
How To Use Prat In A Sentence

  • Yorkshire abused by such a pitiful prater; and when wrought up to a certain pitch, she would turn and say something of which neither the matter nor the manner recommended her to Mr. Donne's good - will. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Child benefit was uprated in line with inflation too.
  • Listen to him prating on about his wealth.
  • And, finally, pratfalls are a universal language, and Moliere never betrayed his debt to the Italian tradition of commedia dell'arte.
  • Kevin Pratt, marketing manager of Cheapflights, the flight comparison website, prefers a brown leather over-the-shoulder man-bag. Briefcases are the new suspenders | clusterflock
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  • The fused parietals form the posterior two-thirds of the sagittal crest, expanding posteriorly to form a flattened, sculpted deck behind the supratemporal fenestrae adjacent to the squamosals.
  • When the cup of human life is so overflowing with woe and pain and misery, it seems to me a narrow dilettanteism or downright charlatanism to devote one's self to petty or bizarre problems which can have no relation to human happiness, and to prate of self-satisfaction and self-expression. Woman Her Sex and Love Life
  • His violent menaces had extorted his readmission into the church, against which Cyprian protests with much vehemence: ne pecuniae commissae sibi fraudator, ne stuprator virginum, ne matrimoniorum multorum depopulator et corruptor, ultra adhuc sponsam Christi incorruptam praesentiae suae dedecore, et impudica atque incesta contagione, violaret. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1
  • MONTREAL — Contrairement aux fédérations de médecins spécialistes et d'omnipraticiens, le Collège des médecins ne prend pas clairement position en faveur de l'euthanasie. The English Canadian MSM got it wrong re: Quebec College of Physicians and Euthanasia
  • Pratchett is great, no matter what, but this is my least favorite. Book Report: Wintersmith, by Terry Pratchett
  • But because the Government has only uprated tax bands in line with inflation, rather than average earnings, which tend to rise faster, the number of people paying higher rate tax has risen from 2 million ten years ago, to 3.4 million today.
  • Another veteran of the 1960 Rome Olympics taking part is the Rev Basil Pratt, who was an Army padre in the Falklands and the first Gulf War.
  • She wanted to prattle about Archie, but I wasn't having any. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • a socialite's life † heidi montag and spencer pratt were busy spreading a message of 'grope' - ugh! popsugar † mischa barton is Friday October 24 2008 @ 7: 55AM Popbytes
  • For severe cases, the prescription nasal spray ipratropium (Atrovent) may help, though it can cause bothersome side effects including headache; nasal dryness, irritation or bleeding; and sore throat. Q&A: What's causing my post-dinner runny nose?
  • I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle just happened to cash lies.
  • Glissaundra is my godmother, bless her, and when I was a sprat she once gave me a jar filled with a powder that she said would restore things to their true forms. From The Valley Of Lost Projects: Princess Lucinda And The Missing Moon
  • _ That's what I do want to know, zoa come along -- Woo ye though -- Missus, let's behave pratty -- Zur if you pleaze, Dame and I will let you walk along wi 'us. Speed the Plough A Comedy, In Five Acts; As Performed At The Theatre Royal, Covent Garden
  • Lou prattled on about various trivialities till I wanted to scream.
  • Comity takes another pratfall at the Kirkland household with this compelling argument The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Recalls of U.S. Senators Are Unconstitutional
  • Ces compétences ne sont pas apprises en théorie ; elles sont apprises par la pratique. Apophenia » Blog Archive » Sociality Is Learning
  • But her aunt's intimations, coupled with the cheerful prattle of her French governess, Elise, had fired Anna's imagination. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Pratt can play in a number of positions - wing, stand-off, hooker or even loose forward.
  • The two supratemporal fenestrae begin to close, getting smaller, sometimes asymmetrically.
  • The spending increases announced by the Treasury amount to £61 bn once the £32 bn annual uprating on pensions and other benefits has been taken into account.
  • The report prattles on gormlessly: ‘We cannot build our way out of the problems we face on our road networks.’
  • How was she going to live with that annoying prat as her bodyguard?
