
How To Use Praise In A Sentence

  • But of time and of becoming shall the best similes speak: a praise shall they be, and a justification of all perishableness! Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
  • reassured by her praise he pressed on
  • The interesting element of the game was that it required one to evaluate not films but people; that is, to sift through the prejudices of one’s movie-freak friends and the peccadilloes and quirks of the major reviewers, and by graphing, as it were, what each could be expected to overpraise, underpraise, revile, not notice, or deliberately ignore, one could acquire a very nice sense of the film. Film flam
  • Part B (to be completed during the appraisal by the appraiser - where appropriate and safe to do so, certain items can completed by the appraiser before the appraisal, and then discussed and validated or amended in discussion with the appraisee during the appraisal.) name of appraiser: position: time managing appraisee: B1 Describe the purpose of the appraisee's job. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It is probably a measure of the depths to which political conversation has sunk — all the more remarkable given the chaos that male leaders have through the generations created — that this non-gender-specific "ballsiness," as it were, is so frequently trotted out as a measure of high praise. Half-cocked
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  • The Olympic venues have won praise and admiration from around the world. The Sun
  • And even in their efforts to upraise the social revolution -- the great upheaval to which all A Girl Among the Anarchists
  • Unless the context is made very clear, the reader or hearer cannot be sure whether such an expression as ‘fulsome praise’ is meant in the sense ‘generous in amount, extent’ or in the sense Perry suggests.
  • And I owe much of my further understanding of Voltaire through his face to an essay invitingly titled Voltaire's Grin by Richard Holmes, the "total immersion" biographer whom I've praised before -- mostly for his work on the interlinked poets Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth. David Tereshchuk: French Claim for Origins of Investigative Journalism
  • In the premise of quality assurance, product diversification, style fashion, and make our products sell well at home and abroad, and won the trust of our customers and highly praised.
  • Perhaps the minister should be praised for tightening the regime? Times, Sunday Times
  • Honesty is the most praiseworthy quality one can possess.
  • Mr. Lennon said appraisers can sit down and come up with an inherent commercial value for a patent "based on how much in damages a person could collect, analyzing profitability in the market of a product and how much is sold. Contenders to Line Up for Nortel Patents
  • The shop-owner, hoping to raise the price to a round figure, pulled the rickshaw in and out of the shed, folded and unfolded the hood and sounded the horn, singing the vehicle's praises all the time.
  • A Hampshire junior school has turned weakness into strength and won glowing praise from Ofsted inspectors.
  • The judge praised the firefighters for their bravery and devotion to duty.
  • It was a noble situation — noble as the ancient hau tree, the size of a house, where she sat as if in a house, so spaciously and comfortably house-like was its shade furnished; noble as the lawn that stretched away landward its plush of green at an appraisement of two hundred dollars a front foot to a bungalow equally dignified, noble, and costly. ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • Why does the jockey get the praise? The Sun
  • But it has a depth and ambitiousness that are worthy of praise.
  • The 5m film had its world premiere there and was widely praised.
  • Liberal proponents of American Values praise the freedom that opens the floodgates to gay marriage and pornography; conservatives, the liberty unleashing that locust plague called unrestrained capitalism; neo-conservatives the license for lying, murderous Machtpolitik. Founding Fathers vs. Church Fathers
  • There are times of praise, adoration, extolment, when thankfulness is more exuberant, runs over into bursting joy, and times when longing desire carries us into the very bosom of God. The Right Knock A Story
  • Mrs Edwards was singing your praises today.
  • Her sisters had been praised and admired and stared at all their lives for their spellbinding, hypnotic electric-blue eyes.
  • Blest are they that dwell within thy house, they praise thy name evermore. Times, Sunday Times
  • She praised her husband for the tremendous support he had given her.
  • He was accorded the praise due him.
