
How To Use Pornography In A Sentence

  • His semi in ‘Foulness, near Southend’ has long been reduced to ‘a condition of untouchable sordor’, and is also ‘saturated with pornography in all its forms’.
  • Pornography may be legally banned but it is still available under the counter.
  • In May, FBI agents searched his home and found alarge cache of child pornography, federal prosecutors said. Official gets 6 years for child porn
  • Liberal proponents of American Values praise the freedom that opens the floodgates to gay marriage and pornography; conservatives, the liberty unleashing that locust plague called unrestrained capitalism; neo-conservatives the license for lying, murderous Machtpolitik. Founding Fathers vs. Church Fathers
  • You start to look for more graphic pornography and start using porn that disgusted you earlier.
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  • Golub, whose large-scale paintings drew inspiration from everything from Greek kouroi to images of male pornography, used a technique that was more sculpture than brushstroke, famously using a meat cleaver to create aggressive peaks on the canvas. Home | The New York Observer
  • The Mercury said there were fears that the event, in which thousands of mostly adolescent girls parade bare-breasted wearing traditional beaded skirts, had become a target for pornography syndicates.
  • He is concerned by the mainstream media's portrayal of women as much as Internet pornography.
  • The company started developing a type of malicious software known as adware that hackers install on PCs, where they served up pop-up ads for travel services, pornography, discounted drugs and other products, including its flawed antivirus software. IOL: News
  • Several European governments have pledged to work together to crack down on child pornography and sex tourism.
  • In this country pornography was once sold under the counter.
  • Has Rima, by that illicit act -- identifying herself with stripping, and hence prostitution and pornography, and by extension the oppression, degradation and exploitation of women, including sex trafficking, domestic violence, rape and other phallocentric crimes (Yes, I was throwing a Bindel there) -- Has Rima thrown away a lifetime of opportunity? Ruth Fowler: Rima, Carrie and Donald: Feminist Liberators
  • Surely, for those who are interested in pornography, the real thing is readily available, and in abundance, along several major streets, where VCD vendors tout their tasteless wares openly for passers-by.
  • The obsessive, fetishistic, single account that pornography provides is what keeps sexuality within bounds.
  • I already explained how kink lead me to porn, and now that I'm here, I have to say that pornography and my exhibitionist sexuality influence my feminism.
  • Considering how opposed many conservative Christians are even to soft-core pornography (at least publicly!), I find it hard to fathom how a soi-disant conservative Christian can legitimately justify posing for titillating photographs with the goal of material and professional gain in mind — and especially not while technically still a minor (Prejean was not yet eighteen when she chose to pose for the topless photographs). Think Progress » Miss Beverly Hills tries to one-up Carrie Prejean, says it’s divine law that gays be put to death.
  • Shortly afterward, government censors began a campaign, ostensibly against Internet pornography and other forms of deviance.
  • I guess the best way to put this to the economically "challenged" is to put it in right-wing terms: "excessive profits" must be like "pornography" - everyone knows it when they see it. Fred Thompson makes debut appearance with McCain
  • It is easy to be glib about this point, because, like pornography, spam is something that most of us think we recognise when we see it.
  • It opened in 1946 as The Strand, with Hollywood features, became the Fine Arts in 1960, showing racy "nudist" films that evolved into pornography. - News
  • Yet he watches pornography as he has his first sexual relationship with her.
  • Mr. Sembiring claims legal authority for his various crusades from sweeping antipornography legislation passed in 2008, a law that has become a powerful tool for advancing Islamic values in a religiously diverse but secular, majority Muslim state. RIM on the Ropes
  • The Tralee-based judge was acquitted of being in possession of child pornography earlier this year after the trial judge ruled that a search warrant was invalid.
  • You may well ask how a self-descried conservative, Italian Catholic, traditional-family-values, anti-pornography candidate can come out in support of interspecies companionship. Robert Brenner: Carl Paladino: Straight From the Horse's Mouth
  • Reality TV plays on a tension similar to Bell's description of hard-core pornography.