  • The Park is an important breeding area for the pinkbacked pelican Pelecanus rufescens, white pelican P. onocrotalus, African fish-eagle Haliaeetus vocifer, Caspian tern Hydroprogne caspia, goliath heron Ardea goliath, rufous-bellied heron Butorides rufiventris, yellowbilled stork Mycteria ibis, pygmy goose Nettapus auritus, collared pratincole Glareola pratincola and greyrumped swallow Pseudohirondo griseopyga. Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, South Africa
  • Some pratt named Billy Joe Armstrong came out and proved he's unsuited to public speaking, when introducing a number from a show called American Idiot. Tallulah Morehead: Actors, Singers, Dancers, Christians and a Republican. The 2010 Tony Awards Show roasted.
  • And then also specifically on the capital market there you know, in terms of caprate as well as the lending environment? Home Page
  • For know that I am proud and revengeful and lascivious, and I prate even as thou.
  • Students of the Pratap College of Education here have secured four of the top five positions in the BEd examination conducted by Panjab University.
  • HIGHllelujah we have busted Heidi Montag after boyfriend Spencer Pratt innocently uploaded this photo of Heidi's new fabulous "updo" with a massive bong in the background (see image) to his Twitter account.
  • Without their help my prattle would never have been heard.
  • An immaculately coiffed local newscaster was there on the screen prattling the latest ‘news’ from Iraq.
  • He has passed sentence of condemnation upon Lycidas, and has taken occasion, from that charming poem, to expose and ridicule (what is indeed ridiculous enough) the childish prattlement of pastoral compositions, as if Lycidas was the prototype and pattern of them all. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. IV (of X)—Great Britain and Ireland II
  • ‘We are both going to feel a right pair of prats but we don't mind because it's for a good cause,’ she said.
  • Singin' in the Rain: "Make 'Em Laugh" (Donald O'Connor, many pratfalls, also that whole backflipping-off-the-walls thing), "Moses Supposes" (O'Connor and Kelly harass a specialist in elocution), part of the "Broadway Melody" (not really my favorite ballet sequence, but I'll sometimes watch Kelly's pas de deux with Cyd Charisse) Music
  • She'd have prattled on about her new job for the whole afternoon if I'd let her.
  • Found above the falls are whitebacked night heron Gorsachius leuconotus, African finfoot Podica senegalensis and rock pratincole Glareola nuchalis. Mosi-oa-Tunya Victoria Falls, Zambia
  • She prattled the secret to the stranger.
  • Oh for goodness sake, stop pratting around and get on with your work!
  • There were other fish swimming around among the dead sprat so there was nothing wrong with the quality of the water.
  • I don’t think it's weak to admit you made a mistake. That takes strength, if you ask me. Terry Pratchett 
  • Add the Noilly Prat or vermouth and Pernod, then cook until reduced right down.
  • I do not suppose you will have any occasion to renovate the turf in any part of your park; but, if you should, the best way is to get a mixture of the seeds of several sorts of grasses, such as the fox-tail meadow grass (Alopecùrus praténsis), the sweet-scented vernal grass (Anthoxánthum odoràtum), the crested dog's-tail grass (Cynosùrus cristàtus), and other valuable kinds. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • He concluded, ‘the remedy of the expatriate United Kingdom pensioners who do not receive uprated pensions is political not judicial.’
  • The incomplete squamosals also slope laterally and ventrally away from the parietals, slightly depressing posterior margin of the supratemporal fenestrae.
  • Cependant, au fil des ans, cette expression a fini par désigner une coutume, pratique ou règle plus souvent bafouée que respectée. Archive 2010-03-01
  • Therewithal she rightly apprehends the danger Bertram is in from the wordy, cozening squirt, the bedizened, scoundrelly dandiprat, who has so beguiled his youth and ignorance. Shakespeare His Life Art And Characters
  • Moneyrunner: Comity takes another pratfall at the Kirkland household with this compelling argumentArthur then makes the case for partisan posturing rather than principle. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Recalls of U.S. Senators Are Unconstitutional
  • L'architecture dominicaine au XIIIe siècle, legislation et pratique," AFP 16 (1946): 136 – 90. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • I figure this pack of yapping hyenas will just keep prattling about the insignificant and the inconsequential, which is fine. Blagojevich and Obama: Takes From the Right - The Caucus Blog -
  • Various posts have hadme prattling on about how there areno good authentic burritos in Midtown, Chipotle sucks, Burritoville is just glorified wraps, blah blah blah. Sugo! e Basilico… the Best Burrito in Midtown??? | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • But in the remaining six cases, the charges had to be uprated.