  • Japan has been praised for its stoicism in the face of a national disaster, but have its leaders and their ideals betrayed the people? Times, Sunday Times
  • One hint could have been that his nomination brought immediate praise from both industry groups and Congressional republicans) and the topper of them all Bush sicophant Stephen Johnson (who famously sided with Buah and big industry in hampering states from enforcing higher greenhouse emmision standards and stifling his own Depts requests and reports on environmental problems). Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 8, 2010
  • Less than two years later, he and his partners sold their newly acquired Telluride land for $4.2 million — more than six times what federal appraisers had said it was worth. 'The Buzzard of Backcountry' Strikes It Rich in National Parks
  • We allow our feelings to flow out towards him in adoration, confession, thanksgiving and praise.
  • In Psalm 148, the psalmist speaks of all creation giving praise to God, their Creator.
  • Enterprise business structure appraisement system is built up on the base of enterprise business assessment technique and related theoretical accomplishment.
  • He is a pleasure to watch and deserves any praise he gets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new place name signs and the canal walk and nature trail also came in for praise.
  • The company told the tower's new owners in July that it wants to buy the sculpture at half its appraised value, which it says is allowed under a 1994 deal. Sears, Willis Tower In Dispute Over Calder Sculpture 'The Universe'
  • Other areas praised by the Ofsted team include her leadership as head, and the pastoral care of pupils.
  • The liquidation committee shall appoint the Independent Appraiser to conduct a valuation of the Company's assets on a current fair market value basis.
  • This psalm is a most solemn and earnest call to all the creatures, according to their capacity, to praise their Creator, and to show forth his eternal power and Godhead, the invisible things of which are manifested in the things that are seen. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • We praise thy name, O Lord.
  • Every time I see the papers commentating on an English sporting team they are either praised as the next World Champions or damned as sporting failures.
  • All of the parties praised the fact that the expected political earthquake had not taken place.
  • Instead she would calmly await delivery and then show absolutely no disposition to praise a work that did not meet her standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • People ask about the varieties of prayer: petition, thanksgiving, praise, and intercession.
  • It did not persuade them to abandon the war but it did force them to reappraise their strategy.
  • Mature, adult comprehension can lead us all to see that there are some very intelligent and worthy of praise men out there.
  • He praised the sterling work of the Friends of St. Patrick's for their enormous contributions to the betterment of the life of patients and staff at the hospital.
  • They have featured on Classic FM and Radio 4, as well as being praised for their work promoting trans and non-binary representation.
  • Livy (XXXII 22 1) has a _murmur_ of mingled praise and dissent following a speech: '_murmur_ ortum aliorum cum adsensu, aliorum inclementer adsentientes increpantium'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • He is full of praise for the scheme and has learnt a lot about printing and graphic design at the gallery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aims: To appraise the ascitic bacterial categories and its drug resistance in cirrhotic patients complicated with SBP, so as to provide the guideline for use of antibiotics.
  • After the war, he opposed peacetime conscription, denounced British neocolonialism, praised the United Nations, and criticized congressional isolationists.
  • He is concerned that young people are picking up on a lot of adult behaviour which is neither praiseworthy nor consistent.
  • The praise/critique dyad is a building block for personal growth; untempered praise is a poor foundation for life or a love of learning.
  • Hindus were singing hymns in praise of the god Rama.
  • Lynch praises stroke man Towey for being the best technical rower he knows while Towey says he has 100 percent trust in his bowman.
  • And because the kids are such "coddled," "narcissistic praise junkies," they'll be beyond tough to bring into the military. Boing Boing
  • Now, he cannot praise the president enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her appearance and skill drew forth exclamations of praise.
  • An activist, our God had little time to sit idly, "pavilioned in splendor and girded in praise! Michael Henry Adams: Grace Bromm's All-American Style
  • This gave the film an ethereal, otherworldly quality that drew critical praise and, again, commercial indifference.
  • A rookie firefighter who was on his first day's duty with Keighley's Blue Watch has been praised for his actions when he was called to an horrific death blaze.
  • This historic church has been sanctified by the prayers and praises of countless thousands who have worshipped within its walls.
