How To Use Precast In A Sentence
The HPC tremie infill concrete was then used to fill the first 10 feet inside the precast segments, replacing the ballast of the water.
The hard part about installing precast concrete countertops is lifting them into position.
New construction tends toward block and precast; both of which are terrible there; they quickly absorb heat, but do not hold it.
Green roofs
The roofs in the Lake Chapala region are usually a roof structure of masonry materials that are typically bóveda (bricks arched between beams), bovedilla (precast blocks between supporting beams) or concrete slabs (with two way steel reinforcement).
Waterproofing the roof in your Mexican home
It was made by casting a cross foundation on site to carry the four precast quadrants of the platform.

This work included both laboratory and prestressed / precast plant phases and looked at 15 batches of two mixes, with variations in method as well as ingredients.
However, many contractors and precast manufacturers who use steel rebar to reinforce countertops report success.
Thin precast-concrete slabs monumentally define the approach from the nineteenth-century city, and its new memorial square.
Precast copings, window lintels, and string courses have a terra-cotta color, without exposed aggregate.
The paper discussed the procedure and attentions of box beam precast for reference.
Here one faces the glass and precast concrete front of the museum.
We also specialize in precast concrete production like kerb, paving block, decorative block, roofing tile , road barrier, channel cover and grasscrete etc.
To avoid interfering with steel erection, the precast seating risers followed the steel at night, using the same crawler cranes.
Mountain said they were precast panels for the footers.
Arcane Circle
He then parged the masonry with cement prepared from a packaged mix, before affixing precast concrete medallions to the wall.
The deck is being constructed with curving precast segmental elements, cast on-site, that add to the attractiveness of the project.
Typically produced in a plant away from the construction site, precast concrete can be formed into virtually any shape to create structural elements or flat panels articulated with copings, returns, soffits, jambs, or sills.
The precast concrete piles are used for the foundation of the plant.
Low-cost precast concrete tiles are set in sand over a standard membrane roof to create exterior decks.
The compressive form-active dome is a composite of in situ and precast reinforced concrete.
Precast concrete, reinforced masonry, and steel angles are commonly used as lintels.
The five-mile precast guideway, 50 ft high, required 30,000 night gate closures, airfield work and 300,000 sq ft of terminal renovation.
Huge precast concrete beams which will carry the A64 over a new underpass at Copmanthorpe, near York, were hoisted into place yesterday.
The Tetrapod, the first of the ‘engineered’ precast concrete armour units, was developed by the French company Neyrpric in 1953.
The outside rings are made of precast concrete, similar to those usually seen in culverts. - via [...]
Modular bookshelves and room dividers by Permafrost and Katharina Styren
Various types of high-performance precast and cast-in-place concrete were specified to meet the accelerated construction schedule.
The product allowed prefabrication of brick masonry beams and panels, much like precast concrete, so that once fabricated, they could be rapidly installed.
Construction will be much easier if the lintels are "precast": that is, made in advance and then placed in the wall like a brick.
Chapter 5
The precast-concrete panels were attached to the steel ribs at the quarter points of the panels, with the top and bottom ends left unsupported.
It will be possible in the near future to precast long deck and girder systems using reactive powder concrete that will make very rapid bridge construction possible.
Precast girder segment is widely used in the construction of Hong Kong West Railway.
Hung uncertainly from the building, the sunshades are precast concrete on the upper level and, on the lower one, black metal.
Another building type features a sawtooth roof and an exposed steel frame that manipulate sunlight, introducing patterns of shade and shadow on a simple metal panels or precast facade.
The structural system consists of simple precast concrete beams and columns.
Key to the effort was the fast production of specialized machines that fabricated precast concrete girders and fitted their edges with milled steel flanges.
It is built very simply of blocks and render, timber joists and so on, with things like precast concrete sewage pipes and standard plastic bubbles to make some of the earlier zoomorphic elements.
The test of 6 hybrid precast unbonded post - tensioned concrete beams under cyclic loading is carried out.
· However, the cold-drawn low-carbon steel wire prestressed concrete (CWPC) technology, developed in China, where about 3000 CWPC factories produce 20 million m3 of precast components annually, is a promising alternative.
Chapter 4
Safdie's open, light-filled design befits an organization dedicated to the better angels of our nature -- the building, faced in acid-etched precast concrete with the warm tone of limestone and featuring two soaring atria fronted by windows and covered by a glass roof in the shape of a flying dove -- has the grandeur of a typical D.C. landmark but exhibits an airiness unusual in the stone slabs of the city's monuments.
Katherine Gustafson: New on the Mall: A Fitting Monument to Peacemaking
Precast quay panels are nearing completion and the new bollards for tying up ships and fenders are visible from the waterfront.
Beyond the gallery, the rectangular reading room is cantilevered over the education space on white precast concrete beams.
