
How To Use Powerfully In A Sentence

  • It is this which so powerfully arouses sentiment in us.
  • This shows that _for every tone an air column of a certain size most powerfully reinforces that tone_. Resonance in Singing and Speaking
  • Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, has been accompanied by results of a most interesting and impressive nature, and has created new conditions, not in the routes of commerce only, but in political geography, which powerfully affect our relations toward and necessarily increase our interests in any transisthmian route which may be opened and employed for the ends of peace and traffic, or, in other contingencies, for uses inimical to both. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Act Three ends powerfully, with the village in flames, good Soviet citizens hanging by their necks, and keening women, including one who is given a ‘mad scene’ of sorts.
  • The right to attach is a simple concept, and it has worked powerfully in other markets. Boing Boing
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  • No less powerfully mythopoetic than the classical image of the disease, the demonological model envisioned the hysterical anesthesias, mutisms, and convulsions as stigmati diaboli or marks of the devil.
  • She argued powerfully for reform.
  • All three sections begin powerfully and carry that puissance - and often it's not a force that we nor the narrator can control - throughout the section.
  • But as the study just cited indicates, environmental influences can powerfully affect the way genetic predispositions are expressed in human behavior.
  • For a few minutes my whole being vibrates with a song so powerfully joyful I forget the years and stand as easy as a young man does at the start of the journey, careless of the distance to be covered or the load to be carried.
  • Skin Ointment by Nutribiotic contains powerfully antibacterial grapefruit seed extract and tea tree oil, along with healing l-lysine, echinacea, bee propolis, honey, cajeput oil, calendula, and goldenseal in a natural base. The Truth About Beauty
  • There was something very powerfully depressing about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are undramatic attributes, but they are powerfully consequential when well-used and central to a successful presidency. Romney: The Conservative Who Can Beat Obama
  • The odyle, as has been already stated, rapidly responds to surrounding magnetic conditions, and to the vibrations of surrounding Bodies, and to none more powerfully than the etheric perturbation caused by combustion -- indeed, to light of any kind. How to Read the Crystal or, Crystal and Seer
  • Thirdly, facing the request of leapfrogging reform in university personnel system, the government should bear the responsibility to promote the university reform powerfully and exteriorly.
  • Casting his powerfully subversive, silent gaze round the table as a wine master held forth, Baker seemed determined to get his fellow members to "corpse": he had no time whatever for oenological waffle. George Baker obituary
  • For such a large and powerfully built man, Micah was a bit of a pushover.
  • Yet this fascination with emotion trapped in pigment is pursued most powerfully and strikingly in British art of the modern and early modern era. Times, Sunday Times
  • As new imaging technologies offer us graphic evidence of the visible humanity of the growing fetus, our moral sentiments may be powerfully awakened or reawakened.
  • Virginia Radcliffe gave an alive, vampish performance as Elena, suggesting powerfully the will to survive and ability to manipulate.
  • This man was naked, powerfully muscled and of a copperish red rather than brown. People of the Dark
  • While Fringe is powerfully affecting, this week's Supernatural in the same time period, aggravatingly enough is ridiculously entertaining, a welcome satirical change of pace from the grim events of this so-far-spotty post-apocalyptic sixth season. Roush Review: Fringe, Supernatural, Spartacus: Friday Night Lights Up
  • He had never been so aggressively, powerfully, penetratively gazed on, cruised, sexualized, ravaged by a woman. Feminist blogs
  • These are undramatic attributes, but they are powerfully consequential when well-used and central to a successful presidency. Romney: The Conservative Who Can Beat Obama
  • Neither can a concern with the ear and the eye be taken simply as a reading of particular metaphors, however powerfully conceived.
  • In fact, he was starting to feel the nervous hankering toying powerfully with his insides. VAPOR TRAIL
  • Next, Afridi swept one powerfully over midwicket, and later in the same tonked one over wide long-on.
