How To Use Posting In A Sentence

  • The one who liked the girls a bit too much. peteyboosh I agree with Pat: composting (Ray should not compost old cheese and tortillas), social cropdusting requires attention at Ediible Geography. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Last, but not least, I suggest you consider posting the definition below somewhere within sight at your place of writing. com-pel verb Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Win Ray Rhamey’s new book!
  • I certainly agree with sick here though, we most certainly must be considered "certifiable" based on our posting Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • I could skip around the postings and suss out what I wanted.
  • Manure worms (also called brandlings, red wigglers, or angleworms) and red worms live in organic debris and are the preferred types for commercial bait production and composting.
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  • Posting articles about ethical polyamoury on a philanderer's site is like putting pictures of hands on a foot fetishist site.
  • After posting a "sunny, bright, cozy loft" on the rental marketplace, the woman, who uses the pseudonym EJ, returned to find the apartment ransacked by a renter using the name "DJ Pattrson. ABC News: Top Stories
  • Chat boards are once again ablaze with the number of postings.
  • The posting doxes Moore's personal information, including date of birth, address, phone number, and more.
  • Fresh Apples, who has been posting updates since the riots began, reports that the government posted guards at the CBS radio masts on Buziga Hill in Kampala: Global Voices in English » Uganda: Blogs, Twitter Keep World Informed as Kampala Riots Continue
  • In the meantime, I guess I'll just revel in my stickability, and occasionally I'll keep posting.
  • The saris, dresses and kurta-churidars, made of fabrics like fabrics like chiffons, georgettes and net, were in various shades of beiges, ivory, pale yellow, peach, nude and blue. comment Note: By posting your comments here you agree to the Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views'
  • This posting is about intercommunication among Zapoteco villagers in Oaxaca State and the notion that communications among various villages can be improved by foreigners introducing radio signal interrelationships to, supposedly, improve inter-village understanding and, perhaps, harmony. Radio stations in Oaxaca
  • Posting of slanderous, libelous, abusive or defamatory material is totally prohibited.
  • If you would like a free home composting starter kit, get in touch.
  • Of course, it would be open to ultra-picky fault-finding customers or even malicious postings. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can use a biological accelerator to speed up the composting process. The Sun
  • Its Sunday so I have no qualms about posting a slow boring post, if you're reading this today then you're probably bored too.
  • According to the new guidance, this mandatory curriculum will include "signposting" and links to abortion and other anti-life/anti-family services in schools, including faith schools. Headlines
  • They are also allowed to take their families with them on overseas postings to places such as Germany.
  • Frequent image posting is a very rare phenomenon here (that is, if someone said "posts lots of images", I'd have thought, until now, "breezeway", whereas when you say "telling people to shut up", I think ... oh, so many people. How Now Brownpau
  • Dan Reetz started it all by posting his initial design on instructibles. com — winning a competition for a laser etcher in the process. Book Scanning « The Half-Baked Maker
  • The court's reasoning was that the posting of the commandments in the Kentucky courthouses constituted an expression of monotheistic religion but not so in Texas, where the commandments were seen as having more of a secular "educational" purpose. Commandments removed from Va. school system
  • Bloggers have resorted to public shaming, posting photos of manspreading offenders caught in the act of indiscreet sitting.
  • We usually handle this by following up in undercover capacities, which is to say we may be posting as clients and or service providers. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • Our old format was creaking under the strain of multiple postings every day.
  • Thanks for posting a rational response rather than accusing me of being a "doom-monger. Posthuman Blues
  • The postings on Facebook were ill-advised and to the best of our knowledge have all been removed - it is only others who are reposting these images.
  • But they gave the trolls some food for thought by heading out to a restaurant and posting images of themselves scoffing burgers and macaroni cheese. The Sun
  • We put everything into our wormery, which turns into compost, and we also have special composting bins for garden waste.
  • What I don't like about the Snopes posting is that they make it seem as if the phonecard thing was unwarranted. Archive 2004-12-01
  • At least a dozen councils are yet to supply ballot packs to the Royal Mail ready for posting.
  • Exhaust fans installed in the composting chamber ensure an odorless system.
  • American government agencies are studying social media postings in which news of the attack surfaced. Times, Sunday Times
  • That said, I would like to extend invitations to any of my colleagues in climatology or meteorology to join this discussion by posting a blog on this site or even coming on The Climate Code. Sound Politics: Faith-based initiatives
  • One young, unattached aircraftman who is on his first posting summed it up: "The wet can be a pain and there are times when things do feel a bit overwhelming."
