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How To Use Population In A Sentence

  • The resettlement fee shall be calculated according to the number of agricultural population to be resettled.
  • This does not exclude the existence of pockets of the urban population with unrealized homosexual desires.
  • The Temple to the Hebrew God YHVH, built by King David, was destroyed and much of the Jewish population (Jew comes from the word Judah, one of the 12 tribes) were deported to Babylon, known to Jews as the Babylonian captivity. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Though the population is still fragile, today as many as 1,000 birds overwinter in the state.
  • The added demands brought about by the ageing population will place an insupportable burden on acute hospital services.
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  • With this evidence at hand, one might question whether the three disjunct populations warrant classification as species rather than subspecies.
  • In fact - as a percentage of the population - there's basically a direct analogy between the number of gay tax-payers and the number of gay students.
  • The resident population of mental hospitals has fallen by 20%.
  • It cannot be a good sign that the filmmakers are largely impervious to the insecurity and suffering of wide layers of the population.
  • Its population is so small that forecasts put it on the brink of extinction. Times, Sunday Times
  • The city, which is the capital of the region, is a major industrial centre with a population of over 1 million.
  • All Sudanese are Africans, most are Muslim, and the population of Christians is lower than the number of Sudanese who practice African ( "animist") religions. Articles » peoplesworld
  • At least half of the country's population voted, thereby validating the result.
  • Reilly will compare the population status and dynamics of the European common frog in the three different types of peat bogs found in Ireland.
  • Consequently, Muir believes, biotech fish could quickly decimate a fish population by their increased ability to produce damaged young.
  • Firstly, exact data on the overall population can be obtained from the annually updated census list based statistics.
  • In my opinion, the population of sun dried tomatoes in a state of olive oil inundation is something you are forgetting to include. Brunch en Casa
  • The human population in the region is expanding in inverse proportion to the wildlife.
  • Founded by the British in1781, it was called Stabroek while it was controlled by the Dutch and was renamed Georgetown in1812. Population, 78, 500.
  • Forty per cent of the population is suffering from malnutrition.
  • A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, a manufacturing suburb of Kitchener. Population, 24, 933.
  • I certainly don’t think that Iranian popular discontent should be disregarded, but we’ve been hearing these sorts of arguments about the restive Iranian population for years, and while I have no reason to believe that they aren’t true, Khamenei and his allies have consistently proven expert at deflecting calls for reform and preserving their regime, the main levers of which remain firmly in Khamenei’s hands. Wonk Room » For More Tehran-ology
  • A new neutral mutation will fix with a probability of 1/(2Ne), where Ne is the effective population size, and it will take 4Ne generations on average to do so. Death of a popular anti-ID argument
  • Some of these isolated populations are subject to predation, others to starvation, flooding, severe winters or summer drought.
  • Since the ban on the trade in ivory in 1989, elephant populations in Africa have generally stabilised and in some areas are increasing.
  • Part one, describing the destructive effects of the bomb on the population of the two cities, was published on August 6.
  • In a truly participatory democratic society, an educated and skilled population is essential to its continuance.
  • We really don't want to be the overlords of the Palestinian population.
  • The balance of the population and land and environmental disruption question that population growth cause facilitate the formulation of appropriate thoughts of people.
  • Their ability to conduct surprise raids presupposed close familiarity with currents, beaches, and locations of population centres.
  • This lack of varietal distinction or population grouping is often associated with high levels of variation within and among populations of a species.
  • The island's population is concentrated in the city and its suburbs.
  • Also, it paints a very good picture of the make-up of our wintering bird population.
  • These populations offer a unique opportunity to monitor evolutionary dynamics in ancestral populations that harbor multiple strains of Wolbachia.
  • The only factor preventing major incursions into treasured civil liberties is the resistance of the population at large - and, for the moment at least, the public appear to be acquiescing in the government's plans.
  • The Tasmanian Devil is the world's largest marsupial predator but its very survival is at stake as an horrific cancer threatens up to 90% of its population.
