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How To Use Prattle In A Sentence

  • Order now before today's pussified, PADI-preaching prattlers warp you into taking "living reef eco-tours" when, instead, you could be going 30 fathoms deep and power-heading jewfish between the eyes. Hell Divers' Rodeo
  • She wanted to prattle about Archie, but I wasn't having any. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle just happened to cash lies.
  • Lou prattled on about various trivialities till I wanted to scream.
  • But her aunt's intimations, coupled with the cheerful prattle of her French governess, Elise, had fired Anna's imagination. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
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  • The report prattles on gormlessly: ‘We cannot build our way out of the problems we face on our road networks.’
  • Without their help my prattle would never have been heard.
  • He has passed sentence of condemnation upon Lycidas, and has taken occasion, from that charming poem, to expose and ridicule (what is indeed ridiculous enough) the childish prattlement of pastoral compositions, as if Lycidas was the prototype and pattern of them all. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. IV (of X)—Great Britain and Ireland II
  • She'd have prattled on about her new job for the whole afternoon if I'd let her.
  • She prattled the secret to the stranger.
  • Expect to see more of this kind of prattle between these two unless one of them starts to stand for something more specific than they have thus far. Dueling Memos: Hillary And Obama Camps Club Each Other
  • Remember, I don't write all my inane prattle here for personal or financial benefit, but merely to try and lighten the dark corners of your souls, and edify your weary minds.
  • Well what a surprise. 11am Radio 4 gives Billy Bragg a full half hour to prattle on about some obscure 1930s pacifists/ conchies / commune dwellers. Open thread
  • It is true, these beautifully gowned, beautiful women prattled sweet little ideals and dear little moralities; but in spite of their prattle the dominant key of the life they lived was materialistic. What Life Means to Me
  • Successive governments have prattled on at length about the importance of this for our economy and for our businesses.
  • I went back to her, held her hand and prattled away for a little while.
  • The Bob we initially meet is a spunky, chatty extrovert who jumps into cars and prattles humorously to the drivers about music and her best friend and boy troubles.
  • Such prattle demonstrates an inability and indeed an unwillingness to contemplate the affects of combat on the victor as well as the vanquished.
  • On Sundays the mistress would give him a gingerbread or a cracknel, and amuse herself with his baby prattle. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • You don't know what hell is until you've had an insurance salesman prattle on eternally about term life annuities.
  • Just so, pusillanimous; prattling out little moralities that have been prattled into them, and afraid to live life. Chapter 32
  • I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle.
  • Porpoises, snow-white terns sitting on drifting wood, sea-eagles, ospreys, sea-snakes, sails, the smudge of steamer-smoke and its ten-mile plume, sunlit isles and speckless sky, with no sound save the purring of the engine and the prattle of the water against the bows — a catalogue of the commonplace, and yet stimulative of entertainment and content. Last Leaves from Dunk Island
  • Under Stephen Anthony Head, the buoyantly self-obsessed and sex-obsessed boss—a delectably offensive character—work days are filled with raunchy fun, undergraduate sex prattle, and small humiliations. Bunnies and Lovelorn Males
  • For the next hour or two, they engage in serious debate, silly gossip or frivolous prattle.
  • I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle just happened to cash lies.
  • Despite the fevered prattle of conspiracy theorists, the say-so of a few doesn't take America to war and certainly doesn't keep it there.
  • But that is as much to do with her Yorkshire upbringing as long months spent puncturing parliamentary prattle.
  • Their companions nodded sagely in agreement as they prattled on.
  • He wouldn't have to listen to the "prattle" (ie, intelligent discussion which doesn't happen to agree with the pure B.S. Armey himself was spewing on the show) because ... why not, exactly? Steve Kettmann: Has Dick Armey Apologized Yet for Being a Pig to Joan Walsh?
  • THAT kind of instruction could save a life, whereas Violence Policy Cener prattle is only empty political rhetoric. You Bet Your Glass!
  • What does he really mean when uttering such ahistoric prattle?
  • I prattled on a bit, about how clear and cold that lake was, and how the children slept in the boathouse and watched the ducks until it grew dark; how entire families used to canoe to the country club for dinner, dressed in black tie and bare feet. The Bird House
  • Of course, the subjective part to all this was the abundant prattle about the ‘end of ideology’.
  • The key word is "prattle", whereas your contributions of course are the sparkling, enlightened conversation worthy of Henry Adams I.F. Stone, and Oscar Wilde. TPM Track Composite: Presidential Race Could Be Tightening
  • Her curiously juvenile prattle — "The way it began, it was a bit like a repeat of earlier," she begins one anecdote — and her worshipful obsession with all things Hailshamite quickly make it clear that Kathy, if not demented, is at least imperfectly removed from her schoolgirl self; and as she rabbits on, the oddness of her schooldays becomes increasingly apparent. New Fiction
  • There was no need of this caution, for the elder Sedley himself began immediately to speak of the event, and prattled about it, and wept over it plenteously.
