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How To Use Possum In A Sentence

  • Regin downshifted, tires squealing as she swerved to dodge a roadkill-bound possum. Dreams of a Dark Warrior
  • He regained his balance and then retreated to his post beside the door, curling into himself like a wounded possum. NO BODY
  • A farmer looking through the fields before harvesting his crop sees rabbits, opossums, mice, rats, birds, foxes, skunks and snakes.
  • We've got tiny little radios that we can put on the honey possums now.
  • After a coupla days down here in Melbooring this week, I suggest leaving the boardies behind and bring down the possum fur jacket… Cheeseburger Gothic » We’re thinking Longrain for Thursday in Melbourne.
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  • Land crabs, river crayfish, opossum, agouti, and fish are caught where available.
  • As someone who's always found Bob Dylan amusing and kind of absurd, I guffawed (at 3 a.m.; scared the opossums) at Idle's startling transformation into ol 'Uncle Bobby, strummin' and harpin 'and bleatin' nearly incomprehensibly about Brian's theme of "Individuals. Gregory Weinkauf: Not the Messiah: Monty Python Strikes Again!
  • Darn thing went clean through the now deceased possum and both sides of the waterer. Chicken Owner Targets Opossum, Shoots Own Leg
  • Possum or pretend to sleep.
  • But even then, Carey affirmed with a "howsomdever," and "nevertheless," that if they carried young, and especially a "'possum," (which has more young ones than most other beasts,) he thought they ought to be let alone until their appropriate time. Swallow Barn, or A Sojourn in the Old Dominion. In Two Volumes. Vol. II.
  • This opossum, which is black and white, swims in the streams like a muskrat or otter, catching fish and living in burrows which open under water. IV. The Headwaters of the Paraguay
  • A large fat possum was caught in bright blue light, hissed and ran up the nearest tree.
  • Australian brush-tailed possum has caused severe mortality in montane rata/kamahi forests in the north. Te Wahipounamu (South-West New Zealand World Heritage Area), New Zealand
  • The mammals include a number of well-known animals such as the eastern grey kangaroo Macropus giganteus, the red-necked wallaby M. rufogriseus, wallaroo M. robustus, koala Phasocarctos cinereus and wombat Vombatus ursinus, the greater glider Petaurus volans, the squirrel glider P. norfolcensis, mountain brushtailed possum Trichosurus caninus; also the rarer spotted-tailed quoll Dasyurus maculatus (VU), long-nosed potoroo Potorous tridactylus (VU), yellow-bellied glider Petaurus australis and brush-tailed rock wallaby Petrogale penicillata (VU). Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
  • Many species of warblers sensitive to forest fragmentation live there, too, along with beavers, muskrats, deer, foxes, raccoons, opossums, groundhogs, and other four-legged animals.
  • Marri trees produce large amounts of blossom and nectar, and mature trees often have the very large hollows that are nesting sites for endangered species such as black cockatoos, western ringtail possums and owls.
  • The collective claims VicForests is illegally cutting down old trees in the area and threatening the habitat of the endangered Leadbeater's possum, which is one of Victoria's emblems. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • 1895 OW 1886 OW Fully fifty-four of my discoveries have to do with land animals: alcine elk, moose W dasyurine dasyure antelopine antelope W (1839-47) OW aspine asp 1644 O didelphine opossum bisontine bison 1885 - 1847 OW VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • It is what we, as carers of koalas, birds, possums, macropods (wallabies, kangaroos etc.) and other wildlife carers are trained to do.
  • Many of these animals require intensive care, which at times has meant Megan has had a young bird or possum joey with her at work.
  • Alternatively, you might linger at the lodge, where the after-dinner floorshow is unique: on the porch a procession of quolls, possums and Tasmanian Devils arrive, politely waiting for you to hand-feed them.
  • There are more than 250 species of birds, in an island just 26 miles long and seven miles wide, and animals from armadillos and agoutis to racoons and opossums.
  • Amateur fossil hunters have helped to uncover the oldest known ancestor to kangaroos, koalas, possums, and wombats.
