How To Use Pollution In A Sentence
Because there were still plenty of crayfish in the becks and streams, and they are the first to go if there is pollution.
The problem of environmental pollution roots in the characteristic of public goods and negative externality.
Airport noise and pollution blight many lives.
The Sun
Pollution control work, then, is typical of the many areas of social control characterized by goals of regulation rather than repression.
The manifesto includes tough measures to tackle road congestion and environmental pollution.

The noise pollution survey revealed a rather spurring and possibly amusing old fashioned source of noise.
Hog waste is a major pollution source, communities surrounding the factories are strangled by a foetid stench and animal rights groups have long complained about the inhumane way pigs are raised and slaughtered.
Scented candles, especially the industrial strength and size that many people light around the holidays, give off more than fragrance-studies show they produce tiny bits of pollution known as particulates that can inflame the respiratory tract and aggravate asthma, Dr. Sublett says. Top headlines
The results of two recent studies have demonstrated an association between postneonatal mortality and particulate air pollution.
These are: ground-level ozone, particle pollution also known as particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.
John B. Townsend II: The Long, Hot Summer And Code Red Days
The fuel now is superordinated for the city's pollution.
There are many techniques depending on whether the home is under construction or being retrofitted to eliminate noise pollution.
Among other things, he told them the plant didn't have basic pollution control devices called baffles, which are required by the state.
The Center for Public Integrity: Where regulators failed, citizens took action -- testing their own air
The industry has signed a non-binding agreement to reduce pollution.
About £3 billion went on reducing pollution caused by all kinds of waste and £2.4 billion on curbing air pollution.
Measures to combat pollution within the city have been introduced.
The typical concrete edge, the unhealthy pollution caused by too much sliced white bread and the overpowering dominance of aggressive species such as Canada geese and coots combine to turn them into lifeless wet deserts.
Most of the nitrogen oxide pollution in Australian and New Zealand cities comes from motor vehicle exhausts in summer and a combination of motor vehicle exhausts and home heating in winter.
Pollution could cause changes to weather patterns on a global scale.
There's no quick fix for stopping pollution.
Oil slicks, overhead cables and pollution are all death traps for birds.
The greatest threats to marine mammals are being caught in fishing nets or being struck by shipping vessels, although for the Yangtze river dolphin, pollution is a major contributor.
Traffic pollution and dirt blown around by the wind add to the problem.
Times, Sunday Times
Environmental pollution gives great cause for concern, but, on the positive side , people are beginning to try and find solutions.
A pollution expert with the coast guard service is assessing the damage caused by the capsizing.
Like I say, the problem don't lie here, it's in the estuaries, the pollution from the factories.
The survey shows a link between asthma and air pollution.
Pollution can aggravate asthma.
The Department of Conservation has taken a tough stance on noise pollution at Milford, and is proposing to dramatically limit the number of aircraft movements within the area.
Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps.
The plan to phase down environmental pollution is progressing successfully.
Still, Congress has been slow to take up arms against foolish laws that promote pollution.
Air pollution episodes such as last week's happen between one and five times a year, although usually without desert dust.
Times, Sunday Times
The classical economist Von Hayek, who authored On the road to serfdom, warned about such interference by government in the economic order which can culminate the unbridle manipulation and pollution of the economic system.
Emerging economies must reject handouts and bailouts capitalism
This was a side effect of the Industrial Revolution; many of our rivers were canalised and made navigable during the C19th which stuffed it all up with weirs and locks and pollution.
Factors such as atmospheric pollution affect both the landscape itself and how we feel about it.
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Either we must be cleansed from the pollutions of sin or we shall, as polluted, be put from that priesthood, Ezra ii.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
As well as the obvious increased air pollution and reduced visibility, local bushfires are a potential health concern.
Higher levels of pollution have started to corrode pipes.
While there have been no systematic studies here on a condition such as leucoderma, dermatologists agree that pollution could be a cause.
It found evidence of extensive oil pollution of lakes, rivers and groundwater and of the destruction of virgin swamp and forest.
A Royal Commission has been set up to examine environmental pollution.
This synthetic strategy compared with traditional solution protocol has advantages of no organic solvent pollution, elevating reaction rate, high yield and simple work-up procedure.