  • They come into existence after relatively brief periods of rapid change in a small sub-population of a pre-existing species.
  • To study a distribution, take random samples from a population and analyze them.
  • First, the impact of the sanctions on the population tend to make the latter even more dependent on the government than before, mainly for provision of the basic rations needed for survival.
  • For example, the huge student population makes it impossible for teachers to conduct seminars or offer individual tutorials to students.
  • A common goal of population genetic investigations is to explain the fate of genetic polymorphism within a species.
  • Besides, he caused a general visitation to be made of all the land from Quito to Chile, registering the whole population for more than a thousand leagues; and imposed a tribute [_so heavy that no one could be owner of a_ mazorca _of maize, which is their bread for food, nor of a pair of_ usutas, _which are their shoes, nor marry, nor do a single thing without special licence from Tupac Inca. History of the Incas
  • Current data limitations such as the small size of the population mean the possibility of a small increased risk cannot be excluded.
  • Similarly, the exaction of stiff reprisals for unexpected attacks on troops remote from the fighting front might cow the local population, or might stimulate them to more aggressive resistance.
  • The Spanish population of New Spain eats too much, he writes, and this is bad for them because it "generates a large amount of excrements, which suffocate the natural heat [of the body]. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • We broadcast the news to the local population every morning.
  • Something else Seamus discovered was the lack of basic reading and writing skills among the prison population.
  • The year 1998 marked the bicentenary of the publication of the famous Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus, in which he argued that the population of a region would always grow until checked by famine, pestilence or war.
  • the Mainland," while North Island, where three-quarters of the population lives, is also called "Pig Island," partly for the wild pigs that Cook brought during a visit and that still roam in KOLO - HomePage - Headlines
  • Sibling-year observations are weighted to address the underrepresentation of high-mortality families in population-based surveys following the general methods proposed by Gakidou and King, where Bf is the original sibship size and PLoS Medicine: New Articles
  • Incentives may be aimed directly at individual doctors such as capitation payments, caps on fee-for-service income, and target payments for screening set proportions of a population.
  • Equality in poverty might mean civil population contentment whereas glaring inequalities sow the seeds of a class struggle or revolution.
  • Fish species identified by Groenendijk and Hajek (1995) which are eaten by the local population include gamitana Colossoma macroponum, paco Piaratus brachypomus red-tailed sabalo Brycon erythropterum, boquichico Prochilodus nigricans, lisa Leporinus trifasciatus and lisa Schizodon fasciatus. Manu National Park, Peru
  • An agreement to restrain wages on the part of the central labour federation might not extend to the population of non-union workers.
  • All the males in one population sing the same song, but occasionally they invent an entirely new one.
  • (PLAYG) A highly contagious disease, such as bubonic plague, that spreads quickly throughout a population and causes widespread sickness and death. Plague
  • It is not as if the entire population is worried about their mortgage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The entire population of the town was at the meeting.
  • More than 200 of the top 500 U.S. designations went to areas where significant populations of endangered and threatened species live, such as piping plovers and Kirtland's warblers.
  • Each Land was allotted one representative per 750,000 of population with an additional member for each remainder over 200,000.
  • A third of the working population in the Western Isles were employed by the local authority.
  • Salmon populations have been severely depleted recently.
  • He remains strong in the polls as Canada has suffered less from the worldwide Quebec, with 23% of the national population, its distinctive French-language ( "francophone") culture, angered the western provinces by wielding undue influence on the Federal Government and its repeated threats to national unity. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • • Contracts should be structured as three-way trust relationships where possible, with the government as settlor, the contractor as trustee, and the affected population as beneficiary. David Isenberg: Outsourcing War and Peace: Part 5
  • Collection data for these populations have been reported previously.
  • Specifically, if females respond adaptively to changes in population density, they should produce large broods of small young at low density and small broods of large young at high density.
  • The predominant opinion voiced by Detroit's Arab population seems to be one of frustration.
  • But adults say they believe there are tastier burgers elsewhere, a disturbing fact when Census Bureau trends show an aging population.
