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How To Use Pother In A Sentence

  • Hypothermia may render the carotid pulse impalpable, but it is important not to start chest compression without evidence of cardiac arrest.
  • The dynamic modulus of elasticity decreased in a linear fashion over 60 days of hypothermic storage.
  • We've been doing this tedious plod for almost five hours, and I think about hypothermia.
  • Since there's little danger of hypothermia when the water temperature is 80 degrees, your chief sartorial concern is not offending other boaters.
  • Restricted foraging time due to inclement weather and the resultant decrease in food intake is believed to influence hypothermia in manakins and may induce torpor in hummingbirds.
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  • Climb aboard without getting wet, you're less likely to get hypothermia. The Sun
  • Others became hysterical, possibly suffering from hypothermia, while thousands more suffered exposure and frostbite. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the heart fibrillates as a result of hypothermia, the surgeon crossclamps the ascending aorta using a medium Fogarty clamp.
  • The manifestations of SIRS include fever, hypothermia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, tachycardia, and tachypnea.
  • The second rule is only to serve cold soups when it is hot outside, so the first sip does not induce hypothermia.
  • And the humor I was in, I probably wouldn’t have pothered to dodge. The Black Mountain
  • Yet something similar has happened in exceptional cases of hypothermia. Times, Sunday Times
  • And trying not to get hypothermia' Difficulty rating? Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not acceptable to announce repeatedly to the world that we don't torture, that we abide by all our treaty obligations, and that we treat detainees "humanely" -- only to engage in secret waterboarding and hypothermia, based on equally secret legal determinations that construe the words "torture" and "humane" in an Orwellian fashion, that diminish treaty obligations down to nothing, and that assert a right of the President to ignore all statutory limits. Balkinization
  • We would like to highlight that we treated 7 hypothermal patients although there's a special medical division in Budapest for hypothermal cases.
  • The problem with hypothermia is it’s not that easy to cool down the human body so if we can find another method to inhibit metabolism that would be very useful. Sewer Gas Used to Induce ‘Suspended Animation’ | Impact Lab
  • He anaesthetised all thoracic and cardiac patients almost singlehandedly for the next few years and introduced surface hypothermia in 1956.
  • Therapeutic riding instructors offer hippotherapy—also known as equine therapy—services to clients with autism, Down syndrome, spinal bifida, and many other physical, emotional, and developmental disabilities. You’re Certifiable
  • In typical bureaucratese, the interim director, Deborah Carroll ,explained, During hypothermia season, any participant who meets the definition of homeless should get shelter. Art Levine: GOP-Style Democrats Slash DC Budget: Homeless Moms Already Given Bus Tokens, Not Shelter
  • After Pena was partially paralysed by a stroke seven years ago, horses helped her to recover as she experimented with hippotherapy, deriving from the Greek word "hippos," meaning horse. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • An order for the immediate arrest of Vittoria was brought round to the stage at the fall of the curtain by Captain Weisspriess, and delivered by him on the stage to the officer commanding, a pothered lieutenant of Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • MALABAR SPINACH (Basella alba, B. rubra) is a very succulent vine grown throughout the tropics for the young leaves and stems, often used as a potherb. 2: Vegetables and small fruits in the tropics
  • Hypothermia can occur in younger people with heroin overdosage, from severely low blood sugars, in mountaineers, after near drowning, or in a derelict found under a bridge after an alcoholic debauch.
  • Finally, after 48 hours, she was rescued and treated for dehydration, hypothermia and broken bones.
  • Our results showed that hypothermic storage resulted in a decrease of chondrocyte viability in condylar specimens up to 49% after 60 days.
  • Every winter some old people die from hypothermia.
  • It is also necessary to exclude reversible causes of failure of brain function, including depressant drugs and hypothermia.
