How To Use Prairie In A Sentence
Their dried dung is found everywhere, and is in many places the only fuel afforded by the plains; their skulls, which last longer than any other part of the animal, are among the most familiar of objects to the plainsman; their bones are in many districts so plentiful that it has become a regular industry, followed by hundreds of men (christened "bone hunters" by the frontiersmen), to go out with wagons and collect them in great numbers for the sake of the phosphates they yield; and Bad Lands, plateaus, and prairies alike, are cut up in all directions by the deep ruts which were formerly buffalo trails.
VIII. The Lordly Buffalo
It occurred to Wyllard that Gregory had, at least, made no great success of farming; but that occupation, as practised on the prairie, demands a good deal more than quickness and what some call brilliancy from the man who undertakes it.
Hawtrey's Deputy
The next morning we passed a large island, opposite to which on the north is a large and beautiful prairie, called Sauk prairie, the land being fine and well timbered on both sides the river.
History of the Expedition Under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean
You beautiful enigma, you Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, you little house on the prairie of the existential oversoul.
The right fork continues westward across the prairie.
A Plague of Angels
In the 1800's Americans used to live out on the prairies in sod huts before the days of the microwave burrito.
Thoughts on TSHTF
Such is a part of tire strange medley that is before and around me; and amidst them and the blue streams of smoke that are rising from the tops of these hundred "coal-pits," can be seen in distance, the green and boundless, treeless, bushless prairie; and on it, and contiguous to the piquet which encloses the village, a hundred scaffolds, on which their "dead live", as they term it.
Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians
The Laramie Basin ecoregion is a wide intermontane valley, dominated by mixed-grass prairie.
Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
We slogged around looking for suicidal prairie dogs and learned that hills and gumbo can overcome the best four-wheel drive trucks.
Their immense and sandy diffuseness is like the prairie or the desert, and their incongruities are like the last deliration.
Representative Men
I saw it over and over again, blooming bravely in dooryard gardens despite the sizzling heat on the rough, wind-swept prairies.
Women gathered roots, prairie turnips, bitterroot, and camas bulbs in the early summer.
Driven by a penetrating east wind, it drifted until every hollow and depression was filled and the landscape assumed the appearance of a vast white prairie.
The Indian took the egg and put it in the nest of a prairie chicken.
Diminished prairie dog populations now face the even greater catastrophe of sylvatic plague, an introduced contagious disease for which prairie dogs have little immunity.
It might have been OK for the prairies, but bottom wasn't low enough to cope with the hills of Nanaimo.
Deep beneath the Nebraska prairie lurks a vast bunker that has lain undisturbed for nearly four decades.
Marvel Solicitations for January 2008 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
Never before captured on film, we witness majestic sliding, an epic fight for toboggan territory and the unique mating ritual of this rare icon of the Canadian Prairie.
Contemporary Prairie du Chien sites without wild rice indicate the spatially restricted nature of rice exploitation.
Of these the grey is the most numerous kind; but as I shall have occasion to speak of the large wolves hearafter, I shall say no more of them at present, but direct your attention to the second and very different species, the _prairie wolves_.
Popular Adventure Tales
Cottonwoods along the rivers made the tallest vegetative layer, and on the surrounding prairies grew shoulder-high sage and greasewood, punctuated by the bunchgrasses close to the ground.
Bird Cloud
A prairie fire had swept away all traces of vegetation and there was a black, funereal mantle as far as the eye could reach in every direction.
Both originated on our vast wind-swept prairies for good reason.
The fruit of his excursion into the Pawnee country, on the waters of the Arkansas, a region untraversed by white men, except solitary trappers, was “A Tour on the Prairies,” a sort of romance of reality, which remains today as good a description as we have of hunting adventure on the plains.
Washington Irving
The trip would comprise of roughly 750 km through the vast Mongolian prairies and the arid wastelands of the Gobi desert.
In the forest the woodchopper comes first; on the fertile prairies the granger is the pioneer; but on the long, stretching uplands of the far West it is the men who guard and follow the horned herds that prepare the way for the settlers who come after.
The Cattle Country of the Far West
The area supports a number of species locally threatened or at their biogeographic limits, including golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, prairie falcon Falco mexicanus, ferruginous hawk Buteo regalis, loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus, merlin Falco columbarius, Brewers sparrow Spizella breweri and grasshopper sparrow Ammodramus savannarum.
Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada
The case, to be decided within the next six months, will have major impact on the fate of prairie potholes, natural ponds and mudflats, which provide vital habitat for waterfowl.
Soon after the melt unusual looking Ice Age mega-mammals like woolly mammoths, mastodons, saber-toothed lions, and bison roamed the prairies.
Dr. Reese Halter: Protecting Our Wild Prairies
A faintly rutted road, wide enough to allow a team of horses, holds off the encroaching prairie.
A constant supply of cold, oxygen-deficient water from artesian springs maintains the glacial-like characteristics of prairie fens.
In addition to sylvatic plague, a disease likely brought from Europe by ship rats, prairie dogs have suffered from aggressive poisoning campaigns by farmers and ranchers.
Spring smiling upon the landscape renewed the foliage with life and dotted the prairies with many-hued flowers.
Areas within the pheasant management counties that contain adequate winter cover such as cattail and shrub-carr marshes, well established native prairie fields, and areas with 15 percent or more of the landscape in idle grassland will have the highest pheasant densities.
Erickson studied under Frank Lloyd Wright, and while his education projects tend to err towards megastructures, his houses are exaggerated takes on Wright's Prairie Style aesthetic.
I will mock the marly heavens, lamp the purple prairies, I will flaunt my deathless banners down the far, unhouseled lands.
According to Svedarsky, a colleague from another state once referred to the area's vast prairie as "such muchness."
In Missouri, some glades do resemble prairies, with plants that include big and little bluestem, Indian grass, Indian paintbrush, prairie larkspur, purple coneflower, and blazing stars.
Women gathered roots, prairie turnips, bitterroot, and camas bulbs in the early summer.
Some areas of prairie occur, with dominant grass species being Calamagrostis canadensis, Deschampsia caespitosa, Poa spp. and Carex spp., and the Peace-Athabasca Delta has flats with marshes of cat-tail Typha latifolia and sedges Carex rostrata, C. atheroides and C. aquatilis.
Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada
Another potential fuel source under study by Iowa State researchers is switchgrass, a native warm-season grass that once thrived in the tall grass prairies.
He snort an 'yump, an' ron till he step in prairie-dog hole and broke his leg.
Going Some
On her first evening in Gopher Prairie Cy had appeared at the head of a "charivari," banging immensely upon a discarded automobile fender.
Main Street
A single spark can start a prairie fire.
During the breeding season, Prairie Falcons inhabit dry, open areas with cliffs and bluffs for nesting.
My escape and at moments my salvation from this particular trail was to come in the form of nearly sixteen hundred acres of blackland prairie in an extended finger of the Texas Hill Country, a ranch near a town named Crawford.
Spoken from the Heart
The upland natural vegetation in this dry-subhumid area is mostly mixed grass prairie, but mesquite – buffalograss and shinnery are native, respectively, to the south and to sandy areas; potential natural vegetation is distinct from the short grass prairie of the semiarid High Plains (25), the tall grass prairie of Ecoregions 28 and 40, and the oak savanna of the Cross Timbers (29).
Ecoregions of Oklahoma (EPA)
Ranchers help prime the sprawling pastures by torching them to burn out prairie brush, clearing the way for stands of big bluestem and other grasses that are cheap cattle feed.
Range Fires Ignite Dispute
The reason he gave was as follows: if the long-eared innocent animal from the interior came to the prairie and saw the horses, it would think it had met its cousins and would happily rush over.
We met here a small party of Kansas and Delaware Indians, the latter returning from a hunting and trapping expedition on the upper waters of the river; and on the heights above were five or six Kansas women, engaged in digging prairie potatoes, (_psoralea esculenta_.)
The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California To which is Added a Description of the Physical Geography of California, with Recent Notices of the Gold Region from the Latest and Most Authentic Sources
The Rodentia also includes beavers, muskrats, porcupines, woodchucks, chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs, marmots, chinchillas, voles, lemmings, and many others.
Bound hand and foot, under an escort of thirty men, the next morning we set off to cross the deserts and prairies of Senora, to gain the Mexican capital, where we well knew that a gibbet was to be our fate.
Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet
The placement and shape of the prairies are similar, though Webb's prairies are more regular in shape.
When Frémont and his men crossed the continent to California, in 1842, they ate the flesh of that species of marmot which we know as the prairie-dog.
