
How To Use Portrait In A Sentence

  • More particularly, in the hoodedness of her eyes, she reminded me of Malvina Schalkova, the Prague-born artist posthumously famous for the sketches and watercolors she made in Theresienstadt, and whose self-portrait, mirroring an infinity of sorrow, I first became familiar with when I visited Theresienstadt with Zoë. Kalooki Nights
  • The portrait, reputed to be the most widely reproduced photograph in the world, has come to symbolize not just the ideals of the Cuban revolution but of revolution in general.
  • The requests were the old ones: portraits of pretty mistresses done up as Arcadian shepherdesses, Virgins with downcast eyes and brilliant blue cloaks, sentimentalised pictures of the Infant Christ.
  • He loves me and appreciates my finer points - especially the fact that I don't make him dress like me in a black turtleneck and coordinating cable-knit sweater for a holiday portrait.
  • Above the altar is a portrait of St. Francis de Sales, painted by a fellow convert who became a Visitation sister. Cardinal Newman at Birmingham: Liturgical Items (Part 3 of 3)
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  • This initially meant they were loath to adopt a reportage style, preferring empty streets and unobscured buildings, with people represented only to provide an area of scale or as pure portraiture.
  • What an accurate portrait — it's him to the life!
  • We speak of faithful, and unfaithful portraits.
  • Other interesting ones include figures from Pieter Breughel, the tessellations of MC Escher, and the composite portraits of Guiseppe Arcimboldo (for instance, his Vertumnus and Water).
  • Rosetti's queenly portraits of women
  • Over the years, charted by his self-portraits, Rembrandt evokes varying aspects of character and the process of ageing itself.
  • They were primarily portraitists, but Thomas is now chiefly remembered for his dramatic Boadicea monument at Westminster Bridge, London, showing the fearsome warrior queen in her chariot.
  • My grandfather had among his possessions a portrait by Matisse.
  • Bond's unflattering portrait lacks generosity, but at least it's an antidote to sentimental bardolatry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though best-known for his fantastic novel " Lanark, " Mr. Gray worked for many years as a portraitist, and provides a typically distinctive and opinionated account of his life, times and acquaintances in words and pictures. Books to Furnish a Coffee Table
  • He remains an eloquent and witty portrait of self-delusion.
  • Apart from portraits, Kelly painted landscapes and also pictures of Asian dancing girls that were once much reproduced in the form of popular prints.
  • From the Rushmorean cover portrait of Bush (which over the headline 'An American Revolutionary' was such a brazen and transparent effort to recall George Washington that it was embarrassing) to the 'Why We Fight' black-and-white portraiture of the aggrieved president sitting somberly at the bedside of the war-wounded, this issue is positively hysterical in its iconolatry. "What kind of a maniac puts eagles in a Christmas tree?": James Wolcott
  • His portraits often show his subjects brimming with youthful idealism and naivety; touchingly eager for fame, rather than sullied by it. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you want to lighten up or brighten up one side of a portrait, the white-sided reflector also works well.
  • A portrait of Barbara Barrett-Lennard, copied from a miniature after Thomas Hudson, is supported by her mourning parents in a portrait by Pompeo Batoni.
  • realistic portraiture
  • On a highboy in the corner of the dining room rests a handsome, black-and-white portrait of Jean, then a stunner in her early 20s, and James, clad in his Army uniform. Jean Stevens, Wyalusing Widow, Lived With Corpses Of Husband And Twin Sister, Say Police
  • To finish the portrait, the bearing of the gracious Duncan was brief, bluff, and consequential, and the upward turn of his short copper-coloured nose indicated that he was somewhat addicted to wrath and usquebaugh. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • Otherwise, the sketch is exactly accurate, and is here presented as the unprejudiced description and estimate of a foreign gentleman, who had no inducement, such as might be attributed to a Southern writer, to overcolor his portrait. A Life of Gen Robert E Lee
  • It was probably true that Herkomer had at least copied from photographs in the execution of some of his portrait commissions.
  • In both the 1901 and the 1888 works, the sunflowers are displayed on the seat of a chair, as if they had the status of a human sitting for a portrait.
  • A nude portrait of French President Nicolas Sarkozy's wife Carla Bruni will be put up for auction by Chrtistie's in New York next month.
  • Indeed, she has pinned a large portrait of the anti-capitalist on her living room wall.