  • Well Kayne's waistcoat was made out of several native Australian animals, possibly possum, wombat, kangaroo and wallaby pelts, all sewn together.
  • In Florida's Marion County, Interstate 75 cuts right through a state-long swath of greenway that's habitat for bobcats, opossums, and armadillos.
  • August 19, 2008 at 3:32 pm hands blankees, hawt choklit martoonies awl around wiff sum choklit possums fur gud measure……*finks ai hope ai found dem awl* Itteh bitteh sleepeh committeh - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Other mammals in the area are the vizcachas (Lagostomus maximus), the cuis pampeano (Cavia aperea), the nutria (Myocastur coypus), and the opossum (Didelphis albiventris). Semi-arid Pampas
  • Expressions such as play possum, bury the hatchet and go on the warpath became common.
  • That night trip also yielded a highland tinamou, two Virginia opossums and - after half an hour spent staring at a yellow eye in a distant tree - what turned out to be a potoo.
  • As well as performing amazing movement-restoring surgery on spine damaged opossums, Dr Norman Sauders has built a sailing simulator which he'll be demonstrating at the Sydney Boat Show in August.
  • However, rufous hare-wallaby Lagorchestes hirsutus (R), burrowing bettong Bettongia lesueur (R) and common brush-tail possum Trichosurus vulpecula have been eradicated in the past 80 years although reintroduction is being considered. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia
  • Don't put out any more seed than can be eaten by the birds by nightfall, especially where raccoons, opossums, deer, or rodents are a problem.
  • Scientists say this mammal is the oldest known fossil ancestor of modern marsupials - which include opossums, kangaroos, and koalas.
  • Several miles further on a solitary upstanding column of rock represented an opossum man who rested here, looked about the country, and left spirit children behind him; a low range of remarkably white quartzite hills indicated a large number of white ant eggs thrown here in the _wingara_ [146] by the Munga-munga women as they passed across the country. The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
  • The gestation periods of the American opossum, also called the Virginian Opossum, the rare water opossum or yapok of central and northern South America and the eastern native cat of Australia are all normally 12-13 days but can be as short as eight days.
  • It is home to possums, pelicans, the duck-billed platypus, the kookaburra, kangaroos and wombats, to name just those he found for us during our adventure into paradise.
  • Rabbits and opossums, which were okayed by the Government of the time, have had an enormous and destructive impact on our environment.
  • The sugar glider is one of a number of volplaning possums in Australia.
  • This bushy, indolent fellow, who is built like a well-fed possum, hangs from a rail by his tail, and hooks into his favourite snack, a salami sandwich.
  • Nocturne is an interactive media installation focusing on animals such as opossums, field mice and the endangered kit fox that have found successful niches within the urban and suburban landscape.
  • Go through a gap in the brush a little way, until you see the cluster of oak where Brianna shot a possum, bear left to a squarish rock with a bunch of adder's-tongue growing over it" The fact that the need for my services as a guide was probably all that kept them from killing me on the spot was, of course, a secondary consideration. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • This group includes all of the pouched animals, such as oppossums, kangaroos, and Tasmanian devils.
  • The mammals include a number of well-known animals such as the eastern grey kangaroo Macropus giganteus, the red-necked wallaby M. rufogriseus, wallaroo M. robustus, koala Phasocarctos cinereus and wombat Vombatus ursinus, the greater glider Petaurus volans, the squirrel glider P. norfolcensis, mountain brushtailed possum Trichosurus caninus; also the rarer spotted-tailed quoll Dasyurus maculatus (VU), long-nosed potoroo Potorous tridactylus (VU), yellow-bellied glider Petaurus australis and brush-tailed rock wallaby Petrogale penicillata (VU). Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
  • Slow-moving animals and those living in trees - animals such as koalas, possums, and gliders - were most at risk.
  • *Heer, u sit daon adn noms awn hawt choklit adn wyte choklit possum* How many sockses - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • There are more than 250 species of birds, in an island just 26 miles long and seven miles wide, and animals from armadillos and agoutis to racoons and opossums.
