
How To Use Practiced In A Sentence

  • There is already a great deal of precedent since polygamy has been widely practiced throughout history.
  • The practiced eye of the reptile lover finds a great deal in Manouria emys that others might miss. Arthur Rosenfeld: Saving a Living Treasure of Asia
  • After that, Feingold joined a Madison law firm and practiced civil litigation, including First Amendment law.
  • Robert Dossie described three categories of watercolor painting — miniature, the most delicate; distemper, which is coarser, uses less expensive colors in a glue or casein binder, and is appropriate for canvas hangings, ceilings, and other interior decorative painting purposes; and fresco. reference As a technique practiced by the Romans, fresco painting was a subject of particularly interest in the antiquity-obsessed eighteenth-century. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Their definition of quackery is the application of treatments that have not been scientifically proven to have any effects, that are practiced by physicians as well as specialists without a MD and they organise congresses from time to time where they say things like this. The Organisation against Quackery
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  • Although the origins of the experimental child psychology are to be found in Germany, the new empirical and evolutionist child study was practiced mainly in the Anglo-Saxon world.
  • They always reward those who have practiced sincerely and dedicatedly. Tao I
  • The darkest side of our adventurism is our global network of military prisons (authorized by the Secretary of Defense and Pentagon) where physical and mental torture are practiced even though it's known no useful information comes from it. A Review of Chalmers Johnson's Nemesis - The Last Days of the American Republic
  • While no one disputes Ahola's ability to lift 900 pounds, some have found his performance refreshingly unpracticed, others off-puttingly amateurish.
  • He practiced for weeks," said Scott Lechert, 50, an instructional designer, who along with his partner, Paul Kelly, 55, a physical therapist, adopted Dru from a Romanian orphanage in Sweetness & Light
  • Yet of course it is they who practiced linguistic apartheid, and the system we propose which could bring this to an end.
  • Shooting far, really far, in the mountains at inanimate targets with safe backstops is challenging and downright fascinating, even to the most practiced rifleman.
  • There, the primitive mind practiced animistic shamanism. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • She took a deep breath and plunged on with her practiced speech.
  • Though meditation is the main religious discipline practiced by convert Buddhists, chanted liturgies are an important part of many meditations.
  • However, multiplication is typically learned first and most individuals are more practiced on multiplication then division.
  • It is less a history than a survey of the usage of photojournalism as practiced by the famous and the obscure.
  • Even more than the treatment of pregnant women, the field of obstetrics was perceived as an exclusively female medical trade, practiced by women trained generally in oral traditions of midwifery. 90 The midwife was responsible for preparing the parturient woman and alleviating the pain and discomfort of the birthing process. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • If practiced often and with attention, this practice really can be used to envigorate the body, and actually correct certain ailments due to structural misadjustments - the sort of thing chiropractic is said to address- as well as other ailments. 越命 十句 観音経
  • The gags almost seem muted by the technical proficiency of a practiced master of cinema.
  • The last two weeks, the players have practiced in pads for only half of the sessions on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • As she walked down the steep escalator into the cavelike recess of the Dupont Circle Metro station, she practiced greeting him. Law of Attraction
  • The book clearly states that the "lamasery" of Shangri-La was in Tibet, that the native people were Tibetans, spoke the Tibetan language, practiced Tibetan Buddhism and polyandry, wore sheepskin robes and yak leather boots and believed that they were "descended from monkeys". Phayul Latest News
  • Each approaches the material with the practiced ease of a veteran, and the result is a pair of three-dimensional characters.
  • Irrigated rice agriculture is also practiced in numerous smaller river deltas and plains along the country's coast.
  • The children were asked to match speech sounds to written consonants and vowels, and they practiced related skills.
  • The shortage of rifles necessitated that the manual of arms be practiced in shifts, and six hours of daily drill in the melting snow turned the camp grounds into a bog.
  • They had sufficient space to erect semi-autonomous communities, which practiced a version of Christianity that addressed their particular needs as slaves and fostered aspirations for freedom.