  • In others, such as Alessandro Allori's image of a magnificently dressed and bejeweled, strong-minded young woman c. 1580s, the name of the subject is unknown, while in still others, such as Jusepe de Ribera's imaginary portrait of an ancient philosopher or Lucas Cranach the Elder's modishly attired 16th-century Saxon charmer, we are given an ideal or a general type, rather than a specific individual. See Their Worlds in Their Faces
  • Seldom has a more acidulous portrait of the city been drawn by one of its preeminent members.
  • As Louis entered the building, it occurred to him that the catacombs were the perfect place to store his doomsday portraits. The Mercury Visions of Louis Daguerre
  • He installed a granite gravestone engraved on one side with solemn portraits, and on the other with a tender group picture. Times, Sunday Times
  • This House of Grief uses a murder trial to draw a portrait of a family. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's author of "James Dean, Mutant King," which one critic referred to as a spellbinding portrait of James Dean, had a lot of sources and new facts. CNN Transcript Jan 11, 2004
  • First the candy: Known as Mozart Kugeln, packed in a delightful red tin with tiny portraitures of the composer, these are deluxe confections exquisitely filled with marzipan, made from "fresh green pistachios, almonds and rich hazelnut-nougat, enrobed with delicious milk and bitter chocolates. Rozanne Gold: Tastes of the Week
  • He gave me a gorgeous, black lacquer grand piano as a house-warming gift and for my wedding day he gave me a beautiful portrait of Billie Holiday.
  • Cyril Connolly had been a contemporary at Eton, and painted the most celebrated pen-portrait of the Prime Minister-to-be in 1938.
  • Put simply, National Geographic picked up on a story of a couple who, having set the autotimer on their camera to take a holiday snap of themselves, found their picture ruined by a curious squirrel 'portrait-crashing'. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • They linger, gazing curiously at the portraits and asking questions.
  • Children are encouraged to attend with parents, brothers, sisters, relatives and pets to direct their own family portrait.
  • His portraits often show his subjects brimming with youthful idealism and naivety; touchingly eager for fame, rather than sullied by it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apart from the 1927 portraits of Atget in his dotage and a single snapshot of him in middle age, we have no access to Atget's face, not in his prime.
  • In her portraits, the head fits awkwardly on the clothing.
  • He has deemed himself a failure and largely abandoned literature, but Jed's portrait of him captures his bygone intensity—"he appears to be in a trance, possessed by a fury that some have not hesitated to describe as demoniac. Reflections on Self-Regard
  • The rank and social standing of the subjects of portraiture are also expressed by conventions, which shift with time.
  • Most screens come in portrait (taller than they are wide) format, but you can get a landscape format machine if it suits your needs better.
  • As a portrait of a world far from our own but not unrecognizably so, it is finely done. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Assane Dione has painted a portrait of Amadou Bamba that has been reproduced and sold as a snapshot-sized print all over Senegal for several years now.
  • She was beginning to make a name for herself as a portrait photographer.
  • The traditional painterly mediums of oil and watercolour remain the norm for the portraiture commissions.
  • The image he himself cultivated during his presidency, and which appears in official portraits and on Malian currency of the period, always shows him wearing a Malian kaftan, or boubou.
  • Bouvet was happy to oblige, and the Portrait historique was reprinted in the 1699 edition.
  • The sketches included a self-portrait drawn by the artist in 1937.
  • It looked, to be sure, nothing like the milky portraits we had been shown in Sunday school, looked hardly at all like the handsome gentleman with the Aryan profile and the five-hundred-watt glow who effulged at us from calendars in Protestant parlors all over Dixie. Another Roadside Attraction
  • For me, his random interviews with various down-and-out characters in Cleveland, on sidewalks and in living rooms, while charmingly syncopated in the Jarmusch family style, with intermittent jazz music and grainy shaky filming, did not result in a clear "what is this about"--although Tom insisted that for him, it was exactly the Cleveland he wished to express, "meant to be an imperfect portrait. Karin Badt: The Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival: From Soviet Cannibals to Jarmusch's Cleveland
  • The formal Victorian portrait gave way to the informal snapshot, and now to the intimacy of the phonecam and picture message.
  • On the cover of the novel is a photo of an anorexic young Johnny with earring and guitar; inside is his portrait of the faltering and the fameless. Lethem Heads West, Takes It Easy
  • The Smart Brush lets you create quick selections and then add versatile adjustment-layer effects, such as bluer skies, black-and-white effects, whiter teeth, and other portrait enhancements. Macworld
  • Phillips likes to write allusive portraits peppered with images he can wrap his warm, grainy voice around, like the slowly-rolling Far End of the Night or the feistier Calamity Jane.
