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How To Use Pontifical In A Sentence

  • This abrupt departure in the darkness disappointed some of us, who had promised ourselves the pleasure of seeing his Grandeur depart in state in the morning, shaved, clean, and in full pontificals, the tripping little secretary swinging an incense-pot before him, and the greasy chaplain bearing his crosier. Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • This must be demonstrated not in pontifical phrases in front of the Empire Club but in actions that are producing the results we talk about. The Road to Reform—Ontario Style
  • The "Liber Pontificalis" under the name Silvester (ed. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • July 1, 2009, Feast of the Precious Blood of Our Lord, -- In the ICRSP seminary in Gricigliano: Solemn Pontifical Mass by Bishop John Basil Meeking, with ordinations to the subdiaconate and diaconate. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Most importantly, the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Science positioned itself as a leading sponsor on scientific inquiry into extraterrestrial life.
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  • Three years previously (1271) Charles of Anjou had drawn together the remnants of the army of his dead brother, had confiscated to his own use the goods of the crusading knights whose vessels had been wrecked on the coast of Sicily, and called the pontifical court to On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
  • The pontificate of Sergius III was remarkable for the rise of what papal historians call a "pornocracy," or rule of the harlots, a reversal of the natural order as they saw it, according to Liber pontificalis and a later chronicler who was also biased against Sergius III. LT Saloon
  • Cardinal Cañizares Llovera, Prefect of CDW, Celebrates Solemn Pontifical Usus Antiquior Mass in Lateran Today by Cardinal Cañizares Llovera, Prefect of CDW, Celebrates Solemn Pontifical Usus Antiquior Mass in Lateran Today
  • He's called the prefect of the pontifical household. CNN Transcript Apr 4, 2005
  • In this context, here are some pictures I have come across of a Pontifical Mass in the Ordinary Form recently celebrated by H.E. Msgr. Francesco Moraglia, Bishop of La Spezia-Sarzana-Brugnato, at the Marian Shrine of Roverano, in the province of La Spezia, the easternmost part of Liguria. Liturgical Continuity in Liguria - Pontifical Mass in Roverano
  • New Liturgical Movement: Cardinal Cañizares Llovera, Prefect of CDW, Celebrates Solemn Pontifical Usus Antiquior Mass in Lateran Today skip to main | skip to sidebar Cardinal Cañizares Llovera, Prefect of CDW, Celebrates Solemn Pontifical Usus Antiquior Mass in Lateran Today
  • This is prescribed in practically identical terms in English pontificals of the tenth century; and the Pontifical of Egbert (? The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Accordingly, next morning he appeared with his clerk, and, in his pontificals, read several prayers in the established form, and then read the collect for the seventh day of September, which was the thirty-fifth psalm. The Old Bell of Independence; Or, Philadelphia in 1776
  • The altars of the basilicas erected by Constantine at Rome were surmounted by ciboria, one of which, in the Lateran, was known as a fastigium and is described with some detail in the "Liber Pontificalis". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • It would be far better to have sharply contrasted views in succession, in alteration, than to have this copious stream of pontifical, anonymous mugwumpery with which we have been dosed for so long.
  • When pontifical enactments take the form of responses they are called decretal epistles. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • On these occasions the offending clerks were brought across to the church, where the Archbishop in full pontificals would hear their avowal of guilt in the nave, and then solemnly divest them of their robes and of their office at the west door. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ripon A Short History of the Church and a Description of Its Fabric
  • Many innovations on these rights have been made by special decrees or customs, and, according to the prevailing discipline, account must be taken of the so-called pontifical reservations, or the rights which the pope has reserved to himself, especially as regards the highest dignity of the chapter, and also of the legitimate privileges possessed by patrons in Spain, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • He teaches theology at the Pontifical Atheneum of St. Anselm in Rome.
  • Forming us into a row on deck, and calling our names one by one, this functionary handed to each a billet, permitting the holder to go ashore, on condition of an instant compearance at the pontifical police-office. Pilgrimage from the Alps to the Tiber Or The Influence of Romanism on Trade, Justice, and Knowledge
  • We must suppose either that the bishops introduced directly by a positive precept as a liturgical pontifical badge a humeral cloth resembling the ordinary omophorion and called by that name, or that the civil omophorion was at first used by the bishops as a mere ornament without any special significance, but in the course of time gradually developed into a distinctively episcopal ornament, and finally assumed the character of an episcopal badge of office. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • His neighbours, who wondered what it could all mean, had scarcely time to identify him with his pontificals, before they saw him stalking along the street in a dirty, striped dressing-gown. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 370, May 16, 1829
  • The event has been marked by a Pontifical Mass in the usus antiquior celebrated by Msgr. Mvé Engone, at which the bishop of Port-Gentil, Mathieu Madega, as well as ministers of the Gabonese government assisted. Personal Parish for the Institute of Christ the King in Gabon
  • The biretta is the sign of an ecclesiastical pontifical degree. Archive 2008-04-20
  • First, Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, will celebrate Pontifical Mass and ordain five priests for the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FFI) in the church of St. Francis in Tarquinia (a small town in Latium) on the Feast of the Annunciation (25 March 2009) at 10 a.m. Three Important Upcoming Masses in the Usus Antiquior
  • In the weeks before the trip to Rome, I had tried but failed to arrange a meeting with the cardinal who headed the Pontifical Commission for Justice and Peace.