  • He was built as powerfully as a bull and it was common knowledge that he was generously endowed by nature that his martyred wife feared the marriage bed as unbelievers once feared the rack.
  • Increase of efficiency of regenerator can powerfully decrease energy consumption of tank furnace.
  • _Concentrated nitric acid_ attacks the natural silks powerfully in the cold; the lustra-celluloses dissolve on heating. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • French cheese flight at Fiddlehead Cafe A nutty, sheeps-milk Ossau-Iraty from the Basque region; a rich, creamy Edel de Cleron by Perrin Vermot; and a devastating co-op-produced bleu d'Auvergne that combined a sweet creaminess with some powerfully earthy, moldy scunge. Chicago Reader
  • But the question, as Mr. Phillips puts it in his introduction to "Holy Warriors," is this: Why does something that happened 900 years ago, and that ended "ignominiously," "resonate so powerfully across the modern world"? Rescuers, Not Invaders
  • In ordinary circumstances when windsails, fanners, or other powers have been introduced with the view of promoting ventilation, they have in general acted locally, with various effect, influencing powerfully the state of the atmosphere at one place, while in others it remained comparatively unaffected.
  • The commerce clause of the constitution has enabled it powerfully to influence the economy by invalidation of any state legislation deemed likely to burden interstate commerce unduly.
  • There's a band and no costume change and no showmanship; just me singing as powerfully as I can,’ says the Basildon blues belter.
  • However, an added bonus is that, even while dismissing Classical, or quantitative, prosody “English verse is so powerfully accentual and our ears are so habituated to its accents that quantitative prosody seems quite foreign to us.”156, they are able to support its study: THE PROSODY HANDBOOK: A GUIDE TO POETIC FORM by ROBERT BEUM & KARL SHAPIRO
  • But the reserve through which that attractive generosity and warmth powerfully shone was, for him, an impenetrable and necessary protection.
  • Also, while I'm too lazy to look for it, when the subject of women not having fetishes came up a few years ago I wondered whether that might be because for maybe thousands of years have been under ... quite a lot of pressure since childhood to "powerfully and persistently displace sexual interest onto objects, behaviors, or situations other than in copulatory or precopulatory behavior with phenotypically normal, consenting adult human partners. Figleaf's Real Adult Sex
  • He neared the goal and kicked the ball powerfully.
  • He decided that mobile, powerfully gunned anti-tank units were the best way to defeat enemy tanks.
  • the federal government replaced the powerfully pro-settler Sir Godfrey Huggins with the even tougher and more determined ex-trade unionist
  • C Major Variation V and the concluding siciliana will not assuage the mortal coil that surrounds this fateful work which Beethoven, too, found powerfully compelling. Audiophile Audition Headlines
  • The article gives an intriguing and powerfully written reading of the ironic positioning of such films.
  • Two main types of early amphibians include the large powerfully built labyrinthodonts and the small, slender lepospondyls.
  • Like a biochemical carrot and stick, these systems generate pleasurable or painful feelings that powerfully guide behavior.
  • The perversity of his relationship with Busch, whom he patronises and desires, and her feelings for him - oscillating between hatred and tenderness - come into focus here too - powerfully but too late.
  • At once powerfully direct and engrossingly intricate, this is a masterpiece of rewarding complexity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus arguments for controlling local authorities' spending would appear to weigh even less powerfully within monetarist theory than in Keynesian arguments.
  • I heard that Busey is actually the recorded father of quintuplet boys, but he hugged them all so powerfully at their birth that they died. BEWARE OF BUSEY PART 2
  • The evolution of life has been powerfully shaped by them. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a sceptic liberal who, in Two Cheers for Democracy, reviled Churchillian nationalism and powerfully argued the social value of being tepidly rather than ardently nationalist.
  • That gap, that human gap between ethics and the law is something you explore very powerfully in this book and, heartbreakingly I think for us and yourself, come away with no answers, as you've just said.
  • They might have held some pertinence had the mood of the town been more powerfully evoked.