  • He sets out the case against posting someone else's personal email address.
  • So enliven a gardener's world with a 1,000-count box of live red wiggler composting worms from Uncle Jim's Worm Farm. Avital Binshtock: Gifts That Keep on Living
  • This has absolutely nothing to do with trolls, nasty emails or whiny posting.
  • And why anyone would choose a candidate based upon what that persons supporters are posting on a blog makes little sense to me. gobo Obama confronts Internet rumors with new Web site
  • I'm aware that the past week has been the longest unannounced hiatus I've taken from posting since this site started.
  • That means no posting here for a day or two (unless something important happens like NASA announces an asteroid is heading toward earth). Friends
  • Users can upload any file and then share it by posting the link on blogs, forums or in e-mails with their friends. Times, Sunday Times
  • The owners of one Goff house reproved gossiping neighbours by posting a sign, ‘We don't like your house either’.
  • This screwball harpy is out to change America, and trust me – most of the people posting on this site will not be welcomed in her America. Think Progress » VIDEO: Schmidt’s Shame
  • The idea behind the programme is to give students hands-on experience of composting and the use of wormeries.
  • Country postings are usually for four year terms, but can be extended into a fifth year.
  • I'm reposting the recipe today because I have made some adjustments to the original ingredients.
  • It wasn't until after posting the rescue video to YouTube that the kayaker connected the accident to his timely rescue. Kayak Fisherman Rescues Dog: Bizarre End To Grisly Tale (VIDEO)
  • Weinstein, who has shown his work at the Sonnabend Gallery in New York City for nearly two decades, found that his Facebook account was suspended after doing no more than posting the art-historical icon, and despite it being one of the biggest draws of international audiences to the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. G. Roger Denson: Courbet's Origin of the World Still Too Scandalous for Media-Savvy Facebook!
  • This last vilifying barb you offer in yet another comment when, having had the whole root of your hatred revealed in the posting of that email exchange, rather than actually give grounds for your risible concern with a purported conflict of interests, you continue your rancorous pillorying, not to mention the concomitant pompous self-aggrandisement. How Not to be a Writer
  • This year's Blogathon auction schtick is me posting fiction/poetry I wrote that you made something for/about; we auction off the piece and take sponsorship for the story, and all money goes to the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center. Monday
  • With readers flocking to their Web postings, execs are finding blogs useful for plugging not just their products but their points of view.
  • Yard waste can be recycled by composting. An Introduction to Community Health
  • Projects include approach roads to dumping yards, development of sanitary fills, small and medium composting landfills.
  • On his blog today, he includes a reposting of a message he sent to a constitutional law listserv concerning Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and his concept of originalism.
  • This post reminds me that even though I feel like I'm behind in reading & posting comments, and WAY behind on writing new posts for my blog, it still is important to reast and enjoy life. Slow Down.... Life Waits for You
  • I've been tinkering a bit, so do please tell me if you have any difficulty posting comments here or linking to any part of this site.
  • I should note that Welborn Rule obtains here: all posts to me are subject to possible posting, so be forewarned!
  • The site is primarily an "imageboard" site used for posting and discussing images, often photoshopped fakes of a topical nature created for a joke. Top stories from Times Online
  • Scrivener comes with a corkboard for posting your notes all around your manuscript, which some writers find very convenient. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » By request: Writing in more than one world
  • Exhibition board lighting and clear signposting ensured a good attendance.
  • While several hundred reservists have seen overseas service in recent years, they have been individual volunteers filling specific postings within the permanent forces.
  • There is a very cool "corkboard" for posting story notes on the fly for easy retrieval during the writing. GigaOM Network
  • Finally, female clients were more likely to be released from the facility outright, either after completing a detainer sentence or posting bond.
  • I would hope that anyone else responding to Palomares 'posting would stick to the subject rather than engage in vituperative rejoinder. Gay life in Mexico
  • Dilan esper gets a thumbs up for posting the number one red herring of the day ... in fact William Wilbaforce put and end to slavery in the uk he was a christian who followed the bible. The Volokh Conspiracy » Street Preacher Arrested in England for Public Statements That Homosexuality is a Sin
  • I've been posting some art here for the purpose of emphasizing how much loveliness is needed at home -- especially at home. Donna Dewberry
  • Its basic advice is to avoid posting email addresses on Web sites or newsgroups and to use a filter, which is all pretty obvious, but its stats are quite interesting.