  • These are portraits of a different kind, of a river and its teeming life. Times, Sunday Times
  • That the portraits of Beethoven did not bear much likeness to the composer could be deemed a deliberate transgression.
  • Charleton is an oil painter whose subject matter includes landscapes, aviation art, seascapes, still lifes, marine art and portraits.
  • Many of his works consist of portraits or series of portraits of prosaic objects.
  • It's a nice portrait of Strummer the hipster, talking his jive talk and dropping the needle on U Roy records to a worldwide audience.
  • I make no apologies for trying to make a portrait of a community.
  • An utterly gorgeous album, it paints an evocative portrait of a Scottish coastal village. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film is an intimate portrait of a woman and her mission of assassination.
  • The third main contribution of coins to the study of portraits is to their chronology.
  • The photographs in the archive can be categorized under three major rubrics: objects, portraits, and landscapes.
  • Soft hip-hop music was playing from a speaker next to a row of arty portraits of people dressed in their work clothes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The artist, legendary for his portraits of Salford's satanic mills and matchstick figures, had a secret hideaway that was very close to his heart.
  • She is a portrait painter and, contrary to popular belief, this is not a dead art.
  • The making of personal portraits was part of this popular aesthetic, firmly embedded in commercial practices.
  • His portrait and chair have been garlanded with marigolds and strewn with crimson rose petals.
  • When we got there, there was a long hallway with portraits of the past headmasters and headmistresses hanging on the walls and an oak doorway at the end of the hall.
  • She posed for her portrait.
  • Oddly, Hopkins makes perfectly realistic graphite drawings of anemones, tulips and ranunculuses that have the delicacy of drypoint etching; he also paints straightforward Japanese watercolor ‘portraits’ of flowers.
  • Also striking was a realistic portrait from around 1970 of a woman with upswept hair seated in an ornate chair and another more painterly portrait of a faceless male figure against a background of abstract gestures.
  • Portraits in miniature occupy an uncertain place in art historical studies.
  • Presented by a large cast of colourful characters, The Quare Fellow paints a portrait of life inside an Irish prison, in which songs, humour and compassion evoke the banter between inmates and wardens.
  • Gervase Phinn may not know his sheep, but he does know his children, and their portraits are always immensely appealing. More Bookish Comedy « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The plates were placed on a roof with stencils covering the positive areas of the portrait.
  • [*] Though the judge's portrait, reprinted in White Heat, suggests the very antithesis of Byronic romance, it was very likely Lord in whose arms Emily Dickinson was reputedly once seen "reclining" in the Homestead parlor by her scandalized neighbor/sister-in-law Susan Dickinson. The Woman in White
  • It's just a phenomenal portrait of a deranged mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • The narrative also jumps between miscellaneous angles and points of view, creating a portrait that is necessarily disjointed and patchy.
  • Vincent de Montpetit, Essais sur les moyens de conserver les portraits, 29 April 1775, AdS pochette p. 10-11 The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • The book's hero is a self-portrait of the author.
  • Sherman typically enacts a series of portraits - Elizabethan whores, gangster's molls, and now a series of clowns.
  • The other is the US $ 10 bill, which sports a portrait of Alexander Hamilton.
  • It is difficult to accept her conclusion that ‘all autonomous images of wax, silver or gold should be interpreted as votive portraits’.
  • Although the two men pose for the picture, they, too, are props, for this image is not so much a double portrait as a carefully calibrated technical experiment.
  • In addition to providing Tarbell with subjects for portraiture, Emeline and her siblings served as models for figures in genre paintings of leisured genteel life.
  • Eighteen pieces range from early bronzes through mask-like aquatints and oil portraits of his sister Marguerite to a late and joyful cobalt-blue paper cut-out of a nude.
  • Society women quickly took note and queued up to have their portraits painted in similar poses.
  • You can go to your local theater on Christmas Day and watch "" Stepmom, '' in which Susan Sarandon, instead of shuffling off her mortal coil, smiles beamingly at the camera in a happy family portrait in the last frame. Death Takes A Hike
  • One searches the family portraits for resemblances and finds hardly a trace.