  • In the recently published Total Body Hypothermia for Neonatal Encephalopathy Trial (TOBY) regarding the use of hypothermia to treat perinatal asphyxial encephalopathy by Azzopardi and colleagues (Oct. 1 issue) ,1 the primary outcome was a composite of death or severe neurodevelopmental disability in survivors at 18 months of age, the same primary outcome as was studied in our National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Medlogs - Recent stories
  • There is a risk of you suffering hypothermia, a heart attack or a stroke. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also got this therapy, known as hypothermic therapy, actually cooling his spinal cord, cooling his body. CNN Transcript Feb 5, 2008
  • Improvements in the surgical procedure including reducing the hypothermic circulatory arrest time may improve outcome.
  • The species name, oleracea is Latin, meaning "potherb. Brigitte Mars: Purslane: Gandhi's Favorite Food May Be a Weed in Your Yard
  • It is when body energy is exhausted that hypothermia becomes potentially life-threatening.
  • As if he would want to be pothered with an old aunt!" cried Rhoda. The Maidens' Lodge None of Self and All of Thee, (In the Reign of Queen Anne)
  • TWO teenage scouts helped save two women hikers who collapsed with hypothermia on Mount Snowdon. The Sun
  • Tympanic thermometry and bladder probes also have been used frequently in research, but further studies are needed to determine their accuracy in patients with hypothermia.
  • But then the diver suffered a heart attack and three other rescuers had to go to hospital suffering from hypothermia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Officials did not know his condition, though he was described as hypothermic and exhausted when he was pulled from the water. front
  • Lars would have died in hypothermia if he’d tried to ski in such a garment. Archive 2008-05-01
  • A coroner yesterday accepted a pathologist's findings that the primary cause of death was hypothermia, and the secondary cause was alcohol intoxication. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sickle cell crises are extremely rare but affected individuals should be warned of the potential dangers of severe hypothermia or hypoxia.
  • Hypothermia may render the carotid pulse impalpable, but it is important not to start chest compression without evidence of cardiac arrest.
  • They are suffering from hypothermia. The Sun
  • However, if by accident someone falls into icy water or down a crevasse and is only rescued after rapid hypothermia has set in, the person is best treated by rapid immersion in a hot bath of water at 108°F.
  • But how can Cockayne, who has no pastures, and leaves his cottage daily in the cars, at business hours, be pothered with fatting and killing oxen? The Conduct of Life (1860)
  • Yet something similar has happened in exceptional cases of hypothermia. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plant is also good for bug bites, burns (including sunburn) and is eaten as a potherb in the spring. How to Treat (and Avoid) Poison Ivy and Other Toxic Plants
  • Somebody did find me that day but I already had severe hypothermia by then and frostbite also.
  • Malan Straw and Hualang Potherb were the best fodders of the village for pigs.
  • The couple had succumbed to a combination of infection and hypothermia.
  • They can get hypothermia in the cold weather, or even hypoglycaemia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cold, wind and precipitation can make you mighty uncomfortable, not to mention put you at risk for hypothermia.
  • All were suffering from hypothermia and taken to hospital in Calais. The Sun
  • He pothered all evening over the bus schedule.
  • The next warning sign is shivering, the most obvious symptom of mild hypothermia. Times, Sunday Times
  • The treatment goes under a number of names including mesotherapy, lipozap, lipotherapy and injection lipolysis, according to the FDA. FDA Warns Spas About Fat-Reducing Drugs
  • And incredibly there have been, as yet, no cases of hypothermia or frostbite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hypothermia. Also rumoured to be peaceful.
  • Each would be giving their own different Lewis Carroll take on the world to the pother and despite not listening, each would be convinced the other was in complete agreement with himself. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • We suffer hyperthermia in the Sahara if we don't have shelter from the heat, and hypothermia in the Arctic if we don't have boatloads of clothing and caravans of food.
  • Furthermore, the use of hypothermia blankets is associated with large temperature fluctuations and rebound hyperthermia.
  • Flushing the lungs with a hypothermic preservation solution should therefore still be recommended.
  • Winter weather can be nasty, and two of the meanest winter culprits are hypothermia and frostbite.
  • The use of trasilol is preferable in patients with a large scope of surgical intervention under prolonged hypothermal perfusion.
