How To Use Powerful In A Sentence

  • The Huilloc men are only a little taller than their womenfolk, with broad chests, powerful shoulders and heavily muscled legs.
  • There was a powerful smell of stale beer.
  • That provides a powerful financial incentive for banks to supply more credit. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has made it far harder for determined and powerful figures to control how people see events and that can only be a good thing.
  • Lime hawk moth moth is named after the hawk because it capable of powerful, long- distance flight. Times, Sunday Times
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  • At the other end of the social scale were the king and a tiny group of powerful men, all of them rentiers who lived in style on the revenues of their great estates.
  • The lower mandible, which is powerful, and is indented at its point to receive the hook, has a very sharp edge, which, with that of the upper mandible, constitutes a pair of formidable shears. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • Immunoproteomics, a powerful tool for studying antigens at the proteomic level, allowed a comparative investigation of the immunogenicity of capsulate and non-capsulate strains of L. garvieae for vaccine development.
  • Magazines need the revenue from this powerful, high-spending label. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to receiving the best education that the South could offer blacks at that time, Ella inherited a powerful sense of service that made her civil rights efforts extraordinarily unselfish and untiring.
  • It is this which so powerfully arouses sentiment in us.
  • This shows that _for every tone an air column of a certain size most powerfully reinforces that tone_. Resonance in Singing and Speaking
  • It shines a powerful spotlight on an issue we ignore to our cost. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the one hand, it was a powerful tool to enhance or sustain personal and corporate power, wealth, and status.
  • For now, it's a relief to see that she is not included in Forbes magazine's recent list of the world's 100 most powerful women.
  • The stakeholders are frighteningly numerous, diverse, intensely self-interested, and powerful.
  • While he was chief inspector of schools parents could be sure that they had a powerful champion of high standards.
  • Having spent years working and living in London and across Eastern Europe, the solitude and beauty of the landscape offered a powerful draw.
  • Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just. Blaise Pascal 
  • Two victims die in the first scene, an effective evocation of place, character and a whole range of powerful emotions. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a powerful monarch, -- so powerful that the Greeks, who had built cities all along the coast of Asia Minor, in the country called Ionia, never spoke of him except as "The Great King. The Story of the Greeks
  • Unlike chemical antiseptics, essential oils are harmless to tissue, yet they are powerful aggressors towards germs.
  • Tusking," published in March 1986, was the first of his poems to appear in the TLS: a powerful frightening parable of coloniser and colonised, it is untypical of Imlah's work only in its short lines. Archive 2009-04-01
  • We also get to see entire animatics sequences that will delight anyone wondering how all the elements come together for a movie this visually powerful.
  • Thankfully, some excellent work by the chassis engineers means that there is no sign of wheelspin, often associated with powerful front wheel drive cars.
  • It is not only a powerful antioxidant, but it's also known as a skin healer.
  • There should be plenty of thunder left in the powerful arms and lower body he has developed since arriving in America as an underfed teenager with bright eyes and a voracious appetite for success.
  • What is news is that from the very beginning, biggety ivory-tower academics have labored to recruit into their ranks the sons and daughters of the powerful, famous, and rich. [Help] Most Recent Posts
  • As a rule of thumb, the villages of Barolo and La Morra produce the most perfumed win es, while Monforte d 'Alba and Serralunga produce more structured, powerful wines that require substantial cellaring. In Search of Barolo
  • He was almost sixty then, yet his body still was trim and powerful, and he loved to romp with us children in the sea.
  • The rush is pure, powerful and addictive. The Sun
  • An interlude of steel drum, tympani, and bongo injected a decidedly powerful tribal element to the experience.
  • The opening chapters are undeniably powerful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within a 17th-century half-timbered house, at Le Bistro de Claude, some of the most powerful people in the cognac business are partaking of seriously good cuisine. A Slow Path to Perfection
  • It provides a powerful method in laser assessment and alignment, and provides a diagnostic tool for measuring optical surfaces and transmissive components.