  • A so-called antipornography law, which was used recently to NYT > Home Page
  • So can you guarantee to protect our children from the flood of filth and pornography the internet will unleash on our living rooms?
  • She thinks I spend all these hours on the computer looking at pornography or some other harmless pursuit; if she knew I was bleating on about life, the universe and everything she would get worried.
  • Note how no distinction is made between child pornography and porn that features consenting adults.
  • The men are just like animals, because sex and dirty pornography (doing things) are the only goals in a intimate relation with a female.
  • On one of the panel sets, the subject was confronted with images of pornography while on the other, these images were progressively intercut with his own childhood home movies until the two sides were each totally distinct.
  • He said he pursued information about the pornography matter because it "galled me to no end" that SEC employees were spending "hours and hours over weeks and weeks" viewing porn while collecting government pay. SEC porn sting netted workers in 7 cities
  • He did not oppose legislation governing obscenity or child pornography, but decried the exploitation of fear of child pornography to further bids to censor the Net.
  • Under the licence he is entitled to sell hard-core pornography in addition to sex aids and lingerie.
  • Definitions of erotica, degrading pornography, and violent pornography can be problematic.
  • It's -- there's no shock value to individuals anymore and with all the media and press we've gotten about child pornography over the years, it's kind of desensitized the public to what child pornography really is. CNN Transcript Oct 6, 2007
  • Pornography has grown substantially over the years, and it is an area that is of major concern for us.
  • Those who can stomach the pornography will quickly discover a link which offers those with plenty of wedge the chance to bid for the site.
  • Measures have been taken to stem the tide of pornography .
  • We don't want minors accessing pornography on the Internet.
  • Let's see ... pornography has been strictly and totally off limits for kids since forever, but letting them virtually hack other people, monsters, and aliens to bloody shreds in exquisite, life-like detail and with the most vicious weapons imaginable is (ho hum) tolerated, if not exactly condoned? High court accepts case over violent video games
  • Moore also told officers that they would find images of child pornography on his computer.
  • Pornography, like marriage and the fictions of romantic love, assists the process of false universalising.
  • But the fact of the matter is, in Massachusetts, at least, the only prosecutable crimes which sexting fits within are those crimes which are intended to target child pornography.
  • At that point Chandler's own debut, The Big Sleep, was causing some controversy with its various subplots concerning pornography and nymphomania.
  • But The Carnal Prayer Mat was published at a time when the ruling elite's attitudes to sex and pornography were beginning to change.
  • The law, whose stated purpose was to suppress pornography while protecting literature, retained more or less the previous definition of obscenity, as that which, taken as a whole, tended to corrupt and deprave.
  • Because sexting cases are so new, local communities across the country vary greatly in their handling, from filing child pornography charges against the teenagers involved to alerting parents and letting them deal with it.
  • A 'logical extension' which is emplotted in ways determined the narrational preferences of the writer reflecting mainstream genres from Romance and Pornography to Intimatopia. The HUMLab blog
  • Take, for example, the machination of the body that is pornography. ProWomanProLife » Malcolm Gladwell and the origins of the Pill
  • The denial of the social fact of sexuality in pornography is made explicit in its audience.
  • Could it be that Leftists are not bothered by pornography but do like to deplore violence?
  • The trouble with this was that I didn't want to watch pornography.
  • The glories of technology, combined with our high-octane lasciviousness and natural good looks, have made our town the purportedly third-biggest pornography producing centre in the world, after Los Angeles and Amsterdam.
  • Access to pornography, however, does not appear to have been universally restricted.
  • Pornography was seen in fashionable circles as a radical movement.
  • Thanks be to the power of human libido, there is still a massive pile of really dirty, explicit, twisted pornography on the Net.
  • Who else could so deftly turn from sadist pornography to prayer?
