How To Use Pounding In A Sentence

  • It felt like chewing string dipped in weed killer, but within a couple of minutes the trembling in his limbs gave way to a kind of enervated thrumming and the pounding in his head subsided to a manageable level. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • But a couple of months ago, in a Times Square studio, congas were pounding out Afro-Cuban rhythms, dancers in high heels were twirling to fast-paced mambos, and just about everyone in sight was a shade of brown.
  • In so doing, Congress is compounding the burden and is proposing to go far beyond any rational tax policy in what can only be described as a confiscatory manner. Alan Patricof: Unintended Consequences of the Enterprise Value Tax
  • Who is that pounding the piano?
  • I sat at our old compounding table, surrounded by a welter of Skill-scrolls. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
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  • At times, however, music of great austerity and purity is shattered by painful, pounding discords.
  • The song begins with pounding drums, around which metallic noises clatter. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to expediting the compounding process and enhancing patient safety, RIVA has notably improved work and safety conditions for hospital staff, reducing their exposure to a multitude of drug compounds - namely cytotoxic drugs. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Despite his considerable experiences of tight places Déprez’s heart was pounding, but when he stared across the table, her expression reassured him. The Blackstone Key
  • But certainly the area south of the city today, we're told, taking a very heavy pounding indeed.
  • The poems come to us across a great chronological and cultural divide, and the reader is reminded of this fact by the occasional archaic word and by the unusual compounding, both of which impart a faintly disorienting tone.
  • Roman Catholic Church. immune from fallacy or liability to error in expounding matters of faith or morals by virtue of the promise made by Christ to the Church. The "Infallible" Shoulder Shot
  • The pounding roar of the first shot resounded from inside the cracked-open sphere, and the nigrescent space thudded with the rutilant explosions of needlecraft. In Other Worlds
  • The silence was broken by the gavel pounding on the judge's perch.
  • Compounding the headaches for warm-mongers is a probe being launched by the British Parliament into the Climate Research Unit e-mail scandal. Think Progress » After warmest January in history, Vancouver airlifts in snow for Winter Olympics.
  • Nearing the coast we could see the beach ahead, and could hear the noise of shellfire and our rocket ships, which were pounding the beaches.
  • My heart was pounding and I felt dizzy and nauseous. The Sun
  • It is all too easy to sneak out of the apartment now, and within the space of five minutes, my footsteps are pounding along the pavement.
  • They say that even now, on All Hallows 'Eve, the old sailors can be heard pounding on the door. Give Us Forever
  • His head wasn't pounding anymore but it throbbed mercilessly making the room spin.
  • Her heart was pounding with excitement.
  • We are arranging so that presently this will be the other way around, but meanwhile London and our big cities have had to stand their pounding.
  • Yet they delighted in the constant movement of the ocean, fascinated by the pounding waves and pulling undertows.
  • Landon cracked his eyes open and grimaced in pain from the pounding headache; like an incessant jackhammer drilling into his skull at all angles.
  • Discussing and expounding this problem has not only profound academic significance, but also positive practical significance.
  • One can only imagine the heart pounding, blood thumpin ', adrenaline shootin' high, that a man gets when he sees one of these beauty's in the wild outdoors! Record Bucks of History
  • Still early, before eight, but power marimba was pounding out of the restaurant and the chuffs of diesel machinery and screeching of steel-tracked dozers was coming down from the top of the bluff. Kook
  • Instead, armored and mechanized task forces operate in or near population centers, compounding the difficulty of their assigned tasks.
  • An artificial hoof attached to a machine that mimics the pounding of a horse's stride may help researchers discover the safest racetrack surface material for horses.
  • So, predictably, healthcare reform dominated the Sunday shows (by the way, you wouldn't believe the length of the discussions in my office surrounding the compounding, hyphenation or phrasing of the term "health care"; official Federal rules don't exist, so it was left to Bob to make policy). R_urell: So, predictably, healthcare reform domin
  • Heavy artillery was pounding away all the time. Broken Lives
  • We heard the rhythmic pounding as the spear points were hammered onto shafts of ash wood.