  • The 660 is a short light powerful rifle not much harder to carry than a hogleg revolver. Some Odds and Ends
  • For any company the temptation to squirrel away funds is powerful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The water gurgled and purled, loudly at first, then softly, as a powerful foot-wide whirlpool took shape.
  • The splendor of the ancient calligraphical productions of Greece, [79] and the still later ones of Rome, bear repeated testimony that the practice of this art had spread during the sixth century, if not earlier, to these powerful empires. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • Yet we make no apology for fighting for our independence as fiercely as we fight in our journalism to expose wrongdoing and hold the powerful to account. Times, Sunday Times
  • Electric Fan, Powerful fan, Ventilating Fan, etc. are our main products.
  • Certainly there have been powerful nonviolent movements in which strikes, work stoppages, non-cooperation, and massive civil disobedience have been effective without any religious or moral reference.
  • And there's a good reason for that: Iron Man 2 opened to a strong week and recharged the public imagination on all things superpowerful. How Not To Act Like A Superhero
  • Yet only a naive observer would say that his son is not powerful.
  • Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, has been accompanied by results of a most interesting and impressive nature, and has created new conditions, not in the routes of commerce only, but in political geography, which powerfully affect our relations toward and necessarily increase our interests in any transisthmian route which may be opened and employed for the ends of peace and traffic, or, in other contingencies, for uses inimical to both. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Hollywood, which once made her look hip and powerful, now makes her look craven and silly - and like a dumbo for not getting that it's so over with.
  • Act Three ends powerfully, with the village in flames, good Soviet citizens hanging by their necks, and keening women, including one who is given a ‘mad scene’ of sorts.
  • The right to attach is a simple concept, and it has worked powerfully in other markets. Boing Boing
  • Talks are under way to let the Scottish Prison Service access and contribute information to a powerful intelligence database on the movements and activities of the country's criminals.
  • One of the strongest non-random patterns is that rich and powerful people are healthier than poor and powerless people.
  • The first he would have described as a natural system - like a primitive state of nature, an uncivilized, anarchic world where the most powerful tyrannize the rest.
  • I cannot understand how such an inept man can be elected head of the world's most powerful country.
  • The stalks grow pale and wide, the flavour mellow yet powerful and tangy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The great surprise is that out of this slim body, a sonorous, powerful voice emanates vibrating with a immense nuances of expression.
  • Castor oil comes from the bean but so does a powerful skin irritant, and a deadly poison called ricin.
  • Men is unlike anything else on TNT, and needed a more powerful lead-in than the puerile Franklin & Bash to sell it to a mainstream audience. Ask Matt: Midseason TV, Emmys, The Good Wife, Glee, Jesse Stone and More!
  • Except that Bainbridge was never quite that neat a writer; elliptical, mysterious and not too hung up on the indispensability of closure, her novels quite frequently seemed to lack an easily decipherable resolution, and be all the more powerful for it. The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress by Beryl Bainbridge – review
  • Basically ice is to amphetamine powder what crack is to cocaine, very powerful.
  • Newsletters provide a tremendously powerful means of publicly celebrating the successes of children and the school.
  • He had a swashbuckling posture; but such was his powerful physique and piercing look, it seemed natural rather than boastful or proud. Seminary Boy
  • The world's most powerful man acts on the voices he hears in his head.
  • Now that's what I call a powerful Christian sermon. Archive 2009-01-04
  • But the most haunting of all the melodies is the warbling laughter of the Tulameen; its delicate note is far more powerful, more far-reaching than the throaty thunders of Niagara. Legends of Vancouver
  • Prima_ are neither ingenerable nor incorruptible Substances; since by his _Alkahest_ some of them may be produc'd of Bodies that were before of another Denomination; and by the same powerfull _Menstruum_ all of them may be reduc'd into insipid Water. The Sceptical Chymist or Chymico-Physical Doubts & Paradoxes, Touching the Spagyrist's Principles Commonly call'd Hypostatical; As they are wont to be Propos'd and Defended by the Generality of Alchymists. Whereunto is præmis'd Part of
  • No less powerfully mythopoetic than the classical image of the disease, the demonological model envisioned the hysterical anesthesias, mutisms, and convulsions as stigmati diaboli or marks of the devil.