First Across the Continent; The Story of The Exploring Expedition of Lewis and Clark in 1804-5-6
The cerrado is a big prairie, comparable to our great plains.
The Green vs. the Brown Amazon
He lives in the lonely lands where mighty rivers twist in long reaches between the barren bluffs; where the prairies stretch out into billowy plains of waving grass, girt only by the blue horizon, plains across whose endless breadth he can steer his course for days and weeks and see neither man to speak to nor hill to break the level; where the glory and the burning splendor of the sunsets kindle the blue vault of heaven and the level brown earth till they merge together in an ocean of flaming fire.
Frontier Types
Then I bend at the waist, and with a strike of a match, I set the last prairie on fire.
Driven by a penetrating east wind, it drifted until every hollow and depression was filled and the landscape assumed the appearance of a vast white prairie.
Mass media is a grazeable prairie of deceptively unfenced pastures.
This unique region also hosts an impressive array of other wildlife, including blacktail prairie dogs, gray foxes, and piglike javelinas.
The Report of the Department of Agriculture for March and April, 1872, states that the native grasses are disappearing from the prairies of Texas, especially on the bottom-lands, depasturing of cattle being destructive to them.
Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 02 (historical)
The prairies stretch on all sides as far as the eye can see.
Prairie people welcome the first rhubarb of the season to use in cakes, pies, muffins, jams and relishes.
This he speaks of as the saddest of all his journeys -- "the only time in my life when the wild turkeys that so often crossed my path, and the thousands of lesser birds that enlivened the woods and the prairies, all looked like enemies, and I turned my eyes from them, as if I could have wished that they had never existed.
John James Audubon
Human beings are simply more aware of it than is the average prairie dog or pumpkinseed sunfish.
In the Midwest, that might mean planting prairie grasses and flowers along with - or even instead of - an English garden.
The right fork continues westward across the prairie.
A Plague of Angels
This land, you will observe, Mr Campbell, is peculiarly good, having some few acres of what we call prairie, or natural meadow.
The Settlers in Canada
A nice patch of wild prairie, through which a Mega-Cat could prowl in search of prey had been replaced by a flat, featureless mud-plain.
Grasslands and prairies support a number of polygynous species as well, including meadowlarks, bobolinks, dickcissels, lark buntings, and great-tailed grackles.
In her other blog, The Merry Scribbler, PrairieMary has some good things to say about the "architectonics" of writing-- and it is NOT pretentious.
Writing-- the Continuing Series
We drove across the prairie in quest of a monster.
Travel Nurse - RN such as the antique heritage tractor adventure, july 4th fireworks celebration, engle lane community theater, art on the prairie fine arts festival in the park ....
Personal finance and money news, analysis and comment |
In smoke-coloured folds, closely matching the lowering dim canopy of vapour brooding overhead, the prairie spread about her, deepening to a basined valley in the middle distances, sweeping to a rise beyond, so that the edges of the basin looked down upon the town.
The Dop Doctor
No packing or checking out - we just got in and drove off, leaving behind us a final liquid lunch for our obese prairie dog.
Times, Sunday Times
Moisture is a limiting factor in the rainshadow of the Rocky Mountains; as a result, drought resistant shortgrass and some mixed-grass prairie dominate the plains vegetation.
Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
A single spark can start a prairie fire.
That old pony had a sly, artful eye and a way of shaking his head that was tricky -- and try to catch him loose on the prairie with a bucket of oats as a coaxer!
Land of the Burnt Thigh
The Wisconsin experiment proved one could cobble together a fair approximation of a prairie.
The grasses that did thrive were not prairie species.
The other half shows a flat and grassless prairie, gnawed clean by a recent plague of grasshoppers.
Many of the songs are love letters to the Prairies and northern living in general.
Women gathered roots, prairie turnips, bitterroot, and camas bulbs in the early summer.
In fact, he spends much of his free time walking through the wet prairies near his home.
This scene may relate to an incident in which Rain-in-the-Face is said to have saved the daughter of the Upper Yanktonai Black Prairie Dog by extending his quirt to her and swinging her up onto his horse when their camp was attacked by the U.S. Army.
Lee Rosenbaum: Native Americans, Brooklyn-Style: Family-Friendly, Deeply Informative "Tipi" Show
Grain inspector Jim Dolan inspects wheat from the Canadian prairies at the Pioneer grain elevator in Carseland, Alberta.
