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How To Use Poverty In A Sentence

  • But Labour's focus on abolishing child poverty is not, as he (deliberately) patronisingly claims, for the "aah" factor. Labourhome
  • That still eludes much of the antipoverty lobby. Times, Sunday Times
  • Poverty is something that is contagious and infectious in our community.
  • HPL lived and died in genteel poverty, and some biographers have suggested that poor diet brought on by poverty may have hastened his death. Someone Is Angry On the Internet
  • The apparently unabating national and household poverty is widely debated.
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  • Then, suddenly, the house turned itself into a Richard Curtis film - the one in which all those hard-hearted world leaders listen to a young wee Scots lassie who tells them that, yes, they can make poverty history, now!
  • She contends that U.S. officials overreacted, rather than dealing pragmatically with adoption procedures in a country where poverty and a long-running insurgency fueled widespread child abandonment, impaired record-keeping, and hampered official investigative capabilities. Despite Hurdles, Families Pursue Nepal Adoptions
  • He must turn rogue and villain; for as the saying is, Necessitas cogit ad turpia, poverty alone makes men thieves, rebels, murderers, traitors, assassins, because of poverty we have sinned, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Both seek to address poverty in their countries, but within the framework of a free-market economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is increasing recognition of the complexity of the causes of poverty.
  • Hunger and poverty often compel the poor to overexploit the resources on which their own livelihoods depend.
  • Poverty was recognised as a complex and multidimensional problem.
  • It completed her expression; it was as a very halo of Yankee saintship crowning the woman who in despite of poverty and every discouragement had always hated, to the very roots of her hair, anything like what she called a "sozzle;" who had always been screwed up and sharp set to hard work. A Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's Life.
  • Without the rise, the government will not tackle child poverty, it says.
  • That history was one of poverty and violence, of battered women and abandoned children.
  • Mumbai is a mixture of great wealth and extreme poverty, delightful colonial buildings alongside shanty huts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Equality in poverty might mean civil population contentment whereas glaring inequalities sow the seeds of a class struggle or revolution.
  • Yet breaking the endless cycle of global poverty that powers these wars is achievable, Mr Annan says.
  • But for all its glories, Victorian was also a time of grinding hard work, belching mill chimneys and the sort of poverty scarcely imaginable today.
  • For decades Kalahandi has been synonymous with droughts, famines, starvation and poverty.
  • -- The scientific remedies for poverty and pauperism, that is, the scientific methods of dealing with the various dependent classes and of preventing their existence, now form the subject-matter of a great independent science, the science of philanthropy, which, as we have already seen, may be considered a branch of applied sociology. Sociology and Modern Social Problems
  • I didn't see any Western country with so many elements of social morbidity: poverty, beggary and starvation.
  • It was the first ecumenical meeting on poverty that helped to lay down the groundwork for future church coalitions.
  • 135 There is a grey area between ornament and decoration where one or other strives to compensate for poverty of form.
  • Your poverty of ambition is breathtaking. Times, Sunday Times
  • This, he said, had helped ease the poverty levels and called on the Church fraternity to emulate the Catholics' gesture.
  • They believed the only reason development was not working was the lack of professional input: if we provided this, poverty would magically vanish.
  • The spacewalker represents an aspirational triumph over vicissitude and poverty. Times, Sunday Times
  • The charity aims to relieve poverty and distress caused by natural disasters.
  • It would be absurd to blame Aristotle for his conceptual poverty: poverty is a lack, not a failing.
  • In 1991 almost 36 million Americans were living below the poverty line.
  • It's a serious argument over whether to increase spending on public services or to lift people out of poverty.
  • We have a poverty of soul today, of interior feelings.
  • Sloth is the key of [to] poverty
  • The necessary precondition for a functioning democracy is not just minimal outright poverty, but a reasonable degree of similarity between the life and life prospects of the citizens.
  • But the various cities and counties have continued to plead poverty in the hope of receiving aid from central government.
  • As a wealthy businessman, he couldn't even begin to imagine real poverty.
  • Poverty is an abnormality to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. 
  • A life of poverty, tradition and religious dread suffuses songs steeped in misery and learnt by word of mouth.
  • In the United Kingdom they face the effects of poverty, dependence, and lack of cohesive social support.
  • Mr. Husain articulates a clear, unambivalent and positive assessment of the likely effects of globalization and liberalization on poverty.
  • Some of those children will find their way out of a cycle of poverty, poor education and chronic unemployment and eventually make satisfying lives and careers.
