
How To Use Portrayed In A Sentence

  • Open source software is often portrayed as a breakthrough in the free and open exchange of intellectual property, without precedent in the prevailing global capitalist mentality.
  • Virtually all of the clergy are portrayed as venal and conspiratorial.
  • In 1975 he portrayed the king in a Los Angeles revival of "Camelot".
  • Rangers should be relieved but the country as a whole should be mortified to be portrayed in this way.
  • But his infamy was sealed by the government's all-out campaign against his hapless sidekicks, falsely portrayed as part of a vast Confederate plot.
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  • Kelly is portrayed as a slow witted young man, with a strong sense of injustice, who feels uncomfortable in the role of gunslinger.
  • It was certainly entertaining and one could not help but feel sorry for him for being involved with such a grasping, shallow woman of the sort portrayed here!
  • In the ensuing litigation, this was portrayed as blackmail - a serious offence that has a maximum prison term of 14 years.
  • The tradition of the picturesque dates back to paintings and depictions from centuries earlier, which portrayed peasants and farmers as happy, apple-cheeked characters working in harmony with the land.
  • She reminds us that French revolutionary leaders were often portrayed as wild beasts or savage tigers by critics at the time and that the tiger in the poem is located in a nightmarish industrial landscape.
  • The spies on both sides are pretty louche characters, and espionage is portrayed as intimately bound up with military and business interests.
  • Curtis earned an Academy Award nomination for his performance in 1958's "The Defiant Ones, " playing an escaped racist convict chained to a black prisoner, portrayed by Sidney Poitier.
  • She is very upset at how she is being portrayed in this film. The Sun
  • Artistic works of this relic - called either the "Image of Edessa" or the "mandylion" - generally have it portrayed as the face of Christ upon a towel or kerchief. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Her writings reflect her commitment to the underclass whose lives are often portrayed inaccurately in American literature.
  • In the past India has been portrayed as a country steeped in history with fantastic archeological monuments and elephants and camels and so on. Times, Sunday Times
  • 47 The image of the child in utero as fruit hanging precariously from a tree extended back to Galen, as Constantinus believed. 48 While Aldobrandino's passage and metaphor attributed a considerable amount of agency to the fruit-fetus (note the active voice), most discussions of fetal growth and parturition portrayed the fetus as entirely passive. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Rather, my first thought is of the scene in which Tom (wonderfully and perfectly portrayed by Nick Nolte) dandles a priceless violin out the window.
  • In addition to listing the usual events portrayed in most histories, this author has presented a rather unique picture of the sultana which kept with his personal agenda for writing this work.
  • The animal has been portrayed as a good sheep dog, a carrier of the needed aid, a messenger in the time of war, a seeing eye to the physically impaired, of simply a trusty household pet.
  • I have a great cast; often Mark is portrayed as a small weak character, whereas I think he has an enormous ego.
  • She was portrayed as a bit of a lad, very brash, by music journalists, but really she is very quietly spoken, doesn't shoot her mouth off, very intelligent and - she'll hate me for saying this - just very nice.
  • His ingeniously plotted stories, some of which drew on themes from English and Scandinavian folklore, typically portrayed safe and ordered worlds invaded by terrifying agents of unappeasable supernatural malice.
  • Sometimes the new orientation is portrayed as the balancing of rights with responsibilities.
  • Today, the typical witch is generally portrayed as an old hag in a black robe, wearing a pointed black cap and flying on a broomstick across a full moon.
  • I ask if she is upset by his loss or by the way he is portrayed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pan is most often portrayed with the torso of a man, the hooved legs and twisty horns of a wild goat, and the capricious face of a human.
  • The recommendation was a surprise because census officials previously have portrayed adjustment as a solution to chronic undercounts.
  • Most oil paintings and pencil sketches portrayed women, classical dancers and children in different perspectives.