  • The sequence is thus all the more powerful for its brevity and understatement.
  • He paused before delivering a powerful thrust that skewered the water creature beyond healing.
  • In the 17th century, the Dutch emerged as the most powerful of the Europeans, ousting the Spanish and Portuguese.
  • The play's chorus employs movement and primal rhythms, and performs a powerful ritual ceremony to bless Yerma's fertility, with Kevin MacDonnell as its tribal leader.
  • While the idea of mechatronics may not be new, technology developments such as smaller, more powerful microchips, new approaches to communication networks and new materials are enabling us to translate our ideas into new products that deliver increased functionality and use fewer resources. Engineering Hardware-Software
  • Grief is a powerful feeling, bereavement is as natural a life process as the passing of the seasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a powerful magical tool, a moonstone sigil named Concealer, able to render a man invisible. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • We are by far the most powerful nation on earth, and the world looks to us for leadership on this issue.
  • Dr Owen might have added, I suppose, that a necessary interest in the private lives of public figures was a feature even of powerful monarchies, where wedding-night consummation was a dynastic issue to be settled with the production of the kind of gloopy evidence now entertaining audiences for forensic science TV shows such as Top stories from Times Online
  • Another aspect of these aims was the powerful attraction of establishing international companies for their own sake.
  • The understanding that these diseases are genetic in origin, and different, has for the first time given humanity powerful tools with which to beat them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beside us, a Forward Air Controller uses a powerful periscope to pinpoint enemy targets over the sandbagged rim of the observation post.
  • It is notoriously pungent, extremely powerful and a favourite at Chinese banquets. Times, Sunday Times
  • He fast-talked his way into a powerful job.
  • Wisdom and understanding have always been powerful and effective weapons against a poor belief/approach.
  • Women typically use the speech style they do because they are in less powerful positions in relation to men.
  • Instead, all the clifty defiles of the ranges were filled with the roar of flames and the crackling of burning timbers as town after town was given to the firebrand, and the homeless, helpless Cherokees frantically fleeing to the densest coverts of the wilderness, -- that powerful truculent tribe! The Frontiersmen
  • You need a powerful saw to cut through metal.
  • They both have a powerful sense of humour and an understated wit that makes you look very carefully at what's on the page in case you miss anything.
  • He is big and powerful and can belt the ball for all he is worth.
  • But the following year, another powerful person decided to confer great nonelective power on Cheney. AMERICA'S MOST DANGEROUS CRIMINAL / DICK CHENEY
  • AMERICAN IDIOTS yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'AMERICAN IDIOTS'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: The American people\'s ignorance, stupidity, and disinterest in the governance of this nation have allowed an oligopoly of politicians, bankers, and powerful corporations to seize control of the country and loot its riches for their personal gain. AMERICAN IDIOTS
  • I have not been a learner of foreign languages for any significant lengths of time to be able to introspect usefully for the benefit of your discussion, but I have noted how on those few occasions, the change of costumes and locale has a truly powerful effect on my motivation, my willingness to be playful and adventurous, to take risks and experiment with new or old-new phrases and words. I is for Identity « An A-Z of ELT
  • Lord Irvine will have to console himself that his rival's unexpurgated thoughts were delivered in wartime, so muting attention to his strongest denunciation of a judiciary he deems too powerful.
  • It fires a powerful pulse down into the earth 's atmosphere and measures the light that is reflected back. Times, Sunday Times
  • Takla Haymanot of Gojjam, another of John's powerful and ambitious subjects, was also motivated solely by self-interest.
  • His powerful and evocative voice and his memory will live on in our hearts.
  • A consensus between powerful corporate interests is regarded as more important than the sovereignty of elected representatives.
  • Polak is a powerful presence in the lead, displaying remarkable physical and emotional range, while Treasa Levasseur is a standout in both comic and tragic turns.