  • An employer should appraise the ability of his employees.
  • He prays that God would give him strength to praise him: "Let thy judgments help me; let all ordinances and all providences" (both are God's judgments) "further me in glorifying God; let them be the matter of my praise and let them help to fit me for that work. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • And just then began the ugliest man to gurgle and snort, as if something unutterable in him tried to find expression; when, however, he had actually found words, behold! it was a pious, strange litany in praise of the adored and censed ass. Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
  • The citation praises in particular the penthouse flat which it describes as a tour de force.
  • It is possible to overpraise Balzac in parts or to mispraise him as a whole. The Human Comedy: Introductions and Appendix
  • If it had been a policeman, a social worker, a teacher, or anybody else for that matter, chinning somebody on television, would we have heard praise from the leader of the government?
  • BBC World Service will broadcast two editions of its In Praise of God programme from Uganda.
  • But when—not the sinner is praised in the desires of his soul, 95 nor he blessed who doth ungodlily, 96 but—a man is praised for some gift which Thou hast given him, and he rejoices more at the praise for himself than that he hath the gift for which he is praised, he also is praised, while Thou dispraisest; and better is he who praised than he who is praised. The Tenth Book
  • Colleagues praise her qualities of enthusiasm, energy and inspiration.
  • All these initiatives are praiseworthy and creditable to the new and youthful management team.
  • Fully deserving of every syllable of praise it has received, this album should gain a very healthy cult following. - Mike Hogan
  • It is said that when one of the incumbent ministers asked his superiors for an additional bathroom for the house, he was given the choice of that or the services of a precentor (praise leader) for the church.
  • When, as the newest member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Webb praised those military men "of moral conscience" whom the Bush administration had "demeaned" and "destroyed" for their opposition to the war, Newbold was among those he had in mind. The Night of the Generals
  • But NB received much aroha and praise, which is good, and I bought and got signed my copy of his novel, which is good too.
  • Trust not the praise of a friend, nor the contempt of an enemy. 
  • Her appearance and skill drew forth exclamations of praise.
  • They were punished when they had done wrong and rewarded where praise was due.
  • Simon Callow's fine Sir Toby is also a genuine rural blueblood whose highest praise for Maria is that "she is a beagle, true bred", yet who is also capable of insensate cruelty. Twelfth Night - review | Theatre | Michael Billington
  • For, although the said Giovanni and others have carried them to absolute perfection, it is none the less true that the chief praise is due to Morto, who was the first to bring them to light and to devote his whole attention to paintings of that kind, which are called grotesques because they were found for the most part in the grottoes of the ruins of Rome; besides which, every man knows that it is easy to make additions to anything once it has been discovered. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 05 ( of 10) Andrea da Fiesole to Lorenzo Lotto
  • Who shall praise or honour princes who insult and calumniate each other? The Talisman
  • The psalmist had adapted this picture to refer to the spiritual offerings of prayer, praise and proclamation.
  • His praise of her was not entirely unqualified.
  • The great standard, in the Maiden's wars, was to be used for the rallying of all her host; the pennon was a signal to those who fought around her, as guards of her body; and about the banner afterwards gathered, for prayer and praise, those men, confessed and clean of conscience, whom she had called and chosen. A Monk of Fife
  • If you are cajoled by the cunning arguments of a trumpeter of heresy, or the praises of a puritanic old woman, is not that womanish? — The Abbot
  • The 'minx' shook her curls, and flirted through the window with a handsome but ill-tempered looking man on a fine horse, who praised her 'golden locks,' as he called them; and oddly enough, when Melchior said that the man was a lout, and that the locks in question were corkscrewy carrot shavings, she only seemed to like the man and his compliments the more. In the Yule-Log Glow, Book II Christmas Tales from 'Round the World
  • The play has attracted universal praise.