  • His embrace of new problems and perspectives and his energy in expounding his ideas conveyed Edmund S. Phelps - Autobiography
  • It stands to reason that the Philippine armed forces contained the rebellion by pounding the rebels with helicopter gunships and bombers.
  • In most cases, the waste materials were transported to impounding areas located on privately owned land.
  • He heard waves pounding in his ears, the soft gurgle beneath the waves, the silty sound of sand being moved within hidden currents.
  • His heart pounding near to bursting, he streaked across the shadowed streets.
  • I woke again with a pounding headache and my ears were ringing.
  • The frantic and furious beating took on the dimension and character of a collective crew of railroaders pounding spikes in unison on a stretch of track.
  • It keeps pounding away, with one harrowing and horrifying image after another. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arone Dyer and Aron Sanchez take their freaky instruments six-string baritone ukulele and mutant bass guitar on the road for this smash-and-grab video of a pounding piece of hemiola-ridden art rock about emotional claustrophobia. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The guards in the towers stared in disbelief at the sight of fourscore Gauntlet Knights pounding toward them. The Gauntlet Thrown Chapter Thirty Seven
  • It was like one of those captivating heavyweight fights where the challenger takes a pounding but the beating is only physical and his spirit remains unspoilt.
  • He's a good fit for the offense, predicated on pounding the ball in the running game and hitting big strikes off play-action.
  • I wish you all the happiness in the world and hope your head isn’t pounding too much demain from a combo of pincushion + bubbly! Going going going gone…
  • The taxi operators accuse government of failing to issue permits to taxi operators, and then impounding their vehicles for not having permits.
  • The slight back and forth motion sent a pounding surge of pain into his skull.
  • I could feel my heart pounding in my chest .
  • I hope thou hast also undergone that true baphometic fire-baptism, whereof the worthy Diogenes Teufelsdröckh hath discoursed so appetizingly, causing us to long after it, none the less that he hath scrupulously refrained from expounding whatever it is. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 32, June, 1860
  • The slight back and forth motion sent a pounding surge of pain into his skull.
  • In Heuvelmans’ book there is also a chapter propounding the existence of megatheriums, or giant ground sloths, in South America.
  • Here they are replaced with thin crackling snares and pounding tribal bass drums.
  • Michaels barked, pounding out crisp sharp words that so thundered with command that even the untrained and deaf would jump to obey.
  • The beat is so pounding and persuasive, it's impossible not to do a strange little stamping dance, bobbing your head back and forth like an inquisitive chicken.
  • Taylor's funk-influenced style hearkens back to the days when Motown was pounding out hit after soulful hit, without relying on sentimentalism or retro-chic.
  • The moan of the didgeridoo was a pounding in his temples. Impossible Places
  • Those sentenced to hard labour found themselves pounding the treadwheel and even for those with lighter sentences the daily diet was restricted to limited rations of bread, meat, potatoes, soup and oatmeal gruel.
  • The pounding on the door sounded like a bomb had exploded and Nikolas woke with a start.
  • The thought of an exhausted Raine pounding over that course on the back of a big, equally exhausted stallion made ice condense in his soul. REMEMBER SUMMER
  • ‘An abalone can withstand assaults from a hungry sea otter pounding on its shell with a rock,’ he says.
  • They kept pounding my car windscreen - they clearly hadn't seen the results. The Sun
  • Eroticism, intrigue and spectacular sex are all here in this pulse pounding production from Private.
  • From beyond the canyon's ridge, a wonderful bugle call charged the air, pounding hooves, belonging to the stalwart super troopers of Holt's Rangers raced to The Alamo in all their red, white and blue glory.
  • How much has that unnecessary pounding taken out of New Approach? The Sun
  • Standing with my nose barely a few inches from those massive doors, I listened to the drumlike pounding of my heart in my ears. Dancing with the Devil
  • The final poetic statement propounding the belief that life is all one time, not to be squandered or compartmentalized.
  • While composing a letter on a computer you may interrupt the computer's rest with a short burst of key pounding and then let it return to idleness as you compose the next sentence.
  • The rhythmic whisking of brooms would erupt into a cataclysmic clatter of samurai handle-pounding that would have you adrenalized and moving to the heavy beat. Some new shtick in 'Stomp'
  • At times, however, music of great austerity and purity is shattered by painful, pounding discords.