  • When Americans lived on farms in isolated towns where they grew, made, and bartered for everything they used, they could not purchase beer at a saloon, sex from a prostitute, contraceptives and pornography from a corner shop, or flashy clothes from British importers. A Renegade History of the United States
  • In other words, instead of a “child pornography” exception which is pretty black and white, it should be more nuanced as seen in obscenity law and have a number of components, namely: The Volokh Conspiracy » Challenge to High School Policy That Excludes from Extracurricular Activities Students Whose Out-of-School Speech “Reflects Discredit Upon [the] High School”
  • A conservative Indonesian lawmaker who helped pass a controversial antipornography law resigned three days after he was caught watching explicit videos on his computer during a parliamentary session. World Watch
  • Students of pornography can take heart, however, because more recent erotica is kept there thanks to its copyright library status. Boing Boing
  • The commies in the former USSR and present day China wanted to communize America, and put a sinister plan in place decades ago that consisted of promoting pornography and excessive video game playing to corrupt our youth and make us all beholden to "Big Brother" government. You said it | RELIGION Blog |
  • While Lundberg's proposed legislation would have granted exceptions for physical abuse, drug and alcohol addictions, and long term incarceration of a spouse, there are many other situations which are just as qualified: a gay spouse, multiple infidelities, pornography or gambling addictions, sexual problems for which the spouse refuses to seek treatment, financial abuse, and even several rounds of couples counseling. Mandy Walker: Why Colorado's Government Should Back Off Divorcing Couples
  • The biggest fear among parents thinking of using the Internet is that their children will be exposed to pornography.
  • A lot of the flagellation pornography involved men whipping men or tutors whipping boys, and if you think about the position, it's all about the bottom and a whip, so there's a phallic aspect of it.
  • The legal definition of what is and what is not pornography is very unsatisfactory.
  • That is, I get to talk to people from all walks of life about the issues that matter most to me, and to not only get their perspectives on issues ranging from interracial dating to affirmative action and pornography to D/s relationships, but to also help them see the sociohistorical context in which those discussions, opinions, and feelings are invariably grounded. Why i teach and why it matters. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • February 18, 2009 at 12:26 pm 1. Internet Pornography 2. Illegal downloading of music 3. Ignorance 4. Myself 5. Depression (well mostly, still working on it, seems to take a different form these days) 6. The Devil (still working on him too lol) 7. Loneliness 8. Pre-marital sex 9. Internet ’sex’ and ‘relationships’ (don’t ask) 10 things we don't mention in worship songs, but that I'm happy God saved me from. - 22 Words
  • Miller found me guilty of adultery and possessing pornography and formally reprimanded me.
  • Measures have been taken to stem the tide of pornography .
  • Most feminists I had come across, especially the ones close to my age (20s) are pro-porn (or at least, "pro free speech" to the point of being indifferent to porn) and are condescending to those of us who are against pornography - * especially* when someone, like me, is against porn because of her emotions and gut and has no educated, rational, research-backed reasons to give. Women's Space
  • Until hipster porn: Also called alt porn, it's a genre of pornography that is mostly pictures on websites but also includes actual pornographic videos.
  • But he signaled a return to his provocative ways in late July when he opened an account on Google Inc.'s new social-networking service Google+, identifying himself as "a suspected pornography enthusiast and tax evader. Ai Weiwei Resumes His Defiance of Beijing
  • Was it illuminating and instructive, or was it merely emotional pornography?
  • And, while we're at it, is it possible to make pornography (in particular, het pornography) that is not anti-feminist?
  • Although pornography is edging closer to mainstream society, its naughty aura means it isn't yet mundane.
  • There's always a tricky issue when you get into stolen material or pornography.
  • Uhm, auto-rebill is how pretty much every subscription-based content provider on the internet works--MMO games, pornography, music services both 'rental' and permanent, news and everything else I can think of, just like it is in the "real" world with cable television, phone service and the like. Is Marvel’s Digital Library Good? | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • And that pornography is not a "neurotoxin" that damages the brain as some anti-pornography "crusaders" claim: "As for the persistent perception that pornography breeds crime against women: aggressive men don't need porn as an incentive to be violent. Main RSS Feed
  • The convention criminalises activities, including online child pornography, fraud, and hacking.