  • It is the intense hunger for soul food, soulful music, spirited dance, and wild, ecstatic, celebrative praise, whether it be voiced by the ghosts of former African slaves on Congo Square or by the choirs of old-time Black Churches, or the bands backing Second Line dancers, or the street music in dialogue with window shoppers and feast-ready patrons. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Some praise him, whereas others condemn him.
  • Robin Shellard, defending, said his client had reappraised his life while in hospital and since being discharged had not returned to his past life of drug abuse and crime.
  • Your efforts are especially praiseworthy because very few media outlets are examining it properly, or at all.
  • Once the judder settles down, the film becomes more watchable, but no one is likely to praise the clear video quality.
  • In orations of praise, and in invectives, the fancy is predominant, because the design is not truth, but to honour or dishonour, which is done by noble or by vile comparisons. Chapter VIII. Of the Virtues Commonly Called Intellectual, and Their Contrary Defects
  • Now obedience to a superior is due in accordance with the divinely established order of things, as shown above A. 1, and therefore it is a good, since good consists in mode, species, and order, as Augustine states.6 Again, this act has a special aspect of praiseworthiness by reason of its object. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • This document won praise from the liberal majority at the Council, and was readily accepted, subject to a few amendments.
  • MyDD's Todd Beeton offers praise for Listening to America: Democratic Platform for Change, the Obama teams suite of tools for collaboratively crafting a party platform -- and heartily mocks Rush Limbaugh's plan to have the writing parties "infiltrated" by Dittoheads. Daily Digest: Netroots Grapples with Obama's Ideology
  • The Buddhism boundary named Damo for the "primary ancestor" of China Buddhism Zen and the Shaolin temple had named the "ancestor court"of Zen by praiseful.
  • Criticism with praise in it is azotized food; it makes muscle; to expect The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 2, No. 14, December 1858
  • The Portuguese monarch praises in round terms the edifying zeal of the primate, but wisely confined himself to his own crusades in India, which were likely to make better returns, at least in this world, than those to Palestine. The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 3
  • The Harvard faculty fell all over themselves offering praise, one after the other, for the retiring president.
  • Singling out people for praise can be difficult as it risks demeaning the achievements of others.
  • Her deportment was the subject of reams of scurrility in prose and verse: it lowered her in the opinion of some whose esteem she valued; nor did the world know, till she was beyond the reach of praise and censure, that the conduct which had brought on her the reproach of levity and insensibility was really a signal instance of that perfect disinterestedness and selfdevotion of which man seems to be incapable, but which is sometimes found in woman. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 2
  • The problem is not the praiseworthiness of Old England.
  • He speaks as both the film's director and star, and rightly heaps praise on his cast, both leads and supporting actors, whose excellent work adds much depth to the film.
  • If the dog shows no aggression, reward it with a food tidbit or verbal praise.
  • I still think your reviews give away too many plot points and tend toward over praise, but I still enjoy them.
  • This extravagant praise, moreover, takes the form of far-fetched metaphors, antitheses, hyperboles, superlatives, elaborate syntax, etc.
  • Homes in our town are reappraised every five years and taxes are increased accordingly
  • A praise singer blessed the constitution as the first to prepare the country for development before a Guguletu choir sang renditions of "Shosholoza" and other freedom songs until the members of the CA appeared on the steps of Parliament. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Its defendants praised the reformatory emphasis of Pentonville, its generally softer punishment regime, its system of solitary confinement, and its emphasis on prisoners' self-development.
  • The praises of the toy theatre have been a common theme for essayists, the planning of the scenes, the painting and cutting out of the caste, penny plain twopence coloured, the stink and glory of the performance and the final conflagration. Archive 2010-04-01
  • Then we would prod him with a question or encourage him with praise until slowly, piece by piece, the dream took shape for us.
  • She received praise for her effective representation of Garcia during the trial.
  • To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. 