  • The rain was pounding heavily against the windows of the apartment.
  • In certain situations decreases in soil grade can lead to the impounding of water at or near the soil surface.
  • We heard the rhythmic pounding as the spear points were hammered onto shafts of ash wood.
  • Seemingly interminable rallies are marked by players pounding the ball at one another in games that go hours at a time.
  • On the left, a stanchioned flat-screen monitor shows the drummer pounding away in the grave. Familiarity Does Little to Excite
  • He screamed down the alley, jumping up and pounding his fists into the wall behind him, bloodying his knuckles.
  • He breathed in huge gulps of air as the heavy pounding flooded his ears, the pounding of his heart and the harsh gasps of air.
  • Tension headaches, dry mouth, pounding pulse, neck and back pain, free-floating anxiety, hives, indigestion, irritability and fatigue are all indicators of stress.
  • Then came the alcoholic years — mostly blurs but yet poems by the cartload from such phrases as the soul cried tears of blood to bucolic ramblings, usually ending with holes in the paper from frustrated pounding of pen or pencil. January « 2010 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • With honourable exceptions, pounding the streets has been replaced by pounding the keyboard. Times, Sunday Times
  • She scrabbled in vain for purchase on the stone floor, which was smooth from the years of pedestrian traffic pounding the irregularities into powder.
  • It could have been the chunks of ice that would dislodge from the nose of the plane and come careening back toward the propellers and explode when they hit the blades, or it could have been the Nor'Easter that no one bothered to tell the pilot was pounding the eastern seaboard. Intercession
  • The word pounded in his chest like fierce drumbeats, and I believe he heard me listening that closely, because suddenly, as his mouth spoke on, his eyes snapped around to mine and, like the sound of a gunshot, the pounding ceased, to be replaced by a feeling of uncertainty. Good Fortune
  • Somewhere, enormous losses have been suffered, with recent mark-to-market declines in Credit derivatives seriously compounding an already precarious situation.
  • This stuff stinks like a goat's armpit drenched in your granny's cologne, and the most you feel is your heart pounding like you had partaken of some honking poppers, accompanied by a pounding headache.
  • The headache was still there, pounding against the back of his forehead with some regularity.
  • Hadleigh blinked and covered her eyes wishing that her pounding headache would stop pulsating behind her eyes.
  • She sat serenely in her throne, surveying her courtiers through utterly regal eyes, which hid the heavy pounding of her heart.
  • The sense of punishing frustration is heightened by the pounding rain in the opening scene, mirrored later by the emergency fire sprinklers that soak Banek's law offices.
  • Surely everyone must have been able to hear the erratic pounding of her coward heart.
  • I sat at my desk, head pounding and nose running, until I knew my beloved was on his way back from his meeting.
  • The storm crossed land near the same state-line spot where Ivan arrived, pounding beachfronts already painfully exposed by denuded dunes, flattened neighborhoods and piles of rubble that threatened to turn into deadly missiles.
  • As someone pointed out adrenaline is pounding all round and the police know what there is going to be people there just to cause trouble. G20 police assault verdict SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Was he?" said Cadfael abstractedly, pounding herbs in a mortar for a linctus. The Holy Thief
  • Compounding this dejection, untenured lecturers are discovering the practical meanings of what most of the US labor force already knows about the practicalities of at-will termination.
  • The paper also points out that individual land uses often interact synergistically, compounding their negative effect on habitats and birds.
  • Your article starts wonderfully, propounding the sentiments that could have been expressed by a tree hugging commie like me, only you do it so much more eloquently.
  • I have thoroughly enjoyed my time, but as my legs get a bit dicky I am certainly not going to miss pounding up and down that High Street in all weathers!
  • To make butter easier to work with when fresh from the fridge, Noury suggests pounding it with a rolling pin.
  • There will be worry enough for her mother without you compounding her difficulties. GOODBYE CURATE
  • The pounding beat, uplifting crescendos and psychedelic lights had just the right effect.
  • Fruit juice will easily add to a carbohydrate overload, compounding the problem.
