How To Use Posit In A Sentence
The unit can connect to any video source that has composite video and stereo audio RCA jacks, though the encoded audio is limited to mono.
That gave us the time to move arbalests and mangonels into position along the walls.
He made a very positive contribution to the overall success of the project.
Background-position: background image in the canvas element in the targeted space, designated the upper left corner of the image relative to the level of canvas and vertical spacing interval .
Epsom showed a great deal of heart considering their lowly league position but there are days when courage counts for naught and this was one of them.
The seeds were then cut in half longitudinally and deposited on a sterile Whatman No.1 filter paper impregnated with 1% tetrazolium chloride.
The magnificent 18 th-century mansion is set in private landscaped grounds at the edge of the town, opposite the golf links and West Sands but totally screened by trees, woods and 18-foot high lodge gates.
· The tailstock quill is brought into working position (Fig. 14) whereby special attention must be given to quill cleanliness.
3. Preparations for thread cutting by dies and taps
Parts of all three vases were mingled together and the position of each piece had to be painstakingly documented to aid the reconstruction.
Times, Sunday Times
Nothing much happened except that I discovered the automatic paper towel dispenser and proceeded to contort my body into various positions to get the thing to work.
I often position an athlete in front of a mirror that has grid lines on it, ask them to close their eyes and stand up straight.
Muscle Management
The composition of displaced terranes ranges from that of typical oceanic crust to significantly less dense granitic rock with clear continental affinities.
It was also a noteworthy echo of a speech Sarkozy himself made last December, when he called for a "positive laicity" and suggested that the state could ultimately grant subsidies to religious groups.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
To the left a small party was holding an entrenched position on rising ground.
Times, Sunday Times
Jim had hustled over quietly and begun to help out with the horseshoeing, expecting ridicule from the likes of Hugh Glass or old Zeke Williams, who had just arrived at the rendezvous, but, to his surprise, the fact that he was married to a woman of such pure fire produced the very opposite of the effect he had feared.
The Berrybender Narratives
I clicked the 'Live Chat' button, and lo and behold, I was deposited in a chat room with what sounded suspiciously like a chatbot.
The fifth position went to a phishing activity, in which a university hacker stole Internet users' personal information by luring them to provide confidential data on disguised Web sites.
These positions are frequently referred to respectively as objectivism and constructionism.
How anyone could have read some sinister intent into those views is indeed puzzling, and illustrates well how those damned Jewshow certain hypersensitive and overly privileged people who feel superior to the rest of the world are willing to cut their own throats for short term advantage by using unjustified charges of anti-semitism to point out how they take advantage of their position in any nation or institution who trusts them so as to benefit their own in group at the expense of that nation or institution.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
He had accused three opposition members of corrupt practices.
She arranged for a sizeable loan from the temple based on her deposits there and then purchased a great store of corn from the temple granaries.
U.S. network CNN for what it called biased reports on political unrest and on the alleged assault and torture earlier this month of opposition leaders, including Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the main
ANC Daily News Briefing
Then prop yourself up using your toes and forearms maintaining a flat position.
The Sun
Damon Hill is in pole position for today's Belgian Grand Prix.
Such a man or woman is slave to his or her social position and wealth.
The money is commonly laundered via cash deposits to friends or family members' bank accounts and is quickly withdrawn to be paid to the gang leaders.
Times, Sunday Times
Peter said, signaling to the waiter: "When I got that letter from Mrs. Dawson I felt sick, positively _sick_.
Working Murder
The transitional zones between low backgrounds of W Mo group elements and iron group and chalcophile elements are the favorable enriched zones of uranium deposits.
by lawful/legal means. Lawful tends to be used in technical or literary contexts. The same is true of the opposites, unlawful and illegal, but illegal is used especially about criminal activities. Legal also means 'connected with the law':the US legal system.
The default position is that UK employment rights remain unchanged.
Times, Sunday Times
The region has many deposits of valuable oil.
The pilot straps himself to this bulky rig in a standing position, controlling it with joysticks during vertical takeoff and landing - or VTOL, as we say in the hover biz.