  • I usually flip back and forth between television stations to check in on who is winning what with the interest of someone who knows they will hear any pertinent information from friends and internet buzz for days following but whose real interest is to see the flustered tech award winners flush and stumble through gratitude they practiced while figuring out how to attach a cumberbund from a rental tuxedo. Oscars Schmoscars. It's All About The Whiskey And The Twitter.
  • The inscriptions on the walls of the Sundaravarada temple in Uttiramerur near Kanchipuram show how democracy was practiced 1000 years ago. Pankaj Jain, Ph.D.: Hinduism And Modernity
  • A practiced knitter might be able to add to these observations.
  • But I guess we could give you a ring whenever we practiced for like, more than five minutes.
  • I wrote various things for newspapers afterwards and I was totally ignorant and unpracticed.
  • Given that the Picts practiced a form of matrilineal succession according to contemporary writers such as Bede see article on Pictish matriliny, it seems surprising that so few royal female names were recorded. Pictish female names
  • The main sects of the Islamic religion practiced in this region are Sunni and Shi'a.
  • The days of rampantly commercial, craftless, contentless, corporate-driven pop, especially as practiced by artless teenage girls, are here.
  • Percussion is practiced with the fingers alone or with the aid of a special percussion hammer and an object to strike upon known as a pleximeter. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Sometimes, bananas are used instead of ipil-ipil and there are cases also where the combination of the two is being practiced. Chapter 9
  • That kind of oligarchic "free market" perversion of capitalism, as practiced by hack GOP pols like Bush and preached by wingnut media hacks like Limbauh, and not capitalism CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
  • As a young man, St. Augustine was well practiced in gratifying the desires of his fallen nature.
  • I envy her recklessness, the roughness of her unpracticed pirouettes, the occasional clumsy misstep that inspires no apologies.
  • The young shooters also practiced another important rule: A safe, low-ready position orients the muzzle at about a 45-degree angle.
  • During his extensive wanderings, he practiced great austerities, but apparently became disillusioned with these methods.
  • For those unpracticed in doing theology by properly distinguishing law and gospel, or in constructing ethics by showing how this distinction determines where we stand before God and neighbor, this is a valuable book.
  • Unbridled teenage gumption as practiced in the U.S., it seems, is the answer to all problems.
  • [133], Assyrian writers explain that: The deep and hidden reason of the tyrannical oppression practiced throughout the Middle East is the imposition of pan-Arabic nationalist cliques that intend to dictatorially arabize the various peoples of the Middle East, who are � - all -- not Arabs Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Sometimes he would tell gruesome tales about medical procedures practiced in the jungle brush.
  • Stiff and unpracticed, Szpilman manages to reprise Chopin's Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor, whereupon the officer stows him in an attic directly above German headquarters and feeds him.
  • he practiced the art of sophistication upon reason
  • We do not read in history of any act of cruelty practiced towards a male bewitcher; though we have authentic records to prove, that many a weak and defenceless woman has been tortured, and even murdered by a people professing Christianity, merely because a pampered priest, or a superstitious idiot, sanctioned such oppression. Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
  • They practiced uxorilocal marriage, and they managed inheritance along the line of a woman's matrilineage. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • She explains that the tohunga of old practiced in the best interests of Maori and cared for their spiritual needs.
  • ‘Because a well-equipped and well-practiced military eligible citizenry is necessary to keep a nation free, ...’ The Volokh Conspiracy » District Court Upholds D.C. Registration Requirement, “Assault Weapon” Ban, Ban on Large-Capacity Magazines
  • The Chinese fueled Clinton's apparent economic success, not the ostensive 'sound' economic policies Clinton practiced. Obama and Geithner �� The Economic Fix has Failed!!
  • With a practiced movement she scooped it back into her hand, held it protectively against her chest.
  • Judaism and paganism both practiced the pouring of sacrificial libations of both blood and wine.
