How To Use Precession In A Sentence
In Egypt there exists a star clock for the Precession of the Equinoxes and an electric light bulb that dates to 2600 BC.
The gravitational pull of the sun and moon cause a phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes, which makes the earth's axis move in a cone shape.
(Newton must have been mystified by the failure of his seemingly parallel derivation of the 9 year precession of the line of apsides to achieve better than 50 percent agreement.)
Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
This effect is known as the precession of the equinox.
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In addition to the precession and nutation of the Earth's rotational axis, the Earth itself undergoes a wobble such that the crust wanders about the rotational axis with a combination of two periods and amplitudes.
The rate of change in the direction of the rotational axis is the ratio of torque to angular momentum and so gives a value for the precessional constant.
Kunkle's re-examining of astrology is rooted in the Earth's "precession" -- put simply, the gravity-fueled change in orientation of the Earth's rotational axis. - News
The date for this shift of ages derives from a phenomenon known as the precession of the equinox, which refers to the equinox moving backwards.
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There is also geodetic precession, which is a general-relativistic effect due to the curvature of spacetime about the Earth (and which would be present even if the Earth were not rotating).
Dragging on
For example, Einstein's Relativity Theory got support from the fact that it correctly implied the precession of the perihelion of Mercury, though that information was known long before Einstein formulated the theory.
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Another characteristic of sun - earth system is the gradual precession of the equinoxes and solstices the orbit.
Then, the impact of black hole masses on disk - driven precession model is discussed.
As the tailwheel lifts during the takeoff run, gyroscopic precession tries to turn the plane left of centerline.
Master Juwain believed they had been set to mark the precession of the constellations or some other astrological event.
As the tailwheel lifts during the takeoff run, gyroscopic precession tries to turn the plane left of centerline.
Precession was a new phaenomenon, and latins -mainly- viewed it with suspicion since it was not following "the tradition of the older calculations of Eudoxus and Meton" see Columella and Pliny elder.
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It relies on experience for analyzing equipment failure and precession limitation in actual relay protection maintenance.
The apparent orbits of the sun, moon, planets, and stars had been correctly observed, so that eclipses might be predicted, conjunction of planets calculated, and that {617} gradual movement of the sun through the signs of the zodiac known as the precession of the equinoxes, taken account of.
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Calculations using Newtonian mechanics predict a precession of 532 arcsec per century.
An example is periodic motion, such as the precession of a particle with intrinsic spin and magnetic moment in a constant magnetic field.
Larmor, this influence may be ascribed to a relatively slow precession movement on the part of the electron and the atomic nucleus around the field direction - a gyromagnetic effect most closely recalling the gyroscopic movement performed by a top when it spins around the vertical line.
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In his instructions for constructing a celestial globe, Ptolemy recommended that all longitudes should be measured from Sirius, so that it would not become out of date as a result of precession.
An example is periodic motion, such as the precession of a particle with intrinsic spin and magnetic moment in a constant magnetic field.
(The observed precession is really 5270 ''/century, but a painstaking calculation to subtract the disturbances from all the other planets gives the value of 43 ''.)
This conclusion is consistent with the hypothesis that the rotational axis of the minor planet has no precession.
Then, in great precession we walked out to the field for commencement accompanied by bagpipes.
It is also referred to as the precession of the equinoxes or the great year in a comprehensive dictionary.
Archive 2008-08-01
Einstein's theory predicts that such gyroscopes will undergo geodetic precession merely because space-time is curved in the planet's vicinity.
There is a small periodic effect called nutation superimposed on precession caused by the motion of the perihelion of the Moon.
Even Newtonian physics was unable to give a complete explanation of its orbit: the direction of the axis was found to move by rather more than could be explained by precession and the gravitational attraction of the other planets.
As it was a foreign language to me try "clinometer", "collective pitch", "geometrical precession", I stopped them in their tracks and looked for another angle of approach.
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This phenomenon is known as the precession of the equinox, in other words, the backwards motion of the sun's equinox position.
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The device is called a proton precession magnetometer.
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Moreover, such observations as the precession of the equinoxes and the moon's evection are as yet unexplained, and measurements of the earth's size, and of the sun's size and distance, are so crude and imperfect as to be in one case only an approximation, and in the other an absurdly inadequate suggestion.
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Bessel's work in determining the constants of precession, nutation and aberration won him further honours, such as a prize from the Berlin Academy in 1815.
Another aspect of the precession is the length of winter and summer.
Milankovitch cycles
Of course, the anomalous precession of Mercury was already known, and general relativity could explain it.
The binary's orbital precession, for example, is quite vigorous.
This phenomenon is known as the precession of the equinox.
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Its structure is predicted from the known structures of nordstrandite and gibbsite on the basis of similarities in X-ray precession photographs in two zones.
Scotsman James Croll combined the eccentricity of the orbit and the precession and in the 1860s and 1870s presented his ideas on the effects of the cycles and how they might influence climate, especially the colder winters when they correspond with the aphelion.
Milankovitch cycles
He considered the Euler angles and studied rotational problems which were motivated by the problem of the precession of the equinoxes.