  • He's on Instagram posting before and after pictures talking about how swole he got.
  • Back when you were plotting your online profile, the delete key and edit function bailed you out of blunders before posting to the cyber-nation.
  • The garden is managed organically and guests are provided with a full range of eco-friendly cleaning products, recycling and composting facilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oxygen thieves, vermin and blowflies is how one particular group of veterans regard these imposters, running their own investigations of frauds and posting the results on their website. ARTHUR REX CRANE
  • Composting toilets are a world away from the odoriferous outhouses of yesteryear.
  • Asked about the use of the word "disseminate" and the prohibition against posting records on the Internet, the spokesperson replied that the language is likely taken from the federal Copyright Act. The notices are "not meant to discourage access requests or the use of the information that is produced in those requests," the spokesperson said. Tyee - Home
  • Composting is the controlled biological decomposition and pasteurization of organic materials under aerobic conditions — it involves the action of mesophilic microorganisms followed by thermophilic microorganisms that thrive under increased (more than 50 °C) temperature conditions and if correctly managed, can destroy disease-causing organisms, even weed seeds. Composting
  • Posting of slanderous, libelous, abusive or defamatory material is totally prohibited.
  • Would we please try not to mystify thing by posting it again? Daniel Schorr Predicts Bush Will Pardon Telcom Companies | Crooks ...
  • The social dynamics are very different; you think more before responding instead of posting a quick flame.
  • The appointment was the officer's last posting, offering no prospect of promotion or preferment thereafter.
  • The one thing I regretted was posting the letter, not getting it hand-delivered somehow. GO!
  • A few days ago I mentioned cantal cheese in a posting, and Dennis asked me in a comment if we can get the three different cantal cheese styles here in the Loire Valley.
  • And witnesses took photos of the grisly scene with their phones before posting them on the social network site. The Sun
  • Japan has a similar law, due to the huge numbers of men taking illicit "upskirt" pictures of women and posting them. Excuse the mess...that was just my head
  • Suitable materials for composting include annual weeds that haven't formed seed, leafy softwood prunings, old bedding plants, autumn leaves and grass clippings.
  • On preview: most of these have been mentioned already - drat having to work in the middle of posting!
  • Candidates who respond to Fallis' postings on Craigslist and Facebook must fill out a detailed email questionnaire and undergo two rounds of phone interviews and three in-person interviews.
  • Watanabex says: so i guess we can come back to being racist now since lance is posting pedophile friendly films 15 YEAR OLDS, LOCKER ROOM, DESIRE ERUPTS
  • I have been rather busy since my last posting: Tom came back from his stag weekend which sadly was less debauched than he had license to be involved in.
  • To reply to the original posting, click on the Reply button that immediately follows the article.
  • Sleepy days in leafy suburbs are disturbed by huge removal lorries that swallow up entire households as transient diplomats, businessmen and journalists leave for postings new.
  • I can imagine Whitman at the end of his life posting furiously, orgiastically. Adam Hanft: Do We Need Another Place to Kvetch? More Than You Realize
  • And after she graduated, she looked through postings for a nanny placement service that was available and found one that sounded like a family she wanted to work for.
  • Since you've identified yourself as an Enemy Of The Administration (tm), the the NSA's auto-copy posting duplicator is archiving your posts. Illinois GOP Sees Real Chance Of Swiping Obama's Senate Seat
  • I'm homophobic, I actually don't read well enough to get this book, I hate (insert virtually anything here), I am a hopeless snob who gratifies my ego by posting bad reviews. "Chain, chain...every shadow, every face."
  • Analyzing what an organization seems to seek through its job postings, and then evaluating whether you comply with their requirements, which is an essential step.
  • We will remove any content that may put us in legal jeopardy, such as potentially libellous or defamatory postings.
  • Postings and weblogs covering broad topics about Japan, with emphasis on legit news as well as humorous, light-hearted content.
  • Finally, I added a complete list of archived postings by category.
  • For home composting, Angela uses all her vegetable peelings, small bits of paper and garden clippings.
  • This is fairly longish, which is why I'm posting it here and not there. Write Porn
  • Proof of posting is not proof of receipt. The Sun
  • Posting this without fact checking is the kind of rumor-mongering one expects from FOX News. Think Progress » Skater Johnny Weir not invited to participate in Stars on Ice because he is ‘not family friendly.’
  • Mark's posting on Camille Paglia's charges of decline in attention is right on the mark - this is just an antique jeremiad in new packaging.