  • Ives totally mistrusted the cosmopolitan musical circles with their classic-worshipping conductors, snobbish patrons, and pontifical music critics.
  • Dexter, the sable bars of the House of Lenzol; Sinister, the Borgia bull in chief, and the lilies of France; and, superimposed, an inescutcheon bearing the Pontifical arms. The Life of Cesare Borgia
  • His body is preserved below the altar, dressed in his pontifical robes, sparkling with diamonds -- the head reposing on a richly gilded cushion; the face, dead and shrivelled, which is the only part exposed, presents a sad contrast to all this splendour. Fair Italy, the Riviera and Monte Carlo Comprising a Tour Through North and South Italy and Sicily with a Short Account of Malta
  • Msgr. Ennio Appignanesi, Archbishop emeritus of Potenza celebrated the Solemn Pontifical Mass in which the ordinations occurred. Institute of the Good Shepherd Ordinations in Rome
  • He enjoys the same honorific privileges (with a few exceptions, viz. throne, cappa magna, mozzetta, and rochet worn without mantelletta, and crosier), pontifical ornaments, and titles, as does the diocesan. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • The pontificals common to all are eight in number: buskins, sandals, gloves, dalmatic, tunicle, ring, pectoral cross, and mitre.
  • Andrea Tornielli writes that within the next weeks, Pope Benedict XVI will issue a motu proprio attaching the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, as anticipated in his letter to the bishops on the lifting of the excommunications of the bishops consecrated by Archbishop Lefebvre. Rumour Watch: Motu Proprio on the Reorganisation of Ecclesia Dei
  • The bishop is represented as in the act of benediction, with a pastoral staff, and in full pontificals; his head is shown as resting on a cushion, and is surmounted by a trefoil arch with a crocketed gable, and a censer-bearing angel on each side. Ely Cathedral
  • He appoints a pontifical commission to conduct the administrative affairs of the state.
  • The Pontifical Lateran University was founded by Pope Clement XIV in 1773 entrusted the Faculty of S. Theology and Philosophy del Collegio Romano to the clergy of Rome.
  • He is one of those writers who finds the exact word for absolutely everything, which gives his prose an oddly poetic effect, full of terms like ‘triforium’ and ‘chasuble’, ‘pontificalia’ and ‘myrmidon’. On Silence « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Then the seyde Byshoppe, in his pontificals arayde, with all the prestes and clerkes of the seyde Churche and of The Churches of Coventry A Short History of the City & Its Medieval Remains
  • John Paul II appointed Arinze to be the pontifical legate to other faiths, and to remind us that God is a God of joy.
  • It is almost quaint that Isaacson, as he deconstructs the polemical and pontifical Time, is still thinking about people having debates and of journalism as the basis for social discourse.
  • pseudo-scientific gobbledygook and pontifical hooey
  • Liturgical Continuity in Liguria - Pontifical Mass ... A Follow-Up on the History of the Planeta Plicata
  • In the place where the breach was opened by his cannon he ordered the placing of a marble panel bearing his arms; and there it is to be seen to this day: Dexter, the sable bars of the House of Lenzol; Sinister, the Borgia bull in chief, and the lilies of France; and, superimposed, an inescutcheon bearing the Pontifical arms. The Life of Cesare Borgia
  • The correct view may well be that the pallium was introduced as a liturgical badge of the pope, and it does not seem improbable that it was adopted in imitation of its counterpart, the pontifical omophorion, already in vogue in the Eastern Church. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Direct bribery was also common, and represented a massive outlay - in the late 60s, Caesar had accumulated debts of several thousand talents due to his aedileship, his praetorian campaign, and his pontifical campaign.
  • An era of incorporation fostered a pontifical tone in American arts criticism.
  • It was Leo XII, in 1824, to move the seat at the Palais de S. Apollinaris where Pius IX in 1853 founded the Faculty of Canon Law and Civil Law and the Pontifical Institute Utriusque Iuris.