  • Police found an "amateurish" but potentially powerful bomb that apparently began to detonate but did not explode in a smoking vehicle in Times Square, authorities said Sunday. Bomb found in car near Times Square
  • A little hope is a powerful thing, especially to a first-time buyer in a hostile market.
  • Before I was fully upright, a powerful surge of pain engulfed my body.
  • They inevitably exert a powerful influence over the transitional realm used by people, especially women, in postmodern mass culture. Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model
  • This powerful polemic about the insidious links between media, celebrity and the public makes for entertaining viewing. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, though intuitions can vary here, there is a powerful case for answering ‘No’.
  • In order to aggrandize afresh their power, the powerful countries started aforethought aggression time and again.
  • His roots may be privileged ones, but his work ethic is fierce and focused, a powerful example for young and aspirant artists.
  • The winners took the lead as early as the 7th minute with a powerful shot that took a deflection on its way to the net.
  • Electric lighting was such a powerful symbol of progress that early lighting fixtures proudly flaunted bare bulbs so that no one would dare mistake them for gaslights.
  • What it needs is a much more powerful, consistent, and coherent political expression.
  • I was blown away by your story — so powerful, multileveled, poetic prose, all in so few words: a fabulous job. Interview with String-of-10 TWO First Place Winner: Ann Pino
  • The doctors gave him more powerful drugs in the vain hope that he might recover.
  • It is the currency that bought infrastructural investment and a high standard of living, and the curse that attracted the gluttonous attention of the most powerful countries in the world.
  • The winger, a product of York's powerful junior section, took his chance with pace, swerve and strength but Ford could not make the conversion.
  • This powerful formula can surely represent the reality principle of the universe.
  • Certainly, few thinkers of the past two centuries have presented a more powerful critique of capitalism 's destructive power. Times, Sunday Times
  • That relationship is what makes great art so powerful and art forgery so pernicious. Times, Sunday Times
  • So that means that for five of the last eight years, all-powerful, unelected leaders have ruled over us.
  • Thessaly is a powerful and immortal witch who has been around since the times of Ancient Greece. Dewey's Amazing Graphic Novels Challenge!
  • If you are not able to go through initiation with a teacher see above, daily mental repetition still has a strong purificatory effect, although it is not as powerful as after initiation. The Sivananda Companion To Meditation
  • You know, probably the most powerful people within a household are valets, dressers and butlers.
  • The flavour is pleasantly strong and gamey, robust enough to stand up against some powerful sauces, thus the black peppercorns in this one.
  • So we are inclined to side with the powerless rather than the powerful.
  • In 1955, one of the richest and most powerful men in the new West Germany and a fresh face in its Bonn parliament, he went back to Rome. THE THORN BIRDS
  • There was also an ancient-looking horn and an "erhu" -- a two-string instrument which produced the most heart-wrenching sounds, and the "yanqin", a string instrument so beautiful and powerful that I thought there were twenty different instruments playing at once! Mao's Last Dancer
  • And the scene in which violence erupts is powerful without offering easy catharsis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Public fascination with the romantic lives of our country's most powerful (mostly single) women is fairly predictable, train-wreck coverage that ranges from whispers of lesbianism to reports of so-called bitchy behavior to completely de-humanizing or hyper-sexualized commentary involving pantsuits. Maegan Carberry: Finding a Man's Love in a Man's World
  • This is where Black looks for the most powerful emotions on Blonde on Blonde, and he says that those fills can have him close to tears.
  • Just the name ‘Magic Boy’ conjures up images of a powerful young sorcerer who can raise the dead and rain hellfire down on his enemies.
  • She looked like a tank in her bathing costume, Hoomey thought, squat and powerful and belligerent.
  • Instead this episode will confirm the worst fears of globalists: that multinationals are becoming too powerful for governments to control.
  • This results in a powerful electric field between the cloud tops and the ionosphere, the outer layer of Earth's atmosphere.
  • She argued powerfully for reform.
  • The DS isn't that powerful in CPU terms.
  • Violent death and loss have taken the life of this once powerful businessman - twisted it, broken it and turned it inside out.
