How To Use Portion out In A Sentence
A beechen implement, resembling somewhat our potato masher, and called the "brayer," was used to manipulate the ink as it lay on the table; an iron shovel, known as the "slicer," being used to portion out from the mass of ink such quantities as were needed from time to time for the brayer.
The Building of a Book A Series of Practical Articles Written by Experts in the Various Departments of Book Making and Distributing
As you cut the headrail you may want to bend the cut portion out of the way with pliers or a screw driver.
One valuable portion outlines how to add people to the composition to help tell a story.
I clasped the shampoo bottle tightly and squeezed a small portion out of it and slowly worked it in my hair.
Both the Senate and the House have passed measures; the next step is to sort out the differences and portion out the pork in conference committee.
I form this opinion from the large size of the sincipital region generally, and from observing that its frontal portion outmeasures its occipital one.