  • For nervous children going to the toilet had the usual problems of non-flush toilets - blowflies, spiders, and even wetas, and possums on the roof.
  • Amongst an immense number of others are found many new reptiles, some of them adapted for fresh water; species of birds allied to the sea-lark, curlew, quail, buzzard, owl, and pelican; species allied to the dormouse and squirrel; also the opossum and racoon; and species allied to the genette, fox, and wolf. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
  • It is also my first chance to see the wonderfully unique wildlife here; kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, pademelons, possums, and various unique birds.
  • It's a first person account of adopting a possum from a possum rescue organization. Boing Boing: December 3, 2006 - December 9, 2006 Archives
  • There are a variety of possums, early kangaroos, koalas, wombats and quolls, as well as marsupial groups that are now completely extinct.
  • The long-nosed potoroo (Potorous tridactylus) is widespread on Tasmania, whereas the Tasmanian bettong (Bettongia gaimardi) is restricted to dry sclerophyll forest in eastern Tasmania, and the little pygmy possum (Cercartetus lepidus) prefers dry sclerophyll forest as well. Tasmanian temperate forests
  • The Plaintiff acquires brush tail possums - which are harvested in this State.
  • In addition to the birds, there are numerous stoats, weasels, possums, and other things there.
  • The yapok is a long-legged opossum with a relatively broad snout, and a long, almost hairless, scaly tail except at its base.
  • Qui melancholicus factus plane desipiebat, multaque stulte loquebaturr, huic exhibitum stibium, quod paulo post atram bilem ex alvo eduxit (ut ego vidi, qui vocatus tanquam ad miraculum adfui testari possum,) et ramenta tunquam carnis dissecta in partes totum excrementum tanquam sanguinem nigerrimum repraesentabat. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • You may even see an opossum-like manicou or the large agouti - a rodent introduced as food by the Amerindians.
  • Many of these products come with a label that reads, " Thank you for buying possum fur.
  • As forests become chopped up into ever smaller chunks, the amount of ‘edge’ habitat increases for predators such as blue jays, crows, raccoons, opossums, feral cats, black rat snakes, and others that prey upon birds or their eggs.
  • Maybe you would see koalas, wombats, echidnas, brush tail and ring tail possums and emus if you're lucky.
  • Crickets are eaten by small owls, birds, snakes, mice, frogs, raccoons, opossums and many other creatures.
  • Australian rain or mould or possums could leave you empty-handed the first year, but your new permie persimmon friends will almost certainly forgive you, and the creative thinking required to succeed will make for some good Autumn memories. Permaculture Research Institute of Australia
  • A scrawny opossum foraged along the road, scampering toward the woods when I tried to take its picture.
  • Phalangers, more commonly known as possums and cuscuses, are marsupials but with a vague resemblance to some monkeys.
  • And not all immune animals are runts - the Virginia opossum is shielded from 37 species of pit vipers, including all major North American rattlers.
  • For example, the advertised possum skinner went away to Auckland and no one knew when or if he was coming back.
  • Now, you much this chonklit opossum adn think soothing thoughts, and no sneeky lookin at teh kittehz for a few minutes yet, okeh? I find yur “string theoree” - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Brushtail possums, previously unsighted, were recorded in significant numbers.
  • Teh flying possums flew down an tuk turns drinking frum teh bottel. Monorail Cat derails after - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Professor [Steve] Williams, director of the Centre for Tropical Biodiversity and Climate Change at James Cook University, said the white lemuroid possum had been identified as highly vulnerable five years ago. 'Muted by Reality'
  • Several of the early timber splitters regularly hunted kangaroos or possums to solve this problem.
  • Johnny seemed to be fully asleep, but his mother knew that he was playing possum.
  • I just wanted to point out that JB is only in those buttless chaps because the possum skin lap lap is at the dry cleaners. Cheeseburger Gothic » Prepping for Pucka.
  • Other than possums we were surrounded by weird, long legged, fat squawky birds, and the odd giant cockroach and killer crocodile.
  • All kinds of critters like to dine on poultry, including raccoons, skunks, opossums, weasels, foxes, coyotes, dogs and feral cats.