Stocks spent most of the day in positive territory, buoyed in part by the University of Michigan's report showing consumer confidence rose in March to 95.8 from 94.4 in February.
As Locke and Jean stumbled to their feet, the door on the wall opposite the window slammed open, and in stepped a broad-shouldered man with the slablike muscles of a stevedore or a smith.
Archive 2008-07-01
Well, I've found our position on the map if you want to see where we are.
The position of the respondent husband may also be briefly stated.
The Pre-U would at best take us back to the position in 2000.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Our striker got into a good position to shoot , but then missed his kick.
There are three degrees of intimacy between words, of which the first and loosest is expressed by their mere juxtaposition as separate words, the second by their being hyphened, and the third or closest by their being written continuously as one word.
This is a composite image of the 1st pair of pleopods and the outer branch (exopodite) of the right (animal's left) pair that came apart during the removal operation (each pleopod has an outer and an inner branch).
Archive 2007-12-01
This is the northernmost and wettest of the central Asian depressions, remnants of a Tertiary era inland sea, with relict glaciers, glacier lakes and a wide variety of rock types, the result of a long series of successive eras of deposition and orogeny.
Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
This type of power - a culture that radiates outward and a market that draws inward - rests on pull, not on push; on acceptance, not on imposition.
In other words, you can look at one face and see loess topped by a paleosol and then covered in flow deposits.
NYT > Home Page
But in accordance with the idea that malaria is a product of paludal decomposition, the trees selected have almost always been the _eucalyptus_.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
If we posit a voiceless spirant value for Uralic *x by this stage anyway, over in PFP the closest equivalent would be śexćim.
Update of my "Diachrony of Pre-IE" document
However, this happy juxtaposition of Eastern style and Western living has not always been so effortless.
Position them on their sides to prevent them from choking on vomitus.
The innkeeper, who was a choleric gnome of poor disposition, looked out of the door.
As soon as the weather improves and the soil is fit for planting you can plant out your raspberries in their permanent position.
The Sun
HIV-positive Pedro Zamora from the San Francisco season, for example, put a face to the stigmatized disease of AIDS and did a world of good with his exposure -- even getting the recognition of then-president Bill Clinton.
Ryan O'Connell: Auditioning for the Real World Is Too Real
The unicity is run by Johannesburg's first-ever executive mayor - previously the mayor was a largely ceremonial position.
But the two teaching modes have changed from opposition to complementation instead of a simple conversion.
Big Brother will now know every financial tidbit about you, every ATM withdrawl, account deposit, creditcard charge, what you bought ....
Senate's Wall Street bill in homestretch
All this makes him an apposite starting point for those on the far right in search of intellectual sugarcoating.
It also provides a condensed primer to some of the issues at stake in American avant-garde cinema, which, partly because of its historical opposition to the dictates of commercial mainstream moviemaking and partly because it resists commodification unlike, say, abstract painting, oppositional cinema doesn't rack up big sales at Sotheby's, has been relegated to the status of museum pieces and festival marginalia.
NYT > Home Page
They described ‘torture techniques’ and claimed that detainees had been forced into painful positions for 18 to 24 hours at a time or left to foul themselves.
This kind of discourse is at the opposite pole from storytelling as defined by Benjamin.
Part B (to be completed during the appraisal by the appraiser - where appropriate and safe to do so, certain items can completed by the appraiser before the appraisal, and then discussed and validated or amended in discussion with the appraisee during the appraisal.) name of appraiser: position: time managing appraisee: B1 Describe the purpose of the appraisee's job.
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There's not much opposition to the scheme.
The political analyst Nikolai Petrov has described Mr. Putin's predicament using the chess term "zugzwang," in which a player sees only moves that will damage his position, and yet does not have the option of passing.
NYT > Home Page
It was a responsible situation he felt for a boy of thirteen, and he meant to do his very best to keep it now that he had been lucky enough to get it; in the far-off future, too, he saw himself no longer the van-boy, but in the proud position now occupied by Joshua as driver, and this he considered, though a lofty, was by no means an unreasonable ambition.