  • Pontifical vestments are the liturgical head-covering, excepting in the Armenian Rite where the priest also wears such a covering for the head, the sakkos, the omophorion, the epigonation, and the epimanikia. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • The ordinary notaries of the chancery, however, were gradually known by other names, according to their various functions, so that the term ceased to be employed in the pontifical and other chanceries. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Two dummies, one dressed in a _simarre_ (gown) and the other in pontifical vestments, were burned on the Pont-Neuf: the soldiers, having been ordered to disperse the crowds, some persons were wounded and others killed; the mob had felt sure that they would not be fired upon, whatever disorder they showed; the wrath and indignation were great; there were threats of setting fire to the houses of MM. de Brienne and de Lamoignon; the quarters of the commandant of the watch were surrounded. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 6
  • But now adaies they make them large, deepe, glistering, and of the finest cloth or stuffes to bee gotten, reducing those habites to so proude and pontificall a forme, that they walke The Decameron
  • As mentioned earlier, Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, today celebrated Pontifical Mass in the usus antiquior and ordained five priests for the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FFI) in the church of St. Francis in Tarquinia (a small town in Latium). Ordinations for the Franciscans of the Immaculate
  • David L. Schindler is Provost/Dean and Gagnon Professor of Fundamental Theology at the Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family; he is also editor of Communio (English edition). David L. Schindler criticizes Christopher West's work with TOTB
  • You can see this year's programme here; but one point certainly worth noting is that the conference will conclude with a Pontifical Mass according to the usus antiquior in the Papal Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican (Chapel of the Eucharistic Adoration), celebrated by H.E. Msgr. Raymond L. Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, on Sunday 18 October at 10 a.m. Usus Antiquior Pontifical Mass in St. Peter's, Rome
  • The archbishop, who is president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, said dwindling numbers of worshippers at some churches meant it now made sense to sell, or even destroy, the buildings.
  • The Pope puts on his pontifical clericals - white soutane and skull cap.
  • As with many pontifical statements, careful parsing of the message and interpretation of its meaning will be required before most hospitals change any of their rules for inpatient or hospital care.
  • The altars of the basilicas erected by Constantine at Rome were surmounted by ciboria, one of which, in the Lateran, was known as a fastigium and is described with some detail in the "Liber Pontificalis". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • More important, having been taught at university to question everything, to take nothing ‘on faith,’ they are quick to criticize pontifical pronouncements.
  • Some of you may recall that the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius were recently involved, along with Bishop Joseph Perry, in celebrating a pontifical Mass in the usus antiquior on EWTN. Video of Pontifical Solemn High Mass Aired on EWTN
  • The Catholic Church and the pontifical council are at the epicenter of ecumenism for many reasons, not least because well over half the Christians in the world are Catholics.
  • For, as I shall belaborate below, a normal man is a vertical man -- or what Schuon called pontifical man. One Cosmos
  • But more strictly and accurately, rubricians limit the pontificals to those ornaments which a prelate wears in celebrating pontifically.
  • Thomas D. Williams, LC, ThD, is Vatican Analyst for CBS News and a professor of theology at the ReginaApostolorumPontificalUniversity in Rome. A Catholic Life
  • He set up the pontifical commission Ecclesia Dei (Church of God) to cater for supporters of the Tridentine Mass.
  • By which means it is, yet by my courtesy, that scarce any kind of men live more voluptuously or with less trouble; as believing that Christ will be well enough pleased if in their mystical and almost mimical pontificality, ceremonies, titles of holiness and the like, and blessing and cursing, they play the parts of bishops. In Praise of Folly
  • The patronage (largely pontifical, but also royal and aristocratic) of the great sculptor-architect is the chief subject of Franco Mormando's lovingly researched "Bernini: His Life and His Rome," which, for all its splendid erudition, freely resorts to American common speech to characterize the sheer viciousness of the Baroque papal oligarchs and Bernini's own egomania (most famously characterized by his ordering a servant to slash the face of his unfaithful mistress, Costanza Bonarelli). The Heirloom City
  • The bishop is represented as in the act of benediction, with a pastoral staff, and in full pontificals; his head is shown as resting on a cushion, and is surmounted by a trefoil arch with a crocketed gable, and a censer-bearing angel on each side. Ely Cathedral
  • The Pope puts on his pontifical clericals - white soutane and skull cap.
  • And as the Pontifical Commission points out, the sentence of 1633 was not irreformable.
