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How To Use Pragmatic In A Sentence

  • Or a pragmatic solution to an expensive problem that has dogged homebuyers for decades? Times, Sunday Times
  • It is politically safer – yes, even pragmatic – to describe one’s values as "commonsensical" or "middle of the road. Archive 2009-05-01
  • But to Mr. Robin there is no actually existing Burkeanism anywhere, making those who cite the ideal of a reasonable, pragmatic, nonreactionary conservatism guilty of the kind of utopianism the left is more commonly faulted for. NYT > Home Page
  • The interface between syntax and pragmatics may in general be summarized in a Kantian apophthegm: pragmatics without syntax is empty; syntax without pragmatics is blind.
  • She contends that U.S. officials overreacted, rather than dealing pragmatically with adoption procedures in a country where poverty and a long-running insurgency fueled widespread child abandonment, impaired record-keeping, and hampered official investigative capabilities. Despite Hurdles, Families Pursue Nepal Adoptions
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  • The pragmatic differentiation between classificatory, potential and actual affines is undertaken in accordance with the proscriptive principles described above, and is framed within a consubstantial conception of relatedness.
  • Under Pragmatic(al) she read; meddlesome, positive, dictatorial (she snorted, irritably). BEHINDLINGS
  • Nevertheless, incumbent officeholders, candidates, and aspirants are pragmatic to a fault, and their main concern is with winning elections.
  • It's interesting, Antonia, because brides and grooms are so much more pragmatic these days.
  • Consequently it has provided a testing ground for a number of competing hypotheses concerning the relationship between syntax, semantics, and pragmatics in linguistic theory.
  • Perhaps these pragmatic effects do not strictly affect literal sentence meaning, then. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Some Pascalians propose combining pragmatic and epistemic factors in a two-stage process.
  • His intelligence was pragmatic, solving problems with energy, verve and disciplined iteration. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even more fundamental than these pragmatic constraints, however, is the educational philosophy underlying the two initiatives.
  • They can also be used for the basis of better short term pragmatic decision making and long term strategic planning.
  • Recent linguistic work on characterisation has used the principles and analytical techniques of pragmatics and discourse analysis to considerable effect.
  • Moreover, even though the men in the film do ultimately incorporate the mother, her return is experienced by the audience as an unfair intrusion and the men's inclusion of her in their ménage a generous (if also pragmatic) gesture.
  • But there is a great many discoursive structures, a lot of semantics and pragmatics, that are not learned until much later, even in monolinguals. MULTILINGUAL KID.
  • The pretext to begin circulating Perry's name for a presidential run will be easily established, and the Tea Partiers that he energized with his irresponsible talk of secession will slowly turn pragmatic and confront the question of who can win in 2012. James Moore: Yo, America. It's Texas. We Got Another One for Ya!
  • In its place, the Beijing Consensus supposedly offers pragmatic economics and made-to-order authoritarian politics.
  • The 'correct' standard to set for claims to knowledge is to be decided pragmatically, on grounds of practical convenience.
  • But his allies insist he is an instinctive Eurosceptic who is simply taking a pragmatic approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Based on the existing researches, this paper carries out homonymy research from different points of views, like lexicology, semantics, rhetoric, pragmatics, comparative linguistics and so on.
  • Buyers will do well to take pragmatic view. Times, Sunday Times
  • Russian envoy Grigory Berdennikov said world powers expect Iran to show what he called a "pragmatic attitude" and respond positively. World Powers Urge Iran to Return to Nuclear Talks
  • There are often pragmatic reasons for the preference of certain types of conjunction and the frequency with which conjunctions are used in general.
  • Unfortunately, while it is eminently pragmatic, that doesn't mean that it's actually morally right.
  • It was a pragmatic alliance, but tenuous from the start. The Short, Violent Life of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
  • Certain civil servants were advocating a more pragmatic approach to the situation, however.
  • This is a programme that any pragmatic centre-right government could be proud of.
  • It's exactly the kind of thing a pragmaticist would accept that a metaphysician of Scientific Truth would not accept. WINE TALK.
  • This liberates us to be both principled and pragmatic!
  • Clearly inflected by the more profound nuances of Japanese tradition, Pawson's spirit of sensuous rationalism meets such pragmatic challenges head on.
  • The study was published in the Journal of Pragmatics.