  • His work was infused with a deep pessimism about his fellow creatures, whom he often portrayed as being unable to control their destiny. Times, Sunday Times
  • Times are hard, being portrayed as a 'party-crasher' is "the most devastating thing that's ever happened to us. Tareq Salahi: We didn't 'party-crash' the White House
  • Known also as bird's-eye views, perspective maps, and aero views, panoramic maps are nonphotographic representations of cities portrayed as if viewed from above at an oblique angle. Archive 2005-07-01
  • Synod members were under pressure to crack down on gay clergy, who were portrayed as leading lives of wild abandon!
  • Macho characters portrayed by Marlon Brando and James Dean were fleshed out with brazen working-class energies in their American T-shirts, until then seldom worn uncovered save by laborers. The English Is Coming!
  • The reliance on luck, with all the hunches and superstitions it involves, is portrayed here as a kind of world view, an attitude towards life that turns out to be founded on despair.
  • In five hours of programming, they were portrayed in a derogatory or negative way. Times, Sunday Times
  • In today's cartoon Rove is portrayed as the puppeteer controlling Bush's wealthy supporters in Texas (notice the Texas-style cowboy hat).
  • Here clients, characterized as ‘worthy wives and dutiful daughters,’ are portrayed as grateful and appreciative.
  • In previous tales, he had been portrayed as a clawed, noseless monster.
  • Certainly this is the way it has been portrayed in various historical studies of the press.
  • Doctors are often portrayed as sincere and kindhearted people desirous of relieving the suffering of others.
  • Over the past five years the two princes have been portrayed as sympathetic people with similar interests to the rest of us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Socially inept recluses isolated in dimly lit rooms devoid of furniture and warmth, lacking friends and family, hating their jobs and life in general are the usual way in which single people are portrayed.
  • The fascinating thing about him is he's not the cliched cynical and hard-boiled war photographer portrayed in Hollywood movies.
  • Thus, they should not be portrayed by cornfed models shipped to Los Angeles for pilot season, but by up-and-coming alternative comics. Meghan O'Keefe: The Fantasy Friends Spin-Off That Could Solve All of NBC's Woes
  • But the film would have portrayed her as a thief and there was a public outcry in Monaco. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are other indications that the plot - which has been widely portrayed as a ham-fisted attempt by a band of mercenaries to seize power in an oil-rich state - had wider backing.
  • James Purefoy, who portrayed Mark Antony on HBO's Rome, will play a love interest for Victoria Madeleine Stowe on Revenge, reports. Rome's James Purefoy Heads to Revenge to Woo Victoria Grayson
  • Rarely in the history of art have little boys or exotic animals been portrayed as sensual odalisques.
  • Another surprise is the favorable treatment given to trash removal behemoth Waste Management, Inc. that is portrayed as a company spending major research dollars to make landfills better. Jennifer Schwab: The Business of Water, the Business of Trash
  • U.S. television shows for adults, as well, have far too often portrayed scientists in stereotypical ways. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Ken Edgett
  • Romantic artists portrayed nature as wild and powerful.
  • Even when such witnesses could be portrayed as acknowledging this inadequacy with what narratology calls ‘modal locutions’ such as ‘I seemed to hear’ or ‘I perceived,’ these, according to Knight, must be read as ‘unavowed paralepses’.
  • All four authors portrayed themselves... vocally, that is. Archive 2009-02-22
  • Portrayed as having light skin, long hair and a shapely body, the Jezebel was sometimes referred to as a mulatto or half-breed. Don’t Bring Home a White Boy
  • He was portrayed in the media as a complete fiend.
  • Tue 11/24/09 3: 54 PM to the contrary, I think the majority of movies have women and girls portrayed in scanty clothes and objectified roles. 'New Moon' polls: Switching teams? Bella really the best role model? |
  • The King portrayed a female vagrant, complete with a garbage bag dress, who goes after a man in hope of satisfying her carnal desires.
  • The throng behind the radio announcer is worth studying for the variety of action portrayed, and for its pattern of beautiful linework. Boing Boing
  • It's taken a very amoral stand, in that essential issues are often portrayed as simply one side says this and the other side says that.