  • Romans of the imperial age practiced torture against enemy combatants on an imposing scale of unrestraint. David Bromwich: Follow the Evidence
  • In my opinion, the "miscellany" approach practiced by most literary magazines -- by which the "best fiction available" is printed, with little or no indication of what makes it the "best" -- makes all too many of them useless; I can only make my way through a few of them, trying to find the "best" in a scattershot fashion, before I put them aside and conclude it just isn't worth my time (and sometimes money) to prospect for fiction in this way. Writing and Publishing
  • Usually they practiced with wooden swords, but they also practiced with quarterstaffs.
  • While he seemed to have an unpracticed grace, the chap was still clumsy to almost a point of impossibility.
  • The compass stuff and watching your backtrail is instictive once you have practiced enough. Are we as sportsman becoming too dependent on modern technology?
  • Kids, dressed up as little vaqueros, imitated and practiced the steps that the grown-ups were dancing.
  • In Finland, slash-and-burn was often practiced in addition to permanent cultivation to balance crop fluctuations; in the huuhta system the crop could be multifold in favorable conditions.
  • he practiced Chopin day and night
  • Great care should be practiced to prevent the potential hazard of accumulating liquid oxygen in the liquid nitrogen bath.
  • I can just see the hats twirling the rhinestone jeans around in a sweet, well-practiced two-step.
  • Modern biomechanical studies have revealed that the side-on technique might not actually be beneficial as this method, if not practiced to perfection, might actually end up putting more stress on the back.
  • Besides, things which may perhaps be practiced innocently where they are familiar, produce a moral dilaceration in the course of their being introduced where they are new. Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • Now, pointless variation is in fact a sin of unpracticed writers, but lots of variation has a point, so there's no justification for viewing all variation with suspicion.
  • The drawing, as the few art historians who've touched it with their own unpracticed fingers have estimated, is most certainly 24 years old, perhaps slightly older.
  • With religion bestialized and its management regulated wholly with an idea to the gratification of man's sensuous desires, religious temples, under the supervision of the priesthood, became brothels, in which were openly practiced as part and parcel of religious rites and ceremonies the most wanton profligacy and the most shameless self-abandonment. The God-Idea of the Ancients
  • The success of clean production practiced by Xintai Grain Distillery was investigated comprehensively.
  • The gags almost seem muted by the technical proficiency of a practiced master of cinema.
  • The federal Convention “might have provided that all those cases which are now triable by a jury should be tried in each state by a jury, according to the mode usually practiced in such state,” he said. Ratification
  • These pioneer prospectors practiced surface mining, obtaining gold from the alluvial deposits called placers.
  • Crops which are sown in rows so that intertillage and dirt mulching can be practiced tend to be moisture conserving. 28 additional technical notes about tropical agriculture
  • The dentistry practiced in a public health setting is very demanding.
  • It apparently had been practiced only as a civic duty. Christianity Today
  • If they are then claimed to be Adam and Eve's offspring, can we then conclude that INCEST is practiced from the beginning of time? Archive 2008-08-01
  • Each approaches the material with the practiced ease of a veteran, and the result is a pair of three-dimensional characters.
  • Mosaic woodworking is also practiced and is used in the construction of boxes, trays, tables, desks, and game boards.
  • A technique that has been practiced for hundreds of years, kalamkari is a process of creating designs on fabric by hand, either by painting or using carved wood blocks dipped in natural dyes derived from plants, roots, earth, and rock.
  • For hundreds of years, woodsmen in Britain practiced coppicing, a method of harvesting timber.
  • Mock sentimentalists and fake humanitarians have walled their eyes to heaven in holy horror at the "barbarities" practiced by white men upon the "poor persecuted red man. Reminiscences of a Pioneer
  • But even if successful in all respects, who will benefit, and on what genetic disorders will the therapy be practiced?
  • Around the first century AD, the Greek historian Plutarch wrote about pirates of Cilicia who practiced the Mithraic "secret rites" around 67 BC.
  • It isn't clear which of these problems are intrinsically tied to cloning, and which may have resulted from poor execution of relatively unpracticed techniques - or even sheer bad luck.