The effort has revolved around the shut-down of outdated capacity, differential pricing policies, limits to “high energy intensity, high pollution” projects, an increase in inspections to enforce energy efficiency standards, and so on (Chinese).
Alex Wang: What to Make of China's Efforts to Meet Its Energy Intensity Targets
This is a wasteful process causing a net loss of nitrogen to the animal and pollution of the environment.
Car manufacturers will also have to carry pollution warnings on their advertising, a move they are opposed to.
Times, Sunday Times
The morning light was diffused to a mucky orange by the pollution of the shuddering city.
A conference will be held on how to combat pollution of the oceans.
Exposure to industrial or atmospheric pollution may also cause asthma symptoms.
A Royal Commission has been set up to examine environmental pollution.
BRITAIN'S air pollution monitoring network could be dismantled under government plans to remove the obligation on councils to produce detailed reports on local air quality.
Times, Sunday Times
There is also large-scale downstream pollution caused by long-distance transport of industrial food.
Far outside the city limits, where there is no light pollution, you have the best chance of a good display.
The Sun
Air pollution will soon soar above safety levels.
Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.
Air pollution episodes such as last week's happen between one and five times a year, although usually without desert dust.
Times, Sunday Times
The explosion at the chemical factory caused a major pollution scare.
The obvious way of reducing pollution is to use cars less.
We're not doing enough to protect the environment from pollution.
The effect of the pollution on the beaches is absolutely tragic.
Offsets create an unofficial market in pollution or emission reduction credits.
air pollution reduced the visibility
A watercourse viewed primarily as an effluent carrier will be thought better able to tolerate further pollution.
Noise and pollution are problems, he says, but solvable ones.
Times, Sunday Times
As Hong Kong sweltered for the second day under smoggy skies, a health lobby group called on the government to reform its current air pollution health warnings saying they are inadequate.
Although we have achieved great progress in the general control of the weed, there are also some serious problems in the harms of the weed, succession,(sentence dictionary) drug-fast and the pollution of the herbicide.
The teacher set an assignment on pollution.
There is a connection between pollution and the death of trees.
The move will be welcomed by those who accuse the government of doing too little to warn people about the dangers of air pollution.
Times, Sunday Times
Sahara desert sand and pollution blown in from the continent combined to cause people to cover up in masks.
The Sun
Environmental authorities in Beijing, China's notoriously smoggy capital, have started releasing more detailed pollution data in response to public pressure.
Beijing releases pollution data after public pressure
The manifesto includes tough measures to tackle road congestion and environmental pollution.
Taxes can be imposed either to raise funds for pollution control or to discourage over-use of nitrates, or both.
Air pollution will soon soar above safety levels.
Oil pollution is the commonest cause of death for seabirds.
Noise pollution, for instance, is an extension of air pollution.
Any breakdown in these prescriptions risks serious pollution, bringing danger to those affected and outcast status to the perpetrator.
Roughly 159 million people, more than half the population of the United States, now live in cities with unhealthy levels of pollution, so anyone exerting themselves outdoors should consider what they're breathing.
The Thetis class are multi-role frigates for fishery protection, surveillance, air-sea rescue, anti-pollution and ice reconnaissance.
There has been a sharp decrease in pollution since the law was introduced.
The pollution-control team is at the scene and is due to start sucking up oil any time now.
Researchers have now established a connection between air pollution and asthma.
A group of girls presented a project on water pollution and expressed concern over the effluent discharge into river and how it had affected the marine life.
Taken together, they represent the most forceful link yet made by respected institutions between man-made atmospheric pollution and global warming.
The levels of pollution in this area are unduly high.
Pollution had also been a major problem, devastating the natural habitats of many animals and damaging the earth beyond repair.
Traffic noise, pollution, huge concrete buildings - how can people survive in the urban jungle?
They seem intent on shutting their eyes to the problems of pollution.
The villagers had been angry about the smell and pollution from rubbish being dumped near their homes and had tried to halt a loaded truck that arrived.
Times, Sunday Times
The reality is that left to their own devices, most businesses that emit pollution will follow the money, even if that means treading punitively on the environment underfoot.
Edward Flattau: Environmental Masochism
Calculations of the social marginal costs and benefits of cutting back pollution tend to be conspicuous by their absence.