Our Frank and other stories
The fact that these rocks were not supplying detritus to the sedimentary basin is consistent with the geological observation that they always appear covered by the younger deposits, with little or no discontinuity until the Devonian.
Non argumenta, non verisimilitudines quaerimus, quibus judicium nostrum incumbat; sed ut rei extra aestimandi aleam positae, judicium ingeniumque nostrum subjicimus ...
He could spot hypocrisy, pomposity, smugness, snobbery, tomfoolery and turpitude from miles away.
Whether these positive initiatives will be enough to overcome disappointment on the limited over-all budget reduction will depend on the extent to which the investor is willing to look beyond near-term sluggishness in North American growth.
Budget '85 Special Meeting of The Empire Club of Canada
I verified the engine switches were in the proper position while my copilot completed the checklist, which requires checking the voltmeter to make sure the remaining generator is not overworked.
The next morning we passed a large island, opposite to which on the north is a large and beautiful prairie, called Sauk prairie, the land being fine and well timbered on both sides the river.
History of the Expedition Under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean
Initially von Leeb, using troops borrowed from von Bock, was able to mount a concerted attack both on the defensive positions of the southern suburbs and the area north of the main rail line to Moscow, their objective being the historic village now a suburb of Schlüsselburg, right on Lake Ladoga.
Just as Peter Crouch the binman may find his lanky frame considerably less alluring to the opposite sex.
Archive 2009-07-01
Indeed, there's reason to hope that even the most benighted moral equivocators may come to realize that the message is the exact opposite of the one they've been preaching.
Tourism has also accelerated immigration to Panajachel and furthered a gradual diversification in its social composition.
If you're going to resort to the tried-and-true missionary position, perform oral sex on her first or take you time to ensure she's really wet before penetrating her.
One reason for his relative obscurity has been the general unavailability of his music: his works remained unpublished during his lifetime and, apart from some ‘easy’ tonal compositions, largely unperformed.
For example, the origin of ivory can be identified by its strontium isotopic composition, which reflects the diet of the elephant.
This process, called supergene enrichment, can concentrate silver into exceedingly rich deposits at depth.
It cut the deposit rate it pays on large fixed accounts while concurrently increasing the rates it pays on smaller accounts.
Soldiers assigned to staff positions must be computer-literate and seek training for the operating systems and programs they will use.
La Cuisine is positioned at the upper end of the ‘middle’ market and its food is generously served and is excellent.
If only the local toerags sitting opposite knew what thrills these cardboard tubes contained.
Most of the 12 who have been charged so far are current or former members of political parties currently in opposition.
Times, Sunday Times
He always had a habit of going down on one knee to block shots, so I thought I could fake him out of position.
He was appointed to a position of trust .
Musculature of legs was in a constant mild clonus, and the right foot was kept in position of talipes equinovarus.
Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
The second version occurs as Corollary 2 to Proposition 7 and was thought of as a method of expanding solutions of fluxional equations in infinite series.
Finally, a small number of participants discussed their experiences with gender-bending - that is, pretending to be of the opposite sex - during an online sexual encounter.
Political opposition is mounting, and there have been calls for demonstrations against the scheme.
Times, Sunday Times
Position and rank within an organization mean very little.
Several chapters cover the basics of clean room technology, e.g., lithography, etching and layer deposition techniques.
Finally after 15 minutes of perseverance the team scored -- not to the liking of the opposition, who had been defending excellently.
There's usually a queue outside this pizzeria right opposite Cibreo - the reason being the excellent, echt Neapolitan pizzas made with the finest ingredients.
The earth was rich with undisturbed deposits of leaf mould and beech mast.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet he occupies an important position in the history of 18th-century art and his reputation deserves to stand higher than it does.
The altitiude sickness and diamox can suppository alkalinization of the urine, decreased melt excretion, and unsafe hypercalciuria.
I also think that Edwards took certain positions in his 1998 Senate campaign which won't work well in national Democratic politics - particularly, if I remember correctly, supporting right-to-work laws.