  • The first debate question ever posed to fledgling presidential candidate Wesley Clark was one that might have made a practiced politician squirm.
  • I'm a very practiced schlepper of breakables," she says. Parties That Throw Themselves
  • That is sad because it negatively changes how medicine is practiced in this country.
  • Generally, there is an emergency plan, and fire drills are practiced on a regular basis.
  • Then we see skilled skaters perform a thirty foot rail-grind down a huge concrete stairway; we watch them laugh as Knoxville, obviously unskilled and unpracticed, takes a header into the sidewalk attempting the same thing.
  • If this 90-degree turn is anticipated and practiced, the helmsman will be able to come about from closehauled to close-hauled every time. Sailing Fundamentals
  • While Brooks gave highest marks to ABC ( "A"), Clinton a "B," and Obama a "D+," I'm scoring ABC with a C -, Clinton a B -, and Obama to B-- he'd get a B+ for not losing his temper, if I practiced grade inflation. Wednesday Night's Debate in Philly: ABC's George and Charlie Tackle Trivia, Not Issues -
  • As his wife, she does one of her practiced turns as a deviously maniacal suburban matron.
  • Yoshiki smiled, a true unpracticed smile, and thanked Sugizo and his other co-conspirators for the pass.
  • I practiced the ol 'show biz mantra: le spectacle doit continuer! Degouliner - French Word-A-Day
  • Yoshiki smiled, a true unpracticed smile, and thanked Sugizo and his other co-conspirators for the pass.
  • Performing simple tasks, not ones that require huge amounts of concentration, and ideally tasks at which we are quite practiced, is the way to conquer the vicious circle of negative thoughts. Paying Attention « Tales from the Reading Room
  • I thought Marco practiced really hard today and looked very good positionally," Boudreau said. Marco Sturm fitting right in with Capitals
  • James explained why he though organic methods are being widely practiced in the area.
  • My first teacher practiced for a long time with Quakers because they were the only group in her area that found the same value in sitting still and contemplating.
  • He practiced writing on the glossy board with erasable markers, forming loops and squiggled lines and words, and then wiping away everything but the word welcome, which he underlined in red and blue. Heaven Lake
  • Both Goddio and Egyptologist David Fabre, a member of the European Institute of Submarine Archaeology, think a "magus" could have practiced fortune telling rituals using the bowl. Archive 2008-10-01
  • Before the 1990s this genre was practiced on a rather small scale, not least because of political repression and a conservative, rigidly regulated bureaucracy.
  • And then only in the Orthodox community [where metzizah b†™ peh is practiced]. Think Progress » Yesterday, Bush Said Confirming NYT Story “Would Compromise Our Ability To Protect The People”
  • Some older voters recall the rabid anti-Semites once prominent in the American far-right as well as the more genteel exclusionism practiced by more refined upper-class Republicans. Arizona's Short-Sighted Immigration Bill
  • A small dark man sat cross-legged on a divan, and Hugh made an unpracticed little bow.
  • In the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th, Europe advocated realism and practiced power politics.
  • Are you suggesting that the "obligation to lie in order to dissimulate the jihad" -- taqqiya -- is never practiced by practicing Muslims? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • When the shot broke, I tried to run the bolt quickly and prepare for a follow up, as we had practiced, but my hands were suddenly awkward and clumsy.
  • Although some traders practiced fraud, others worked hard to acquire reputations for fair business practices in order to encourage repeat sales.
  • Manjimanidoo or evil spirits existed; windigos were especially terrifying spirits who dwelled within lakes and practiced cannibalism.
  • Although women in the 19th century, when Sanger was born, practiced contraception through various means -- sponges, pessaries and coitus interruptus among them -- none were particularly effective. The pill: Making motherhood better for 50 years
  • He was so fearful of losing his new-found facility that he practiced for the rest of that day, and lay down at night with what he called the toothache in every muscle. Dick in the Everglades
  • The pieces followed each other with such rapidity, and the young danseuses exhibited such poise and grace, that it was obvious they had practiced long and hard.