  • Systematic studies of the prevalence of sexually explicit materials appear at first glance to to verify views about the saturation of western society with violent pornography.
  • The members of the panel had several different views as to what pornography is, and whether there was a difference between pornography and erotica.
  • The program searches a hard drive for aptly named files that are suffixed with. jpeg or. jpg, and may therefore falsely identify files and wreak havoc on the reputation of people with no connection to child pornography.
  • Americans spend more on hard-core pornography, telephone sex and strip clubs than they do at cinemas.
  • ICANN in March awarded a contract to create the new so-called top-level domain name to a company called ICM Registry LLC, which Manwin and Digital Playground say has abused its position by requiring pornography companies and others to buy up Internet addresses in order to keep squatters from infringing on their trademarks with close equivalents like Porn Firm Fights Web Costs
  • People who think porn will turn you into a ravening sexual predator are in denial about the fact that 95% of men have watched pornography.
  • It is not necessary to make more than passing reference to the rights claimed by prisoners relating to pornography, slopping out, voting and governors' reports to realise just how far, in some areas, the Human Rights Act has gone.
  • He was found guilty on adultery and pornography charges and processed through nonjudicial punishment.
  • Downloading pornography is classified as making an image because it creates a new version.
  • They have easier access at much younger ages to all manner of addictive substances, be it hard-core pornography, online gambling, alcohol or casual sex.
  • The internet has ushered in a brave new world of access to a polymorphously perverse spectrum of erotica, pornography and discussion.
  • Regulating pornography is not for the faint-hearted. 'Porn producers live in a parallel world'
  • Others criticized the "sanitization" of the lists, saying that Google, Yahoo! and Bing painted an inaccurate picture of the Internet landscape by removing undesirable queries, like pornography-related searches. King of Pop Tops Search Engines
  • Pornography objectifies women
  • If they fill their minds with weird and wonderful activities, with pornography, then it is no wonder that we turn out far too many deviants and perverts in our society.
  • He combined a martinet's toughness with a passion for exotic pornography, which he would eagerly show to honoured guests in the privacy of his cabin.
  • The media presenting the images like pornography, with a mixture of outrage and titillation.
  • The legal definition of what is and what is not pornography is very unsatisfactory.
  • But we should appreciate that reality TV, particularly, traffics in and relies upon voyeurism, one-upmanship, humiliation and often soft-core pornography.
  • How, and why, does pornography that depraves and corrupts unwary children, and exploits women, go untrammeled through the Web?
  • Looking at the messages in the media that perpetuate rape myths and even make us very rape tolerant is crucial to primary prevention of this type of violence (e.g., take pornography - both the "soft core" and the "gonzo" - how pornography in general has become so much more mainstream, just as the more violent and hateful versions have become more extreme). thank you for the good work you do! goedel NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Podcast | PBS
  • Web content may never pay off, and everything good may eventually crumble, leaving nothing behind but pornography and pathetic volunteer webzines.
  • The word itself suggests scandal, a whiff of alterity: pornography.
  • KOPPEL (on camera): Masha and her supporters are urging Congress to back new legislation called Masha's Law, raising the civil penalties for anyone who downloads child pornography. CNN Transcript May 4, 2006
  • If [libertarians] allow that [using recreational drugs, watching pornography, engaging in extramarital sex, and so forth] might nevertheless be morally wrong, the conservative can in principle endorse the libertarian program. Confusionism
  • And ever since the invention of photography (1840) and motion pictures (1890), pornography has shown hetero-anal play.
  • Judge Sotomayor, as she has been throughout the hearing, is unflappable, calmingly asking the Chairman only for permission to continue an extremely detailed answer to a question about a "tough on crime" ruling she issued in a child pornography case. Doug Kendall: Liveblogging the Sotomayor Confirmation Hearing (Day 3)
  • on-line hard-boiled in-your-face pornography
  • The debate over whether or not the book is erotica or pornography misses the heart of the text's importance.