  • The TA team also spent the night treating women in skimpy outfits who were suffering from hypothermia as temperatures reached minus three. The Sun
  • But then the diver suffered a heart attack and three other rescuers had to go to hospital suffering from hypothermia. Times, Sunday Times
  • With Samuel French receiving medical treatment for mild hypothermia warhorse George Day took control of midfield and opened play up.
  • Once you begin on the slippery slope of hypothermia, secondary problems such as narcosis and decompression sickness begin to increase drastically.
  • They may be sweltering and risking dehydration at one moment then combating hypothermia as the wind swings round to the east.
  • Objective To study the ability of rat liver suffering from warm ischemia in regenerating ATP to assess viability of donor liver by oxygenated hypothermic reperfusion.
  • Common purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is also used as a potherb and in salads and soups. Chapter 7
  • One of the occupants was suffering a fit, an elderly man had high blood pressure and others were suffering from hypothermia, police said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eat plenty of hot food, drink lots of soup and tea; hypothermia is a very real danger that can come on very quickly with few telltale signs.
  • Therefore we have on hand an IBM Selectric for addressing envelopes and writing notes without the pother of computer printers. Red Room: Fran Moreland Johns: Your Stuff as 'Art'
  • But thanks to a relatively new procedure known as hypothermic treatment - Valdez is expected to make a full recovery.
  • The two most dangerous conditions that can result from cold-weather exposure are frostbite and hypothermia.
  • Through the widest of this meadow ran a clear stream winding down to the lake, and on a little knoll beside a lap of the said stream, two bow-shots from the water, was a knoll, whereon stood, amidst of a potherb garden, The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • It is understood some had minor injuries or mild hypothermia. The Sun
  • He was beginning to suffer hypothermia. The Sun
  • They'd kept him in for a single night, out of concern about possible hypothermia rather than his acute injuries. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Now there is new evidence that a technique called hypothermic machine perfusion (HMP) may offer an improvement, according to the first-ever study comparing the impact of the two techniques on transplant outcomes. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • A shivery gray fellow named Hyppo, the Hypothermic Hippopotamus (see below), who sips whiskey from a flask and angrily fires wool socks into the crowd. Little-Known Facts About the Twins
  • Every winter some old people die from hypothermia.
  • Whether it was the beginnings of altitude sickness, hypothermia, or simply fatigue I have no idea.
  • He anaesthetised all thoracic and cardiac patients almost singlehandedly for the next few years and introduced surface hypothermia in 1956.
  • A coastguard spokesman said one had mild hypothermia but otherwise the sailors were uninjured.
  • Lastly, the anaphylactic reaction is on the whole one of hypothermy, while the tuberculin injection on tuberculous subjects always causes hyperthermy. Charles Richet - Nobel Lecture
  • Elderly people may die of hypothermia if they cannot afford to heat their homes.
  • There was no reason, really, why we shouldn't have bowled off publicly, but the less pother the better. Isabelle
  • Eat plenty of hot food, drink lots of soup and tea; hypothermia is a very real danger that can come on very quickly with few telltale signs.
  • Preterm neonates with lower birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, and breech presentation were more likely to be hypothermic .
  • Others became hysterical, possibly suffering from hypothermia, while thousands more suffered exposure and frostbite. Times, Sunday Times
  • The couple were suffering from hypothermia but were discharged from hospital yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • He held on to a mooring buoy for 20 minutes until rescuers hauled him out with mild hypothermia. The Sun
  • He was flown to hospital suffering from mild hypothermia. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's not the wintertime there, and so people are not at risk of hypothermia.
  • Yet something similar has happened in exceptional cases of hypothermia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Operators should know the signs of hypothermia and regularly check for frostbite.
  • The manifestations of SIRS include fever, hypothermia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, tachycardia, and tachypnea.
  • The driver and another female passenger were kept in hospital overnight suffering from hypothermia and shock. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Minneapolis, emergency workers warned that frostbite and hypothermia could set in within minutes. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was underdressed for the hiking trip and suffered hypothermia
  • The frigid water soaks your innermost layer of clothing, which is practically a guarantee of hypothermia.
  • It was therefore suggested that glucose exerted a specific action on the hypothermic cardiac metabolism.