  • So the Pyrenees, with her cargo of fire, was hove to, bitting the teeth of the gale and fighting and smashing the pounding seas. THE SEED OF McCOY
  • No more pounding the streets from pub to pub, looking for that all-important WiFi hot spot to connect you to the web.
  • The pounding of the waves through the seat pushed out one of my discs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Set to a soundtrack of pounding tribal drums, Proenza Schouler's Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez's spring show was a veritable luau of pareu skirts, hibiscus blooms and tiki imagery. Endless Summer
  • For most who quit, the failure is a trauma almost equal to the pounding of the miles.
  • He took a relentless pounding from the media and then from Palin. NJ/VA Palin-less? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Her legs moved fast, tapping on the pads and somehow liking the rhythmic pounding of her feet.
  • THE pounding thump of the kick drum. The Sun
  • Her heart pounding fiercely out of her chest, she leaned out the window a little further, preparing to slide her right foot along the ledge.
  • The speaker gesticulated by raising his arms, pounding the desk, and stamping his foot.
  • “We are impounding their bikes and want to take them to court so they can explain why they think wearing a calabash is good enough for their safety,” he said. Nigerian vegetable helmets | clusterflock
  • Compounding the long-term stimulative effect of higher confidence, the detailed nature of our tax system induces people, particularly at higher tax brackets, to do the kind of business-related spending that is most immediately stimulative. Dr. Philip Neches: Let the Tax Cuts Expire
  • York's historic streets received a pounding as throngs of sightseers packed into the city's snickleways and parks to enjoy the holiday atmosphere.
  • The coagulable proteins are concentrated inside its cells, so the cook must break the cells open by pounding the tissue, and then strain away the particles of connective tissue that hold the cells together. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Her head started pounding, so she lifted a hand to the area where she had bumped her head and winced when she felt the forming swelling of a lump.
  • The song's pounding rhythm had ceased and there was Maggie, walking away, off the dance floor, with her midi dress swaying as she moved.
  • Big Vinny was the only guy that supported them and he took a pounding for that at school.
  • According to the analysis of the flavor and sensory perception of dairy products, different kinds of dairy essence can be created by compounding over-dose of some trace monomer component.
  • If rap or trance music with pounding bass lines is your staple musical diet, you had better look elsewhere.
  • She was weak, now, even with the vampiric blood pounding through her veins.
  • In an elegant ice-cream shop a white-coated young man is pounding green pistachios in a massive mortar.
  • As the storm passed through our area, these heavy winds took a pounding on the Atlantic coast.
  • It goes with the territory when you weigh 255 pounds and lack elusiveness and opponents have been pounding on you for three months.
  • He could hear the sound of footsteps pounding down the metal stairs. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • As your eyes adjust, you begin to see orange and black spheres hanging from the ceiling that appear to pulsate to the industrial shop noise pounding through the walls.
  • Nowadays, as a conservation measure, local councils have imposed curfews for domestic cats and begun impounding felines found wandering the streets at night.
  • We have used our energy to overfish our oceans, over-cut our forests, over-dam our rivers and commit other excesses, as well as filling the atmosphere with carbon gasses at such a high rate for the past 200 years that our climate is changing and compounding our ability to cope with the crisis that we have created. Bio-Fuels and Sequestering Are Not Solutions
  • The stairwell was a windowless concrete chimney stretching endlessly above us and echoing with the clatter of pounding feet. Crashed
  • Kashipembe is distilled in the following manner: firstly the shells are cracked by using the traditional pounder and pounding block.
  • Every one scattered and began hastily pounding on the rock walls with their picks.
  • The constant pounding took its toll. Times, Sunday Times
  • She could feel her pulse pounding in her ankles, wrists, and throat.
  • Jeff grinned as he stomped on a few switches on his distortion pedal, and a second later was pounding out the heavy rift.
  • In a server market with millions of units shipped overall per quarter, it is pounding rivals into the ground with 3,178 sales.
  • A guy who installs underbody neons and drives around with his 15’ subwoofer pounding 24/7 is probably overly self-assured and cocky, not to mention compensating for his inadequate manhood.
  • I find myself on a balmy, sunny day, pounding the streets of an ancient city in search of contemporary art.
  • Council Local Laws Officers authorised under Keeping, Control and Impounding of Animals Local Law 2003, have impounded the animals listed below.