  • We still got an opossum, a red kangaroo, a Bennett wallaby, too, and millipedes, and a kookaburra, whatever that is.
  • The natives nearly always carry the whole of their worldly property about with them, and the Australian hunter is thus equipped: round his middle is wound, in many folds, a cord spun from the fur of the opossum, which forms a warm, soft and elastic belt of an inch in thickness, in which are stuck his hatchet, his kiley or boomerang, and a short heavy stick to throw at the smaller animals. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • Marsupials, such as the opossums of the Americas and the kangaroos, koalas, and wombats of Australasia, generally give birth to tiny immature young which then complete their developments in a pouch.
  • Possum, that is the first I have heard of the "nosedive" concept. Smoothing Out The Transition - NASA Watch
  • The last honey possum collected in the Perth metro area was in Shenton Park in 1941.
  • Closed forests are inhabited by three species of arboreal mammals, common ring-tail possum Pseudocheirus peregrinus, common brush-tail possum Trichosurus vulpecula and eastern pygmy-possum Cercartetus nanus, and many birds such as endemic green rosella Platycercus caledonicus and swift parrot Lathamus discolor. Tasmanian Wilderness, Australia
  • And we had a phalanger, a flying possum that used to cling onto the curtains and fly around at night.
  • Now, is it possumable that Janet hurted u wif her rench de croissant? It seems we r out of - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The opossum, colloquially known as a possum, is about the size of a domestic cat. BBC - Ouch
  • We are told to reject every manuscript, except those that include: anthropomorphized mice or possums, butt-length hair, classic authors placed in modern society, references to mid-America as the 'real' America, or those manuscripts that are exactly 51,453 words. SPECIAL CONTEST ACTIVITY
  • But the reporter's calls obviously stirred up the somnolent possums within Labor and alerted government people to a delicious political opportunity waiting to be had.
  • Nam tres homines neque genere neque specie sed suis accidentibus distant; nam uel si animo cuncta ab his accidentia separemus, tamen locus cunctis diuersus est quem unum fingere nullo modo possumus; duo enim corpora unum locum non obtinebunt, qui est accidens. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • Feld dresses the Stephen Foster songs of Doo Dah Day (No Possum, No Sop, No Taters) antically. Chicago Reader
  • Superficially, mysidaceans look much like small shrimp, and since they have a ventral marsupium, they are often called opossum shrimp. Crustacea
  • Possums can munch half a pound of foliage a day and prey on the eggs and chicks of endangered birds like the kokako, kereru, and kiwi.
  • The white lemuroid possum, a rare creature found only above 1000m in the mountain forests of far north Queensland, has not been seen for three years. 'Muted by Reality'
  • * Nemo suspicetur alium Spiritum Sanctum fuisse in Sanctis, nimirum ante adventum Domini, et alium in apostolis caeterisque discipulis, et quasi homonymum in differentibus esse substantiis; possumus quidem testimonia de divinis literis exhibere, quia idem Spiritus et in apostolis et in prophetis fuerit. Pneumatologia
  • I'm sure you're aware from looking inside your diaper that possum boys have a bifurcated penis, meant to fit the twin cervices of the possum girl. "But I'm still an embryo/With a long, long way to go."
  • The penis of the male opossum is bifurcated or forked. Neighborhood Opossum | clusterflock
  • For many years the island's white beaches were stained with the blood of tens of thousands of whales, seals, kangaroos, wallabies and possums.
  • Go through a gap in the brush a little way, until you see the cluster of oak where Brianna shot a possum, bear left to a squarish rock with a bunch of adder's-tongue growing over it" The fact that the need for my services as a guide was probably all that kept them from killing me on the spot was, of course, a secondary consideration. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • Cats, rats, stoats, possums, and ferrets have had drastic effects on native plants and bird species, many of which are flightless and have few defenses against the invaders.
  • We have two dogs: one is a terrier, a breed noted for their rat-hating, but in the absence of rats they take on mice - or possums.
  • In Florida's Marion County, Interstate 75 cuts right through a state-long swath of greenway that's habitat for bobcats, opossums, and armadillos.