  • This new version offers powerful control over the display and formatting of text.
  • We want it to be immensely powerful and truly personalised for each student. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mastiff is powerful, heavy muscles rippling beneath its scarred pelt.
  • Seeing it at the cinema is always both more powerful and ‘easier’ than watching it at home on video or DVD: it's far harder to summon the conditions for entrancement in a domestic space full of distractions and business.
  • In the 1970s and 1980s, powerful oral and parenteral inotropic agents were developed to increase CO, but their use was associated with greater and earlier cardiac mortality, primarily due to sudden arrhythmic death.
  • In other ways, Storm Born resembles Bloodring, with all the powerful gems, Eugenie's way of living and (sometimes rather demonical) visitors from Otherworld. Richelle Mead - Storm Born (Book Review)
  • And the men controlling the most powerful countries in the world ought to be ashamed.
  • But it also is true that neither candidate came from a wealthy, politically influential family or a powerful political machine.
  • And people have critiqued Western reason precisely because ‘reason’ and ‘science’ have been such powerful tools to justify various oppressions.
  • In the twinkle of an eye two powerful Quadi followed the dispensator, and, seizing Chilo by the remnant of his hair, tied his own rags around his neck and dragged him to the prison. Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero
  • The most powerful impulse of the time can be summed up as neoclassicism, a reversion to the purist attempts of the Renaissance to reproduce classical models.
  • It was in form more like a wolf, with bloated, powerful muscles covered in brown folds of skin.
  • Because of the universals I see, I'm much more interested in sociobiology, though -- the sense that evolution has formed our minds and thereby, in deep and powerful ways, constrained the types and shapes possible in human societies. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Gord Sellar
  • They inhibit investigative journalism and allegations of misconduct against powerful people who might sue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Older and chubbier, which doesn't matter, he is a torrentially powerful, elemental actor, whose outbursts mesmerize, and whose very silences impress.
  • The hope of water was such a powerful motivator, it kept me going.
  • The more powerful or complex the engine, the more vital it is to ‘lean’ the fuel/air mixture properly.
  • Furthermore, its integration with other desktop applications allows it to be used as a powerful document transmission system.
  • This is a disservice to one of the 20th century's most powerful writers and thinkers and a disservice to ourselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the most powerful is a program called Digital Performer for the Power Macintosh.
  • As you may have gathered, fairies are among the most powerful and clever of species.
  • He began with the most powerful of the tribes, the Ripuarian Franks. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • We're introduced to the title teen right before he learns he's the son of Poseidon and that he has two weeks to return a lightning bolt he didn't actually steal, lest Zeus start a Godly war (somehow without using the most powerful weapon in the world that was just stolen from him). Cinematical
  • petalism", according to which each man wrote on an olive leaf the name of the most powerful citizen; whoever obtained the greatest number of leaves was banished for five years. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Radio airplay is considered the most powerful promotional tool for record companies.
  • All three sections begin powerfully and carry that puissance - and often it's not a force that we nor the narrator can control - throughout the section.
  • The contact boat was only two miles from Grafton, and a chase ensued, with the suspected smugglers being illuminated by powerful searchlights.
  • They also contain a powerful antioxidant called ellagic acid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Big men often purport to be powerful spirit mediums and to possess both healing powers and deadly war sorcery.
  • It examines two powerful queens, how they used their power differently and how they suffered in love; two women imprisoned by the powerful roles they inhabit.
  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) it is also known as ubiquinone, CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant found in the membranes of every cell of the body. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • The outside world shrank down to the space of the secluded grotto, the powerful, stern-faced man in front of her, the measureless depths of his stare. Earl of Durkness
  • You know, probably the most powerful people within a household are valets, dressers and butlers.
  • Maybe there is jealousy, but I think the envy is more powerful.
  • For decades the small but powerful unions of printers and pressmen had won rich contract settlements as well as expensive press manning clauses and lifetime job guarantees for the compositors displaced by computerized typesetting.