  • I admit, I always used to think he was a bit of a prat.
  • What planet is this slaphead 4 eyed Liebour loving prat on? WEDNESDAY OPEN THREAD
  • ‘Wild puffins normally eat live whitebait, sprats and sand eels which they dive in the sea for,’ said Mrs Platts.
  • Pratt Spencer traveled the country teaching students in special Spencerian Schools, his special method of writing, influenced much of that century's handwriting style. The Reading of Good Books
  • Beh, in pratica si tratta di uomo che lascia delle scatole in mezzo a Moon Avenue. No Fat Clips!!! : Moon Avenue Box Man
  • Every now and then we would slip away to fish for sprats and cockabullies.
  • Its anticholinergic ancestor, ipratropium or Atrovent was taken twice a day. Spiriva and Stroke-FDA's warning may be too much (or too soon) information
  • Mi sono iscritta in palestra e domani comincio a seguire un corso - prossimamente potro' raccontare delle mie avventure nel mondo del cardio-kickboxing *sorriso malefico* La mia amica Sam mi ha mandato della bella lana e ora non ho scuse per non cominciare a lavorare a maglia, ho comprato anche i ferri e sono pronta per imparare! Chirpiness
  • Pratchett is amazing and if they've done any justice then the show will be just as great. TRAILER: Terry Pratchett's 'Going Postal'
  • It's people like Prather who trivialize the world, turning a buck on whatever rare loveliness they can defile in the name of commerce. THE SEASON OF LILLIAN DAWES
  • Lud-in-the-Mist was one of my very first fantasy books read it years ago when I was but a sprat and nothing has ever quite come up to that standard. June & July Short Book Reviews
  • Tom Pratt's stack of four deltas lofts his Pentax unit.
  • The government does uprate some tax reliefs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The typography and choice of typefaces is entirely different, and Pratt may have used a different job printer for his stationery.
  • Surging onto the floor to call a second-half timeout, WSU coach Ken Bone slipped and fell to the Hec Edmundson Pavilion deck, maybe the most celebrated pratfall in Seattle since Tommy Lasorda's keister hit the third-base coach's box at the 2001 All-Star Game at Safeco Field. The Seattle Times
  • I hope that's right, otherwise I've made a complete prat of myself!
  • On sale from next month, the new model arrives with an uprated specification list and a lead-in price of £18,513, a slight increase over its predecessors.
  • In addition, Western culture has a powerful tendency to pull the senses outward, making the practice of pratyahara even more essential for those who want to develop spirituality in their lives. The Sivananda Companion To Meditation
  • Expect to see more of this kind of prattle between these two unless one of them starts to stand for something more specific than they have thus far. Dueling Memos: Hillary And Obama Camps Club Each Other
  • Halite cast-bearing beds are interpreted as supratidal flat or sabkha deposits.
  • Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving. Terry Pratchett 
  • I hate to do anybody down, but I do think that Malcolm is a right prat.
  • Apparently this kind of thing is very common these days (there are obviously a lot of prats like me).
  • We waited for the next Pratchett novel and cooed over the intricacy of the detail in the Kirby cover. MIND MELD: The Most Memorable SF/F Book Covers
  • Remember, I don't write all my inane prattle here for personal or financial benefit, but merely to try and lighten the dark corners of your souls, and edify your weary minds.
  • Clysters he prated on; electuaries; troches; the weed that the Gael of him called _slanlus_ or Doom Castle
  • The segment, with a voice-over explaining the action, consisted largely of speeded up film and slapstick pratfalls.
  • He gabbled, prattling about platitudes, desperate to get out of there. Greek crisis: The Tory plan is... there isn't one
  • So your grandson's tone of voice implied that he'd call you a "prat" -- which of his languages does that come from presumably, not Spanish, and what does it mean? On being linguistically defeated
  • Louise Pratt's "transculturation" is a more inclusive term, but one that neglects the AfroCaribbean or Afroamerican experience in relation to the Hispanophone world. Notes on 'London-Kingston-Caracas: The Transatlantic'
  • I have used ordinary coarse fishing wagglers as bite detectors when fishing a sprat close in and believe me it catches plenty of pike.