  • So what made this scene so powerfully articulate ‘collective neuroses and fears’?
  • Efficiency: Powerfully purify pores, dissolve oil and propionibacterium, remove surplus oil, and quickly recover skin to pure, comfortable and refreshing state.
  • Fear and desire come together powerfully in ‘Newsreel,’ a poem of unrhymed tercets set in a 1950s Texas drive-in filled with ‘Cathedral-like De Sotos and great-finned Pontiacs.’
  • Ballard's work is powered by a number of key obsessions and his voice quietly leads us through them in these notes, mesmeric, dream-like and yet powerfully clarifying.
  • He was powerfully built, tall and brown, with straight black hair to his shoulders, radiating a manly beauty and inner strength that was unearthly in its intensity.
  • About noon hunger was felt so powerfully among us, that it was agreed upon to go to the small hills of sand which were near the coast, to see if any herbs could be found fit for eating; but we only got poisonous plants, among which were various kinds of euphorbium. Perils and Captivity Comprising The sufferings of the Picard family after the shipwreck of the Medusa, in the year 1816; Narrative of the captivity of M. de Brisson, in the year 1785; Voyage of Madame Godin along the river of the Amazons, in the year 1770
  • As a powerfully built youngster, he showed great potential as a goal threat. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the time comes for truths to be told, though, Ms. Scott Thomas fires off volleys of passion that transform Mimi from a prim martinet into a powerfully loving influence in John's life. A Grownup Look at Lennon as a 'Boy'
  • His legs were much more powerfully muscled.
  • I feel great difficulty in conceiving by what natural process an insect with a suctorial mouth, like that of a gnat or butterfly, could be developed from a powerfully mandibulate type like the orthoptera, or even from the neuroptera ... More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 1
  • We need books that touch the pulse of our community in new ways - ways that teach us how to take our Path powerfully into the future without forgetting our past or neglecting our present.
  • It amazes me that watching events unfolding on my screen again affects me as powerfully still one year on.
  • In pitting against himself those who had so powerfully succoured him in his misfortune, Condé ought at least to have drawn closer to the Court and had a serious understanding with the Queen; but he tergiversated, and at the end of some months of that wavering policy, he found himself standing unmasked between the Court and the Fronde, both equally discontented with him, repeating and exaggerating the blunder committed by Mazarin. Political Women (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • That we especially attend to, and emphasize, borders and boundaries is evidenced powerfully in our use of halos, the nimbus and the aura in the arts.
  • Walcott's metaphoric take on epic is so powerfully originative as to put the whole genre in a new light.
  • By simply stating his melodies, Dobbyn has never sung so plainly or powerfully.
  • Music, because of its performativity, can powerfully shape the nation.
  • In relation to power, it is, like solitude, the open heaven through which the grandeurs of eternity flow into the penetralian recesses of the human heart, after that once the faculties of thought, or the sensibilities, have been powerfully awakened. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 71, September, 1863
  • No soldier has done it more powerfully than the controversial boy thriller Michael Jackson.
  • The Conger can swim almost as powerfully backwards as it can in a forward direction.
  • The largest forced migration in human history has left a powerfully silent documentary record for historians to work from.
  • At the same time, the introduction of voice (assuming no effective voice alteration software) closes down a whole range of other performative possibilities, because voice socially "locates" people so powerfully (like those darned Australians). Mike fright
  • He is powerfully built, but lithe and well balanced, with a light footed, smooth and graceful gait, has a keen sense of smell and is well able to point, set and retrieve.
  • Those advocating such innovations were motivated most powerfully by aesthetic considerations, in particular by the deadening effect on design of development control.
  • Godfearing and unspeculative, they have attached themselves to such creeds as appealed most powerfully to the heart with the least possible admixture of form. Lippincott's Magazine, Volume 11, No. 26, May, 1873
  • At its first appearance it was warmly praised, in the Champion, probably either by Fielding, or by Ralph, who succeeded to him in a share of that paper; and Sir Joshua Reynolds, when it came into his hand, found his attention so powerfully arrested, that he read it through without changing his posture, as he perceived by the torpidness of one of his arms that had rested on a chimney-piece by which he was standing. Lives of the English Poets
  • Within the production's terms, George Anton is a powerfully costive Hamlet both hostile to and tainted by this world of animalistic appetite.
