How To Use Preamble In A Sentence

  • Firstly, the verbal preambles to nearly all of his songs seemed very long and involved - a shortcoming of many singer/song-writers.
  • I apologise for the lack of preamble to yesterday's last post.
  • We broadly agree with the analysis outlined in the preamble to Threshold 21.
  • Genocchio subdivides the book by a series of alliterative section headings and short preambles but it is generally less than apparent why pieces are included in
  • Without preamble, the soldiers drew up and shot them.
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  • Never one for preamble, Vaughn's heavy features were hawklike with concentration.
  • He went into a long preamble before he actually told them, but that's the case.
  • The controversy has arisen over the text of the preamble to the unification treaty.
  • I doubt the drafters of the document would have "emphasised" the preamble if they had not thought it worthy to be "affirmed". John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • The relevant text of the preamble to Chapter 6 and of paragraph 6.2 should therefore be amended to read as follows.
  • Such a preamble to your kind of news is a strong statement that you are not up for any ‘discussion.’
  • Although the pact is focused on arms reductions and verification, its preamble briefly mentions an "interrelationship" between nuclear weapons and missile defense. In letter to Senate, Obama promises that New START treaty won't limit missile defense
  • Not much preamble required here. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is unexpected because the reader is lured into devastating news by a long preamble that seems absorbed with French manners, salon gossip and where to find a good chef.
  • Skinny, vampy and a little scary in a mirrored slip that resembles chain mail, she obviously favours action over dialogue; there are no dedications or scene-setting preambles.
  • The Preamble lays out, in the broadest strokes possible (something that helps to “future-proof” that important set of pointers), the exact areas which “we the people” (read that: the government) must do “in order to form a more perfect union.” Think Progress » Republicans Block Bills Ensuring Continuation Of Military Health Care
  • All this preamble was needful to explain to you that for the future my position in life will be such as a man needs if he wants to play the great game of pitch-and-toss. A Marriage Contract
  • The preamble, no less clear and concise, also leaves little room for doubt about what is and is not acceptable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without preamble, she offered both of us some.
  • I am sure the member was going to raise a point of order about the preamble.
  • That's a long preamble to my subject, but you will see the relevance presently. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cyric's sword clattered to the stone floor beside him and Dain brought his own sword straight down into his chest without fanfare, without preamble. A Change of Seasons
  • Notice that the therapist did not explain or justify this presupposition in a preamble but simply embedded it in the question.
  • `I swore to Gretchen I wouldn't say a word... "was the standard boilerplate preamble. SORT OF RICH
  • After a pleasant preamble by a stream, a strenuous uphill section over rough lava flows brings you to the South Crater.
  • This long preamble is just a way of reassuring you that I too feel the lash. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've got no axe to grind with Brazil (the preamble is tonge-in-cheek, really). World Cup 2010: Brazil v Ivory Coast – as it happened
  • Besides, preamble, it is consist of general provisions, preventive measures, criminalization and Law enforcement, and international cooperation.
  • Freedom of association, collective bargaining and the right to strike are fundamental rights enshrined in the Preamble to the 1946 Constitution, which is still valid.
  • Her Baltimore ancestor's will is extant, has been examined by Old Mortality's great-grandson, and announces in a kind of preamble that the testator was a native of Donegal; his Christian name was William ( "Notes and Queries," Fourth Series, vol.vii. p. 219, and Fifth Series, August, 1874). Old Mortality, Volume 1.
  • I then said, that if the motion made by the noble Lord was persisted in, I should most undoubtedly not oppose it, because it was impossible for me to give opposition to any measure which had even the appearance of adding strength to the exclusive rights of Ireland; that I was of opinion myself that the jurisdiction in question was not, by any means whatever, conveyed by the Act referred to; that the statute of Henry VIII. was not intended to affect any part of the King's dominions was clear to a demonstration, from the subsequent statute of the same King in explanation of it -- the preamble of which, referring to the former Act, does expressly speak of treasons committed out of this realm, _and other the King's dominions_; and that the circumstance of the adoption of the former Act by the Irish Memoirs of the Courts and Cabinets of George the Third From the Original Family Documents, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • The controversy has arisen over the text of the preamble to the unification treaty.
  • The curators allow themselves a lengthy preamble to their chosen years. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Hood responds with a careful preamble about the refined admissions process Oxford has put in place.
  • Freedom of association, collective bargaining and the right to strike are fundamental rights enshrined in the Preamble to the 1946 Constitution, which is still valid.
  • And yet we have no knowledge of how war this time around might look; only that the soft preamble is somehow more menacing than sabre-rattling.