  • Don't prattle about your theory. You must practise it and prove it.
  • The effect on most of us will be an attack of acute crapulence (okay, so look it up), caused by our forced overconsumption of political prattle and forensic flatulence.
  • I prattle on about how much I love my country, and generally portray myself as a bit of a little Englander, yah boo sucks to you johnny foreigner etc, and in the most part that's true.
  • The automatic writing prattled on like this at length, interrupted by neither full stop nor comma and driven by a rhyme scheme that might politely be described as random but which did not seem especially Japanese in origin.
  • And a number of people have thought that the debate has shifted to tax but in fact that has only been elite prattle.
  • Seined Senator Kennedy's tome tumor is in the left prattle parietal lobe of the brain.
  • As cities grow in all directions, horizontally and vertically, there is hardly any space left for trees to grow, for the cuckoos to build their nest or parrots to rest on branches and prattle away.
  • It prattled sweet ideals and dear moralities, rubbed its eyes not once, nor ceased one whit in its greediness, and smashed down in a failure as tremendous only as was the opportunity it had ignored. Revolution
  • My lord was smiling, so the auctioneer prattled on, and the deformed creature upon the catasta wound his ill-shapen body into every kind of contortion, grinning from ear to ear, displaying the malformation of his spine, and the hideousness of his long hairy arms, whilst he uttered weird cries that were supposed to imitate those of wild animals in the forest. "Unto Caesar"
  • I won't even delve into the confusion between solitude and the ‘modern malaise’ of feeling lonely, which I've prattled on about before.
  • It was true that they prattled sweet little ideals and dear little moralities, but in spite of their prattle the dominant key of the life they lived was materialistic. Chapter 5: The Philomaths
  • Lou prattled on about various trivialities till I wanted to scream.
  • Hollywood activists have such an inflated sense of their own importance they think any hindrance of their own prattle is the equivalent of censorship or cracking down on dissent.
  • When these chairborne cowards prattle on about strength and toughness, concepts they are truly unfamiliar with, I like to remember these old men. THE NEWS BLOG
  • She had meant only to point the way, but, following a new impulse, she went on, listening to the poor soul's motherly prattle about "me baby" and the "throuble" it was to "find clothes for the growin 'childer when me man is out av work and the bit and sup inconvaynient these hard times" as they descended to that darksome lower world where necessities take refuge when luxuries crowd them out from the gayer place above. Rose in Bloom
  • It's been awhile since I've seen this much ignorant prattle spouted about the Pope, and that's saying something.
  • It's a dance show that is very unique - it's open to all ages, so we say from 6 to 106, Paula prattled on perkily. Paula Abdul and David Letterman talk 'Idol,' new dance show
  • You prattle of things that stir me not," Wulfgar sneered. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • On Tuesday dined with Rogers, -- Mackintosh, Sheridan, Sharpe, -- much talk, and good, -- all, except my own little prattlement. The Works of Lord Byron: Letters and Journals. Vol. 2
  • I have to say it has been bliss not being subject to his constant prattle, and I have taken a certain sadistic pleasure in seeing him squirm when he is forced to talk to me when I assign him unpleasant work tasks.
  • After about half an hour of incessant prattle, an elderly man rose shakily from his seat and, with all his strength, slammed shut the door leading to vestibule.
  • Thanks heaps for dinner and the drinks, and listening to me prattle on for a couple of hours!
  • She wanted to prattle about Archie, but I wasn't having any. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Witness the Swedish academy's citation, which told us that the seventy-five-year-old playwright ‘uncovers the precipice under everyday prattle and forces entry into oppression's closed rooms’.
  • The ladies prattled on about the kind of men and the kind of things I yearned to forget. Brooklyn Story
  • Although I am quite able to set this word out of my mind as I write this column, let me prattle awhile from the Low German pratten, “to pout,” and then “to prate, babble, talk idly”. No Uncertain Terms
  • “I like your horizontal improvisations,” she prattled. Shortcut Man
  • I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle.
  • ID guy: A tree is a partially ordered set and you prattled on about ordered sets. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • It is possible to prattle and pontificate about the cultural relevance of the cheap romance novel, and how its development, like, totally reflects the changes to women's status in society.
  • He didn't have time to listen to the weak-minded fool prattle on.
  • It goes along with prattle about ‘good corporate citizenship’, and the notion that particular corporations, like banks, have reputations which are determined by some kind of popularity polls.
  • But her aunt's intimations, coupled with the cheerful prattle of her French governess, Elise, had fired Anna's imagination. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • He riddled his tales with a child's patois, ‘plenty of prattle, nonsense, and unaesthetic words like ‘baa’ and ‘boo’ in his pockets.