Foreign exchange deposit bargain is 42 stir thousand catty develop a financial product.
In her dying depositions she accused Osio of having pushed her in; and there seems little doubt that he did so; for while she was struggling in the water, he disengaged his harquebuss from his mantle and struck her several blows upon the head and hands.
Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
Deposit the sand here.
Man, these people are just too stupid to be trusted with appointments - and too timorous to deserve to a university position from which to dribble out the contents of their weak little minds.
The assembled opposition members, journalists and tourism industry heavies were slack-jawed.
Nineteen people have submitted stool samples that tested positive for diarrhea-causing agents: Campylobacter (14), norovirus (3), salmonella (1) and Giardia (1).
A cloud of gas that is gravitationally attracted to the black hole can have a net angular momentum oppositely directed from that of the black hole.
Supermassive Black Holes Spinning Backwards Create Death Ray Jets? | Universe Today
We can also see this in the contrapositive: having more than one sexual partner is by definition nonmonogamous.
S-e-x. « Love | Peace | Ohana
The percentages of aneuploid bone marrow leukocytes were higher than those of aneuploid sperm for the two upper THH dose groups and for the positive control group.
These central lines of your grid will be reference points against which you position the elements of your landscape.
Learn to Draw Countryside
It is better to look at country groups than exact positions in the tables.
Times, Sunday Times
Reporters asked him to clarify his position on welfare reform.
The traditional view is that the malefic planets tend to be obstructive; planets debilitated by sign or house position tend to find it difficult to act.
In addition, the opposition will be allowed to publish a daily newspaper with a circulation of 500,000.
Whether or not delegates were so tightly bound by their constituents and the record is by no means clear, they acted as if they were, holding firmly to their preconvention positions.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer appears to have carried the Cabinet in his opposition to such a step.
Prof. Hamilton, of Aberdeen, claims that the corpus callosum is not a commissure, but the decussation of cortical fibers on their way down to enter the internal and external capsules of the opposite side.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 520, December 19, 1885
Copper is known to be taken into solution as copper sulphate at the surface, and to be redeposited as chalcocite where these sulphate solutions come in contact with chalcopyrite or pyrite below.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
The opposition Congress Party won only 51 seats, two less than in 1998 and 12 less than its numbers prior to the assembly's dissolution in July.
The opposition boycotted and sabotaged an election in February which they would certainly have lost again.
Times, Sunday Times
Shortly after my Ph.D. Alfred Kastler urged me to accept a teaching position at the University of Paris.
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji - Autobiography
Exponible propositions generally break down into elements that are called exponent propositions; they explain or expound what is going on in the exponible proposition.
Archive 2005-01-01
Some minerals have complex chemical compositions.
Investments that rely on the misfortune of others or the good will of sharks are a losing proposition in the long term, whatever the quarterly earnings report says.
But it's a prepositional phrase used adverbially, modifying ‘said’.
Instead of going to work thinking that it will be totally boring, try to be positive.
For want of a better adjective, the prose is very expository.
The opposition melted away after their leader died.
While deposits continue to disappoint, more such episodes are as inevitable as the ebb and flow of the tide.
Times, Sunday Times
In the Lower Devonian, ammonoids appeared, leaving us large limestone deposits from their shells.
Some feminists today debate whether women who dance around poles are liberated or enslaved, which is, to my mind (and to others), an updated version of the 1980s sex wars around which feminists of different stripes established their positions on porn," I tried.
Deborah Siegel: Sex Wars Old and New
As the boats moved into the final sprint China had firmly secured number two position and was going after Poland.
Party conferences, like American party conventions, have increasingly become stage-managed for the televised projection of the positive party image and strong leadership.
In the case of darker parts of the internet, the algorithms produce a destructive positive feedback effect.
Times, Sunday Times
Let's remember, for example, how much talk there was during the early 1970s when Olga Korbut performed the backward somersault in tuck position on the beam.