  • Politicians are cut off from the reality of poverty.
  • The welfare state never came close to eliminating poverty.
  • As soon as Lincoln revealed his poverty, Speed invited him to be his bedmate.
  • There is immoral, unethical and illegal prosperity on the one side and poverty-stricken people who are moral and ethical on the other.
  • These structural changes were aggravated by the expulsion of large peasant masses, which increased poverty and unemployment in big cities.
  • For families in the poverty trap this was a year of suffering with increased rentals driving families to share houses in overcrowded conditions and stress making more families dysfunctional.
  • There was a mass migration of poverty-struck farmers into the cities.
  • Unless looks deceive so convincingly, he does not look indigent and like someone in state of abject poverty; more like a man in full control of his bearing, faculties and appearance.
  • The poverty-stricken viceroyalty of Sardinia contributed little, Sicily somewhat more; most of the burden fell on Naples.
  • Poverty and love are hard to hide. 
  • When her snooty daughter visits, she is embarrassed by her relative poverty.
  • She was believed to have died in near poverty on the French Riviera.
  • Bad as the austerity cuts may feel here, life over there is truly harsh: poverty means something entirely different. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's just going to get worse unless we tackle poverty. The Sun
  • And the issue is this -- starting from the contemptuous defiance of the scriptural doctrine upon the necessity of making provision for poverty as an indispensable element in civil communities, the economy of the age has lowered its tone by graduated descents, in each one successively of the four last _decennia_. Theological Essays and Other Papers — Volume 1
  • Tom was particularly captivated by the children of the parish, who seemed so joyful despite their poverty and despite the war.
  • After days of stories of poverty - and seeing a fair amount of it - the starched white tablecloths and formal service were surreal. The Sun
  • This is the only humane approach to those fleeing violence, poverty and oppression.
  • But as he lay and devoured the new 'white breid,' his satisfaction -- the bare delight of his animal existence -- reached a pitch such as even this imagination, stinted with poverty, and frost-bitten with maternal oppression, had never conceived possible. Robert Falconer
  • He died in comparative poverty, but was buried in Westminster Abbey, where Lady Anne Clifford, countess of Dorset, paid for his handsome monument.
  • If your poverty of expression compel you to make any distinction between the two, we would certainly recommend your bestowing more admiration on his garden than his wine. Sketches by Boz
  • Infant mortality is frequently assumed to be an especially sensitive indicator of severe poverty.
  • 20% of the population now live below the poverty line .
  • That is because poverty degrades individuals and robs them of dignity and worth.
  • But super-power trappings offer only a flimsy mask for the realities of poverty and are no substitute for grassroots economic development.
  • Inequality and poverty breed class conflict.
  • The great singer ended his days in poverty.
  • The biotech companies and their tame scientists are using other people's poverty to engineer their own enrichment.
  • My purpose is to show that poverty and misfortune make no invidious distinctions of “race, color, or previous condition,” but that wealth unduly centralized oppresses all alike; therefore, that the labor elements of the whole United States should sympathize with the same elements in the South, and in some favorable contingency effect some unity of organization and action, which shall subserve the common interest of the common class. Black and White
  • The poverty trap would become a demographic trap.
  • There, non-governmental groups are proliferating as poverty increases and trade liberalisation undermines local economies.
  • Certainly poverty, as in dying of starvation, is bad. A Bad Day, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Without missing a beat, the taller man handed Dickie a beer (apparently it was not too early to drink), and began challenging his opponent to distinguish between the genuine ascetic and what he termed the conspicuously nonconsuming -poverty snob. Villa Incognito
  • The money is divided among departments such as Welfare, Water Affairs and Public Works, which are involved in job creation programmes and poverty relief.
  • He is also empassioned about the case for greater justice in trade - despite the recession, arguing that while times may be tough in the UK, these farmers are living in absolute poverty which it is our moral imperative to address. Fairtrade gets huge boost from The Co-operative's new ethical plan
  • Poverty drove her to prostitution.
  • It is poverty and lack of education that cause the grief. Times, Sunday Times
  • I tackled him about how anyone could live amidst so much poverty.
  • Mr Wood said aid had to be sent wherever people needed water, food and shelter but he warned there was no overall single answer to the problem of poverty.
  • But many economists believe that relative poverty rather than absolute standards is what matters.