  • Rats, stoats, ferrets, cats, and possums have decimated native animals that were unaccustomed to mammalian predators.
  • In Tasmania we have such a huge amount of wildlife: brush tail possums, all sorts of animals that at a glimpse, at a distance in poor light or whatever, can appear to be a fox.
  • Qui melancholicus factus plane desipiebat, multaque stulte loquebaturr, huic exhibitum stibium, quod paulo post atram bilem ex alvo eduxit (ut ego vidi, qui vocatus tanquam ad miraculum adfui testari possum,) et ramenta tunquam carnis dissecta in partes totum excrementum tanquam sanguinem nigerrimum repraesentabat. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The mammals the researchers studied were the platypus, echidna, opossum, wallaby, hedgehog, mouse, rat, rabbit, cow, pig, bat, tree shrew, colugo, ringtail lemur, and humans.
  • Nocturne is an interactive media installation focusing on animals such as opossums, field mice and the endangered kit fox that have found successful niches within the urban and suburban landscape.
  • 'Possum skins and a black's gunya – that's Autralese for a wigwam, isn't it? Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
  • I could rave up every song and moment, but editors are people too, so I'll just share three here: 1. As someone who's always found Bob Dylan amusing and kind of absurd, I guffawed at 3 a.m.; scared the opossums at Idle's startling transformation into ol' Uncle Bobby, strummin' and harpin' and bleatin' nearly incomprehensibly about Brian's theme of "Individuals. Gregory Weinkauf: Not the Messiah : Monty Python Strikes Again!
  • The problems which concern those who care for the park mainly arise from introduced species - wasps, possums, stoats, weasels, and feral cats.
  • Rattler for rattle-snake, pike for turnpike, draw for drawbridge, coon for raccoon, possum for opossum, cuss for customer, cute for acute, squash for askutasquash—these American back-formations are already antique; Sabbaday for Sabbath-day has actually reached the dignity of an archaism, as has the far later chromo for chromolithograph. Chapter 6. Tendencies in American. 3. Processes of Word-Formation
  • It could be a marsupial rat or mole or something opossumlike, or a rodent, insectivore, or even a primate akin to a tarsier or loris.
  • We had rabbit and squirrel, too, anything but opossum.
  • 'Nam neque nos agere hoc patriai tempore iniquo possumus aequo animo nec Memmi clara propago talibus in rebus communi desse saluti.' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Jaw and tongue motions during suckling have been investigated in the macaque, opossum and pig.
  • The mammals the researchers studied were the platypus, echidna, opossum, wallaby, hedgehog, mouse, rat, rabbit, cow, pig, bat, tree shrew, colugo, ringtail lemur, and humans.
  • On Terra these include kangaroos, wallabies, bandicoots, opossums, and wombats.
  • September 6, 2008 at 3:04 pm o, an im shure u luks luverly wit teh CHRG, possum-print duk taype & a metal kichen cullender awn ur hed fer de splort-prebention. i hopez dey iz all in teh purrty pastel-colorz! De otherz asleep, now I can escape! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • My neighbors include a family of armadillos, a crafty old opossum and a resourceful raccoon.
  • Marsupials include koalas, possums and kangaroos.
  • Possums have caused the widespread death of kamahi and rata in lowland forests and the death of kaikawaka (Libocedrus bidwillii) and Hall's totara (Podocarpus hallii) in the southern ranges. Northland temperate forests
  • `They've told him," said Sloan, `that she's played possum all the while there too. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • Is not the observation, Omnia mutantur, nil interit, a contemplation in philosophy thus, that the quantum of nature is eternal? in natural theology thus, that it requireth the same omnipotency to make somewhat nothing, which at the first made nothing somewhat? according to the Scripture, Didici quod omnia opera, quoe fecit Deus, perseverent in perpetuum; non possumus eis quicquam addere nec auferre. The Advancement of Learning
  • Hic in civitate magna et turba magna neminem reperire possumus quocum suspirare familiariter aut jocari libere possimus. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Primitively clumsy and slow, with conical heads and pointed pink noses, sparse gray fur and naked ears, mature opossums reach the size of house cats (about ten pounds).