  • The best bits were the preamble and the question and answer session after the main performance.
  • This extraordinary preamble to the worker's demands was received differently in four different quarters.
  • The preamble, no less clear and concise, also leaves little room for doubt about what is and is not acceptable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, nothing is more certain than that the preamble alluded to never included, in the minds of those who framed it, _those who were then pining in bondage_ -- for, in that case, a general emancipation of the slaves would have instantly been proclaimed throughout the United States. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 4 of 4
  • At length, the preamble concluded, he began his work, first by stroking my legs, from the knees downwards, with the palm of his hand, muttering all the while, and then by applying his mouth, and sucking the parts affected, accompanying the operation by a most strange kind of purring or grunting. Letters on the Nicobar islands, their natural productions, and the manners, customs, and superstitions of the natives with an account of an attempt made by the Church of the United Brethren, to convert them to Christianity
  • This preamble is to note that I discovered quite a few very good authors for the first time via the editor's recommendation route. Sunday Salon: clubs and Ingrid Black
  • The preamble is all about metaphysical, ill-defined concepts, as Dr Mapp pointed out.
  • The compilations always, without question, included his preamble to the track and his following comments.
  • Besides, preamble, it is consist of general provisions, preventive measures, criminalization and Law enforcement, and international cooperation.
  • The constituent document of the Organization of American States refers to the fundamental rights of man in its preamble and various Articles thereafter.
  • Preamble William 'The Refrigerator' Perry pulling in a touchdown pass; Charles Martin crossing Jim McMahon off his hit-list; Brett Favre hurdling a defender on his way to a 36-yard touchdown run on a Halloween-themed Monday night special. Green Bay Packers 27-17 Chicago Bears - as it happened | Paolo Bandini
  • All this is a preamble to explain my love for Brazilian music, particularly samba. Times, Sunday Times
  • Interestingly, the Preamble also notes that civil and political rights cannot be dissociated from economic, social, and cultural rights in their conception as well as their universality.
  • This is all preamble to the final desperate act staged by John and the guards and carried out with great danger and difficulty.
  • Gin ever he observes a proud professor, wha has mae than ordinary pretensions to a divine calling, and that reards and prays till the very howlets learn his preambles, that's the man Auld Simmie fixes on to mak a dishclout o '. The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
  • If human rights fail to be manifested in codified laws or put into effect by states, then, as rendered in the preamble of the Shirin Ebadi - Nobel Lecture
  • Yet all these customaries were a mere preamble.
  • The peculiarities of the motor vehicle market are noted in the preamble to the Regulation.
  • To be sure, in traditional Catholic thought, God's ‘demonstrability’ has been considered, in Aquinas's terms, to belong not to the ‘articles of faith’ but to the ‘preambles to the articles.’
  • As the preamble to the Constitution Act says, in agreeing to federate, the Australian people did so ‘humbly relying on the blessings of Almighty God’.
  • The compilations always, without question, included his preamble to the track and his following comments.
  • These days they do it as the preamble on a dancing show; we have celebrity trivia coming out of our ears. Times, Sunday Times
  • From Hohenlohe I go tout suite to M. de St Vallier, the French Ambassador - who I know has a copy of the preamble. Watershed
  • His colleague whom I had the honor to follow (Mr. Wheaton) what* everelfe he might nothave proven, in his very learned, ingen - ious original expofition of the powers of this government — afiex - pofition in which he has fought, where no body before him has looked, and no body after him will examine, for a grant of our powers, the preamble to the Conftiunion~has clearly fluewm V S40 CONGRESSIONAL REPORTER. td the fatisfactifcti of all who heard hifri, that the power is confin* Congressional Reporter, Containing the Public Documents, and the Debates [in Congress]
  • That preamble is just an excuse to show this little bit of amateur photoshopping. Archive 2004-11-01
  • The book is prefaced with four pages of worried preamble by the author about her inspiration - the memoir of an 18 th-century Korean crown princess - and how she translated its impact.
  • The Borrower undertakes with the Lender to use each Advance for the purposes stated in the preamble to this Agreement.
  • That's a long preamble to my subject, but you will see the relevance presently. Times, Sunday Times
  • It should have been the triumphant homecoming of a hero, the preamble to a glorious new career as his country 's next president. Times, Sunday Times
  • The goal of the preamble was to, in some measure prevent those rash misconstructions, and uncandid reflections, which usually proceed from an imperfect view of any subject.
  • It should have been the triumphant homecoming of a hero, the preamble to a glorious new career as his country 's next president. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the study of symbol timing recovery, this thesis presents a new feedforward data-aided estimation algorithm using a PN preamble based on the maximum likelihood estimation theory.