  • Well what a surprise. 11am Radio 4 gives Billy Bragg a full half hour to prattle on about some obscure 1930s pacifists/ conchies / commune dwellers. Open thread
  • Pratten, who now works as a journalist in Toronto, filed her lawsuit in 2008, seeking to have the Adoption Act declared unconstitutional because it discriminates against children who are born through "gamete" donors, which includes sperm and egg donors. Top Stories
  • Intention de faire quelque chose qui n'est finalement pas mise en pratique. Velleite - French Word-A-Day
  • One or two supratrochlear glands are placed above the medial epicondyle of the humerus, medial to the basilic vein. VIII. The Lymphatic System. 4. The Lymphatics of the Upper Extremity
  • a son, even "if he had been a _cockney dandiprat_" (1582). Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • How many times have you dealt with a damage only T. A, informed both partys that all they need to do is exchange details, then find one of the pratts has reported it at the desk any way “just incase”, so getting the other poor twat RIGHT up the swanny and up to the neck in shite for “failing to report”? on January 21, 2010 at 10: 10 am Hairless Bear Police Complaints – The Shocking Truth! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Pratyaahaar means withdrawal of senses from their objects and turning the mind inward.
  • It is true, these beautifully gowned, beautiful women prattled sweet little ideals and dear little moralities; but in spite of their prattle the dominant key of the life they lived was materialistic. What Life Means to Me
  • But here's the clincher: It seems to have completely escaped the European politicians prattling about issues like animal welfare, biodiversity and ethics that cloning technology of one sort or another is already widely applied to a variety of foods that Europeans and American have consumed routinely and uncontroversially for years. The Cloned Cow Has Left the Barn
  • Although it's been a decade since another tea expert, San Francisco's James Norwood Pratt, last traveled to China, he recalls being impressed by the TenFu teaware showcased at ­airports there. News
  • I don’t think it's weak to admit you made a mistake. That takes strength, if you ask me. Terry Pratchett 
  • Successive governments have prattled on at length about the importance of this for our economy and for our businesses.
  • Since then, they have ceaselessly prated about alternatives including foreign funded NGOism, job placements in the reactionary government, electoral politics and the like to the armed revolution rather than to the oppressive and exploitative ruling system. Introduction to Philippine Economy and Politics - Jose Maria Sison CPP
  • It has been leaked that the Prime Minister wrote to a politician telling him not to assume the Government's pension credit guarantee would continue to be uprated in line with average earnings after 2008.
  • Financial journalist Silvia Perrachi has written about how Chinese immigrants have taken over industry in Prato. Ancient Italian Town Turns Against Chinese Migrants
  • The supratrochlear nerve exits along the upper border of the orbit, approximately 1 cm medial to the supraorbital foramen.
  • Mrs Spratt regrets that she is unable to attend owing to a previous engagement.
  • Order now before today's pussified, PADI-preaching prattlers warp you into taking "living reef eco-tours" when, instead, you could be going 30 fathoms deep and power-heading jewfish between the eyes. Hell Divers' Rodeo
  • Her aunt, the model upon which she had been formed, was indeed the very essence of insipid formality but the boy was very pert and impudent, and prated without ceasing. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • The same bizarre intellectual dissonance emanates from 'brights' when they start prattling on about the probable, in their view, unintentional origin and nature of codes (for even Morse code is, on their view, simply part of the materialist's natural continuum, minds being naturally evolved brains and all, dontchaknow). Bits and Pieces of an RNA World
  • Juste une histoire de trajet plus pratique et tout ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • In this room New England Chippendale chairs surround a William and Mary gateleg table set with English creamware plates made between 1785 and 1790 and Prattware dishes and a tea set of about 1800.
  • It was not until l got home l thought … Oh you pratt no wonder l got a funny look .. pigs/police oh good grief!! Purple Pain « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Conclude the speech prat make a reservation and limitation of the technical trade.
  • In his excesses of stupration and murder the Marshal cannot go beyond a fixed point. Là-bas
  • Easing the transition, the FDA said two other CFC-propelled products, one that uses a combination of ipratropium and albuterol and another that uses pirbuterol, may stay on the market until Dec. 31, 2013.
  • The capitate processes are small and visible through the supratemporal fenestrae dorsally, fitting within fossae in the postorbitals.