  • Johnson at this period, the Latin poems which he contributed in praise of Cave, and of Cave's friends, or the Jacobite squibs by which he relieved his anti-ministerialist feelings. Samuel Johnson
  • We don't see him behind the wheel of the slick electric vehicle, but vehicle dynamicist Tesla-speak for test driver Graham Sutherland sings the car's praises in the Wired Top Stories
  • Indeed, this be of that which is incumbent on us, O King, and I say, ‘Praised be Allah!’ in that He hath guerdoned thee with His gifts and vouchsafed thee of His mercy, the welfare of the realm; and hath succoured thee and ourselves, on condition that we increase in gratitude to Him; and all this no otherwise than by thine existence! The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • So she dismounted and gave him a cuff,6 whereupon he awoke in affright and said to her, “O m lady, praised be Allah for thy safe coming!” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Zacharias's song of praise, in thankfulness for the birth of John, and in prospect of the birth of Jesus, ver. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • The teacher praised him for his anxiety for knowledge.
  • Alongside joyous hallelujahs, we find religious nationalism: Let the praises of God be in their throat and a two-edged sword in their hand; to wreak vengeance on the nations 149:6-7a. John Backman: Praying The Most Difficult Psalms
  • The first, and the more obvious one, is that it has drawn high praise from every echelon of the British literati, winning both the T.S. Eliot Prize and the Whitbread Prize for poetry this year.
  • Lillak sprinted around the track with undisguised joy, arms upraised like a footballer, as the spectators went mad.
  • their praise was extravagant and insincere
  • Even so, Keegan has been effusive and fulsome in his praise of Pearce's contribution both on and off the field.
  • They also praised Ryan's "terrific" performance and concluded that the film is "a nuttily engaging tale of betrayal and, perhaps, redemption.
  • The praiseworthy goal of the contemporary Italian order of antipasto, primo, secondo, contorno accompanying vegetables, and dolce is to separate tastes and arrange them so as to create a familiar and pleasurable sense of progress from the beginning to the end of the meal. Delizia!
  • His art continues to inspire responses ranging from unequivocal praise to outright condemnation.
  • Nathan Draper, 18, said that he was "maddened" at the actions of the Muslim demonstrators and praised the bravery of the soldiers and said they should be supported for risking their lives. Latest News Breaking News and Current News from the UK and World Telegraph
  • The developer also appears to have paid special attention to weapons effects, with pyrotechnical ricochets and brightly flaring muzzle flashes particularly deserving of praise.
  • Mr Williams praised the Gardaí but vowed not to be intimidated by those in the criminal underworld who he has been exposing for more than a decade.
  • Chef Gregory Marchand aka Frenchie worked in New York and London before opening his much-praised bistro. An American Wine Lover in Paris
  • Bells pealed across Monaco yesterday as the principality praised Prince Albert II's rise to the throne and bid a final symbolic farewell to his late father Rainier III.
  • The square battlemented tower with its octagonal lantern above is poorly executed, but otherwise the uncommon conception arrests attention and is worthy of praise: The parvise chamber over the porch, like many others, was for a long period the town school. Wanderings in Wessex An Exploration of the Southern Realm from Itchen to Otter
  • A Kendal primary school is basking in the warm glow of enthusiastic praise after receiving a flattering report from the judges of a training and development award.
  • According to the firm's site languagemonitor. com, 'cuddies' - the Hinglish word for ladies underwear or panties; jai ho - used as a term of praise in Hindi that became popular through the Oscar winning 'Slumdog Millionaire'; as well as slumdog - a disparaging description of slum dwellers - are all in the race to becoming the millionth word in the English language. India eNews
  • BOLTON: The North Korean population has been losing average height and weight over the years and maybe this will be a little diet for Kim Jung Il. ROTH: Bolton does get some praise. CNN Transcript Nov 14, 2006
  • Then follows a sort of second preface, in which the Doctor mourns the death and resounds the praises of the late Professor.
  • The epistolary art is said to be especially feminine, and the novelists and essayists are full of compliments to the sex, which is alternately praised and objurgated, as man feels well or ill. Manners and Social Usages
  • Company bosses also heaped praise on our jobs fairs. The Sun
  • The members were unanimous in their praise of council officials for the manner in which they handed the crisis.