  • The Nights: here the preamble is insufficient; the whole is clumsy for want of a thread upon which the many independent tales and fables should be strung298; and the consequent disorder and confusion tell upon the reader, who cannot remember the sequence without taking notes. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • For the study of symbol timing recovery, this thesis presents a new feedforward data-aided estimation algorithm using a PN preamble based on the maximum likelihood estimation theory.
  • He responds with a careful preamble about the refined admissions process Oxford has put in place.
  • But Republicans are concerned about a sentence in the preamble that notes the "interrelationship" between U.S. missile defense and the Russian nuclear arsenal. Senate GOP's concerns on nuclear treaty could indicate a close vote
  • It should have been the triumphant homecoming of a hero, the preamble to a glorious new career as his country's next president. Times, Sunday Times
  • The book's title comes from a sententious line of Henry James's, and the opening preamble announces that multiplicity is going to be an important theme.
  • Besides stuffs and mats, the furniture comprised chairs, beds, stools, an enormous number of vases, some in coarse pottery for common use, others in choice stone such as diorite, granite, or rock crystal very finely worked, on the fragments of all of which may be read cut in outline the names and preamble of the Pharaoh to whom the object belonged. History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12)
  • The aims of the treaty are stated in its preamble.
  • Broderick gave a splendid preamble asking the president to turn back from the god of war to the master he professes to follow, and quoted from the Beatitudes of Jesus, the ‘blessed ares.’
  • He plunges into each situation without preamble, then utilizes sinewy, staccato prose to snare our attention.
  • Oh, and before all that you get paranormal phenomena for a few days and ear buzzing, as kind of a preamble.
  • As a preamble to the actual event, the high school band performed some weird xylophone compositions, which featured a bunch of kids playing cymbals and drums… the xylophonists were great!
  • The last thing the nation needed was for its Prime Minister to pre-empt such a debate by writing his own preamble.
  • The preamble talks about how approximately 87,000 acres of confiscated land was divided into blocks.
  • Preamble It's been another belting day's play at Edgbaston and, wonderful to relate, England are on top.
  • 'I suspect that this lengthy preamble is intended to conceal the poverty of my story, for I am apprehensive. 47 entries from February 2008
  • `I swore to Gretchen I wouldn't say a word... "was the standard boilerplate preamble. SORT OF RICH
  • For the study of symbol timing recovery,[Sentencedict] this thesis presents a new feedforward data-aided estimation algorithm using a PN preamble based on the maximum likelihood estimation theory.
  • By this it was provided that thereafter the captain of a cruiser who should impress an American citizen should be liable to heavy penalties, to be enacted by law; but as the preamble to this proposition read, "Whereas it is not lawful for a belligerent to impress or carry off, from on board a neutral, seafaring persons _who are not the subjects of the belligerent_," there was admitted implicitly the right to impress those who were such subjects, the precise point at issue. Sea Power in its Relations to the War of 1812 Volume 1
  • Most Australians agreed that a preamble to the Australian constitution must contain some recognition that Aboriginals were in Australia before the white man.
  • Based upon an unratified draft of the group's preamble and their emphasis on staging "teach-ins," not much. Mark Cassello: Occupy Chicago Regroups After Recent Success
  • Skinny, vampy and a little scary in a mirrored slip that resembles chain mail, she obviously favours action over dialogue; there are no dedications or scene-setting preambles.
  • Not one for polite preambles, she got right to the point-our aunt Sophie had developed critical heart and lung problems.
  • But before I begin to examine the chances of the Atlantic Pact doing the job the Empire and the British Navy did for so long in "promoting stability and well being in the North Atlantic area" to quote the preamble to the Treaty which is to be - signed next week, I would like with your permission to dissertate just a little on this matter of cross-roads. Cross-Roads
  • The longer your preamble, the less likely it is you'll get to the end. The Sun
  • The two sides settled on a bland-sounding phrase in the treaty's preamble that recognizes the "interrelationship" between nuclear weapons and missile defense. Obama faces fight over missile defense as he presses New START ratification
  • A fire-breathing New York City minister denounced the absence of God in the preamble as ‘an omission which no pretext whatever can palliate.’
  • Secondly, many argue that the preamble is being read too narrowly: that an individual using a weapon to protect his individual rights is just as necessary to the security of a free state as protecting it from a foreign army or an armed rebellion. Supreme Court Preview: McDonald v. Chicago | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • In general, however, since the Preamble does not create obligations, it is notably more ecocentric than the substantive articles, which reflect more anthropocentric concerns.