An intensive restudy of these collections by Mary Simon, however, indicated no drastic change in subsistence during the Moorehead and Sand Prairie phases.
Daughmer Savannah, Crawford County, Ohio is the largest and best preserved remnant of the unplowed, deep soil prairies and savannahs that were present at the easternmost extension of the Prairie Peninsula prior to European settlement.
Never before captured on film, we witness majestic sliding, an epic fight for toboggan territory and the unique mating ritual of this rare icon of the Canadian Prairie.
Trees that towered over prairie rivers were transformed into pirogues (hand-hewn canoes for trappers and traders), stockades for early military forts, and vigas or ceiling beams for adobe homesteads.
A variety of prairie fauna can also be found and some include the wild onion, milkweed, beardtongue, and the prairie rose.
In the fall of the year this luxuriant growth of grass would be set on fire by the Indians or hunters, and especially when the wind was high would sweep resistlessly over the prairies, forming a spectacle, especially at night, that was at once magnificent and terrifying.
The prairies of the central plains likewise contain few endemics.
The violence of prairie weather was something appalling to settlers.
The faded red brick church sat at the falling-off place between the flat prairie in front and a deep gorge in back, with a cemetery that spilled down the hill behind the parsonage.
The term prairie is a misnomer in this case; instead we found a beautiful fruitful valley lying between two low ranges of hills, interspersed with groves of trees and picturesque lakes, and watered by a river winding gracefully through its whole length.
'Three Score Years and Ten' Life-Long Memories of Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and Other Parts of the West
We of the civilized world are not apt to attach much credit to the latter species of exploits; but horse-stealing is well-known as an avenue to distinction on the prairies, and the other kind of depredation is esteemed equally meritorious.
Primitive Love and Love-Stories
Osage Plains prairie fragments, an important site for the prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cupido), the richest and largest fragments of tallgrass prairie in this ecoregion - Missouri
Central forest-grasslands transition
Farther out he can hear hoof-beats and voices, so he edges along westward until he comes suddenly to a depression, a little winding "cooley" across the prairie, through which in the early spring the snows are carried off from some ravine among the bluffs.
Marion's Faith.
Depicting a non-specific scene of prairie settlement in the 19th century, the project explores issues of hope and social advancement as well as techniques of museum display.
I assume our fathers saw these swells of land as flat and grassy plains like prairies.
The city passed a resolution in 1987 to name a street in a new development in Rivière-des-Prairies after L' Ouverture, but the steamrollers never touched the tarmac.
The woody stem acts in these regions as the _doornboom_ of South Africa, the wild sage of the western prairies, and the _shih_ (_absinthium_) of the Arabian desert.
To the Gold Coast for Gold A Personal Narrative in Two Volumes.—Volume I
The eagles tend to roost in huge ponderosas in northeast-facing canyons among the hills that dot Wyoming's mile-high prairies.
Pa settled his family in malarial swamps, put them in danger from unfriendly natives, and moved them time and time again all over the prairie always at their great peril.
Sourire - French Word-A-Day
a third stands quietly until his lading is nearly completed, and then suddenly starts and flounces until he throws every thing off, a fourth at the same interesting point stamps upon your foot, breaks away, and scampers off into the prairie, strewing the way with his burden, a fifth refuses to be loaded at all, and a sixth to stand still, be led or driven.
Life in the Rocky Mountains
The single spark that lit this prairie fire was the formation a year ago of Salwa Judum, an anti-Maoist movement, whose name in Gondi, the language spoken by local tribes, means something like "peace hunt".
Archive 2006-08-01
Dakotans like to believe that their long winters encourage reflection and reading, and the open view across the prairie inspires a broad-minded intellectual armature.
It's analogous to waterfowl studies iin the prairie pothole region; they've shown if the habitat is there, enough birds survive.
Whither the Woodcock?
Explore an overgrown old road bed through shady buttonwoods and open coastal salt prairie.
And those wine-dark eyes, now cryptic black, now suffused with red glows like a night-sky above a prairie-fire, said to him, "Better come over and see if I'm tamable.
Fate Knocks at the Door A Novel
These prairies, like the Black Belt, have rich soils derived from calcareous bedrock.
Within its boundaries, Brazos Bend has clearly defined areas of gallery forest, freshwater marsh, coastal prairie and mixed hardwood bottomland.