  • Bela Lugosi was born Bela Blasko in 1882, but changed his name in 1903 in honor of his hometown of Lugos,Hungary, while Boris Karloff was born William Henry Pratt in 1887, but assumed his new minacious moniker in 1909 while riding through Canada on a train! Dr. Franklin Ruehl, Ph.D.: 15 Intriguing Halloween-Related Factoids!
  • Whatever you choose at Prato, the cozy atmosphere by the big, hot oven, and the mouth-watering sights and smells make a trip to this resto well worth your while.
  • Inevitably there's some caller prating on about the decline in moral standards.
  • I enquired the cause, when, with his natural candour, he informed me that he could not help being more impressed by what he termed the prating of the gossips who had just left us, than, perhaps, he ought to be; and then showed me a little vellum case which he found at the Lodge, and which, he was then assured, was dropped by the young lady of whom they had been talking. Vicissitudes in Genteel Life
  • Progressively developing the five pathway minds as Hinayana practitioners, we become either resultant abider shravaka arhats or resultant abider pratyekabuddha arhats, rid of the emotional obscurations. The Five Pathway Minds (Five Paths): Basic Presentation
  • Even Barack Obama might think that a very fat sprat to catch a rather bony mackerel. Financial Times circulation drifts in turbulent times
  • This is effectively the same as carrying two or three extra passengers around all the time and means ancillary components such as brakes, steering and suspension have more work to do and sometimes have to be uprated.
  • However, he chattered, tattled, and prated with all the seven at once, of different matters, and in divers languages. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Plusieurs de ses livres furent écrits au cours des longs séjours en prison auxquels il fut condamné pour avoir mis en pratique ses théories. Archive 2010-05-01
  • It's a strange combination of burlesque - hamming, self-parody, staged pratfalls and the gradual abrasion of the fourth wall - and the truly affecting and sinister.
  • Thèse de Paris 1864, p. [22] Nouveau dictionnaire de médecine et de chirurgie pratiques. Fasting Girls Their Physiology and Pathology
  • Are you concerned about that aspect combined with a lot of December prate people? CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2010
  • Not many actors can sing, dance, wear a puffy shirt and do pratfalls while still looking macho.
  • I like the universities in fantasy novels by Diana Wynne Jones and Terry Pratchett and so on, they are basically EXACTLY like real-world universities only their dementedness is revealed. Archive 2005-07-01
  • Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken? Terry Pratchett 
  • Duffy Pratt: Sorry, but a commodity is a fungible good — goods which come to market in such a way that they are not readily distinguishable one from theother. The Volokh Conspiracy » An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen
  • The smoking of salmon, prawns and sprats is done ‘round the back’ and this is the food you should stick to here.
  • And church and state pause in this made vortex of chaos to prate of the ills of pugilism; to legislate and perorate anent bloodless boxing bouts; to prosecute a brace of harmless pugs. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 12
  • Many are simply sad sacks, like the Alabama "militiaman" urging people to break Democrats 'windows and prattling about "civil war" on his Web site. Politics
  • Remember the words of Captain Fluellen: "If the enemy is an ass and a fool and a prating coxcomb, is it meet, think you, that we should also be an ass and a fool and a prating coxcomb? Would You Bring Back NGLT-or SLI? - NASA Watch
  • They may cloak themselves in all manner of legalistic garb, prattling about human rights and producing other pretexts for trying to stop us because we're on the side of the angels.
  • I received the Prato gate and the little one of Arno, which is on the way to the mills. The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
  • “As’af” and “Naylah,” two idols, some say a man and a woman metamorphosed for stupration in the Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • I think of it more as a no-system system with the same pitfalls and pratfalls as every other system, due to human involvement more than anything.
  • What a bunch of pompous, over-paid prats they have made themselves look.
  • Yes, you did, my dear; and it was not an easy thing for my dandiprat to do. Jack And Jill
  • Once my hunting guns ae zero as i want, I go to the MArlin bolt 22 mag for pratice at different angles. The "Infallible" Shoulder Shot
  • Hills Beach to the north and Fletcher Neck to the south, comprise the pair of supratidal tombolos that protect the embayment, or ‘The Pool’, from the open ocean.