  • He portrayed visions of animal menageries, fairies, and devils, derived from fables and mythology.
  • In its dealings with Latin America, the US was never as coherent, unitary and rational an actor as was often portrayed from the South, but the pluralism of the US has become much more pronounced in recent years.
  • The German people in the 1930s and 1940s were systematically brainwashed on National Socialist racist propaganda that portrayed the Jews as "Untermensch" - a subhuman scourge that was responsible for the woes of Germany and needed to be eradicated. Latest News
  • The team were not at all conservative - and thankfully they were not portrayed that way. Times, Sunday Times
  • The locals are portrayed as credible characters, albeit with their own set of very distinctive idiosyncrasies, rather than the predictable cardboard cut-outs who usually tend to populate such films.
  • London is most often portrayed as full of suspicious, cutthroat characters, men like Jaggers and his clients.
  • It was Dürer whose readiness to embrace the new technology of the printing press – his prints are as great as his paintings, or greater – set the modernising, forward-looking, and productive tone of German art right down to today, when new art flourishes in a Berlin that is the worthy heir to the cosmopolis portrayed in Kirchner's painting Potsdamer Platz. Auf wiedersehen Britart: Germany wins when it comes to art
  • Yet, Commissioners are unelected and the Commission is often portrayed as an unaccountable technocracy.
  • Perhaps he meant his play to be a parody of a pre-war drawing room drama rather than the travesty that was portrayed on the stage of Richmond Theatre.
  • If that happens with a guy it's not portrayed the same way. The Sun
  • In many games on the market today, women are portrayed as empty-headed bimbos that need saving, all the while wearing little more than a handkerchief.
  • The beloved is portrayed as gentle, sensitive, tender and compassionate.
  • Although they have been portrayed as opposites, in reality they amount to the same thing.
  • Something unhealthy in our political system causes each president to be portrayed in the most vicious and derisive terms.
  • Here is a brief overview of the Jewish role in the Passion story as portrayed in the Gospel.
  • While the series gives us two brilliantly portrayed murderers, for me this unsentimental portrait of women of principle is more impressive.
  • Much of the teachings in Buddhism are portrayed through a narrative framework.
  • He felt able to retain confidence in his faith while making scientific advancements which could be portrayed as undermining his beliefs.
  • Perhaps he meant his play to be a parody of a pre-war drawing room drama rather than the travesty that was portrayed on the stage of Richmond Theatre.
  • Feminism has been portrayed in primarily liberalist and cultural terms.
  • Typically portrayed in comedic roles (The World According To Garp, Harry and the Hendersons, and Third Rock from the Sun), Lithgow has already shown a strong bad guy persona by killing a girl and self-flagellating himself over a very hot shower. All About Dexter, Season 4, Episode 1 | myFiveBest
  • Evoking the myth of Pygmalion, a woman portrayed as a sightless sculptor in Blind Vision brings to life a Napoleonic man of clay who responds to the touch of her modeling by opening one seeing eye.
  • The Ark is portrayed by a piece of trelliswork with a label ‘ARK ‘hung on it and the animals are imagined by the actors by sound and mime most believably.
  • Slide 40: Theories of the firm and their ethical implications (continued) x Issue Classical liberal economic Pluralist (A and B) Corporatist Critical Role of Portrayed as functionalist, technicist Type A. Managers come into direct The structures of organisations Complex, with competing and managers and value neutral. contact with specific sectional reflect a formal involvement of sometimes / often mutually exclusive interest groups, which should affect employee representatives, non - interests and demands being required decision making. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The father is portrayed as a good-looking man in this painting
  • While Sean Parker is portrayed as a "high-flying but functionally homeless cocaine fiend who plies Zuckerberg with girls and venture capitalists," Zuckerberg receives the brunt of the film's black-comedic depiction and, according to Newsweek, comes off as a "borderline autistic, entirely ruthless conniver. The Social Network Depicts Facebook CEO As 'Sex Maniac'
  • Yet none of the fathers portrayed thus far has actually had to dramatically alter his work life in order to father.
