How To Use Precipitant In A Sentence
Such pediatric catatonia - more often found in boys than in girls - has the same characteristics, similar precipitants and the same response to treatments as adult catatonia.
While it is a statistical certainty that some Ecstasy users will present for psychiatric services, the current available data shed little light on whether Ecstasy use is a precipitant, modifier or consequence of psychiatric illness.
God hath fitted for the special use of these times with eminent and ample gifts, and those perhaps neither among the priests nor among the Pharisees, and we in the haste of a precipitant zeal shall make no distinction, but resolve to stop their mouths, because we fear they come with new and dangerous opinions, as we commonly forejudge them ere we understand them; no less than woe to us, while, thinking thus to defend the Gospel, we are found the persecutors.
He uses too many Latin epithets, like _amusive_ and _precipitant_, and calls a fish-line
Brief History of English and American Literature
The precipitant was his involvement in an incident of stealing in a department store, following which he was put on probation.
Clinical Work with Adolescents

In addition to a general level of irritability, children with mania also present with extremely impairing dysphoric, explosive episodes that generally occur daily with little or no precipitant.
Unemployment is very often the precipitant or at least a contributor to family homicides," Mr. Fox said.
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Pending or actual separation, issuance of a restraining order, and threatening behavior are common precipitants.
The model protein lysozyme in the presence of the precipitant, sodium chloride, was used in this study.
But there are issues that likely arose between the two of them that may have been part of the precipitant here.
CNN Transcript Sep 18, 2009
In The Heart of Addiction, Lance Dodes, M.D., includes a chapter "Addictive Behavior as a Rebellion Against a Punitive Conscience," and writes, "Severe, unrealistic self-criticism is a very common precipitant of addictive behavior.
Hillary Rettig: Perfectionism And Addiction
Precipitant drugs modify the object drug's absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion or actual clinical effect.
Pharisees, and we in the haste of a precipitant zeal shall make no distinction, but resolve to stop their mouths, because we fear they come with new and dangerous opinions, as we commonly forejudge them ere we understand them; no less than woe to us, while, thinking thus to defend the Gospel, we are found the persecutors.
Areopagitica A speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing to the Parliament of England
Last but not least, one should look for stress as a precipitant.
The precipitants with protein A-Sepharose were divided into three equal parts, one for the kinase assay at 25°, one for the kinase assay at 37°, and one for the Western blotting.
For episodic outbursts, success often results from combining drug therapy with a careful analysis of the context and precipitants of the outburst.
Precipitants include being in a dark room (dilates pupil), stress, and certain drugs (e.g., sympathomimetics or anticholinergics).
The very construction of his native constituency that permeates "the human form divine" involve those agitative and sleepless precipitants that ever stir, stimulate, and woo him on to investigate, to weigh, and measure principles of the universe that draw his chariot from the individual center to the impalpable periphery.
Autobiography, sermons, addresses, and essays of Bishop L. H. Holsey, D. D.,
Cognitive models focus on maladaptive or biased thought processes, whereas interpersonal models focus on social difficulties and stressful interpersonal environments as precipitants of psychopathology.
Nitric oxide, nitrates, and sulfa-containing drugs are the most frequent precipitants of clinically important methemoglobinemia.
It really didn't matter the immediate precipitant: both sides used their extra fifteen minutes to do just as they wanted, which is not to say both sides deployed the extra time wisely.
Pachacutec: Patrick Fitzgerald's Closing Argument
Nano ZrO 2 was prepared by sol - gel method with ZrOCl 2·8 H 2 O as ingredient and ammonia as precipitant.
It is reported by his mother who attended with him that he regularly will fly into a rage without precipitant, has poor recollection of the events and feels remorse and guilt afterwards.
Nitric oxide, nitrates, and sulfa-containing drugs are the most frequent precipitants of clinically important methemoglobinemia.
Under real crystallization conditions, potential phase perturbants, such as proteins, native membrane lipids, detergents, and precipitants, will be present.
Kevin Rexroad, M.D., a psychiatrist in New Mexico, stressed that the pain of divorce should not be underestimated when considering its impact on children or whether it can be factored in as a precipitant to violence:
Judith Acosta, LISW, CHT: Parricide: A Tragic Failure of Attachment (Part I)
Most reported interventions have begun with assessment of seizure precipitants, looking particularly for emotionally based triggers for seizures.
Eleven, even if it remains a dead law, it is not without its precipitant and pernicious consequences.
Stress itself could be a possible precipitant of urticaria.
America's present day myths (Our Health Care System is the best those inferiors that can't make it are the cause of our being robbed of our rights, Obama is a foreigner, Sotomayor is a racist, if we drill domestically we will be OK) are precipitant arguments which address the needs of those who have to focus on outside bogy men.
Paranoia, Sanity and Right Wing Violence
Pancreatin was extracted from pig pancreas using isopropyl alcohol as solvent and chitosan as precipitant.
There are many precipitants of this infection, but the most common is excessive moisture that elevates the pH and removes the cerumen.
In my observation, it may even be the prime precipitant of serious distress.
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Guided by these principles, he made several criticisms of the police as both background to and immediate precipitants of the disorders.