  • Some rival hackers had "doxed" him, posting a detailed dossier of his family, including their home address and the name of the college his sister attended.
  • Of course, we'll cut their benefits, combat pay and make it difficult to ship their goods home from their overseas postings.
  • This is the APAture event's first blog; it's also a liveblog, that is to say, I will be posting here live during the APAture events, describing the smell of the greasepaint and roar of the crowd. APAture Live
  • I have challenged this but submission of my cheque book counterfoils and the fact that several colleagues could verify that I signed and despatched the cheque are not deemed to be ‘proof of posting’.
  • Businesses need incentive to innovate, which is absent if you can’t market; and then municipalities don’t invest in composting facilities because they don’t think biodegradable products are out there. Archive 2009-03-01
  • According to the UPI on February 14, around 100 youngsters brought together by Twitter feeds and Facebook postings gathered in downtown San Jose, California on Sunday - for a pillow fight.
  • The claims of seemingly legitimate analysts posting commentary online could not be ignored.
  • He was disgusted by the recent events with four players partying in the Red Stripe Mound immediately after posting their worst score ever at Sabina!
  • Some officers have taken laptops on overseas postings, where they have completed and submitted work for their degrees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Which is better, post-haste posting or prior preparation and preening?
  • After doing some research, she came across the idea of worm composting. Times, Sunday Times
  • But underneath the play is the brooding menace of the occupying forces who could rip people's lives apart with the threat of concentration camps or postings to the Russian front.
  • This led to volunteers posting up-to-the-minute news on the earthquake and its aftermath, as well as advice on fundraising for victims. Times, Sunday Times
  • Staying a money judgment in federal court without posting a supersedeas bond. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Judge releases Rezko on $8.5 million bond
  • The conditions include a bar on visiting the telecom department without the court's prior permission and posting two sureties of 300,000 rupees $5,780 each. India Court Grants Bail to Chandolia
  • The experimental composting results of municipal solid waste (MSW) and sugar refinery waste (SRW) are used to test and prove the effectiveness of the model.
  • Fork the undecayed layer back into the heap, to be a base for this year's composting. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this instance (Spammer re-posts captcha on porn site in near real time, unwitting user enters it, transmits back to the actual site) the only thing automated is the process of scraping the captcha, posting it, and transmitting the answer. Breaking Google Captchas for Some Extra Cash - Bits Blog -
  • Once you get hooked on composting, you'll even start going after the local barber for hair, and even saving dryer lint!
  • You just need to remember to be cautious and constantly aware of what comments you are posting. Times, Sunday Times
  • After Bucharest previous posting, Jess and I went directly to her town of Stara Zagora, a major city in south-central Bulgaria. 7-14-07 A Bulgarian Wedding
  • Sorry about the narky tone in the last couple of postings.
  • If u posting a link wif deh h t t p stuff in deh frunt, it appearz fur a nanoseccund oar two, den disappearz in2 deh ether fur an ower oar 2 wyle word pretzel nomz on it. den it horrkz it bak up. You don’t need to check on that noise you heard out here - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • When I addressed the issue of flyposting, something that is not done here in elections, his response was to slag my blog off repeatedly, so why should I give him publicity? What have the smaller parties got to say in Norwich North ?
  • Think of composting and worms immediately come to mind, not to mention such unsettling concepts as decay and rot.
  • Maybe because I have noticed a patten even here at EC --- it is Friday night and whatever slant needs to stay up all weekend in the 'important news', whether postings or polls, will have a finger on the scale to, er, mostly keep front and center the Clinton messages. Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Now Bill Himself Goes After Obama Over Reagan Interview
  • I don't want my home town's momentum of growth to be put out like this before it gets a chance to take off,'' wrote one person who was able to file a posting under the name Han Xiao. News -
  • He said that people who have a passion for the job often return after postings to the mainstream military police.
  • She has now accepted a posting as ambassador to Scandinavia.
  • Hmmm… Posting this post unsnarled the problem.
  • In that night, a vision came to him, not a vision of glory and honor won on the battlefield, but a vision of a sword rusting away in its scabbard, a vision of run - ning errands and posting guard detail over dust and ashes that didn't need guarding. Dragons of a Fallen Sun
  • Composting of human waste is as old as the hills. Times, Sunday Times
  • Posting one of the fastest times, she was unlucky to nudge a pole at the penultimate fence to finish eighth overall.