  • Mexicans in both Mexico or the USA a "mongrelized" nation and Native Americans being portrayed a "dying" race in racial scientific journals. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • His documents portrayed evidence of downright fraud, as well as real estate law violations.
  • One of legends concerning Saint George is the famous dragon story, with which he is invariably portrayed.
  • Whereas his earlier paintings portrayed women as hideous, gargoyle-like creatures, there was a distinct progression and a definite softening in his outlook.
  • For some time now, firefighters have been portrayed as the last bastion of unquestioned heroism in the public psyche.
  • There have portrayed all country people as stupid bumpkins.
  • Any story where a space-pirate wielding a space-axe could chop through a ray-shielded space-airlock, kidnap a beautiful space-princess and escape in a space-superdreadnought over a mile long, destroying at least one or perhaps two planets during the resulting space-battle, without this seeming in any particular out of place with the scale, scope, drive or moral code portrayed in the rest of the story, then the story is a Space Opera. SF Tidbits for 10/2/06
  • He said: 'I am angry about the way she has portrayed herself in the house. The Sun
  • It was the look of them, partly: the skanky paper, the low-mirth smudginess of their production; but also the dismalness of the schoolyard world they portrayed: discipline versus cheekiness, small victories, practical jokes, jeering, every teacher undernourished, every kid drawn as though he had rickets. Kalooki Nights
  • The rumour-mongers have portrayed me as a hard-bitten political adventuress devoid of all human feeling.
  • In the series, the southerners are portrayed as wussy appeasers and the South Carolina representative, Edward Rutledge, is especially played as a priss which is somehow gratifying after campaigns in which the South is portrayed as the home of martial and American values. Matt Cooper: John Adams: Good for McCain -- and Kerry, Dukakis
  • However my maid had gleefully portrayed to me the details of his handsome countenance.
  • Both of the schoolgirl characters are portrayed convincingly, the dialogue being sharp, punchy and humorous.
  • Earlier views of Jesus had portrayed him as a heavenly figure who had come to reveal heavenly mysteries and to institute a new religion.
  • The CIA, usually portrayed as ruthless and omniscient, turns out to have had no spies and barely any informers in the enemy camp.
  • The interspace between the thoraces may, however, have simply been the addition of the first artist who portrayed the Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The way he was portrayed as trying to engineer a move did not help either. The Sun
  • Yet the villagers are not idealized, but portrayed with all their faults and petty hostilities.
  • Its advertisement portrayed two black women, naked, in chains, and a white man standing over them with a whip.
  • Her face portrayed a picture of ease and peace, of comfort and contentment.
  • And in that book authors portrayed the opinion that nurture is what makes us what we are. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Somehow, the Gance film is most startling in this department, as the women's bared breasts and the men's bared bottoms -- not to mention the devastatingly unleashed female libido portrayed -- are couched in an opulent production that marries the rustic fantasia of Cocteau's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST to a velvety color cinematography that recalls THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD or, better yet, one of the early Disney animated features. Archive 2006-08-20
  • Romantic artists portrayed nature as wild and powerful.
  • “There is no such thing as outtalking me, outhustling me, outthinking me or outdressing me,” writes Lucas, 79, who was portrayed by Denzel Washington in the flick “American Gangster.” Druglord ‘gangster’ fashion victim «
  • If he has a measure of our sympathy in his feud with the younger Doria, that is only because Gianettino is portrayed as The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller
  • Put it down to a morbid fascination with sport and the way it is portrayed. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm going to tune in, with hopes that the single mom is portrayed as a smart, savvy, loving, go-getting mama!
  • The slides portrayed late September and October when the trees were in their full autumnal colours, and all the luscious pumpkins and gourds had ripened.