Wright, who is best known for his low Prairie-style buildings, had a complicated relationship with tall buildings, calling one an “incongruous mantrap of monstrous dimensions.”
Little Skyscraper on the Prairie
The dark loamed valleys among the sandy uplands of the north, the prairies of the centre, and the lowlands near the Mississippi, are all made to yield the great staple.
History Of American Slavery
Then it was prairie again, to the heel of the Sangre de Cristo mountains, and since all this had recently been Mexican territory, there were more olive faces than white in the little settlements, and that unwashed languor inseperable from dagoes began to pervade the scene.
Dispensing with his ‘prairie style’, he peppered the scheme with domes, spires and ziggurats.
The Rodentia also includes beavers, muskrats, porcupines, woodchucks, chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs, marmots, chinchillas, voles, lemmings, and many others.
They can be found in a rich assemblage of habitats from rivers to caves, savannas, wetlands, prairies, lakeshores, and forests.
On the ground are dry-prairie plants, which include wire grass, little bluestem, and Florida paintbrush.
A native American prairie grass, little bluestem, is planted beneath the poles and stands in contrast to the grid upon which the poles are installed.
Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » CO2 LED Project
A turkey vulture is a slow pinwheel in the sky, a marker above Cather's prairie.
Higher up, grasslands are home to burrowing owls, chukars, and peregrine and prairie falcons.
The roofs are planted with a variety of native prairie grasses and flowers and have become habitat for birds and ground squirrels.
In the prairie pothole region of the United States, blackbirds damage ripening sunflower crops.
A few lights blinked out across the desert-like prairie, a land of strong, ruddy dawns and drawn, bluish-yellow evenings.
Fortunately, too, within forty miles we have a wide variety of soils and landscapes - sands, pines, loam, oaks, prairie.
The 7mm-08 is an outstanding starter rifle and a life long shooter, especially if you are hunting more in timber than the prairie.
Deer Hunting Rilfe
They can be found in a rich assemblage of habitats from rivers to caves, savannas, wetlands, prairies, lakeshores, and forests.
This sun hat frames the face very nicely and is reminiscent of the old prairie sun bonnets.
This, unless they bought a sheep, would be in the form of biltong, that is, strips of meat dried by being hung up in the sun and wind, and similar to the jerked meat of the prairies and pampas of America.
With Buller in Natal, Or, a Born Leader
The two stones by the path were painted yellow; the outhouse was so overmodestly masked with vines and lattice that it was not concealed at all; the last iron dog remaining in Gopher Prairie stood among whitewashed conch-shells upon the lawn.
Main Street
The habitat for Melanthium is wet-mesic prairie located in swales or along streams.
The eagles tend to roost in huge ponderosas in northeast-facing canyons among the hills that dot Wyoming's mile-high prairies.
range the animals in the prairie
In contrast, interprovincial for-hire trucking is more prevalent in Ontario and the Prairie Provinces.
When the last red man has vanished with this wilderness, and his memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie, will these shores and forests still be here?
Prairie Crawford's image, her long, tow-colored hair, and her flapping clothes, came and went quickly.
Inside the courthouse, "landmen" - specialists in the often arcane art of tracking down mineral rights - sift through fading paper records to see who has the claim to what lies beneath the surrounding prairies.
We all vacation, travel, have romantic interludes in the prairies and wood-lands.
The fact is private companies will take little interest in small acreage crops for the Canadian prairies like winter wheat, durum, and so on.
Yes | No | Report from prairieghost wrote 51 weeks 17 hours ago i'd stay away from neoprene, too hot. most of the manufacturers are producing good, breathable waders these days. you didn't indicate whether you wanted a stocking foot to use with wading boots (which i strongly recommend) or a lug boot-footed wader.
I want to buy my first set of chest waders. I just looked at a pair from L.L.Bean. $399, no thanks, not for my first pair.
Prairie dogs also provide food for the swift fox, the coyote, weasels, snakes, badgers, hawks and golden eagles as well as crucial habitat for many other native plants and animals.
The two essential methods of prairie dog tabulation are aerial surveys and old-fashioned head counts.
Most of them could speak a few words of English, but not so Little Wolf-Willow, who arrived from his prairie tepee dressed in buckskin and moccasins, a pretty string of white elks 'teeth about his throat, and his long, straight, black hair braided in two plaits, interwoven with bits of rabbit skin.