  • Eleven years on and the hurried portraits of Dave, Nick and Mat will this week be put up for auction at a sale which will either bewilder people, or get them hunting through drawers for that elusive bit of paper from the time they got the artist to draw them a picture. Damien Hirst doodles put up for auction
  • In his portrait, Donlevy is a fine figure of a man.
  • This's a fair sketch of idiosyncrasy run amuck, but it's also a compelling portrait of mental and spiritual extremity.
  • When realistic treatment in modelled stucco had been carried as far as it could be carried, the fashion changed again, and a portrait painted on flexible canvas was laid over the face of the mummy. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • Still, this book is not official in any sense and I am responsible for what it says, although I hope that Gellner's relations find its portrait veridical. 'Ernest Gellner: An Intellectual Biography'
  • A method was then referred to of making a rapid portrait lens cover a very large angle by pivoting at its optical center and traversing the plate in the manner of the pantoscopic camera. Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883
  • The front was covered with decorations, including mock-ups of a throne and floral crown, window-sill models of Coronation regalia and the Royal coach, coloured lights and Royal portraits.
  • Not only did Cameron produce numerous portraits of Jackson as herself, but also as a poetic ‘Stella’ and a personification of ‘Beauty.’
  • The central "aisle" is devoted to "Olmec: Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico," which in fact features masterworks from roughly 1400 to 400 BC, ranging from the massive stone portrait heads of rulers ... Peter Clothier: Big Day at LACMA
  • He installed a granite gravestone engraved on one side with solemn portraits, and on the other with a tender group picture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though evidently representing the same individual, the head was much calmer than that of the agitated portrait of the previous decade.
  • Other western sciences exclude difficult aspects of subjectivity from their portraits of themselves, as in classical physics.
  • Indeed, the producers claim three recording premieres: the Double Concerto, the Two Portraits, and the chamber-orchestra version of the Sinfonietta.
  • She paints a portrait of a young, 31-year-old woman who was bright and strong-willed and who chaffed under the discipline imposed on a first lady.
  • The portraits are simple, uncluttered compositions.
  • It is the one baht coin with the King's portrait on the obverse and the three-headed elephant on the reverse.
  • There's a portrait of him in Llanberis vicarage in which he looks as irrepressible and intelligent as this action implies.
  • Portrait of Wang Xizhi , the great Jin calligrapher , famed for his semi - cursive writing.
  • The large, stylized portraits he presented employ the same picture-book graphics and primary colors of the earlier cityscapes and car book.
  • While predictability in behaviour of this kind may enhance the anticlerical view of the monk, it also renders his portrait mundane.
  • Women responded especially strongly to this soulful portrait of grief, self-abnegation and recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • But at least two of the other portraits seem positively sissyish. NYT > Home Page
  • When the Irish portraitist, Nathaniel Hone painted her in 1765, she was at the height of her popularity.
  • As Anna, the arty portraitist, Julia Roberts starts slowly-she's the living embodiment of a certain style of knit-browed overconcern Hollywood stars fall back on, especially when forced to act with Brits-but she gathers a serious head of steam, and by the credits has delivered a fine performance. Upmarket, Tastefully Dirty And Deeply Uninvolving
  • Derek received his certificate after submitting a portfolio of images demonstrating his unique style of portrait and wedding photography.
  • The portrait of ‘patriarchal oppression’ presented by the investigative journalist is nonsense, incidentally, and he - who has the perspective and temperament of a Victorian bluestocking - was laughed off the island.
  • The rank and social standing of the subjects of portraiture are also expressed by conventions, which shift with time.
  • Boucher's next portrait of the marquise was painted in 1759, well after she had ceased to share the King's bed.
  • The body of work includes portraits, landscapes and genre paintings that exemplify the various periods of Russian Realist art.
  • Charles Churchwood, the author of the new book, is the former design director of Vogue and Vanity Fair magazines, two of Ritts's most important showcases, and he has pieced together a portrait of the portraitist from stories told by nearly 100 of the photographer's friends, relatives, lovers, and business associates. David Schonauer: How Herb Ritts Created the Idols We Deserved
  • Included are samplers, embroidered pictures, portraits, sewing implements and patterns, quilts, clothing, linens, fabric swatches, photographs, and other documents.
  • All portraiture is in its origin funerary – that is to say, the earliest known specimens of portraiture are found in tombs, and represent the dead. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • Comparison of the Orbiter and Lauder data permits a detailed portrait of the origin and evolution of a giant dust storm.
  • With this in mind, we talk about portraits and view examples of classics.