  • Cheered on by a Washington media rooting section that could only be portrayed by a cackling Heath Ledger brought back from the dead and replicated to fill every seat at Politico, Edwards is now caricatured as a shrill, unhinged she-devil rending her garments in airports and slicing the Achilles tendons of underlings with the vicious alacrity of a demanding hellcat. Tom Watson: The Cartooning of Elizabeth Edwards
  • Grossly immoral standards are portrayed as if they are the norm and will bring utmost satisfaction and pleasure.
  • The tricolour is portrayed as a mnemonic of the country, which once stood for sacrifice, peace and fertility, and also as a country today fragmented by divisive political and religious forces.
  • On the other hand it was the milder and far different Virginia house service and the personal retainership of town life in which most white children grew up; it was this that impressed their imaginations and which they have so vividly portrayed. The Negro
  • London is most often portrayed as full of suspicious, cutthroat characters, men like Jaggers and his clients.
  • Masarat Alam, the hardliner portrayed as his successor, is vice-chairman of the Muslim League, "a constituent of our forum".
  • In the rabbinic imagination even God is portrayed as struggling to allow divine mercy overcome divine judgment and anger: ‘What does God pray?’
  • But the film would have portrayed her as a thief and there was a public outcry in Monaco. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of these systems meld together to create what we feel is the most accurate depiction of siege warfare and castle life ever portrayed in a computer game.
  • She's portrayed as a sword slinger without equal, with the exception of the (possibly demon-power enhanced) Griffith. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • The father in the film is portrayed as a fairly unpleasant character.
  • The newspaperwoman turned best-selling author whose sprawling novels of Ireland portrayed women confronting all manner of adversity, died on Monday in Dublin.
  • The team were not at all conservative - and thankfully they were not portrayed that way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Satans, though rarely mentioned in the Old Testament are generally portrayed as obedient servants or sons of God who perform specific duties of strategic obstruction The Hebrew root of the word satan is STN, which defines an opposer, adversary, or an accuser, whereas the Greek equivalent was “Diabolos” from which derive the words diabolical and devil., again meaning no more than obstructor or slanderer. Archive 2009-04-01
  • For honorific statues of emperors and mortals, Romans could be portrayed in togas, in military garb, as naked or half-draped figures after Greek prototypes, or on horseback in equestrian statues.
  • It can be seen in the soldiers surrounding Theodosius on his missorium, and in the shield and spear held by Stilicho, the sword at his side and the great military fibula on his shoulder, all portrayed in detail on his diptych.
  • It surveys how same-sex love has been portrayed in art, from Walt Whitman's hints to open declarations in the era of AIDS and Robert Mapplethorpe's bullwhips. National Portrait Gallery's 'Hide/Seek' finds a frame for sexual identity
  • Spokesman María Jesús Ortiz claimed the images presented the women as 'sexual objects.' arge 'We're not talking about morals or nudity here, it's simply how women are portrayed,' she said. Going to the Mat
  • The Trickster archetype is usually the Fumbling father portrayed in family sitcoms. Fathers and Masculinity at SF Novelists
  • Though portrayed in the media as a hickish Hatfield-McCoy style feud, the real question about fracking is why individual citizens are left to cope with high stakes players in a global game of energy monopoly, without appropriate governmental protection from the many ramifications to health, communities, the environmental, critical resources, and the economy? Alison Rose Levy: News Coverage Vs. PR: Is Fracking a Panacea or a Ponzi Scheme?
  • The first thing to strike you about their debut album is the picture on the front cover of the band portrayed as cartoon banditos.
  • It turned out to be a dryad of some sort, looking exactly the way storybook fairies were portrayed.
  • Grier describes making the low-budget films, in which she often portrayed a tough but beautiful woman involved in a ludicrous plot, and also such noncommercial events as her 1974 night out with John Lennon, Harry Nilsson, and Peter Lawford, during which she was ejected from the Troubadour, an “in” spot at the time, though at least in the company of pop-culture royalty. HW Pick: Foxy: My Life in Three Acts «
  • Instead of "flowering" under the tutelage of the social worker they were portrayed as "coarsening" and in the end branded as unreformable.