  • It was a downcome, though, for a man who had been proud of driving behind his own horseflesh to pack in among a crowd of the Barbie sprats. The House with the Green Shutters
  • The truth isn't easily pinned to a page. In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap and much more difficult to find. Terry Pratchett 
  • “This puts me in mind,” said I, “of an Irish pilot who asked the purser of a ship I formerly belonged to, to spare him an empty barrel to make his pig a hencoop, and he would give him a sack of praters for nothing at all, at all.” A Sailor of King George
  • You could have knocked us over with a feather when we saw her doing Lucystyle pratfalls and found ourselves laughing.
  • As modern and anti-establishment as Mozart, Lois inspired a generation of artists, from Martin Scorsese who once told Lois he remembers where he was when he saw his Muhammad Ali as St. Sebastian cover for the first time, to Robert Redford who originally went to Pratt trying to be him. Andrea Chalupa: The Voice of God? Common Sense: George Lois's Superfocus
  • Lateral processes for the postorbitals are short, and a broad sutural contact with the laterosphenoid occurs within the supratemporal space.
  • Mr. Pratt and his family left Brook Farm when the association was reorganized as a Fourierite Phalanx, and was succeeded by John Codman, who, under the new order, was made Chief of the Agricultural Series, a post which he filled with signal ability during the remaining years of the community's existence. My Friends at Brook Farm
  • Or consider what psychologists call the "pratfall effect": Attractive people, it turns out, become more attractive if they commit a blunder. In Fiction, Opposites Attract
  • It is a larger relative of the common wild plant goat's beard, T. pratensis.
  • Mrs Spratt regrets that she is unable to attend owing to a previous engagement.
  • A good pratfall is what turned the silent screen into an audience's roar. Nancy Chuda: The Artist: A Review With an Extra Big Shout Out to Uggy
  • I think you might have made a mistype, "Spencerian System of Practical Penmanship by Pratt Spencer," Should probably read Platt Spencer instead. The Reading of Good Books
  • I don't want it to be diluted by prattling around with this kind of nonsense!
  • But we will not uprate the other elements of the working tax credit this coming year. Times, Sunday Times
  • After counting nine blades the mixture control was set to auto-rich and the Pratt &. Whitney radial sprang into life after a few coughs, a wheeze, and a puff of exhaust smoke.
  • Every phenomenon of the cosmos, being empty of substantiality, is what it is through its interdependent origination (Skrt: pratÄ«tya-samutpâda; Jpn: engi). Laughter
  • I guess you 're not sorry to see an old friend's face, are you. now that the dandiprat redcoats you've been gallivanting with have shown that they prefer running away to fighting? "was his greeting, as he held out his hand. Janice Meredith
  • The common tax - the taille - was increased to finance French foreign policy and this was organised by the chancellor Antoine Duprat.
  • With the temprature cool, magma would be hardened into rock.
  • Detailed changes to the front and rear suspension have given the car greater poise through corners, while uprated brakes achieve a 13% improvement in stopping distances.
  • I dropped into the water and was immediately surrounded by a swirling shoal of tiny sprats.
  • The best pratice you can use is a 22 or a BB gun try all positions then when you think you got a tuch for how to stope teh game, switch to the hutgig gun you gonna use with cheapo ammo. Why Americans Can't Shoot
  • There is certainly not much feelgood about Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die, which will be broadcast on BBC2 on 13 June and feature footage of the Discworld author witnessing the assisted death of a man with advanced motor neurone disease in Switzerland's Dignitas clinic. BBC documentary boss wants programmes that do more than entertain
  • One of the quotes attributed to me makes me sound a bit of a prat (when I catch myself saying that the blog has lately been ‘more to do with a desire to express myself’), but I can't really complain as I did actually say that.
  • Authorities in Palmas in central Brazil say 180 cases of bathers being bitten by piranhas have been reported so far this year at La Prata beach on an artificial lake that is a major tourist draw. Archive 2007-07-08
  • Finding him an annoying prat is no excuse for me to be in denial.
  • As part of their August crackdown on drugs, police set up a roadside checkpoint under the overpass on Pratamnak Road on August 12.
  • I went back to her, held her hand and prattled away for a little while.
  • The paint experts at Pratt & Lambert frequently field questions from home decorators and interior designers.
  • Zur, I have argufied the topic, and it wou'dn't be pratty -- zo I can't. Speed the Plough A Comedy, In Five Acts; As Performed At The Theatre Royal, Covent Garden
  • The transport could also tow Waco CG - 4A gliders and was powered by two Pratt & Whitney R - 2800 radials.