  • Sure, some innocent, and I use the term innocent loosely because it would be hard for a priest to be innocent in that environment of poverty, occassionly get shot unintensionly. The Black Fist Calls For Peace
  • And a very big part of their struggle is with the structure of power, and especially wealth, among Muslims because that is largely based on practices that are at best murkily understood even by professionals, and which are easily attacked by propagandists, e.g,, the World Bank causes poverty. Matthew Yglesias » The Politics of Terror
  • Strategic Studies said the 2005 meeting may help formulate ways to tackle issues such as HIV/AIDS but the long-term eradication of poverty would be beyond their grasp. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Cassandra, her older sister Rose and her younger brother Thomas are living in poverty even more abject than the Bastables, in a broken - down castle.
  • After a lifetime of poverty, his last few years were spent in comparable comfort.
  • much poverty can be traced to the underdevelopment of industry
  • That is because poverty degrades individuals and robs them of dignity and worth.
  • the richness all around unsettled him for he had expected to find poverty
  • The two motives to which I refer are poverty and fear of social obloquy.
  • Poverty is a major contributor to mental illness, stress, suicide, family disintegration and substance abuse.
  • Is he a pseudo-Marxist as his largely secret talk in San Francisco indicated … where he berated average people in Appalachia who didn't vote for him for "clinging" to religion in their poverty-paraphrasing religion the opium of the people dictum where Marx lachrymosely wails in behalf of the downtrodden who substitute God for material gains, a direct parallel? THE IRATE NATION
  • The continuation of the strike caused a lot of poverty.
  • That might sound worthy to the point of torpor, but this study of desperation and acute poverty is as tightly wound as a thriller. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will the government's effort to marry off more low-income single parents ease poverty?
  • The appointment is not a disaster, though it shows a poverty of imagination.
  • I had access to extreme beauty, yet we lived in abject poverty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nowhere was it tried - and I mean real socialism, not welfare statism - where tyranny, misery, poverty, fear and oppression failed to follow.
  • Native grasses included alkali sacaton, galleta grass, poverty threeawn, sand dropseed, and Indian ricegrass. Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
  • John Hickenlooper vetoed a bill that would have required families near the poverty level to pay more for state-subsidized health insurance for their kids. Jason Salzman: Talk Radio Hosts, Orphanages, and Children's Health Insurance
  • The Sun Bombs, executions, poverty... welcome to Anzhi FC, Mr Eto'o - 2 hrs ago United gazump Chelsea's swap for 'outstanding' winger - reports - 16 hrs ago TalkSport Man United after Juventus ace - 17 hrs ago The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. BBC News - Home
  • Sloth is the key of [to] poverty
  • The needs of these children were dramatically highlighted by the Child Poverty Action Group.
  • the war on poverty
  • A white stinkwood tree was planted in Ivory Park, near Midrand, on Friday 17 October as a symbol of prosperity in the global fight against poverty.
  • Until that changes there will be little progress against poverty or inequality. Times, Sunday Times
  • While Nicky watched and marvelled, his father Paul, rating Rio the finest place he has been, was struck by the bold attitudes towards poverty.
  • Another group of monasteries grew up around friars who although taking the triple vow of poverty, chastity, and obedience were mendicants who moved about the country using any house of their own order as a base.
  • The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood.
  • We are reverting to the civilization of luggage, and historians of the future will note how the middle classes accrete possessions without taking root in the earth, and may find in this the secret of their imaginative poverty.
  • There is increasing recognition of the complexity of the causes of poverty.
  • The elimination of hunger is thus the first requisite for eradicating poverty.
  • The expected net proceeds raised by auction of personalized registration mark will be used for poverty initiatives.
  • Poverty still exists in this country.
  • Until we have a good picture of the extent and nature of poverty we can't develop sustainable, effective policy responses.
  • And yes, the new agency will be responsible for enforcing fair lending laws and the CRA, which as Federal Reserve Board Governor Randall S. Kroszner said, have “been helpful in alleviating the financial isolation of many areas of concentrated poverty.” Wonk Room » CNBC Talking Heads: Only ‘Naive,’ ‘Stupid’ ‘Suckers’ And ‘Idiots’ Were Victims Of Predatory Lending
  • Just like the Global Poverty Tax Act he has been trying to get hru since2007. News
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • They lifted millions of people from poverty with micro loans.