  • Powerfully suck out the blackhead and fat granule. For longtime use, not only help to open up and minify the pores but also make the skin delicate and smooth.
  • He felt himself so powerfully attracted to the scientific ideal.
  • He argued powerfully and persuasively against capital punishment.
  • But as the study just cited indicates, environmental influences can powerfully affect the way genetic predispositions are expressed in human behavior.
  • His powerfully lyrical Symphony no. 6 conveys a strong sense of the Norwegian landscape.
  • The campus infrastructure management was powerfully supported by GIS technology.
  • Indeed, the "vis inertiæ" which is ascribed to matter is itself a power, and a very formidable one; it is described by Baxter himself as "a kind of positive or stubborn inactivity," as "something receding further from action than bare inactivity," for "_matter is so powerfully inactive a thing_! Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
  • His left-footed shot was driven powerfully into the net via an important deflection. Times, Sunday Times
  • How has a single set of icons resonated so powerfully among a diverse national population?
  • To be present at Indiana University for the world premiere of Vincent, a powerfully affecting opera by composer Bernard Rands and librettist J. D. McClatchy, is to remember again why Wagner insisted that "the highest perfection is reserved for the musically arranged drama. Benjamin R. Barber: World Premiere of Bernard Rands' Opera Vincent at Indiana University's Jacobs School of Music
  • But powerfully and convincingly, he set out his heartfelt belief that he did what was right.
  • The production is controlled and disturbing in similar ways and deals powerfully with loneliness. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In his countenance, I saw kindness, worth, goodness and manliness altogether; he was a first man to affect me so powerfully.
  • When a planet is placed in an angular house, it is performing more powerfully.
  • Eugenia too, caught by his eccentricity, was powerfully impelled to watch and admire him; and not the less, in the unenvying innocency of her heart, for his evident predilection in favour of her cousin. Camilla
  • That faith-filled genuflection communicated very powerfully the sense of awe and mystery which ought to be associated with the Eucharist.
  • It was both stylistically adventurous and powerfully moving.
  • THE BLACK-AND-WHITE PHOTOGRAPH jolted the room like a powerfully concussive blast that leaves those in the vicinity damaged but unbloodied. Hi-Ya!
  • I predict she will be the most powerfully activist First Lady since Eleanor Roosevelt with her chosen causes, but with the inspirit-ability of another stylish mother of young children: Jackie Kennedy. Bonnie Fuller: Why Michelle's Red Dress Just Shook The World
  • What is relevant here is that the logic of instrumentality also leads powerfully in the direction of seeing women as violable.
  • We probably can no longer as before, so powerfully love, until all cried out.
  • Though counts may cavil and marquises moan, the Spanish parliament, backed by the Spanish electorate, has now put a stop to this kind of discrimination – a policy powerfully endorsed by the king though succession in the monarchy remains, for the moment, exempt from reform. Primogeniture: The second sex | Editorial
  • Dressed in casuals and far removed from the bright lights on the theatrical stage, he looks different from the characters he portrayed so powerfully, the day before.
  • Schnittke's through-composed style is at times powerfully direct, but sometimes too direct, the chorus's declamation dramatic yet detached and almost perfunctory.
  • Salinger's book has powerfully affected, and still affects, so many generations of readers.
  • I have thought of blotting these words out with sand and starting again, but the Goddess speaks powerfully in me, and makes me bow my head to Her will.
  • Part Five of this book will reveal that many contemporary political regimes are powerfully influenced by classical liberalism.