  • He was portrayed as the savior of the downtrodden and of the victimized heroine, and is the most renowned of all Tamil stars for his screen fights.
  • Ms. Jacobson feels used: ‘He just portrayed us as backward hicks.’
  • Fiction, while sometimes manipulative, is not a deception unless it is portrayed as the whole truth; not to be confused with half-truths. Archive 2007-03-01
  • The way he was portrayed as trying to engineer a move did not help either. The Sun
  • Despite the ‘real’ people portrayed, I've yet to see a fat person on board or someone with bad hygiene.
  • The whole event is portrayed from a point of view dominated by an opinion. A Question of Style « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Oh yes, and the evil scientist uses the aliens 'pelvic examinator gun ray thingie to amalgam four assorted woodland creatures into a girlfriend -- Animala -- portrayed by the only genuinely attractive person to appear in the movie. The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra
  • Artistical works of this relic - called either the "Image of Edessa" or the "mandylion" - generally have it portrayed as the face of Christ upon a towel or kerchief. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The scene from the bank ‘falsely portrayed’ is in fact an accurate portrayal of real events.
  • On the big screen, however, Oban has always been portrayed as a pastoral idyll.
  • Babylon's aggression is portrayed as a hot wind that will blow across Judah, rendering fruitful land barren and laying waste to cities.
  • Yet, Commissioners are unelected and the Commission is often portrayed as an unaccountable technocracy.
  • The visionary forms in which the deities are perceived in meditation and portrayed in art are simply appearances – their compassionate play, as the tantras say.
  • The beardless miller's son, dressed in rags, is portrayed creating ex nihilo in the isolation of his bare studio something entirely original out of himself.
  • She is not portrayed as angelic but as a believably good-natured and optimistic adolescent.
  • In 1988, Brown, a former Bob Dole staffer, had grievously wounded Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis with the infamous Willie Horton commercial, which (unfairly) portrayed Dukakis as the kind of softie liberal who would set murderers free so they could kill again. The Secret War
  • Set in Los Angeles, the show follows the tradition of the hardboiled dicks portrayed by Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, James Cain, Ross McDonald.
  • Both are portrayed as prophets who proclaim a message from God.
  • Integrate yourself Our hobby is often portrayed as a kind of shady sub-culture, outside the mainstream of society.
  • The images of emaciation portrayed in so many magazines by anorexic models and young stars make me so angry.
  • Radically refined social inequalities can be portrayed as reflecting different styles of practice.
  • Also, while he has been portrayed by a number of actors over the years, he always maintains a level of intellectual superiority which gives the character a certain edge and attitude.
  • Cris's brother Curt, the band's leader, wasn't invited to the wedding, and soon Michelle was being portrayed as the wedge between the bros.
  • So while he comes out looking like the hapless victim of wilful misinterpretation, Carol is portrayed as mentally fragile and misguided, if not downright crazy.
  • As he began to introduce The Woman Men Yearn For, film critic Leonard Maltin suggested that it's time people stopped using the term "femme fatale" as their default for describing characters like those portrayed onscreen by Marlene Dietrich. George Heymont: The Myth of the Deadly Diva
  • The tranquillity that the limit will bring may yet be an economic boost for the Lake District, and not the threat that it is often portrayed.
  • He bore little resemblance to the dangerous extremist he has been portrayed as recently in the British press. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was initially portrayed as some kind of Pythonesque absurdist.
  • With his words I am struggling for you … for all who have not met me personally, he has portrayed how he deeply involved himself in intercession. Intercession for the Unreached Peoples
  • Once weekly it presents a critique of the week's news items as portrayed by the print, film and radio media.
  • Thematically as well as visually, this image also derives to some extent from Japanese prints, especially those of Utamaro, who often portrayed women playing the samisen, a banjo-like instrument.