  • Re: and where dramatically fewer children grow up in poverty, is somehow obviously a dystopian nightmare. Matthew Yglesias » McConnell Warns of American Dystopia — More Equality, Less Poverty, Longer Life Expectancy
  • The international community's historic commitment to slash worldwide poverty in half by 2015 -- known collectively as the Millennium Development Goals -- has resulted in real advances: Primary school enrollment is up, new cases of preventable diseases are down, and millions of people have climbed out of extreme poverty. Martti Ahtisaari: World Leaders Must Address Global Youth Employment Crisis
  • The MPs assured the President of continued support in the fight against corruption and poverty adding that if the vices were not eradicated the country will continue lagging behind in development.
  • The challenges of hunger, of poverty,[Sentencedict] of ecological crisis.
  • This may end efforts to set a minimum wage well above the poverty line.
  • Both of them died in abject poverty.
  • Such elders may have given positive meaning to experiences of anxiety, poverty, chronic illness, multiple losses and death.
  • Can we ever root poverty up from the world?
  • And this poverty needs correcting or greening will translate into more domination.
  • While Lakshmi is the goddess of riches, her elder sister is the deity of poverty, indigence, odium, reproach and ignominy.
  • The above excerpt, “Hamlet,” illustrates how such lingual poverty might bowdlerize the legacy of poetry. Quick Review 04 : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Many believe that poverty is a direct consequence of overpopulation.
  • The figures are appalling: 1,800,000 people in London live on the poverty line and below it, and 1,000,000 live with one week's wages between them and pauperism. THE PRECARIOUSNESS OF LIFE
  • Further confusing matters, 'naturalness'-wise, there are women thin for reasons of health or poverty who still watch what they eat for getting fat. What Would Phoebe Do
  • His mismanagement of the economy and his corruption exacerbated the poverty of the population, which was thus unable to benefit from the country's wealth in mineral resources.
  • Some beggars are neither poverty-stricken nor homeless.
  • The cause of their poverty was seen to be 'dependent capitalism', and the remedy the socialization of the private ownership of the means of production.
  • He only began his writings at the age of 52 and his ranting style of delivery, often on street corners to a puzzled audience, marked him out for a lifetime of ridicule and poverty.
  • Traditionalists see crime and poverty as largely the result of a breakdown in social discipline or self control.
  • Mother and daughter must make good matches or face poverty and ignominy as their long visits to relations strain the bounds of hospitality. Times, Sunday Times
  • The economic and social power of Church beneficence exposed the poverty of public provision for the poor.
  • But there was a new awareness of social problems, a new consciousness of poverty and unemployment.
  • The setting is one of abject poverty and misery, yet the upbeat caption tells us that even victims of disaster need a good shoeshine.
  • If rich, it is easy enough to conceal our wealth, but, if poor, it is not so easy to conceal our poverty. We shall find it less difficult to hide a thousand guineas, than one hole in our coat. 
  • But to some extent poverty is an absolute condition. The Global Marketplace
  • The Millennium Development Goals are outlined in eight respects, including eradication of poverty and hunger; universal elementary education; gender equity and women's autonomy; reduction of children's mortality; reduction of women's mortality; and the fight against the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), paludism (malaria) and other diseases. Top Stories - Google News
  • The poverty of 10 million citizens not only demeans our society but its cost also hobbles our economy.
  • The tattered clothes of the majority of shoeless, rural and urban poor are outward signs of the poverty they endure.
  • Government claims that there is no poverty are belied by the number of homeless people on the streets.
  • Poverty, injustice and other secular problems are, therefore, seen as being the result of exploitation by world capitalist powers.
  • Second, there's not much impact on poverty if new jobs are casual, part-time and poorly paid.
  • He argues that one of the root causes of crime is poverty.
  • The monks also take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Times, Sunday Times
  • What's particularly interesting about this mailer is that the "Hooverville," of course, was a symbol of government inaction in the face of the poverty and widespread misery of the Great Depression. Right-wing group's mailer warns of "Obamavilles"
  • ‘Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty’ (Proverbs 23: 20-21 KJV)
  • And though it gall thee to be told so, albeit thy city in Laconia is no doubt mighty fact, yet thou findest no place for his Scyros, displaying wealth 'midst poverty and setting Menelaus above Andromache
  • Yet huge swathes of poverty, deprivation and overcrowding still persist. Times, Sunday Times
  • In oil, they have an incredibly valuable resource that can be used to accelerate their economic development and reduce poverty.
  • Pop described how he escaped Mayo poverty, four years before the Easter Rising, by stowing away on a boat to England, where he planned to earn passage to America.
  • Wartime discoveries of acute poverty among elderly people heightened awareness of their propensity to poverty.