  • And they're visible most particularly in two aspects of church life: one is the powerfully strong commitment to synodical government, the participation of all members of the body of Christ in its decision-making; and the other is in the really remarkable embrace of indigenous culture that characterised Selwyn's mission and was echoed in the sacrificial work of John Coleridge Patteson, a martyr of Melanesia. Archbishop Celebrates Selwyn College's 125th Anniversary
  • The totality of evidence, to my mind, powerfully suggests that he is clean. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is very powerfully built , ie has a large strong physique.
  • At the other end, though partly muffled by a curtain, it was more powerfully illuminated by one of those embowed hall windows which we read of in old books, and which was provided with a deep and cushion seat. The Scarlet Letter
  • Hallucinogens are psychoactive substances that powerfully alter perception, mood, and a host of cognitive processes.
  • Procedural gender biases are a source of serious anxiety in a science as powerfully dependent on method as psychology.
  • Nonetheless, it is a beautiful, elegiac work of art, at once powerfully iconic and subdued.
  • The hounds, powerfully muscled mixed breeds, loll at the ends of leashes made of rope, leather or strips of colorful fabric.
  • Beautifully paced, formally innovative and powerfully written, "Technicolor" is a story about the power of books to capture our imaginations and bully our emotions. REVIEW: The Best Horror Of The Year, Volume 2 edited by Ellen Datlow
  • The moral interest of the fable, which is so powerfully sustained by the sufferings and endurance of Prometheus, would be annihilated if we could conceive of him as unsaying his high language and quailing before his successful and perfidious adversary. The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • I'm quite agnostic about synchronicity unless it seems really powerfully relevant to me.
  • The railway station smelt powerfully of cats and drains.
  • Vast and powerfully armoured divisions, miraculously supplied, would appear and drive up from the south to relieve the stricken army. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • It induces drowsiness and sleep and is powerfully amnestic.
  • Derek rode a splendid race, coming to challenge on the back straight and staying on powerfully to win by two lengths.
  • The author of this amusing and admirable history of the English language argues powerfully for universal linguistic tolerance.
  • Again, dainty dumplings swim in soup, but these are packed powerfully with a spicy punch.
  • This car is powerfully designed and breathtaking in appearance.
  • We probably can no longer as before, so powerfully love, until all cried out.
  • Arabic is said to be a powerfully lyric language, so perhaps the above snatches lose something in translation.
  • Here, in the debilitating heat, breathing in the thick scent of the frangipani trees which shade the graves, a grim episode of 20th century history becomes poignantly and powerfully vivid.
  • Like a biochemical carrot and stick, these systems generate pleasurable or painful feelings that powerfully guide behavior.
  • Part Five of this book will reveal that many contemporary political regimes are powerfully influenced by classical liberalism.
  • They shoved us off scrums, stole our ball at the tackle, carried the ball powerfully into our defence, and showed dextrous handling skills in the open spaces.
  • There is an abundance of powerfully voiced republicanism, anticlerical fervour and epicurean life.
  • Ironically Pope Paul's affirmation of the unitive and procreative goals of marriage set the scene for Pope John Paul II's theology of the body which speaks so powerfully to young adults today.
  • His vocal performance is powerfully nuanced as he veers from a soft, uncomfortably high croon to a barely contained wail by song's end.
  • Her experiences resonate powerfully with me, living, as I do, in a similar family situation.
  • Mars is powerfully placed on the 4th house cusp.
  • What should speak most powerfully to Africans today is Mandela's spectacular defiance in spite of seemingly insuperable odds and his unshaken commitment to his ideals even in the face of his own death.
  • The film refuses to judge - both sides of this contentious debate are vividly and powerfully drawn.
  • Water, ethanol, volatile organic acids, aldehydes, esters, acetals, and ketones, many of them powerfully aromatic, are among the azeotrope components in wines.
  • Yet this latest Naxos set is more than just a bargain alternative, offering a powerfully enjoyable experience, made the more involving by the tensions of a live staging.
  • Procedural gender biases are a source of serious anxiety in a science as powerfully dependent on method as psychology.