The evidence she’d gathered at the beach had already arrived, delivered by a young tech who’d sheepishly entered the den of the legendary Lincoln Rhyme without a word and scurried about to deposit the bags and stacks of pictures as the criminalist gruffly directed.
The Stone Monkey
He pointed to something on the opposite bank.
The prince's manner was informal,(sentence dictionary) without a trace of pomposity.
Among Lelouch's films starring Ms. Girardot was 1969's "Un homme qui me plait" "A Man Who Pleases Me", in which she played opposite Jean-Paul Belmondo.
Obituaries of note: Annie Girardot, Greg Goossen, Eddie Kirkland
First, investors have moved back into equities from their previously cautious positions in less risky bonds.
Times, Sunday Times
I haven’t got a problem with the narrater, he’s obviously romanticized or the opposite, in this case, but he’s an interesting person, so I’m not adverse to hearing his side of things.
“The Worst Book I Have Read in the Past Three Years” : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
Let's assume someone is loading the revolver properly with the hammer at its half-cock position.
When a predator pounces, simply escaping in the opposite direction is often the worst option.
It was a good, cordial, positive meeting.
Times, Sunday Times
Exact positions of the 120 pegs will depend on the state of the beach due to the recent coastal erosion.
Johnson regained his composure and reassumed his position behind the podium.
The Sportsman's Daily: Phelps' "Bong Binge" Gives Agent Severe Case of Paranoia
It is not clear what will happen if opposition parties decide to boycott the Parliament session again today.
In developing countries like India, it is the wealthier and better-educated who tend to be aspirational; the poor are not yet in a position to aspire to much of anything.
When you pull a needleful through a hole, the wool is correctly positioned on a stretched canvas.
Galileo was attracted by the implicit contrast between physical propositions that were demonstrated and those that were merely affirmed.
I was in a unique position to write these stories for a Western audience stories about the farm and the old feudal ways, the dissolving feudal order and the new way coming, the sleek businessmen from the cities.
Daniyal Mueenuddin talks about his life and his first collection of short stories In Other Rooms, Other Wonders.
The deposits had tinctorial properties of collagen using Masson trichrome stain and the van Gieson method for collagen, although the deposits were mostly dissolved using the Masson trichrome procedure.
The spots are designed not only to draw in racing enthusiasts, but also to built brand awareness for the resurgent manufacturer, which positions itself on its race-track heritage and Italian design.
He used a specially-arranged series of interviews during the Commonwealth summit yesterday to mount a stout defence of his position.
The geological prospecting team ranged over the desert in search of valuable deposits of oil.
Her hand trembled slightly, and then it began to positively shake.
But we also need to bring in some quality players and I want top-class competition in all positions.
The investor decides on the currency most likely to appreciate against sterling and puts money on deposit in that currency.
White says no one could fail to understand the strategy, but is at pains to point out that making more money does not mean losing more jobs - quite the opposite.
The opposition coalition has accused the socialists of trying to stall the process.
Times, Sunday Times
A common arrangement is the positioning of single leaves spirally up the stem, which can sometimes form a striking helical pattern in the shoot apex.
By the study of the feature of alluvial gold conjuncture, its haul distance was determined, the types of its Primary deposits assessed and the target area for ProsPecting Primary deposit defined.
The conductor worked hard for a first-class result, the cohesiveness of the entire composition leaving a most satisfying afterglow.
Now, our opposites do far overmatch us and overstride us in contention; for, 1.
The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
The process to make the cap includes positioning viscous plastic material in a mold to produce the desired retention member shape.
Kipling's low opinion of English rugby has rarely seemed more apposite.
Times, Sunday Times
An antisynthetase antibody, when positive, may help confirm the presence of an inflammatory myopathy.
The chair is also available with adjustable armrests, a height-adjustable backrest and variable seat depths, whereby the active lumbar support is always in the correct position.
Patients who do not respond to other interventions may have to use other mild laxatives, suppositories and enemas and their use may become inevitable in the later stages of the disease.
The ear canal also named middle ear splays out at the external position.