  • Our research shows that 80 per cent of poverty reduction comes about because of economic growth and only 20 per cent is the result of income redistribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • India's poverty absorbs everything and uniquely reinvents it.
  • She said yesterday that she found her portfolio unsuited to her interests and wanted to work on the London Child Poverty Commission.
  • He had also been to Appalachia to expose the depth of rural poverty in America, and had made an amazing trip to South Africa, where he challenged young people to fight apartheid.
  • The eradication of poverty is indeed today a vital condition for global stability, democracy and peace.
  • He was frustrated by deep poverty.
  • They are often criticized for producing "poverty porn" for Western audiences; their detractors call their - oeuvre the "cinema of squalor" — a label Philippine critic Lito Zulueta decries as unfair. Daring Filipinos Not To Look Away
  • This poverty coexists with obscene wealth at the other end of the social scale.
  • The overwhelming causes of poverty in rural areas were low pay and to a lesser extent old age and widowhood.
  • Critics of popular capitalism argue that it is a programme for increasing inequality and poverty.
  • The pride of the poor people is infinitely great, and exceeded by nothing but their poverty, in some parts, which adds to that which I call their misery; and I must needs think the savages of America live much more happy than the poorer sort of these, because as they have nothing, so they desire nothing; whereas these are proud and insolent and in the main are in many parts mere beggars and drudges. The Further Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe
  • Helping to alleviate poverty in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction.
  • There are few jobs for the peasants who have flooded into the cities from the poverty-stricken countryside in search of work.
  • Poverty is a recurrent theme in her novels.
  • He said if exploited in the right way Zambia's great variety of gemstones that includes emeralds, amethyst, aquamarines, tourmalines and garnets offered great potential for poverty reduction.
  • Age, debility, poverty and illness were often factors that led to a favorable decision.
  • Her innate charm even at her age and her adeptness at being able to turn a situation, howsoever desperate, in her favour, catapult her from the degrading depths of poverty into a fairly comfortable Brahmin priestess.
  • Br Dennis Murphy has just completed his novice year at the Dominicans and took his first vows of poverty, chastity and obedience this Wednesday.
  • Poverty is not a sufficient cause of disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace. 
  • The financial restraint is the most prominent financial characteristic in poverty and underdevelopment regions.
  • He asked how committed the leadership was to liberating its people from poverty.
  • I hope you have not made any hasty arrangements with him for certainly you can surmise, his only intentions will be to ill use her and then cast her aside in poverty and disgrace.
  • In this regard, I can no longer, for example, sit with a poor family hovering along the poverty line without being mindful of the multitudinous ways in which class oppression can fracture the relationships of those affected.
  • They have made no difference and the people live in abject poverty. The Sun
  • Through our poverty we try to share Christ's love and respect for the so-called non-achievers, for those who are on the fringe of society.
  • His adoption of a soldier's guise gives the usually scrubbed detective a much grungier look, making him seem less an interloper than an authentic member of the poverty-choked netherworld he's infiltrating in his search for the gun.
  • We must ensure that the sector continues to expand, sustainably, to provide more people with food and income, especially in areas like sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, where hunger and poverty prevail.
  • It’s not good for China because their GDP/capita is still pretty low (worse than Venezuela’s!), which means there are a ton of people still living in subsistent poverty. The Volokh Conspiracy » Venezuela
  • After days of stories of poverty - and seeing a fair amount of it - the starched white tablecloths and formal service were surreal. The Sun
  • There was a dankness in the air, a smell of creeping poverty which emanated from the beggars and rose to enfold them all. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Unemployment is a major cause of poverty.
  • Poverty detrudes her into a condition below beasts.
  • Traditional banks are associated with wealth and profit; food banks with poverty and scarcity.
  • They overcame grinding poverty, tremendous distances on slow transportation with no travel budgets.
  • Crime does not necessarily go with poverty, some rich men are criminals.
  • (the possession of correct views, decision and purity of thought and will, the ability of reproducing any sound uttered in the universe, vow of poverty, asceticism, attainment of meditative abstraction of self-control, religious recollectedness, honesty and virtue), and such doctrines. Buddhism and Buddhists in China
  • Both stories capture the hopelessness and desperation of grinding poverty, but in very different ways.
  • Can it be right to demand so much of such a young child, however great his talent appears and however wretched a life sold by his poverty-stricken mother to a pedlar who beat him he had led before? TV review: Leaving Amish Paradise; Kidult: Marathon Boy
  • When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window. 
  • The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved. Mother Teresa 

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