  • It is, of course, a convergence powerfully helped by the fact that accession to the European Union requires aspirant states to adhere to the principles of the free movement of capital, services and goods.
  • In the process of powerfully meeting the lively Hakan Yakin's free-kick he butted Choi Jin-cheul's head and both players needed lengthy treatment to stanch the flow of blood.
  • He was a normal child, if rather withdrawn, who, from his early teens, was powerfully attracted to orthodox Islam.
  • Some of us may never be able to hit the ball as accurately, powerfully or consistently as a scratch player, but with work, we can realistically hope to putt like one.
  • Increase of efficiency of regenerator can powerfully decrease energy consumption of tank furnace.
  • But the hand of Heaven weighed heavily indeed on the machinations of this junto; producing collateral incidents, not arising out of the case, yet powerfully co-exciting the nation to force a regeneration of its government, and overwhelming, with accumulated difficulties, this liberticide resistance. Memoir Correspondence And Miscellanies
  • The motivation for the burnet moths seemed powerfully erotic. Country diary
  • This question, which one hears almost everywhere, was addressed most powerfully by the Congolese lawyer I met in Lubumbashi. The Next Empire
  • Two major factors contributed most powerfully to the discontent and distrust expressed by the family and consumer groups.
  • He was a tall, muscular, powerfully built man with brown hair that was quickly going gray.
  • The double emphasis on "yett" not only lends l. 70 a nice syntactical balance, but it also powerfully underscores both Moulsworth's sense of pain and her surprise that her pain continues to be so intense. My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem
  • The idea that we must take action to avoid a Brave New World resonates powerfully within our culture.
  • This was a terrible place where unspeakable things were done, but the facade was magnificent: a truly Sublime monumental rusticated Classical composition which powerfully symbolised its intimidating function.
  • Let the rounded end of a brass rod, 0.3 of an inch or thereabouts in diameter, point downwards in free air; let it be amalgamated, and have a drop of mercury suspended from it; and then let it be powerfully electrized. Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
  • And in fact, when spending time in the wilderness, many evangelicals feel the call powerfully. Christianity Today
  • But as soon as you put on the headphones and start the audio tour, it becomes a powerfully evocative place.
  • (Editor's Note -- While Castro gave no details, Ciudad Trujillo and Caracas broadcasts asserted that Cuba is now the most powerfully armed nation in the world for its size, with tanks, artillery, and jets from the USSR and GRADUATION CEREMONY OIF CADET SCHOOL
  • Hallucinogens are psychoactive substances that powerfully alter perception, mood, and a host of cognitive processes.
  • This was an enormous and ubiquitous intellectual error and powerfully persuasive because of its ubiquity, and, like a computer virus, a self-propagating one. Robert Teitelman: McLean and Nocera's All the Devils Are Here
  • For several minutes the fish was boss, as it slowly and powerfully took line from the reel.
  • USA Today congratulated it for ‘powerfully and palpably capturing the isolation, confusion and unnameable fears of childhood’.
  • Are they powerfully sensuous, that is do they appeal strongly to the physical senses, of sight (color, light, and movement), sound (including music), smell, taste, touch, and general physical sensation? A History of English Literature
  • The direct rays of the sun are powerfully active in rendering oils and colours siccative, and were probably resorted to before dryers were -- not always wisely -- added to oils, particularly in the warm climate of Italy. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • The writer who has most often and most powerfully made the arguments within the establishment but against its preoccupations is Christopher Hitchens, a man who adores contrarians throughout history.
  • If you doubt his committment to Democratic values, please, look into his life-story a little bit: voter registration (* cough Clinton suppression cough*), civil rights law, community organizing, powerfully against the war when it mattered, against lobbying interests, against police abuses. Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Obama Camp Hits Back At Hillary's Reagan Criticism
  • The chondrin which I used acted more powerfully than gelatine, but then I do not know that it was pure. Insectivorous Plants
  • There it was, a palanquin being carried by four men, all powerfully built and in immaculate robes of ivory colour.