  • January 17th, 2008 at 4: 17 pm wwbd says: there’s a 9.99/month sub.erswi. am i ready to experience pornography in hd? born ready, baby, born ready! CLIPS IN HONOR OF PIMP C
  • The confusion with pornography arises because Greenblatt equates eroticism with spirituality, and compels us to witness sexual intimacies to which we are not normally privy.
  • Writers and engravers of pornography came out of the demimonde of heretics, freethinkers and libertines who made up the underside of those formative Western developments.
  • Undeniably an artistic triumph, it was also their bleakest album since Pornography, and the record label considered it almost unmarketable.
  • She then moved to works of a larger scale and in colour, and in the 1980s made reference to art history, fashion photography, television, horror movies and pornography.
  • No wonder then that there is panic about this deluge of pornography that is desecrating culture and family values.
  • The paper accused the firm of sneaking into China like an "uninvited guest" and then making a fuss about being required to follow Chinese law and cooperate in censoring search results such as pornography …. Oh My Google!
  • hard-core pornography
  • These included 15 cases of assault, six cases of public disorder, two sexual assault cases, one child pornography case, one case of trying to procure an under-age child and one charge of corruption.
  • Pornography has been deliberately used as a social and political dissolvent during periods of revolutionary change. Pornography and Deicide
  • And with all the media and press that we've gotten about child pornography over the years, it's kind of desensitized the public to what child pornography really is. CNN Transcript Oct 6, 2007
  • Pornography is an example of the objectification of women by men.
  • They seem mostly interested in staging stripteases and offering pornography for sale.
  • The trial has become a target for protests by hard-line Muslim groups who have adopted pornography as a banner issue, claiming it symbolises what they have called the nation's moral decline.
  • While condemning pornography, most of us approve of, or even advocate, erotica.
  • The focus on censoring pornography diverts attention from the root cause of discrimination and violence against women, of which violent, misogynist pornography is merely one symptom.
  • A separate debate over Internet monitoring in Germany broke out last month as federal lawmakers approved legislation to allow websites containing child pornography to be blocked.
  • But, Dworkin thinks, there is as yet no reliable evidence that firmly establishes that the voluntary private production or consumption of pornography by consenting adults causes this or any other sufficiently significant harm to others, in the relevant sense of ˜harm™. Pornography and Censorship
  • Like other addictions, addiction to pornography reaches a point when even ‘hard’ pornography is not enough to produce the excitement the addict wants.
  • More than 20 million web pages purvey pornography to suit every taste, ‘adult’ chat rooms abound and virtual peepshows are proliferating at a staggering rate.
  • They seem to forget that pornography is one of America's biggest industries.
  • He has said he suspects porn merchants are seeking revenge because of his clampdown on pornography on television.
  • Drawing upon feminist analysis of pornography, the student argued that girls' bodies continue to be objectified in the guise of physical femme dominance, remaining on display for the dreamworlds of adolescent men.
  • You can validate selected results, save your search history, and filter out pornography or foul language.
  • A conservative Indonesian lawmaker who helped pass a controversial antipornography law resigned Monday after he was caught watching explicit videos on his computer during a parliamentary session. What's News
  • Skipton detectives have told how they launched their biggest ever child pornography investigation to trace a Cross Hills man who posted images of abuse on the internet.
  • What motivates individuals to seek sexual information, pornography, cybersex, or face-to-face sexual interaction via the Internet?
  • The computer only registered a spike in genital temperatures while subjects watched pornography, and not the other films. Women Become Sexually Aroused as Quickly as Men | Impact Lab
  • she denounced the exposure of children to pornography
  • And perhaps, pornography is the perfect analogy — titillating, unrealistic, demeaning, exploitative, a poor substitute for the real thing, but alluring and potentially habit-forming. Waiting for Inglourious Basterds « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • They're against fundamentalism, Coca-Cola colonization, pornography, and Sigmund Freud.
