
  1. an affix that is added at the end of the word
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How To Use postfix In A Sentence

  • A key contributor to the stability and the speed of postfix is the intelligent way in which it queues mail.
  • When postfixed to the noun-state of the verb, the compound word thus formed, expresses a continued state of the verbal denotement. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
  • Samples were postfixed in 1% phosphate buffered osmium tetroxide, dehydrated through a graded acetone series, and embedded in an Araldite 502/Epon 812 resin. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Additionally, kalahe pru would yield two unidentified words while kala hepru yields only one since kala is relatable to Etruscan cala and its postfixed counterpart -cla meaning "of this". Rhaetic inscriptions Schum PU 1 and Schum CE 1
  • Four STMP servers running Postfix are used: two of them are mail exchangers for the HEC Montréal domains and the other two serve internal mailing needs.
  • You can put this into your postfix setup by adding the following line to Security Archives
  • The prefix operator is evaluated before the assignment, the postfix is evaluated after.
  • Good thread on the postfix-user email list on How to ban spam pretending to be from my domain. Security Archives
  • The retinas were postfixed for 30 minutes in the same fixative, washed and incubated in a solution containing 0. 02% NADPH-diaphorase and 0. 04% nitroblue tetrazolium PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Call () uses the local variable 'postfix' to contain the postfix array. AutoHotkey Community
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