  • Lucia is trying assign homework about Zbigniew Jaworowski, which has got to be one of the silliest things that anyone ever tried, especially since Jim Easter, aka the boojum and Eli does miss his posting cut him up into tiny pieces and left him for stupid. Rabett Run
  • Anyone posting an amateur unboxing video from wrapped package to unboxed device is just showing off their new toy.
  • But schools across Colchester are only too aware of the impact of conflict and overseas postings on children from Army families.
  • Cross-posting from other forums is not allowed.
  • I suggest less typing and more researching that would reveal why some more established members of this forum are not posting, having covered a volume of material already.
  • Speaking of the chiliastic, when Israel made that last foolish foray into Lebanon there were postings all over the strange sites connected to this sort of stuff. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • A series of logical steps, originally discussed as postings and comments to two blogs, led to the outcome described here of a central hypervalent atom bound on one face by a small cyclic carbon ligand, with the other free face having an interaction to a helium atom with the topological properties of a charge-shift rather than a covalent bond. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • I'll be posting there pretty frequently, so if you want to see what I look like in semi-professional mode, head on over.
  • Back when you were plotting your online profile, the delete key and edit function bailed you out of blunders before posting to the cyber-nation.
  • Monroe is already composting some of the material, called biosolids, but it doesn't have enough room to compost it all, he said. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
  • There are no derange liberals posting here, they are very astute observers of a very deranged woman that the right wing wackadoodles seem to have put up on a pedestal. In Eugene, Palin says she eats granola too
  • Other details of the report were also supportive of growth, with unfilled orders posting a healthy increase -- indicating factories will keep busy for a while.
  • These foreigners with a false sense of bravado play this game by consuming comestibles not prepared in keeping with standard hygeinic practices most of us have come to expect and demand and this becomes a game lacking in rational thought and more about that later but for now I must run an errand for my better half before she whups my ass so I will continue this posting later. On Crossing the MoMo Bridge
  • I am not sure how you think posting crap and trolling is debunking anything. Think Progress » Kansas Attorney General Refuses To Sue Federal Government Over Health Care Reform
  • For your apolaustic posting pleasure ........ today's classroom. Latest Articles
  • And oftentimes, I talk to those who engage in cyberbullying behaviors, and they genuinely didn't realize the harm that would come from them posting certain information online. The Rise In Cyberbullying
  • I will be traveling this week and there may be delays in posting.
  • The autumn leaves have been composting on the pavements ready to succour the soon-to-be emerging weed seedlings.
  • Back in the car, filled with the fumes of composting grass cuttings, Graham was playing solitaire on his PDA while waiting.
  • I had around 300 users posting and reading a single topic. if those 300 were, as you say, "reading * and posting*, then it is very much possible that your problem * is* related to search. specifically, if you use" native fulltext "the function that takes a post and dissect it to single words (split_message ()) can be hideously expensive, and yet will not show on your debug as DB.
  • There was a fella about six months ago who got arrested for posting something on Twitter. The Sun
  • Somehow, I managed to get away with only posting on here almost once a month for the latter half of the year.
  • ‘Spam’ e-mail and postings on Internet community forums solicited money for victims' families.
  • The best advice that I can pass on is to take your chopper on a nice long foreign posting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, their posting to Britain was normally only one step in a career that will have taken them to many parts of the empire, including recurrent periods in the imperial capital or with the emperor.
  • In fact, snazzier technology -- say, posting grades or homework assignments on-line -- mostly serves to distract us from rethinking the pedagogy. Alfie Kohn: How to Sell Conservatism: Lesson 1 -- Pretend You're a Reformer
  • Ps to last posting, have just found dustmen working on Sunday? Smells like trouble
  • You'd still have to grass up whoever made the posting, though.
  • Internet postings in news groups also drew attention to the promo, she said.
  • Regarding your high class comment about me in your May 19, 2004 posting, why don't you have a scintilla of honesty and print the attached story from the Boston Globe which sets the record straight.
  • Well, like I said, its Friday and that often means my posting some kind of jammy jam song - this Friday that jam comes in the form of an electro-body workout tune by Plus Device. Electro my body (Music (For Robots))
  • Weinstein, who has shown his work at the Sonnabend Gallery in New York City for nearly two decades, found that his Facebook account was suspended after doing no more than posting the art-historical icon, and despite it being one of the biggest draws of international audiences to the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. G. Roger Denson: Courbet's Origin of the World Still Too Scandalous for Media-Savvy Facebook!
