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How To Use Predaceous In A Sentence

  • The predaceous invaders consume the fungus and, researchers suspect, feed the stolen larvae to their own broods.
  • It attempts to characterize the predatory behavior of three genera of large predaceous dinosaurs from the distribution of their shed teeth at Como Bluff, Wyoming.
  • The predaceous diving beetle seems to defy the rules of nature.
  • Predaceous arthropods were tallied and assigned to general taxonomic groups: spiders, hymenopterans, hemipterans, and coccinellids.
  • The predaceous mien that I witnessed earlier has been whomped out of him, and now he is miserable and scared and repentant. The Song of The Dodo
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  • Young live in schools while adults are solitary, predaceous, and aggressive, only coming together to spawn.
  • Superfluous killing has been reported for a diverse group of animals, including zooplankton, stoats and weasels, damselfly naiads, wolves, predaceous mites, and spiders.
  • In the new Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, I've made my way through several articles over the last week: "Bistahieversor sealeyi, gen. et sp. nov., a new tyrannosauroid from New Mexico and the origin of deep snouts in Tyrannosauroidea"; "A reappraisal of the origin and basal radiation of the Osteichthyes"; and "Demythologizing Arctodus simus, the 'short-faced' long-legged predaceous bear that never was. "No wise fish would go anywhere without a porpoise."
  • Densities of predaceous arthropods were higher on fertilized than on unfertilized trees.
  • It has, in fact, all the vices and none of the virtues of a predaceous fish ’.
  • Introduction of exotic species of parasitic and predaceous arthropods has been in small extent, but more attention has been paid in recent years.
  • They are predaceous and usually feed on the insect larvae which they parasitized as larvae. Arthropoda
  • The study of mongoose prey-killing techniques points to a highly efficient killing bite used on vertebrate prey, even in the least predaceous species.
  • Similarly, the tiny water flea develops a large protective ‘helmet’ when predaceous larvae of the Chaoborus fly are present in the water nearby.
  • Superfluous killing has been reported for a diverse group of animals, including zooplankton, stoats and weasels, damselfly naiads, wolves, predaceous mites, and spiders.
  • The swamp eel is predaceous, grows to about 1 m in length, and can survive dry periods by burrowing in mud.
  • The Carabidae family encompasses about twenty thousand known species of mainly unspecialized, mainly predaceous beetles, abundant on all continents except Antarctica and on most islands. The Song of The Dodo
  • These flies do not bite or sting humans, and are considered beneficial, as they are predaceous on aphids and other insects.
  • Spider mites, Mononychellus tanajoa and Tetranychus cinnabarinus, sometimes affect the crop; mitetolerant cultivars have been developed and M. tanajoa is attacked by predaceous mites and staphylinid beetles, so that chemical control should not be necessary. Chapter 11
  • This predaceous insect belongs to the family Lycidae, the net-winged beetles. photo details: Canon MP-E 65mm 1-5x macro lens on a Canon EOS 50D Myrmecos Blog
  • Thus, our results confirm theories predicting that isolated, rare, or predaceous species will be lost first from fragmented landscapes.
  • Highly predaceous canids that invariably hunt in social packs include the African hunting dog, Lycaon pictus, and the dhole, Cuon alpinus.
  • Superfluous killing has been reported for a diverse group of animals, including zooplankton, stoats and weasels, damselfly naiads, wolves, predaceous mites, and spiders.
  • Unfortunately - at least for entomologists trying to classify them - male predaceous diving beetles lack these embellishments.
  • They occur in cool running waters and are predaceous. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • Adults and deutonymphs are predaceous and often feed upon the immature stages of the species that they parasitize as larvae. Arthropoda
  • However, the problem with that scenario is that both adults and larvae of ladybugs are predaceous, but I doubt it very much that there would be enough prey on that bleak mountain top for so many of them to survive. Ladybugs galore
  • By Early Triassic times, cynodonts had diverged into large predaceous carnivores such as Cynognathus and moderate large omnivorous and herbivorous types such as Trirachodon and Diademodon.
  • Most larvae are predaceous and feed on most other small invertebrates. Insecta (Aquatic)

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