  • Even early American democracy would get low marks by contemporary standards since there was no enfranchisement for the majority of the population.
  • It's very probable we will see a decrease in population. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the summer of 1809 on land and sea, 786,000 men were serving - one in ten of the adult population.
  • Of the general prison population roughly 67% reoffend within two years of being released. Times, Sunday Times
  • To overcome this problem many policy papers which examine population ageing produce a variety of projections using different fertility assumptions.
  • It may be that the determination with which I exterminate any flies that enter my house is causing famine in the spider population.
  • The spill could wipe out the Gulf's turtle population.
  • They would not have been significant by using conventional statistical tests for infinite populations.
  • In Russia, the ethnic and geographic diversity of the population ensured its transition would be more difficult than that in the more homogeneous and smaller Baltic states or eastern European countries.
  • But is this reasonable to expect for the entire population? The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • Although, the suburbs and exurbs are definitely where the population growth and hence the representation in government are happening.
  • There is no accurate method of calculating the city's true population, and tourists also contribute directly to the excess garbage problems, he said.
  • There is an idea amongst people who never go to classical concerts - which is the majority of the population - that it is full of people in tiaras and cummerbunds.
  • But is this reasonable to expect for the entire population? The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • As Mr. Connelly observes, the dispensers of population-control grants often enjoyed a kind of pasha existence. The War Against Fertility
  • A small beginning has been made to developing the theory of metapopulations of demersal fishes, frequently in the context of reef fish management.
  • Michigan and Wisconsin have the largest population of Belgian Americans, with the above-named Wisconsin counties having the largest rural settlement in the United States.
  • A borough of southwest Pennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh. Population, 25, 609.
  • Unions campaigning for changes that benefit all workers - organized and unorganized - will demonstrate in a new way the value of unions to the broader population.
  • Myanmar's population is divided primarily into seven separate administrative states, in addition to the Burmans: the Chins, the Kachins, the Karens, the Kayahs, the Mons, the Arakenese and the Shans.
  • However, concern is great and several specific questions are being raised about risks to humans in close contact with infected cats and the need for surveillance of disease in cat populations.
  • The chickens also have reduced the fire ant population by eating the bugs and seeds the ants would have sustained themselves on.
  • This space is different in different cultures, and depends on the density of the population in the place where a person was reared. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • Patterns of adult body size are likely the evolutionary consequence of variation in juvenile survivorship among populations.
  • So I think the important questions to answer now are really what are the advantages to the individual and the population to be lateralised in this way?
  • Equally important to urbanization, the nation's population was increasing.
  • Walleye fry were stocked. In less than ten years the fish population exploded from 200, 000 to eight million, and tribal members were allowed to resume commercial fishing.
  • The dietary intake of carbohydrate, protein, lipids, micronutrients and phytochemicals will change based on the dietetic habits of the population.
  • Population is extrapolated using the revised UN estimates, which give a figure of 1, 272.2 million;
  • Since the population of adult males in Britain is many million, there are obvious savings to be made using these techniques.
  • Such statistics aid our understanding of population movements but they mask the bewildering complexity that was the reality of the situation.
  • We have embarked on a journey to find the best way to deliver healthcare to our population. The Sun
  • Ten years of war, social revolution, and invasion have played havoc with the Kampuchean population. Kampuchea: A Demographic Catastrophe
  • For, they are eager to see the floating population streaming in at the time of political meetings, since it leads to a surge in their business transactions.
  • I look around, and the bleak landscape leads me to wonder what use a place like this would have for China, a country already vast in size, population and economy.
  • Goboto retorts that its resident population is smaller and that its visitors are thirstier. A GOBOTO NIGHT
  • A city of northeast Nigeria east of Kano. It is a leather-processing center in the Lake Chad region. Population, 225, 100.
  • Since frugivore seed dispersal is so important in the tropics, many researchers have studied the loss of frugivores and related it to changed plant population dynamics. Frugivore
  • Combined, they have about one-third the population of the United States on about two-fifths the land area.