  • A Radio One disc jockey prattled in the background.
  • I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle.
  • Don't prattle about your theory. You must practise it and prove it.
  • Now, you can't hold him responsible for the random prattle of his sibling…
  • I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle just happened to cash lies.
  • That is way I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words.
  • He was right to seek the solitary company of lizards rather than prattle around the camp fire with his fellow ‘contestants’.
  • That is whu I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words.
  • Yes, for only four easy payments of $39.95 you'll receive an album of audio cassettes with hours and hours of what at first seems babbling prattle, but on closer inspection is much, much more.
  • Lou prattled on about various trivialities till I wanted to scream.
  • I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle just happened to cash lies.
  • She prattles on a mile per breathless minute, wields her parasol like a reaper's scythe, flutters the long lashes curtaining her sapphire eyes, and emerges as utterly charming.
  • He listened gracefully to my enthusiastic amateur prattle as we left.
  • good" extends beyond volume, which means you'll want to avoid the dreaded "blogorrhea" -- aka incessant prattle about your jerk boss or second-rate love life. Essays
  • Hear its prattle, which is nothing but the mind beginning to stir! The Truth about Jesus : Is He a Myth?
  • She'd have prattled on about her new job for the whole afternoon if I'd let her.
  • That is why I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heat behind words.
  • But all this was only childish prattle in comparison with the daily performances of the big white-handed, and the black hoolock gibbons, now and for several years past residing in our Primate The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals A Book of Personal Observations
  • On Tuesday dined with Rogers, -- Mackintosh, Sheridan, Sharpe, -- much talk, and good, -- all, except my own little prattlement. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 3 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • There was a good deal of such "scurril jesting" in the paper, especially in a department called "Prattle. The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 1
  • I will not have this regiment torn asunder by such cowardly prattle. Somewhere in the Province of Massachusetts Bay there is a loyal countryman in whose farmhouse we can tarry for a night.
  • In many other particulars he enfeebles, dandifies, and sentimentalises Dante's fierce, abrupt tragedy; holding the reader by the button while he prattles in his garrulous way of Paulo's "taste" -- A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
  • I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle just happened to cash lies.
  • So, tell me Jennifer, why did this superficial inquiry by a non-serious person who seeks a place in Mexico that does not even exist invite "prattle" from your more serious contributors? Where to Live?
  • I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle just happened to cash lies.
  • If we find few to communicate with, maybe we shall be pleased to find in our grandchildren a docile generation willing to lend an ear to our prattle.
  • I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle just happened to cash lies.
  • Nobody prattled about dormitory suburbs, or objected to people drinking on the footpath outside the pubs.
  • On the eve of "Idol's" return, while Aerosmith's frontman Tyler prattled on merrily to TV critics about how hard the auditions process was for him because some wannabe Idolettes sang Aerosmith tunes badly, surviving judge Randy Jackson was hard at work trying to re-cast himself as the new Simon Cowell. 'American Idol: The Reboot' debuts tonight
  • Whatever else you do, please avoid musicianly prattle about your favourite brand of guitar strings.
  • At last the old prattlebox having made a short pause to recover breath from the narrative of the cordial, "Mr. Peter," says she, "you look as if you did not know poor Life And Adventures Of Peter Wilkins, Vol. I. (of II.)
  • The idea of courtship, of osculatory processes, of marrying and giving in marriage, made this elderly virgin chafe and fume, she never having, at any period of her life, indulged in any such ideas or practices, and being angry against them, as childless wives will sometimes be angry and testy against matrons with their prattle about their nurseries. The Newcomes
  • I just nodded politely while she prattled on until the vet called us in.
  • The etymology of 'prat' is unclear, but I think it relates to prate 'chatter', which had such derivatives as prater and prattle. On being linguistically defeated
  • We can now expect a deluge of such laughable assertions - not only from leading lights of the Republican and Democratic parties but also from a remarkable number of journalists who feel compelled to echo that kind of prattle.
  • As for New Yorker employees, I do not think that they should be automatically eliminated from consideration just because many are themselves the unsurpassable parody of Prattle.
  • You prattle of things that stir me not," Wulfgar sneered. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • She prattled on as she drove out to the Highway.
  • But her aunt's intimations, coupled with the cheerful prattle of her French governess, Elise, had fired Anna's imagination. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Ultimately, since the audience knows precisely where the story is going, and the road to that point is nothing more than scene upon scene of tedious relationship prattle, this show just never gets going.
  • My lord was smiling, so the auctioneer prattled on, and the deformed creature upon the catasta wound his ill-shapen body into every kind of contortion, grinning from ear to ear, displaying the malformation of his spine, and the hideousness of his long hairy arms, whilst he uttered weird cries that were supposed to imitate those of wild animals in the forest. "Unto Caesar"

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