The Shagganappi
Daughmer Savannah, Crawford County, Ohio is the largest and best preserved remnant of the unplowed, deep soil prairies and savannahs that were present at the easternmost extension of the Prairie Peninsula prior to European settlement.
They settled in Prairieville in Barry County, cleared land, and put up a log cabin and later a proper house.
A whole new world of gardening awaits you when you go searching for water lettuce, water hyacinths, lilies and prairie grass.
It carried passengers in new stagecoaches and freight from the mines using twelve-mule teams and prairie schooners pulled by sixteen oxen plus six spare animals.
Within ten minutes he was on the open prairie, heading northwestward, as for Long Lake, his pace steady and increasing now, his deep-flewed muzzle low to the ground.
Jan A Dog and a Romance
In November 2001, Eden Prairie, Minn. based Life Time Fitness, which owns 26 gyms across the country, transformed its newsletter into a bimonthly magazine, Experience Life.
When the prairie droughts of the late 80s and early 90s ended and rains came to the Midwest, wetland basins in idled grass fields made excellent waterfowl nesting habitat and duck populations came back as well.
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Maintenance ™ using prairie-style "buddy plants," such as alliums, catmint, boltonia, coreopsis, goldenrod, asters and grasses such as switchgrass - 'Northwind' switchgrass was developed at his Northwind Perennial Farm - moor grass, autumn moor grass and prairie dropseed.
A prairie winter can be hard on the fashion-conscious person.
It was an old spring-wagon, with a round canvas top on it like the cover of a prairie schooner.
Additionally, a Department of Defense project at SDSU is working to produce jet fuels from biomass such as prairie cordgrass.
He also says that the prairie includes ‘waving ground, necessarily of good soil, from the beautiful sward of grass rising from it.’
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Top Information about Home Management
But a small band yet lingers round a great tract of prairie and Bad Lands some thirty-five miles from the ranch house.
flower-prairie," with its thousands of gay corollas of every tint and shade -- with its golden helianthus, its white argemone, its purple cleome, its pink malvaceae, its blue lupin -- its poppy worts of red and orange -- even these fair tints grow tiresome to the sight, and the eye yearns for form and motion.
The War Trail The Hunt of the Wild Horse
On a certain autumnal Saturday afternoon about seventy-five or more years ago two men entered Willow Glen by the highway from the west, leading between them a wild, shaggy animal, a buffalo recently capured on the prairies, being the first one seen in this part of the country.
Living in Dryden: December 2003 Archives
The fort itself was a dismal enough place, on flat land west of the river, with baldhead prairie stretching away forever and coyotes waking the dead at night.
Today Wyoming's Bighorn Basin, home to pronghorns and prairie dogs, coyotes and rattlesnakes, is nearly a desert.
Fire -- General remarks; to obtain fire from the sun (burning-glasses, reflectors); by conversion of motion into heat (flint and steel, guns, lucifers, fire-sticks); by chemical means (spontaneous combustion); tinder; tinder-boxes; fuel; small fuel for lighting the fire; to kindle a spark into a flame; camp fires Burning down trees; hollows in wood; fire-beacons; prairie on fire; first obliterate cache marks; leave an enduring mark; heating power of fuels; blacksmithery; wet clothes, to dry; tent, to warm; incombustible stuffs (see "Brands").
The Art of Travel Shifts and Contrivances Available in Wild Countries
Shag the Bull lowed in soft content as he rested full-bellied on the black-loamed prairie.
The Outcasts
Their names are the suslik (a Central Asian prairie dog), the pika, a little steppe hare, and an extremely odd antelope, now found in Thibet.
The Naturalist on the Thames
They settled in Prairieville in Barry County, cleared land, and put up a log cabin and later a proper house.
These aliens created too much shade for prairie plants that need full sunlight to survive.
It was a boggy prairie about a mile long and a quarter-mile wide, flanked all around by hills and by two mountains.
George Washington’s First War
And typically when hunting small-game like woodchucks, prairie dogs or coyotes, you are in a fixed position with an adequate rest so that shot placement is very controlled.
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Top Information about Home Management
This observation lends credence to the view that the Ohio Prairie Peninsula prairies developed through migration from the west.
He was a homesteader on the western prairies.
Times, Sunday Times
However, there are salads, drinks and relishes for meat that also incorporate this prairie fruit.