  • The pother she makes is so great, she might be the Queen of France.
  • More broadly, the fundamental point is that once you have decided you are going to "coerce" a person into telling you what you want to hear with any of these means -- waterboarding, sleep deprivation, hypothermia, etc. -- you have committed to torturing them. Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Hillary: I Will Oppose Mukasey Confirmation Over Torture Comments
  • The rare junk is not the information that it happened – something that is in reality one mildly surprising – but the pother its disclosure is creating. Lost in translation « Anglican Samizdat
  • Some facultatively hypothermic species (colies, several coraciiforms) alleviate this cost by group roosting on the nest, but this adaptation has not led to the evolution of joint laying.
  • Carbon dioxide insufflation is one cause of hypothermia and is one contributing factor to thermal loss, along with irrigation, room temperature, exposed body surface, procedure length, and patient age and medical condition.
  • He died of exposure and hypothermia. Christianity Today
  • At the poem's centre is a debate about "exact thinking", and how such thinking translates into action, and whether emotion as opposed to reason is ever a justifiable ground for action, and whether action is ever worth it in the first place - though of course if were to be so, then it must first be based on absolutely exact thinking - and, as any sensible reader will swiftly deduce, this is exactly the sort of over-analytical "pother" (Claude's word) which is most discouraging to a woman who might be inclined to think that you might be inclined to be in love with her. Books news, reviews and author interviews |
  • One detainee died of hypothermia after being shackled to a concrete floor by an incompetent and unsupervised junior officer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet something similar has happened in exceptional cases of hypothermia. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is the possibility that hypothermia can go unrecognized.
  • Two wren babblers species, Napothera crassa and Kenopia striata (the Striped Wren Babbler) are endemic to the island of Borneo.
  • No way do you feel the urge to cut and run before suffering the onslaught of hypothermia.
  • But then the diver suffered a heart attack and three other rescuers had to go to hospital suffering from hypothermia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Signs and symptoms of Lithium toxicity such as hypertonia, hypothermia, cyanosis and ECG changes have been reported in some infants and neonates. TreeHugger
  • The damsel, now-a-days, who marries a lad younger than herself, is laying up a large stock of pother, which is to bother her when she becomes thirty -- for even young ladies, you know, after forty, may become thirty. Confession, or, the Blind Heart; a Domestic Story
  • Rescue squads increasingly are chilling victims of cardiac arrest with ice packs and other cooling approaches, a technique known as hypothermia, in order to protect the brain from injury when blood flow is restored. 96 Minutes Without a Heartbeat
  • The analogy between cerebral protection with deep hypothermia, and cold water submersion, now becomes obvious.
  • The operation is performed under cardiopulmonary bypass and deep hypothermia.
  • A victim who is not breathing should not be assumed to be dead: a hypothermic person does not need to breathe very much.
  • He was put to bed under a canopy of electric lights, which it was hoped would thaw his hypothermia. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • Fortunately, there is an astoundingly simple, low-tech solution to manage hypothermia: the humble lightbulb.
  • This invention relates in general to methods and means for hypothermal medical treatment.
  • Situated in the green foothills of the Lyulin Mountain, at an altitude of 630-640m the place offers slightly mineralised waters with hypothermal, hydrocarbonic sulphate and sodium-free composition.
  • And next, I want to read about ‘exotic’ fossil mammals - uintatheres and Astrapotherium.
  • Sickle cell crises are extremely rare but affected individuals should be warned of the potential dangers of severe hypothermia or hypoxia.
  • The route itself can be slick and frozen over, and exhausted runners may be prone to hypothermia in the thin, cold air.
  • If they had not seen him, he would probably have stayed there all night and died of hypothermia.
  • Although fever is the most commonly encountered disorder of thermoregulation, hypothermia has played a major role in shaping history and medicine for millennia.
  • If it sinks below zero, you die from hypothermia.
  • A nurse told how the prem babies became hypothermic during the critical half hour periods when the generators were switched off.
  • Otherwise the only way to prevent hypothermia is to stay in the tent. Nate Matthews here (I'm the online editor).
