills, Touchpad Middle Click, Laundry Drying | Lifehacker Australia
The first and second diode units cooperate to effect current flow between the input locus and the respective power rail during a predetermined operational condition of the apparatus.
A predetermined action is affined with a free current of space; therefore, the fluidic currents combine with the free currents, drawing them into their own propulsive flow.
It's impossible to say how much a person's behaviour is predetermined by their genes.
At a predetermined time, we'll all shout 'Happy Birthday, Dave'.
That one card could cover a predetermined formulary of drugs, just as insurance plans and hospitals use formularies for drug savings.