  • Liber Pontificalis" refers to his liturgical work (Origines, 122) and the Stowe Missal (seventh century) puts at the head of our Canon the title: "Canon dominicus Papæ Gelasi" (ed. Warren, 234). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Pontifical vestments are the liturgical head-covering, excepting in the Armenian Rite where the priest also wears such a covering for the head, the sakkos, the omophorion, the epigonation, and the epimanikia. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Jody Bottum, now editor of First Things, put into words what more than a few of us were thinking: "Now we know what Abraham Lincoln would have looked like in full pontificals. The Very Model Of Lucidity
  • German Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum,” the Vatican dicastery or administrative agency on charity, aid and relief, blamed “gender mainstreaming” and “radical feminism” for attacking biological manhood and insisting that “sexual roles are learned.” Archive 2009-02-01
  • The new pontifical vestments were: the sakkos, still a patriarchal vestment; the epimanikien; the epigonation, in so far as this vestment had not already been introduced before the ninth century; the epigonation first had the form of a handkerchief and was called enchirion (hand-cloth, handkerchief), it was not named epigonation until the twelfth century. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Fisichella is president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, one of a number of so-called pontifical academies which are formed by or under the direction of the Holy See. Baltimore Reporter
  • This bishop officiated pontifically and gave his blessing to the people, before whom he appeared bearing the mitre, the crosier, and even the archiepiscopal cross. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • According to the statement, of the "Liber Pontificalis" (ed. Duchesne, I, 155) an ostiary named Romanus suffered martyrdom in 258 at the same time as The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • The new pontifical vestments were: the sakkos, still a patriarchal vestment; the epimanikien; the epigonation, in so far as this vestment had not already been introduced before the ninth century; the epigonation first had the form of a handkerchief and was called enchirion (hand-cloth, handkerchief), it was not named epigonation until the twelfth century. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • pontifical hymnographer"; he was made theologian of the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • The monsignor is a professor of canon law in Rome, and consultor for the Congregation for Eastern Churches, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and other Roman Curia organizations. Challenges of Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue
  • There are various classes of Secular Abbots; some have both jurisdiction and the right to use the pontifical insignia; others have only the abbatical dignity without either jurisdiction or the right to pontificalia; while yet another class holds in certain cathedral churches the first dignity and the privilege of precedence in choir and in assemblies, by reason of some suppressed or destroyed conventual church now become the cathedral. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • The general communion customary on holy-thursday is prescribed by the English bishop Walter in the 10th century, in the capitulary of Theodulph of Orleans, and by all ancient pontificals and missals, according to Martene T. 3, p. 98. The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome
  • In a less pontifical mood, he agreed that his writing was ‘trivial.’
  • There are only three institutions with the title pontifical: (1) The Pontifical Seminary of Kandy, Ceylon; (2) The Pontifical Seminary of Scutari (Collegium The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Pontifical vestments are the liturgical head-covering, excepting in the Armenian Rite where the priest also wears such a covering for the head, the sakkos, the omophorion, the epigonation, and the epimanikia. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • CLXXXVIII, 135-160), also edited by Watterich (Vitae Pontificum II, 323 - 374), and now to be read in Duchesne's edition of the Liber Pontificalis (II, 388-397; cf. proleg XXXVII-XLV), states that Boso, the author of it; was created cardinal-deacon of the title of Sts Cosmas and Damian, was chamberlain to Adrian and in constant and familiar attendance upon him from the commencement of his apostolate. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • New pontifical vestments were the gloves, the succinctorium, and the mitre, to which were added among the German bishops the rational, an imitation of the pallium. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Questions which have arisen -- what the rubrics actually require by way of bows, what a priest does when he must offer Mass without a server, whether a layman should act as MC at pontifical ceremonies, whether an antimensium may be used, where prelates in choir should walk in procession, where the pectoral cross is worn and when the cappa magna is used -- have been researched and clarified. The New 15th Edition of The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described
  • (We pick up in the midst of the Divine Liturgy with the new Archbishop being fraternally greeted after having been vested with his pontificals) (Do note the two large icons that have been place on the pillars of the ciborium for the purposes of the Byzantine liturgy) (The altar incensed) (Litanies) Eastern Divine Liturgy and Episcopal Consecration in Santa Maria Maggiore
  • A few years ago I had a part in interesting the late Cardinal O'Connor and Cardinal Cassidy, then head of the pontifical council for Christian unity, in the Bruderhof's desire for a closer relationship with the Catholic Church.
  • During a visit today to Toronto, the general superior explained that the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, established precisely to oversee the process of healing the society's separation from the Church, will remain a distinct entity within the Church's dicastery for doctrinal matters. Fellay: Restructuring of Ecclesia Dei Imminent

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