  • But then the diver suffered a heart attack and three other rescuers had to go to hospital suffering from hypothermia. Times, Sunday Times
  • The telemarketer got emergency services on the line and called the hiker at regular intervals to make sure he didn't lose consciousness from hypothermia. Boing Boing: June 23, 2002 - June 29, 2002 Archives
  • Other early work was done on the use of profound hypothermia to enable the surgery of congenital paediatric abnormalities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is this some kind of falsely retroac-ac-active... Hy... hypothermic... Blood-loss-related... Pharmaceu... ceutically engendered... Eh? BEHINDLINGS
  • Why should an old woman at midnight in a deserted back alley adding a few drops to the Niagara of urine that flows through Casterbridge gutters cause such a pother?
  • These horses and the therapists who work alongside them are providing a type of medical treatment known as hippotherapy, in which the horse's natural gaits elicit a response in the rider's body.
  • He was put to bed under a canopy of electric lights, which it was hoped would thaw his hypothermia. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • Mineral waters in Bankya are characterized as slightly mineralized, hypothermal, with a temperature of 36-37 C and very tasty.
  • As to _Inglebury_ and _Mary_, the causes of all the pother, they struck me as conspicuously unworth so much fussing over; and, when their final flight together landed them -- well, where it did, I could only feel that the neighbourhood was to be congratulated. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, February 26, 1919
  • It was bucketing it down; the caravan site looked as if it had been hit by a mud slide; and we each needed two cardigans, a cagoule, thermal gloves and a balaclava to make it down to the seafront without contracting hypothermia.
  • ‘Did you tell him that he could come inside?’ ‘Yes! It's beginning to freeze outside! Do you want to give him hypothermia?’
  • The other articles that should not be offered at Sraddhas are the flesh of the domesticated hog, the meat of all animals not slaughtered at sacrifices, Nigella sativa, salt of the variety called Vid, the potherb that is called Sitapaki, all sprouts The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 Books 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
  • The mineral water is slightly mineralised, hypothermal, hydro carbonic-sulphate-sodium.
  • But then the diver suffered a heart attack and three other rescuers had to go to hospital suffering from hypothermia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hypothermia and frostbite can also cause problems for people during a very cold snap.
  • It is when body energy is exhausted that hypothermia becomes potentially life-threatening.
  • Based on these findings, irrigation fluids should approximate body temperature to avoid hypothermic or hyperthermic injury.
  • Everett was put into a hypothermic state, his temperature lowered with an icy cold saline solution.
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation with extracorporeal warming is the gold standard treatment for patients with profound hypothermia.
  • Without treatment people with hypothermia can rapidly become very ill, lose consciousness and die.
  • She suffered extreme hypothermia while lying injured in the shaft, had a heart attack and died in hospital. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, I shouldn't downplay these temps - as they will be dangerous for the homeless remember call the hypothermia hotline if you see anyone needing help. AM round-up: last night's "storm", cold & more
  • _ -- More popular than the use of the foliage as a potherb and a salad is the employment of borage blossoms and the tender upper leaves, in company or not with those of nasturtium, as a garnish or an ornament to salads, and still more as an addition to various cooling drinks. Culinary Herbs: Their Cultivation Harvesting Curing and Uses
  • He was unconscious and suffering hypothermia. The Sun
  • In Minneapolis, emergency workers warned that frostbite and hypothermia could set in within minutes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Young leaves of common starwort are edible, raw or cooked as a potherb.
  • In fields here, a wild strong smelling Umbellifera occurs, called _Dhunnea_, used as a potherb, and esteemed very fragrant by the natives. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • She often pothers herself over unnecessary details.
  • The pilot, who wore only the outer dry suit and not the required long underwear and liner, died of hypothermia.
  • As with heatstroke, hypothermia and frostbite victims should always be given medical help.
  • She often pothers herself over unnecessary details.
  • Three of the men were suffering from hypothermia. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the twin boys was critically ill, suffering from hypothermia and hypoglycaemia - deficiency of glucose in the bloodstream - and was badly malnourished.
  • Such pipes may have been present in other hypothermal deposits that are now currently inaccessible.