  • He was quite popular both as a portrait painter and an Orientalist.
  • The film is foremost a portrait of fandom, not stardom.
  • Small oval portrait cameos, chosen and hung by Dors, decorate the walls.
  • The Range paints a vibrant and optimistic portrait of our hopes and desires. Times, Sunday Times
  • McGurran is best known for her paintings of women, including a number of surrealist self-portraits.
  • In the snakepit of celebrity portraiture, none of this is surprising. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a fascinating portrait of a so-called serial killer, and a damning one of the society in which she lived.
  • His output included straightforward pictures (particularly portraits), but his most characteristic works are weird images of a world of spirits and elementals.
  • Alexander the Great, enamoured of his Theban captive Campaspe, gives her freedom and engages Apelles to paint her portrait.
  • Besides "-- drily --" an unattached bachelor is considerably more in demand as a painter of society women's portraits than a Benedict. The Moon out of Reach
  • Portrait an upright image or page where the height is greater than the width.
  • This is quite different to a group portrait, which is a well-defined, discrete entity that we can adopt unilaterally.
  • There is an omnipresent vulnerability and sweetness about your portraits that belies the transgressive nature of what's presented.
  • As Queen Anne's consort, Prince George would have felt very much at home with Dahl's portraits of court ladies.
  • He had a portrait painted as a birthday surprise for his daughter.
  • This (p.  xxiii) portrait presents an _alto-rilievo_ which is well adapted for medals only; it is conceived in the spirit of the French school, which has always attached great importance to the truthful rendering of flesh. The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
  • She had soon fixed on the sized and sort of portrait.
  • The portrait miniature seems to be a development of two older traditions: the medieval illumination of manuscripts and the Renaissance portrait medal, which was itself a revival of a classical form.
  • I saw her gazing earnestly at her brother's portrait and all the precious little objects consecrated to his memory, which I had arranged by my benitier and crucifix, but I did not expect her firs exclamation, when our woman had left us: 'Ah! Madame, how happy you are!' Stray Pearls
  • Despite their cultic significance, these mostly later portraits are generally valued only as documents of historical subjects, for their calligraphic inscriptions, or for an occasional artist's signature.
  • Ter Borch's later full-length portraits depict sitters with reserved yet confident postures.
  • In his own times he was known chiefly for his portraits in pastel, which are especially exquisite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Editions includes more than 60 of Leonard's portraits, hand-bound in Japanese marbled silk and leather. - News
  • Ninety-odd photos from an archive of more than 5000 in the Akademie der Künste Berlin held me in fascination for most of the afternoon - beautifully expressive, often richly textured - but what I may remember even more vividly is the hour-long film portrait of her, made in 1992 by Antonia Lerch. 'All the new beginnings...'
  • People will continue to debate the racial and sexual politics of Mapplethorpe's portraits: Does his "fetishistic" focus on the massive genitals of his black subjects propagate insidious stereotypes of black male sexuality? Archive 2009-07-01
  • Its left panel frames a standing portrait of Serena, her hair arranged in a thick roll around her head, her person adorned in the high-necked voluminous tunic layered over a tighter-fitting underdress that had become the prevailing fashion for women of late antiquity. Caesars’ Wives
  • The week before's outdoor session was rained off, but nothing daunted the members adjourned to the clubroom where an impromptu portraiture session was set up, with members being put through their paces by Michael O'Sullivan.
  • The bonus materials combine to paint a very nice portrait of the film and its background.
  • One thing you don't get with his pastel portraits is grandeur. Times, Sunday Times
  • These include portraits, landscapes, pastoral scenes and prints.
  • Perhaps the best amalgamation of Kahane's effectively intricate arrangements and the newly acquired electric guitar sheen occurs on "Last Dance," a melancholic portrait of a new widow, or perhaps an abandoned lover "She takes her bundle of pills, she poaches her egg and eats it/And feels his slight impression like crushed pillows hold the shape of a body after nights of sleep and shadows". Daniel J. Kushner: After Aesthetics: Gabriel Kahane's Where Are The Arms
  • The painting on the easel is a portrait.
  • Several of his photographs of Helen recall her portrait, and in one she even wears the same white dress and beribboned shoes.
  • Yet if he were to die tomorrow in a jeep accident, drowning in ditch water as Mike did, it would be fundamentally indecent and mean-spirited of me to sketch such a portrait.
  • So still were the portrait images that they appeared to be photographs until one registered the movement of their breathing.