  • Unlike the typical adolescent fiction, there isn't much moral education or other such naff business lying underneath, just red bottomosity, snog scales, wet stick insect tarts, hornmeisters, spazzy Ace Gang members, the elderly mad, prat poodles, and welk boys. Reader reviews of Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison.
  • But ever since I was a sprat I have been given this vague half-formed yet tremendously potent feeling that rock music meant something. Archive 2009-06-14
  • The Bob we initially meet is a spunky, chatty extrovert who jumps into cars and prattles humorously to the drivers about music and her best friend and boy troubles.
  • _Treatment_ -- If all poultrymen would use Pratts Powdered Lice Killer on their poultry, lice would be unknown. Pratt's Practical Pointers on the Care of Livestock and Poultry
  • Bearing in mind that this is a heavier car than the other Focus models, Ford has uprated the brakes.
  • However, the uprating is perhaps more significant than its monetary value might suggest.
  • Studying strange metals could help scientists better understand how cuprates superconduct at higher temperatures.
  • By day, Prato acts as a café with the requisite papers and mags laid out on the back of a high, leather banquette.
  • As meat cooks, put carrots and praties in a saucepan and add cold water to cover.
  • As for the work itself, in general, it eschews the straight-ahead neoclassicism of ‘Il Belprato’ for greater psychological penetration.
  • The analysis also looked at ipratropium, an older medication also marketed by Boehringer Ingelheim under the brand name Atrovent. Drug to Treat Lung Disease Shows Risks
  • Such prattle demonstrates an inability and indeed an unwillingness to contemplate the affects of combat on the victor as well as the vanquished.
  • The farmer who watches juggernauts trundle by where his praties once grew might take a different view.
  • On Sundays the mistress would give him a gingerbread or a cracknel, and amuse herself with his baby prattle. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • In the early 1970s workers in London fought for, and won, a commitment that not only was extra money needed to cover the cost of living in London, but that the amount paid would be uprated annually.
  • The vendor is listed on the factura as: MejorCompraTV, the shipping charges were $346.08 Pesos, and the IVA was $364.18 Pesos. - ebay affiliate?
  • Leur système financier m'a moins déçu que la qualité de leur service en général, mais le système d'e-banking de l'ubs est quand même bien plus pratique à utiliser et le fait de ne pas avoir à faire la queue pour verser son argent au guichet est également très pratique merci les multimat. Franchement, PostFinance! — Climb to the Stars
  • 'Twas in the summer of '46 that I landed at Hamilton, fresh as a new pratie just dug from the "old sod," and wid a light heart and a heavy bundle I sot off for the township of Buford, tiding a taste of a song, as merry a young fellow as iver took the road. The Canadian Elocutionist
  • Axminster, not a mile away, was in Leland's day 'a pratie quik Market Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts
  • Ordinary preventive measures went no further than the withdrawal of "pratique," as communication with the shore was called, for a period varying usually from ten to sixty-five days, and during this period no gang was allowed to board the ship. The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • Clupeid fish, like herring, anchovies, and sprats, can detect sound frequencies up to around 40 kilohertz, way beyond the hearing range of most other fish.
  • Five provinces have declared for young Stadt, and there will be inundation, conflagration, constupration, consternation, and every sort of nation and nations, fighting away, up to their knees, in the damnable quags of this will-o'-the-wisp abode of Boors. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 2 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • Anti-cholinergic drugs, such as ipratropium bromide dilate airways. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Your honour won't know me, bedad, in a wake's toime if I ownly git enough praties an 'mate! Young Tom Bowling The Boys of the British Navy
  • Fica claro e evidente que não há nenhum interesse por parte da oposição em investigar a Petrobras, pois se assim fosse poderia ter esperado até a audiência pública, no entanto aproveitaram a ausência de praticamente todos os Senadores para instalar a CPI .. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Petroleum, elections and poverty matters
  • The hardest part in confessing all this is that aside from my pronounced predilection for pratfalls, I really can't justify our forbidden love.
  • Oh for goodness sake, stop pratting around and get on with your work!
  • You probably think that I've just been prattling away aimlessly on these pages for the past three and a half years, immune to the vagaries of the wonderful world of weblogs.

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