  • Then Kennaston found the alchemist had been compounding nitrum of Memphis with sulphur, mixing in a little willow charcoal to make the whole more friable, and that the powder had exploded. The Cream of the Jest: A Comedy of Evasions
  • Shakily their spearheads faced the forest as gradually a low pounding noise grew.
  • the chairman called the meeting to order by pounding his gavel
  • No one pretends that for a moment, indeed the sharpness of enemy reprisals will certainly decrease as the Allied poundings itself is magnified, but the sting of the Stuka, the jeer of the Ju. 88, the drone of the Dormer, and the mischief of the Messerschmitt, have all been measured by the flying men of the United Nations, who have once again shewn themselves the salt of the earth. The Plans Unfold
  • On stage, her menacing voice competes with pounding drums and distorted guitars. Times, Sunday Times
  • The heavy pounding of a bass guitar invaded my brain, and I realized the neighbors were still playing my music.
  • I'm sweating, my heart is pounding. I can't breathe.
  • All process can be accomplished by automatic from takin paper, yarn and glue to forming sack, compounding, margin folding, printing, pin-hole pricking, cutting, counting and sack out.
  • The Clintons have taken a terrible pounding for their ethics, their business deals, their often-unfortunate choice of allies.
  • Would you like to become fit without the pounding and perspiration of an aerobic class or a gym?
  • According to the NOHO release, this sometimes "marring," sometimes "expounding" mode evokes a larger tradition of "defacing" art, from Rauschenberg's De Kooning erasure to the Chapman Brothers defacing Goya etchings. Menachem Wecker: The Reality of Fake Buddhas: A New Ancient Art Exhibit
  • The hammering and pounding made a terrific noise, as if the old men were tuning dementedly a giant xylophone.
  • Yes, a week at most," says he, and pointed out how he had sited his left and right attacks opposite the strongest points in the rebel defences, which our gunners were pounding with red-hot shot, keeping the pandy fire-parties busy quelling the flames which you could see here and there behind the walls, flickering crazily through the heat-haze. Fiancée
  • When I woke the next morning, it was with a pounding headache and a slight tremble in my limbs.
  • Russians, for historical reasons, can be acutely ill at ease with the idea of expounding uncomfortable truths in a formal setting.
  • Hear sentence forsooth, that is, the ratling of broken glasses, and the expounding of dreams? The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter
  • To overcome these distribution inefficiencies, warfighting units frequently found substitute items or reordered the supplies, compounding the congested supply pipeline problem.
  • Each learned in her own way how to confront her husband about his shortcomings, limitations, or failures without compounding them or deflating him.
  • There are countless others including some recently written that would take very little to get the blood pounding and the heart throbbing.
  • According to the analysis of the flavor and sensory perception of dairy products, different kinds of dairy essence can be created by compounding over-dose of some trace monomer component.
  • Beneath a lantern on the forecastle deck I saw a few wretched sailors hunched in apelike postures pounding oakum between the decking planks. STONE THE CROWS, IT'S A VACUUM-CLEANER
  • At the time of this writing, cyanocobalamin is a widely available form of injectable vitamin B 12, whereas hydroxocobalamin can be obtained only through a compounding pharmacist.
  • Our exterior detailing service consists of power washing, compounding, glazing and simonizing the paint, cleaning the rims, dressing the tires and rubber trim, polishing the chrome, degreasing the engine, and cleaning the glass.
  • So if something ever worked for you or anyone you know & it no longer exists, you can contact pcca or the international compounding association & get a compounder to make it for you or the one you know. What To Wear For A Crisis
  • Still, the Union Square staple serves up decent inexpensive food, and we had just arrived in time to see disgruntled chess players, skaters skipping class at NYU and that woman who practically lives in the park selling stalagmite candle holders scatter to the pounding rhythm of the sudden monsoon. Derek Beres: The Unlikely Making of a Yoga Dude
  • When the market started to weaken they really took a pounding.
  • Eventually the band bounded onstage - horns blaring, double bass pounding and trumpets proclaiming that yes indeed, the mighty Skatalites had arrived.