Given that pollution levels relate to fuel consumption, private cars and taxis are also the greatest polluters.
The explosion at the chemical factory caused a major pollution scare.
In their report, published today in The Journal of Experimental Biology, the researchers warn that noise pollution—as well as chemical pollution—could deafen whales.
Mixed with pollution from the growing number of heavy industries in northern China, the particles create photochemical smogs in Korea, Japan, and toxic winds that blow across the Pacific to the west coast of the United States, adding the problem of “global dimming” to that of global warming.5
When a Billion Chinese Jump
Pollution may destroy the 17th century shrine.
The computer model assesses the likely impact of new pollution sources.
A dozen cities face the prospect of having to impose charges on owners of diesel vehicles under government plans to tackle air pollution.
Times, Sunday Times
In conducting coastal open air placer mining or shore-based well drilling to exploit seabed mineral resources, effective measures must be taken to prevent pollution to the marine environment.
Environmentalists say there is a high risk of pollution from the landfill site.
At the time, the department said it had been "taken aback" at the levels of non-compliance in the iron and steel and ferroalloy industry sector, whose processes could significantly contribute to pollution if not properly mitigated and managed.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Setting off firecrackers makes a tremendous noise and causes serious air pollution.
The government itself has little information on the extent of industrial pollution.
It proclaims the burdens of pollution control regulation, displaying industry as suffocating under costly yet trivial constraints.
A sanitary survey is a comprehensive and detailed inspection of the foreshores and tributaries of the relevant waterway, the purpose being to identify all points of pollution…
It will not be fussy about the coal it burns, and will do so more thoroughly, producing little pollution.
The government itself has little information on the extent of industrial pollution.
The air pollution exceeds most acceptable levels by 10 times or more.
They claim that one in twenty deaths can be directly attributed to air pollution.
Discuss pollution with your child, emphasizing how nice a clean street, lawn, or park looks.
Among the exclusions from cover listed in the Special Conditions is non-accidental pollution.
Thousands of young salmon and trout have been killed by the pollution.
Compared with sulfuric acid process, under the premise of ensuring pure benzene quality, the pollution of tar acid and waste water contained with acid on environment can be eliminated.
Why would the government ease restrictions on pollution that causes a serious health risk?
Growing levels of pollution represent a serious health hazard to the local population.
Consider one example from the annals of air pollution: the effort to reduce the effects of car exhaust on the atmosphere.
By last year the crisis had reached such proportions that Southern California introduced radical new regulations to control air pollution.
Because of chemical pollution of rivers, the cost of producing safe, palatable drinking water has risen dramatically.
There are many sources of air pollution ; exhaust fumes, for example.
Shipping's international nature excludes it from most national laws controlling pollution.
Times, Sunday Times
I contemplated of forging a letter from the management to complain about the noise pollution he’s causing (it’s been two weeks) but resorted to calling the guardhouse and asked the guards to tell him instead.
Natinski Diary Entry
Coal fell into disfavour because burning it caused pollution.
Tests were conducted to ascertain whether pollution levels have dropped.
High levels of nitrates and/or bacteria indicate that you have a plume of pollution seeping into your well, possibly from a local farm or industrial area.
The institute found such significant microbead pollution in the Great Lakes region last year that it launched a campaign to have them banned.
Either way, the result -- in theory -- will be cost-effective pollution abatement, that is, overall abatement achieved at minimum aggregate cost.
Robert Stavins: Environmental Problems and the Myth of Simple Market Solutions
It's not just industrial pollution and radiation from Chernobyl, 50 miles upstream.
-- Seminal emissions during sleep, usually accompanied by erotic dreams, are known as nocturnal pollutions or emissions, and are often called spermatorrhoea, though there is some disagreement respecting the use of the latter term.
Plain facts for old and young : embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life.
The destruction there has been linked to air pollution, including acid rain.
Ice Time: Climate, Science, and Life on Earth
But the Gulf of California is closer than you think, and currently under assault by everything from pollution to poaching.
Factors contributing to the pollution threat is the lack of control over the subdivision of land and massive new developments in the area.
The group has already filed two lawsuits against the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in connection with the agency's handling of the Heartland project.
Mr. Rosier declined to comment on the relative profitability of adipic acid and pollution credits.