  • Possums can squeeze through very small spaces.
  • * just a liddle tuck and pat an some duckytape to hole ebeyting in plase *Striiippp – rap rap rap* now a fiddies style bafscap * Streeeccchhh snap* and a floofy blankey, some possum shape chonklits and done. Waayt! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • For nervous children going to the toilet had the usual problems of non-flush toilets - blowflies, spiders, and even wetas, and possums on the roof.
  • Here and there, a sweet chestnut still in full summer leafage dotted the grassland, and a couple of miles away, a stand of willow marked the line of Possum Creek where it twisted and turned, dipping at last into light woodland.
  • The opossum sleeps 19 hours out of every 24 and the giraffe sleeps only about 2.
  • The dichotomic segregation of AOB glomeruli has been described in opossums, rodents and rabbits, while Primates and Laurasiatheres present the Gαi2-pathway only, or none at all (such as apes, some bats and aquatic species). ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • So he sends a posse of ornery opossum lovers out into the bog for a little airboat ambush.
  • In de Corona militis, 4, after instancing Rebecca, he goes on to say of Susanna: “si et Susanna in iudicio revelata argumentum velandi præstat, possum dicere: et hic velamen arbitrii fuit,” etc. The Three Additions to Daniel: A Study.
  • Common ringtail possums are strictly nocturnal so food was offered at 1800 and removed between 0500 and 0800 the next day.
  • Because of this pouch-like structure, Mysis is sometimes called the opossum shrimp. Crustacea
  • Recent media reports of the extinction of the lemuroid ringtail possum were "confused," the species is still around. Archive 2009-04-01
  • For example, opossum shrimps (Mysis relicta) were introduced into dammed lakes in the mountains of Sweden and Norway by electric companies to enhance prey for burbot (Lota lota) and brown trout (Salmo trutta). Human impacts on the biodiversity of the Arctic
  • The metatherian opossum was used as an outgroup.
  • Remember not to leave unattended garbage around for local raccoons or opossums.
  • On Terra these include kangaroos, wallabies, bandicoots, opossums, and wombats.
  • Cats, rats, stoats, possums, and ferrets have had drastic effects on native plants and bird species, many of which are flightless and have few defenses against the invaders.
  • You could have possums, chamois, ferrets, stoats, flopsy bunnykins and even the common cat.
  • In the mainland island in the Nelson Lakes National Park the focus is to be on a whole range of pests - wasps, possums, rodents and mustelids (mainly stoats, but also ferrets and weasels), deer and feral cats.
  • He goes behind the fields and starts to trap opossums, skunks, rabbits, and squirrels.
  • In a completely unsurprising turn of events (unsurprising, that is, to those of us who have never had any illusions about Opossum), the Justice Department has moved to confirm and expand the Bush administration's doctrine on wiretapping. Reclusive Leftist
  • On Terra these include kangaroos, wallabies, bandicoots, opossums, and wombats.
  • -- Mountain pygmy possum Burramys parvus: described from Pleistocene owl pellets in 1896 but found alive in a ski lodge in the Australian Alps in 1966. Archive 2006-03-01
  • But today, after three weeks of sorry business, the mourning for his little brother will come to an end, and his spirit will go back to the possum dreaming in a hill near Yuendumu.
  • However, there are no fossils of animals which appear to be intermediate between possums and kangaroos.
  • As an ecologist and environmental writer, one of my main interests is to understand the damage that relatively recent introductions - from stoats to wasps to possums - have wreaked on native plants and animals.
  • True, the bottle of T.C.P. antiseptic (slightly to the right) is a reminder of splinters, stubbed toes, barnacle cuts from the jetty, and minor sailing accidents but fortunately nobody seems ever to have been seriously injured; never to my knowledge bitten by a snake or poisonous spider, and the only local indigenous wildlife I recall are possums, kookaburras, and a lone echidna which put in an appearance in about 1976. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The main predators which are depleting the bird population in native forest are possums, stoats, rats and mice.