  • It should have been the triumphant homecoming of a hero, the preamble to a glorious new career as his country's next president. Times, Sunday Times
  • All this is a preamble to explain my love for Brazilian music, particularly samba. Times, Sunday Times
  • The controversy has arisen over the text of the preamble to the unification treaty.
  • It promises to be an attractive spectacle at Lansdowne Road, and the preamble shouldn't be too bad either.
  • He spread them violently and with little preamble thrust himself into the closest of all connections, even hurting her a little, though she never could be called tardy in response, and she approved of this new brutality, at the outset anyway, as an appropriate sequel to her brush with dying. The Houseguest
  • In 1262, being the 51st of Henry III. was revived an ancient statute, called the assize of bread and ale, which, the king says in the preamble, had been made in the times of his progenitors, some time kings of England. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
  • Preamble: Yesterday figures close to Wayne Rooney let it be known that he was considering a move from Old Trafford; today the media's parfocal lens is focused on a silly-money transfer to Manchester City. Sir Alex Ferguson's press conference on Wayne Rooney | 19 October
  • The context for the purpose of the interpretation of a treaty shall comprise, in addition to the text, including its preamble and annexes.
  • The mild tremors that shook Chennai residents from their Sunday morning slumber was just a preamble to the tragedy that lay in store.
  • It should have been the triumphant homecoming of a hero, the preamble to a glorious new career as his country's next president. Times, Sunday Times
  • I went last night as well - it was supposed to be a preamble to going clubbing, but I was exhausted from having been up all night writing reviews for the BBC.
  • Preamble: This game could just as easily be called the Kleenex Consolation Bowl. Oklahoma State 41, Stanford 38 - as it happened! | Michael Solomon
  • The main obstacle for all of the nationalist parties remains the preamble to the current pact.
  • The reason for this long preamble is that the situation which prevailed in 1949 goes a long way to explaining why the film The Third Man became such a massive hit.
  • They shouldn't be for decoration either - these values - they're not just a preamble to the policy statements.
  • I generally try to avoid pitch-dark, infernally hot enclosures, but now that Brown is my new best friend I find his preamble so avuncular and sweet that I almost consider it.
  • The text of the Preamble to the Convention is an important source for determining its object and purpose.
  • You tell the story of the play because in the preamble there's a wonderful description of the night the play was put on, the politics around that.
  • One of President Obama's favorite locutionary preambles. Adam Hanft: Moody's Should Shut Its Mouth About U.S. Debt
  • And by terror affecting lives of others in travel, heavy debt they must eventually pay off, and over 300,000 troops put in harms way at some time sacrificing some of their own "blessings of liberty" - overconcern for terrorist rights is at odds with the goals of the Preamble in our struggle to one day restore the "blessings of liberty" to troops risking their lives in the field against Jihadis. Axelrod: Obama "thought very long and hard about" about opening up the CIA interrogation memos.
  • Two or three flies buzzed irritably now and then against the smoke-begrimed windowpanes, and the clerk's dreary preamble went on and on till Sir Francis closed his eyes and wondered whether a small "catnap" would be possible between the sections of the seeming interminable document. The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
  • The last thing the nation needed was for its Prime Minister to pre-empt such a debate by writing his own preamble.
  • Never one for preamble, his heavy features were hawklike with concentration.
  • According to the preamble, The old Scottish family of Person of Lochlands, Pierson of the barony of Balmadies, Forfarshire, and Pearson of the barony of Kippenross, Dunblane, Perthshire, of which the Hon. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Its use was legalized in 1673 by an act, the preamble of which reads, "The ingenious industry of modern times hath taught the dyers of England the art of fixing, the colours made of logwood, alias blackwood, so as that, by experience, they are found as lasting as the colours made with any sort of dyeing wood whatever. Forty Centuries of Ink
  • Without further preamble here is my own preliminary list of threads that we can snip away at, the ballast that we can jettison in the coming months.
  • It is clear that the provisions of the preamble and of Article 1 of the charter which are claimed to be in conflict with the alien land law are not self-executing.
  • The denouement, which comes after a painfully slow preamble, is predictable. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a preamble to confessing that, like Jackie, I cadged a few puffs of a fat Cuban on Christmas Day.
  • The Preamble reinforces this in noting that conservational and sustainable use of biodiversity is critical for meeting the food, health, and other needs of the growing world population.
  • OK, I'll come out with it straight away, no preamble, no pithy introduction, no amusing anecdote of how the waiter looked like Woody Allen.

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