  • Some of these phenological observations are beginning to be used as indicators of the effects of climate change on biodiversity, although most studies are just recording data on the changes in species populations in the earlier part of the year (usually spring) and do not record data for the end-of-summer changes that could be affecting plant growth rates in the autumn or autumnal flight periods for species of insect. Effects of climate change on the biodiversity of the Arctic
  • Me and I am not happy. 80% of our population are not contributing to federal income taxes ... their money comes back to them in refunds. it is a sad state with a president whose agenda will cost us greatly expects this burdon to fall on the remaining 20%. Raising taxes at center of health care reform debate
  • Other evidence suggests that large plantation owners were the only segment of the population to profit so greatly. America Past and Present
  • Land use is inefficient and population distribution poor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the local population depend on fishing for their income.
  • In addition, the rural population is sometimes seen as a specific class in Marx's historical writings, as is the Lumpenproletariat (“dregs of society”), so that we obtain an image of society, which, far from the usual dichotomic or trichotomic image, is differentiated into several strata with multiple interests. CLASS
  • Under a likely scenario, world population will double by 2050.
  • Three-quarters of the world's population live in conditions that people in the West would find intolerable.
  • My answer was the Black Death chopped population way down so that not until Galileo's generation was there as many Europeans as in Oresme's time and, if brilliant scientific minds are a constant proportion of the whole, never until then was there a "critical mass" of scientific thinkers. March 25th, 2009
  • Higher percentages of the elderly than of the general adult population live in accommodation built before 1919 that is often poorly maintained.
  • Second, the population flux will converge towards those countries that provide the more generous social benefits or the best living conditions.
  • We are most anxious in Canada to secure a greater population, but a man who has once received the "dole" argues, "why should I leave England, where the 'dole' is obtainable, and migrate to Canada, where it is not to be secured? A Canadian's View of the Empire as Seen From London
  • In 1997 and 1998, the authors studied the breeding habits and population dynamics of Blue Hill Pigeon(Columba rupestris) in Luyashan Nature Reserve.
  • Almost half the population are eligible to vote in today's election.
  • Microbicides are likely to be most effective at population level if they both protect uninfected women against HIV infection and reduce the infectiousness of women already infected.
  • Sparsity of population in some rural counties of Britain can create considerable problems for bus operators.
  • The cause for contracepting offspring is the "population explosion".
  • All of this was underpinned with ample confidence in the friendly disposition of much of the population-presumably loyalist at heart, simply waiting to welcome British military leaders to their hearthstones.
  • The native population at first seemed harmless. Times, Sunday Times
  • So while the share per head of population remains roughly constant, the share for Scotland as a whole is getting smaller.
  • - And the Haiti disaster caused lots of death, which is quite important to the evolutionism that is central to the Dawkins-like world-view; and reduction of world population is central in the extreme forms of ecologism/environmentalism. Pious Atheism « Anglican Samizdat
  • There exists a well-defined population of material aggregates in the Universe - planets, stars, galaxies, and clusters.
  • The overarching goal of my research program is to study and gain a better understanding of the impact of different factors on growth, population and community dynamics of agrestal, ruderal, and environmental weeds.
  • Literacy: definition: age 15 and over can read and write total population: 89.6% male: 92% female: 87.2% (2004 census) GovernmentCountry name: conventional long form: Republic of Suriname conventional short form: Suriname local long form: Republiek Suriname local short form: Suriname former: Netherlands Guiana, Dutch Guiana Suriname
  • Through the efforts at Collier's Reserve, there are now 200 identified species of birds on site and a growing population of rare gopher tortoises.
  • When, for example, Karl and I made the simulation more realistic and allowed for mutations, or mistakes in an evolving population of players, then we saw cooperation and defection wax and wane over time, as those with a good reputation are actually undermined by indiscriminate altruists who help anyone, no matter how well or badly the latter have behaved in the past. SuperCooperators
  • The indigenous population had the right to elect two congressional representatives in special elections.