French Firm Cashes In
Sustainability, protection of wildlife, controlling agribusiness and pollution are first principles, not afterthoughts.
There is a final item in the cascade of causes and consequences, a retribution for pollution that seems almost biblically apt.
There was a heated dispute between the merit water hyacinth on purification or pollution in water - bodies.
Long the backbone of the nation 's energy system, they are being rendered uneconomic by pollution taxes.
Times, Sunday Times
In this day and age almost all of the most positive and far-reaching developments in pollution prevention originate in industry.
The biosolids coordinator with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, says Class B sludge is safe when properly applied.
The authority can chase up the source of the pollution and demand that the owner clean it up.
Although she may receive special foods and is not expected to work, the experience is an acknowledgment of the pollution associated with female sexuality and reproductivity.
The chemical pollution poses a threat to the population at large.
Each summer, up to eight CCG icebreakers provide not only scientific research platforms, search-and-rescue capability, pollution response capacity, support for commercial shipping engaged in the annual "sealift," and occasionally "platform" support for the RCMP and Armed Forces, but the big red and white hulls are also the main element in Canada's sovereignty presence in these waters...
"A job for the Coast Guard"
During the event, extensive water quality samples were taken to assess the degree of pollution.
Car manufacturers will also have to carry pollution warnings on their advertising, a move they are opposed to.
Times, Sunday Times
The research also indicates that 100 mm-high humps pose a greater possibility of pollution, property and vehicle damage and grounding, specifically to buses, emergency vehicles and hearses.
Findings include: Some 600 million people live in urban areas where the average level of sulphur dioxide pollution endangers their lives.
Pollution is still very much a live issue.
The other Rebuplican duplicity is to label a piece of legislation opposite of it's intended purpose ( "Healthy Forest Initiative" = cut down the last of America's old-growth forest, "Clean Skies Initiative" = relax pollution laws, release more mercury, sulfer dioxide, etc.)
Graham: Dems engaging in 'seedy Chicago politics'
It has come to my attention, that air pollution is polluting the air! George W. Bush
The results of the water test showed that pollution was surprisingly minimal, and that there was no sign of sea water leaking into the spring.
A watercourse viewed primarily as an effluent carrier will be thought better able to tolerate further pollution.
~ Dioxin pollution leads to more baby girls -study -- "More girls than boys are born in some Canadian communities because airborne pollutants called dioxins can alter normal sex ratios, even if the source of the pollution is many kilometers away, researchers say.
Speedlinking 10/18/07
The pollution of a stream as regards fish by a one hundred ton pulp mill is equivalent to the pollution thereof from domestic sewerage from a city of the population of one hundred and sixty thousand people.
The National Importance of the Salmon Industry
Increased waterway traffic could increase pollution, whilst floatels could involve higher noise levels and the unnatural use of floodlights, which could disturb wildlife, possibly altering natural breeding behaviour.
A green transport policy Using unleaded petrol and fitting catalytic converters will dramatically reduce the levels of pollution caused by vehicle emissions.
We're trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution in particular .
The thing is people do morally incorrect stuff all the time, heck we drive cars dumping pollution in the air irregardless of our neighbours, we talk behind other people's backs, we ignore homeless beggers, we cross the street disrupting traffic, heck even eating a fishburger is probably hurting someone else somewhere.
Rant: Postmodernism and the Tabula Rasa
She attributes the decline in plants such as eelgrass to pollution, high-speed water traffic and natural cyclic die-offs.
Taxes reduce pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases by penalizing driving and by encouraging people to purchase more fuel-efficient cars.
Allegations of a cover-up of the effects of industrial pollution have been strongly denied by the Environment Minister.
The company had to make reparation to those who suffered ill health as a result of chemical pollution.
For instance, at Kyoto the USA cut a deal of dubious morality, politely called ‘emission trading’, to buy from Third World countries their unused ration of pollution.
For years I've been blaming it on middle age, poor blood, lack of vitamins, air pollution, saccharin, obesity, dieting, underarm odour, yellow wax buildup and other maladies that make you wonder if life is really worth living.
Without doubt his experience was slender, and it seemed absurd to pronounce concerning that of which he had no direct knowledge; but so it was, he could not outroot from his mind the persuasion that to plough, to sow, and to reap, were employments most befitting a reasonable creature, and from which the truest pleasure and the least pollution would flow.
