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How To Use Poltergeist In A Sentence

  • The film was atmospheric, ghastly, and filled with all kinds of creepy poltergeists.
  • On the other hand, he acknowledges psychokinesis as a likely explanation for poltergeist phenomena.
  • In fact, Derek and his terrified party hadn't stumbled on a poltergeist, but a couple in a passionate clinch who hadn't heard the ghoul-hunting crowd creep up on them.
  • Condemn Saxon's references to fairies, gnomes, and medieval life and the use of words like "hoyden" and "ribald" just like you condemned references to poltergeists in the first edition. Archive 2005-07-03
  • Noisy ghosts are known as poltergeists (literally, noisy spirits).
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  • Must we explain ghosts, poltergeists, reincarnation, and the healing power of crystals?
  • “Being asked, further, whether she had ever considered that what she called the poltergeist was more probably some mischievous person who was taking advantage of the fact that the house had a ghostly reputation among the villagers, she replied that she ‘had thought of it, of course,’ and added: ‘We always investigated each house we took of this kind to make sure nobody was playing about. When Last I Died
  • They studied automatic writing, levitation, and reports of ectoplasmic and poltergeist activity.
  • At one point, I got scared and in the darkness, I tried to grab onto my crush who was walking a little ahead of me. What I thought was him was actually a girl dressed as a poltergeist.
  • I mean, it didnâ⠂ ¬â „ ¢t catch the zeitgeist of the country like E.T. but of course these are 2 completely different kinds of movies. poltergeist is a horror film which at the time was projecting Hollywoodâ⠂ ¬â „ ¢s fears of the TV or namely the influx of a little thing called home video .. KAMN Show #31: Poltergeist : The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas
  • While the first three films found fair to ingenious methods of circumnavigating this problem, the fourth is so unconcerned with feasibility that it resorts to woefully convenient schemes for recording the poltergeist's antics.
  • Our good friend Massimo Polidoro, head of the Italian Committee for the Control of Paranormal Claims went there to observe, and he soon ruled out demons or poltergeists.
  • The terms he uses (haunting, poltergeist, medium, seance) come from a spiritualistic perspective.
  • It's a sort of evil spirit that plays tricks," explained Tuppence who in reality knew very little of the subject, and was not even sure that she had got the word poltergeist right. Partners In Crime
  • When the family returns to the kid’s room, the young Carol Anne, who served almost as a conduit to the poltergeist, is nowhere to be found. TEN of TERROR #1: Poltergeist « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • In the opening episode, Fred Mumford returns from the spirit world and opens the agency Rentaghost, which offers ghosts and poltergeists for hire on a daily or weekly rental.
  • In his seventeenth-century work Saducismus Triumphatus Joseph Glanvil saw poltergeists, apparitions, and other phenomena as evidence of a spiritual world.
  • One construction worker broke his leg, my uncle was injured by one of his tools - it was poltergeist central.
  • He is like the company whirlwind, or perhaps our poltergeist. POPCO
  • This covers all manner of weirdness from frog falls, ghosts and poltergeists, levitation, UFOs, lost civilisations and displaced animals (like big cats stalking the British countryside).
  • If our Dad had a poltergeist, Hetty Morris would have one too. THE THIRD CLASS GENIE
  • He ventured that poltergeists could in principle be both living and dead because discarnate entities might be interacting with the energy of living persons to effect physical manifestations.
  • The 16th and 17th centuries did see a number of poltergeist stories; poltergeists could be the spirits of the dead, or could be devils or intrusive witches whose spirits could walk abroad separately from their bodies.
  • The good news: the world's most trivial poltergeist is no longer haunting our clock. Who Ya Gonna Call?
  • The castle itself was haunted, and not just be family ghosts like the Manor, but by terrifying blood drenched spectres, ghouls and a poltergeist.
  • There were no reports of supernatural sounds, translucent ghosts, or mischievous poltergeists, let alone greenskinned reptoids in an undergraduate girls dorm!
  • RC: The centerpiece of "Poltergeist" was a 13 foot tall tree that has been encased first in Fiberglas and second in a finely tailored couture dress of black velvet. Kimberly Brooks: Fear And Faith: The Art Of Rebecca Campbell
  • Therefore, the explanation of poltergeist cases is not, as the term poltergeist suggests, intelligent behavior by an immaterial being, a ghost.
  • The way that Poltergeist lingers in the mind is different - the passing of years restructures the film into a wholly personal collage of experiences.
  • Edward Morris 11:57 pm: My poltergeist was a junkie, and a great jazz musician. Transcript: Ghosts! « Coyote Con
  • The term poltergeist is German for “noisy spirit.” Experiencing the Next World Now
  • The new barman didn't believe in the supernatural or poltergeists or anything kooky like that, he just knew an useful ally when he saw one.
  • After he attributes the resurrection appearances to poltergeists, and calls Jesus a levitating ghost, he's finished with the topic.
  • But in the late 1970s it was home to a poltergeist who became world-famous.
  • Specifically, in both Gallup and Newport's and Ross and Joshi's studies, ‘contact with ghosts’ was reported more frequently than physical manifestations associated with poltergeists.
  • Whatever ghosts and poltergeists may be, it is increasingly apparent that they are facets of the same phenomenon.
  • Roll and Hamilton-Parker do not believe that poltergeists are ghosts or conscious entities.
  • you can rationalize away all the strange noises you hear--there is no poltergeist in the house!
  • We can even dismiss him as so far away from our own time - this man grew up in a Germany haunted by witches and poltergeists, and threw inkpots at the devil - that we simply cannot understand him at all.
  • But those who do believe in the ghosts agree that the theater is not haunted by a poltergeist or mean spirit.
  • That doesn't sound like poltergeist activity either, to be honest. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • On Sunday, the activity slowed down a little and the poltergeist contented itself with breaking two more windows and by throwing ripe tomatoes with excellent aim.
  • They all looked so authoritative when flicking their wands to dismiss boggarts, poltergeists and other pests.
  • Her lonesomeness was a fertile swamp from which poltergeists of the past would rise and rot her mind. Pistol
  • Psychic investigators supposed Gef was a poltergeist or perhaps a ghost.
  • In 1848 the Fox sisters produced the poltergeist manifestations that led to the spiritualist movement; even if they were frauds, that too is Neptunian.
  • There have been countless tales of haunted houses - old buildings, ranging from medieval castles to twentieth-century hotels, plagued by ghosts, spirits, poltergeists, what-have-you.
  • But the terms he uses (haunting, poltergeist, medium, seance) come from a spiritualistic perspective.
  • Once it is aware of the adventurers, the Poltergeist will try its best to assault them anywhere within the tower.
  • The main features marking the presence of a poltergeist are moving objects, electrical high jinks, or mysterious noises.
  • Peter's 18th title is full of local flavour and includes stories of ghosts, witchcraft and mermaids, close encounters, poltergeists and alien big cats.
  • Although you acknowledge that "references to demons, poltergeists, and other unpleasant spiritual beings" are a matter of concern in the first edition, you excuse references to fairies, gnomes and medieval life, as well as "the occasional use of words such as hoyden and ribald," in later editions. 07/03/2005 - 07/10/2005
  • The castle itself was haunted, and not just be family ghosts like the Manor, but by terrifying blood drenched spectres, ghouls and a poltergeist.
  • Lastly, I think poltergeist is not all that dated. KAMN Show #31: Poltergeist : The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas
  • These are all respectable, and they lead on to a capper, which Spielberg produced and supposedly ghost-directed, the superb Poltergeist.

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