  • That is a short-term, pragmatic solution that would bring an awful lot more flights into the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • ( "How To Make Our Ideas Clear," 1878) But thinking about music in a Peircean way has been largely in the context of semiotics, not logic, or pragmatism, or "pragmaticism. Archive 2008-08-01
  • The semantic difficulty may be seen in the various ways historians have used the word pragmatic. Interpretations of American History
  • We know from the theoreticians of pragmatics that there's a useful distinction to be drawn between intended and actual perlocutionary effects, but this is usually discussed with reference to the effect of an utterance on the persons we are talking to. Archive 2009-01-01
  • A more pragmatic approach is to consider a trial of therapy with a granular drink (cholestyramine) that mops up bile. Times, Sunday Times
  • He comes from the pragmatic, not to say technocratic, centre of the party. Times, Sunday Times
  • In all but four of the interviews, the creatives noted that pragmatic considerations override personal preferences and motives when creating ads.
  • But they take what they describe as a pragmatic approach, saying it's a better alternative to extending a U.N. mandate, due to expire Dec. 31, that would allow American troops far more freedom to operate. Top Stories - Google News
  • And it was heartening to see Synod commended this pragmatic approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • In light of the mission to spread the gospel, the division of the churches seemed pragmatically ineffective and theologically scandalous.
  • It seems to be, at this intermediate stage of nominal determiner grammaticalization, a lexical feature of indefinites rather than an effect of syntactic or pragmatic factors.
  • Our approach is essentially pragmatic.
  • We have long prided ourselves as being an exceedingly pragmatic and practical people.
  • The pragmatic approach notes that churches grow in different ways with different leaders and varying philosophies. Christianity Today
  • He balanced my more radical views of industrial relations with his more pragmatic outlook.
  • She moved to Raleigh, she remarried, and she had breast cancer—but she is pragmatically Zen about all of it.
  • Then again, it's probably the most pragmatic approach to adolescence in an age of ubiquitous photography. Times, Sunday Times
  • Describing himself as a ‘pragmatic centralist’, Professor Cox called for more scientists to engage in debate beyond their laboratories.
  • Despite many advantages, such a definition fails to draw attention to the unifying characteristics of pragmatic phenomena.
  • An understanding of the structural roots of family and gender shifts is essential if we are to reclaim ‘family values’ and develop a pragmatic, progressive, pro-family agenda.
  • To analyse language and to define language disorders most linguists divide language into four domains: phonology, grammar, semantics, and pragmatics.
  • And it was heartening to see Synod commended this pragmatic approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • We retrospectively reanalysed data from our single blind, randomised and controlled study of early identification of depression and pragmatic intervention by psychogeriatric consultation.
  • His philosophy of pragmatic capitalism and backslapping politics were viciously attacked by members of the Northern black elite.
  • Utopian rhetoric about worldwide democratic capitalism is being replaced by the more pragmatic project of globalisation in one country.
  • He was unusual in his ability to speak Czech with some fluency; he would not accept with his father's readiness the pragmatic cultural compromises adopted by so many among Prague's Jewish community.
  • When a community of inquirers shares their information openly, the sum of their knowledge approaches the ideal of pragmatic truth.
  • Bleached conditionals probably tell us something about the semantics or the pragmatics of conditionals, though I have never been able to put my finger on exactly what.
  • In this chapter, we illustrated such pragmatic influences on processing by discussing context effects.
  • In these circumstances the underwriter would take a pragmatic approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although a landed gentleman and a locally venerated "pir," or Sufi saint (an inherited mantle), Fahim is a totally secular, moderate, pragmatic social democrat as well as a mystic poet. Pakistan’s New Prime Minister?
  • From the perspective of semantic conversion, this paper classifies the types of lexical conversion and analyzes its pragmatic and rhetoric significance.
  • Buyers will do well to take pragmatic view. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am a pragmatic person, although I do have a romantic streak, and there are practical advantages to being wed.
  • On the next morning, which was cold and drizzly, a "pragmatical" drummer went out from the nearer trench, beating his drum for a parley, lest his person should be dismissed without ceremony to the hungry kites. Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • Furthermore, they generate the same pragmatic implicatures.
  • “Dives Pragmaticus”: simnels, buns, cakes, biscuits, comfits, caraways, and cracknels: and this is the first occurrence of the bun that I have hitherto been able to detect. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
  • Even the people defending voting for the Democrats on this turn of the wheel defend it as 'pragmatic', as though choosing to be stabbed in the gut is the pragmatic alternative to choosing to be shot in the head. Lee Stranahan: Why The Democrats Deserve To Lose
  • To achieve electoral success, pragmatic parties might shift their position or expand the range of viewpoints they encompass.