  • While the tintype served the mass-portraiture market, wet-plate lent itself to landscapes, cityscapes, and mass-reproduced celebrity portraits.
  • What emerges is a portrait of a fine but flawed human. Times, Sunday Times
  • A full-length portrait executed in what critics describe as in the style of Van Dyck, it shows her tall, beautiful figure to great advantage in a splendid gold silk gown but her profile is positively haggish, making her look more like Margaret Hamilton the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz rather than Princess Diana of Wales, whom I believe she greatly resembled. Archive 2010-03-01
  • This time, learning Megan enroll farmers in the county arts festival is to display portraits of his paper-cut art.
  • Alexander pursued a lucrative itinerancy painting portraits in America, and when he had exhausted his possibilities, he returned to Scotland.
  • Furthermore, if the assignment is a portrait of a TV producer or someone who created a Web site to raise funds for hurricane or tsunami relief agencies, the image requires a monitor in the frame. Archive 2005-01-01
  • Mementos: Painted and Photographic Miniatures, 1750-1920" traces the popularity of pocket-size portraits created by greats such as John Singleton Copley and Charles Willson Peale. Don't Miss: July 9-15
  • It is very flattering and an honour to have a portrait that will hang with such distinguished people.
  • She was beginning to make a name for herself as a portrait photographer.
  • The painting was, after all, undertaken as a gift to send to Arles in exchange for a self-portrait by van Gogh.
  • On the main wall was a rather pedestrian portrait of his wife.
  • Despite a tomb fresco , it is an uncommon portrait work in Tang dynasty.
  • Nearby, the celebrated "Self-Portrait with a Palette," made in Paris that fall, introduces the intense 25-year-old artist; he glances slightly away, his heavy-lidded dark eyes briskly outlined in an "Iberian" mask. The Cubist Circle
  • Her portrait on the back cover is as enticing and exotic as the pink cloudberry sorbet on the front cover.
  • The portrait photographer had me clasp my hands like an opera singer and look straight into the camera.
  • Liebig's five-bulbed apparatus, seen lying on the table in the portrait photograph. Von Liebig, Justus
  • His portraits of country people and their rituals, their hypocrisies and lecheries are certain to remind readers of Edward Arlington Robinson, Robert Frost and Edgar Lee Masters.
  • His portraits are of heroes, both known and unknown, and his technique relies on a range of influences, including the swirling brushstrokes of Van Gogh, the skillful drawings of Degas and the pop stylings of Peter Max.
  • The rest of my good husband's portrait is, casually -- sometimes even intentionally -- collaged around the four levels of our dumst -- oops, house. Red Room: Fran Moreland Johns: Your Stuff as 'Art'
  • It is surely permissible to see in these two portraits the hand of a single painter.
  • Above Peregrine's head a chromolithograph gazed from its frame at Tarrant, a Rembrandt self-portrait. The Boat of a Million Years
  • Accompanying the petition is a series of portraits of Icelanders holding up their own protestations of innocence. Icelanders protest terrorist label
  • The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts has deaccessioned this Portrait of a Courtier by Jan Mostaert after concluding that it was looted by the Nazis.
  • The third portrait he promised to give to Madame Zborowska in gratitude for acting as a model.
  • The community portrait is based on first hand comments and observational camerawork.
  • He told me that one day this summer (when the Brontes had been for about four months receiving instruction from him) he read to them Victor Hugo's celebrated portrait of Mirabeau, "mais, dans ma lecon je me bornais a ce qui concerne _Mirabeau orateur_. Life of Charlotte Brontë — Volume 1
  • She's commissioned an artist to paint her portrait/paint a portrait of her.
  • Ortega's cheerful landscapes are the polar opposites of Miller's dark, troubled portraits.
  • Grandmother's portrait had been there before but was tucked away now in an alcove in the dining-room.
  • Alexander the Great, enamoured of his Theban captive Campaspe, gives her freedom and engages Apelles to paint her portrait.
  • After a portrait by John Opie, 1804.
  • Art "Maus" Spiegelman is publishing his memoir in comix form, entitled "Portrait of the Artist as a Young % @? Boing Boing: September 24, 2006 - September 30, 2006 Archives
  • It's what Dan Stott paid for that big oil portrait of Balaclava 's Belinda and her nineteen piglets. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • The obverse of the medal shows the portrait of King Louis XIV and the reverse shows the Thai ambassadors.

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