  • The games master would insist on everyone rattling along the floor, pounding on the springboard and doing amazing acrobatics above the large wooden horse.
  • Too often the music's lyricism is scuttled by his bumpy legato, its tremendous strength is held in check, and the soundstage turns powerful phrases into key-pounding exercises.
  • Sitting in a coffee house expounding on the lightness of being, while you quote esoteric quotes to prove how in touch you are with the downtrodden is the equivalent of a hot breeze on a hot day; annoying and needless. Archive 2009-04-01
  • His throat was dry, and his head was pounding like a bass drum, but otherwise he felt ok.
  • November 25th, 2009 12: 19 pm ET typical poloitican he wants votes. people like me in the construction industry have been taking a pounding from the illeales taking our jobs. i'm currentlty unemployed replaced by an illeagle just what we need another politician scking up to these law breakers Fueling speculation, Dobbs appears to soften on key issue
  • The horses came pounding along the track.
  • The shuttle began rocking, like someone was pounding at it with a sledgehammer.
  • Not even a pounding migraine will keep me from posting bad poetry for y'all.
  • Compounding the problem were proposals to remove asylum seekers right of access to a solicitor under the legal aid scheme.
  • Massive undersea landslides and the breakage of ice or sediment dams impounding large lakes are terrestrial processes that lead to release of water.
  • The rocking motion of the car over the uneven track, and the rhythmic pounding against the underside of the car.
  • The assassination also has great implications for President Hamid Karzai personally, compounding his sense of vulnerability as he sees the world beyond the walls of the Arg Palace closing in on his power and perhaps survival. Vanda Felbab-Brown: Implications of the Assassinations of Prominent Politicians in Afghanistan
  • QUESTION: But what evidence is there from a military standpoint that they have the ability to either regroup or launch any kind of counteroffensive, given the pounding that they've taken for the past two months? CNN Transcript Nov 14, 2001
  • The policeman was checking and impounding the vehicles in public interest.
  • Just as the entity begins to consider itself complete, more body parts begin pounding on the door.
  • While I'm puttering around playing with words, other people are investing and accumulating and feathering their nests and compounding their interest.
  • And for three or four years they have sat and listened to lecturers propounding these half-baked ideas.
  • To get the steak ready, lay it between two sheets of plastic wrap and tenderize it by pounding it flat with a meat mallet.
  • They are celebrating and even drippily expounding upon Kesler's love note, and are recommending it to all. Midge Decter: The Mother Sheehan of the Right
  • Compounding this disjointed approach was a confusing mélange of stage settings.
  • In pounding rain, a cortège of international savants bore his body up a muddy road for burial below Montmartre.
  • Good examples of the former are the special issues in journals on experimental studies of inflectional, morphemic compounding, and derivational morphology in relation to learning to read and spell.
  • Like whirling tornados coming in astronomical sequence of order and in numbers, Barack Obama is definitely twisting across the nation pounding CHANGE without boundaries with a fury! Obama campaign e-mail cites GOP anxiety
  • Dinkins would have no second term, as Giuliani sniped, bitched, needled, and flung scat from the sidelines during Dinkins 'entire term — with help from his new breed patrons on the media side, and swept into power on a pounding fist and a constant, yapping bark. Archive 2008-01-01
  • The pounding of the waves through the seat pushed out one of my discs. Times, Sunday Times
  • My stomach is in free fall, my head is pounding with the rush of blood. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • But apart from creating suspense, the novel also foregrounds dialogical questions, handling them dialogically rather than propounding any thesis.
  • Leanne's outrage returned and she flung her mother aside, her feet pounding up the front steps.
  • She could still hear the rain pounding away on the roof.
  • But what of the thrills and heart-pounding excitement that were so much a part of her days in the player's game?
  • A thin trickle of blood from the rapidly swelling bruise blurred to pale pink, diluted by the pounding rain.
  • He's always expounding on what's wrong with the world.
  • Only one horse, a massive old mare that plodded slowly and tirelessly, hooves pounding the packed earth of the road with a quiet clop-clopping sound, drew the cart.
  • Traditionally, tubing made from plastics with colorants, radiopaque materials, and other additives requires compounding before it is extruded.
  • Who is pounding the piano?

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