When a target is locked there is a radar beam position indication on the HUD.
May is in an enviable position and enjoys huge backing from the public.
The Sun
What mattered was the planet's diurnal position relative to the horizon - whether it was rising in the east or culminating overhead.
In his famous "antinomies", he proved four propositions: first, that the universe is limitless in time and space; second, that matter is composed of simple, indivisible elements; third, that free will is impossible; and fourth, that there must be an absolute or first cause.
The Profits of Religion, Fifth Edition
Despite his position on the progressive wing, he emerged as leader of a party riven with internal divisions in 1976.
The low boot cuff allows you to maintain the tuck position longer and with less effort.
We walked into the bedroom of Ting Sun, Yao country the English is busy in searching the home position of the Deng of that square, but I seize an opportunity the decoration of lo this bedroom.
Japan, for example, has no natural resources: no oil, no diamonds, no other rich mineral deposits.
Soldiers were positioned at strategic points in the city and at election rallies where huge crowds gathered.
The plan will also position the Cassini orbiter farther away during that descent.
Each patrol is also given a first-aid kit, a global positioning system compass, an astrocompass and a shortwave radio.
There was outright opposition to the plan.
Your Reservation On receipt of your completed booking form and deposit we will reserve your holiday.
The arrowheads demarcate the two antibody positive bands with estimated M r of 43 and 45K.
And still major leaguers blew it last season, triggering a more stringent form of testing by exceeding the five-percent threshold of positive results.
Hibs, even in defeat, will still believe they are capable of retaining their second position in the table.
* I wonder how much of this has to do with their positions (obviously Edwards had a mind like few others, but one has to take into account also that he husbanded and cultivated that gift responsibly): Edwards was a public man in his capacity as a pastor; can it be said that Whitefield was only a pastor in his capacity as a public man? from → Observations
The Sage of Northampton « Unknowing
With some precautions, women can regain their advantageous position in the healthy heart race.
Other interesting ones include figures from Pieter Breughel, the tessellations of MC Escher, and the composite portraits of Guiseppe Arcimboldo (for instance, his Vertumnus and Water).
Ten men with chiselled faces and Kalashnikovs jump out and take up positions.
Times, Sunday Times
Leicester were full of verve and energy and, basically, bewildered most of the opposition last season.
Times, Sunday Times
But surely, I say, there are some people blessed with sunny dispositions - it doesn't necessarily mean they're valiantly trying to stop themselves from sliding into despair.
With the handwheel, raise the take-up lever to its highest position.
Steps on the Proper Threading of Sewing Machines
Located between the teeth, hinge sockets provide the space for holding the tooth of the opposite valve.
But she says it had a positive effect by turning her into a fitness freak.
The Sun
Armantrout's short lines, use of rhetoric, aggressive lineation, disjunctions and juxtapositions, discursiveness, parataxis, and myriad condensatory techniques are all exemplary, but never overbearing.
Seth Abramson: November 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
And daft ideas and practices receive no opposition.
Times, Sunday Times
The "SynchroRev Match" function automatically controls and adjusts engine speed when shifting to the speed of the next gear position, essentially "blipping" the throttle to smooth out any up / down shifts.
It should be recognized that superelectrophilic reactions frequently proceed with only "electrophilic assistance" (solvation, association) by the superacids without forming distinct dipositive intermediates.
George A. Olah - Autobiography
Some insects deposit their eggs on the ground.
Nothing, in short, evinced to the august visitors any symptom of a reverse of fortune, such as they had been led to expect, in the position and circumstances of Marie de Medicis.
The Life of Marie de Medicis — Volume 3
Are you as a shareholder in a position to finance the purchase?
We have a positive current account balance.
Times, Sunday Times
Nevertheless, teachers may improve their effectiveness by increasing the frequency of positive responses while reducing the negative.
A growing body of evidence supports the supposition that the quantitative depletion of mtDNA, once thought to be a consequence of type 2 diabetes, could be a causative factor in pathogenesis.
This is the proposition that I hoped the government would deny, or at least remain agnostic about.