  • I know I am recommending a pragmatic rather than a principled stand, but that is what national interest and foreign policy is all about.
  • One of the key figures was Yitzhak Unna, a skilled, pragmatic and two-fisted Israeli diplomat who became counsel general in Johannesburg in 1969 and was later promoted to ambassador.
  • She's being pragmatic about the need to sell her house but she's using it as an opportunity to make a fresh start.
  • Literariness was not merely the quality that distinguished poetics from pragmatics, it was the guarantee and promise of linguistic richness, of polysemy.
  • Pearson was playing political hardball, using a pragmatic strategy designed to prise extra resources out of a conservative electorate and its government.
  • Would not a semantically empty text, keeping only the pragmatic skeleton of a conventional letter, aptly embody the artificiality of such letters?
  • While one can recognize the pragmatic aspects of rejecting a religious exemption, including the likelihood of every pothead in America claiming Rastafari observance, this still should trouble us that a religious practice can be prohibited even when practitioners are not hurting themselves or one another. Frank Fredericks: Protecting Pastafarians: When Does Religious Freedom Become Ridiculous?
  • In the light of this we briefly consider rules and laissez-faire approaches to mergers as alternatives to that of pragmatic cost-benefit.
  • Discs (or Pentacles) are the pragmatic suit. Sometimes people see them as plodding and a bit slow, but this is unjust.
  • Of course, such pragmatic compromises left many people deeply dissatisfied. Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
  • Her adorable job would work as a counterpoint to his pragmatic one and she would teach him to loosen up and enjoy life. Times, Sunday Times
  • He soon diluted his rousing speeches to become more pragmatic, a move that garnered a broader support platform that enabled him to take 61 per cent of the vote in last October's presidential elections.
  • It is politically safer - yes, even pragmatic - to describe one's values as "commonsensical" or "middle of the road. TPMCafe
  • Many other details, from the staircase treads to the fixings, were also executed in plastic, while, for pragmatic reasons, the load-bearing structure was made of steel.
  • He was a practical man, a pragmatic builder of empire!
  • On purely pragmatic grounds, it is very easy to arrange and to carry out. How to Face Interviews
  • The severe limiting of the category would be pragmatic as well in securing more adequate medical insurance coverage.
  • Such 'pragmatically self-verifying' propositions seem too specialized to serve as models for foundational judgements generally.
  • The study is devoted to two aspects of irony: the pragma-linguistic forms and pragmatic strategies in irony realization (or the pragma-linguistic cues for irony), and the pragmatic functions of irony.
  • In my completely pragmatic opinion, the ability to intercross in captivity can be informative, but is just not meaningful enough or decisive, and certainly not a feasible way to attribute species status. How many species? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Human beings construct their politics in terms of pragmatic, expediential goals.
  • Firstly we think 'pragmatically', deploy flat ontological analyses as a mere technological appendage to serve pre-existing political vectors, but this seems to be somewhat paradoxical for it entails a hidden claim that the ontological has no baring upon the political-but this indicates the technological potentials of the philosophy are null and void. Larval Subjects .
  • It is a pragmatic solution, rather than a wholesome one, but at least we know where we stand. Times, Sunday Times
  • The passing away of Basu - India's longest-serving chief minister whose unbroken 23-year-old rule of a Left Front coalition in West Bengal state is a history in itself - is seen as a blow to the communist movement in India, wilting under fragile unity, political "foolhardiness" and lack of pragmatic icons. INTER PRESS SERVICE
  • In Brazil, the businessmen get together and work out the most pragmatic solution. Times, Sunday Times
  • What pragmatic principles govern lexical acquisition?
  • In a similar vein, it has been questioned that pragmatic phenomenalism manages to account for the difference between mere accordance with these rules and The Normativity of Meaning and Content
  • Porras found an astute ally in newly elected President Alvaro Arzu, a pragmatic businessman with an instinct for building consensus.
  • But his allies insist he is an instinctive Eurosceptic who is simply taking a pragmatic approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was something altogether more pragmatic than that - a worry that the party might be split. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly, whether or not legal formalism is metaphysically correct, there are pragmatic arguments in its favor, ably put forth by Prof. Tamanaha. Balkinization
  • But some pragmatic strategists fear that his voting record in Congress may be a bit too liberal.