  • Newborn mice were anesthetized by hypothermia and euthanized, and peripheral blood was collected using heparinized capillary tubes.
  • The variety of such injuries is very large and includes pedestrian and hypothermal deaths, ski injuries, and injuries from other sports-related activities.
  • Hazards can include jellyfish, cramp and hypothermia and sickness due to untreated sewage pollution.
  • Many of the birds are being hydrated with electrolytes via a catheter and kept warm on heating pads to treat hypothermia.
  • He held on to a mooring buoy for 20 minutes until rescuers hauled him out with mild hypothermia. The Sun
  • With no food or water, and the dangers of hypothermia and dehydration sliding into inevitability, the men continue their treacherous descent through white-out conditions.
  • Unfortunately the stent became infected and definitive open surgical repair involved removing the stent, replacing the aorta with a homograft and coverage with a left trapezius flap while under deep hypothermic arrest. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The circulating perioperative nurse applies warm blankets to the patient to prevent hypothermia.
  • Review emergent management strategies being used by organized sports leagues, as well as early intervention means, such as pharmacologic treatment, hypothermia and surgery. ResearchChannel On-Air Schedule
  • Who will have less food, winter clothings and so on, to handle the situation, at least until help arrive to save them from terrible frostbites, starvation, and death from hypothermia? Election 2005: Cincinnati Homeland Security
  • And incredibly there have been, as yet, no cases of hypothermia or frostbite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike their fraternity in the ring of Seville, where they are doomed to die, the animals are only doomed to be pothered; they are "scotched, not killed. The Andes and the Amazon Across the Continent of South America
  • She was taken to hospital with hypothermia, with what were first thought to be life-threatening injuries.
  • We tried not to get hypothermia. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't know that we will ever know the answer for sure to this, but a lot are pointing to this treatment known as hypothermia, which is cooling down the spinal cord and cooling down of the bloodstream. CNN Transcript Dec 21, 2007
  • She often pothers herself over unnecessary details.
  • My wife asked me if I could tell her what all that pother was about.
  • We couldn't stop because we'd all get hypothermia. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this current cold spell, many old people are dying needlessly of hypothermia.
  • They suffered hypothermia, bruises, abrasions, bites from tracker dogs, or were injured in road accidents.
  • And the individuals that lost their lives, most of them did not die from drowning, they died of hypothermia, which is where their body basically shuts down because it gets too cold, said Dale. Titanic Exhibit Brings the Tragic Story to Life
  • I broke it 5 min later. gingerchrismc Which reminds me of a great poem: roses are red, hypothermia is blue, my legs are so cold, let me wrap them around you directorscup Full 'Hypothermia' Cast, Start of Principal Photography donwood @theworkroomNYC It is poor Ben Forsester that got the short straw. #hypothermia dillonkuehner @dayshabass Will be there unless I get hypothermia on the way/in line! Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • This has caused quite a pother amidst the right-wing punditocracy as you can well imagine, especially El Gordo. Lionel: Obama in Cairo: The Immutable Sapience of the Good Book(s)
  • Hypothermia impairs the metabolism of drugs, prolonging the duration of some pharmacologic effects.
  • Objective:To observe the impact of CRP about saiga horn preparation with the mild cerebral hypothermia in acute stage of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage.
  • It was bucketing it down; the caravan site looked as if it had been hit by a mud slide; and we each needed two cardigans, a cagoule, thermal gloves and a balaclava to make it down to the seafront without contracting hypothermia.
  • Mr Bates died of hypothermia and emphysema, while Mrs Bates died from coronary heart disease.
  • At first the police treated his death as suspicious, but a postmortem has now revealed he died from hypothermia.
  • The manifestations of SIRS include fever, hypothermia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, tachycardia, and tachypnea.
  • The species name, oleracea is Latin, meaning "potherb. Brigitte Mars: Purslane: Gandhi's Favorite Food May Be a Weed in Your Yard
  • Three of the passengers were suffering from hypothermia and had to be clad in thermal blankets and fed hot drinks until they recovered. Times, Sunday Times

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