  • The characters are well developed enough, and their relentless amorality is fairly well-portrayed. Lip curls, eyes roll, heart reluctantly races
  • Now they are being portrayed as evil, soulless dudes who don't care if they concuss themselves or give concussions to others. Howard Fineman: The Steelers Have Already Lost
  • Curtis earned an Academy Award nomination for his performance in 1958's "The Defiant Ones, " playing an escaped racist convict chained to a black prisoner, portrayed by Sidney Poitier.
  • As time goes on his status is arguably portrayed as even more liminal because he is the only non-empowered member of the Scooby Gang, doesn't feel he quite belongs amongst the slayers and witches and vampires and ex-demons -- but of course can't go back to the mundane ignorance of the seams that permeate the world. Notes on Strange Fiction: Seams
  • Further, the tone of the column may have portrayed the writer as some high priest sitting in judgment of lesser mortals.
  • It is quite strange to see yourself portrayed on film. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three of the four children are portrayed by actors in their first major roles.
  • The Daily Mirror strip finished in 1959 and things went quiet for Jane until the 1970s when Lesley Duff portrayed the pin-up in the musical stage-play Happy As A Sandbag.
  • But the film would have portrayed her as a thief and there was a public outcry in Monaco. Times, Sunday Times
  • His sketches often portrayed the ‘natives’ fishing and throwing spears with woomeras.
  • He played the role throughout the series but his fellow pupils and the masters of Greyfriars School were portrayed by different actors during the show's long run.
  • Yet none of the fathers portrayed thus far has actually had to dramatically alter his work life in order to father.
  • They have portrayed the company as a sort of alpha polluter, providing funds to environmentally destructive logging and mining projects all over the globe.
  • He was portrayed as a dog of war by the press and vilified by the establishment. Times, Sunday Times
  • That's the point, and it could not have been portrayed any better than this, paralelled along side the amoralism of the monsters. The Mist (2007): B
  • A "sound-effects choir" plies its trade against applicable scenes; there are separate tributes to writers (as portrayed on-screen), foreign films and "America in the movies"; also the annual memorial service and a sampling of special honoree Ennio Morricone's scoring achievements. Oscar showtime: This year vs. others
  • Agence France-Presse/Getty Images Jane Goodall Thanks to "Gorillas in the Mist," Jane Goodall often gets mistaken for the primatologist portrayed in that movie, Dian Fossey—who died in 1985. The Short List
  • His Hilarion was subtly dimensional, not the heavy he's often portrayed, and was honored by the company members with white roses.
  • In the East Room of the White House, where he was flanked on stage by lawmakers and Stevie Wonder, President Barack Obama portrayed the occasion as another step in guaranteeing equal access, opportunity and respect for all Americans. Obama Signs Bill Expanding Technology Access For Disabled
  • The 51 mentions of surprise within accounts reflect events that did not coincide with a person's preconceptions, whereas codings for skepticism often portrayed rationality.
  • There has never been a more sinister villain portrayed on film. FHM's Interview with Heath Ledger on Playing The Joker «
  • Anyone who questioned his actions was portrayed as unpatriotic, a threat that caused many people to clam up.
  • Throughout the trial, he portrayed himself as the victim.
  • Even the most peripheral characters are portrayed with acuity.
  • He very convincingly portrayed a man struggling against a disease that meant he was wasting away in order to get something of extreme importance done.
  • It is being portrayed in the media as if he was involved in anti-state and antireligion activities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women are portrayed as desexualized personae and seen through a sadomasochistic veil.
  • I am Australian and it is a fact that we aren't all the drunks portrayed in so many TV progs and jokes.
  • It featured photo-realistic environments portrayed using static viewpoints and slideshow-style movements.
  • But Tim the Yowie Man, a former economist who turned his hand to Yowie research after spotting a hairy beast on a bushwalk 15 years ago, said he was concerned the Yowie was being incorrectly portrayed as an aggressive creature. Archive 2009-04-19

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