The outside rings are made of precast concrete, similar to those usually seen in culverts.
Modular bookshelves and room dividers by Permafrost and Katharina Styren
Very slender and elegant precast concrete arches span the space to bear on buttresses so massive that they provide alcoves off the big central space, the social heart of the academic community.
By precasting the stones into uniform concrete blocks these drawbacks are eliminated.
Chapter 9
Construction is of finely finished precast concrete panels, with the recessed top storeys having steel structure and cedar cladding.
The structural system includes horizontal precast concrete units that act as transfer beams carrying the load onto rectangular stone piers.
In some cases, both precasting and cast-in-place may be used.
Chapter 10
It's possible to precast columns, column caps (also called bent caps), girders and beams, decks, complete bridge sub- or superstructures, complete bridge spans, and complete bridges.
Precision grout fills voids in blocks and is used as a bedding material underneath precast panels, beams, and columns.
Precast copings, window lintels, and string courses have a terra-cotta color, without exposed aggregate.
The tubing for a radiant floor heating system is located either in the concrete, under wood subfloors, or on a subfloor of wood, precast concrete or concrete slab-on-grade, then covered with gypsum.
Segmented con-, Crete liners, precast tubes, lattice girders and liner plates.
Balenciaga, for example, shows in Paris but had a precasting during New York Fashion Week. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Some precast concrete foundation systems are routinely installed without a poured concrete footer.
Foundation footer: A critical element on which your building's success will rest
Formal precast fountains of all shapes, sizes and themes may be self-contained or installed in the center of a pond or pool.
Where needed, precast concrete panel walls are erected, etched with images of local wildlife.
Therefore viaduct spans have been constructed using various construction methods depending on the nature of the site, such as precast segment method using gantry cranes, and the balanced cantilever method.
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Using concrete minimizes construction waste: whether cast-in-place or precast, concrete is used on an as-needed basis.
· With sawdust as aggregate in concrete, preferably with magnesium oxychloride cement, precast lightweight concrete components (eg door and window frames) can be made.
Chapter 4
The deck is being constructed with curving precast segmental elements, cast onsite, that add to the attractiveness of the project.
So, for much of the latter twentieth century the economical use of standard sizes of fibro, plywood or precast concrete provided one of the fixed coordinates of formal invention in architecture.
In 1979, a certain young concrete engineer was responsible for an onsite precast operation that was producing segmental bridge units.
The building is made of precast concrete elements with aluminium cladding on the roof and rounded facades.
Cabel Headquarters by Massimo Mariani
We also specialize in precast concrete production like kerb, paving block, decorative block, roofing tile , road barrier, channel cover and grasscrete etc.
Materials and finishes - epoxy resin floors, simple plastered walls, steel, precast concrete and waxed oak - are austere, and colours muted: gun-metal grey and white counterpoised to the warmth of wood.
The building structure consists of precast coreslab floors and roof, supported on load-bearing masonry walls or steel frame.
Also repeated were precast concrete sunshields above the windows that were sized to fit into the surrounding brick dimensions.
It was made of a large precast concrete panel.
To minimise the possibility of polluting the river during the deck construction, prestressed and precast concrete beams and edge beams were used.
Segments may be precast long enough to reach sufficient strength and maturity.
Crisp precast concrete slabs are teamed with brick, the latter helping to soften the overall surface.
We don't so much gild the lily as crumple the lily in our fist, stuff it in the back pocket of our jeans and replace it with a functional precast concrete structure that we can grow a hedge in front of.
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We are installing a lift in a church that has a prestressed, precast concrete elevated floor.
Eleven Central Indiana community theaters belonging to the Indianapolis-based Encore Association have rules against precasting any roles. Top Stories
There are precast paving stones in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors that are perfect for borders.
If the stone or precast concrete element is a single piece that functions as a lintel to support the masonry above, the flashing should be installed over the lintel.
It was built floor-by-floor using precast planking.
Segmented con-, Crete liners, precast tubes, lattice girders and liner plates.
Products: Precast concrete pipe . Precast concrete pipe.
Of particular interest for rural applications are casting in place, and precasting.
Chapter 10
The well is precast in the proper height, width, and length, and the entire stairwell is cast into it as well.
This seems like a really longwinded way to say 'bring back precasting.'
The Drop Kick
This can make them less suitable for some precast and concrete paving applications, especially where mixing times tend to be very short.
Partitions of lightweight precast concrete blocks and hollow clay blocks have fire-resisting qualities and contribute to thermal insulation. They are, therefore, widely used.
Partitions of lightweight precast concrete blocks and hollow clay blocks have fire-resisting qualities and contribute to thermal insulation. They are, therefore, widely used.
Although the material can be mixed in standard industrial concrete mixers, most applications to date have been precast concrete.