  • The effect of the chemicals in the bean is to cause a powerful sedative action on the spinal chord which brings on paralysis of the lower limbs and death by asphyxia, and in larger doses by paralysis of the heart.
  • Love that she was powerful enough to send Damon flying and impale him on a tree. 'The Vampire Diaries' recap: Damon's plan revealed |
  • Within lay batteries of television monitors showing live feed from almost a hundred satellites, some of them so powerful that they could track the progress of a single ant on the ground.
  • This had a powerful influence on the Russian intelligentsia and society in general of that time.
  • But as the study just cited indicates, environmental influences can powerfully affect the way genetic predispositions are expressed in human behavior.
  • St. Jacques, a heroic fighter involved in the Crusades, was the exact double of Ogoun Ferraille, a powerful warrior spirit.
  • Moreover, that they should be in the hands of a powerful vassal of Naples such as Orsini suited the Pope as little as it suited Lodovico Maria Sforza. The Life of Cesare Borgia
  • Such are the most powerful voices of our times!
  • My job was to sweep the seas with powerful binoculars from the bows on the left side to 45 degrees.
  • The last, for instance, explores the conflict between cultural traditions and powerful assimilative tendencies.
  • It's unfortunate, however, that he has to rely on jaded Irish clichés of booze and blarney to enliven a story that is powerful enough to survive on its own merits.
  • Powerful scenes closely reflecting events in the author's own life are diluted by her wordy and overemphatic commentary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inhalants are breathable chemical vapors that can produce a quick, powerful high, usually by depressing the central nervous system.
  • Alberti was also occupied by the dialectic of the vita activa – vita contemplativa. 33 Through his own treatise on the subject, De commodis literarum atque incommodis,34 and a study of the Florentine family, Della famiglia,35 Alberti deeply influenced a younger generation of powerful and wealthy soldier-scholars, including Leonello d'Este and Federico, who negotiated their turbulent political climate as much by tactical eloquence as by militaristic valor. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • We need a big powerful sound from the trumpets in the final passage.
  • Are multinationals now more powerful than governments?
  • JavaScript is an incredibly powerful tool, and for too long it was a corruptive force on the web.
  • Only through unity and collective resistance can these people stand up to the powerful interests that seek to control their lives.
  • The city lay defenceless before the most powerful fighting force on the continent.
  • It is a country dominated by high peaks and wide flat stretches of lava field, powerful waterfalls and creaking glaciers.
  • Bains analysed the concentration of the element barium - a powerful tool for measuring ocean productivity - in sediments deposited across the boundary.
  • In contrast to Tailleferre's lightweight divertissement of a quartet, Durey's is concentrated, serious and powerful.
  • The more powerful person in a dyad is the one who has the license to touch. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Once again we are reminded that the capital of the most powerful democratic nation on the globe is a one party town: Democrats rule, by outnumbering Republicans 10-1 in registered voters. DeMorning DeBonis: Nov. 2, 2010
  • A powerful electric current is passed through a piece of graphite.
  • There is a powerful argument for saying that, in general, it should be subject to the rules of administrative law.
  • Crafty once meant powerful, and cunning meant knowledgeable; each has gradually taken on negative connotations (this is called pejoration). Catachresis and the amusing, awful and artificial cathedral
  • They certainly help to enhance a perspective that sees Faustus as a pawn between two more powerful forces.
  • Luckily, it isn't long before he learns that a family amulet, passed down from his father, is actually a powerful gem that possesses the ability of time travel.
  • She gave him a hard spanking; she was powerful for such a frail woman.
  • Suddenly the powerful propaganda machine of the big media concerns was no longer able to achieve the desired affect.
  • Schools of occultism insist most strenuously on the deific and all-powerful nature of such beings.
  • And yet it is in France that the people of the communes, the burgherdom, reached the most complete and most powerful development, and ended by acquiring the most decided preponderance in the general social structure. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 2
  • Their sparse details and antic distortions are surreal yet recognizable enough to hit the target, whether it's a powerful politician or a basic human type.
  • Westlands, and other Valley agribusiness interests, are politically powerful and large campaign contributors.

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