  • As a powerfully built youngster, he showed great potential as a goal threat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hope's original draft was longer, cohesive and more powerfully worded.
  • One might have expected these trends-which so powerfully enhanced the position of drama and playwriting by the end of the seventeenth century-to develop and continue.
  • The wait was certainly worth it: Volume 2, which mixes jazz, soul, and old-school hip-hop breakbeats with the singer's powerfully emotive voice, is at least as mesmerizing as Scott's debut.
  • There was something very powerfully depressing about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Crack is a cheaper, smokable form which is powerfully addictive.
  • Vast and powerfully armoured divisions, miraculously supplied, would appear and drive up from the south to relieve the stricken army. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Yet this isn't the whole story; the colours in the earlier works are there for powerfully symbolic reasons.
  • A wave of revolutionary fervour swept across Europe affecting the Fife coalfields powerfully.
  • Evidence of his physical frailty combined with a seemingly unstoppable output of writing worked powerfully on friends and the public alike. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON
  • But as the study just cited indicates, environmental influences can powerfully affect the way genetic predispositions are expressed in human behavior.
  • He later became Bishop of Hippo where he preached powerfully for 35 years.
  • One of the chief lessons he left them wrought well for the casting out of all with which the feudal system had debased the patriarchal; and the poverty shared with the clan had powerfully helped: it was spoken against the growing talionic regard of human relations -- that, namely, the conditions of a bargain fulfilled on both sides, all is fulfilled between the bargaining parties. What's Mine's Mine — Complete
  • Evidence of his physical frailty combined with a seemingly unstoppable output of writing worked powerfully on friends and the public alike. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON
  • The scenes depicted in its glossy pages seemed powerfully exotic compared to her own life. Times, Sunday Times
  • LDSG argues powerfully that if detention must be used at all, it should be only when removal or deportation is imminent. The injustice of indefinite detention
  • The appearance of Hand1 and Smyd1, transcription and chromatin remodeling factors; Acta1, Acta2, Myl3, and Myom1, myofibril proteins; and calcium-activated potassium-channel gene activity (KCNMB1), the channel protein, were powerfully attenuated in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
  • The dole of someone in a griefful state is powerfully exhibited by Spenser when cannibals with sharp knives and hungry looks gaze upon the Damzell in Book VI, Canto VIII, of The Faerie Queene: VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 1
  • Begin by powerfully pulling the medicine ball/weight across your body, extending your arms in front of your torso, until you reach a point just outside your left hip.
  • He felt himself so powerfully attracted to the scientific ideal.
  • In the athletic competition he acted powerfully, and won a lot of applause.
  • As a powerfully built youngster, he showed great potential as a goal threat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sunflowers, beautiful as they are on a summer day, are valuable as a source of both oil and meal, and sunflowers are also powerfully allelopathic against many tough weeds.
  • Khan Jamal's vibes weave subtly and powerfully around Shipp's melodic, stately and frequently forceful piano lines.
  • King Hienal was a tall, muscular, powerfully built man with brown hair that was quickly going gray.
  • He was a powerfully built man, thick-necked, broad-shouldered, with sinewy wrists and toil-distorted hands. THE HOBO AND THE FAIRY
  • Then, flexing their powerfully muscled silver bodies, they thrash their tails and leap from the water.
  • He argued powerfully and persuasively against capital punishment.
  • She makes a crucial change by powerfully anthropomorphizing the scene: she personifies the landscape, and thus it becomes witness to her pain.
  • With all those powerfully pungent aromas of smoke and strongly flavoured marinades, don't waste your money offering expensive fine wines with all their delicate secrets to unfold.
  • The dopey scene, in which her lady-in-waiting, Alice, teaches her English, has been powerfully reinterpreted, with Katherine using her newly acquired vocabulary to taunt her guards.
  • But the song is so powerfully evocative that the visuals are already imprinted on your mind. Times, Sunday Times

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