  • To analyse language and to define language disorders most linguists divide language into four domains: phonology, grammar, semantics, and pragmatics.
  • According to the Oxford English Dictionary 'Machiavellianism' is "the employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct", but as the quote above from 'The Prince' shows Machiavelli was also a pragmatic realist. ZDNet News - News Page One
  • In specific trades, such as jitney services, government officials have created relatively pragmatic licensing requirements that help to foster growth and opportunity. Chronicle
  • The dominant philosophy of statecraft has become a form of pragmatic meliorism with markets and Western democratic institutions as the chosen means for improving our lives.
  • Williams took a more pragmatic approach to management problems.
  • She preferred not to carry a heavy backpack, and at times she pragmatically let men haul it for her.
  • But for all his intellectual gifts, his kingship was essentially pragmatic.
  • His actual policy was far more pragmatic than his rhetoric about punishing aggression.
  • Has Arsene been pragmatic/cowardly, or have Milan been cynical in knackering/replacing the turf on the wings according to ITV. AC Milan 4-0 Arsenal – as it happened | Barry Glendenning
  • A common mistake is to not include front-line staff in the definition of your compliancy effort, reducing the chance of identifying a pragmatic approach to a new mandate.
  • It was used to investigate the different effects of ultramolecular potencies compared with placebo rather than pragmatic homoeopathy.
  • Far from being a relaxed, social occasion, the bazaar is pragmatically designed for making money.
  • I've purchased or personalized rifles that were too handsome to take afield, and I'll be the first to admit this doesn't make a great deal of sense from a pragmatic perspective, but one of the aspects of having a beautifully figured stock and excellent metalwork is pride of ownership. Don't Hunt with the Good Stuff
  • The indirectness of this approach relates to the pragmatics of the culture: the Navajo avoid speaking for another person or controlling the behavior of others.
  • Both are topics in the following discussion of orthography, pronunciation and rhyme, syntactic structure, vocabulary and word-formation, linguistic variety, rhetoric, and pragmatics.
  • The lesson has certainly helped me rethink my politics and become more pragmatic and realistic in terms of our own struggle.
  • But these recommendations, too, are pragmatic; and they relate only to the enforcement of drugs policy, not to the spirit behind it.
  • Its reasoning is pragmatic rather than theatrical. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact an efficient parser must be guided by pragmatic as well as syntactic constraints.
  • We live in an era of the pragmatic and effective bricolage of objects and all sorts of media.
  • Pragmatic social science is concerned not merely with elaborating an ideal in convincing normative arguments, but also with its realizability and its feasibility.
  • Semantics is traditionally concerned with the linguistically determined meaning of an expression, pragmatics with the contextually conditioned interpretation of an expression.
  • Epistemological realism is misguided theoretically and pragmatically.
  • The foreign policy legacy of Gorchakov is of great importance to Russia as it advocates and pushes a domestic priority strategy while pursuing a more sober-minded pragmatic foreign policy.
  • If he had done his homework he would have known that Governor Paiin was a reformer, was elected Governor of Alaska with massive support from independents, and had governed pragmatically from the centre, with broad cross-party support. Powell calls Palin a 'fascinating figure'
  • Or, to put it as some aspiring writers might: without embroiling us in superfluous polysemousness, it must be averred that the aesthetic propensities of a vainglorious tome toward prolixity or indeed even the pseudo-pragmatic co-optation — as by droit du seigneur — of an antiquitarian lexis, whilst purportedly an amendment to the erudition of said opuscule and arguably consanguinean (metaphorically speaking) and perhaps even existentially bound up with its literary apprizal, can all too facilely directionize in the azimuth of fustian grandiloquence or unmanacle unpurposed (or even dystelelogical) consequences on a pith and/or douceur de vivre level vis-à-vis even the most pansophic reader. Author! Author! » 2010 » August
  • It was something altogether more pragmatic than that - a worry that the party might be split. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pragmatic approach notes that churches grow in different ways with different leaders and varying philosophies. Christianity Today
  • ZAKARIA: It's a difficult question because McCain used to be more of a kind of hardheaded, pragmatic Republican, the type of Henry Kissinger or Brent Scowcroft. CNN Transcript May 30, 2008
  • Company operating decision - making style of sound, pragmatic, with a market - leading product innovation and visionary pioneering consciousness.
  • Now as Western society becomes more introverted and private, such spaces are under threat, but the need remains for poetic and pragmatic responses to public life.