  • If we leap far enough, all the genes will be copies of one single gene in our ancestral population.
  • One third of the world's population consumes / consume two thirds of the world's resources.
  • They broadcast the news to the local population every day.
  • In 1800 Ireland's population was nine million, compared to Britain's 16 million.
  • Victoria's population had increased sevenfold from 76000 to 540000, 45 per cent of the Australian population of 1200000 in 1861.
  • Each natural population of a bisexual species evolves simultaneously at a large number of loci.
  • They cannot be done away with since the French universities have become accessible for an ever increasing number of students since nearly 50\% of the population pass their "bac" or final high school exam. The Modern Regime, Volume 2
  • The life expectancy benefit of heat is large, too: These longevity gains associated with long term trends in geographical mobility account for 8%-15% of the total gains in life expectancy experienced by the US population over the past 30 years. Climate Preferences: Seek Life, Seek Heat, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Rather, the disparity can be traced to disparities in the socioeconomic status between segments of the American population. An Introduction to Community Health
  • Another population of Asiatic lions is desperately needed in order to safeguard the survival of this subspecies.
  • The park protects important habitat for an isolated population of the vulnerable bilby (Macrotis lagotis). Mitchell grass downs
  • The first papers on plant molecular population genetics were published approximately 10 years ago.
  • Giant foxtail and waterhemp often increases in population in no-till during the first several years, but effective control will eventually reduce the foxtail population, due to a lack of seed return to the soil surface.
  • They were all warmly welcomed by the Athenian population - but the atmosphere was febrile. Times, Sunday Times
  • Overview: Of all the aging statistics that get tossed around these days, the one that has me quaking is that the population of people aged 65 and older will rise by 36 percent between 2010 (that’s next year, folks) and 2020. The Boomer Blog: April 2009 Archives
  • Because of the dramatic decline in the pilchard population in the Western Cape area, local fishing restrictions had previously been put into place in an attempt to increase the numbers of these fish. The Great Penguin Rescue
  • Much of the information and government decisions concerning goldenseal are based on anecdotal rather than quantitative information on population status.
  • There was also a relatively minor but significant correlation between the rate of known opioid use and townships' population size.
  • The two problems with that choice: (1) even if 40-50\% of the population disagrees with President Obama on issues like taxes or gay rights, probably only maybe 10-20\% of the population (those whose Facebook pages include fanhood of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, for instance) really sees him as "tyrranical" enough for 1700s "tea party" and "constitutional convention" references to resonate; and (2) politics are cyclical enough that as bad as things look for Republicans now, it's entirely feasible to plan for a Republican rebirth in 2012 Concurring Opinions
  • The valley has hosted a mountain rosefinch population of about 150-300 breeding pairs since the 1970s. Breeding habitats for rosefinches consist of shrubby, mostly wet and humid meadows.
  • The ruling gives authoritarian regimes around the world a new bludgeon to use against news organizations as well as their own populations trying to get access to media beyond the control of state censors.
  • Some such reserves may be socially acceptable to local populations, offering jobs, revenues, and improvements to quality of life.
  • Different populations living together and interacting. Populations can interact as competitors, predator and prey, or symbiotically.
  • Rather than expanding services to cater for its population explosion, the town has taken a major step backwards over the past thirty years.
  • The problem could arise if this population suddenly vanished, as it has done in the past due to myxomatosis.
  • Existing beaked whale populations are found in nearly every ocean.
  • One-third of the island's population converges daily into Fort-de-France, whose narrow symmetrically squared streets are as congested during the day as they are empty at night.
  • This would allow direct measurement of how far senescence in the original population had been caused by accumulation of partially recessive mutations.
  • Northern populations, where water freezes, are strongly migratory.
  • Corbin and Vacca examined a sample of dwarf galaxies chosen for their compact size and the youth of their star populations.
  • During the past 15 years, they have transformed Poland into a paradise for big business and the wealthy, while large parts of the population lack the most elementary basic needs.
  • Primary care clinicians need to be able to discriminate which patients within a relatively unselected population have a higher likelihood of malignant disease.