  • Two years ago, scientists blamed a warming climate for the disappearance of the white lemuroid possum, a niche mountain dweller in Australia that prefers cool weather and that was cute enough to be the object of nature tours. rss feed
  • Nocturne is an interactive media installation focusing on animals such as opossums, field mice and the endangered kit fox that have found successful niches within the urban and suburban landscape.
  • This is obviously a good premise for a website, and he's already turned up some wonderful stuff, like morkin:I saw a dead possum on the road this morning. WORDFUL.
  • Stopping over at Havana he learned from one of his young animal gatherers that a few solenodons (molelike animals the size of small opossums) still exist along Cuba's southern shore.
  • I remember looking at some work being done in Tasmania, on opossums who were very, very young.
  • You are the Opossum of the Future, the ultimate Fittest Survivor of our species, the ripe result of progressive prehensility - all tail! Fantastic Fables
  • For the new study, he considered the region's 65 endemic rain forest species, including ring-tail possums, the golden bowerbird, and microhylid frogs, which skip the tadpole stage.
  • Encouraged by his brother Tim, Clifford Possum, who had already begun teaching woodcarving at the settlement, joined Bardon's painting group, which later became the Papunya Tula Artists Company.
  • Besides the chance of spotting a wombat, Girraween also is home to that ultimate mimic, the lyrebird, and the wonderful powerful owl, which eats whole possums and throws away their tails.
  • We saw possums on the tree last night
  • Timeo, totus torpeo. non edepol nunc ubi terrarum sim scio, si quis roget, neque miser me commovere possum prae formidine. ilicet, mandata eri perierunt una et Sosia. verum certum est confidenter hominem contra conloqui, qui possim videri huic fortis, a me ut abstineat manum. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • The model in the center wears a possum fur coat to complete the look.
  • The marsupial family Tarsipedidae contains a single species, the honey possum or noolbender.
  • The common opossum is the size of a house cat, with a long, pointed nose, round ears, short legs, and is predominantly grey in color. Did You Know? "Tlacuaches" (opossums )
  • In addition, there has been marked reduction in the range of the Carpentarian antechinus (Pseudantechinus mimulus VU) and brush-tailed possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). Mitchell grass downs
  • Oh, that story with the opossums is a true story.
  • Plus possum quam omnes philosophi, astrologi, necromantici, &c. sola saliva inungens, 1. amplexu et basiis tam furiose furere, tam bestialiter obstupesieri coegi, ut instar idoli me adorarint. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Of course Australia is best known for its marsupial mammals: several species of kangaroo and their smaller cousins, the wallabies; the sweet-faced rural-and urban-dwelling ring-tailed possum; and the chubby hairy-nosed wombat.
  • Burrows are also often shared with other mammals such as rabbits, skunks and possums.
  • Whatever had run under the picnic table was probably a possum. MY BABYSITTER HAS FANGS
  • Possums and bandicoots were hunted for food and skins.
  • Organochlorine contaminants, including toxaphene, chlordane and metabolites, HCHs, HCB, dieldrin, and PCBs, were found in the opossum shrimp, Mysis relicta, from the great lakes.
  • There is one other creature in the world which does this, and that is the long-fingered possum, which is found in New Guinea. Last Chance to See
  • Okay, pogon is the Greek for 'beard,' but pogo evokes possum and 'a toy for jumping around on '(OAD) - hence a reader would be excused for assuming that pogonotomy means removal of a possum or a pogo stick from the body. Site Feed
  • The bedsocks are knit of Cherry Tree Hill merino-and-possum, in a shade called Spring Frost, which I bought that happy day in March at I Knit in London when I met some blog readers: you know who you are. Jean's Knitting
  • Possum Haw, Ilex decidua, is also very nice, I believe it gets somewhat larger than these winterberries, forming a tree. Berry Surreal Dreams « Fairegarden
  • The brushtail possum has a fur similar in quality to mink and colours range from silver to red brown to dark brown.