  • The tragedy is a Roman play characterized by swift, panoramic shifts in geographical locations and in registers, alternating between sensual, imaginative Alexandria and the more pragmatic, austere Rome. Capsule Summaries of the Great Books of the Western World
  • One of the key figures was Yitzhak Unna, a skilled, pragmatic and two-fisted Israeli diplomat who became counsel general in Johannesburg in 1969 and was later promoted to ambassador.
  • On the latter disambiguation, noncognitivism is the pragmatic view that moral judgments are a type of speech act that is neither true nor false, which is equivalent (most assume) to the denial that moral judgments are assertions (i.e., the denial that moral judgments express belief states). Moral Anti-Realism
  • Certainly, these little microcosms of society that are our colleges should model, as closely as possible, what is best about our diverse, democratic, and pragmatic society.
  • They could interpret the word law in a more pragmatic or policy oriented sense.
  • That was the law for constitutional as well as pragmatic reasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The play is set at a time when an indulgent old order was elbowed aside by brash, pragmatic modernisers, a process so widely witnessed in the past century that it has always seemed relevant.
  • He praised the practical and pragmatic approach of the college in developing a curriculum of courses designed to help students get on in the workplace.
  • Brandom takes norms implicitly “instituted” by our practices to be basic and proposes a pragmatic phenomenalism about such norms. The Normativity of Meaning and Content
  • The good will even if it is for show, even if it does mask darker moods that particularizes the interactions of the characters in THE HAUNTING has evaporated entirely a decade later, leaving rancor and cynicism in its wake as if the pragmatic disregard of Dr. Markway's wife has infected the rest of the world. The Mount Everest of Haunted Houses
  • Volcker's pragmatic solution to the problem of declining production was to free up the administrative, finance and service sectors of the economy: to "commoditize," and take proper competitive advantage of, the vast consumer market itself. Larry Abrams: The Great Recession
  • That is a short-term, pragmatic solution that would bring an awful lot more flights into the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • He takes a similarly pragmatic view of taxing bank bonuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • It looks at the usefulness of pragmatic theories to the interpretation of literary texts and surveys methods of analysing narrative, with special attention given to narratorial authority and character focalisation. AvaxHome RSS:
  • The latter are understandably concerned with pragmatic medical results instead of with nuances of metapsychology, and the wearing clinical routine does not make for long perspectives. Literature on the Couch
  • In business, the pragmatic approach to problems is often more successful than an idealistic one.
  • From a diachronic viewpoint, languages seem to change from being more pragmatic to more syntactic; from a synchronic perspective, different languages may simply be at different stages of this evolutional circle.
  • Kaplan does not call what he is doing "pragmatics" but the semantics of indexicals and demonstratives. Pragmatics
  • … Considered from the standpoint of their "pragmatics," they are the record of a long and tentative exercise that needed to be revised and corrected again and again. Foucault and the Hedgerow History of Sexuality
  • Finel rejects this approach in favor of what he calls a pragmatic one. Libertarian Blog Place
  • I decided to go into reverse very quickly and take a pragmatic, Anglo-Saxon approach. THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • There are aspects of anaphoric universals which clearly are of a grammatical nature; there are also aspects of anaphoric universals which equally clearly are of a pragmatic nature.
  • On the other hand, Wall Street is more pragmatic than emotional and will do what is best for business in the long run. carl Wall Street to abandon Democrats in future elections?
  • All pragmatic or practical considerations have been set aside: the only question at issue is whether his beliefs about the world are true.
  • Thus his apparent liberality on this question rested on pragmatic considerations rather than on principle.
  • For the first century of the Republic's life, this picture of great figures, intellectual and pragmatic, principled and far-seeing, dominated explanations of the Constitution.
  • That it was a pragmatic approach designed to allow him to escape with his reputation intact. The Sun
  • Although some readers would have liked to see additional chapters on discourse and pragmatics, I have kept the same choice of topics.
  • Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) was the founder of American pragmatism (later called by Peirce “pragmaticism” in order to differentiate his views from others being labelled “pragmatism”), a theorist of logic, language, communication, and the general theory of signs (which was often called by Peirce “semeiotic”), an extraordinarily prolific mathematical logician and general mathematician, and a developer of an evolutionary, psycho-physically monistic metaphysical system. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • Pragmatics and cognitive linguistics provide different perspectives for irony study.