  • Although the sexual bodies of traditional pornography are visibly rendered — we see fellatio, cunnilingus, and intercourse — that "reality" can no longer maintain epistemological supremacy: its conventions are exposed by the spectacle in which it appears. How to Do the History of Pornography: Romantic Sexuality and its Field of Vision
  • Let's see ... pornography has been strictly and totally off limits for kids since forever, but letting them virtually hack other people, monsters, and aliens to bloody shreds in exquisite, life-like detail and with the most vicious weapons imaginable is (ho hum) tolerated, if not exactly condoned? High court accepts case over violent video games
  • Spain has in recent years stepped up its fight against Internet pornography by using specialised tracking computer software called Hispalis which can uncover the names and addresses of people logged on to illegal internet sites. | Top Stories
  • As I think Marion Zimmer Bradley once said (and she should have known, having written pornography under pseudonyms), “Describing sex in detail is like describing plumbing.” "New" as the Enemy of Excellence « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • In particular you ought not to call them by a degraded and repulsive nickname, derived quite consciously from one of the most disgusting minor obscenities to be gleaned from the lexicon of pornography. Quotha: A comment upon the procedures of the CBO
  • However, adverbs and adjectives are the foundations - and flying buttresses - of pornography and erotica.
  • Earlier, the state had censored videos that showed cruel violence and hard-core pornography.
  • I found a shrink in the hospital who specialized in treating survivors of prostitution and pornography.
  • In the face of the complicated nature of pornography can any of us really answer this seemingly simple question?
  • Thus cybersex has become positioned midway between arousal from viewing pornography and real (in-person) sexual contact.
  • His early work, especially the cause célèbre "The Elementary Particles," is really less a novel than a treatise on biological determinism, full of ex cathedra pronouncements about the bestiality of human nature and showy pornography meant to illustrate man's mindless, insect-like urge to copulate. Reflections on Self-Regard
  • A so-called antipornography law, which was used recently to sentence four women to 75 days in jail for erotic dancing, could also stifle freedom of expression, critics say. - News
  • More telling might have been his arrest and incarceration in 1994 for child pornography charges and solicitation of young girls.
  • They blame pornography for divorce, the dissolution of families, the debasement of sex, and general spiritual dissolution.
  • There will also be a session on how to start a sex magazine and another on why the British are so bad at pornography.
  • So young people binge drink, fight, take lots of drugs, and watch pornography on TV.
  • Pornography can have debilitating effects on communities, marriages, families, and children.
  • In some cultures it is not prudery that leads them to discourage men from looking at pornography.
  • As far as ‘pornography’ was concerned, the most obvious targets were the publishers of the paperback originals who had come into being since the end of the war.
  • The trend in films and in the increasingly popular American pulp novelette is towards pornography and sex as part of a whole picture of violence.
  • Angle's civic priorities, including early antipornography efforts, were borne out of her experience as the mother of two. Hear Them Growl
  • Several European governments have pledged to work together to crack down on child pornography and sex tourism.
  • One can avoid pornography on the market, but everyone pays for the depravities of the political class.
  • Our research team has undertaken the first comprehensive study of child pornography on the information superhighway, and let me tell you: Perversion has gone digital, and we need to penetrate this problem now.
  • Among its highlights is the plan to deny state school children the right to a faith-based education but to allow them access to hard-core pornography.
  • Someone once described pornography as an industry that creates desire where none exists.
  • Some boys reported that he was sexually aroused when he did this and others reported being shown pornography.
  • Ben Goodin, a former raft guide who lives in nearby Coaldale, dismissed the idea angrily: "Hanging rags over the river is the same as hanging pornography in a church. Christo vs. Colorado
  • pornography is cancerous to the moral development of our children
  • The film was never shown in Britain, where hard pornography was banned in cinemas, though plenty of people saw it on pirate videos at home.
  • The biggest fear among parents thinking of using the Internet is that their children will be exposed to pornography.
  • Several European governments have pledged to work together to crack down on child pornography and sex tourism.