  • The den is where the music legend practiced and kept a handwritten log of his recordings.
  • The test known as candling, which is usually applied to eggs before they are put on the market, can also be practiced by the housewife in the home. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 2: Milk, Butter and Cheese; Eggs; Vegetables
  • Stiff and unpracticed, Szpilman manages to reprise Chopin's Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor, whereupon the officer stows him in an attic directly above German headquarters and feeds him.
  • There were none of the self-conscious, practiced movements of veterans of the catwalk.
  • She was attracted to communalism, practiced homeopathy and diet reform, critiqued unfair labor practices, and excoriated men for their treatment of women.
  • I followed and leaned against the doorjamb, watching him stir the contents of an ironstone casserole dish as he checked what was in the oven with the ease of a practiced chef. The Viognier Vendetta
  • Of these, then," he said, "are not they the most happy, and do they not go to the best place, who have practiced that social and civilized virtue which they call temperance and justice, and which is produced from habit and exercise, without philosophy and reflection? Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Socrates
  • Are you describing online education as it is practiced today, or is this different?
  • Rumi practiced sama by dancing spontaneously, whirling and spinning to express his overwhelming love for God and his intense desire to merge with God.
  • I expect that I won't be required to speak in Japanese, as I am extremely unpracticed in the language…?
  • Scottish crafts such as pottery, hand-knitting, jewelry-making, and weaving are widely practiced.
  • The resulting exclusionary policies, when practiced by all or most localities, drive landless proles from pillar to post until they become so desperate they will serve landowner-employers for very little.
  • Anthony is as lean and fit as his stockmen and they work together like a well-oiled machine, mustering the cattle through today's weaning, weighing and dipping with practiced ease.
  • He practiced law at Florence and observed with optimate disapproval the increasing disinclination of Giuliano and Lorenzo to share power with anyone but their intimates.
  • She was willing to walk into an establishment that practiced iniquity in the lowest form, in order to locate Chet. ANGELS EVERYWHERE
  • The technique your husband is using to restore the protective function of his former foreskin has been practiced for several years.
  • The common experiences practiced in secret were, besides sex, bar life, cruising, camp, drag, and so forth.
  • My companions had been trained as children to kill swiftly and without cruelty and practiced all the disciplines of a halal slaughterman. The Skrayling Tree
  • On the second day, we practiced jibing, or passing the boat's backside through the wind.
  • I imagined she must have practiced hours at a time perfecting her petite prance in those lofty heels.
  • To my unpracticed eye, this signature is similar to those signatures acknowledged by Dr. Karimian as his and that on the Questioned Power opined by Mr. Lindblom as being Dr. Karimian's.
  • Combined with Anglican church hymnody, this had led to the distinctive vocal harmonic style known as mbube, practiced in many communities by "evening" or "night" choirs of enthusiastic amateurs. Music news, reviews, comment and features |
  • Waves of immigrant parents worked hard and practiced self-denial so their children could succeed.
  • Because necromancy has been practiced in many cultures, it includes a variety of techniques.
  • In the context of electoral politics as practiced there, populism is attractive to politicians of all shades.
  • It is, however, worth noticing how prevalent sleeplessness is among a class of women who have never practiced any self-indulgence or allowed any relief to their desires. Married Love: or, Love in Marriage
  • Now, pointless variation is in fact a sin of unpracticed writers, but lots of variation has a point, so there's no justification for viewing all variation with suspicion.
  • Since at least the early 1970s, when he began recording for the German label ECM, he has practiced a pristine, self-sufficient style, endlessly awake to his instrument's acoustical properties. NYT > Home Page
  • St. Alphonsus writes of a Father Auriemma's book Affetti Scambievoli where the good Father wrote of innumerable favors granted by the Mother of God to those who practiced the devotion of visiting her often in her churches or before her image. Archive 2009-04-19
  • She isn't a practiced public speaker, but she faced her audience as if to the manner born.