  • It was a place where gray mists hid the tops of low, deep-green mountains, where redbone and bluetick hounds flashed through the pines as they chased possums into the sacks of old men in frayed overalls, where old women in bonnets dipped Bruton snuff and hummed "Faded Love and Winter Roses" as they shelled purple hulls, canned peaches and made biscuits too good for this world. Excerpt: All Over But The Shoutin' by Rick Bragg
  • It is also my first chance to see the wonderfully unique wildlife here; kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, pademelons, possums, and various unique birds.
  • I followed his gaze and there on the eave of the neighbor's house sat a fat possum.
  • The album would be decidedly poorer without the contribution of these Fat Possum label mates.
  • This will leave many voters scratching their heads wondering "What the heck is a possessory interest?" or "Is this related to possums? Aaron Harber: Ballot Bedlam
  • These include the isopod Saduria entomon, the amphipod Monoporeia affinis, the Baltic mussel Macoma bathica, a few semi-pelagic opossum shrimp species (Mysidae) and the common sea snail Liparis liparis. Kvarken Archipelago High Coast, Finland and Sweden
  • Sed vt ad rem: De Religione equidem nostra, qu� qualiseu fuerit, cum Ethnicismus prim鵰 fugari coepit, nihil magnific� diceret possumus: quemadmodum nec alia Septentrionis Regna vicina, vti existimo, de suis fidei initijs. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • In this study common ringtail possums appear to show poor regulatory ability when feeding on foliage diets.
  • Amateur fossil hunters have helped to uncover the oldest known ancestor to kangaroos, koalas, possums, and wombats.
  • White-tailed deer, black bear, elk, fox, opossum, raccoon, squirrel, rabbit, turkey, and pigeon were hunted for food.
  • Superficially, mysidaceans look much like small shrimp, and since they have a ventral marsupium, they are often called opossum shrimp. Crustacea
  • That's when the animals are most active and it's fun to see the deer, raccoons, opossums, rabbits, and birds.
  • We also felt the furs of an opossum (soft) and collared peccary, also known as a javelina (stiff and bristly). Statesman - AP Sports
  • Quare in illius summae intellegentiae cacumen, si possumus, erigamur; illic enim ratio uidebit quod in se non potest intueri, id autem est, quonam modo etiam quae certos exitus non habent, certa tamen uideat ac definita praenotio neque id sit opinio sed summae potius scientiae nullis terminis inclusa simplicitas. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • Beneath those plants are spicebush and the occasional possum haw, a deciduous holly.
  • I think possum is correct in saying that the problem isn't that NASA can't estimate costs, its that the project managers will run three cost models and pick the one that they want, instead of going with the high one. (or at least justifying - with analysis - why the high model is wrong) Lack of Discipline = Slaughter of the Innocents - NASA Watch
  • Like these bats, honey possums feed by probing flowers with their tongues.
  • Qui melancholicus factus plane desipiebat, multaque stulte loquebaturr, huic exhibitum stibium, quod paulo post atram bilem ex alvo eduxit (ut ego vidi, qui vocatus tanquam ad miraculum adfui testari possum,) et ramenta tunquam carnis dissecta in partes totum excrementum tanquam sanguinem nigerrimum repraesentabat. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Most paralysis ticks lodge onto passing indigenous species (possums, bandicoots, kangaroos) that are immune to their toxins.
  • Given that a few other Eocene European tetrapods have been suggested to be particularly closely related to South American taxa (namely the ratite Palaeotis, the peradectine opossums and the supposed anteater Eurotamandua), Ameghinornis and Aenigmavis were thought to perhaps indicate that phorusrhacids had originated in Europe and later spread (via Africa) to South America (Peters & Storch 1993). Archive 2006-11-01
  • They have been found eating gray squirrels, possums, black rats, and house wrens.
  • So this buzzard is boarding a plane, carrying a couple of dead possums, but the stewardess says, Page 2
  • Even though we're on the edge of a major city, our yard is populated by a variety of mice, moles, squirrels, chipmunks and opossums.
  • Meanwhile, creatures that benefit from living around people follow them into disturbed areas, including opossums, raccoons, pigeons and dumpster-diving rats.

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