Arthur Mervyn Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793
Pollution from the works has been reduced by 70 per cent.
Has anyone ever done a serious study on the economic impact of drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, crime, divorce, pollution, economic disparity, and psychological illness caused by a capitalist society in appraising its efficiency?
Letters to the Editor
Since sunlight and heat are precursors of smog, the hot weather makes air pollution worse.
In our recent studies, we found that exposure to petrochemical air pollution is associated with increased rates of acute irritative symptoms in adults.
Pollution Targets and Critical Loads Critical loads mark the limit of nature's ability to tolerate acid rain.
There has also been a considerable investment in commuter trains and light railway rapid-transit systems to ease congestion on roads and pollution.
Inspectors arrive offshore via government-leased helicopters usually with a computer-generated random list of safety and antipollution components.
Inspectors Rarely Surprised Oil Rigs
The people talked openly about the government's new measures against environmental pollution.
Uncertainty and scientific dispute is compounded by the fact that radioactive contamination is different from many other types of pollution.
These might, in fact, simply be holdovers from the previous Administration ( "burrowed" holdovers, for example) seeking to continue to foster anti-science, pollution promoting policies.
A. Siegel: Semantically Correct ... Entirely Misleading
It provides the scientific theory basis for the popularizing applications of Chinese herb feed additives in porker production of non-environmental pollution and control of residues of medicine.
The minister is to hold tripartite meetings with the oil and car industries to discuss ways of reducing pollution.
Thousands of young salmon and trout have been killed by the pollution.
Despite the Gulfs long history of oil pollution, little research has been done on the long-term impact on marine life there.
She also pointed out that, as some of the pollution came from animal wastes washed off the land, new sewage treatment plants were not the only answer.
Effluent from industrial activities in countries bordering the sea is also causing various pollution hazards.
The projected savings in congestion and pollution are therefore illusory.
Times, Sunday Times
All these firms have made massive investments in improving the quality of fuel by de-sulphurisation and isomerisation, processes in the refinement of fuel by which its qualityis made better, so that vehicles using it cause minimal pollution.
I am doing an article about ways of preventing pollution.
As for pollution, when you sit in traffic in Lancaster with all the heavy goods vehicles the pollution is very bad.
Propaganda: CO2 Cuts May Not Change Daily Life Much hosted. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Americans 'day-to-day lives won't change noticeably if President Barack Obama achieves his newly announced goal of slashing carbon dioxide pollution by one-sixth in the next decade, experts say. - Business News
Adding to the problem is extensive paving in large housing complexes, which causes fast run-off into storm water drains, which are then overloaded, causing the rivers to flood and wash down pollution.
New York water is a special brew of ferocious currents, unforgiving temperatures, treacherous murk, and apocalyptic pollution.
The Black Sea is facing ecological catastrophe as a result of pollution.
Shopping in Hanoi is a harassing and stressful business with all the people, bikes and hooters, pollution and dirt.
Sun photometers measure how difficult it is for sunlight to pass through the Earth's atmosphere as it interacts with pollution particles, which reduce the amount of light and energy reaching the Earth's surface.
The air is dense with pollution.
Times, Sunday Times
Mice exposed to pollution showed a 15-fold increase in interleukin-6 just 24 hours later.
Air Pollution Triggers Blood Clots | Impact Lab
Great swaths of land are dug up all over the world to build new tracks, and noise pollution is horrendous for miles around.
Times, Sunday Times
With all the precaution taken, the French nuclear pollution had affected nearby indigenous groups and the French government has been entangled in indemnification claims and protests.
Global Voices in English » Chinese people’s reaction to North Korea missile test
There was a lot of concern at the time about oil pollution from tanker accidents.
Times, Sunday Times
In fact tying a pollution to its source can be a tricky piece of detective work.
This means that if environmental policies focus on P rather than E, there is no reason why high levels of energy use (and the utility derived from it) cannot be enjoyed and pollution virtually eliminated in the long term, a process known as delinking environmental concerns from energy use.
Chapter 12
The government itself has little information on the extent of industrial pollution.
Three thousand fish have been released into the River Tame in Stockport to restore life to a waterway devastated by a major pollution incident earlier this year.