  • You might be able to work up a little magic if you practiced first. CHARMED LIFE
  • But instead, the woman sold her to a 67 year old pedophile known in his neighborhood as a "brujo" or witch, who practiced black magic. Tabloid baby
  • Surreptitious observation had been a habit of his since boyhood, practiced first on wildlife and then on women.
  • The Clinton gang, blinkered by their pragmatist outlook and policies, should not protest too much, for the altruist-pragmatist policies "dramatized" in "Path" also reflect those same policies as practiced by President George Bush's administration in his failing "war on terrorism. The Rule of Reason
  • Although historically polygamy was practiced, the marriage system is now monogamous.
  • About the only place where you will still see human slavery practiced is in ... Petzal on Palin: Who Thought McCain was That Smart?
  • People in general are equally horrified at hearing the Christian religion doubted, and seeing it practiced. Samuel Butler 
  • The cult of the ancestors is practiced among many of the ethnic groups.
  • Rooted in paternalistic culture and practiced for centuries, female circumcision in Uganda is thought to protect a girl's chastity by "reducing the urge for sex in women, " Mirundi said.
  • Nearly everyone knows that American quail hunting as practiced by our grandfathers is disappearing faster than free air at gas stations. The Bird Guys
  • Of course, the kind of maiming Mr. Cheney ordered goes far beyond anything practiced by the consenting adults who engage in BDSM activities, but I bet they still felt like he was giving a shout out at them. Archive 2005-10-30
  • Simple breathing exercises when practiced regularly can reverse a lifetime of bad breathing.
  • According to the dialogue 'Alcibiades', ascribed to Plato , the Persian Magi were priests, who practiced a form of spiritual mysticism which was their religion.
  • I knew immediately that from the position of his gun, I had plenty of time to hit the suspect well ahead of his unpracticed draw.
  • sociality" of Socialism is embraced and practiced. Army Rumour Service
  • Both of them characterize simplicity and practiced away from laboratory, especially, the resazurin disc test is still not reported so far in homeland, which can be finished in 15 minutes.
  • This them to reduce interpersonal conflict, focus prospective study found that graduates who on substantive issues, think strategically, and practiced the TM technique advanced to design and implement a new program of levels of maturity that are generally rare in the quality management. population, compared to three control groups This case suggests that management teams matched for gender and age over the same engaged in implementing complex time period, as measured on a standard management systems such as TQM would instrument of development. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Around the first century AD, the Greek historian Plutarch wrote about pirates of Cilicia who practiced the Mithraic "secret rites" around 67 BC.
  • Eugenics, practiced from the time Germany used it, could have made us stronger and smarter by design. What a Bunch of Apes! « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Partisanship as practiced in Europe has its strengths - vigor and forthrightness, among them.
  • Some were 9 and practiced selective mutism; they chose to not talk - to not say one word ever - during school.
  • ` ` It is said that in difficult cases female assistants have for ages practiced version, and physicians among the Songars have performed embryotomy with the knife. Labor Among Primitive Peoples
  • Multiflora rose, kudzu, and oriental bittersweet are substantially less abundant in the coastal plain, where agriculture is extensively practiced.
  • Hebrews and Christians practiced the ancient magical art of cleromancy, otherwise known as “casting lots to divine the will of Providence.” Another Conservative Christian Repudiation of the Bible
  • Fake guns are now so realistic that even the practiced eye of a police marksman can be fooled.
  • They are unpracticed in introspection, and therefore badly equipped to deal with opponents whom they cannot shoot like big game or outdo in daring … The hard-boiled are compensated for their silence: they fly planes or fight bulls or catch tarpon, whereas I rarely leave my room. The Great Assimilator
  • Gravely, over thimblesful of black coffee, the old hakim explained that regular sexual intercourse was necessary to keep a man fit and healthy, but the sexual act could either be a simple one of reproduction—no more complicated than that of a beast in a field—or it could be a subtle act of love, a discipline to be learned and practiced, in order to achieve and appreciate the most sublime gift of Allah. Lace
  • And what of dignity or meaning could be said? where talking of sacred subjects is not allowed, under the pretext that it scatters those blessings which should be carefully treasured up; and bestowing much information concerning the secular plans of economy practiced by your own to the other sex is not approved; and where to talk of literary matters would be termed bombastic pedantry and small display, and would serve to exhibit accomplishments which might be enticingly dangerous. The Communistic Societies of the United States From Personal Visit and Observation
  • Then, with the practiced thoroughness of an experienced computer hacker, she created and deployed a stealth-virus program.