  • They have spearheaded the persecution of the minority Ahmadiyya Muslim community, the passage of a so-called antipornography bill that encourages vigilantism and discriminates against non-Muslim cultures, and a regulation that forces Christian schools to offer religious instruction on Islam. Islamist Contortions
  • By the beginning of the twenty-first century, every form of sexual exploitation, including soft-core child pornography, had been adapted by advertisers.
  • The free market is a revolutionary, anti-family idea used to justify the legitimisation of abortion, drug use, pornography, sexual promiscuousness, every kind of personal irresponsibility including abandonment of marital responsibilities and even criminal behaviour. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Justified or not, the National's extreme solicitousness about nudity might not be unrelated to a growing adult panic about premature sexualisation which, despairing at the tide of pornography, repeatedly fixates on banning or suppressing the wrong or most trivial things, from lurid stories to slutty dollies and trashy children's clothes which enrage parents who would never buy them anyway. Teenagers won't be shocked by a naked man on the stage | Catherine Bennett
  • Neither the expression of pornographic opinions, nor the indulging of a private taste for pornography, causes significant harm to others, in the relevant sense of ˜harm™ (i.e., crimes of physical violence or other significant wrongful rights-violations). Pornography and Censorship
  • insets" are sometimes mere pornography, and the whole thing is evidently scribbled at a gallop -- it was actually a few days 'work, to get money, from some French Curll or Drybutter, to give (the appropriateness of the thing at least is humorous) to the mistress of the moment, a Madame de Puisieux, [375] who, if she was like Crébillon's heroines in morals, cannot have been like the best of them in manners. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • What we have here is hard-core pornography with puppets.
  • Like addiction, pornography is an ostensibly participatory process which commensurates the organism to exogenous - and arbitrary - stimuli.
  • It includes moral norms like anti-adultery, polygamy, orgies, pornography & promiscuousness. "So Kerry's ridiculous elitism, burbling out of him as if he lives, as I suspect, entirely on a diet of lentils and club soda..."
  • One of the more consistent concerns is the presence of pornography and erotica and the expression of sexuality on the Internet.
  • Black women in pornography are keenly aware of how their sexuality is fetishized and marketed in films that are distributed and seen all over the United States and elsewhere in the world.
  • As I stepped inside I was not sure whether I would be confronted with refined pornography, naked couples embracing, or the usual fecund female goddess figure.
  • A cyber policing unit formed to crack down on child pornography websites and protect abused children has been launched.
  • Gertzman argues that moral reformers during this period were “correct to claim that the traffic in ‘pornography’ was vigorous in the 1920s and 1930s, and that Jews were preponderant as distributors of gallantiana erotic fiction, avant-garde sexually explicit novels, sex pulps, sexology, and the most flagitious materials.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Of course, music videos are now basically hard-core pornography, so I do get some strange looks.
  • A technical, if admittedly simplistic, analogy: horror is to gore as erotica is to pornography.
  • * Wayne Clarke, 34, who was convicted of child pornography offences in 2006, and after serving a jail term breached his bail conditions and was listed as a wanted man. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • If pornography is like a "neurotoxin" that "damages the brain" as some U.S. Top Stories
  • Computers fed my addiction to hard work, creative planning and hard-core pornography.
  • The sale and use of books and literature on crime, vice, pornography should be banned.
  • Pornography is sometimes defined in court as material that tends to deprave and corrupt.
  • His portraits are dexterous and offer a merciless likeness, his carvings show startling technical accomplishment, his landscapes open up the pinnacled hills of the northern regions, and his femme fatales mark what is considered to be the beginnings of soft pornography. Cranach's Femme Fatales Highlight 'The Other Renaissance'
  • First, while obscenity is illegal, pornography is not, when viewed by adults.
  • There are frequent attempts to equate pornography and eroticism, two diametrically opposed uses of the sexual.
  • Women and children are sexually exploited when they are subjected to incest, rape, sexual harassment, battering, bride trafficking, pornography, and prostitution.
  • They are the only political party in the UK to endorse the production of juvenile pornography.
  • A 2008 antipornography law also casts a fundamentalist veil over culture and expression. Indonesia's Next Challenge

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