  • Mr. Fitzpatrick said Mr. Grassley's scrutiny, which he described as understandable given the attention paid to potential conflicts of interest in medicine, had led his organization to begin posting on its Web site the names of companies that donate $5,000 or more. Undefined
  • Yet, posting blog-style during breaking news, for instance, can be valuable both to the media outlet and the user.
  • In the same article linked to above, Environment Minister Leona Dombrowsky said that she's "leery" about incineration and approves of composting. Peace, order and good government, eh?: October 2003 Archives
  • NatureWorks biopolymer has been successfully composted in applications where collection is feasible and a commercial composting infrastructure is in place. Noble Juice PLA Packaging
  • I suggest you familiarize yourself on the subject before posting your comments; you just make yourself look really dumb Race Mixing Is Communism | My[confined]Space
  • Matt Williams is on a flying visit to Edinburgh to sort out fine details of his new posting: meeting with finance people, marketing staff and various administrators.
  • So I see by various recent postings that Dave Petzal is taking care of some sewing chores and Joe Cermele is hanging out in greasy spoons. "Self-Defense" Cooking
  • I have never commented before now but I feel that the odd reposting of items from the archive is a good thing for those who are new to the threads. on March 6, 2008 at 7: 39 pm | Reply Bob Nobody Move And Nobody Gets Hurt « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • You have to attach a label to a box while posting it.
  • E-mail lists, Web-site postings, instant messaging, blogs and other mechanisms can create a virtual firestorm in a matter of hours.
  • I'm not sure about posting pix from that event but here we are.
  • Posting it would cost half as much again as its purchase price, so she casually slings it in her luggage.
  • IN NO WAY should he ever get another gig playing Clark/Supes. jason b opinions cannot be false, and if you knew anything about filmmaking you would know that a talented director can bring a performance out of even the stiffest of actors. welling is just fine, and would be great under nolan. but this is fun, im enjoying the crush you have on me where you follow my statements around and get all worked up over things i post. i'll be posting on transformers 3 later on, hope to see you there. jason b More Crazy Rumors: Jonah Nolan to Direct Superman? | /Film
  • Exhaust fans installed in the composting chamber ensure an odorless system.
  • Home composting is a great way of disposing of everything from tea bags and egg shells to fruit and vegetable peelings and the end product can be used as a soil conditioner in the garden.
  • A reader has rightly pointed out that their figures for number of postings may be inflated due to cross-postings.
  • A variety of sustainable farming techniques are used, including crop rotation, composting, interplanting, careful treatment of livestock to ensure both longevity and quality, and seed saving. » Biodynamic Agriculture
  • Community composting is in itself the most rewarding activity that a group can partake in.
  • Keep practicing, moron .. you may eventually be able to tackle 7-letter words -- try "moronic" -- for your next posting. Crooks and Liars
  • Funny, I was just thinking about him and how we gave ol Eric a hard time about his lack of posting about Sen.Obama. ** cough, cough** His bias for HRC. Poll: Obama Leads McCain, Dominates In Key Demographics
  • Regular posting will soon resume, but I still need a day or so to recompress. Wish I was there : #comments
  • Sunday, December 13, 2009 my chapbook is out, yay! i've been very bad about posting here, I know, but it's because I've been busy with a bunch of things. Atlas(t)
  • It's a kind of signposting agency for those artists with ideas that have a potential economic outcome, a market and profit-making activity, "he said. Undefined
  • While my fellow students went around wearing dreadlocks in their white kid hair, playing Frisbee golf and hackeysack, and composting their trash for their marijuana plants, I ordered cheeseburgers in the dining hall. Meredith Lopez: A Made Mom
  • What they should be doing in earnest is forming opinions, not about me but about GM and what this company is doing that is ... hugely beneficial to the causes they so enthusiastically claim to support," he said in a posting titled, "Talk About a Crock. GM exec repeats, global warming 'total crock of sh**'
  • It offers a weekly digest of the best postings on their discussion forums, finance news and stock market movements.
  • Ervand Abrahamian, posting on Gulf/2000, “Re: Nonviolence in Iran,” December 31, 2009, used with permission. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • But they gave the trolls some food for thought by heading out to a restaurant and posting images of themselves scoffing burgers and macaroni cheese. The Sun
  • Once the bin is full, the rules of composting say that you should turn the material in the bin every few weeks.
  • Usually, once the experts are on hand it is easy to put things right, however unappealing your unaided attempts at composting may seem.
  • Rather than sit around and hope his number didn't come up, Don enlisted in the US Air Force, where he was trained as an instrument technician, and then scored overseas postings in Japan and Korea.

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