  • We practiced the cha-cha, quickstep, jive and samba, all of which are coming along quite well.
  • We selected the various skin-tone colors from our boxes and practiced blending, hatching and cross-hatching on scraps of colored construction paper to explore the possibilities of creating shadows and highlights.
  • She practiced religiously, gathered confidence, was enthralled by her new adventure.
  • People in general are equally horrified at hearing the Christian religion doubted, and seeing it practiced. Samuel Butler 
  • To handle the woodworking chores, they bought a router, a planer, and a table saw, and then practiced using the tools on cheap lumber.
  • abdominal breathing is practiced by singers
  • Hurriedly, but with practiced ease and an air of calm and surety that she knew would alleviate some of the young man's terror, she pushed aside several hogshead barrels until she reached the back wall of the storeroom.
  • She shook her hair back, a nervous tick that she practiced only when thinking, and climbed onto the horse, bareback.
  • It occurred to Wyllard that Gregory had, at least, made no great success of farming; but that occupation, as practiced on the prairie, demands a great deal more than quickness and what some call brilliancy from the man who undertakes it. Masters of the Wheat-Lands
  • His decision to work in mezzotint was partly perverse, as it was an antiquated medium so labor-intensive that it was only rarely practiced.
  • In the same way I used to practice my magic tricks, I practiced pretexting.
  • Angus breeding is practiced to a large extent in the west and north-west, where its qualities of hardiness and ability to thrive under less favourable grazing conditions are well recognised.
  • They seem to contain many popular beliefs and customs, perhaps as practiced by the non-Aryan locals, and were later accepted by the aristocracy and the priestly class.
  • Today we did a new form, yin yang medical t'ai chi, and then we did a Yang style flow which we had practiced for the past couple of weeks. February 8th, 2009
  • This kind of cauterization practiced, possible cure for a particular illness but it was forbid - according to Ibn Hajar, is prohibited. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Being the band who arguably stole Summer Wave from under the noses of chart bothering pop-punk nerks Son Of The Dork, expectations were understandably high tonight and the band started off their set by saying they had only practiced twice for this show and so might be a little rusty.
  • … Collectively these newcomers wielded billions of dollars of available capital, petawatts of imperious brainpower, a practiced disdain for bureaucratic pettifogs, and Olympian con fi dence in their own judgment and capabilities. Home Page
  • In spite of the sobering tenor of "uprightness" in humanist pedagogical writings, the techniques practiced in schools such as Ca 'Zoiosa, especially with younger students, are more accurately characterized as jocoserious. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Making fun of their flubs has been a long-practiced tradition and fun drinking game among young Weekly Dig - Humor, News + Nightlife
  • Then we see skilled skaters perform a thirty foot rail-grind down a huge concrete stairway; we watch them laugh as Knoxville, obviously unskilled and unpracticed, takes a header into the sidewalk attempting the same thing.
  • •Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade, the NBA's second-leading scorer, has been an energetic, defensive terror, averaging 2.1 steals and 1.4 blocked shots in continuation of the emphasis on defense he practiced in Beijing. Olympians ringing true to star form
  • Two of the Heroes could not quite mitigate their practiced heroism to meet the current threat. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • [339], Assyrian writers explain that: The deep and hidden reason of the tyrannical oppression practiced throughout the Middle East is the imposition of pan-Arabic nationalist cliques that intend to dictatorially arabize the various peoples of the Middle East, who are � - all -- not Arabs Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • After an initial timing by the teacher on an unpracticed story, students graph this ‘cold reading’ score on bar graphs in their individual folders.
  • Was the idealism practiced by Nehru therefore impractical?

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