For the firebox and hearth, we selected African Prairie Slate, a richly patterned stone that is sold in gauged (evenly thick) 12-inch squares.
Settling in South Dakota, Martin Eden initially focuses on transforming the prairie into productive farmland.
He had lived on prairie varmints for two days straight.
Extensive farming of mostly wheat and barley occurs in parts of Ecoregion 42 and has replaced the original shortgrass prairie.
Ecoregions of Montana (EPA)
Meanwhile, prairie dog colonies are destroyed, and prairie dogs are trapped or frozen to feed captive ferrets in an endless cycle of failure.
Grizzly bears and bison were exterminated, and coyotes and prairie dogs were shot on sight and poisoned.
Based on the observations from sites in the Parkland and Boreal eco-regions of the prairies we conclude that cutting alfalfa in these regions does not result in massive movement of adult lygus bugs into nearby canola.
Mr. Harrison will compile the first-ever dedicated species inventory of microlepidoptera in a prairie community within the original range of eastern tallgrass prairie.
The potential natural vegetation is mixed-grass prairie which includes a prevalence of shortgrass species, such as buffalograss, and it lacks the sagebrush component found in the neighboring Sagebrush Steppe (43e).
Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
It occurred to Wyllard that Gregory had, at least, made no great success of farming; but that occupation, as practiced on the prairie, demands a great deal more than quickness and what some call brilliancy from the man who undertakes it.
Masters of the Wheat-Lands
Pocket gophers, gopher tortoises, ants, badgers, prairie dogs, wild pigs, and grizzly bears are just a few of the animals that can alter ecological structure and function.
The thought of the fathoms of water that once covered the very spot she stands on almost suffocates her; she feels bogged down in prairie grass and sloughs; she interiorizes the continental river system as if features of the human body.
Little bluestem – brownseed paspalum (S. scoparium-Paspalum plicatulum) prairie is associated with Fayette Prairie alfisols.
Texas blackland prairies
The birds we had seen hitherto consisted chiefly of prairie chicken, lark, snipe, and a small kind of starling that was continuously swarming around us, and was so tame that it would at times sit on our pack animals while on the march.
Prairie dresses, cowboy boots, colourful suede jackets and vivid bikers.
Times, Sunday Times
It's really to bad the author somehow' ended up in the blackland prairie instead of near the water.
Coppell author Jim Dale to sign copies of his book `If God Stops Working' | RELIGION Blog |
In Eurasia and North America, the spread of grasslands forced an evolutionary change in herbivorous mammals, with the forest browsers giving way to the prairie grazers.
It's ground-hugging horizontality reaching for the horizon; the entrance that 'winds in' to the centre of the house; the low sheltering roofs springing from the central vertical core; the 'pinwheel' spaces revolving out around the hearth ... this was a revolutionary new form of space and domestic architecture not seen before, patterns that would be seen in most of his 'Prairie Houses' for the next ten years.
Not PC
Natural vegetation in this semiarid to dry-subhumid area is mostly short grass prairie; there is also mesquite – buffalograss in the southwest, sand sagebrush – bluestem prairie on dunes, and juniper – pinyon woodland in the western Panhandle.
Ecoregions of Oklahoma (EPA)
This he speaks of as the saddest of all his journeys ” “the only time in my life when the wild turkeys that so often crossed my path, and the thousands of lesser birds that enlivened the woods and the prairies, all looked like enemies, and I turned my eyes from them, as if I could have wished that they had never existed.”
John James Audubon
The Darby Plains ecoregion once had a distinct assemblage of mixed oak forest; many prairies occurred on its end moraines, gravel-filled preglacial valleys, and seasonally wet areas.
Ecoregions of Indiana and Ohio (EPA)
This 137,400-acre expanse supports prairie dogs, coyotes, foxes, black bears, mountain lions, bobcats, elk, mule deer, and over 200 kinds of birds.
They were all three with the round-up, and were making a circle through the Bad Lands; the wagons had camped on the eastern edge of these Bad Lands, where they merged into the prairie, at the head of an old disused road, which led about due east from the
Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches
With their wounded strapped to travois, the Nez Perces made their way through the Big Hole and Horse Prairie valleys.
The yard and the vast prairie lands were bleak and desolate.
Cottonwoods along the rivers made the tallest vegetative layer, and on the surrounding prairies grew shoulder-high sage and greasewood, punctuated by the bunchgrasses close to the ground.
Bird Cloud