  • I shudder at the word 'manchild' -- 'cuz I know exactly what you're talking about -- but still, Russell T. Davies and his gang deserve all the praise they get for bringing my childhood hero back in style. BSG Podcasts: My New Year's Resolution ...
  • On the other hand, epideictic rhetoric implies that tradition or social standing authorizes the rhetor to locate the object of praise in the criteria of excellence.
  • All the leaders were quick to praise the efforts of the greenkeeping staff, at least 10 of whom had worked through the night without any sleep to get the course playable.
  • In general terms Spenser's female characters are praised for fulfilling the roles of supportive partner or chaste virgin.
  • Wales, Prince of, calls Brother Jonathan _consanguineus noster_, but had not, apparently, consulted the Garter King at Arms. Walpole, Horace, classed, his letters praised. The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • The singer is always feeling after words of praise.
  • Perceval departed from the castle, and gave thanks to Our Lord and praise, that He hath allowed him to conquer a castle so cruel and to attorn it to the Law. The High History of the Holy Graal
  • She then frowned and upraised an eye brow as she looked me up and down.
  • The tone is established early on; broad strokes of unbridled praise for friends, co-workers and pets, a breathless, accelerative pace and an embarrassment of exclamation marks.
  • He was magnanimous in defeat and praised his opponent's skill.
  • They criticize King Saul heavily, lionize David, praise Solomon and deplore the division of the country into northern and southern kingdoms. Douglas Knight: Biblical Israel's History Viewed From Inside And Out
  • She recently left a preview screening with a moist eye and a welter of praise for the team who faithfully realised the adaptation.
  • People do praise and respect honesty, but most people would prefer dishonest- but- rich to honest- but- poor. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Praise him when he is being thoughtful and kind. The Sun
  • There were some nervy moments and the Spanish press were hardly effusive in their praise. Times, Sunday Times
  • An aspect commended and praised only last year by the senior chief inspector of schools, in a report on school standards.
  • Physicians in India praise this oil highly; not only is it a sure and painless purgative, but it is free from the viscidity and disgusting taste of castor-oil; besides it has the advantage of operating in small doses, 2-4 grams. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • While I've praised the improvements that Assembly and Senate committees made last week, the bill is still fundamentally flawed in several ways.
  • (MONROVIA / PASADENA) QUICK MAKE-OVER FOR YOUR SALE PROPERTY - (flexible) Cheap and Honest House Appraisal from Private Appraiser - Cost To Cure is an adjustment to the value of the subject property for the dollar amount By including the square footage of the addition in the GLA, the appraiser is certifing the the foreclosure listings in your area and get property New homes for sale in the Huntsville, Monrovia, Harvest and Judith Haney - Real estate appraiser for Birmingham Davidson is a real estate appraiser with nearly 25 years of experience. Xml's
  • Lettice, introduced, stood back a little, wary, seeming to appraise them both. THE GOLDEN LION
  • His effusive praise has left me blushing.
  • Her words of praise were a stimulus to work harder.
  • But, oh, at the moment my praises go to Lisa Simon's gentle scrub and her suchard dragee coloured body cream. Weekend Beauty - Bath & Body: Confessions of a Bathaholic
  • Cutting Social Security benefits during an employment recession might win Obama praise from the Washington Post editorial board, but it isn't going to bring people to the polls to vote for the center-left. Robert Naiman: U.S. vs. Brazil: Lula Brought Home the Bacon for the Base
  • Rarely has such a quiet, unassuming display prompted such effusive praise and raucous celebration. Times, Sunday Times
  • 1 Praise waiteth for thee, O God, in Sion: and unto thee shall the vow be performed. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • I have, God be praised, learned to admire, and not envy every one that outgoes me: and this will, I hope, go a great way in making me easy and happy under the pressures of a very narrow fortune, and amidst the ruffles of an ill-natured world. On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening, with Biographical Notices of Them, 2nd edition, with considerable additions
  • To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. 