  • The deer and turkey populations are very high in these areas, and during bow season there is lots of uncrowded public land; gun season can be a differeint story so to beat the crowd I hunt on private land. Good hunting in Ohio
  • Fishing is also of major importance, while around 70 percent of the population depend on subsistence agriculture.
  • As the sex ratio in the adult population of mallards tends to be biased toward males, some males remain unpaired during the breeding season.
  • Woodrat teeth from Deer Park B have the typical occlusal pattern found in other Blancan populations.
  • Yet, at the same time, threats will be multiplying from a youthful population in the crescent of instability running from Africa through the Middle East and into the former Soviet bloc. Too old to fight?
  • We all want to minimize the impact on the innocent, but losing to evil in order to avoid hitting a population is worse.
  • A local, usually stable population of interbreeding organisms of the same kind or species.
  • We really don't want to be the overlords of the Palestinian population.
  • There is a low population density, with the majority of people living on farms and ranches in rural settings.
  • Then I thought about what other metropolitans have experienced in terms of transportation and population problems along with hazards to the environment.
  • If the fish have got used to the sudden onset of winter that arrived unannounced last week, then some good sport can be expected from the roach population of the waters below the city.
  • In part, these acknowledged the continuing difficulty in establishing whale populations.
  • It is obvious that in both federal states an unbridgeable gap exists between the desire of the population for progressive social policies on one hand and the politics of the ASP on the other.
  • Diminished prairie dog populations now face the even greater catastrophe of sylvatic plague, an introduced contagious disease for which prairie dogs have little immunity.
  • Objective To investigate the demographic characteristics of patients with cypridopathy , risk factors for epidemic, and occurence, development and distribution of STDs in population.
  • A total of 1272 men from the general population and 2099 retired coal miners aged 50-75 years took part in the study.
  • Morphologically, the population is distinguished by having much more dissected leaves than the normal form.
  • Lips and chest herpes simplex herpes zoster incidence than the normal population increased significantly.
  • The city's population is predominantly Irish.
  • However, the education programme is a difficult task because of the large floating population and frequent international comings and goings.
  • By way of example, it is suggested that an insecticide is applied to sexually mature male insects so that it spreads to the rest of the population during mating and swarming.
  • This passage introduces of population pressure - the greatest feature of modern malthusian theory, of economics of population.
  • Much of the human population there lacks the essentials, so of course homeless dogs and cats are allotted next to nothing.
  • An effort is now under way to establish a methodical breeding program in the hope of creating a healthy captive population.
  • Finally, regional media is thriving on TV, satellite language channels are catering to polyglot populations in various parts of the country.
  • These results, although striking, deserve additional investigation within preclinical models of allergic airway disease and possibly, subsequent investigation in populations of patients with asthma.
  • These branches will afford the unbanked population with affordable minimum bank balance accounts that currently are unobtainable from most commercial banks.
  • In the study of fossil populations, the timing of encrustation is important, although both encrustation during life or after death provides ecological and taphonomic data.
  • Outside of the cities the monarch, whose private fortune was identical with the state finances, possessed immense domains managed by intendants and supporting a population of serf-colonists. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Obamacare Constitutional?
  • The wild population of koalas is in danger of dying out.
  • The most key ingredient is a scientifically literate work force and general population.
  • With 38% of the population of Hackney surviving on benefits, few homes are equipped with flatscreen TVs. Top Boy gets a mixed reception from Hackney residents
  • Schanzer's language bias is clearly demonstrated when he says that the "United Nations General Assembly partition plan ... endowed the Palestinian Arabs with a state that included an expanded Gaza strip, the West Bank, and much of the northern territory. [emphasis added]" How considerate for sure, to be "endowed" with only portions of your own homeland, while a minority of the population, immigrants at that, is given a majority of the land. Book Review - Hamas vs. Fatah
  • To compare object neophobia between populations, a second experiment using a similar protocol and the same individuals as in the prior experiment was conducted.

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