  • Along with its associate organisations in Karnataka's Jungle Lodges and Resorts, it is also spreading eco-logic in a very pragmatic, and entertaining way.
  • This was evidenced in the format and style used for presenting ideas (semantic level), as well as in the use of unidiomatic language not following cultural conventions of the English language (pragmatic level).
  • The very fact that a politician has strong convictions does not preclude him from being pragmatic.
  • There was a sensible and pragmatic solution. Times, Sunday Times
  • From my perspective, intentionality is a useful concept, in fact an indispensably useful concept, so from a pragmatic standpoint it is as real as anything else. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • I helpfully suggested that they try selling the carcass to the Korean restaurant up the road, and thus make the best of a bad deal, but what seemed to me to be eminently pragmatic elicited only disgusted looks from the goras.
  • On purely pragmatic grounds, it is very easy to arrange and to carry out. How to Face Interviews
  • Philosophical miserableness, stoicism, nihilism and spiritual (not pragmatic) scepticism all lead to the view that only the imposition of order will suffice No wonder this the life hating, paranoid Nixonite figure of Gordon Brown appeals to every cowardly pessimistic fibre of the nation. The Pontiff Is In...
  • This leaves us with the realists, who come across as sensible, pragmatic moderates.
  • 1713 - With no living male heirs, Emperor Charles VI issues the Pragmatic Sanction to ensure that Habsburg lands and the Austrian throne would be inherited by his daughter, Maria Theresa.
  • Poetic, evocative, black-and-white footage alternates with a more pragmatic, colorful picture of the family today.
  • Beneath that mushy image, however, Ranbir Kapoor cuts apragmatic picture of ayoung man who is aware of the burden of expectations that comes with his surname and who understands the importance of money and fame. 'I'm not ashamed to admit that I cry often'
  • Even more fundamental than these pragmatic constraints, however, is the educational philosophy underlying the two initiatives.
  • And it is also dangerous to historicize his life in a pragmatic way upon other human beings. Following The Historical Jesus, Following The Real Jesus
  • Compared to core conservatives and liberals, however, independents are generally pragmatic and moderate in outlook, and almost by definition are alienated from the hyper-partisan, zero-sum game of politics as played in Washington. Will Marshall: Revolt of the Radical Center, Act III
  • He takes a similarly pragmatic view of taxing bank bonuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the spokesperson said the board would take a practical and pragmatic approach to prosecutions.
  • He would rather 'retentions went away' entirely, but says that trusts offer a pragmatic alternative. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fundamental lack of any kind of pragmatic spirit whatsoever is bound to doom them. Matthew Yglesias » What Tea Parties Hath Wrought
  • At the same time, this next generation of women is too practical, pragmatic, and tough-minded to be dismissed as ideologues.
  • Ironically, they resemble more than anything a George Graham team: parsimonious, ruthless and pragmatic.
  • The second half is much more specific to the Evangelical community but does make some interesting points about what he calls the pragmatic philosophy of Youth Ministry. The impossibility of Excellence in Ministry these Days
  • Once he has satisfied the creative side of his brain, the pragmatic side takes over and he meticulously fabricates and assembles his knives.
  • We really have become a nation of nonideological centrists looking for pragmatic solutions to real problems.
  • Whence the force of the second ‘not’, which I take to be more than just the assertion of a pragmatic necessity in the teeth of radical scepticism.
  • They know that I'm very practical, very pragmatic.
  • Remember, this is the President who's only really lost his temper publicly with people like them - he labeled their positions, which were both more pragmatic and popular than his own, as "purist" - and whose Administration once singled out "the institutional left" for its nastiest attacks. The Full Feed from
  • Until now they have been researched for more pragmatic solutions, such as sound barriers beside roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • What I believe Clinton meant by the "conventional wisdom" is the kind of doctrinaire "purist liberalism" that allows for no pragmatic compromise or recognition that liberal reform must come incrementally. Lanny Davis: Liberals At War Again ... With Each Other
  • Unfortunately, there are two huge problems which modify the useful applicability of this pragmatic approach.
  • Porras found an astute ally in newly elected President Alvaro Arzu, a pragmatic businessman with an instinct for building consensus.
  • The focus here has been on Conventionality and Contrast, two pragmatic principles that together govern the lexicon.
  • Her advice for bad spellers is pragmatic: ‘Once your child has got to 10, stop worrying and teach them how to use the technology.’
  • This coalition was forged by not one but two pragmatic politicians. Times, Sunday Times

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