  • But he had a mother who nursed him until he was two weeks and told him his skat didn't stink, so he doesn't understand that a South Chinese tiger-mother never praises, she only demands. Louis Bayard: A Tiger Mom Shares Her Secrets
  • He praised the smooth running of the election, and denied reports that people had been forced to cast their ballots.
  • It's not often that one hears such voluble praise for this government.
  • The apostle Paul implores us to be a thinking people - a people who press toward excellence and praiseworthy things.
  • When a standpat Republican politician abandons a lifetime of party regularity at 70 to come out in hearty praise of a Democratic President," the paper noted, "it is time for connoisseurs of the unusual to stand by and take notes. Greg Mitchell: Dispatches From Incredible 1934 Campaign: Upton Sinclair Fights Back Against Hollywood Scare Tactics
  • Manouchehr Mottaki in a news conference with the men welcomed them back and praised what he described as their courageous resistance while being held in Iraq by U.S. forces. News - Top Stories
  • We serve God best when we exercise our responsibilities locally, healing our fellow creatures within our damaged Earth community and kneeling with them in the praise of God.
  • Jack . Welch Autobiography & gt ; praised as " the Holy Bible of CEO ".
  • Not only does he have a grating voice, but he merely describes what is going on on-screen when not singing his own praises.
  • Although not given to blushing, Dick felt that he coloured under his dye at the praise; for although they had certainly sold cheaply, he doubted whether the term honest could be fairly applied to the whole transaction. The Tiger of Mysore A Story of the War with Tippoo Saib
  • his praise released from her loud protestations of her unworthiness
  • Their churches were supplied by able pastors; their univer - sities were adorned with learned and pious professors, such as Casaubon, Daiile, and others, whose praises are in all the reformed churches; their provincial, and national synods were regularly convened, and their people were well governed. Sermons translated from the original French of the late Rev. James Saurin, pastor of the French church at the Hague
  • It is very fitting that Mr. Frederic's last book should be in praise of action, the thing that makes the world go round; of force, however misspent, which is the sum of life as distinguished from the inertia of death. A Collection of Stories, Reviews and Essays
  • That is debatable but let's praise their courage. The Sun
  • Happiness is within. It has nothing to do with how much applause you get or how many people praise you. Happiness comes when you believe that you have done something truly meaningful.
  • It is considered " bad form" to "sing our own praises". Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • The aim of the focus groups was to identify the needs, expectations, and problems of consumers with respect to health information on the internet, with emphasis on how consumers appraise the quality of such information.
  • Giving out criticism rather than praise is a tactic that rarely works in the workplace.
  • Indeed it won praise both from Remainers and Ukip. The Sun
  • He would not stoop to ask for any man's compliments, praises, flatteries; and he would be far above exacting them.
  • They praised reward schemes as an alternative to punitive charges on rubbish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dan Donohue, who plays the title role in the OSF production of "Hamlet" that I praised in this space last week, doubles as the snobbish headwaiter of "She Loves Me," and he turns out to be as good a comedian as he is a tragedian. In Love With 'She Loves Me'
  • The international adjudicating panel was impressed by students and external partners who were as one in their fulsome praise of the Institute.
  • Nay, he goes even so far as to say that the passage-work is of the usual kind met with in the compositions of Hummel and his successors, and that the cantilena in the larghetto is in the jejune style of Hummel; the last movement also receives but scanty and qualified praise. Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • When a proud man hears another praised, he thinks himself injured. 
  • The president praised teachers for their meritorious service in educating students, but declined to touch on teachers' complaints about their meager wages and poor living conditions.
  • While the vigilantism has been praised by some as evidence of neighborhood unity, others see it as an illustration of a nation that continues to spiral out of control.
  • They loaded the coach with praises.
  • His work here is impossible to over praise.

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